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Articles There's something that makes me feel

English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific worried. ( Мені бір нәрсе алаңдатады)
or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-
particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite “There are” indicates the presence of several (many) in a certain place
article. objects (persons).
The is used to refer to a specific or particular member of a group. For example:
For example, "I just saw the most popular movie of the year." There There are 2 cats on the couch. Диванның үстінде 2 мысық бар.
are many movies, but only one particular movie is the most popular. There is one table in the classroom.
Therefore, we use the. There are three cats on the couch.
"A/an" is used to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of There is a spider in the bath.
the group. For example, "I would like to go see a movie." Here, we're There are many sinners in Hell.
not talking about a specific movie. We're talking about any movie. degrees of comparison: In English grammar, there are three degrees of
There are many movies, and I want to see any movie. comparison and they are,
THE NEXT WORD. • Comparative Degree of Comparison
* a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy; a car; a bike; a • Superlative Degree of Comparison
zoo; adog The positive degree of comparison is basically the original form of
* an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant; an egg; an the adjective. This degree does not allow you to make any
apple; an idiot; anorphan comparison. It only gives the audience the information about a
* a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds particular quality possessed by a noun.
like 'yoo-zer,' i.e. begins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used); a For example:
university; a unicycle • Lisa is happy.
* an + nouns starting with silent "h": an hour • This dress is pretty.
* a + nouns starting with a pronounced "h": a horse • He looks handsome.
The comparative degree of comparison is used to compare between
There is” and “there are” are used when they want to say that two nouns that have the same quality or the particular quality of a
something exists (does not exist) or is (is not) located in a specific noun at two different times. It shows which one of the two has the
place. greater or lesser degree of the particular quality being referred to.
“There is” indicates the presence of a single object (person) in a For example:
certain place. Also used with indefinite subjects (this is when the • Tina looks sadder than Katie.
indefinite article is used • “a”, “an”) when there is no article, or the • This bed is more comfortable than the other bed.
words “some”, “any”, “no” are used), and with indefinite pronouns The superlative degree of comparison is the highest degree of
like comparison. It is used to compare the similar qualities shared by more
"somebody", "nothing". than two nouns. It shows which of these nouns being compared has
For example: the greatest or least degree of the mentioned quality or qualities.
For example: • We will find your key tomorrow. – Мы найдем твои ключи
• We climbed the highest mountain.. завтра.
We use the present simple to talk about regular or habitual events. We In a negative sentence in the Future Simple, the negative particle not
often use always, often, usually, sometimes, never and other is added after the auxiliary verb will.
frequency adverbs for regular and habitual events. The present tense • I will not go for a walk tomorrow. – Я не пойду завтра на
is the base form of the verb: прогулку.
I work in London. • My husband will not buy this ring for me. – Мой муж не
But with the third person singular (she/he/it), we add an –s: купит мне это кольцо.
She works in London.
The formation of a general question in the Future Simple occurs by
? We use do and does to make questions with the present simple. We placing the auxiliary verb will at the beginning of the sentence before
use does for the third person singular (she/he/it) and do for the others. the subject.
Do you play the piano? • Will I go for a walk tomorrow? – Я пойду завтра на
Where do you live? прогулку?
Does Jack play football? • Will my husband buy this ring for me? – Мой муж купит мне
Where does he come from? это кольцо

- We use doesn't for the third person singular (she/he/it) and don't for
the others.

I like tennis but I don't like football. (don't = do not).

They don't work at the weekend.
John doesn't live in Manchester. (doesn't = does not)
Angela doesn't drive to work. She goes by bus.
The simple future tense is used to refer to actions or states that begin
and end in the future. These events have not happened yet, but will
happen sometime in the future.
The Future Simple is formed using the auxiliary verb will and a
simple infinitive without the particle to in the active or passive voice.
The verb to be (am, is, are) in the future tense takes on the form will
• My husband will buy this ring for me. – Мой муж купит мне
это кольцо.
The possessive case shows the relationship of a noun to other words
in a sentence. That relationship can be ownership, possession, Noun is a part of speech that denotes, names an object, person or
occupancy, a personal relationship, or another kind of association.. phenomenon and answers the questions “who?” or “what?”
With the addition of –’s (or sometimes just the apostrophe), a noun • кто?
can change from a simple person, place, or thing to a person, place, or • This is Richard. – Это Ричард.
thing with a relationship to something else. There are a few different • That girl is Kelly. – Та девушка - Келли. • что?
ways to form the possessive of a noun. • It was a dream. – Это был сон.
The possessive case of most singular nouns, whether common or • My car is red. – Моя машина красная.
proper, is formed by adding –’s to the end. See the following
examples: Nouns are combined with articles (a, an or the) depending on the rules
This is Mary and her dog. The dog is Mary’s pet; Mary is not the of their use. They help distinguish verbs or other parts of speech from
dog’s pet. nouns in words that have more than one meaning. Articles may also
be absent; in this case, you can understand which part of speech a
The possessive case of plural nouns that end in s is formed by adding word belongs to from the order of words in the sentence.
an apostrophe: According to their structure and formation, nouns in the English
This is the boys’ bedroom. language are divided into simple, derivative and compound nouns.
My parents’ house is a lovely old one. Also, all nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns.
The possessive case of irregular plural nouns that don’t end in s is Simple Nouns consist of a single root and have no suffixes or
formed by adding -’s. prefixes. These are often monosyllabic words (consisting of one
This is the way to the men’s meeting. syllable).
She got a job in the children’s section of the library. • man – мужчина, человек
• house – дом

Derivative Nouns consist of a root with the addition of suffixes or

• brotherhood – братство
• engineer – инженер

Compound Nouns are formed from two or more words or word roots.
They can be formed using a combination of not only nouns, but also
other parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, prepositions).
существ. + существ.
• fireman – пожарный
fire – огонь
man – мужчина

существ. + глагол
• water – вода Countable and uncountable noun
fall – падать Countable Nouns refer to animate and inanimate objects, as well as
concepts that can be counted. These nouns have a plural form, which
Common Names indicate common names of objects, matters, persons in most cases is formed by adding the ending -s, unless the noun has
and concepts, their categories and groups. an Irregular plural noun.
• human – человек • dog – собака
• feeling – чувство, ощущение • a pupil – ученик
• animal – животное • a man – мужчина
• a mouse – мышь • two dogs – две собаки
Proper Names are nouns that indicate unique, individual objects, • ten pupils – десять учеников
persons, concepts. Proper names are always written with a capital • six men – шесть мужчин
letter. Can be used with or without the definite article the. • many mice – много мышей
These include: personal names, geographical names, nationalities and
languages, names of streets, squares, organizations and enterprises, Countable nouns are divided into concrete - real objects, living
magazines, names of celestial bodies, names of days of the week and beings, and abstract - abstractions, concepts, feelings.
months, names of holidays. • конкретный предмет, особь
• Dwayne The Rock – Дуэйн Скала (имя и псевдоним) • a building – здание
• Asia – Азия • a girl – девочка
• the Pacific Ocean – Тихий океан • a pen – ручка • абстрактное понятие
• The New York Times Magazine – журнал “Нью-Йорк Таймс” • a problem – проблема (абстр.)
• the Earth – Земля (планета) • a feeling – чувство
• Sunday – воскресеньеwaterfall – водопад • an invitation – приглашение
Uncountable Nouns are not countable and do not have a plural form.
Uncountable nouns in English can be divided into several semantic

food: meat (мясо), salt (соль), bread (хлеб), chocolate (шоколад),

soup (суп);
liquids: tea (чай), coffee (кофе), lemonade (лимонад), petrol
(бензин), oil (масло), shampoo (шампунь);
materials and substances: gold (золото), wood (древесина), sand
(песок), paper (бумага), coal (уголь);
abstract concepts: happiness (счастье), love (любовь), friendship
(дружба), beauty (красота);subjects of study and languages:
chemistry (химия), literature (литература), Spanish (испанский Adjective
язык), English (английский язык); An adjective is an independent part of speech that indicates a
diseases: flu (грипп), mumps (свинка), measles (корь); characteristic of a person, object or concept and answers the question
oth er: money (деньги), furniture (мебель), weather (погода). “How, Which one, What kind of ?” In English they do not have the
categories of gender and number, so they do not change their form.
Adjectives are most often used with nouns and in sentences they act
as a modifier or a nominal part of a compound predicate.
• That good-looking lady is John’s wife. – Та хорошо
выглядящая леди – жена Джона.
• Matt’s dog was really naughty. – Собака Мэтта была
действительно непослушной.

Adjectives in the English language are divided into simple, derivative

and complex according to their form.
Simple adjectives consist of a single root without suffixes or prefixes.
• good – хороший
• bad – плохой
• happy – веселый, счастливый

Derivative adjectives consist of a root with the addition of certain

suffixes and prefixes. These adjectives are formed from other parts of
speech, mainly verbs.
• useful – полезный, пригодный
• derivative – производный
• unexpected – неожиданный

Compound adjectives are formed by combining two or more stems.

Such adjectives are written with a hyphen.
• well-known – хорошо известный
• good-looking – хорошо выглядящий Adverbs of place indicate the place where the action or direction takes
• blue-eyed – голубоглазый place. They mainly define verbs and are often placed after them.
• here – тут
• outside – снаружи
• above – сверху
• somewhere – где-нибудь
Adverbs • near – рядом
Adverb is an independent part of speech that indicates a certain sign • Can I put my bag here? – Могу ли я положить свою сумку
of an action, a sign of another sign, or a circumstance under which an сюда?
action is performed. Most often, adverbs refer to verbs; they are also • Our children like to play outside. – Наши дети любят играть
used with adjectives or other adverbs. They answer the questions на улице.
“how?”, “where?”, “when?” etc. and in the sentence they act as
circumstances. Adverbs of time indicate the time or period of time during which an
• I can run and swim fast. – Я могу быстро бегать и плавать. action occurs. They are often placed at the end of a sentence, but can
• Mark is a very nice person. – Марк - очень хороший человек. also appear at the beginning or middle of a sentence to emphasize
Adverbs of the English language, according to their meaning, are • already – уже
divided into adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, • early – раньше
adverbs of degree and measure, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of • lately – в последнее время, недавно
certainty, as well as other adverbs that perform various functions in a • recently – на днях, в последнее время
sentence. • I haven’t finished my work yet. – Я еще не окончил свою
Adverbs of manner indicate how an action is performed, its method of работу.
completion. They answer the question “how?” and in most cases are • We will go to the zoo tomorrow, I promise. – Мы пойдем в
used with verbs. Most adverbs of this type are formed from adjectives зоопарк завтра, я обещаю.
using the suffix -ly.
• accurately – аккуратно, точно Adverbs of degree express the extent to which an action is performed
• badly – плохо and answer the question “to what extent?”, “to what extent?”.
• carefully – внимательно, осторожно Adverbs of degree and measure can be used with verbs, adjectives,
• quickly – быстро and other adverbs. In most cases, they are placed before the
• He asked me very politely where the station was. – Он очень designated words. However, the adverb enough is placed after the
вежливо спросил меня, где вокзал. words it refers to.
• Marion sings well. I like her voice. – Мерион хорошо поет. • extremely – чрезвычайно
Мне нравится ее голос. • quite – довольно
• just – всего лишь
• almost – почти
• I’m very glad to meet you again. – Я очень рад встретить
тебя снова.
• Bruno drives quite carefully, don’t worry about him. – Бруно
водит достаточно аккуратно, не беспокойся за него

Adverbs of frequency indicate how often and with what frequency an

action occurs. These adverbs are used only with verbs. Adverbs of
frequency most often appear before the semantic verb they refer to.
• again – опять Conjuctions
• almost – практически Conjunction is a functional part of speech that connects two words,
• always – всегда separate, independent clauses or parts of a complex sentence.
• ever – когда-либо Conjunctions do not change their form, do not act as any part of the
• Boys usually like to play with cars. – Мальчики обычно sentence in a sentence, and are not used on their own.
любят играть с машинками. • Tom and I go to school together. – Я и Том ходим в школу
• Have you ever been to Paris? I have never been to, actually. – вместе.
Ты когда-либо был в Париже? Я никогда не была, по правде • Jack came straight to my house in order to go to the cinema
говоря. together. – Джек пришел прямо к моему дому, чтобы пойти в кино
Adverbs of certainty indicate the degree of confidence of the speaker
in relation to something. Adverbs of degree of certainty are often Conjunctions in the English language are divided into three main
placed before the verb to which they refer, or after the verb to be. groups according to their meaning: coordinating conjunctions,
• definitely – определенно, точно subordinating conjunctions and paired conjunctions.
• clearly – ясно, очевидно Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, homogeneous
• surely – несомненно members of a sentence or independent clauses of equal importance
• perhaps – возможно into one complex sentence.
• He obviously lies to us all the time! – Он явно нам постоянно • and – и
врет! • for – ибо, ввиду того, что
• She is definitely the most beautiful girl in the school. – Она • or – или
определенно самая красивая девочка в школе. • yet – однако, все же, но • but – но
• nor – не, ни, также не
• so – так что, поэтому, следовательно
• Do you want some tea or coffee? – Ты хочешь немного чаю
или кофе? (однородные члены предложения )
Subordinating conjunctions connect the subordinate clause with the • rather ... or – или ... или • just as ... so – как ... так и ...
main one, on which it depends in meaning, forming a complex • neither ... nor – ни ... ни
sentence. • whether ... or – то ли ... то ли, или ... или
• after – после того, как • if ... then – если ... то
• as – так как • Both Derek and Sam are good at maths. – И Дерек, и Сэм
• before – перед тем, как сильны в математике.
• if – если • This girl is not only beautiful, but also really smart. – Она не
• since – так как, с тех пор, как только красивая, но еще и действительно умная.
• that – что, чтобы
• till – пока, до тех пор, пока Pronoun
• unless – пока не, если не Pronoun is a part of speech that denotes persons, objects, phenomena
• whether – ли that have already been previously mentioned in speech or text,
• where – где • although – хотя, несмотря на то, что without naming them. Thus, pronouns allow you to avoid repeating
• because – потому что the same nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech.
• how – как Personal Pronouns - replacement of nouns if it is clear from the
• once – как только (часто не переводится) context what or who is being talked about. Personal pronouns are
• than – чем, нежели, разве только divided into pronouns in the nominative and objective cases.
• though – хотя, несмотря на Pronouns in the nominative case are the subject of a sentence and
• until – до тех пор, пока indicate who is doing the action. These are pronouns I (я), we (мы),
• whenever – всякий раз, когда, когда бы ни you (ты, вы), he (он), she (она), it (оно, это), they (они).
• while – в то время, как • John is the manager. – Джон - менеджер.
• when – когда • He is a good guy. – Он хороший парень.
• We listen to him. – Мы слушаем его.
• Chris never goes to the beach with us as he doesn’t know how • They tell her stories. – Они рассказывают ей истории
to swim. – Крис никогда не ходит с нами на пляж, потому что он
не умеет плавать. The pronoun and noun in the objective case answer the questions:
• I will let you use my computer when you finish your whom? to whom? by whom? about whom? In a sentence, the
homework. – Я разрешу тебе попользоваться моим компьютером, objective case acts as an object or pronoun in short remarks.
когда ты закончишь свое домашнее задание me мне, меня
you тебе, тебя, Вам, Вас, вам, вас
Correlative conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases or him ему, его
homogeneous, identical parts of one sentence. her ей, ее
• both ... and – и ... и it ему, его, него, ей, ее, нее
• either ... or – или ... или us нам, нас
• not only ... but (also) – не только ... но и them им, их
Demonstrative pronoun
Possessive pronouns in English express ownership and answer the Demonstrative Pronouns indicate a person, object, phenomenon, their
question “Whose?” Possessive pronouns can take relative and signs, time, without naming them. They can independently act in a
absolute forms. sentence as a subject (who? what?) or an object (whom? what?
• My friends will come soon. – Мои друзья скоро придут. what?).
• Where is your family? – Где твоя семья? This and these indicate a person or object located next to the speaker,
as well as phenomena that occurred recently or in the current period
The absolute form of possessive pronouns is used independently, of time. This is used for the singular only. These – to indicate the
without a subsequent noun. This form appears in a sentence as a plural.
subject, a nominal part of a predicate or an object. • This will be your new room. – Это будет твоя новая комната.
• These are not my keys. Mine were on a key ring. – Это не мои • I will spend these holidays in Spain. – Эти каникулы я
ключи. Мои были на брелке. (Mine – подлежащее) проведу в Испании.
• Whose shoes are these? - They are hers. – Чья это обувь? - Её. • Who put this here? – Кто положил сюда это?
(Hers – именная часть сказуемого) • This accident has happened just 5 minutes ago. – Это
происшествие произошло только 5 минут назад.
Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun • Are these Jack’s friends? – Это друзья Джека?
my mine
your yours
his his That and those indicate a person or object that is far from the speaker,
her hers as well as phenomena that happened a long time ago or those that will
its its happen in the distant future. That is only used for singular numbers.
our ours Those – to indicate the plural.
their theirs • That was tasty. – Это было вкусно.
• I won’t do that. – Я этого не сделаю.
Reflexive Pronouns are used when the action is directed towards • That cake was tasty. – Этот пирог был вкусным.
oneself, when the subject and object of the sentence are the same • Those were my sneakers. – То были мои кеды.
person. • Those sneakers were mine. – Те кеды были моими
• I cut myself while cooking. – Я порезался, когда готовил
есть. The pronoun such indicates certain qualities of a person or object. It is
• You are not a child. You should take care of yourself. – Ты не often followed by an explanation.
ребенок. Ты должен следить за собой. • Such is his point of view. – Таково его мнение.
Reflexive pronouns are words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, • Such was this person. It was hard to communicate with him. –
itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. They refer back to a Такой он был человек. Было сложно с ним общаться.
person or thing.
When such is followed by a singular noun, the indefinite article a/an The endings of the pronouns -one and -body practically don’t differ in
is used. The article is not used with plural nouns. meaning, so they freely replace each other. However, pronouns with -
• Today is such an important day for you! – Сегодня такой body are considered more colloquial than pronouns with -one. They
важный день для тебя! are used only to refer to people.
• Such details don’t bother anyone. – Такие детали никого не • Someone took my sandwich. – Кто-то взял мой сэндвич.
тревожат. • Somebody took my sandwich. – Кто-то взял мой сэндвич.

Indefinite pronoun Pronouns ending in -thing are used to denote inanimate objects,
Indefinite Pronouns indicate indefinite, unknown persons, objects or phenomena, actions, etc.
phenomena. For example, when the speaker does not want to mention • Is there anything i can do for you? – Я могу вам чем-нибудь
names or titles. They replace nouns, so they are used independently. помочь?
They are always followed by a verb in the third person singular.
Somebody Indefinite pronouns that refer only to a person (those ending in -one
кто-то, кто-нибудь Someone and -body) can be used in the possessive form. In this case, the ending
кто-то, кто-нибудь Something is added to them - apostrophe ’s.
что-то, что-нибудь Утверждения. • Yesterday I found someone’s sock. Is it yours? – Вчера я
Вопрос, выражающий просьбу или предложение. нашла чей-то носок. Это твой?
Anybody • I don’t need anybody’s opinion! – Мне не нужно чье-либо
кто-нибудь, всякий, любой (никто) Anyone мнение!
кто-нибудь, всякий, любой (никто) Anything
что-нибудь, все (ничто) Вопросы. Утвердения. The pronouns someone, somebody, something convey the meaning of
Отрицательные предложения при отрицательной форме глагола. the word some - «некоторый», «несколько» and indicate something
Nobody and someone that is uncertain or unknown. They are most often used
никто No one in affirmative sentences.
никто Nothing • I hope that somebody will come and help us. – Я надеюсь, что
ничто, ничего Отрицательные предложения при кто-нибудь придет и поможет нам.
утвердительной форме глагола. • Something has happened but I don’t know what. – Что-то
случилось, но я не знаю, что.
• Seemed like everybody liked this idea. – Казалось, что всем
понравилась эта идея. The pronouns anyone, anybody, anything also mean «кто-то»,
• We all need someone to lean on. – Нам всем нужен кто-то, на «некоторый», «какой-то», but convey a negative connotation. They
кого можно положиться. are used in negative sentences, general questions, conditional
• I know no one who can answer this question. – Я не знаю sentences (if.., in case..) and in affirmative sentences meaning
никого, кто мог бы ответить на этот вопрос. «любой», «каждый», «всякий».
• I have never met anybody from Indonesia. – Я никогда не
встречала кого-либо из Индонезии. (отрицательное предложение)
• Does anyone want to go the cinema tonight? – Кто-то хочет
пойти в кино сегодня? (общий вопрос)
• If anything happens, call me. – Если что-либо произойдет,
зови меня. (условное предложение)

The pronouns no one, nobody, nothing express the denial or absence

of a person or object, phenomenon. Since these pronouns themselves
convey negation, other types of negations (the negative form of the
verb or the adverb never) are not used with them.
• No one came to that party. – Никто не пришел на ту Numerals
вечеринку. Numerals are an independent part of speech that indicates the number
• After yesterday’s accident I can trust nobody now. – После of objects or their order.
вчерашнего происшествия я никому не могу доверять теперь. English numerals are divided into cardinal and ordinal numbers.
• Calm down, nothing bad has happened. – Успокойся, не Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects. They answer the
произошло ничего плохого. question “how much?”
• 1 – one
The pronouns everyone, everybody, everything convey the meaning • 2 – two
of integrity, a whole number of persons, objects and phenomena. • 3 – three
They can be used in affirmative sentences, general and special • 14 – fourteen
questions, as well as in negative sentences with the particle not before • 15 – fifteen
the pronoun itself according to the rules for forming the imperative • 16 – sixteen
mood in English. • 200 – two hundred
• Everyone wants to be rich. – Все хотят быть богатыми. • 1000 – one thousand
• This plan was approved by everybody. – Этот план был Ordinal numerals indicate the order of objects, their ordinal number.
одобрен всеми. (утверждение) They answer the question “what is the count?” Most ordinal numbers
• Where is everyone going? – Куда все идут? (специальный are formed with the ending -th.
вопрос) • 1 – first
• 2 – second
• 3 – third
• 4 – fourth
• 5 – fifth
• 6 – sixth
Fractions (дроби) in English are often written with words and a
Nouns preceded by ordinal numbers are used with the definite article hyphen if the numerator or denominator does not use its own hyphen.
the. For the numerator cardinal numbers are used, and for the denominator
• It is the first time I see such beautiful flowers. – В первый раз ordinal numbers are used.
я вижу такие красивые цветы!
• The tenth candy was too much for me. – Десятая конфета • 1/2 – one-half, a half (0.5)
была для меня лишней. • 1/100 – one-hundredth (0.01)
• 1/5 – one-fifth
The number zero (0) in English can be read differently depending on • 1/1000 – one-thousandth
the context: zero, o, nil.
- "zero" used in fractions, percentages, telephone numbers, and Decimals in English are read using the word point, after which all
in certain expressions. numbers are read separately. This rule does not apply to counting
• Please, write down my phone number: three-two-four zero- • 0.2 – zero point two (point two)
zero-one six-eight-six. – Пожалуйста, запишите мой телефон: 3-2- • 1.05 – one point zero five
4 0-0-1 6-8-6. • 0.25 – zero point two five (point two five)
- O (read as the English letter o [əu]) - used to indicate years, • 13.445 – thirteen point four four five
times, addresses, and sometimes telephone numbers.
• It happened in fourteen o seven. – Это произошло в 1407 Percentages in English are denoted by the word percent. After
году. numerals, the word percent never takes the plural ending -s,
• 1% – one percent
Nil – used in scoring sports matches. • 10% – ten percent
• Our team won with the score three-nil. – Наша команда • 255% – two hundred fifty-five percent
выиграла со счетом 3-0.

Years in English are denoted by cardinal numerals. When reading,

four-digit years are divided in half and these halves are read as two
separate numbers. However, millenniums (millennia, e.g. 2000) are
read by thousands.
• 1825 – eighteen twenty-five
• 1901 – nineteen o one
• 2000 – two thousand
• 1003 – ten o three
• 2016 – twenty sixteen, two thousand sixteen
• They are walking down the street. – Они спускаются по

Negative sentence is formed using the negative particle not, which is

placed after the auxiliary verb am, is or are.
I am not verb + ing
Present continuous Yo
We use the present continuous: We
to describe an action that is going on at this moment. They
to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a aren’t
trend. •I am not playing the guitar now. – Я сейчас не играю на гитаре.
to describe an action or event in the future, which has already been •She is not (ins’t) watching TV now. – Она сейчас не смотрит
planned or prepared. телевизор.
•They aren’t (are not) talking about it. – Они не разговаривают об
An affirmative sentence in the Present Continuous (Present этом.
Progressive) is formed using the auxiliary verb to be in the forms am, A general question in the Present Continuous is formed by placing the
is or are and the Present Participle form (the first form of the semantic auxiliary verb am, is or are at the beginning of the sentence before the
verb with the ending -ing) subject.
I am verb + ing Am I verb + ing
He Is he
She she
It it
is Are you
You we
We they
They •Am I speaking over the telephone? – Я разговариваю по телефону?
are •Is she watching TV now? – Она смотрит сейчас телевизор?
• I am speaking over the telephone. – Я разговариваю по •Are they walking down the street? – Они спускаются по улице?
телефону. The Present Continuous is used with specific words and phrases that
• She is watching TV now. – Она сейчас смотрит телевизор. indicate a specific, known point in time at which an action occurs.
• now – сейчас
• right now – прямо сейчас were
• still – всё ещё
• currently – теперь • I was singing a song. – Я пел песню.
• at the moment – в этот момент • She was drinking tea. – Она пила чай.
• at present – в настоящее время • They were watching the movie. – Они смотрели кино.
• this morning – этим утром
• this evening – этим вечером Negative sentence in the Past Continuous is formed by adding the
• this afternoon – сегодня после обеда particle not after the auxiliary verb was or were.
• today – сегодня (днём) • I was not singing a song. – Я не пела песню.
• tonight – сегодня (вечером) • She was not drinking tea. – Она не пила чай.
• these days – на днях • They were not watching the movie. – Они не смотрели кино.
• nowadays – в наши дни • was not = wasn’t (сокращение)
Past continuous • I wasn’t playing at 5 p.m. – Я не играл в 5 вечера.
The Past Continuous in English is usually used to describe actions • were not = weren’t
that continued for some time in the past. •You weren’t working when we came. – Ты не работал, когда мы
We use the Past Continuous when we talk about an event that was in пришли.
progress at a specified point in time in the past.
If two events in the past happened at the same time, then when talking I
about them, we use Past Continuous for a long, background event, He
and Past Simple for a short event that happened at a certain moment. She
The Past Continuous is formed using the auxiliary verb was or were It
and the first form of the verb ending in -ing. Was and were are past was not
tense forms of the auxiliary verb to be.
I verb + ing
He You
She We
It they
was were not

A general question in the Past Continuous is formed by placing the

verb + ing auxiliary verb was or were at the beginning of the sentence before the
You subject.
they Was I

verb + ing?

Were you
• Was I singing a song? – Я пела песню?
• Was she drinking tea? – Она пила чай? \
• Were they watching the movie? – Они смотрели кино?
at that moment – в тот момент Future continuous
at the same time – в это же время The Future Continuous tense indicates a process that will continue at
while – во время того, как a certain point in the future. Unlike the Future Simple tense, this
when – когда moment in the future must be named directly (tomorrow at 4 o'clock,
as – так как when we meet) or be obvious from the context.
all morning / the whole morning – всё утро The Future Continuous (Future Progressive) is formed using the
all night (long) / the whole night – всю ночь auxiliary verb will (less commonly shall for I and We) and the
all evening / the whole evening – весь вечер continuous infinitive form (be + verb ending -ing).
all day (long) / the whole day – весь день In modern English, with all numbers and persons, only will is used
last Monday – в прошлый понедельник and this is not mistake.
last week – на прошлой неделе Subject +will be+ Verb+ing
last year – в прошлом году • I will be working here. – Я буду здесь работать.
• He be drinking tea with us. – Он будет пить с нами чай.
• We will be dancing all night. – Мы будем танцевать всю ночь.

Negative in the Future Continuous is formed by adding the particle

not after the verb will
Subject +will not=won’t be+ Verb+ing
• I will not be working here. – Я не буду работать здесь.
• He won’t be drinking tea with us. – Он не будет пить с нами чай.
• We will not be dancing all night. – Мы не будем танцевать всю
The formation of a general question in the Future Continuous occurs
by placing the auxiliary verb will at the beginning of the sentence
before the subject.

Will+S+be+ Verb+ing
• Will I be working here? – Я буду здесь работать?
• Will he be drinking tea with us? – Он будет пить с нами чай?
• Will we be dancing all night? – Мы будем танцевать всю ночь?

The Future Continuous is used if the question “when will this

happen?” You can specify an exact, specific time or a period of time
in the future.
• at 5 o'clock – в 5 часов
• at that moment – в тот момент
• this time tomorrow – в это время завтра
the same time next week – в то же самое время на следующей
• from two till three – с двух до трех
• from Monday till Friday – с понедельника по пятницу
• during this time – в течение этого времени
• all day long – целый день
• all night – всю ночь
• all the time – все время

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