Educational Technology
Educational Technology
Educational Technology
Arrange ahead of time to have projectors and other Establish criteria for use based on the objectives of
necessary materials available when you need them your subject and the abilities and needs of your
Labels materials properly for filing and reshowing The software should be capable of being integrated
Explain and discuss each of the projected materials with their software and with traditional materials
into a comprehensive curriculum and instructional
Shut off the machine when it is not in use during
the discussions
6. Guidelines for using Television You should know what supporting materials are
available that can interface with your computer
Select programs to coincide with the learners’ level
hardware and software
of interest and maturity and with instructional
objectives Periodically, review and evaluate the software for
quality and variety on a team basis.
The classroom television should have at least a 21-
9. Guidelines for using telecommunications
inch screen
Decide just what you want the system to do.
There should be no glare or reflected light on the
screen Consider use of the system in relation to the
abilities, needs, an interest of your students
Before a program is viewed give students any
necessary background data and tell them what to Be sure that the system is manageable- that is not
expect. only will you know how to use it, but also you will
be able to supervise students at the same time they
Avoid using the program as a lecturing device or a
use it.
substitute for instruction.
Consider both the cost and reputation of the
Ask students to save questions until the end of the
company who will install and repair the equipment.
K. Ten (10) Commandments for Creating
The ideal program lasts no longer than two-thirds
Learning/Presentation Materials
of the subject period so there is time for
1. Don’t overcrowd
introduction and summary.
2. Be consistent in format, layout and conventions
7. Guidelines for using Video Systems
3. Use appropriate typefaces and point uses
Be sure the use of video systems is compatible with
4. Use bold and italics for emphasis, but dot overuse
the leads to the attainment of course objectives
Preview the most promising systems and programs
5. Use titles, headings, and subheadings to clarify and
Find out what supporting services and support the
supplier equipment and materials will provide
6. Use numbers to direct through sequences
Monitor student responses in interactive programs
7. Use graphics and illustrations to reinforce ideas
for purposes of diagnosis and evaluation
8. Use symbols and icons as identifying makers
Be sure the video accomplishes your instructional
9. Use color/audio/music to stimulate but not to
overpower, the source
8. Guidelines for using Computer Software
10. Produce the materials with technical excellence
A company that produces, distributes, or sells
good quality, good audio, clear, etc.
computers or computer materials should be willing
to provide a number of services.
d. Encyclopedia
ASSESSMENT 8. To what type of instructional media do compact disks
1. For teaching, Mr. Yap chooses instructional materials that belong?
suit readiness and maturity levels of his students. Which a. Still pictures
factor in selecting instrumental material does he consider? b. Sound recording
a. Economy c. Video recording
b. Ease in handling d. Print
c. Durability 9. Which instructional media allows students to study almost
d. Appropriateness anything at convenient locations and with varying ability
2. The more common type of graphic materials used in levels?
dealing with geographic locations is the _____. a. Videotapes
a. Map b. Film and television
b. Compass c. Radio
c. Locator d. Computer-based learning
d. Pictograph 10. What alternative would you take if, because of financial
3. Which is used as a better medium for overhead or video problems, habitats such as those in a zoo?
projector? a. Describe animals’ behavior in their natural habitat
a. Cloth board during discussion
b. Magnetic board b. Show a videotape behavior animals seen in a zoo
c. Multipurpose board c. Show pictures of animal movements in their
d. Flip chart environment
4. For effectiveness. Visuals should be____. d. Go to the zoo yourself and tell the class what you
a. Cluttered saw
b. Simple 11. When does an instructional material become less
c. Disorganized effective?
d. Complex a. When learning is facilitated
5. Which refers to the “application scientific knowledge in b. When students master the lesson
designing, developing, and evaluating instructional systems” c. When it increases the time normally sent in earning
and educational hardware devices? d. When more student understand what is taught
a. Technology in education 12. Which statement best shows what educational
b. Audio-visual technology technology is all about?
c. Educational technology a. Educational technology involves primarily the
d. Instructional development designing of aspects of the teaching learning
6. Which instructional aid provides realistic images and process, using available, appropriate resources
gives precise expression to verbal description? b. Educational technology concerns itself with
a. Graphics development, application, and evaluation of
b. Maps materials to improve learning and teaching
c. Pictures c. Educational technology is synonymous to
d. Cartoons technology in education, which is particularly
7. All these are part of the print media, EXCEPT ONE. referred to ad audio visual aids.
Which is this? d. Educational technology refers to the design and
a. Textbooks operation of educational institutions
b. Charts 13. Which technology among the following provides iconic
c. Manual experiences?
a. Pictures and television d. Yes, because they could access endless information
b. Slides and verbal symbols through the internet
c. Printed and audio materials 20. In selecting a documentary film to help out teachers in
d. Radio and programmed instruction class discussion about Philippine ethnic groups, which of the
14. Mrs. Padilla provides her class with manipulative following factors will be the LEAST helpful?
materials, worksheets, set of activities to do for her math a. Students’ knowledge about ethnic groups
lessons. What principles does she consider? b. Students’ attitude toward ethnic groups
a. Appropriateness c. Students’ physical characteristics
b. Balance d. Students’ developmental level
c. Breadth 21. An English class watched the film “My Fair Lady” in
d. Variety order to learn how the use of the English language may be
15. One of these question is not appropriate to ask when learned correctly. In this case, how was the technology
selecting the content of an instructional material. Which is used?
it? a. For entertainment
a. Is it current? b. To obtain information
b. Is it desirable and audible? c. For instruction
c. Does it match the instructional objective? d. For both B and C
d. Is it appropriate to the learners’ level? 22. Which type of instructional materials can best be used in
16. Which teacher action is effective using photographs in teaching the correct pronounciation of identified words?
teaching? a. Audio
a. Photocopy the pictures b. Visual
b. Transform the picture into slide c. Print
c. Have the students pass the photographs around d. Filmstrips
d. Mount all photographs on the board 23. If a student wants to discuss curriculum-based projects
17. What would you do if you found that the instructional with other students from another region, which instructional
materials you plan to use do not match the lesson objective? aid may be used for good results?
a. Modify the materials a. Computer software
b. Teach the lesson again b. Internet
c. Change objective to match the lesson materials c. Television
d. Carry out the lesson as planned d. Video system
18. Which is not an effective way of presenting visuals? 24. A class was shown a taped episode of the Knowledge
a. Show visual with an element of suspense Channel series. Which generalization in the utilization of
b. Switch off the overhead projector if explanation is this taped instructional material was observed?
long a. Indirect teaching material should be used to teach
c. Erase irrelevant writing on the board cognitive skill
d. Have as may visuals as you can, simultaneously, to b. Children learn by observing and imitating
hold learners’ interest c. Instruction may be reduced to entertainment
19. If possible, should you allow your pupils to use the d. The TV teacher is more acceptable to children.
schools’ internet connection while teaching a Science 25. Appropriateness is one criterion used in selecting
lesson? Why? instructional materials. Instructional materials can be
a. No, because the students might chat with friends considered appropriate to the intended level in terms of
b. Yes, because they sent messages via email ____.
c. No, because they could receive messages from a. Vocabulary and difficulty levels of the lesson
friends b. Methods used in developing the lesson
c. Interest and appeal to the users b. Content and objective match
d. All of the above c. Readability level
26. The most important factor to consider in using an d. Physical characteristics
instructional material is its ____. 35. Which of the following principles in selecting
a. Cost instructional materials is the most essential?
b. Fit with the objective a. Cost effectiveness
c. Learning benefits b. Appropriateness
d. Appeal c. Breadth
27. Which is the overriding question to ask in selecting d. Responsiveness
instructional material? 36. Who could best from the use of appropriate of
a. Do the materials enhance understanding? Educational Technology?
b. Are the materials well organized? a. Teachers
c. Do they meet the needs of the teachers? b. Manufacturers
d. Can the materials meet many of her purposes? c. Learners
28-31. In the box below are the randomly stated steps d. School
commonly followed in developing instructional materials. 37. Which statement best captures the importance of
Study them and answer the questions after the box. instructional materials to teaching-learning process?
a. Select media and materials a. Teachers become more efficient
b. Evaluate and revise materials b. In less time, learning is maximized
c. Define lesson objective c. The possibility of mastering learning is increased
d. Utilize media and materials d. All of the bove.
32. In using the chalkboard to teach a science lesson, Mrs. 38. Mrs. Uy, a Social Studies teacher, plans to discuss on
Guillermo write many different keywords or phrases on all population growth, including a “pyramid” of population by
available space as she explains the lesson. What guidelines se an age groups. What print material will she use to an
did she not consider? effective aid in teaching?
a. Don’t “talk to the chalkboard”, while writing on it a. Charts and diagrams
b. Write in complete sentences especially when b. Pictures
working with young or low-achieving students c. Films
c. Organize chalkboard work ahead of time d. Graphics
d. Don’t clutter the board 39-40. If you were to select the content of print materials for
33. Mrs. Alhambra, a teacher in her 60’s does not have the instruction, which TWO most important considerations
interest nor inclination to use computers for instruction. She, should you make?
however, knows the many benefits that computers provide. a. Accuracy
What could be the most plausible reason for not using them b. References
in teaching ? c. Scope
a. The students are technophobic d. Match with objectives
b. She doesn’t have personal computers 41. Mr. Tan watched the documentary film on human
c. The schools does not allow use of too many electric reproductive system before using it for instruction. What
devices in teaching could be the most reasonable guideline he considered for
d. The teacher is not computer literate. doing so?
34. Most teachers use workbooks to reinforce classroom a. He wanted to see if the film is up-to-date.
learning. For young children, which of the following would b. He wanted to enjoy it in private.
be the overriding consideration to make? c. He would like to be familiar with the proper use of
a. Illustration used the material
d. He was making sure the scenes match his students’ 49-50. Which TWO recent events helped pave the use of
interests and ability technology in the classroom?
42. One important guideline that you should consider in a. Audi-visual media
using the textbook for instruction is that you need to b. software
appraise its worth. This means that you should _____. c. Computers and Memory chips
a. Know and compare its cost with other similar d. Teaching Machines
b. Adapt it to your student level
c. Use what it contains strictly
d. Determine whether or not it can help increase the
quality of learning.
43. Although expensive and difficult to acquire, this type of
educational technology exposes students to a wide range of
online publications that can enrich learning. Which one is
a. Televisions
b. Print materials
c. Internet
d. Computers
44-45. These TWO instructional materials are categorized
under software tools. Which are these?
a. Internet
b. Electronic Spreadsheets
c. Computers
d. Word processing
46. Which statement shows that the instructional used has
been LEAST helpful in the teaching-learning process?
a. When it has facilitated learning
b. When it increased the degree of mastery of learning
c. When it increased the time for learners to master
the lesson
d. When it increased the efficiency of teachers in
terms of the number of learners taught
47-48. TWO of the following learning theories have some
influence on educational technology. Which are these?
a. Behaviorist theory, which focuses on shaping
behavior through conditioning strategies.
b. Constructivist theory, which requires rich prior
knowledge so that the learner can construct sense
out of the new one.
c. Communications theory, which requires learners to
have good encoding and decoding skills.
d. Discovery theory, which helps students find the
relationship between new and previous learning.