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AI Course Outline

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Course Outline: IT 314 Credit Hours: 3 + 1

Artificial Intelligence Course instructor: Engr. Hasib Shamshad

Text Book(s):

1. Artificial Intelligence by George F. Luger and William A. Stubblefield.

2. Introduction to Machine Learning by Ethem Alpaydin, 2nd Edition

Reference Book(s):

Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach, 4 th edition

Course Description:

This course introduces the basic principles in artificial intelligence. It will cover simple representation
schemes, problem solving paradigms, search strategies and application areas. It will also cover the
basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning from both theoretical and practical perspective.


Discrete Mathematics, Data structure and Algorithms

Grading Policy:

In Semester Evaluation 50%

 Mid exam 30%

 Assignments 10%
 Quiz 5%
 Lab Viva 5%

End Semester Evaluation 50%

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

1. Understand key components in the field of artificial intelligence

2. Implement classical artificial intelligence techniques
3. Analyze artificial intelligence techniques for practical problem solving
Course Outline Week-wise Breakdown

Week Topics / Activities

1 Introduction to AI,
History of AI ,
Components of AI,
2 Stages of AI: Artificial Narrow Intelligence(Weak AI ),
Artificial General Intelligence-AGI (Strong AI)
Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) and their Applications,
Types of AI: Reactive Machine AI
Limited Memory AI
Theory of Mind AI
Self-Aware AI
3 Domains of AI,
Scope of AI ,
4 Knowledge representation and reasoning
Expert Systems,

5 Natural Language Processing(NLP), AI agents and Environments

6 Searching and its types,
Basic Searching Algorithms: DFS, BFS
7 Informed Search, Uninformed Search
8 Uncertainty handling: Uncertainty in AI,
Fuzzy logic

Mid Exam
9 Introduction to Machine learning, why machine learning?
Types of Machine Learning: Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning with examples each
10 Regression vs. Classification ,
Supervised Learning Techniques:
(1). Regression model Algorithm for Predictions,
Case study,
Implementation of Regression model
11 Supervised Learning Technique (2). Classification using Decision Tree Algorithm,
Why Decision tree? ,
Applications of Decision Tree,
A case study for Decision Tree,
Decision tree vs. Linear Regression model
12 Supervised Learning Technique (3). K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm,
Unsupervised Learning Goals, Clustering
13 Clustering Algorithms, Clustering using K-Means Algorithm,
14 K-Means vs. K-Nearest Neighbor , Case study for K-Means Algorithm
15 Recent trends in AI, Neural networks,
16 Introduction to Deep learning, why Deep learning? ,
Machine learning and Deep learning Applications
Artificial Intelligence Lab Work outline
Python will be used as a Programming language for this course.

COURSE OUTLINE: Week-wise Breakdown

Week Topics/Activities
1 • How to Setup Machine-Learning Environment using Anaconda
• Working with Jupyter Notebook and Spider software
2, 3 • Basic Python Programming Concepts
4 Python for Machine Learning
• Python Scikit Learn Library
• Numpy
• Matplotlib
5 • Pandas
• Making CSV file using Pandas

6 • Working with Data Frames

• Accessing specific rows and columns from a given dataset
7 • Lists, tuples & dictionaries
8 Lab viva: 5 marks
Mid Exam
9 • Simple linear Regression concept

10 Supervised Learning: Linear Regression model as a machine learning

model implementation
• Applying Regression model on daily life example in Python
11 Practice day- Linear Regression model on given dataset (Quiz 1: marks
12 Supervised Learning:
(classification technique)
• Decision Tree Algorithm concept(manual solving),
• Determine root node using Entropy, information gain
13 Decision Tree Algorithm implementation in Python
14 Practice day - Decision Tree Implementation on given example
15 Unsupervised Learning: (Clustering technique) -- K-Means Algorithm
concept (manual solving), K-Means Algorithm Implementation in Python
16 Lab viva: 10 marks

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