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Certificate Document

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Peserta yang dihormati,

Dear esteemed Participant,

Selamat datang ke keluarga Great Eastern Takaful dan terima kasih di atas keputusan untuk menyertai Sijil Takaful
Keluarga ini.
We welcome You to our Great Eastern Takaful family and thank you for making the decision to participate in this
Family Takaful Certificate.

Di sini Kami sertakan Sijil Takaful bersama-sama dengan salinan borang cadangan yang telah Anda lengkapkan
untuk simpanan Anda. Sila semak dokumen-dokumen ini dengan teliti. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana maklumat
yang salah atau tidak tepat di dalam dokumen-dokumen Anda, sila hubungi Kami secepat mungkin.
We are pleased to enclose Your Takaful Certificate together with a copy of Your completed proposal form for Your
safe-keeping. Please check through these documents carefully. If there is any inaccurate or incorrect information in
Your documents kindly inform Us immediately.

Kami berbangga dapat menguruskan keperluan simpanan dan pelaburan jangka panjang Anda.
We are glad to take on the responsibility of looking after Your long-term financial and savings needs.

Penyertaan Anda di dalam pelan ini juga akan mendekatkan Anda kepada nilai-nilai yang anda percayai. Konsep
Takaful adalah berlandaskan prinsip tanggungjawab bersama, kepentingan bersama dan bantuan secara sukarela.
Sebahagian dari caruman Anda akan diperuntukkan ke dalam Dana Tabarru’ (sebagai derma), yang akan digunakan
untuk membantu satu sama lain pada saat-saat yang memerlukan.
Your participation in this plan will also enable You to be closer to the values You believe in. Takaful concept is
based on the principles of mutual cooperation, shared responsibility and voluntary assistance. Part of Your
contribution will be allocated into a Tabarru’ Fund (as donation), which will be used to support each other in times of

Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan dan penerangan lanjut, sila hubungi ejen Anda pada bila-bila masa atau menelefon
talian Careline Kami di 1300 13 8338. Kami menjanjikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik pada setiap masa.
If You require further assistance, please feel free to get in touch with Your agent, or call our Careline at Tel 1300 13
8338. We assure You of our best service at all times.

Terima Kasih.
Thank You.

Yang benar,
Yours faithfully,


Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Chief Executive Officer

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


Dear Participant,
Thank You for taking up this Certificate. This is a financial security product that has been customised
according to Your current requirements.
You would find the following information helpful to You in future. This reflects, where applicable, the
provisions of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013. All statements and representations (if any) made by Us
in this Certificate Information Statement are made in good faith based on Our reasonable knowledge as at
Issue Date, We accept and undertake no liability whatsoever for the accuracy of any and all subsequent
changes or amendments to any law, regulation or practice relating to and affecting the validity or accuracy of
the same. You may at all times seek independent advice from any advocate and/or solicitor and/or tax
consultant in order to ascertain Your rights and entitlements under or relating to this Certificate before
making any decision.

Proof of age is needed before any benefit can be paid. Please produce one of the following original
documents at any of Our offices as listed on Our website www.greateasterntakaful.com.
· NRIC · Birth Certificate · International Passport · Citizenship Certificate

If nomination is applicable and Your age is 16 years and above, You may nominate one or more individuals
to receive the Takaful benefits payable upon Your death, either as an Executor or as a beneficiary under a
Conditional Hibah. The nomination form is available on Our website, or You can also perform nomination
online through Our customer portal i-Get In Touch igetintouch.greateasterntakaful.com.

It is important that You inform Us immediately in writing of any change in Your address to ensure that You
receive letters or notices, etc. from Us. Any change in Your nominee’s addresses should also be notified to
Us to facilitate the payment of claim.

Family Takaful is a financial security. Once You have it, please do not give it up! Any change of health or
circumstance may mean one of two things to You or Your family:
· You may not be able to have Family Takaful protection
or · You may have to contribute substantially more for the same protection.
So, be regular and prompt with Your Contribution payments. Your Certificate is an asset. Should the
Certificate is surrendered, You may receive less than the amount You contribute in. However, You may
surrender this Certificate for its Cash Values so long as there are amount available in the Participant’s
Individual Account under Your Certificate. It may not be advantageous to surrender or replace an
existing Certificate with a new one due to high initial cost. Please consult Your agent or call Our
Careline before making Your decision.

You can pay Contributions annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly, whichever suits you best and
through any of the following methods:
(a) Credit / Debit Card: You can make Contribution payment through Visa or MasterCard card via Our
online portal I-Get-In-Touch (https://igetintouch.greateasterntakaful.com) e-
Payment Service and register the card for recurring Contribution payment.
(b) Banker’s Order: You need to make necessary arrangement in advance with Your respective bank
to remit the Contribution prior to next Contribution due date.
(c) Biro Perkhidmatan This option is only applicable if You are employed with government bodies. You
Angkasa: need to complete and submit the original 1/79 BPA form, Certified true copy
(CTC) contributor NRIC, and Certified true copy (CTC) contributor latest salary
slip to Us for remit the Contribution payment from contributor’s salary.
(d) GIRO / Direct Debit You need to complete the original Autodebit Form (GIRO) / Direct Debit
(DDA): Authorisation Form (DDA) to Us for Your bank to remit the Contribution payment
from Your bank account.
(e) Internet Banking: You can pay Your Contribution through internet banking bill payment service from
Malayan Banking Berhad (MBB), Public Bank Berhad (PBB), and CIMB Bank.
Kindly ensure the Contribution payment is made to Great Eastern Takaful Berhad.

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1

(f) JomPAY: You can pay Your Contribution online via Internet and mobile banking with your
current or savings account with the JomPAY details:
Biller Code: 16899, Ref-1: Certificate Number, Ref-2: Mobile Phone Number.

No official receipt will be issued and all the payment made under auto payment transaction will be reflected in
Your FAMILY TAKAFUL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT issued by Us on yearly basis.


You may cancel Your Takaful Certificate within fifteen (15) days after signing the acknowledgement or e-
acknowledgement receipt upon receiving the Certificate or e-Certificate (where applicable), by way of a
written notice to Us.

The following will be refunded to You:

· any Contribution which has been paid in respect of this Certificate,
less any expenses incurred for the medical examination of the Person Covered, upon which the Certificate
shall be deemed cancelled and our liability thereunder shall cease.

To make a claim, please write to Us immediately after the event occurred and submit all documents and
related forms that are necessary for Your claim under this Certificate. The claims forms can be obtained from
Our website. Proof of claim must be accepted and approved by Us to facilitate payment of any benefit.


You can contact any of Our offices listed on Our website at www.greateasterntakaful.com or Our Customer
Careline at 1300 13 8338 for any enquiries on Your Certificate during Our office hours from 8.30 a.m. to 5.15
p.m. by either quoting Your Certificate number or Our reference number.


Any feedback related to Your Certificate can be made to Our Customer Feedback Unit at
Customer Feedback Unit
Great Eastern Takaful Berhad, Level 3, Menara Great Eastern, 303 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.

Careline No. : 1 300 13 8338

Telephone No. : (603) 4259 8338
Fax No. : (603) 4252 7528
Email : cfu@greateasterntakaful.com
Website : www.greateasterntakaful.com

If You are not satisfied with Our response, You can refer to the Ombudsman for Financial Services or Bank
Negara Malaysia's BNMLINK or BNMTELELINK.


You may make or submit Your complaint to the Ombudsman for Financial Services or Bank Negara
Malaysia's BNMLINK or BNMTELELINK within six (6) months from Our Customer Feedback Unit's decision.
Please contact Our Customer Feedback Unit for further assistance or if You require any clarification on the
above. The followings are the contact details of OFS or BNM:

Ombudsman for Financial Services

No. 14, Level 14, Main Block Menara Takaful Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone No. : (603) 2272 2811
Fax No. : (603) 2272 1577
Website : www.ofs.org.my

Bank Negara Malaysia

Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK) (Walk-in Customer Service Centre)
Ground Floor, D Block. Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Centre (BNMTELELINK)

Corporate Communication Department, Bank Negara Malaysia, P.O. Box 10922, 50929 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone No. : 1 300 88 5465; Overseas: (603) 2174 1717;
Fax No. : (603) 2174 1515

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Web Form : telelink.bnm.gov.my

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CERTIFICATE NO : 402360272-1

You, the Participant named in Takaful Schedule A of this certificate, have

agreed to enter into this contract of Takaful (“this Certificate”) with Great
Eastern Takaful Berhad (“the Takaful Operator” or “Us” or “We”).

This Certificate is made up of:

1. the Certificate Information Statement; and
2. the Takaful Schedule(s); and
3. the Privileges and Conditions; and
4. the Annexures (if any); and
5. the Endorsement(s) (if any) made at the Issue Date; and
6. the proposal, application and/or statements made by You and/or the
Person Covered; and
7. the Benefit Illustration; and
8. the Product Disclosure Sheet; and

This Certificate aims to spread the spirit of Takaful based on the principles
of shared responsibility, cooperation and common interest.

This Certificate is signed on the Issue Date.

Chief Executive Officer

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1 PROPOSAL NO: KLO/42120/22





T PCI 22/11/2050 22/12/2050 PR RM 675.00/YR J120


017 (CIDEFN) 058 (LCIDEFN) 063 (NOMTRU) 064 (T TPDH)


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Please refer to TAKAFUL SCHEDULE B2 for the details of the allocation of Takaful Contribution.


Upfront Charge is the amount that is deducted from the Participant's Individual Account (PIA) which
consist of:
· the distribution related expenses including agent’s commission, and
· management expenses for managing Your Certificate, including Stamp Duty of RM 10.

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


Allocation Rate for Takaful Contribution - i-GREAT GENERASI

Contribution Year Allocation Rate

1 28.00%

2 28.00%

3 38.00%

4 40.00%

5 70.00%

6 70.00%

7 80.00%

8 85.00%

9 85.00%

10 85.00%

11 85.00%

12 100.00%

13 100.00%

14 100.00%

15 100.00%

16 100.00%

17 100.00%

18 100.00%

19 100.00%

20 and above 100.00%

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


Allocation Rate for Takaful Contribution - i-PROVIDER CRITICAL ILLNESS TERM RIDER

Contribution Year Allocation Rate

1 25.00%

2 35.00%

3 42.00%

4 55.00%

5 76.00%

6 76.00%

7 90.00%

8 90.00%

9 90.00%

10 90.00%

11 90.00%

12 92.00%

13 92.00%

14 92.00%

15 92.00%

16 92.00%

17 92.00%

18 92.00%

19 92.00%

20 and above 92.00%

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


i-Great GENerasi – Death / TPD Benefit Manfaat Kematian / HUPK
Standard Tabarru’ Rates per Annum Per RM 1,000 Sum At Risk and Compassionate Benefit (“Tabarru’ Rate”)
according to Attained Age Next Birthday On Preceding (Or Coincident) Certificate Anniversary On Date of
Tabarru’ Deduction (“Age”)
Kadar Tabarru’ Standard Setahun Bagi Setiap RM1,000 Jumlah Atas Risiko dan Manfaat Ihsan (“Kadar Tabarru’”)
mengikut Umur Hari Lahir Berikut Sebelum (Atau Bersamaan) Ulang Tahun Sijil Pada Tarikh Penolakan Kadar
Tabarru’ (“Umur”)

Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate

Age Age Age
Kadar Tabarru’ Kadar Tabarru’ Kadar Tabarru’
1 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 34 1.10 0.70 0.50 0.40 67 23.30 13.80 13.20 9.80
2 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 35 1.10 0.70 0.60 0.40 68 25.70 15.30 14.70 10.90
3 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 36 1.10 0.70 0.60 0.50 69 28.40 16.90 16.30 12.10
4 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 37 1.20 0.70 0.60 0.50 70 31.30 18.60 18.00 13.40
5 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 38 1.20 0.80 0.70 0.50 71 31.40 18.70 18.20 13.50
6 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 39 1.30 0.80 0.80 0.60 72 34.70 20.70 20.20 15.00
7 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 40 1.40 0.90 0.80 0.60 73 38.30 22.80 22.40 16.60
8 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 41 1.60 0.90 0.90 0.70 74 42.20 25.20 24.80 18.40
9 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 42 1.70 1.10 1.00 0.80 75 46.50 27.70 27.40 20.30
10 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 43 1.90 1.20 1.10 0.80 76 51.20 30.50 30.30 22.50
11 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 44 2.20 1.30 1.20 0.90 77 56.20 33.50 33.40 24.80
12 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 45 2.40 1.40 1.40 1.00 78 61.70 36.80 36.90 27.30
13 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 46 2.70 1.60 1.50 1.10 79 67.60 40.30 40.50 30.00
14 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 47 3.00 1.80 1.70 1.20 80 74.00 44.10 44.60 33.00
15 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 48 3.40 2.00 1.90 1.40 81 80.70 48.10 48.80 36.10
16 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 49 3.80 2.20 2.10 1.50 82 87.90 52.40 53.20 39.40
17 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 50 4.20 2.50 2.30 1.70 83 95.60 57.00 58.10 43.00
18 0.80 0.60 0.30 0.30 51 4.70 2.70 2.50 1.90 84 103.90 62.00 63.30 46.90
19 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 52 5.20 3.00 2.80 2.10 85 112.80 67.30 68.90 51.00
20 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 53 5.70 3.40 3.10 2.30 86 122.40 73.00 75.00 55.50
21 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 54 6.30 3.70 3.50 2.50 87 132.70 79.20 81.50 60.30
22 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 55 6.90 4.10 3.90 2.90 88 143.70 85.70 88.50 65.50
23 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 56 7.50 4.40 4.30 3.20 89 155.50 92.80 96.00 71.00
24 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 57 8.20 4.80 4.80 3.50 90 168.10 100.30 104.00 77.00
25 1.00 0.60 0.40 0.30 58 8.90 5.20 5.40 4.00 91 181.60 108.40 112.60 83.40
26 1.10 0.60 0.40 0.30 59 10.20 6.00 5.60 4.10 92 196.00 117.00 121.90 90.20
27 1.10 0.60 0.40 0.30 60 11.40 6.80 6.30 4.60 93 211.40 126.20 131.80 97.50
28 1.10 0.60 0.40 0.30 61 12.70 7.50 7.00 5.20 94 227.80 136.00 142.30 105.30
29 1.10 0.60 0.40 0.30 62 14.10 8.30 7.80 5.80 95 245.30 146.40 153.60 113.70
30 1.10 0.60 0.40 0.30 63 15.60 9.30 8.70 6.40 96 264.00 157.60 165.70 122.60
31 1.10 0.60 0.50 0.30 64 17.30 10.20 9.60 7.20 97 283.90 169.50 178.60 132.10
32 1.10 0.70 0.50 0.40 65 19.10 11.30 10.70 8.00 98 289.10 182.10 192.30 142.20
33 1.10 0.70 0.50 0.40 66 21.10 12.50 11.90 8.80 99 302.60 195.60 206.90 153.10

Abbreviation / Singkatan
MNS = Male Non-Smoker / Lelaki Tidak Merokok
MS = Male Smoker / Lelaki Merokok
FNS = Female Non-Smoker / Perempuan Tidak Merokok
FS = Female Smoker / Perempuan Merokok

Note: / Nota:
Tabarru’ Rate Per x Sum At Risk + Compassionate Benefit at start of Certificate Month
Tabarru’ for Certificate Month = x 0.083333
Annum 1000
Kadar Tabarru’
Tabarru’ bagi Bulan Sijil = x Jumlah Atas Risiko + Manfaat Ihsan pada permulaan Bulan Sijil
Setahun x 0.083333

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


i-Great GENerasi – Death during Hajj/Umrah Benefit / Manfaat Kematian semasa Haji/ Umrah
Standard Tabarru’ Rates per Annum Per RM 1,000 Basic Sum Covered and Protection Booster Benefit (“Tabarru’
Rate”) according to Attained Age Next Birthday On Preceding (Or Coincident) Certificate Anniversary On Date of
Tabarru’ Deduction (“Age”)
Kadar Tabarru’ Standard Setahun Bagi Setiap RM1,000 Jumlah Perlindungan Asas dan Manfaat Rangsangan
Perlindungan (“Kadar Tabarru’”) mengikut Umur Hari Lahir Berikut Sebelum (Atau Bersamaan) Ulang Tahun Sijil Pada
Tarikh Penolakan Kadar Tabarru’ (“Umur”)

Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate

Age Age Age
Kadar Tabarru’ Kadar Tabarru’ Kadar Tabarru’
1 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 34 0.039 0.039 0.026 0.026 67 0.909 0.909 0.597 0.597
2 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 35 0.052 0.052 0.026 0.026 68 1.000 1.000 0.662 0.662
3 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 36 0.052 0.052 0.026 0.026 69 1.104 1.104 0.727 0.727
4 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 37 0.052 0.052 0.026 0.026 70 1.221 1.221 0.805 0.805
5 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 38 0.052 0.052 0.026 0.026 71 1.351 1.351 0.896 0.896
6 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 39 0.065 0.065 0.039 0.039 72 1.507 1.507 1.000 1.000
7 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 40 0.065 0.065 0.039 0.039 73 1.662 1.662 1.117 1.117
8 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 41 0.078 0.078 0.039 0.039 74 1.844 1.844 1.234 1.234
9 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 42 0.078 0.078 0.039 0.039 75 2.039 2.039 1.364 1.364
10 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 43 0.091 0.091 0.052 0.052 76 2.247 2.247 1.520 1.520
11 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 44 0.104 0.104 0.052 0.052 77 2.481 2.481 1.688 1.688
12 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 45 0.117 0.117 0.065 0.065 78 2.727 2.727 1.857 1.857
13 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 46 0.130 0.130 0.065 0.065 79 3.013 3.013 2.065 2.065
14 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 47 0.143 0.143 0.078 0.078 80 3.312 3.312 2.273 2.273
15 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 48 0.169 0.169 0.078 0.078 81 3.688 3.688 2.520 2.520
16 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 49 0.182 0.182 0.091 0.091 82 4.104 4.104 2.805 2.805
17 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 50 0.208 0.208 0.104 0.104 83 4.546 4.546 3.104 3.104
18 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 51 0.221 0.221 0.104 0.104 84 5.052 5.052 3.429 3.429
19 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 52 0.195 0.195 0.130 0.130 85 5.714 5.714 3.870 3.870
20 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 53 0.208 0.208 0.143 0.143 86 6.468 6.468 4.364 4.364
21 0.052 0.052 0.013 0.013 54 0.234 0.234 0.156 0.156 87 7.286 7.286 4.909 4.909
22 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 55 0.260 0.260 0.182 0.182 88 8.195 8.195 5.507 5.507
23 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 56 0.286 0.286 0.195 0.195 89 9.208 9.208 6.169 6.169
24 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 57 0.312 0.312 0.208 0.208 90 10.130 10.130 6.779 6.779
25 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 58 0.338 0.338 0.234 0.234 91 11.143 11.143 7.429 7.429
26 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 59 0.390 0.390 0.247 0.247 92 12.234 12.234 8.143 8.143
27 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 60 0.429 0.429 0.273 0.273 93 13.416 13.416 8.909 8.909
28 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 61 0.481 0.481 0.299 0.299 94 14.701 14.701 9.740 9.740
29 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 62 0.533 0.533 0.338 0.338 95 16.104 16.104 10.649 10.649
30 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 63 0.597 0.597 0.377 0.377 96 17.610 17.610 11.623 11.623
31 0.039 0.039 0.013 0.013 64 0.662 0.662 0.429 0.429 97 19.260 19.260 12.675 12.675
32 0.039 0.039 0.026 0.026 65 0.740 0.740 0.481 0.481 98 21.026 21.026 13.818 13.818
33 0.039 0.039 0.026 0.026 66 0.818 0.818 0.533 0.533 99 22.948 22.948 15.052 15.052

Abbreviation / Singkatan
MNS = Male Non-Smoker / Lelaki Tidak Merokok
MS = Male Smoker / Lelaki Merokok
FNS = Female Non-Smoker / Perempuan Tidak Merokok
FS = Female Smoker / Perempuan Merokok

Note: / Nota:
Tabarru’ Rate x Basic Sum Covered + Protection Booster Benefit at start of Certificate Month
Tabarru’ for Certificate Month = x 0.083333
Per Annum 1000
Kadar Tabarru’ x Jumlah Perlindungan Asas + Manfaat Rangsangan Matang pada permulaan
Tabarru’ bagi Bulan Sijil =
Setahun Bulan Sijil x 0.083333

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CERTIFICATE NO: 402360272-1


i-Provider Critical Illness Term Rider (T PCI)
T PCI Standard Tabarru’ Rates per Annum Per RM 1,000 Sum Covered (“Tabarru’ Rate”) according to Attained Age Next
Birthday On Preceding (Or Coincident) Certificate Anniversary On Date of Tabarru’ Deduction (“Age”)
Kadar Tabarru’ Standard Setahun untuk T PCI Bagi Setiap RM1,000 Jumlah Perlindungan (“Kadar Tabarru’”) mengikut Umur Hari Lahir
Berikut Sebelum (Atau Bersamaan) Ulang Tahun Sijil Pada Tarikh Penolakan Kadar Tabarru’ (“Umur”)

Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate Tabarru’ Rate

Age Kadar Tabarru’ Age Kadar Tabarru’ Age Kadar Tabarru’
Umur Umur Umur
1 2.44 2.44 1.67 1.67 34 0.84 1.39 1.17 1.94 67 16.30 29.81 11.37 20.79
2 2.22 2.22 1.50 1.50 35 0.91 1.51 1.28 2.13 68 17.64 32.26 12.14 22.21
3 1.90 1.90 1.27 1.27 36 0.99 1.65 1.41 2.35 69 18.91 34.58 13.08 23.91
4 1.75 1.75 1.19 1.19 37 1.08 1.80 1.56 2.59 70 20.32 37.16 14.14 25.85
5 1.68 1.68 1.19 1.19 38 1.21 2.01 1.73 2.88 71 21.90 40.05 15.35 28.08
6 1.67 1.67 1.19 1.19 39 1.37 2.28 1.94 3.22 72 23.68 43.29 16.76 30.64
7 1.65 1.65 1.19 1.19 40 1.56 2.60 2.17 3.61 73 25.83 47.23 18.39 33.63
8 1.64 1.64 1.19 1.19 41 1.78 2.96 2.43 4.04 74 28.40 51.93 20.28 37.09
9 1.62 1.62 1.19 1.19 42 2.03 3.38 2.72 4.52 75 31.29 57.22 22.43 41.02
10 1.62 1.62 1.18 1.18 43 2.26 3.76 3.00 4.98 76 34.56 63.19 24.89 45.51
11 1.61 1.61 1.18 1.18 44 2.47 4.10 3.25 5.41 77 38.59 69.15 27.81 49.83
12 1.61 1.61 1.18 1.18 45 2.69 4.47 3.53 5.87 78 42.50 74.61 30.89 54.23
13 1.60 1.60 1.18 1.18 46 2.93 4.87 3.83 6.36 79 46.23 79.47 34.14 58.68
14 1.60 1.60 1.17 1.17 47 3.19 5.31 4.15 6.91 80 50.42 84.82 37.84 63.66
15 1.60 1.60 1.16 1.16 48 3.48 5.78 4.44 7.39 81 55.14 90.75 42.08 69.26
16 1.59 1.59 1.14 1.14 49 3.78 6.28 4.69 7.80 82 60.47 97.30 46.94 75.54
17 1.56 1.59 1.14 1.14 50 4.11 6.83 4.95 8.23 83 65.52 103.04 51.35 80.74
18 1.56 1.59 1.13 1.14 51 4.47 7.43 5.23 8.69 84 70.20 107.83 55.16 84.73
19 0.53 0.58 0.45 0.49 52 4.86 8.08 5.52 9.17 85 75.36 113.00 59.42 89.10
20 0.54 0.61 0.46 0.53 53 5.30 8.81 5.89 9.70 86 81.06 118.58 64.18 93.89
21 0.55 0.64 0.47 0.58 54 5.79 9.63 6.17 10.26 87 87.36 124.60 69.50 99.13
22 0.56 0.66 0.47 0.63 55 6.33 10.53 6.53 10.86 88 94.19 130.90 75.01 104.24
23 0.56 0.70 0.48 0.68 56 6.92 11.51 6.91 11.49 89 101.61 137.50 80.67 109.16
24 0.57 0.73 0.49 0.74 57 7.57 12.58 7.32 12.17 90 109.82 144.59 86.91 114.43
25 0.58 0.77 0.50 0.80 58 8.24 13.70 7.72 12.83 91 118.91 152.20 93.79 120.06
26 0.59 0.81 0.52 0.86 59 8.95 14.87 8.10 13.47 92 128.98 160.38 101.38 126.06
27 0.60 0.83 0.53 0.89 60 9.71 16.15 8.50 14.14 93 138.90 167.63 108.54 130.99
28 0.62 0.87 0.58 0.96 61 10.54 17.53 8.93 14.84 94 148.51 173.80 115.13 134.74
29 0.63 0.94 0.66 1.09 62 11.45 19.03 9.37 15.58 95 158.92 180.17 122.19 138.53
30 0.67 1.01 0.74 1.23 63 12.48 20.75 9.89 16.44 96 170.18 186.72 129.77 142.37
31 0.69 1.09 0.84 1.39 64 13.66 22.71 10.48 17.43 97 182.38 193.43 137.89 146.24
32 0.71 1.18 0.95 1.58 65 13.71 24.87 10.54 18.48 98 195.60 200.30 146.60 150.12
33 0.77 1.28 1.06 1.76 66 14.89 27.23 10.72 19.60 99 209.93 207.29 155.95 153.99

Abbreviation / Singkatan
MNS = Male Non-Smoker / Lelaki Tidak Merokok
MS = Male Smoker / Lelaki Merokok
FNS = Female Non-Smoker / Perempuan Tidak Merokok
FS = Female Smoker / Perempuan Merokok

Note: / Nota:
x Sum Covered at start of Certificate Month
Tabarru’ for Certificate Month = Tabarru’ Rate Per Annum x 0.083333
x Jumlah Perlindungan pada permulaan Bulan Sijil
Tabarru’ bagi Bulan Sijil = Kadar Tabarru’ Setahun x 0.083333

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GLOSSARY (Clause 1)


“Age Next Birthday” or “ANB” means the age of the Person Covered on his / her next birthday in
respect to a particular date in question.
“Annexure” or “Rider” means optional supplementary contract(s) or rider(s) to this Certificate which
provides additional benefits that You may choose to participate in with an additional Contribution
together with the Basic Certificate on the Issue Date or any future date subject to the Basic Certificate
still being inforce.
“Auto-Extension” or “Auto-Extension of Coverage” means the automatic extension of the
coverage of the Person Covered under this Certificate, as described in Clause 13 of this Certificate.
“Basic Certificate” means this Certificate of i-Great GENerasi where optional Annexures / riders may
be attached onto it.
“Basic Contribution” means the Contribution of the Basic Certificate as specified in the Takaful
Schedule A.
“Basic Sum Covered” means the Sum Covered of the Basic Certificate.
“Cash Value” means the balance in the PIA for this Certificate which includes that of any attachable
“Certificate Anniversary” means the anniversary of the Commencement Date.
“Certificate Year” means the period which starts on the Commencement Date and ends on the day
before the following Certificate Anniversary unless the Certificate is surrendered, lapsed or matured.
“Commencement Date” means the date this Certificate commences as specified in Takaful Schedule
A. Where backdating is applied, Commencement Date will be earlier than the Effective Date.
“Contribution” means the contribution specified in Takaful Schedule A or in any subsequent
endorsement issued by Us.
“Contribution Holiday” means non-payment of Contribution for a period of time, during the
Contribution payment period whilst the Takaful Certificate is still in force.
“Effective Date” means the date the coverage starts as specified in Takaful Schedule A.
“Endorsement” means a variation to this Certificate.
“Grace Period” means the thirty (30) days period from each of the Contribution due dates to pay for
Your subsequent Contributions under this Certificate.
“Investment Loss/ Profit” means the loss or profit arising from managing the investment of the
Tabarru’ Fund(s) and Participant’s Individual Account in Shariah-compliant securities and activities.
“Ju’alah” means compensation for a given service, where the Participant will share the Underwriting
Surplus with Us on a pre-agreed ratio.
“Maturity Date” means the date the coverage ceases as specified in Takaful Schedule A, or any
subsequent Endorsement when the Auto Extension is exercise.
“Maturity Age” means the ANB on the Maturity Date where the coverage ceases.
“Misrepresentation” means the definition ascribed to it under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013
and which includes innocent, reckless or deliberate misrepresentation.
“Mudharabah” means We acting as an entrepreneur (Mudharib) that manages the collected funds
based on an investment mandate with a set of predefined ethical guidelines and Participant as capital
provider (Rabbul Mal). In return, We will share the profit with the Participant on the investment return
based on pre-agreed ratio.
“Participant” or “You” or “Your” means the Participant/Certificate Owner named in Takaful
Schedule A.
“Participant’s Individual Account” or “PIA” means the account where Your contributions and any
surplus and/or profit arising under this Certificate shall be allocated for savings purposes.
“Person Covered” means the person who is covered under this Certificate as named in Takaful
Schedule A.

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“Qard” means an interest-free loan provided by Us in the event of deficit in the Tabarru’ Fund. The
Qard is repayable from the future Underwriting Surplus of the Tabarru’ Fund.
“Sum At Risk” on the due date of the monthly Tabarru’ means the excess of Basic Sum Covered (or
Revised Basic Sum Covered) and Protection Booster Benefit over the Cash Value at the beginning of
a Certificate month plus any Contribution of the month, minus the Upfront Charge, subject to a
minimum of zero, plus Compassionate Benefit.
“Sum Covered” means the coverage amount as specified in Takaful Schedule A or in any
subsequent endorsement issued by Us.
“Supplementary Benefit” or “Rider” means the rider(s) as specified under Table of Supplementary
Benefits in Takaful Schedule A.
“Rider Contribution” means the Contribution for the Rider(s) as specified in the Takaful Schedule A.
“Rider Anniversary” means the anniversary of Rider Effective Date.
“Rider Effective Date” means the Effective Date or date of inclusion of Rider(s) if it has been
subsequently included to this Certificate or date of any reinstatement, whichever is the later, on which
the coverage of the Person Covered under the respective Annexures has become effective.
“Rider Sum Covered” means the amount of benefit for the Rider(s) as specified under Table
Supplementary Benefits in Takaful Schedule A.
“Tabarru’” means a portion of Contribution allocated into the Tabarru’ Fund as donation that You
willingly relinquish in order to help and provide assistance to fellow Participants in need.
“Tabarru’ Fund” means a pool of funds established for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation
among participants that is used to help all participants in the event of misfortunes through the payment
of Takaful benefits upon claims.
“Takaful Operator”, “Our”, “Us” or “We” means Great Eastern Takaful Berhad 201001032332
“Underwriting Surplus” means excess in the Tabarru’ Fund after deduction of claims and reserve
purposes, if any.
“Wakalah” means the contract of agency where:
(i) “Wakalah bi al-ujrah (or “Upfront Charge” or “Unallocated Contribution”) refers to the
charge imposed upfront according to the percentage of Contribution paid as You appoints Us to
manage Tabarru’ Fund. The amount will be deducted from PIA.
(ii) Wakalah bi al-istihmar : the Participant/Person Covered agreed to appoint Us to invest the

If not specifically provided, the following interpretations will apply to this Certificate:
1.1 Any reference to a “business day” is to a day (not being a Saturday, Sunday or a Public Holiday
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) that Our Head Office is open for business in Malaysia and any
reference to a “day”, “week”, “month” or “year” is to that day, week, month or year in accordance
with the Gregorian calendar.
1.2 All schedules, annexures, Endorsements, and attachments to this Certificate shall form part of
this Certificate. If there is any conflict between the schedules, annexures or attachments of this
Certificate with the Endorsement or Privileges and Conditions, the Endorsement or Privileges
and Conditions (whichever is applicable), will prevail. Where there is any conflict or discrepancy
between the Endorsement and the Privileges and Conditions, the Endorsement shall prevail.
1.3 Any reference to the masculine form shall include the feminine, and likewise, the singular word
shall include the plural and vice versa unless otherwise prescribed.



2.1 This Certificate is issued in consideration of the Contribution payment received by Us and
according to:
2.1.1 the answers provided by You and/or the Person Covered in Your application or
Proposal for Family Takaful (“Proposal”) or any subsequent questionnaires provided by
Us on any matters relating to Your Proposal and any disclosures made by You between
the time of submission and the time this Takaful Certificate takes effect; and
2.1.2 any other reports and questionnaires;
(collectively referred to as “Material Information”)

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and such Material Information shall form part of this contract of Takaful between Us and You.
However, in the event of any pre-contractual misrepresentation made in relation to such
Material Information, the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 will
2.2 It is Your duty to take reasonable care not to make any Misrepresentation when answering the
questions or confirming or amending any matter previously disclosed before this Certificate is
renewed or varied.
2.3 You must inform Us of any changes to the information provided in Your answers or in respect of
any matter previously disclosed to Us if such changes had taken place after You have submitted
the application for renewal or variation but before this Certificate is renewed or varied.
2.4 This Certificate may be varied with the consent in writing of Our Chief Executive Officer or any
person duty appointed for the purpose by Our Board of Directors by way of special provision or
Endorsement (“the Document”) to this Certificate. Any subsequent variation to this Certificate will
be notified to You with a notice in writing in accordance with the ‘Notices and Correspondence’
Clause below.



3.1 You agreed to appoint and authorise Us to manage this Takaful plan and invest the Tabarru’
Fund and PIA. We are authorised to implement the Takaful business in accordance with
Shariah principles, legal and regulatory requirements as well as the terms stated herein. In
return for the tasks to be carried out and based on Wakalah bi al-ujrah principles, You agreed to
pay the Upfront Charge to Us.
3.2 Upon circumstances that would be deemed as mismanagement, negligence or breach of
specified terms, We shall be liable and shall compensate for loss or damage including any
actual cost suffered by You.
3.3 The Wakalah contract shall dissolve upon maturity, termination due to surrender or any
circumstances as specified under Clause 8. We are entitled to the Upfront Charge for the
services rendered.



4.1 The Contribution (applicable to the Basic Contribution and Rider Contribution for all the Rider(s)
that is(are) attached, (if any) will be allocated into the PIA.
4.2 The Contribution (applicable to the Basic Contribution and Rider Contribution for all the Rider(s)
that is(are) attached, (if any) are to be paid to Us on or before each Contribution due date.


5.1 The Upfront Charge is the amount deducted upfront from the PIA (as a percentage of Basic
Contribution and Rider Contribution, if any, less Service Tax and/or other taxes, if any) and is
used to meet Our direct distribution cost including agent’s commission, and management
5.2 If the Contribution is paid annual, half-yearly or quarterly basis and in the event of this
Certificate is surrendered or terminated due to any provisions before the date of the next
Contribution due, the Upfront Charge (other than the first year Upfront Charge) less actual
expensed incurred will be refunded.
5.3 Management expenses include Stamp Duty of Ringgit Malaysia ten (RM10).


6.1 We will deduct the Tabarru’ from PIA monthly. The deduction will commence from the Effective
6.2 The Tabarru’ in respect of the Sum At Risk will be calculated at Our rates based on the attained

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ANB of the Person Covered which falls on or prior to a Certificate Anniversary preceding each
due date of the Tabarru’.
6.3 The standard Tabarru’ rates per annum will vary in accordance with the Sum At Risk (for the
death or Total and Permanent (TPD) benefit), the Basic Sum Covered (for the additional amount
payable upon death whilst performing Hajj or Umrah), ANB, gender and smoking status of the
Person Covered and these rates are specified in Takaful Schedule C.
6.4 In the event of Contribution Holiday while this Certificate is inforce, We will still deduct the
Tabarru’ from the PIA as long as the Cash Value is still sufficient for the deduction.


7.1 We may vary the Contribution, Tabarru’ rates and other charges ("Rates and Charges") under
this Certificate by giving at least three (3) months’ advance written notice ("Notice Period") to
You in accordance with the ‘Notices and Correspondence’ Clause. Any revision whether to
increase or decrease the Rates and Charges shall take effect on the Certificate Anniversary
immediately following the expiry of the Notice Period, unless and otherwise you disagree in
writing and inform us within the Notice Period of your intention to surrender or terminate this
7.2 The revised Contribution will follow the allocation rate as specified in Takaful Schedule B of this
Certificate according to the Certificate Year.



8.1 You are allowed up to thirty (30) days from each of the Contribution due dates to pay for Your
subsequent Contributions under this Certificate (“the Grace Period”).
8.2 If any claim occurs during the Grace Period, any amount of indebtedness under this Certificate
will be deducted from the claim proceeds payable.
8.3 Upon expiry of the Grace Period, this Certificate will lapse and has no further value if the
amount left in the PIA is insufficient.
8.4 For the avoidance of doubt, this Certificate will continue to be inforce provided the PIA remains
sufficient for the Tabarru’ deduction on each due date. In the event that any remaining balance
in PIA is insufficient to cover the Tabarru’, this Certificate will continue for a pro-rated period in
proportion to the remaining balance of PIA. The Certificate will be terminated at the end of the
pro-rated period.


9.1 If this Certificate is terminated due to Lapse, You may reinstate this Certificate within three (3)
years from the date of termination, at Our discretion and subject to the following conditions:
9.1.1 Your written application for reinstatement is received by Us;
9.1.2 the Person Covered is within the age limit as determined by Us at the time of
9.1.3 Your justification to be covered is satisfactory and accepted by Us and if any medical
report and/or test is required by Us, all related costs shall are to be borne by You;
9.1.4 You must inform Us of any change in the health of the Person Covered or any
circumstances that may affect the health of the Person Covered up to the date of
9.1.5 You must pay all outstanding contributions to Us; and
9.1.6 any other conditions that We may need to impose.
9.2 We will approve, reject or impose additional conditions in writing on Your application for the
reinstatement at Our discretion.
9.3 If there is any Misrepresentation made in Your application for reinstatement and where this
Certificate has been in effect for two (2) years or less from the date of any reinstatement We
may, at Our discretion, void the Certificate if the Misrepresentation is classified as follows:
9.3.1 a deliberate or reckless misrepresentation; or
9.3.2 a careless or innocent misrepresentation, in which We would not have reinstated this

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Certificate; or
9.3.3 a careless or innocent misrepresentation, in which We would have reinstated this
9.4 If there is any Misrepresentation made in Your application for reinstatement and where this
Certificate has been in effect for more than two (2) years from the date of any reinstatement, We
may, at Our discretion, void the Certificate if the Misrepresentation is classified as a deliberate
or reckless Misrepresentation in which We would not have reinstated this Certificate.
9.5 If this Certificate is invalidated or void pursuant to Clause 9.4 above, Our liability shall be limited
to the refund of the unearned Upfront Charge and Cash Value (excluding Investment Profit and/
or Underwriting Surplus, if any) less expenses which may have been incurred for the medical
examination of the Person Covered as well as any indebtedness under this Certificate.
Investment Profit and/or Underwriting Surplus, if any, will be forwarded to any charitable
organisation(s) approved by Our Shariah Committee.



You may increase or reduce the Sum Covered subject to the following conditions and other conditions
that We may impose:
10.1 any request for change in Sum Covered will take effect from next Contribution due date; and
10.2 the Sum Covered must be within the Sum Covered limits as determined by Us.
10.3 the Contribution may be increased or reduced according to the change in the Sum Covered,
and if applicable, the change in the Contribution will take effect at the next Contribution due date
when the change in the Sum Covered becomes effective.


11.1 You may request to partially withdraw the Cash Value, subject to the following conditions and
other conditions that We may impose:
11.1.1 the minimum amount of withdrawal must equal to Ringgit Malaysia five hundred
11.1.2 the remaining Cash Value must be at least Ringgit Malaysia one thousand (RM1,000).
11.2 Upon payment of the requested amount under Clause 11.1 above, the Basic Sum Covered and
Rider Sum Covered of any attaching Annexures / Riders which provides accelerated or
advanced benefit payment of the Sum Covered shall be reduced accordingly depending on the
Cash Value in relative to the Sum Covered before and after the withdrawal of PIA as follow:
11.2.1 if the Cash Value is greater than the Basic Sum Covered before the withdrawal and the
remaining Cash Value remains greater than or is equal to the Basic Sum Covered
immediately after the withdrawal, the Basic Sum Covered and Rider Sum Covered of
any attaching Annexures / Riders which provides accelerated or advanced benefit
payment of the Basic Sum Covered will not be affected.
11.2.2 if the Cash Value is greater than the Basic Sum Covered before the withdrawal but the
remaining Cash Value falls below the Basic Sum Covered immediately after the
withdrawal: the Basic Sum Covered will be reduced to an amount equivalent to the
remaining Cash Value immediately after the withdrawal; and the Rider Sum Covered of any attaching Annexure / Riders which provides
accelerated or advanced benefit payment of the Basic Sum Covered will be
reduced proportionally with the reduction of the Basic Sum Covered above.
11.2.3 if the Cash Value is less than the Basic Sum Covered before the withdrawal, the Basic
Sum Covered will be reduced by the withdrawn amount and the Rider Sum Covered of
any attaching Annexure / Riders which provides accelerated or advanced benefit
payment of the Basic Sum Covered will be reduced proportionally with the reduction of
the Basic Sum Covered.
11.2.4 upon reduction of the Basic Sum Covered of this Certificate as specified under Clause
11.2.2 and 11.2.3, if the reduced Basic Sum Covered is less than the minimum required
by Us at the time of withdrawal, the Basic Sum Covered will be adjusted to that

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12.1 You may surrender this Certificate and We will refund the Cash Value (if any), subject to other
conditions that We may impose.
12.2 This Certificate shall be terminated upon surrender and all benefits and rights under this
Certificate shall cease.



13.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to the terms and conditions of the Certificate, upon
survival of the Person Covered up to each of the Maturity Date of this Certificate, We shall
automatically extend the coverage of this Certificate including any of its attaching Rider(s);
13.1.1 for a period of twenty (20) years up to age eighty (80) years ANB, and subsequently to
the maximum age of one hundred (100) years ANB for Certificate with Maturity Age of
sixty (60) years; or
13.1.2 for a period up to age eighty (80) years ANB, and subsequently to the maximum age of
one hundred (100) years ANB for Certificate with Maturity Term thirty (30) years (if the
Person Covered have not reached age eighty (80) years ANB and/or age one hundred
(100) years ANB at the Maturity Date);
whichever is applicable, without requiring evidence of protection.
There will be no Auto-Extension of Coverage if the Person Covered has reached hundred (100)
years ANB on any particular Maturity Date.
13.2 The following conditions shall apply upon each Auto-Extension:
13.2.1 this Certificate and its attaching supplementary benefits (if any) will be extended at the
same level of coverage as subsisting prior to the Auto-Extension. The same terms and
conditions that have been imposed on this Certificate shall be applicable to the
extended coverage.
13.2.2 any attaching supplementary benefits will not be extended if: the supplementary benefits have expired or terminated prior to or upon Auto-
Extension; or the supplementary benefits have reached the maximum coverage term.
13.2.3 We will continue to deduct Tabarru’ from the PIA during the Auto-Extension of this
13.2.4 Any waiting period for benefits shall not be applicable upon Auto-Extension.
13.2.5 The Maturity Age and Maturity Date will be extended according to the Auto-Extension
coverage, and as such the Maturity Benefit or other benefit payable upon maturity will
not be payable at the initial Maturity Date but will only be payable upon reaching the
revised Maturity Date after Auto-Extension is exercised.
13.3 The Contribution payable for the Auto-Extension of Coverage may be different, and shall be
based on the attained ANB of the Person Covered upon Auto-Extension of this Certificate and
any underwriting decision that has been imposed on this Certificate prior to the Auto-Extension.
13.4 You may terminate the Auto-Extension by notifying Us at least thirty (30) days prior to each
Maturity Date of this Certificate.



14.1 Based on the Shariah concept of Tabarru’, the You will donate a portion of Contribution into the
Tabarru’ Fund for the purpose of mutual help. Tabarru’ Fund is owned by a pool of Participants
and managed by Us for the purpose of claims payment on the events covered under this
14.2 Based on the Shariah contract of Mudharabah, You as capital provider appoint Us as
entrepreneur to undertake Shariah-compliant investment activities for the Tabarru’ Fund on

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Your behalf. In return, We will share a predetermined percentage share of the investment profit.
14.3 Based on the Shariah contract of Wakalah bi al Istithmar (agency contract for investment), You
appoint Us to undertake Shariah-compliant investment activities for the PIA on Your behalf. We
as an entrepreneur cannot guarantee the principal amount and expected profit from the
14.4 In the event that there is a deficit or loss in the Tabarru’ Fund or PIA due to Our
mismanagement or negligence, We will make an outright transfer to rectify the deficit or loss,
where applicable.


15.1 The Underwriting Surplus shall be calculated and distributed annually, after each financial year.
15.2 Any Underwriting Surplus that is distributable will be determined after a suitable proportion of it
is held back for contingency purpose before it is shared between You and Us in the proportion
of 50% and 50% respectively. Your share to the Underwriting Surplus will be credited into the
PIA. We are entitled to Underwriting Surplus based on the Ju’alah contract.
15.3 Any unutilised amount of Underwriting Surplus held back for contingency purpose, will be
included in the calculation of the Underwriting Surplus for the next financial year.
15.4 The Underwriting Surplus (if any) will not be distributed if in Our judgement, the surplus should
remain in the Tabarru’ Fund to maintain the ability to meet future liabilities or to meet Your
reasonable expectations not specifically provided for in Our actuarial valuation.
15.5 In the event of any deficit from the Tabarru’ Fund, there will be no Underwriting Surplus
distribution for the respective financial year. Under such circumstance, the deficit will first be
funded by the amount allocated for contingency purposes. If the Tabarru’ Fund is still in deficit,
the Qard will be arranged. The Qard will be carried forward to the following financial year and
any surplus will be used to pay off Qard (if any) to Us before it is being distributed.


16.1 Any Investment Profit or Investment Loss, from the PIA and Tabarru’ Fund shall be calculated
and distributed annually, after each financial year.
16.2 Any Investment Profit from the Tabarru’ Fund based on Mudharabah concept, will be shared
between You and Us in the proportion of 50% and 50% respectively. Your allocated amount will
be credited into the PIA.
16.3 Any Investment Loss in the Tabarru’ Fund will be carried forward and accounted for before
arriving at Underwriting Surplus (or deficit) on the next financial year.
16.4 Any Investment Profit from PIA will be given back one hundred percent (100%) to You and
credited in the PIA.
16.5 Any Investment Loss in PIA will be borne by You, which will be reflected in the PIA.



17.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to the terms and conditions, if death of the Person
Covered occurs on or after the Certificate Anniversary on which the Person Covered attains the
age of five (5) years ANB, the higher of the following shall be payable:
17.1.1 the Cash Value, if any; or
17.1.2 the Sum Covered as at the date of death which consists of Sum At Risk payable from
Tabarru’ Fund plus the Cash Value.
17.2 However, if death of the Person Covered occurs before the Certificate Anniversary on which the
Person Covered attains the age of five (5) years ANB, the higher of the following shall be
17.2.1 the Cash Value, if any; or
17.2.2 the Revised Amount of Sum Covered at the date of death (which consists of Sum At
Risk payable payable from Tabarru’ Fund plus the Cash Value, if any) in accordance
with the table below:
ANB on Certificate Anniversary preceding Revised Basic Sum Covered

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1 20% of the Sum Covered
2 40% of the Sum Covered
3 60% of the Sum Covered
4 80% of the Sum Covered
In addition, if death occurs prior to the first (1st) Certificate Anniversary, the ANB of the
Person Covered on the Commencement Date shall be used to determine the Revised
Basic Sum Covered payable by Us.
17.3 Notification of death must be accompanied by documentary evidence of death.
17.4 The amount of any indebtedness under this Certificate as well as any withdrawal made between
the date of death and date of notification of death will be deducted from the claim proceeds
17.5 Any Tabarru’ that have been deducted after the date of death will be allocated back to the PIA.
17.6 This Certificate will be terminated upon death and all benefits and rights (except the amount
payable under Clause 17.1 above and other provisions for payment of benefits, if any, under
this Certificate) under it shall cease.


18.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to the terms and conditions, in the event of death of
the Person Covered while performing Hajj or Umrah due to natural causes and not resulting
from an Accident, an additional amount of hundred percent (100%) of the Basic Sum Covered
(“Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit”) will be payable on top of the Death Benefit payable under
Clause 17.1 or 17.2 above.
18.2 However, if the death of the Person Covered while performing Hajj or Umrah due to natural
causes and not resulting from an Accident occurs before the Certificate Anniversary on which
the Person Covered attains the age of five (5) years next birthday, the Death during Hajj or
Umrah Benefit payable on top of Death Benefit payable under Clause 17.2 above will be revised
in accordance with the table below:
ANB on Certificate Anniversary Revised Amount of
preceding Death Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit
1 20% of the Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit
2 40% of the Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit
3 60% of the Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit
4 80% of the Death during Hajj or Umrah Benefit
18.3 The benefit stated in Clause 18.1,18.2 above is payable subject to the following conditions:
18.3.1 The coverage for death during Hajj or Umrah is from the date of departure from
Malaysia to the arrival date in Malaysia, subject to a maximum of forty-five (45) days for
Hajj and fifteen (15) days for Umrah.
18.3.2 The coverage to start when the Person Covered enters the border of Mecca or Madinah
in Saudi Arabia until the Person Covered exits the border of Mecca or Madinah in Saudi
18.3.3 This benefit will be provided solely for Hajj or Umrah only. It does not provide coverage
during Ziarah or travels, if the Person Covered performs Ziarah or travels outside of
Saudi Arabia during the Hajj or Umrah period.
18.3.4 This benefit is only applicable for Muslim Person Covered.


19.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to its terms and conditions, at the end of every fifth
(5th) Certificate Year, the Basic Sum Covered will be increased by ten percent (10%) up to ten
(10) times during the term of Certificate or up to a total of one-hundred percent (100%) of the
Basic Sum Covered. The benefit will be provided at the end of each fifth (5th) Certificate Year
and will only be illustrated at the beginning of the next subsequent Certificate Year as follow:
Certificate Year Protection Booster Benefit (% of Basic
Sum Covered)
1 to 5 0

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6 to 10 10
11 to 15 20
16 to 20 30
21 to 25 40
26 to 30 50
31 to 35 60
36 to 40 70
41 to 45 80
46 to 50 90
51 onwards 100

19.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the Protection Booster Benefit shall be based on the initial amount
of the Basic Sum Covered or the current amount of the Basic Sum Covered, whichever is lower.
19.3 If the coverage term of the Certificate is being auto extended as per Clause 13 above, the
Certificate Year to be used to determine the Protection Booster Benefit as stated under Clause
19.1 above will be based on the extended coverage term and not restarting from certificate year
one of the extended coverage.


20.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to the terms and conditions of this Certificate, upon
death of the Person Covered, the Compassionate Benefit of RM 2,000 shall be payable from the
Tabarru’ Fund in full.
Provided that:
The required documentary evidence of death and/or other evidence satisfactory are submitted
to Us accordingly.
20.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the payment of the Compassionate Benefit does not constitute an
admission of liability by Us to pay the Death Benefit and any other benefit(s) under this
Certificate and all certificates issued by Us on the same Person Covered.


21.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to the terms and conditions of this Certificate, upon
survival of the Person Covered up to the Maturity Date, We shall pay the Cash Value if any, as
at the Maturity Date less any indebtedness on this Certificate.
21.2 No Maturity Benefit will be payable upon the Maturity Date if the Auto-Extension is exercised, it
will only be payable upon the revised Maturity Date.
21.3 This Certificate shall be terminated on the Maturity Date and all benefits and rights under this
Certificate shall cease.

OTHER PROVISIONS (Clauses 22 - 33)


22.1 You must prove the true age of the Person Covered to Us before We are required to pay any
benefit under this Certificate unless this information has been previously verified and confirmed
by Us to be correct.
22.2 We are entitled to adjust the Sum Covered, and the surplus or profit allotted to, or reduce the
contribution, under this Certificate, according to the true age of the Person Covered if it was
incorrectly stated in the Proposal for Family Takaful.


23.1 If the Takaful coverage is provided to a Person Covered other than Yourself, You shall have
Permissible Takaful Interest in the Person Covered at the time the contract of Takaful is entered
into and at the time the Takaful benefits are payable.
23.2 For the purpose of this Clause, You shall be deemed to have a Permissible Takaful Interest in
the Person Covered if the Person Covered is:

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23.2.1 Your spouse or child; or

23.2.2 Your ward under the age of majority at the time You entered into the contract of Takaful;
23.2.3 Your employee; or
23.2.4 a person on whom he is wholly or partly dependent for maintenance or education at the
time he entered into the contract of Takaful.

If the Person Covered, whether sane or insane, commits suicide within one (1) year from the Effective
Date or from the date of any reinstatement, whichever is later, this Certificate shall be void and Our
liability shall be limited to the refund of the following:
24.1 any amount left in PIA of this Certificate (excluding Underwriting Surplus, if any); and
24.2 total amount deducted for Tabarru’ after less expenses which may have been incurred for the
medical examination of the Person Covered.


25.1 We will not dispute the validity of this Certificate during the lifetime of the Person Covered after
two (2) years from the Effective Date, or from the date of any reinstatement, whichever is later,
unless there is fraud.
25.2 In the event that this Certificate is invalidated or void for any reason (except for the reason
specified under Clause 24 above), Our liability shall be limited to the refund the following, if any:
25.2.1 unearned Upfront Charge; and
25.2.2 amount left in PIA (excluding Investment Profit and/or Underwriting Surplus, if any);
less expenses which may have been incurred for the medical examination of the Person
Covered as well as any indebtedness under this Certificate. Investment Profit and/or
Underwriting Surplus, if any, will be forwarded to any charitable organisation(s) approved by Our
Shariah Committee.


26.1 This Clause shall only apply if the duration of this Certificate is two (2) years or less from the
Effective Date.
26.2 Any pre-contractual Misrepresentation made by the Person Covered under this Certificate will
be classified as:
26.2.1 deliberate or reckless; or
26.2.2 careless or innocent.
26.3 If the statement and/or declaration from the Person Covered is inaccurate, false or misleading
and that such statement and/or declaration was of material matter and suppressed material fact
or was fraudulently made or omitted to be made, We may:
26.3.1 avoid this Certificate and refuse all claims under deliberate or reckless
Misrepresentation, in which event, Our liability shall be limited to the refund of the
following, if any: unearned Upfront Charge; and amount left in PIA after deduction of Tabarru’ (excluding Investment Profit
and/or Underwriting Surplus, if any);
less expenses which may have been incurred for the medical examination of the Person
Covered as well as any indebtedness under this Certificate. Investment Profit and/or
Underwriting Surplus, if any, will be forwarded to any charitable organisation(s)
approved by Our Shariah Committee; or
26.3.2 for careless or innocent Misrepresentation, We may, at Our discretion: avoid the Certificate and refuse all claims, in which event We will return the
following, if any: unearned Upfront Charge; amount left in PIA (excluding Underwriting Surplus, if any); Tabarru’ which have been deducted; and Investment Profit;
less expenses which may have been incurred for the medical examination of

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the Person Covered as well as any indebtedness under this Certificate.

Underwriting Surplus, if any, will be forwarded to any charitable
organisation(s) approved by Our Shariah Committee; or enter into or renew this Certificate on different terms.


A written notice of assignment or charge on this Certificate is deemed as being notified to Us, if it is
delivered to Us at Our offices and acknowledged by Us in writing. Our acknowledgment on your notice
of assignment does not constitute validation of such assignment. Notwithstanding this, we may accept
your notice of assignment and affect such assignment placed under this Certificate


You may make changes to Your nomination by informing to Us in writing. The change will take effect
from the date We receive the notice in writing from You.


We will only accept instructions, requests or notices when such forms, documents, information and
consents as required by Us are received.


This Certificate is free from restrictions as with regards to residence, occupation and travel.


31.1 Any notice, request, instruction or correspondence to Us and You shall be in writing. Your
mailing address, email address or handphone number will be as stated in the proposal for
Family Takaful unless there is notification of any changes to Us.
31.2 Any notice, request, instruction or correspondence given by Us to You shall be conclusively
deemed to have been received as follows:
31.2.1 for personal delivery, on the day of delivery;
31.2.2 for ordinary post, or pre-paid registered post, seven (7) days after the date of posting, if
posted to an address in Malaysia, and fourteen (14) days, if posted outside of Malaysia;
31.2.3 for delivery via email or short message services, on the day of delivery;
31.2.4 for publishing in a local daily newspaper, on the day of publishing; or
31.2.5 for electronic posting on Our official website or other website, the later of the day of
electronic posting or the day of delivery of a separate notification to You of such
electronic posting via any effective means provided under Clauses 31.2.1, 31.2.2, 31.
2.3 or 31.2.4 respectively, as determined by Us from time to time.
31.3 With the conditions as stated in Clauses 31.1 and 31.2 above, in the case that any notice,
request, instruction or correspondence is returned undelivered to You after We have made at
least two (2) consecutive attempts at delivery, We may, at Our discretion and at Your own risk,
withhold all subsequent notice, request, instruction or correspondence until We have been
notified by You of Your new mailing address or email address or hand phone number.


32.1 This Certificate shall be governed by the Laws of Malaysia and the Courts of Malaysia shall
have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute arising out of or in relation to this Certificate.
32.2 We shall have the right at any time, by giving advance written notice to You in accordance with
the ‘Notices and Correspondence’ Clause, to amend the terms and conditions of this Certificate
in compliance with any legislative changes, statutory modifications or amendments which may
be enacted from time to time.


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We reserve the right not to:-

33.1 provide Takaful coverage, including all the benefits in relation to or in connection with such
Takaful coverage nor deemed to provide such Takaful coverage (and where payment has been
made by you under the Certificate, such payment shall not be deemed as received and
accepted by us); or
33.2 be obligated to pay any sum(s), including but not limited to payment of claim(s), refund of
contribution(s), surrender or cancellation of payment;
if providing the Takaful coverage or payment of such sum(s) would expose us to any sanction,
prohibition, restriction or contravention of any laws and/or regulations, administered by any
governmental, regulatory or competent authority, or any law enforcement in any country.


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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad

i-Provider Critical Illness Term Rider (T PCI)


This i-Provider Critical Illness Term Rider (“this Annexure” or “this Rider”) will have participation share in
the surplus of the Tabarru’ Fund. The surrender value of this Rider will be part of PIA and payment will be
made upon surrender or termination of the Basic Certificate.


For the purpose of this Annexure, the following words or expressions, whenever mentioned in this
Annexure, shall have the following meanings unless otherwise stated. Any word or expression not
specifically defined in this Annexure shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate:-

“Age Next Birthday” or “ANB” means the age of the Person Covered on his / her next birthday in
respect to a particular date in question.
“Category I Covered Events” means the events named as Heart Attack, Coronary Artery By-Pass
Surgery, Cancer, Angioplasty And Other Invasive Treatments For Major Coronary Artery Disease,
Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease specified in Section 2 below of this Endorsement.
“Category II Covered Events” means the events specified and defined in Section 2 below other than
those events classified under Category I Covered Events.
“Certificate” means the basic Certificate to which this Annexure is attached.
“Claim Event Date” refers to the date that the Person Covered is diagnosed with a Covered Event.
“Consultant Neurologist” means a Medical Practitioner who is board certified in neurology and a
Fellow of the Neurological Society in either the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada
or Australia.
“Covered Event” means any of the events specified and defined in the Endorsement Critical Illness
Definition (Adult) (TE017) and Endorsement Critical Illness Definition (Child) (TE058) of this
Certificate. For the purpose of this Annexure, Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Major
Coronary Artery Disease as specified and defined in the said Endorsement shall be excluded.
“Designated Contributions” means the amount of Contributions (Basic Contribution and
Contribution of attached Riders) which will be paid from Tabarru’ Fund under this Annexure as shown
under the Amount of Benefits in the Table of Supplementary Benefits in Takaful Schedule A or in an
Endorsement issued by Us, as the case may be.
“Diagnosis” means the definitive diagnosis made by a Medical Practitioner or Consultant Neurologist,
based upon such specific evidence, referred to in the definition of the particular Covered Event
concerned or, in the absence of such specific evidence, based upon radiological, clinical, histological
or laboratory evidence acceptable to Us.
Such diagnosis must be supported by Our appointed Medical Practitioner who may base his opinion
on the medical evidence submitted by the claimant and/or any additional evidence he may require.
“Rider Expiry Date” means the expiry date for this Annexure specified in the Table of Supplementary
Benefits in Takaful Schedule A or in an Endorsement issued by Us, as the case may be, on which the
coverage of the Person Covered has ceased accordingly.
“Medical Practitioner” means a surgeon or physician qualified by degree in western medicine, who is
legally licensed and duly qualified to practise medicine and surgery authorised in the geographical
area of his practice, and who also possesses a current Annual Practicing Certificate issued by the
Malaysian Medical Council.
“Person Covered” means the person who is covered under this Certificate as named in Takaful
Schedule A and whose cover under this Annexure has not been terminated.
“Provider Riders” means a category of benefits in which defined Contributions (Basic Contribution
and Contribution of attached Riders) will be paid from the Tabarru’ Fund upon diagnosis of a Covered

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“Pre-Existing Conditions” means Illnesses that the Person Covered has reasonable knowledge of,
prior to the Rider Effective Date. A Person Covered may be considered to have reasonable knowledge
of a Pre-Existing Conditions where the condition is one for which:
(a) the Person Covered had received or is receiving treatment; or
(b) medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended; or
(c) clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or
(d) its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the circumstances.
of a Covered Event or similar nature, which are determined by Us at Our discretion.
“Rider Effective Date” refers to the Effective Date or date of inclusion of this Annexure if it has been
subsequently included to this Certificate or date of any reinstatement, whichever is the later, on which
the coverage of the Person Covered under this Annexure has become effective.
“Rider Sum Covered” at a given Contribution due date refers to the sum of commuted values on the
Designated Contributions, starting from the next Contribution due date and ending on the Contribution
due date immediately prior to the Expiry Date. The Sum Covered will remain unchanged until the next
Contribution due date.
“Survival Period” means the Person Covered survives at least for seven (7) days from the date of
diagnosis of any Covered Event before the benefit becomes payable.
“Type I Waiting Period” which is only applicable to Category I Covered Events means the first sixty
(60) days from the Rider Effective Date.
“Type II Waiting Period” which is only applicable to Category II Covered Events means the first thirty
(30) days from the Rider Effective Date.
“Waiting Period” for any Covered Event refers to Type I Waiting Period if the Covered Event is
classified under Category I Covered Events or Type II Waiting Period if the Covered Event is classified
under Category II.


2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Annexure, this Annexure is issued in consideration of
the payment of the additional Contribution specified in the Table of Contribution in the Takaful
Schedule A or in a subsequent Endorsement issued by Us as the case may be, on each
Contribution due date. The last Contribution payable is due immediately before the Rider Expiry
2.2 The standard Contribution rates per annum vary by age, gender and smoker status of the
Person Covered.
2.3 The Contribution rates of this Annexure are subject to revision. We may vary the Contribution
rates by giving at least thirty (30) days advance written notice ("Notice Period") to You in
accordance with ‘Notices and Correspondence’ clause of the Privileges and Conditions of this
Certificate. Any revision whether to increase or decrease the Rates shall take effect on the
Rider Anniversary immediately following the expiry of the Notice Period, unless and otherwise
you disagree in writing and inform us within the Notice Period of your intention to surrender or
terminate this Annexure/Rider.


3.1 We will deduct a monthly Tabarru’, beginning from the Rider Effective Date up to and including
the due date immediately prior to the Rider Expiry Date, from the PIA in respect of the Rider
Sum Covered. The Tabarru’ will then be credited into the Tabarru’ Fund.
3.2 The Tabarru’ rate in respect of the Rider Sum Covered will be calculated at Our rates based on
the attained ANB of the Person Covered which falls on or prior to a Certificate Anniversary
preceding each due date of Tabarru’.
3.3 The standard Tabarru’ rates per annum varies by age, gender and smoker status of the Person
Covered and these rates are given in Takaful Schedule I.

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3.4 The Tabarru’ rate is subject to revision. We may vary these rates by giving notice to You
according to the Notice Period in accordance with ‘Notices and Correspondence’ clause of the
Privileges and Conditions. Any revision whether to increase or decrease the Rates shall take
effect on the Rider Anniversary immediately following the expiry of the Notice Period, unless
and otherwise you disagree in writing and inform us within the Notice Period of your intention to
surrender or terminate this Annexure/Rider.


While this Annexure is inforce and subject to its terms and conditions of this Certificate, all future
Designated Contributions becoming due under this Certificate, beginning from the next Contribution
due date immediately following the Claim Event Date, up to and including the due date of the
Designated Contribution immediately prior to the Rider Expiry Date will be paid from the Tabarru’
Fund, upon the following event:

(a) Upon occurrence any of the Covered Event to the Person Covered.

4.1 For the avoidance of doubt, no Designated Contribution falling due on or after the Rider Expiry
Date will be paid from Tabarru’ Fund.
4.2 Any Tabarru’ and unallocated Contribution deducted in respects of this Annexure after the Claim
Event Date will be credited back into Your PIA.

This Annexure is valid only if this Certificate is valid, and this Annexure is subject to the terms and
conditions of the Certificate unless stated otherwise in this Annexure.
5.1 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of this Annexure by the Person
Covered and in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Person
Covered shall be conditions precedent to any of Our liability.
5.2 The Covered Event for which the claim is made must be diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner
and must be supported by clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory evidence acceptable
to Us; all such medical evidence must be furnished by the claimant at own expense, and in such
form that We may require.
5.3 If required by Us, the Person Covered must undergo medical examination(s) by a Medical
Practitioner appointed by Us in connection with the Covered Event for which the claim is made.
5.4 Designated Contributions will be paid from Tabarru’ Fund under Provider Riders that has been
attached to this Certificate.
5.5 Conditions Governing Covered Events:
5.5.1 You must notify Us in writing of any occurrence of a Covered Event as soon as it is
practicable, otherwise, We will not be liable for the Covered Event.
5.5.2 Tabarru’ Fund will not pay the Designated Contributions upon any Covered Event for
which: any Pre-Existing Conditions or was diagnosed: during the Waiting Period; or after the expiry of the Waiting Period but which is related to a condition
which existed or was diagnosed during the Waiting Period; or and symptoms existed before or during the Waiting Period which would prompt a
reasonable person to seek medical care or attention, though the resulting
diagnosis may occur before or after the expiry of the Waiting Period. the Person Covered passes away before the end of the Survival Period.
5.5.3 A claim for a Covered Event described in, and/or above will not be
admissible only because notification of the said claim was submitted to Us after the expiry
of the Waiting Period or after then end of the Survival Period.

The future Contribution payment from Tabarru ’Fund can only be utilised under one Provider Rider that
has been attached to this Certificate.

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We will not be liable to pay any benefit under this Annexure if:
6.1 the Covered Event of the Person Covered:
6.1.1 has existed prior to or on the Rider Effective Date ; or
6.1.2 is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane; or
6.1.3 is resulted from the Person Covered committing, attempting or provoking an assault or a
felony or from any violation of law by Person Covered; or
6.1.4 is resulted from war, whether declared or undeclared.


7.1 If this Annexure is terminated due to Lapse, You may reinstate this Annexure within three (3)
years from the date of termination, at Our discretion and subject to the following conditions:
7.1.1 Your written application for reinstatement is received by Us;
7.1.2 the Person Covered is within the age limit as determined by Us at the time of
7.1.3 Your justification to be covered is satisfactory and accepted by Us and if any medical
report and/or test is required by Us, all related costs shall are to be borne by You;
7.1.4 You must inform Us of any change in the health of the Person Covered or any
circumstances that may affect the health of the Person Covered up to the date of
7.1.5 You must pay all outstanding Contributions to Us; and
7.1.6 any other conditions that We may need to impose.
7.2 We will approve, reject or impose additional conditions in writing on Your application for the
reinstatement at Our discretion.


8.1 This Annexure shall automatically be terminated on the earliest of the following dates; upon any
of the following events take place:
8.1.1 upon admittance of a claim under Section 4 above; or
8.1.2 upon death of the Person Covered; or
8.1.3 upon the Rider Expiry Date; or
8.1.4 upon Us receiving Your request for termination in writing; or
8.1.5 upon this Annexure being surrendered; or
8.1.6 upon this Annexure lapsing, becomes void or is terminated in any other manner, or
8.1.7 upon termination of this Certificate.
8.2 This Annexure may be continued at Our discretion after the Basic Sum Covered of this
Certificate has been fully paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Certificate.
8.3 Any surrender value from the PIA under this Annexure will only be payable upon the termination
of the Basic Certificate.


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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad


For the purpose of this Endorsement, the following words or expressions, whenever mentioned in this
Endorsement, shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate.

The Takaful benefit will be distributed according to the nominated beneficiary(ies) below according to the
shares stated as Hibah (under conditional Hibah). Upon the transfer of ownership of the Takaful benefits to
the respective beneficiary(ies), such Takaful benefits shall not form part of the estate of the deceased
Person Covered or be subject to his debts.

Upon request, by filing up the Hajj by Proxy Service Form or where Annexure AHIJ or AL08 or any related
Annexure is attached to this Certificate, the organization appointed by the Takaful Operator will be named as
the nominee to receive the Badal Hajj Benefit. The nominee of the Badal Hajj benefit has the duty to ensure
that the money is used to perform Hajj on behalf of the Person Covered.

With effect from the Effective Date of this Certificate, where applicable, the following person/s is/are
appointed as beneficiary(ies) and/or executor(s) under this Certificate:



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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad


For the purpose of this Endorsement, the following words or expressions, whenever mentioned in this
Endorsement, shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate.

Upon request, by filling up the Appointment of Executor form, the named executor is to execute and
distribute the Takaful benefit accordingly:

(i) An executor is to distribute the Takaful benefit to the nominated beneficiary(ies) according to the shares
stated as Hibah (under conditional Hibah).
(ii) An executor is to distribute the Takaful benefit according to the Distribution Act, should there be no
nominated beneficiary(ies).

With effect from the Effective Date of this Certificate, where applicable, the following person(s) or
organisation is/are appointed as the executor(s) under this Certificate:


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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad




For the purpose of this Endorsement, the following words or expressions, whenever mentioned in this
Endorsement, shall have the following meanings. Any word or expression not specifically defined in
this Endorsement shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate:-

“Activities of Daily Living” means all of the following:

(a) Transfer
Getting in and out of a chair without requiring physical assistance.
(b) Mobility
The ability to move from room to room without requiring any physical assistance.
(c) Continence
The ability to voluntarily control bowel and bladder functions such as to maintain personal
(d) Dressing
Putting on and taking off all necessary items of clothing without requiring assistance of another
(e) Bathing/Washing
The ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting in or out of the bath or shower) or
wash by any other means.
(f) Eating
All tasks of getting food into the body once it has been prepared.
“Category I Covered Events” means the events named as Heart Attack, Coronary Artery By-Pass
Surgery, Cancer, Angioplasty And Other Invasive Treatments For Major Coronary Artery Disease,
Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease specified in Section 2 below of this Endorsement.
“Category II Covered Events” means the events specified and defined in Section 2 below other than
those events classified under Category I Covered Events.
“Certificate” means the basic certificate to which this Endorsement is attached.
“Covered Event” means any of the events specified and defined in Section 2 below.
“Diagnosis” means the definitive diagnosis made by a Medical Practitioner or Consultant Neurologist,
based upon such specific evidence, referred to below in the definition of the particular Covered Event
concerned or, in the absence of such specific evidence, based upon radiological, clinical, histological
or laboratory evidence acceptable to Us.
Such diagnosis must be supported by Our appointed Medical Practitioner who may base his/her
opinion on the medical evidence submitted by the claimant and/or any additional evidence he/she may
“Irreversible” means cannot be reasonably improved upon by medical treatment and/or surgical
procedures consistent with the current standard of the medical services available in Malaysia.
“Medical Practitioner” means a surgeon or physician qualified by degree in western medicine, who
is legally licensed and duly qualified to practise medicine and surgery authorised in the geographical
area of his practice, and who also possesses a current Annual Practicing Certificate issued by the
Malaysian Medical Council.
“Permanent” means expected to last throughout the lifetime of the Participant/Person Covered.

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“Permanent neurological deficit with persisting clinical symptoms” means symptoms of

dysfunction in the nervous system that are present on clinical examination and expected to last
throughout the lifetime of the Participant/Person Covered. Symptoms that are covered include
numbness, paralysis, localised weakness, dysarthria (difficulty with speech), aphasia (inability to
speak), dysphagia difficulty swallowing), visual impairment, difficulty in walking, lack of coordination,
tremor, seizures, dementia, delirium and coma.


(1) “Alzheimer’s Deterioration or loss of intellectual capacity confirmed by clinical evaluation

Disease / Severe and imaging tests arising from Alzheimer's Disease or Severe Dementia as
Dementia” a result of irreversible organic brain disorders. The Covered Event must
result in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring
continuous supervision of the Participant/Person Covered. The diagnosis
must be clinically confirmed by a neurologist.

From the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) non organic brain disorders such as neurosis;
(ii) psychiatric illnesses; and
(iii) drug or alcohol related brain damage.

(2) “Angioplasty and The actual undergoing for the first time of Coronary Artery Balloon
Other Invasive Angioplasty, artherectomy, laser treatment or the insertion of a stent to
Treatments for correct a narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary arteries as shown
Coronary Artery by angiographic evidence.
Intra-arterial investigative procedures are not covered. Payment under this
clause is limited to ten percent (10%) of the Critical Illness coverage under
this Certificate subject to a maximum of RM25,000. This Covered Event is
payable once only and shall be deducted from the amount of this
Certificate, thereby reducing the amount of the Amount of Benefit which
may be payable.
(3) “Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis causing inflammation of the membranes of the brain or
– resulting in spinal cord resulting in permanent functional impairment. The permanent
permanent inability to functional impairment must result in an inability to perform at least three (3)
perform Activities of of the Activities of Daily Living. A minimum Assessment Period of thirty (30)
Daily Living” days applies.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by:

(i) an appropriate specialist; and
(ii) the presence of bacterial infection in the cerebrospinal fluid by
lumbar puncture.

For the above definition, other forms of meningitis, including viral meningitis
are not covered.

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(4) “Benign Brain A benign tumour in the brain or meninges within the skull, where all of the
Tumour – of following conditions are met:
specified severity” (i) it is life threatening;
(ii) it has caused damage to the brain;
(iii) it has undergone surgical removal or has caused permanent
neurological deficit with persisting clinical symptoms; and
(iv) its presence must be confirmed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon
and supported by findings on MRI, CT or other reliable imaging techniques

The following are not covered:

(i) cysts;
(ii) granulomas;
(iii) malformations in or of the arteries or veins of the brain;
(iv) hematomas;
(v) tumours in the pituitary gland;
(vi) tumours in the spine; and
(vii) tumours of the acoustic nerve.

(5) “Blindness – : Permanent and irreversible loss of sight as a result of accident or illness to
Permanent and the extent that even when tested with the use of visual aids, vision is
Irreversible” measured at 3/60 or worse in both eyes using a Snellen eye chart or
equivalent test and the result must be certified by an ophthalmologist.

(6) “Brain Surgery” : The actual undergoing of surgery to the brain under general anesthesia
during which a craniotomy is performed.

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) burr hole procedures;
(ii) transphenoidal procedures;
(iii) endoscopic assisted procedures or any other minimally invasive
procedures; and
(iv) brain surgery as a result of an accident.

(7) “Cancer – of : Any malignant tumour positively diagnosed with histological confirmation
specified severity and characterized by the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells and
and does not cover invasion of tissue. The term malignant tumour includes leukaemia,
very early cancers” lymphoma and sarcoma.

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) all cancers which are histological classified as any of the following:
(a) pre-malignant;
(b) non-invasive;
(c) carcinoma in situ;
(d) having borderline malignancy;
(e) having malignant potential;
(ii) all tumours of the prostate histologically classified as T1N0M0 (TNM
(iii) all tumours of the thyroid histologically classified as T1N0M0 (TNM
(iv) all tumours of the urinary bladder histologically classified as T1N0M0
(TNM classification);
(v) chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia less than RAI Stage 3;
(vi) all cancers in the presence of HIV; and
(vii) any skin cancer other than malignant melanoma;

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(8) “Cardiomyopathy – of : A definite diagnosis of cardiomyopathy by a cardiologist which results in

specified severity” permanently impaired ventricular function and resulting in permanent
physical impairment of at least Class III of the New York Heart Association
(NYHA) classification of cardiac impairment. The diagnosis has to be
supported by echocardiographic findings of compromised ventricular

Cardiomyopathy directly related to alcohol or drug abuse is not covered.

The NYHA Classification of Cardiac Impairment for Class III and Class IV
means the following:
Class III: Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest
but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms.
ClassIV: Unable to engage in any physical activity without
discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest.

(9) “Chronic Aplastic Irreversible permanent bone marrow failure which results in anaemia,
Anemia – resulting in neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring at least two (2) of the
permanent Bone following treatments:
Marrow Failure” (i) regular blood product transfusion;
(ii) marrow stimulating agents;
(iii) immunosuppressive agents; or
(iv) bone marrow transplantation.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy.

(10) “Coma – resulting in A state of unconsciousness with no reaction to external stimuli or internal
permanent needs, persisting continuously for at least ninety six (96) hours, requiring
neurological deficit the use of life support systems and resulting in a permanent neurological
with persisting clinical deficit with persisting clinical symptoms. A minimum Assessment Period of
symptoms” thirty (30) days applies. Confirmation by a neurologist must be present.

The following is not covered:

Coma resulting directly from alcohol or drug abuse.

(11) “Coronary Artery By- Refers to the actual undergoing of open-chest surgery to correct or treat
Pass Surgery” Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) by way of coronary artery by-pass

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) angioplasty;
(ii) other intra-arterial or catheter based techniques;
(iii) keyhole procedures; and
(iv) laser procedures.
(12) “Deafness – Permanent and irreversible loss of hearing as a result of accident or illness
Permanent and to the extent that the loss is greater than 80 decibels across all frequencies
Irreversible” of hearing in both ears. Medical evidence in the form of an audiometry and
sound-threshold tests result must be provided and certified by an Ear,
Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist.

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(13) “Encephalitis – Severe inflammation of brain substance, resulting in permanent functional

resulting in impairment. The permanent functional impairment must result in an inability
permanent inability to to perform at least three (3) of the Activities of Daily Living. A minimum
perform Activities of Assessment Period of thirty (30) days applies. The Covered Event must be
Daily Living” certified by a neurologist.

Encephalitis in the presence of HIV infection is not covered.

(14) “End-Stage Liver : End-stage liver failure as evidenced by all of the following:
Failure” (i) permanent jaundice;
(ii) ascites (excessive fluid in peritoneal cavity); and
(iii) hepatic encephalopathy.

Liver failure secondary to alcohol or drug abuse is not covered.

(15) “End-Stage Lung : End-stage lung disease causing chronic respiratory failure. All of the
Disease” following criteria must be met:
(i) the need for regular oxygen treatment on a permanent basis;
(ii) permanent impairment of lung function with a consistent Forced
Expiratory Volume (FEV) of less than 1 liter during the first second;
(iii) shortness of breath at rest; and
(iv) Baseline Arterial Blood Gas analysis with partial oxygen pressures of
55mmHg or less.

(16) “Full-Blown AIDS” : The clinical manifestation of AIDS (Acquired Immuno-deficiency

Syndrome) must be supported by the results of a positive HIV (Human
Immuno-deficiency Virus) antibody test and a confirmatory test. In addition,
the Participant/Person Covered must have a CD4 cell count of less than
two hundred (200)/μL and one or more of the following criteria are met:
(i) weight loss of more than 10% of body weight over a period of six (6)
months or less (wasting syndrome);
(ii) Kaposi Sarcoma;
(iii) Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia;
(iv) progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy;
(v) active Tuberculosis;
(vi) less than one-thousand (1000) Lymphocytes/μL; or
(vii) Malignant Lymphoma.

(17) “Fulminant Viral : A sub-massive to massive necrosis (death of liver tissue) caused by any
Hepatitis” virus as evidenced by all of the following diagnostic criteria:
(i) a rapidly decreasing liver size as confirmed by abdominal ultrasound;
(ii) necrosis involving entire lobules, leaving only a collapsed reticular
(iii) rapidly deteriorating liver functions tests; and
(iv) deepening jaundice.

Viral hepatitis infection or carrier status alone (inclusive but not limited to
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) without the above diagnostic criteria is not

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(18) “Heart Attack – of : Death of heart muscle, due to inadequate blood supply, that has resulted
specified severity” in all of the following evidence of acute myocardial infarction:

(i) a history of typical chest pain;

(ii) new characteristic electrocardiographic changes; with the
development of any of the following: ST elevation or depression, T
wave inversion, pathological Q waves or left bundle branch block;
(iii) elevation of the cardiac biomarkers, inclusive of CPK-MB above the
generally accepted normal laboratory levels or Troponins recorded at
the following levels or higher:
a) Cardiac Troponin T or Cardiac Troponin I > / = 0.5 ng/ml

The evidence must show the occurrence of a definite acute myocardial

infarction which should be confirmed by a cardiologist or physician.

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

· occurrence of an acute coronary syndrome including but not limited to
unstable angina; and
· a rise in cardiac biomarkers resulting from a percutaneous procedure
for coronary artery disease.
(19) “Heart Valve : The actual undergoing of open-heart surgery to replace or repair cardiac
Surgery” valves as a consequence of heart valve defects or abnormalities.

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) repair via intra-arterial procedure; and
(ii) repair via key-hole surgery or any other similar techniques.

(20) “HIV Infection Due : Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) through a blood
To Blood transfusion, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
(i) the blood transfusion was medically necessary or given as part of a
medical treatment;
(ii) the blood transfusion was received in Malaysia or Singapore after the
commencement of the Certificate;
(iii) the source of the infection is established to be from the institution that
provided the blood transfusion and the institution is able to trace the
origin of the HIV tainted blood;
(iv) the Participant/Person Covered does not suffer from haemophilia;

(21) “Kidney Failure – : End-stage kidney failure presenting as chronic irreversible failure of both
requiring dialysis or kidneys to function, as a result of which regular dialysis is initiated or
kidney transplant” kidney transplantation is carried out.

(22) “Loss of Independent : Confirmation by an appropriate specialist of the loss of independent

Existence” existence and resulting in a permanent inability to perform at least three (3)
of the Activities of Daily Living. A minimum Assessment Period of six (6)
months applies.

(23) “Loss of Speech” : Total, permanent and irreversible loss of the ability to speak as a result of
injury or illness. A minimum Assessment Period of six (6) months applies.
Medical evidence to confirm injury or illness to the vocal cords to support
this disability must be supplied by an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist.

All psychiatric related causes are not covered.

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(24) “Major Head Trauma : Physical head injury resulting in permanent functional impairment verified
– resulting in by a neurologist. The permanent functional impairment must result in an
permanent inability to inability to perform at least three (3) of the Activities of Daily Living. A
perform Activities of minimum Assessment Period of three (3) months applies.
Daily Living”

(25) “Major Organ / Bone : The receipt of a transplant of:

Marrow Transplant” · human bone marrow using hematopoietic stem cells preceded by
total bone marrow ablation; or
· one of the following human organs: heart, lung, liver, kidney,
pancreas that resulted from irreversible end-stage failure of the
relevant organ.

(26) “Motor Neurone : A definite diagnosis of motor neuron disease by a neurologist with
Disease – permanent reference to either spinal muscular atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy,
neurological deficit amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or primary lateral sclerosis. There must be
with persisting permanent neurological deficit with persisting clinical symptoms.
clinical symptoms”

(27) “Multiple Sclerosis” : A definite diagnosis of multiple sclerosis by a neurologist. The diagnosis
must be supported by all of the following:
(i) investigations which confirm the diagnosis to be Multiple Sclerosis;
(ii) multiple neurological deficits resulting in impairment of motor and
sensory functions occurring over a continuous period of at least six
(6) months; and
(iii) well documented history of exacerbations and remissions of said
symptoms or neurological deficits.

(28) “Muscular Dystrophy” : The definite diagnosis of a Muscular Dystrophy by a neurologist which
must be supported by all of the following:
(i) clinical presentation of progressive muscle weakness;
(ii) no central/ peripheral nerve involvement as evidenced by absence of
sensory disturbance; and
(iii) characteristic electromyogram and muscle biopsy findings.

No benefit will be payable under this Covered Event before the

Person Covered has reached the age of twelve (12) years next birthday.

(29) “Paralysis of Limbs” : Total, permanent and irreversible loss of use of both arms or both legs, or
of one arm and one leg, through paralysis caused by illness or injury. A
minimum Assessment Period of six (6) months applies.

(30) “Parkinson’s Disease : A definite diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease by a neurologist where all the
– resulting in following conditions are met:
permanent inability to (i) Cannot be controlled with medication;
perform Activities of (ii) Shows signs of progressive impairment; and
Daily Living” (iii) Confirmation of the permanent inability of the Participant/Person
Covered to perform without assistance three (3) or more of the
Activities of Daily Living.

Only idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease is covered. Drug-induced or toxic

causes of Parkinsonism are not covered.

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(31) “Primary Pulmonary : A definite diagnosis of primary pulmonary arterial hypertension with
Arterial Hypertension substantial right ventricular enlargement established by investigations
– of specified including cardiac catheterization, resulting in permanent physical
severity” impairment to the degree of at least Class III of the NYHA classification of
cardiac impairment.

Pulmonary arterial hypertension resulting from other causes shall be

excluded from this benefit.

The NYHA Classification of Cardiac Impairment for Class III and Class IV
means the following:
Class III: Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest
but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms.
Class IV: Unable to engage in any physical activity without
discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest.
(32) “Serious Coronary : The narrowing of the lumen of Right Coronary Artery (RCA), Left Anterior
Artery Disease” Descending Artery (LAD) and Circumflex Artery (not inclusive of their
branches) occurring at the same time by a minimum of sixty percent (60%)
in each artery as proven by coronary arteriography (non- invasive
diagnostic procedures are not covered). A narrowing of sixty percent (60%)
or more of the Left Main Stem will be considered as a narrowing of the Left
Anterior Descending Artery (LAD) and Circumflex Artery. This Covered
Event is payable regardless of whether or not any form of coronary artery
surgery has been performed.

(33) “Stroke – resulting in : Death of brain tissue due to inadequate blood supply, bleeding within the
permanent skull or embolization from an extra cranial source resulting in permanent
neurological deficit neurological deficit with persisting clinical symptoms. The diagnosis must
with persisting clinical be based on changes seen in a CT scan or MRI and certified by a
symptoms” neurologist. A minimum Assessment Period of three (3) months applies.
For the above definition, the following are not covered:
(i) transient ischemic attacks;
(ii) cerebral symptoms due to migraine;
(iii) traumatic injury to brain tissue or blood vessels; and
(iv) vascular disease affecting the eye or optic nerve or
vestibular functions.

(34) “Surgery to Aorta” : The actual undergoing of surgery via a thoracotomy or laparotomy (surgical
opening of thorax or abdomen) to repair or correct an aortic aneurysm, an
obstruction of the aorta or a dissection of the aorta. For this definition, aorta
shall mean the thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its branches.

For the above definition, the following are not covered:

(i) angioplasty;
(ii) other intra-arterial or catheter based techniques;
(iii) other keyhole procedures; and
(iv) laser procedures.

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(35) “Systemic Lupus : A definite diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus confirmed by a

Erythematosus with rheumatologist.
Severe Kidney
Complications” For this definition, the Covered Event is payable only if it has resulted in
Type III to Type V Lupus Nephritis as established by renal biopsy. Other
forms such as discoid lupus or those forms with only haematological or joint
involvement are not covered.

WHO Lupus Classification:

Type III: Focal Segmental glomerulonephritis
Type IV: Diffuse glomerulonephritis
Type V: Membranous glomerulonephritis
(36) “Third Degree Burns – : Third degree (i.e. full thickness) skin burns covering at least twenty percent
of specified severity” (20%) of the total body surface area.

(37) “Occupationally : Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (only if the Participant/
Acquired Human Person Covered is a Medical Staff as defined below), where it was
Immunodeficiency acquired as a result of an accident occurring during the course of carrying
Virus (HIV) Infection” out normal occupational duties with seroconversion to HIV infection
occurring within six (6) months of the accident. Any accident giving rise to
a potential claim must be reported to Us within thirty (30) days of the
accident taking place supported by a negative HIV test taken within seven
(7) days of the accident.

“Medical Staff” is defined as doctors (General Physicians and Specialists),

traditional practitioners, nurses, paramedics, laboratory technicians,
dentists, dental nurses, ambulance workers who are working in a medical
centre or hospital or dental clinic/polyclinic in Malaysia. Doctors,
traditional practitioners, nurses and dentists must be registered with the
Ministry of Health of Malaysia.

(38) “Terminal Illness” : The conclusive diagnosis of a condition that is expected to result in death
of the Participant/Person Covered within twelve (12) months. The
Participant/Person Covered must no longer be receiving active treatment
other than that for pain relief. The diagnosis must be supported by written
confirmation from an appropriate specialist and confirmed by Our
appointed doctor.

(39) “Medullary Cystic : A progressive hereditary disease of the kidney characterized by the
Disease” presence of cysts in the medulla, tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis
with the clinical manifestations of anaemia, polyuria and renal loss of
sodium, progressing to chronic kidney failure. Diagnosis must be
supported by a renal biopsy.

(40) “Apallic syndrome (ie. : Universal necrosis of the brain cortex with the brainstem intact. This
Persistent Vegetative diagnosis must be definitely confirmed by a consultant neurologist holding
State (PVS))” such an appointment at an approved hospital. This condition has to be
medically documented for at least one month.

(41) “Poliomyelitis” : The occurrence of Poliomyelitis where the following conditions are met:
· Poliovirus is identified as the cause,
· Paralysis of the limb muscles or respiratory muscles must be
present and persist for at least 3 months.

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(42) “Progressive : A systemic collagen-vascular disease causing progressive diffuse fibrosis

scleroderma” in the skin, blood vessels and visceral organs. This diagnosis must be
unequivocally supported by biopsy and serological evidence and the
disorder must have reached systemic proportions to involve the heart,
lungs or kidneys.
The following are excluded:
· Localised scleroderma (linear scleroderma or morphea);
· Eosinophilic fascitis; and
· CREST syndrome.

(43) “Chronic Relapsing : More than three (3) attacks of pancreatitis resulting in permanent
Pancreatitis” pancreatic dysfunction causing malabsorption needing enzyme
replacement therapy.

The diagnosis must be made by a consultant gastroenterologist and

confirmed by Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis caused by alcohol or drug use is

(44) “Elephantiasis” : Elephantiasis is the result and complication of filariasis, characterized by

massive swelling in the tissues of the body as a result of permanent
obstructed circulation in lymphatic vessels, resulting in permanent
inability of the Participant/Person Covered to perform at least three (3 ) of
the listed Activities of Daily Living.

Unequivocal “Diagnosis” of Elephantiasis must be clinically confirmed by

a “Specialist” in infectious disease or “Specialist” in the relevant field,
including laboratory confirmation of microfilariae.

Lymphoedema caused by infection with a sexually transmitted disease,

trauma, postoperative scarring, congestive heart failure, or congenital
lymphatic system abnormalities are excluded.

(45) “Creutzfeldt-Jakob : The occurrence of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease or Variant Creutzfeldt-

Disease (Mad Cow Jacob Disease where there is an associated neurological deficit, which is
Disease)” solely responsible for the Participant’s/Person Covered's permanent
inability to perform at least three (3 ) of the listed Activities of Daily Living.
These conditions have to be medically documented for at least six (6)
months and confirmed by a consultant neurologist with appropriate
testing such as conclusive Electroencephalography (EEG) and
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) findings as well as Computerized Tomography
(CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

“Sickness” caused by human growth hormone treatment is excluded.


This Endorsement shall automatically be terminated on the earliest of the following dates:
3.1 when this Certificate is surrendered; or
3.2 when this Certificate lapses, becomes void or is terminated in any other manner;
whichever occurs first.


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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad




For the purpose of this Endorsement, the following words or expressions, whenever mentioned in this
Endorsement, shall have the following meanings. Any word or expression not specifically defined in
this Endorsement shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate:-

“Activities of Daily Living” means all of the following:

(a) Transfer
Getting in and out of a chair without requiring physical assistance.
(b) Mobility
The ability to move from room to room without requiring any physical assistance.
(c) Continence
The ability to voluntarily control bowel and bladder functions such as to maintain personal
(d) Dressing
Putting on and taking off all necessary items of clothing without requiring assistance of another
(e) Bathing/Washing
The ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting in or out of the bath or shower) or
wash by any other means.
(f) Eating
All tasks of getting food into the body once it has been prepared.
“Category I Covered Events” means the events named as Heart Attack, Coronary Artery By-Pass
Surgery, Cancer, Angioplasty And Other Invasive Treatments For Major Coronary Artery Disease,
Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease specified in Section 2 below of this Endorsement.
“Category II Covered Events” means the events specified and defined in Section 2 below other than
those events classified under Category I Covered Events.
“Certificate” means the basic certificate to which this Endorsement is attached.
“Covered Event” means any of the events specified and defined in Section 2 below.
“Diagnosis” means the definitive diagnosis made by a Medical Practitioner or Consultant
Neurologist, based upon such specific evidence, referred to below in the definition of the particular
Covered Event concerned or, in the absence of such specific evidence, based upon radiological,
clinical, histological or laboratory evidence acceptable to Us.
Such diagnosis must be supported by Our appointed Medical Practitioner who may base his/her
opinion on the medical evidence submitted by the claimant and/or any additional evidence he/she may
“Irreversible” means cannot be reasonably improved upon by medical treatment and/or surgical
procedures consistent with the current standard of the medical services available in Malaysia.
“Medical Practitioner” means a surgeon or physician qualified by degree in western medicine, who
is legally licensed and duly qualified to practise medicine and surgery authorised in the geographical
area of his practice, and who also possesses a current Annual Practicing Certificate issued by the
Malaysian Medical Council.
“Permanent” means expected to last throughout the lifetime of the Participant/Person Covered.
“Permanent neurological deficit with persisting clinical symptoms” means symptoms of
dysfunction in the nervous system that are present on clinical examination and expected to last
throughout the lifetime of the Participant/Person Covered. Symptoms that are covered include
numbness, paralysis, localised weakness, dysarthria (difficulty with speech), aphasia (inability to
speak), dysphagia difficulty swallowing), visual impairment, difficulty in walking, lack of coordination,
tremor, seizures, dementia, delirium and coma.

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(1) “Adolescent Morbid : Adolescent morbid obesity (requiring surgery)

Obesity” Adolescent Morbid Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of
more than 99th percentile for the age of the Person Covered. This
diagnosis must be certified by a consultant physician. Only that has
undergone a medically necessary bariatric surgical procedure (either
laparoscopic gastric banding or gastroplasty) to treat the morbid
obesity will be eligible for this benefit.

(2) “Aplastic Anaemia” : Irreversible Aplastic Anaemia

Irreversible persistent bone marrow failure which results in anemia,
neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring at least two (2) of the
following treatments:
(i) Regular blood product transfusion;
(ii) Marrow stimulating agents;
(iii) Immunosuppressive agents; or
(iv) Bone marrow transplantation.

The diagnosis must be confirmed by a bone marrow biopsy.

(3) “Asthma” : Persistent Severe Asthma

Evidence of acute attack of severe asthma leading to admission to a
hospital and requiring assisted ventilation with a mechanical ventilator
machine for a continuous period of at least four (4) hours to establish
control of the asthma attack on the advice of a consultant
paediatrician AND at least three of the following criteria:
(i) continuous daily use of oral corticosteroids (for a minimum period
of at least six (6) months) on the advice of a consultant
paediatrician to control the child’s asthma;
(ii) significant and persistent limitation of the peak expiratory flow
rate (which is for this purpose defined as maximum peak
expiratory flow rate recordings of less than eighty percent (80%)
of the rate predicted for a child of the same age, sex and build
while taking the treatment prescribed by a consultant
paediatrician for asthma). The recordings are to be made by a
consultant paediatrician on at least four (4) occasions at four (4)
intervals of no less than one (1) month in a period of at least
twelve (12) months. The paediatrician certifying the recordings
should be satisfied that the child is complying with optimal
prescribed asthma medication throughout the period to which the
recordings relate;
(iii) Harrison’s sulcus chest deformities resulting from chronic
(iv) the need for medically prescribed oxygen therapy at home;
(v) significant growth impairment attributed by a consultant
paediatrician to the child’s asthma (which is for this purpose
defined as height below the third percentile for the child’s age and
sex in a child with asthma whose height has previously been
recorded at or above the fifth percentile at a routine
developmental examination at the age of at least one (1) year).

(4) “Cholangitis” : Biliary Atresia having undergone Liver transplantation

Biliary atresia (BA) is a progressive, idiopathic, fibro-obliterative
disease of the extra-hepatic biliary tree that presents with biliary
obstruction and has undergone liver transplantation or is on a
registered liver transplantation waiting list. The diagnosis should be
confirmed by a gastroenterologist with supporting evidence including
imaging, laboratory tests and liver biopsy.

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(5) “Epilepsy” : Severe Epilepsy

Severe Epilepsy means a condition diagnosed by a consultant
neurologist or paediatrician confirmed by electroencephalography
(EEG) with the use of other investigations including magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
as appropriate and where all the following diagnostic conditions must
be met:

(i) the seizures are generalised and involve a loss of consciousness

and tonic clonic movements; and
(ii) the condition has been present for at least twelve (12) months;
(iii) despite optimal drug therapy on the recommendation of a
consultant neurologist or paediatrician there are at least six (6)
attacks of unprovoked Tonic-Clonic or Grand Mal seizures per
Certificate year which are documented by reliable medical
sources; or
(iv) brain surgery has been performed to control the seizures. Febrile
convulsions, Petit Mal (Absence) seizures and infantile spasms
are specifically excluded.

(6) “Glomerulonephritis : Persistent Glomerulonephritis with Nephrotic Syndrome

with Nephrotic A confirmed diagnosis of glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome
Syndrome” by a qualified pediatrician acceptable to the Company and who
should confirm that a treatment regimen which has involved the use
steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs has been followed
throughout the period to which syndrome relates. The syndrome must
have continued for a period of at least 6 months with or without
intervening periods of remission.

(7) “Intellectual : Persistent intellectual impairment due to illnesses or accident

Impairment due to An unequivocal Diagnosis by a Registered Medical Practitioner who
illnesses or is a paediatric psychiatrist of intellectual impairment directly resulting
accident” from a sickness or Injury and independently of any other cause(s),
where all of the following conditions are met:
(i) The Person Covered suffers from sub-average general
intellectual functioning, mental handicap, or learning disorder, as
determined by a Paediatric Neuro-psychological assessment, and
the Person Covered’s treating paediatric psychiatrist certifies that
such condition is caused by the said sickness or Injury;
(ii) An IQ below 50, as established with either of the standardized IQ
tests - “Raven's Progressive Matrices” or “Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children”;
(iii) The Person Covered is age four or above at the time of Diagnosis
and the condition has continued without interruption for a period
of at least six consecutive months after the Diagnosis; and
(iv) There is documented proof of hospitalization of the Person
Covered due to sickness or Injury resulting in said intellectual
impairment. For the avoidance of doubt, intellectual impairment
resulting from congenital illness or any substance abuse is

(8) “Juvenile : Persistent Severe Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid The unequivocal diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis by a consultant
Arthritis” rheumatologist, with widespread joint destruction and major clinical
deformity of at least three (3) of the following joints area:
(i) Hands;
(ii) Wrists;
(iii) Elbows;
(iv) Knees;
(v) Hips;
(vi) Ankle;

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(vii) Cervical spine; or

(viii) Metatarsophalangeal joints in the feet

The symptoms of arthritis must have persisted for at least one (1) year.

(9) “Kawasaki” : Severe Kawasaki Disease with Heart Complications

The unequivocal diagnosis of Kawasaki disease by a paediatrician
and a paediatric cardiologist to the satisfaction of the Company, with
the presence of febrile illness for more than four (4) days, and with at
least four (4) of the following physical findings:
· Bilateral conjunctival injection
· Oral changes (erythema of lips or oropharynx, strawberry tongue,
or fissuring of the lips)
· Peripheral extremity changes (edema, erythema, or generalized
or periungual desquamation)
· Rash
· Cervical lymphadenopathy

In addition, the Person Covered must have received salicylates and

intravenous gammaglobulins as the mainstays of treatment.

The diagnosis of Kawasaki disease must be backed by adequate

laboratory and other tests.

There must be echocardiographic evidence of cardiac involvement

manifested by dilation or aneurysm formation in one (1) or more the
coronary arteries of at least six (6) millimeters in diameter, and
present for at least six (6) months after the initial acute episode.

(10) “Nephrotic : Severe Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome

Syndrome” Confirmatory diagnosis of Severe Nephrotic Syndrome where all of
the following criteria must be fulfilled and confirmed by pediatric
(i) Oedema caused by renal protein loss
(ii) Hypoalbuminaemia of < 25g/l
(iii) Proteinuria > 150 mg/m2/hour ( > 3.6g/m2/day)
(iv) Four (4) or more relapses of the above defined severe nephrotic
syndrome (as defined under (i) to (iii)) within 12 months after the
initial severe nephrotic syndrome episode where at least one of
such relapses must have happened nine (9) months after the
initial severe nephrotic syndrome episode.

(11) “Type 1 Diabetes” : Juvenile Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

A chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism
resulting from a complete insulin deficiency. The diagnosis shall be
made by a paediatrician with evidence of dependence on exogenous
insulin for a minimum period of six (6) months.

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This Endorsement shall automatically be terminated on the earliest of the following dates:
3.1 when the Person Covered has reached nineteen (19) years next birthday.
3.2 when this Certificate is surrendered; or
3.3 when this Certificate lapses, becomes void or is terminated in any other manner;
whichever occurs first.


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Great Eastern Takaful Berhad




For the purpose of this Endorsement, the following words or expressions, wherever mentioned in this
Endorsement, shall have the following meanings. Any word or expression not specifically defined in
this Endorsement shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in this Certificate:-

“Activities of Daily Living” means all of the following:

(a) Transfer
Getting in and out of a chair without requiring physical assistance.
(b) Mobility
The ability to move from room to room without requiring any physical assistance.
(c) Continence
The ability to voluntarily control bowel and bladder functions such as to maintain personal
(d) Dressing
Putting on and taking off all necessary items of clothing without requiring assistance of another
(e) Bathing/Washing
The ability to wash in the bath or shower (including getting in or out of the bath or shower) or
wash by any other means.
(f) Eating
All tasks of getting food into the body once it has been prepared.
“Age Next Birthday” or “ANB” means the age of the Person Covered on his / her next birthday in
respect to a particular date in question.
“Cash Value” means the balance in the PIA for this Certificate which includes that of any attachable
“Certificate” means the basic Certificate to which this Endorsement is attached.
“Maturity Date” means the maturity date of this Certificate as specified in Takaful Schedule A, on
which the coverage of the Person Covered under this Certificate has ceased accordingly.
“Medical Practitioner” means a surgeon or physician qualified by degree in western medicine, who
is legally licensed and duly qualified to practise medicine and surgery authorised in the geographical
area of his practice, and who also possesses a current Annual Practicing Certificate issued by the
Malaysian Medical Council.
“Sum At Risk” on the due date of the monthly Tabarru' means the excess of Sum Covered over the
Cash Value at the beginning of a Certificate month plus any Contribution of the month, minus the
Upfront Charge, subject to a minimum of zero, plus Compassionate Benefit.
“Sum Covered” means the coverage amount as specified in Takaful Schedule A or in any
subsequent endorsement issued by Us.
“Total and Permanent Disability” or “TPD” is defined as a state of incapacity which:
(a) Becomes total and permanent where at all times on or after occurrence of such condition, there is
not any work, occupation or profession that the Person Covered can ever sufficiently do or follow
to earn or obtain any wages, compensation or profit; or
(b) is caused by any of the following:
(1) Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes; or
(2) total and irrecoverable loss of use of two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle; or
(3) total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye and loss of use of one limb at or above the
wrist or ankle; or

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(c) renders the Person Covered disabled to such an extent as to be totally and permanently unable
to perform at least three (3) of the listed Activities of Daily Living even with the use of mechanical
equipment, special devices or other aids and adaptations in use for disabled persons.
For the purpose of this benefit, the word “permanent” means beyond the hope of recovery with the
medical knowledge and technology at the time of the admission of claim. The resultant permanent
functional impairment is to be verified by a Medical Practitioner and duly concurred by Our’s medical


2.1 While this Certificate is inforce and subject to its terms and conditions, if the Person Covered
suffers TPD prior to the Certificate Anniversary on which he attains the age of seventy (70) ANB,
We will calculate Sum Covered of TPD upon notification of the disability. Upon admission of the
claim, the higher of the following shall be payable:
2.1.1 Cash Value, if any; or
2.1.2 the Sum Covered upon Disability in accordance with the terms and conditions of Clause
2 which consists of Sum At Risk payable from Tabarru’ Fund plus Cash Value.
Provided that:
2.2 TPD of the Person Covered must be certified by a Medical Practitioner appointed by Us, to have
continued for at least six (6) consecutive months from the date of disability. Satisfactory
documentary proof must also be provided to Us evidencing such continuing disability for at least
six (6) consecutive months at the time of the first lump sum payment and on each subsequent
annual payment.
2.3 If the Person Covered ceases to be under TPD, We shall discontinue payments as stated in
Clause 2.4 below and this Certificate shall continue under such terms and conditions as We may
decide at Our discretion.
2.4 The payment of Sum Covered under this Certificate shall be made in the following manner:
2.4.1 one lump sum payment up to a maximum of RM 1,000,000; and
2.4.2 two equal annual payments for any Sum Covered exceeding RM 1,000,000 but not
exceeding RM 2,000,000, the first of which will be made one year after the date of the
lump sum payment stated in Clause 2.4.1 above.
This is however further subject to Clause 2.5 below.
2.5 The payment to be made under Clause 2.4 above are subject to the following conditions where
the total amount of Sum Covered payable shall be limited to an amount not exceeding:
2.5.1 RM 1,000,000 in aggregate under this Certificate and all individual and credit-related
certificates including endorsement and annexure, if any, (but excluding any group
certificates) issued by Us which provide for Total and Permanent Disability Benefit on
the same Person Covered, during the first year where the Total and Permanent
Disability claim is admitted by Us; and
2.5.2 RM 2,000,000 in aggregate under this Certificate and all individual and credit-related
certificates including endorsement and annexure, if any, (but excluding any group
certificates) issued by Us which provide for the Total and Permanent Disability Benefit
on the same Person Covered after the Total and Permanent Disability claim is admitted
by Us.
2.6 Upon payment of each annual Sum Covered as provided under Clause 2.4 above, the Sum
Covered will be reduced accordingly.
2.7 On maturity of this Certificate, We will pay the balance of any unpaid annual payments as
provided under Clause 2.4 above and any remaining Sum Covered as maturity benefit in one
lump sum, if applicable.
2.8 On the death of the Person Covered occurring before the final annual payments as provided
under Clause 2.4 above, We will pay the balance of the annual payments (if any) still remaining
unpaid in one lump sum.

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2.9 Prior to payment of benefit payable under Clause 2, the amount of any indebtedness on this
Certificate as well as any withdrawal made from the date of disability shall first be deducted from
the benefits payable.
2.10 Any Tabarru’ that have been deducted after the Claim Event Date will be allocated back to the


We will not be liable to pay any benefit under this Certificate if TPD of the Person Covered:
3.1 Has existed prior to or on the Effective Date or on the date of any reinstatement, whichever is
the later; or
3.2 is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane; or
3.3 is caused by bodily injury sustained as a result of parachuting or skydiving, or engaging in aerial
flights other than as a crew member or as a fare-paying passenger of a licensed commercial
airline operating on a regular scheduled route; or
3.4 is resulted from the Person Covered committing, attempting or provoking an assault or a felony
or from any violation of law by Person Covered; or
3.5 is resulted from war, whether declared or undeclared.


In addition to the terms and conditions of this Certificate, We will pay TPD benefit as provided in
Clause 2 above only if all of the following conditions are met:
4.1 The due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of this Certificate by the Person
Covered and You, and in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the
Person Covered and You shall be conditions precedent to any liability to Us.
4.2 You must notify Us in writing of any claim as soon as it is practicable. In any case, You must
produce satisfactory proof of TPD of the Person Covered on forms furnished by Us within one-
hundred eighty (180) days from the date of commencement of TPD.
4.3 The TPD for which the claim is made must be diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner and must be
supported by clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory evidence acceptable to Us; all
such medical evidence must be furnished by the claimant at own expense before each annual
payment, and in such form that We may require.
4.4 If required by Us, the Person Covered must undergo medical examination(s) by a Medical
Practitioner appointed by Us in connection with the TPD for which the claim is made.
4.5 At the time of each annual payment, You must submit this Certificate to Us to have the payment
4.6 Any valid claim under this Endorsement shall extinguish all other rights, options, values and
benefits under this Certificate including any benefits payable on survival of the Person Covered.
4.7 This Certificate shall terminate as soon as the full Sum Covered has been advanced and all the
annual payments have been made.

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This Endorsement shall automatically be cancelled on the earliest of the following dates:
5.1 upon a claim under Clause 2 above is admitted; or
5.2 upon the Certificate Anniversary on which the Person Covered attains the age of seventy (70)
ANB; or
5.3 upon death of the Person Covered; or
5.4 upon the Expiry Date of this Certificate; or
5.5 upon Us receiving Your request for termination in writing; or
5.6 upon this Certificate being surrendered; or
5.7 upon this Certificate lapsing, becomes void or is terminated in any other manner.


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