Course Task CU #3
Course Task CU #3
Course Task CU #3
Course Task CU #3
Give the rationale for each of the following nursing interventions and
selected activities for the nursing care plan for ineffective airway
1. Encourage the client to take several deep 1.These technique help ventilation and mobilize
breaths secretions
2. Encourage the client to take a deep breath, 2. Inhaling through the nose allows air to be
hold for 2 seconds, and cough two or three times filtered, warmed, and humidified. Holding
in succession breath allows lungs to expand fully.
3. Encourage use of incentive spirometry, as 3. Spirometry will help you take deep breaths
appropriate correctly.
5. Monitor rate, rhythm, depth, and effort of 5. An increase in respiratory rate and rhythm
respirations may be a compensatory response to airway
6. Note chest movement, watching for 6. To assess overall chest expansion with
symmetry, use of accessory muscles, and inspiration. To identify the side of abnormality.
supraclavicular and intercostal muscle
7. Auscultate lung sounds after treatments to To make the proper diagnosis, it is crucial to
note results distinguish between typical respiratory noises
like crackles, wheezes, and pleural rub and
abnormal ones like these.
8. Monitor client’s respiratory secretions 8. Helps evaluate the results of the client's
specified therapy.
9. Monitor client’s ability to cough effectively 9. The quantity and nature of secretions are
altered by respiratory tract diseases. An
excessive cough impairs airway clearance and
hinders the expulsion of mucus.
10. Monitor for increased restlessness, anxiety, 10. These clinical symptoms would be the first
and air hunger signs of hypoxia.