Journal-Reading-Chronic Prostatitis
Journal-Reading-Chronic Prostatitis
Journal-Reading-Chronic Prostatitis
Submitted by:
Princess Dianne C. Obedoza
A.Y. 2023-2024
Submitted to:
Prof. Mary Jane Rigor
Clinical Instructor
I. Source
Title: Quality of Life Is Impaired in Men with Chronic Prostatitis the Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative
Research Network
Author: Mary McNaughton Collins MD, MPH, Michel A. Pontari MD, et. Al.
Date Published: 09 June 2017
II. Introduction
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) broadly describes how well an individual functions in life and his
or her perceptions of well-being. The measurement of HRQOL is important for understanding the
impact of chronic disease and for informing patient management and policy decisions. Although interest
in examining HRQOL in chronic diseases has increased substantially in recent years, little is known
about the HRQOL among men with chronic prostatitis.
Chronic abacterial prostatitis (under NIH classification scheme, Type III),the predominant type of
prostatitis, is a common and painful6 condition, typified by pelvic area pain and lower urinary tract
symptoms, for which effective diagnostic techniques and treatment strategies remain elusive
Wenninger et al.have shown that the impact of chronic prostatitis on health status as measured by the
Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) is similar to that for patients with a history of myocardial infarction,
angina, or Crohn's disease. However, the SIP is a generic health status measure, and further insights
into the health status of men with chronic prostatitis may be gained from a disease-specific instrument.
Generic health status measures are useful for comparisons across a variety of different diseases, while
condition-specific measures reflect the impact related to the specific condition.
III. Procedure
Participants enrolled in the CPC were treated by their physicians according to usual clinical care. The
CPC study consists of a baseline screening phase and a longitudinal follow-up phase. The baseline
screening phase, during which eligibility criteria were assessed and baseline data were collected,
involved 1 or 2 clinic visits within 30 days of an initial visit. Serum, prostatic fluid, and semen specimens
were also collected and stored in specimen banks for future use by CPC study investigators for
research purposes. These baseline data, as well as data obtained from follow-up contacts and visits,
were entered into a centralized database at the DCC using case report forms within a Data
Management System deployed at the CRCs over the internet. Participants were evaluated every 3
months, alternating between telephone and clinic visits, after a series of monthly phone contacts during
the first 3 months.
IV. Results
Whether psychological factors may play a role in chronic prostatitis symptomatology has been
previously examined. In one study, depression and a tendency to somaticize differentiated chronic
prostatitis patients from controls, and in another, men with chronic prostatitis consistently scored worse
than controls on hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, and somatization scales. Another study showed
that over one-half of the patients with chronic prostatitis met criteria for depression; since none had
been diagnosed previously or was on medication for depression, this appears to be an
underrecognized condition among men with chronic prostatitis and might complicate their treatment.
Neither these prior studies nor our present report describes the psychological profile of patients before
the onset of chronic prostatitis symptoms therefore, causality cannot be determined. Thus, it is unclear
whether chronic prostatitis symptoms lead to psychiatric disease (i.e., depression) or whether
psychiatric disease leads to worse chronic prostatitis symptoms. There was also a significant
association between younger age and worse MCS scores. Our finding is consistent with other studies
of patients with breast cancer and veterans, which have shown that younger patients have worse MCS
We also found an association between history of rheumatologic disease and worse PCS scores. Since
musculoskeletal conditions often result in physical disability, it follows that chronic prostatitis patients
with these diseases might report worse physical health. Rheumatologic conditions have also been
postulated to be predisposing or etiologic factors underlying chronic prostatitis; the suggested
mechanism is an immunologic process. In an internet survey of men with chronic prostatitis, Alexander
and Trissel found that 29% of subjects reported having had a history of rheumatologic disease; this is
comparable to our self-reported rate of 22%.
Socioeconomic status indicators, such as lower education and lower income, also played an important
role in predicting which men would have worse chronic prostatitis symptoms. These findings are
consistent with those found among women with interstitial cystitis; women with lower education and
income in the Interstitial Cystitis Database were more likely to report more severe symptoms. We also
found that having a history of rheumatologic disease was associated with less severe symptoms. One
potential reason for this finding might be that subjects with rheumatologic disease are taking anti-
inflammatory agents that might mitigate the severity of chronic prostatitis symptoms. However, we did
not collect information on medication use for rheumatologic disease and thus cannot address this
possibility. An NIH/NIDDK-sponsored randomized, controlled trial is currently underway to determine
the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory agents in treating chronic prostatitis.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study shows that generic (both the mental and physical domains) and condition
specific HRQOL are impaired in men with chronic prostatitis; the worse the symptoms, the worse the
HRQOL. Clinicians should consider administering HRQOL instruments to their patients with symptoms
suggestive of chronic prostatitis to better understand the impact of the condition on their patients' lives.
Since assessment and management of chronic prostatitis might be complicated by concurrent
psychiatric illness (i.e., depression) or musculoskeletal disease, it might be prudent for future studies of
chronic prostatitis to at least include validated depression and musculoskeletal scales for
comprehensively assessing outcomes.
VI. Personal comments
As a nursing student, this study really highlights how much chronic prostatitis can affect a man's quality
of life. Chronic prostatitis is a painful condition that can cause a lot of physical and emotional distress.
It's interesting to see that factors like depression, younger age, and lower socioeconomic status can
make the symptoms of chronic prostatitis even worse. This means that not only does the pain affect a
person physically, but it can also take a toll on their mental health and how they're able to go about
their daily lives.
The study suggests that healthcare providers should consider using quality of life questionnaires to
understand how chronic prostatitis impacts their patients. By understanding the full extent of the
condition's effects, healthcare providers can better tailor treatments and support for their patients.
It's also important to note that chronic prostatitis can be complicated by other conditions, like
depression or musculoskeletal problems. This means that a comprehensive approach to treatment,
including addressing these other issues, might be necessary for the best outcomes.
Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of considering the whole person when treating chronic
prostatitis, considering both physical and emotional aspects of their well-being.