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UBD Lesson Plan Grade 8 Mathematics

Subject: Mathematics
Quarter: Third Quarter
Topic: Geometry
Subtopics: Triangle Congruence
Teacher: Ms. Ma. Maripher Ellene Florece Enila

Stage 1 – Desired Result

The learner demonstrates understanding of key The learner is able to communicate
concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and mathematical thinking with coherence and
triangle congruence. clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing,
and solving real-life problems involving
congruent triangles using appropriate and
accurate representations.
Students will understand that real-life problems How can real-life situations on geodesic dome
involving geodesic dome can be modeled and be modeled and solved?
solved using the key concepts of axiomatic
structure of geometry and triangle congruence.
Transfer Goal
Students on their own and in the long run will be able to modelled and solved real-life problems
involving geodesic dome to develop accurate and precise recommendations.

 the illustration of triangle congruence; and • illustrate triangle congruence;

 the illustration of the SAS, ASA and SSS • illustrate the SAS, ASA and SSS
congruence postulates. congruence postulates.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task Evidence at the Level of Other Evidence

There has been increasing Learners should be able to 1. Group work

reports of endangered demonstrate understanding • Fit Me
plants which are endemic by covering the six (6) 2. Oral recitations
due to climate change. To facets of understanding: Definition of Congruence
address this problem, the 3. Activities:
office of DENR wants to Explanation: Explain the • Prove ME
make a greenhouse with a congruency of triangle 4. Review: Triangle
geodesic shape where this including its postulates and Congruence
plants will be place and theorem. 5. Seatwork
preserve. The head of the 6. Summative Assessment
Department of Environment Interpretation: Interpret the 7. Rubrics
and Natural Resources congruence of triangle in
(DENR) ask you to make real-life problems.
miniature of greenhouse
with a geodesic shape Application: Apply the
because you are the head congruency of triangle in
engineer of your company. solving real-life problems.
Your audience will be the
officers and members of Perspective: Develop a
the Department of positive perspective on the
Environment and Natural different situations
Resources (DENR). The whatever problems life may
output must be a miniature encounter.
of a greenhouse with a
geodesic shape. Your Empathy: Show empathy
performance will be judged by describing the difficulties
based on the rubrics given. one can experience in daily
life knowing that not all
problems can be easily

Self-Knowledge: Show
realization of one’s
capability in solving
problems systematically
and accurately.

Scoring Rubric
Criteria Excellent Proficiency Developing Beginning Total
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Accuracy The The The The
computation is computation computations computations
definite and is accurate have1-3 have more
accurate, and and show the errors and than 3 errors
show a wise use of the missed 1-3 and missed
use of the concept of concepts of more than 3
concept of triangle triangle concepts of
triangle congruence. congruent triangle
congruence. concepts.
Creativity The design The design is The design The design is
aesthetically presentable makes use of not
presentable and and makes the geometric presentable
makes use of use of the representatio and missed 1-
the concepts of concepts of ns but not 2 concepts of
geometric geometric presentable. geometric
representations. representatio representation
ns. s.
Originality The miniature The miniature The miniature The miniature
shows shows has 1-3 has more than
interestingly originality and similar ideas 3 similar ideas
new and inventiveness and design and designed
inventive. It . with other with other
shows works. works.
uniqueness that
goes beyond
repeating what
others done
Mathematical The concepts of The concepts The concepts The concepts
triangle of triangle of triangle of triangle
congruence are congruence congruence congruence
effectively used are used in are used in were not used
in the geodesic the geodesic the geodesic in the geodesic
dome used dome and dome and dome and
appropriate used used used
model. appropriate inappropriate inappropriate
model. model. model.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Procedure Teachers Routine Students Routine
A. Administrative
 Prayer Say: Our most Gracious
and Heavenly Father Lord
God, we thank you and
glorify Your Name. Thank
you for this wonderful
morning that you have
given to us. Lord God,
bless us this morning as
we go through with our
lesson for today, Lord God.
Please guide us and focus
our hearts and mind in our
class this morning. Please
hear our prayers in the
Mighty Name of Jesus,

 Greetings Say: Good morning, class. Say: Good morning,

Say: Thank you, please Say: Thank you, Teacher.
take a sit.
Say: How’s your day, Say: Were good and
class? happy Ma’am.
Say: That’s good to hear, I
hope that your happiness
remains throughout our
 Introduction of
Say: I am teacher Ma.
Maripher Ellene Florece
Enila or you can call me
Teacher Ellene. I am a
fourth-year college student
taking up an education
course leading to the
degree of Bachelor of
Secondary Education
Major in Mathematics, and
I am your teacher for
 Attendance today.
(Seat plan) Say: I hope that you are in
your proper seat. I will
check your attendance
based on your seat plan.
 Introduction of
Classroom Rules Say: While we are here
inside the classroom, I am
expecting you to observe
our classroom rules.
(The teacher will post the
classroom rules)

Say: Everyone, please Say:


Say: None, Ma’am.

Say: Are there any
clarifications or
suggestions in our Say: Yes, Ma’am
classroom rules?
Say: I hope that our
classroom rules are clear
to you, class

B. Learning Activities
I. Explore
 Presentation of the
Subject Matter Say: In the previous
chapter, we learned what
is triangle congruence and
how to illustrate triangle
congruence and illustrate
congruence postulates.
 Presentation of Congruency of objects can
Essential Question be found everywhere.
When proving two triangles
are congruent, it is
essential the terms
“included angle” and
“included sides”.

Say: As we go along with

our lesson, you will
observe real-life problems
involving geodesic dome
can be modeled and
solved using the key
concepts of axiomatic
structure of geometry and
triangle congruence.


Say: Everyone, please


 Presentation of
Performance Task
Say: While you are doing
the given performance task
that I have given to you
later you may be able to
answer this question.

Say: Now, I am going to

present your performance
task that will be pass at the
end of this quarter.
(The Teacher will present
the performance task)

Say: Do you have any

question or clarification on
 Presentation of the the given performance task
Learning Targets for you?

Say: I hope that you will

give your passion on
designing while doing your
Say: To start our
discussion, I am
requesting everyone to
please read our learning
(The Teacher will post the
Learning Objectives) Say:

 Getting the Prior


(The Teacher will post the

learning targets)

Say: Before we start our

discussion, let us have first
an individual activity
named “Fit Me”. This will
test your knowledge of
defining a triangle.
(The teacher will post
See Attachment A
Say: None, Ma’am
Say: Are there any
question or clarification?

Say: Okay, let us begin.

(The students start the
(After 5 minutes) activity)

Say: Okay, times up.

Say: Good job, class. Give

yourselves five claps. Say: Were happy and
Say: Okay, class. What did good Ma’am.
you feel while doing the
II. FIRM-UP Say: For me, when we
Say: That’s good to hear. search for the tangram
What do you think is the piece that is exactly like
main idea of the activity? the board, we found out
that it is a triangle that is
Say: Genuinely nice congruent to the board.
answer! But what do you
mean by congruent or
(The Teacher will post the


Say: All boys, please read.

Say: Okay, Thank you.

Say: The idea of

congruence always helps
to recognize congruent
figures in the same
orientation. Like in our
activity earlier, the figures
of the triangle are
congruent when we slide,
flip or rotate until they
overlap exactly.
Say: We can also see
congruency in our current
world, especially in our
surroundings that are not
noticeable for us. Like this
(The teacher will post
(The students raise their
hands and give their
Say: Aside from this, what opinions)
are the things that you
know that are congruent?
Say: Particularly good!
Congruencies are not only
in mathematics but also in
the reality.

Say: There are three

properties of congruence
that are often used in
doing formal geometric
proof. We have the
reflexive, symmetric and
transitive congruence.
(The teacher will post the
properties of congruence) Say:

Say: Girls, please read.

Say: Thank you. It is

reflexive if the figure
reflects itself.
Say: Next property is the
symmetric property.

Say: It is symmetric if a
figure is equivalent to
another figure. Last
Say: All boys, please read

Say: It is transitive if the

value of the other figure is
congruent to the other
figure that is congruent to
the first figure.

Say: Okay, let’s try to use

these properties to justify
the statements.
(The teacher will post an
See Attachment B Say: It is reflexive property
Say: For number 1, what is of congruence.
the reason for the
statement AB ≅ AB? Say: It is symmetric
Say: Very good! It is property of congruence
reflexive because AB because it is congruent to
reflects itself. How about another figure.
number 2? Say: It is transitive
Say: Very good! How because AB ≅ BC and BC
about number 3? ≅ CD then AB ≅ CD .

Say: Very good! Now, let’s

talk about triangle, what is
a triangle class?
(The teacher posts the

Say: Everyone, please

Say: Now that we define Say: Triangle congruence

congruence and triangle, is happen when two triangles
anybody have an idea are congruent with their
what is triangle corresponding angles and
congruence? sides.

Say: Very good!

Say: For example,

Say: Triangles are

congruent if all parts of
corresponding sides and
angles are congruent.

Say: That means that if

two triangles are cogruent,
then their corresponding
parts are also congruent.
Say: Two polygons are
congruent if and only if
their vertices can be
matched up so that their
corresponding parts are

Say: In general, two

figures are said to be
congruent if they have the
same shape and size.
Hence, congruent figures
can fit each other exactly.
It is important to list the
letters of the vertices in the
correct order whenever Say: Yes, Ma’am!
you write a congruence

Say: Did you now Say: None, Ma’am!

understand class what is
 Seatwork triangle congruence?
(Pair ME!)
Say: Do you have any
clarification about triangle Say: Triangle!!!
congruence and its

Say: If you really Say: None, Teacher.

understand our lesson for
today say, “Triangle”.

Say: Very good, class. I

believe you had learned to
definition and properties of
triangle congruence. I will
give you seatwork that
help you further learn to
triangle congruence. Do
you have any clarifications
regarding our lesson
before I will give your
(The teacher will post the
seat work)

(The students get their

papers and start

Say: So, if no
clarifications. Here is your (The students exchange
seatwork. Get ½ sheet of their papers)
paper. You have 4 minutes
to do your task.

(After 4 minutes) (The students start raising

Say: Time is up class. Let their hands and giving
us check your answer. their answers)
Exchange paper with your
seatmate with no noise.

Say: What are congruent

pairs of the triangle?

Say: Very good, class! Say: Yes, Ma’am.

Now, the congruent pairs
in the triangle ABC are
∠A ≅ ∠A, ∠B ≅ ∠C,
∠D ≅ ∠ D , AB ↔ AC , BD
↔ CD and AD ↔ AD . Say: CONGGA!!!
Say: Excellent, class. I
believe you already
understand our topic. Are
you ready for the next
Say: If you are ready, say

Say: Okay, for your next

activity, you will be working
with your group. This Say: Yes, Ma’am.
activity is called “Find my
Pair” Say: Yes, Ma’am.

See attachment C
(The students will actively
Say: Are you now in a participate in the activity)
Say: Are you ready now? (The students will do the
Say: Okay let’s start the Happy Clap)
 Summary (The teacher will facilitate
the activity)
Say: Great job, class.
Thank you for your (The students will go back
participation. You all show on their proper seat and
your mastery of our lesson arrange their chairs)
in triangle congruence.
Give yourselves a Happy
clap. Say: Our lesson for today
Say: Silently, go back to is all about triangle
your seat and arrange your congruence and its
chairs. properties.

Say: Class, this time. Let Say: We find and illustrate

 Revisiting the us summarize our the triangle congruence.
learning targets discussion today. What
was our lesson for today, Say: A triangle is a closed,
class? two-dimensional shape or
polygon with three straight
Say: Very good. So, what sides. It has three sides,
are the activities we did? three vertices and three
Say: Thank you, Class.
What is a triangle? Say: None, Ma’am.

Say: Brilliant, class. Do

you have any questions
regarding our topic, class? Say: Yes, Ma’am.

Say: I know you are ready

to apply your knowledge
on triangle congruence in
real-life problems.
Say: Two triangles are
Say: Class, let’s check if congruent if and only if
we attain our objectives. their corresponding angles
Were you able to define and sides are equal in
triangle and triangle measurement.
 Dismissal congruence? Say: There are 3
corresponding angles and
Say: Good. How can you 3 corresponding sides.
say that the triangle is
congruent to each other? Say: Yes, Ma’am.

Say: Good. How many Say: The properties of

corresponding angles and triangle congruence are
sides are there in reflexive, symmetric and
congruency of a triangle? transitive.
Say: Fantastic. Were you Say: Yes, Ma’am.
able to illustrate the
congruence of a triangle?
Say: Very good! What are
the different properties of
triangle congruent?? (The students do the Coca
Cola clap)
Say: Amazing, class. Were
you able to use these
properties to prove the
congruency of a triangle?
Say: Give yourself a Coca-
Cola clap.
Say: Class, I have great
day with you and I hope
you, too. Thank you for
your participation and
Congratulations! Good day
and thank you, class. God
bless us all.


Direction: Given ∆ ACB ≅ ∆ RQP. Name the corresponding part of each of the

1. ∠M↔

2. ∠E↔

3. ∠END↔

4. AN ↔

5. ∠MAN↔

6. ND ↔

7. ∠D↔

8. MN ↔

9. NE ↔

10. DN ↔

Direction: Identify the properties and definition of terms that can justify each of the
following statements based on the given facts.
Given: B is the midpoint of AC .

Statements Reasons

1. AB ≅ BC

2. AB ≅ AB

3. CD ≅ BC

4. AB ≅ CD

Direction: Place the numbered tangram pieces to complete the puzzle.

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