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Lab01 Android

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CS425 - Web and Mobile Software Engineering

Dr. Lilia Sfaxi

17 avril 2017 MedTech

Basic Graphical Elements and

Android Lab 01


I. Views and ViewGroups
The class View represents the main class for creating a graphical element in Android. It is the
main class for all widgets, used to create interactive graphical components (buttons, text views,
text inputs,…).
A view occupies a rectangular space on the screen, responsible for the management of the
events initiated by the user.
A child class ViewGroup is defined, representing the main class for all layouts, invisible
containers for Views or ViewGroups, and defining their placement on the scree.
Each element in a graphical interface is either a View or a ViewGroup. The dispositions of
these elements in the screen are defined with Layouts. A layout is a ViewGroup that groups a
set of widgets or other layouts, enabling thus to define their dispositions in the screen. We can
site for example, FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout,…

II. Exercise 1: Basic Graphical Components

1. Objective
This first part of the lab aims to create a simple conversion application, having an interface
looking like the one below.

Activity 1: Start by creating the graphical interface. Launch

the emulator and check that the result is correct.

In what follows, we define the steps to define the behaviour of this interface.


2. Behaviour of the Button
Having a button defined in the XML layout, which identifier is b_convert. To manage this
button, three ways are available:
• Method 1: Rewriting the Click Listener method
In Java, a listener is an object enabling the programmer to react to actions of the user (mouse
click, keyboard, etc.). In our case, we need a listener for a click on the button, called
onClickListener. Listener is an interface, providing methods that must be implemented by the
programmer for each element. For example, the onClickListener contains a method onClick,
that we must implement to represent the behaviour of the button.

1. Create an attribute in your activity of type Button:

private Button bConvert;

2. In the method onCreate, initialise the new attribute bConvert by associating the
graphical button defined in the XML layout:
this.bConvert = (Button) this.findViewById(R.id.b_convert) ;

3. Use the following code to define a behaviour for the click on the button bConvert. It
can be done in the method onCreate, to be enabled at the creation of the activity.
this.bConvert.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//behaviour of the button

• Method 2: Associating a method to the button

An easier manner to define the behaviour of the button, is to associate a special method for
the click on the button. The problem is that this solution works only for the click, but is not
provided for other events, like a long click, for example.

1. In the XML layout file, as an attribute of the button element, add:


This attribute indicates that a method called convert is defined in the activity, and
represents the behaviour on the click of the button.

2. In the code of the activity, add the following method:

public void convert(View v){
// behaviour of the button
The method convert, has a particular signature: it must be public, return void, and take as a
parameter a View object. It has the same signature as the onClick of the first method. The


View object passed as a parameter represents the graphical object that was clicked, hence the
button. If you use this method, it is useless to create a Button attribute in the activity, you will
not need it.
• Method 3: Implementing the OnClickListener Interface
It is possible to use inheritance to implement the onClick method, without calling
setOnClickListener each time. This method can be useful if you want to group the
behaviours of a set of elements in the same class.

1. Your activity must implement the OnClickListener interface.

public class MoneyConverter extends Activity implements
OnClickListener {…}

2. Create the attribute bConvert and associate if the XML element b_convert as shown in
the first method.

3. Define the current activity as the listener to this button.


4. Override the onClick method directly in your activity:

public void onClick(View v) {
if (v.getId()==R.id.b_convert){
//behaviour of the button
Be careful, this onClick method will be common to all the graphical elements that use the
current activity as an OnClickListener. To distinguish which element was clicked, test the id
of the view (as shown in the code above).
3. Behaviour of an EditText
An EditText is a graphic object that enables the application to receive input from the user.

1. Create an attribute in your activity :

private EditText eEntry;

2. In the onCreate method, initialise the attribute:

this.eEntry = (EditText) this.findViewById(R.id.e_entry) ;

3. Define its behaviour. For an input element, the main functionalities are:

• Reading the content:

String s = eEntry.getText().toString();

• Modifying the content:

eEntry.setText("New Text »);


4. Behaviour of a TextView
A TextView is a graphical objet that displays an immutable string. It is used by the application
in the same manner as the EditText.
5. Behaviour of a Radio Button
A radio button is a box with two states: checked or unchecked. Radio buttons are in general
used in a RadioGroup, where only one button can be checked.

1. Create an attribute RadioButton in your activity and associate it to the appropriate

XML element.

2. To test the state of you button, call the method isChecked().

if (rDinarEuro.isChecked() ){
// code

3. To dynamically change the state of a radio button, use setChecked(state):


There is no need to create a Java object for the RadioGroup. If radio1 and radio2 of the
previous example are in the same RadioGroup, it is unnecessary to change both their states: if
you check one of them, the other will be automatically unchecked.

Activity 2: As shown above, define the behaviour of the elements

of your interface, using the method of your choice.

III. Exercise 2: Intents

1. Objective
The objective of this part is to change the behaviour of the previous application to obtain the
following result:


2. Intents: Definition
An Android application can contain a lot of activities. An activity uses the method
setContentView to be associated to a graphical layout. Basically, activities are independent
from one another, but they can collaborate to exchange data and actions.
Typically, one of the activities is defined as a launcher activity, the one that is displayed at the
bootstrapping of the application.
All the activities interact in an asynchronous mode. To switch from an activity to another, the
first creates an intent. It is a message that can be used to trigger an action from another
component of the application. It can invoke activities, broadcast receivers or services. The
methods used to do so are:
• startActivity(intent) : starts an activity
• sendBroadcast(intent) : sends an intent to all the concerned Broadcast receivers
• startService(intent) ou bindService(intent, …) : launches a service

An intent contains informations used by the Android system:

• The name of the component to start
• The action to realise: ACTION-VIEW, ACTION_SEND…
• The data: a URI referencing the data on which the action will be performed
• The category: additional information about the type of the components that handle the
• The extras: key-value pairs containing information to be sent to the target component
• The flags: Metadata class for this intent, showing for example how to launch an activity
and what to do once it is launched.

There are mainly two types of intents: Explicit and Implicit intents
3. Explicit Intents
Explicit intents specify the component to start by name (complete name of the class). They
enable starting a component of your own application, as the name is known. For example:
start another activity as a response to an action of the user.
The main arguments of an explicit intent are:
• The context starting the intent. In general, it is the activity from which it was launched.
• The target component.

It is typically called like the following:

Intent myActivityIntent =
new Intent (StartClass.this, EndClass.class) ;
startActivity (myActivityIntent) ;


The data shared between activities can be sent as extras. An extra is a key-value element, sent
to the target component. It is created as follows:

Of course, all extras must be attached to the intent before calling startActivity.
It is also possible to start an activity with a result, by establishing a bi-directional link between
activities. To receive a result from another activity, call startActivityForResult instead of
Destination activity must of course be designed to send back a result once the operation
performed, and this is done using an intent. The main activity will receive it and will hand it
using the predefined method onActivityResult.
This is an example of an intent with a result:



The result displayed by this code is the following:

Activity 3: Start by creating the interface of the second

activity. Implement then the code of the back button, that enables
to come back to the previous activity to display the result in a

4. Implicit Intents
Implicit intents don’t call specific components, but declare an action to realise. They enable a
component of an application to call another component, even though it is in another
Example: show a position in a map.
The main arguments of an implicit intent are :
• The action to realise, which can be predefined (ACTION-VIEW, ACTION_EDIT…)
or created by the user.
• The data: the main data we are sending, like the phone number to call.
It is typically called as follows:
Intent myActivityIntent = new Intent (<action>, <donnee>) ;
startActivity(myActivityIntent) ;

An implicit intent works as follows:

1. The activity A creates an intent with an action and sends it as a parameter of
2. The Android system looks for all the applications to find an intent filter corresponding
to this intent.
3. When a correspondance is found, the system starts the activity B, by invoking its
onCreate method and sending the intent to it.


Implicit intents use the notion of intent filter to find the target activity to start. An intent filter
is an expression in the manifest file of an application, which specifies the type of intent that
the component wants to receive. It enables to other activities to launch directly your activity
by using a certain intent.
If you don’t declare intent filters in your activity, it can’t be started unless you use an explicit
intent. It is nonetheless recommended not to declare intent filters for services, for security
This is an example of an intent filter:

These are some examples of commonly used actions :

Action Data Description

ACTION_DIAL tel:123 Displays the telephone dialer with the number 123

ACTION_VIEW http://www.google.com Displays the Google page in a browser

ACTION_EDIT content://contacts/people/2 Edits the information on the person of your

contacts book with the id 2
ACTION_VIEW content://contacts/people/2 Displays an activity that displays the information
of the contact with id 2
ACTION_VIEW content://contacts/people Displays the contact list. The selection of a
contact can display the details in a new intent

Most of the actions need permissions to add in the manifest file. For example, to authorise
your activity to start a call, add the following line in the manifest:


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE">

An example of an implicit intent enabling to send a text message:

The resolveActivity method helps avoiding a crash of the application if the called activity does
not exist. It is a kind of exception handling.
The result will be as follows:

Activity 4: Implement the code of the call button, that enables

to start a phone call to a predefined number.


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