Managing involves coordinating people within organized groups to achieve specific objectives.
It's about creating an environment where individuals can work together efficiently towards
common goals.
Management as a Process:
Management is the process of utilizing organizational resources to reach goals through planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling. It involves directing these activities towards achieving
organizational objectives effectively.
Management as People:
Management involves a group of individuals engaging in the process of management, working
together to coordinate actions and achieve goals.
Project Organization:
This involves individuals collaborating to achieve specific objectives. It's about structuring and
coordinating efforts towards a common goal.f
A desired future state that an organization aims to achieve. It's the target outcome that guides the
organization's efforts.
Assets, competencies, skills, or knowledge controlled by an organization. Resources include
people, information, machinery, financial capital, and raw materials. They can be strengths or
weaknesses depending on how effectively they're utilized.
Evolution of Management Concept in Modern Era:
Frederick Taylor:
Frederick Taylor, known as the Father of Scientific Management, was a mechanical engineer. He
identified the need to increase efficiency in production, lower costs, and raise profits through
higher productivity. Taylor emphasized providing ample rewards, adequate training, and
continuous managerial support to increase labor productivity. He believed that low productivity
resulted from ignorance on the part of both labor and management.
Henry L. Gantt:
Henry L. Gantt stressed the importance of understanding systems for both labor and
management. He introduced graphic methods, like the Gantt chart, to describe project plans for
better managerial control. Gantt emphasized the significance of time and cost in planning and
controlling projects. His work laid the foundation for modern project management techniques
like PERT.
Functions of Management:
Planning is about setting goals and figuring out how to achieve them. It's like drawing a roadmap
for a project, outlining the destination and the best route to get there. Managers at all levels
engage in planning, which helps organizations define their objectives and develop strategies to
achieve them. These strategies guide the organization in navigating its environment and gaining
a competitive edge.
Organizing involves putting plans into action by assigning tasks, allocating resources, and
arranging activities to ensure everything runs smoothly. It's like assembling a team and giving
each member a specific role to play in the project. Organizational structure helps clarify
responsibilities and streamline workflow.
Leading is all about inspiring and guiding people to work towards project and organizational
goals. It's about motivating individuals and teams to give their best efforts. Effective leadership
involves understanding people's desires, attitudes, and behaviors, and offering them ways to
fulfill their needs. Leaders encourage followership by addressing the concerns and aspirations of
their team members.
Controlling is the process of monitoring performance and taking corrective actions to ensure
desired outcomes. It's like keeping an eye on progress and making adjustments as needed to stay
on track. Controlling involves establishing performance standards, regularly assessing
performance against these standards, and intervening when there are deviations. It's about
ensuring that events align with plans and goals are achieved.
What is a Project?
A project is like a puzzle waiting to be solved. It's a temporary endeavor aimed at addressing a
specific problem or achieving a particular goal. This problem usually involves a gap between
where you are and where you want to be, with some obstacles blocking the way.
Projects are made up of a series of activities that need to be completed using limited resources.
They have clear objectives, deadlines, and locations. Essentially, a project is a short-term effort
designed to create something unique, like a product, service, or result. It's an investment where
resources are used to create assets that will provide benefits over time.
Attributes of a Project:
1. Focused Goal: Projects aim to achieve a specific outcome, differentiating them from
2. Impact on Customers: Projects affect customers who will be impacted by the end result.
3. Time Constraints: Projects must be completed within a set timeframe, meeting a specific
completion date.
4. Resource Limitations: Projects operate within budget constraints, including limited people,
finances, and equipment.
5. Adherence to Specifications: Projects must meet certain specifications, ensuring a certain level
of functionality and quality.
Characteristics of Projects:
1. Temporary Nature: Projects have a defined start and end, with temporary opportunities and
2. Objective-Driven Termination: Projects end when objectives are met or when they cannot be
3. Finite Duration: While some projects span several years, they have a finite duration.
4. Resource Coordination: Projects involve multiple resources and require close coordination.
5. Interdependent Activities: Projects consist of interrelated activities, with outputs from one
activity serving as inputs for others.
6. Unique Deliverables: Projects result in a unique product, service, or outcome, often with
7. Complexity: Projects involve complex, non-repetitive activities and may require various
sequences of actions.
9. Stakeholder Conflicts: Projects face conflicts between client demands, organizational profit
motives, and leadership priorities.
Project Environment:
1. Cultural and Social Environment: Considers how the project impacts people and how social
factors affect the project, including economic, demographic, ethical, and cultural sensitivities.
3. Physical Environment: Considers the local ecology and geography that could affect or be
impacted by the project.
Key Stakeholders:
1. Project Manager:
- The person in charge of managing the project and ensuring its successful execution.
3. Performing Organization:
- The enterprise whose employees are directly involved in carrying out the project work.
6. Sponsors:
- Individuals or groups providing financial resources for the project, either in cash or in kind.
7. Influencers:
- People or groups outside the direct scope of the project but with the potential to influence its
course positively or negatively.
1. Market Demand:
- Projects should align with what the market demands. For example, building a new refinery to
meet the growing demand for petroleum products.
2. Organizational Needs:
- Projects should address the specific needs of the organization. For instance, a university
introducing new courses to generate additional revenue.
3. Customer's Requests:
- Projects may be initiated based on requests or preferences from customers. For instance, an
Internet Service Provider launching DSL services in response to customer demand for faster
internet connections.
4. Technological Demand:
- Projects should incorporate advancements in technology to stay competitive. For example,
developing new video games or introducing cell phones with advanced features to meet consumer
5. Legal Requirements:
- Projects must comply with legal regulations and requirements. For instance, implementing
projects related to child labor control or establishing toxic waste disposal centers to meet
environmental regulations.
Lesson 3
1. Efficiency:
- Efficiency involves minimizing resource costs and doing things right.
2. Effectiveness:
- Effectiveness focuses on completing activities and doing the right things.
Efficiency and effectiveness are interrelated, with efficiency dealing with means and effectiveness
dealing with ends. It's essential for project management to balance both aspects to achieve success.
A project manager is a professional responsible for planning and executing projects. Their primary
role is to ensure the success of a project by minimizing risks and overcoming challenges
throughout its duration. This involves asking insightful questions, resolving conflicts, and utilizing
management skills effectively. A successful project manager should be able to envision the entire
project from start to finish and ensure that this vision becomes a reality.
Project managers need to understand and respond to various external factors such as economic,
technological, social, political, and ethical considerations. Different types of project managers
- Line Managers: Responsible for activities directly contributing to the organization's core goods
or services.
- Staff Managers: Use specialized technical expertise to support line workers.
- Functional Managers: Oversee specific areas like finance, marketing, production, etc.
- General Managers: Manage complex organizational units covering multiple functional areas.
- Administrators: Handle administrative tasks across different organizations.
The role of project managers is evolving rapidly in today's business environment, moving away
from conventional practices to adapt to changing needs and dynamics.
A feasibility study is a process used to determine whether a proposed initiative or service is viable
and worth pursuing. It helps in making informed decisions and setting a clear direction for
development and delivery. Here's what it involves:
- There's no fixed format for a feasibility study; it can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the
Identifying Roadblocks:
- The study helps in identifying any major challenges or roadblocks that could hinder the success
of the business idea.
In essence, a feasibility study serves as a preliminary assessment to gauge the practicality and
potential success of a proposed venture.
Why Do Feasibility Studies?
1. Understanding Viability:
- Developing a new business venture is tough, and many ideas don't make it past the initial stage.
- Most new ventures fail within the first six months of operation.
- Feasibility studies help determine if a project can be economically viable and if the benefits
outweigh the risks.
2. Evaluating Costs:
- Cooperative business projects can be expensive and involve unfamiliar risks.
- The study allows groups to assess potential outcomes before committing to the project.
- Although conducting a study incurs costs, they're relatively minor compared to the total project
3. Varied Usage:
- Feasibility studies are not limited to new business ventures but can also help in expanding
existing services, building facilities, changing operations, adding products, or merging with other
7. General Benefits:
- Feasibility studies are essential for navigating the complexities of starting a new business
- They help in identifying potential challenges early on, saving time and resources in the long
1. Need Analysis:
- Identifies the need for the project and evaluates its significance, considering economic, social,
environmental, and political impacts.
2. Process Work:
- Preliminary analysis to determine the requirements for satisfying the identified need, often
conducted by experts in the project field.
Scope of Feasibility Analysis:
1. Need Analysis:
- Identifies the necessity for the project and assesses its significance, impact, and sustainability
over time.
- Questions to consider:
- Is the identified need substantial enough to warrant the proposed project?
- Will the need persist until the project's completion?
- What alternative methods exist to address the need?
- How will the need affect economic, social, environmental, and political aspects?
2. Process Work:
- Conducts preliminary analysis to determine the requirements for fulfilling the identified need.
- May involve system modeling, prototypes, or simulations to predict project outcomes.
- Involves technical experts to assess the feasibility of proposed solutions.
4. Cost Estimate:
- Estimates project costs with a reasonable level of accuracy.
- Includes initial and operating expenses, capital investment, recurring costs, and nonrecurring
- Conducts sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of cost variations on the project plan.
5. Financial Analysis:
- Analyzes the project's cash flow profile, considering rates of return, inflation, payback periods,
and breakeven points.
- Evaluates sources of capital and assesses the project's economic and financial feasibility.
- Helps decision-makers understand fund availability and project viability.
6. Project Impacts:
- Assesses the potential environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic impacts of the
proposed project.
- Determines the value-added potential and any associated taxes or contributions.
1. Executive Summary:
- Provides a brief overview of the assessment's main points and recommendations.
- Summarizes the key findings covered in the report.
2. Need Analysis:
- Identifies and evaluates the necessity and relevance of the proposed project.
- Analyzes alternative approaches to address the identified need.
Types of Feasibility:
1. Technical Feasibility:
- Assesses the engineering feasibility of the project, including structural and other technical
- Considers the technical capabilities of personnel and the suitability of projected technologies.
- Analyzes potential challenges in technology transfer and productivity implications in diverse
geographical areas.
2. Managerial Feasibility:
- Evaluates management capability, employee involvement, and organizational structure.
- Ensures alignment of the project's management structure with its operational requirements.
3. Economic Feasibility:
- Determines the project's ability to generate economic benefits.
- Conducts a benefit-cost analysis and breakeven analysis to compare proposed approaches with
- Translates tangible and intangible project aspects into economic terms for consistent evaluation.
4. Financial Feasibility:
- Assesses the organization's capability to raise funds for project implementation.
- Reviews aspects such as loan availability, creditworthiness, equity, and loan schedules.
- Considers implications of land purchases, leases, and other financial commitments.
5. Cultural Feasibility:
- Examines the compatibility of the project with the cultural environment.
- Integrates planned functions with local cultural practices and beliefs, particularly in labor-
intensive projects.
6. Social Feasibility:
- Addresses the project's impact on the social system in the project environment.
- Assesses the project's effect on the social status of participants and potential shortages in worker
7. Safety Feasibility:
- Analyzes the project's capability to be implemented and operated safely.
- Considers adverse effects on the environment and ensures compliance with safety standards.
8. Political Feasibility:
- Considers political factors influencing project direction and support.
- Evaluates compatibility of project goals with prevailing political system objectives.
9. Environmental Feasibility:
- Addresses potential environmental concerns and impacts on project approval processes.
- Ensures timely acquisition of permits, licenses, and approvals at reasonable costs.