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Ni Nengah Pariati

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Jigsaw technique and students’
vocabulary mastery on reading comprehension of the eighth-grade students of SMPN 4
Singaraja. This study was a quasi-experimental study with Posttest-Only Control Group
Design by 2x2 factorial arrangement which involved a sample of 80 students. The data were
collected by using vocabulary and reading comprehension test then analyzed by Two-way
ANOVA and Tukey test. The result indicates that (1) there was a significant effect on reading
comprehension between the students who were taught using the Jigsaw technique and
those who were taught by using conventional, (2) there was a significant effect of the
interaction between the implementation of teaching techniques and students’ vocabulary
mastery on reading comprehension, (3) there was a significant effect in reading
comprehension between the students with high vocabulary mastery who were taught by
using Jigsaw technique and those who were taught by using conventional technique, (4)
there was a significant effect in reading comprehension between the students with low
vocabulary mastery who were taught by using Jigsaw technique and those who were
taught by using conventional. The result of the research showed that the Jigsaw technique
was more effective for teaching reading comprehension than conventional.

Keywords: Jigsaw technique, Vocabulary mastery, Reading comprehension.

I. INTRODUCTION There are many languages in the

Language is an important tool for world. One of them is English. English is
human beings to communicate among an international language and it is very
themselves. By using language, people important nowadays. Millions of people
can talk and understand each other. They want to improve their command of
can communicate with another group of English and the opportunities to learn it is
people or nations. Brown (2000:5) states provided in many different ways such as
that language is a system of arbitrarily formal or informal instruction, studying
conventionalized vocal, written or abroad, the media and the internet. In
gestural symbols that enable members of Indonesia, the English language has been
a given community to communicate introduced as a foreign language in
intelligibly with one another. Language is Elementary School, Junior High School,
systematic and a set of arbitrary symbols. Senior High School and University level.
They have conventionalized meanings to There are four language skills taught in
which they refer. school including listening, speaking,

98 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
reading and writing. From four language Considering the above reasons,
skills, reading is a vital life skill for students should have the ability to read
everyone including for the students of the text well. In English as a foreign
any level, not only for updating students’ language, the emphasis of teaching and
knowledge of the latest information but learning process tends to be on reading
also as a mean of entertainment. In other skills. It can be seen from the fact that most
words, reading is a very important skill of the items of national examination
for students. Therefore, it must be fostered consist of reading. However, the students
to a maximum capacity if we want our have many problems in comprehending
students to get the most advantage out of reading texts such as narrative,
their education. descriptive, procedure, spoof, hortatory
One of the most important factors exposition, recount, and report. It will
that can influence the learning outcome is make them will fail in their examination.
reading comprehension. Through Because of those reasons, the English
reading, a student can get lots of teacher had better prepare their students
knowledge or ideas to improve their to be competent in reading. The students
grade point average. Besides, the students need more time to practice reading
need comprehension skills that can help comprehension when they want to reach
them get meaning from the reading a good comprehension in reading.
materials. Comprehension is intentional In the KTSP School-Based
thinking during which meaning is Curriculum, students are said to be
constructed through interaction between competent when they have fulfilled
text and reader (Harris and Hodges, standard competency and basic
1995). competency. Standard competency is a
Reading can be defined as a highly minimum competency that should be
complex act (Burn,1996). It has two main achieved at the end of learning and basic
components, namely a process and a competency is detailed competency
product. Good readers are able to read required for a standard competency
different levels of reading selections (Depdiknas, 2006).
which might contain the implementation In SMPN 4 Singaraja, the students
of the high technology or useful dominantly feel difficult to comprehend
information that might be implied in the reading. It is indicated that the
developing human development, students could not understand reading
especially education. In reading, the skill. This experience has been supported
students sometimes get difficulty in by other English teachers in this school.
getting meaning (word, phrase, and From 294 students of eighth grade in this
sentences meaning), in selecting the best school, 220 students (75%) had high
meaning, and in organizing ideas or difficulties to comprehend reading text.
thought. Other difficulties come from They said that their students dominantly
disability to apply effective reading tended to keep silent during teaching and
strategies that can help them to learning process which directly affected
understand the printed page. the low score of reading skill. It was very
difficult for the students to understand the

Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio 99

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
essential elements of reading solving skills. Jigsaw is a very useful tool
comprehension. Students lacked the for trying to help students integrate
understanding to comprehend the knowledge and understanding from
meaning of the reading text. Students various sources and experts. The basic
focused to learn a reading skill only for the idea is very simple: students are divided
final examination. The other English into groups all of whom have their own
teachers also added that their students research topic to study. After research,
focused in learning reading each topic group is split in such a manner
comprehension only to fulfill the final that new groups have a single member
examination target. There was no from each of the old topic groups. After
regulated time allocation for improving the new groups have been assembled
their own reading achievement. Based on each topic expert is responsible for
an informal interview between the integrating the knowledge of his/her
researcher and two English teachers in topic-specific knowledge into the
this school, students’ difficulties in understanding of the new group he/she is
reading comprehension were influenced in (Aronson, 1978).
by inappropriate reading strategy applied Meanwhile, the relationship
by English teachers. From 294 students of between reading comprehension and
Eighth grade, 206 students (70%) claimed vocabulary knowledge is strong. Stahl
that they did not understand the reading (1999) reported that education research in
material presented by their English readability, test construction, and reading
teachers because of inappropriate comprehension found that students with
strategies. More than that this informal more vocabulary knowledge
interview also highlights that English comprehend text better than students
teachers are still applying their with less vocabulary mastery.
conventional teaching strategy in the Based on the explanation above,
classroom. the researcher was used Jigsaw technique
Actually, to achieve basic to increase the students’ understanding
competency and standard competency, about the text and develop teaching
there are many strategies that can be strategies in teaching reading
applied by the teacher to maximize their comprehension. It can be applied to
role in the classroom, but most of them helping, improving and giving more
did not try to find a variety of method and enjoyable atmosphere to the students’
anyways to be more attractive. In terms of reading comprehension. This research
reading strategy, there are many tried to find evidence on whether the
strategies that can be applied to implementation of Jigsaw technique and
improving students’ achievement in students’ vocabulary mastery can give a
reading comprehension. significant effect on reading
The Jigsaw technique was used to comprehension. The research was
develop the skills and expertise needed to conducted of the eighth-grade students of
participate effectively in the group SMPN 4 Singaraja in the academic year
activities. It focuses on listening, speaking, 2013/2014.
co-operation, reflection, and problem-

100 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
Based on the informal interviews comprehension in narrative and recount
done to English teacher at SMPN 4 text. The presence of the study is limited
Singaraja. The problems identified were: to four main objectives. The first, finding
(a) Reading Comprehension is found to out whether there is a significant effect of
be a difficult skill for the eight grade reading comprehension between the
students of SMPN 4 Singaraja because the students who are taught by using the
students have little interest in reading Jigsaw technique and Conventional. The
comprehension in English text, so that it second, to find out the interaction
becomes one of the constraints to between the implementation of teaching
comprehend the reading comprehension techniques and vocabulary mastery on
in English text, (b) Many students are not the students’ reading comprehension.
able to comprehend the English passage Third, find out whether there is a
accurately. Due to the vocabulary mastery significant effect in reading
is limited, automatically it is so hard as the comprehension between the students
students to comprehend the English text with high vocabulary mastery who are
itself, (c) Jigsaw has not been taught by using the Jigsaw technique and
implemented. In this case, the teacher in those who are taught by using
SMPN 4 Singaraja used conventional conventional. Fourth is to find whether
strategy so it made the classroom was there is a significant effect in reading
teacher-centered, and the students comprehension between students with
became passive in the classroom. The low vocabulary mastery who are taught
students were lazy to follow the activity by using the Jigsaw technique and those
that the teacher gave to the students. who are taught by using the Conventional
Therefore, the teacher should use the method.
strategy that could be used to master the
English text, especially in reading II. DISCUSSION
comprehension, (d) Students’ vocabulary 2.1 The Concept of Reading
mastery needs to be increased. The Reading is one of the English skills
students of SMPN 4 Singaraja still lack besides speaking, listening and writing. It
vocabulary mastery, because from the is the way to understand written
result of English task especially in reading messages. According to Dechant (1982),
was still bad, so that in this case the teacher reading is a language process and
must use the appropriate strategy to the communication that is a process which
students in order that they can achieve a gave the opportunity to readers to interact
good result in English reading and to communicate with different ideas.
comprehension. Reading always involves interaction
This is a quasi-experimental study between the writer and the reader. It is an
which is focused on teaching reading action of a communicative process stated
comprehension by using Jigsaw from the thought of the writer which is
Technique of the eighth-grade students of expressed by using symbols on the
SMPN 4 Singaraja in the academic year printed page. Without readers
2013/2014. This study was limited by communication through writing on the
measuring students’ reading printed page does not occur.

Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio 101

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
Walker (1992) defines reading as ideas) and upon language knowledge
an interaction between readers and their (knowledge of morphology, syntax, and
prior knowledge of the reading process. grammar).
Therefore, readers’ prior knowledge Comprehension is considered as a
influences his comprehension of the text. process in which the reader constructs
Reading cannot be regarded as a set of meaning by interacting with text through
mechanical skills to be learned once and the combination of prior knowledge and
for all, but rather as a complex process of previous experience, information in the
making meaning from a text, for a variety text and the reader takes in relation to the
of purposes and in a wide range of text (Pardo,2004).
Leipzig (2001) states that reading 2.3 Levels of Comprehension
requires word recognition, Lapp & Flood (1986) classify
comprehension, and fluency. To reading comprehension on the three
understand all types of information in an levels as follows:
array of the texts, it requires not only the
reading activity but also able to a. Literal Comprehension
understand the text content, one is not It is a level of comprehension that
able to absorb or comprehend a lot of needs skills in understanding the
information quickly, accurately and information that is directly stated in
easily. Ability or skill of comprehending a the written material. In this level,
message in the text is the goal of reading readers are expected to get the main
in a language instruction. message of the writer. Lapp & Flood
Based on the definitions above, it (1986) present the skills needed in this
can be concluded that reading is the level know the meaning of words,
process of understanding the written text multiple meanings might become a
and identify the messages provided in the problem if a large number of words in
text depending on the reader’s prior the written material are unknown to
knowledge in constructing the meaning. the reader and comprehension
suffers. That is why a good teacher, he
2.2 Comprehension or she should give the reading
Dechant (1982) notes that instruction first to help the learners
comprehension has two general abilities: become aware of various ways in
the ability to remember word meaning which individual words are used.
(word knowledge) and the ability to
reason with verbal concepts, and hence b. Inferential Comprehension
with words. In this case, that Lapp & Flood (1986) states that
comprehension is a thinking process. It is the level of comprehension refers to
thinking through reading, which is reading between the lines. In other
dependent upon the learners’ basic words, in reading at this level, the
cognitive and intellectual skill, based on reader is able to understand what is
their background of experience implied through reading. This
(vocabularies, knowledge, concepts, and category includes the following skills:

102 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
1. Summarizing and organizing, Recognition is defined as an awareness
both the ability to select the main that something perceived has been
idea and choose significant details. perceived before. In this text, word
2. Arriving a generalization, the recognition means that the reader can
readers need to specific instances determine the oral equivalent of a written
and then decide whether the data or printed word. Reading comprehension
presented are sufficient to warrant is intentional thinking during which
a significant conclusion. meaning is constructed through
interactions between text and reader
c. Critical Comprehension (Harris and Hodges, 1995).
Otto (1990) explains that there According to Brasell (2008),
are four levels that the readers need to reading comprehension is the ability to
master in reading comprehension. take information from written text and do
They are word, level, sentence level, something with it in a way that
paragraph level and reasoning level. demonstrates knowledge or
The first level is the word level, the understanding of that information.
ability to know the meaning of the Based on the explanations above,
word in the sentence. The second level it can be concluded that reading
is sentenced level. Students able to comprehension is the process of
combine the words in the sentence reconstructing meaning from text. The
and understand what the whole process of reconstructing meaning is the
sentences mean. The third level is the process of transform the information that
paragraph level, the ability to is presented and illustrated how the
comprehend the words and sentences readers can show they understand what
in a paragraph and also develop an they read.
understanding the meaning of the
paragraph itself, in this case, the 2.5 The objectives of teaching reading in
reader may identify the main idea, SMP
draw an inference or use information Teachers must know the
in the paragraph to determine cause principles of the teaching of reading.
and effect. The last level is the According to Smith (2011), some
reasoning level, reasoning resembles principles related to reading instruction
the critical and creative reading, in this that may be helpful to teachers include the
level the reader is able to make an following: reading is a complex act with
evaluation and create new ideas from many factors that must be considered,
the text. reading involves construction of the
meaning represented by printed symbols,
2.4 Reading Comprehension there is no one correct way to teach
There are many definitions of reading, learning to read is continuing
reading comprehension accepted by process, middle school students should be
some experts. The most important factor taught word recognition skills that will
that can influence the students’ allow them to unlock the pronunciations
comprehension is word recognition. and meanings of unfamiliar words

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
independently, the teacher should assess instructional strategy so effective. Jigsaw
each students’ reading ability and use the learning allows students to be introduced
assessment as a basis for planning to material and yet maintain a high level
instruction, reading, and the other of personal responsibility.
language arts are closely interrelated, The purpose of Jigsaw is to
using complete literature selections in the develop teamwork and cooperative
middle school reading program is learning skills for all students. In addition,
important, reading is an integral part of all it helps to develop a depth of knowledge
content area instruction within the not possible if the students were to try and
educational program, the middle school learn all of the material on their own.
students need to see that reading can be an Finally, because students are required to
enjoyable pursuit and reading should be present their findings to the homegroup,
taught in a way that allows each student Jigsaw learning will often disclose a
to experience success. student’s own understanding of a concept
When we look into the objectives as well as reveal any misunderstandings
of teaching reading or reading (Aronson,1978)
competencies in the KTSP English Cooperative Learning or group
curriculum we could say that the primary work method has several activities in the
purpose of reading are: to understand teaching-learning. Jigsaw is one of the
nuances of meaning of, to understand activities in the cooperative learning. In
steps of rhetorical development or move cooperative learning, students cooperate
(generic structure of text) in the suggested with their friends to discuss the topic they
written texts types: narrative, descriptive, study but when the students are given to
recount, message, report, procedure, an study their own topic, it is the danger
advertisement, etc. because the students tend only to study
their own topic and the students do not
2.6Jigsaw Technique want to study their friends’ topic. Jigsaw
2.6.1 The Definitions of Jigsaw is one of the activities of cooperative
Following Aronson (1978), Jigsaw methods which can solve this problem.
is a cooperative learning strategy that Slavin (1995:111) says that Jigsaw includes
enables each student of a “home” group a procedure whereby students share
to specialize in one aspect of a learning information they have gathered with their
unit. Students meet with members from group mates and with the other group
other groups who are assigned the same mate in the class. Students are quizzed on
aspect, and after mastering the material, all topics and the quiz scores are averaged
return to the ”home” group and teach the to form team scores. So, if the team wants
material to their group members. to be successful, the team members must
Just as in a Jigsaw puzzle, each not only accomplish their subtasks but
piece- each student’s part is essential for also do a good job of sharing information
the completion and full understanding of with their teammates.
the final product. If each student’s part is Slavin (1995:122) states that Jigsaw
essential, then each student is essential. is one of group work or cooperative
This is what makes the Jigsaw activities which are applicable in the

104 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
teaching reading comprehension. It is one the others. No student can succeed
type of the simplest method of completely unless everyone works well
cooperative learning. This is the way to together as a team. This “cooperation by
give stimulus for the students to be design” facilitates interaction among all
motivated to learn so that they will be able students in the class, leading them to
to read better and get the better value each other as contributors to their
achievement. common task (Aronson, 1978).
Teaching reading will be easier Studies showed that it was only
because this way asks the students to be under certain conditions that cooperative
active in the class. They will be in the team efforts may be expected to be more
consisting of various good students and productive than competitive and
poor students. Every team consists of 5-6 individualistic efforts. Johnson & Johnson
students and they will study together to (1999) put forward five principles for the
get better achievement in the form of Jigsaw strategy:
individual improvement scores after
taking the individual quiz. Every member a. Positive interdependence
of a team should be responsible for her/his Each group member’s efforts are
own material to the member of his/her required and indispensable for the group
own team. success. Each group member has to make
Jigsaw classroom is a Cooperative unique contributions to the joint effort.
Learning technique that reduces racial b. Face-to-face promotive interaction
conflict among school students, promotes Group members have to orally
better learning, improves students’ explain how to solve problems, teach
motivation, and increases enjoyment of one’s knowledge to others, check for
the learning experiences. Jigsaw is said to understanding, discuss concepts being
be able to increase students’ learning since learned and associate the present learning
it is less threatening for many students, it with the past one.
increases the amount of student c. Individual and group accountability
participation in the classroom, it reduces The size of the group should be
the need for competitiveness and it kept small, for the smaller the size of the
reduces the teacher’s dominance in the group is, the greater the individual
classroom”. Consequently, Jigsaw accountability may be. The teacher is
strategy can successfully reduce students’ expected to give an individual test to each
reluctance to participate in the classroom student, randomly examine students by
activities and help create an active learner- asking one student to present his or her
centered atmosphere, but even more group’s work orally to the teacher (in the
important, the Jigsaw process encourages presence of the group) or to the entire
listening, engagement and empathy by class, observe each group and record the
giving each member of the group an frequency with which each member
essential part to play in the academic contributes to the group’s work, appoint
activity. Group members must work one student in each group as the leader,
together as a team to accomplish a who is responsible for asking other group
common goal, each person depends on all members to explain the rationale

Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio 105

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
underlying the group answers, and 2. A student is appointed from each
monitor students to teach what they have group as the leader. Initially, this
learned to the others. person should be the most mature
student in the group.
d. Interpersonal skills 3. The lesson is divided into 5-6
Social skills are a necessity for the segments. For example, if you
success of Jigsaw learning in class. Social want to ask the students to write a
skills include leadership, decision- topic about the sport, you might
making, trust-building, communication, divide the topic into the
conflict-management skills and so on. standalone topic on 1) badminton,
(2) basketball, (3) swimming, (4)
e. Group processing volleyball, (5) running.
Group members discuss how well 4. Each student is assigned to learn
they are achieving their goals and one segment, making sure
maintaining effective working students have direct access only
relationships, describe what member their segment.
actions are helpful and what is not, and 5. The students are giving time to
make decisions about what behaviors to read the topic at least twice and
continue or change. become familiar with the topic.
Jigsaw learning makes it possible 6. The students are giving chance to
for students to be introduced to material the expert groups to discuss the
and yet bear a high level of personal main point of their segment and to
responsibility. It helps develop teamwork rehearse the presentation they will
and cooperative learning skills within all make to their Jigsaw group.
students and a depth of knowledge not 7. The students are bringing back
possible if the students learn all of the into their Jigsaw group.
material on them own. The students are 8. Each student presents her or his
supposed to report their own findings to segment to the group.
the homegroup in Jigsaw learning. It quite 9. The leader of each group can
often discloses a student’s own manage their group and they can
understanding of a concept as well as observe the process if the
reveal any misunderstandings. members of the group are having
2.6.2 Steps in implementing Jigsaw 10) At the end of the session, the teacher
technique in the classroom: gives a quiz on the material to the
According to Aronson (1978), the students.
Jigsaw classroom is very simple to be
used. 2.6.3 The advantages of using Jigsaw
These are the steps of Jigsaw: Technique
1. The students are divided into 5-6 Aronson (1978) stated that there
Jigsaw groups. The groups should are some advantages of using Jigsaw
be diverse in terms of gender, technique:
ethnicity, race, and ability.

106 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
1. The students have the opportunity increases enjoyment of the
to teach themselves, instead of learning experience and promotes
having the material presented to a great deal of negotiation for
them. The technique fosters depth meaning.
of understanding. 4. The Jigsaw classroom reduces
2. Each student has practiced it in students’ reluctance and anxiety to
self-teaching which is the most participate in the classroom
valuable of the entire skill teacher activities while increasing self-
can help them learn. esteem and self-confidence.
3. The students can practice in peer
teaching which requires that they Based on the theories above, it can
understand the material at a be concluded that Jigsaw technique is an
deeper level than student typically effective strategy to be applied in English
do when simply asked to produce class because it is being efficient,
an exam. encouraging students to listen to each
4. The students become more fluent other, work as a team and have a social
in using English. engagement.
5. Each student has a chance to
contribute meaningfully to the 2.7 Conventional Method
discussion, something that is According to Scherman in
difficult to achieve in large group Listyadewi (2008), the conventional
discussion. Each student develops method is categorized as a common
an expertise and has something method of teaching used by most teachers
important to contribute. in their daily teaching. It is a kind of
6. Each group is discussing a follow- teacher-oriented method of teaching that
up question after the individual is frequently conducted based on the
presentation. book. There is also a limitation of variation
in reading and responding to the reading.
Meanwhile, the other advantages The reading activities vary on identifying
of the Jigsaw technique stated in Bafile difficult words, answering
(2008) as follow: comprehension questions and answering
1. The students are eager the tasks in the textbook or students’
participants in the learning worksheets.
process and are responsible for the Conventional method has the
work and achievement while following characteristics such as the
being held accountable by their students do the task individually, the
peers. instruction is teacher-oriented class, the
2. The students have more chance to teacher presents the material based on the
appreciate differences and share book, the instruction focuses on the result,
experiences through individual not on the process, and it does not take
participation and instruction. much time to conduct this method
3. The Jigsaw classroom stimulates because there are not many activities to do
students’ motivation and in this technique.

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September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
Seeing the characteristics above, vocabulary first before they master more
the method is less challenging for the complex structure.
students. Moreover, the students only Vocabulary mastery is not a
search the answers presented in the text spontaneous process which is easy to be
without connecting what they read to done. The process of vocabulary mastery
their real life. However, the most teacher begins when someone is still an infant.
still implements this method because it They will master the vocabulary through
does not require much preparation except the simple words by listening to the
the book. In addition, this method words which are uttered by someone else.
requires less time, energy and it is easier to It is known that English vocabulary
control the students if it is compared with learning cannot run successfully without
group work (Listyadewi, 2008). English ability (English skills) because
both of them are very important in
2.8 Vocabulary Mastery on Reading English teaching and learning process.
Stahl (1999) states that The students cannot do well in
vocabulary is very important for second comprehension without large vocabulary,
language learners, only with sufficient for the passages and questions involve a
vocabulary learners can effectively range of words much wider than that of
express their ideas both in oral and daily conversation. The students should
written form. Thus, they should have a master vocabulary. It is the knowledge of
good idea of how to expand their the word how to use, pronounces, spell,
vocabulary so that they can improve their and meaning. It is about the difficulties
interest in learning the language. words in the language used to express
Language teachers, therefore, should meaning (Stahl, 1999).
possess considerable knowledge on how Moreover, the students know that
to manage an interesting classroom so vocabulary development is essential for
that the learners can gain a great success in them to learn English, but they often do
their vocabulary learning. not have a clear understanding of how to
Further, vocabulary plays an go about really learning vocabulary That
important role in language acquisition is why interactive teaching is of great help.
because the mastery of vocabulary will There are some aspects that the students
help students to master all the language found in the vocabulary mastery namely
skills; speaking, listening, writing and meaning, use, spelling, and
reading. The vocabulary will make the pronunciation. It can be said that the
students practice life and will strengthen students have the difficulties in the
the belief that English can be used to meaning if they can describe the words on
express the same ideas or feeling they the context. The difficulties of the students
express in their native language. Mehta use, it can be said if they are difficult to
(2009) states that vocabulary is the first identify the use of the words then they are
and foremost important step in language confused to differentiate the kinds of
acquisition. It means that in learning words which are used in the sentences. In
foreign languages, students usually learn the pronunciation, the students still have
difficulty in answering this aspect. Most of

108 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
the students were not able to identify the more effective than the audiolingual
pronunciation of the sounds like vowel, method.
consonant, or diphthong of the words. Moreover, Meng (2010)
The last aspect that the students have the conducted a research titled Jigsaw
difficulties is in the spelling, they are still Cooperative Learning in English Reading.
confused to recognize the words From the result of the analysis, it was
mentioned in the sentence. found that through Jigsaw cooperative
Stanvoich (2000) suggested that learning, the students in the experimental
the differences between young students class benefited from the cooperative
in their word knowledge are due to the learning approach. It also fostered the
different amounts of text they are exposed interest of students’ English study,
to. Therefore, the number of words that arouses their motivation and improved
the young students know can be their reading ability. Jigsaw cooperative
increased by increasing the number of learning embodied a learner-centered,
texts to which they are exposed. teacher-facilitated and positive
Memorization is not an effective way to interdependent communication. So, she
gain new vocabulary. It is not possible to could be said that Jigsaw cooperative
understand the text by simply linking the learning approach is one of the most
meaning of individual words. Students effective ways of teaching English reading
should learn vocabulary meanings from in college.
the text with the help of a teacher. Meanwhile, Nyeneng (2011)
Based on the definitions above, conducted a research titled The Effect of
vocabulary mastery can be defined as a Jigsaw Reading and Gender Difference on
number of words in a language which Students’ Reading Comprehension in Grade
contains information about its meaning, Nine of SMPN 2 Mendoyo, Jembrana in the
form, and usage in the context of Academic Year of 2010/2011. From the
communication. result of the analysis, it was found that the
Jigsaw strategy made better achievement
2.9 Empirical Review in reading comprehension. It was very
Mustofa (2009) conducted a effective for the students to compare with
research titled The Effectiveness of Jigsaw in the conventional method.
Teaching Speaking Viewed from Motivation. Another research was conducted
He has contributed an experimental by Dewi (2011) titled The Effect of
research on cooperative learning Cooperative Reading Strategies on Students’
specifically by using Jigsaw Technique at Reading Comprehension. The study was
SMPN 2 Nganjuk. About 80 students focused to find the effect of cooperative
were observed as a sample of the study. learning method and conventional
This experimental research was method on the achievement in reading
conducted in eight months. This study comprehension of the students. The
showed that there was a significant effect finding of her research showed that the
of teaching speaking by using the Jigsaw experimental group outscored
technique compared with the audio- significantly the control group on post-
lingual method. Jigsaw technique was test. The result of the study indicated that

Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio 109

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
cooperative learning method was more 2.10 Theoretical Framework
effective for English than the conventional 2.10.1 The significant effect of students’
one. reading comprehension between
Mujtaba (2012) conducted a the students who are taught by
research titled Teaching Vocabulary by using the Jigsaw technique and
Using Jigsaw of Seventh Grade Students of those who are taught with the
MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo, conventional method.
Karanganyar, Demak in the Academic Year According to Slavin (1995), the
2011/2012. This study was focused to Jigsaw strategy is an efficient way to learn
investigate the effects of using Jigsaw and the course material in a cooperative
conventional strategy in teaching learning style. The Jigsaw process
vocabulary to the students. The finding of encourages engagement and empathy by
his research showed that the Jigsaw giving each member of the group an
strategy made better achievement in essential part to play in the academic
vocabulary and it was very effective for activity. Group members must work
the students compared with the together as a team to accomplish a
conventional. common goal; each person depends on all
Similar to the researches above, the others. No student can succeed
this present research also investigated completely unless everyone works well
about the effect of the Jigsaw technique, together as a team. This "cooperation by
but toward other variables such as design" facilitates interaction among all
vocabulary mastery and reading students in the class, leading them to
comprehension. Moreover, in order to value each other as contributors to their
help the effectiveness of using Jigsaw common task.
technique in the learning process, in this On the other hand, the
study there were some viewing conventional teaching technique is very
techniques which make this study common, because the teachers only teach
different than those previous researches. language theoretically rather than
Another diversity such as, first, the used of practically, therefore the teacher still use
post-test only control group design in this conventional strategy, the teacher just
research. Second, it focuses on asked the students to read the text and
investigating the effect of Jigsaw have questions related to the text. It was
technique and vocabulary mastery (as the not an effective technique, it just made the
moderator variable) toward reading students will feel bored in following
comprehension. Third, the sample of this reading class.
study was also different from the previous Based on the explanation above, it
study. The sample was the eighth-grade can be predicted that the students’
students of the Junior high school in reading comprehension who are taught
SMPN 4 Singaraja. by using the Jigsaw technique and
conventional are different.

110 Yavana Bhāshā: Journal of English Language Educatio

September 2018, Volume 1, Issue 2
2.10.2 The significant effect of the 2.10.3 The effect in reading
interaction between teaching comprehension between the
techniques and students’ students with high vocabulary
vocabulary mastery on reading mastery who are taught by using
comprehension. the Jigsaw technique and those
Stahl (1999) states that vocabulary who are taught by using
is a very important language aspect to conventional.
master. It is a crucial component in According to Stahl (1999),
acquiring and understand language. vocabulary mastery is important in
When we read something, it will sound reading skill. Students who have high
good if we understand the words or vocabulary mastery will understand the
vocabulary in our reading. Mastering text better and active participant. Jigsaw
vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive technique gives chance for the students to
lots of words. By having and mastering compete among groups. High vocabulary
vocabulary, we will know the meaning of mastery students will attempt effort to
vocabulary in the context. It can also help achieve success. It is assumed that the
to avoid making mistakes in students with high mastery will lead them
understanding a written or spoken text. to increase their achievement in reading
The students who learn English face a comprehension.
classical problem dealing with English
reading text, lack of vocabulary is the 2.10.4 The effect in reading
major one whereas, in fact, vocabulary is comprehension between the
the most important thing in reading skill. students with low vocabulary
It shows the reading and vocabulary have mastery who are taught by using
a close relation. We have known how the Jigsaw technique and those
important vocabulary mastery in reading who are taught by using
activity. conventional.
Furthermore, the instructions Students having low vocabulary
used in teaching strategy really affect the mastery have several characteristics
students’ reading comprehension. This which are in contrast to the students
learning instruction has several activities having high mastery. They do not
to involve the students’ activity. Every understand the text and passive in the
step in Jigsaw stimulate the students’ activity (Stahl, 1999). By seeing their
creativity and to build up their confidence characteristics of low mastery, it is
to learn. The students’ vocabulary predicted that they will face some
mastery also positively affects the reading difficulties in mastering vocabulary
comprehension. So, it assumed that there Based on the results of data
would be an interaction effect between analysis and discussions above, it can be
teaching strategy and students’ concluded that:
vocabulary mastery. 1. There was a significant effect in the
reading comprehension of the
eighth-grade students of SMPN 4
Singaraja between the students

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