730 1359 1 SM
730 1359 1 SM
730 1359 1 SM
Ni Nengah Pariati
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Jigsaw technique and students’
vocabulary mastery on reading comprehension of the eighth-grade students of SMPN 4
Singaraja. This study was a quasi-experimental study with Posttest-Only Control Group
Design by 2x2 factorial arrangement which involved a sample of 80 students. The data were
collected by using vocabulary and reading comprehension test then analyzed by Two-way
ANOVA and Tukey test. The result indicates that (1) there was a significant effect on reading
comprehension between the students who were taught using the Jigsaw technique and
those who were taught by using conventional, (2) there was a significant effect of the
interaction between the implementation of teaching techniques and students’ vocabulary
mastery on reading comprehension, (3) there was a significant effect in reading
comprehension between the students with high vocabulary mastery who were taught by
using Jigsaw technique and those who were taught by using conventional technique, (4)
there was a significant effect in reading comprehension between the students with low
vocabulary mastery who were taught by using Jigsaw technique and those who were
taught by using conventional. The result of the research showed that the Jigsaw technique
was more effective for teaching reading comprehension than conventional.