UPSC-CSE Prelims General Studies 1997 Paper: Education Province
UPSC-CSE Prelims General Studies 1997 Paper: Education Province
UPSC-CSE Prelims General Studies 1997 Paper: Education Province
9. The head of the military department under 13. The tail of a comet is directed away from
the reorganised central machinery of the sun because
administration during Akbar’s reign was a) as the comet rotates around the sun, the
a) Diwan lighter mass of the comet is pushed away due
b) Mir Bakshi to the centrifugal force alone
c) Mir Saman b) as the comet rotates, the lighter mass of
d) Bakshi the comet is attracted by some star situated
Ans: b) in the direction of its tail
c) the radiation emitted by the sun exerts a
10. The January isotherm taken as a basis for radial pressure on the comet throwing its tail
dividing India into tropical and sub-tropical away from the sun
zones is d) the tail of the comet always exists in the
a) 21°C same orientation
b) 18°C Ans: c)
c) 12°C
d) 15°C 14. Assertion (A): The sponsor and the most
Ans: b) prominent figure of the Chisti order of Sufis in
India is Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti.
11. “.........They are people of yellow Reason (R): The Chisti order takes its name
complexion, oblique eyes, high cheek bones, from a village Chisti in Ajmer. In the context
sparse hair and medium height.” The of the above two statements, which one of
reference here is to the following is correct?
a) Nordic Aryans a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
b) Austrics explanation of A
c) Negroids
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct c) I, II, III and IV
explanation of A d) I, II and IV
c) A is true, but R is false Ans: b)
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans: c) 18. “A graduate at 18, professor and
associated editor of the Sudharak at 20,
15. Match List I with List II and select the Secretary of the Sarvajanik Sabha and of the
correct answer by using the codes given Provincial Conference at 25, Secretary of the
below the lists: National Congress at 29, leading witness
List I List II before an important Royal Commission at 31,
(Minerals) (Typical areas of Occurrence) Provincial legislator at 34, Imperial legislator
I. Coal A) Bhandara at 36, President of the Indian National
II. Gold B) Karanpura Congress at 39......... a patriot whom
III. Mica C) Hutti Mahatma Gandhi himself regarded as his
IV. Manganese D) Nellore master.” This is how a biographer describes
Codes: a) Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
a) I-A, II-C, III-B, IV-D b) Mahadev Govind Ranade
b) I-B, II-C, III-D, IV-A c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c) I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-A d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
d) I-B, II-A, III-D, IV-C Ans: c)
Ans: b)
19. The river shown on the map is
16. In which of the following countries will the
no confidence motion to bring down the
government passed by the legislature be
valid only when the legislature is able to find
simultaneously a majority to elect a
successor government?
a) France
b) Germany
c) Italy
d) Portugal
Ans: b)
a) Irrawaddy
17. The sum of which of the following b) Mekong
constitutes Broad Money in India? c) Chao Phraya
I. Currency with the Public d) Salween
II. Demand deposits with banks Ans: d)
III. Time deposits with banks
IV. Other deposits with RBI 20. Which one of the following was NOT
Choose the correct answer using the codes proposed by the 73rd Constitutional
given below: Amendment in the area of Panchayati Raj?
a) I and II
b) I, II and III
d) Monaco
Ans: d)
E) Canada Ans: d)
a) I-E, II-A, III-B, IV-C 58. Assertion (A): The reservation of thirty-
b) I-C, II-A. III-D, IV-B three per cent of seats for women in
c) I-A, II-E, III-D, IV-C Parliament and State Legislatures does not
d) I-C, II-D, III-A, IV-B require Constitutional amendment.
Ans: b) Reason (R): Political parties contesting
elections can allocate thirty-three per cent of
54. The concept of Public Interest Litigation seats they contest to women candidates
originated in without any Constitutional amendment. In
a) the United Kingdom the context of the above two statements,
b) Australia which one of the following is correct?
c) the United States a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
d) Canada explanation of A
Ans: d) b) Both A and Rare true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A
55. If the Prime Minister of India belonged to c) A is true, but R is false
the Upper House of Parliament d) A is false, but R is true
a) he will not be able to vote in his favour in Ans: d)
the event of a no confidence motion
b) he will not be able to speak on the Budget 59. Which one of the following dances
in the Lower House involves solo performance?
c) he can make statements only on the Upper a) Bharatanatyam
House b) Kuchipudi
d) he has to become a member of the Lower c) Mohiniattam
House within six months after being sworn in d) Odissi
as the Prime Minister Ans: a)
Ans: a)
60. What is the correct chronological
56. M.C. Setalvad, B.N. Rao and Alladi sequence of the following?
Krishnaswamy Iyer were distinguished I. Wood’s Education Despatch
members of the II. Macaulay’s Minute on Education
a) Swaraj Party III. The Sargeant Education Report
b) All India National Liberal Federation IV. Indian Education (Hunter Commission)
c) Madras Labour Union a) II, I, IV, III
d) Servants of India Society b) II, I, III, IV
Ans: d) c) I, II, IV, III
d) IV, III, I, II
57. The tribal population in Andaman and Ans: a)
Nicobar Islands belongs to the
a) Australoid race 61. The group of small pieces of rock -
b) Caucasoid race revolving round the sun between the orbits of
c) Mongoloid race Mars and Jupiter are called
d) Negroid race a) meteors
Ans: c)
72. The following are the major oilseeds 75. Match List I with List II and select the
produced in India: correct answer by using the codes given
I. Sesamum below the lists:
II. Mustard List I List II
III. Groundnut (Functionaries) (Oaths or affirmations)
IV. Soyabean I. President of India
Which one of the following is the correct A) Secrecy of Information
sequence of the descending order of the II. Judges of the Supreme Court
quantity of their production? B) Faithful Discharge of Duties
a) I, II, III, IV III. Members of Parliament
b) III, II, IV, I C) Faith and Allegiance to the Constitution of
c) II, IV, III, I India
d) III, IV, II, I IV. Ministers for the Union
Ans: b) D) Upholding the Constitution and the Law
73. The famous dialogue between, Nachiketa a) I-C, II-D, III-A, IV-B
and Yama is mentioned in the b) I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A
a) Chhandogyopanishad c) I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-A
b) Mundakopanishad d) I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B
c) Kathopanishad Ans: c)
d) Kenopanishad
Ans: c) 76.
In the map shown in the given figure, rivers
74. Consider the geographical details given in labelled as 1, 2, 3 and 4 are respectively
the following figure:
83. In the following quotation, “WE, THE 85. The following maps shows four of the
PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved sixteen mahajanapadas that existed in
to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist ancient India:
Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to
all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith
and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all;
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the
individual and the unity and integrity of the
The places marked A, B, C and D respectively
In our Constituent Assembly this ‘X’ .......... do
hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves
a) Matsya, Cedi, Kosala, Anga
this Constitution.” ‘X’ stands for
b) Surasena, Avanti, Vatsa, Magadha
a) twenty-sixth day of January, 1950
c) Matsya, Avanti, Vatsa, Anga
b) twenty-sixth day of November, 1949
d) Surasena, Cedi, Kosala, Magadha
c) twenty-sixth day of January, 1949
Ans: c)
d) None of the above
Ans: b)
86. In the Mahayana Buddhism, the
Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was also known
84. Match List I with List II and select the
correct answer by using the codes given
a) Vajrapani
below the lists:
b) Manjusri
List I
c) Padmapani
List II
d) Maitreya
I. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
Ans: c)
A) Empowerment of women
II. Mahila Samriddhi Yojana
87. Daily weather map showing isobars is an
B) Education for Women’s Equality
example of
III. Indira Mahila Yojana
a) Choropleth map
C) Promotion of savings among rural women
b) Isopleth map
IV. Mahila Samakhya Programme
c) Chorochromatic map
D) Meeting credit needs of the poor women
d) Choroschematic map
Ans: b)
a) I-C, II-B, III-A, IV-D
b) I-A, II-C, III-D, IV-B
88. Assertion (A): Willful disobedience or
c) I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B
non-compliance of Court Orders and use of
d) I-D, II-A, III-B, IV-C
derogatory language about judicial
Ans: c)
behaviour amounts of Contempt of Court.
Reason (R): Judicial activism cannot be
practised without arming the judiciary with
punitive powers to punish contemptuous context of the above two statements, which
behaviour. In the context of the above two one of the following is correct?
statements, which one of the following is a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
correct? explanation of A
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true, but R is not a correct
explanation of A explanation of A
b) Both A and Rare true, but Ris not a correct c) A is true, but R is false
explanation of A d) A is false, but R is true
c) A is true, but R is false Ans: d)
d) A is false, but R is true
Ans: b) 93. The contribution of India’s small-scale
sector to the gross turnover in the
89. Schemes of (i) Urban Micro Enterprises, manufacturing sector since 1992 has been of
(ii) Urban Wage Employment, and (iii) the order of
Housing and Shelter Upgradation are parts of a) 40%
a) Integrated Rural Development Programme b) 34%
b) Nehru Rozgar Yojana c) 30%
c) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana d) 45%
d) Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana Ans: b)
Ans: b)
94. Match List I with List II and select the
90. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were correct answer by using the codes given
called below the lists:
a) rupaka List I
b) karshapana List II
c) dinara (Author)
d) pana (Text)
Ans: a) I. Varahamihira
A) Prabandha Chintamani
91. Which one of the following countries is II. Visakhadatta
the largest producer of fuelwood in the B) Mrchchhakatikam
world? III. Sudraka
a) Indonesia C) Brhat-Samhita
b) Russia IV. Bilhana
c) India D) Devi Chandraguptam
d) China E) Vikramankadevacharita
Ans: b) Codes:
a) I-C, II-D, III-E, IV-B
92. Assertion (A): The emergence of economic b) I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-E
globalism does not imply the decline of c) I-E, II-C, III-D, IV-A
socialist ideology. d) I-A, II-C, III-E, IV-B
Reason (R): The ideology of Socialism Ans: b)
believes in universalism and globalism. In the
95. One will NOT have to pass through the 99. National Income is the
Suez Canal while going from Mumbai to a) Net National Product at market price
a) Alexandria b) Net National Product at factor cost
b) Suez c) Net Domestic Product at market price
c) Port Said d) Net Domestic Product at factor cost
d) Benghazi Ans: b)
Ans: b)
100. Which one of the following is NOT a
96. The Dinesh Goswami Committee principle of “Panchsheel”?
recommended a) Non-alignment
a) the constitution of state level election b) Peaceful Co-existence
commissions c) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial
b) List System of election to the Lok Sabha integrity and sovereignty
c) governmental funding of parliamentary d) Mutual non-interference in each other’s
elections internal affairs
d) a ban on the candidature of independent Ans: a)
candidates in the parliamentary elections
Ans: c) 101. During a flight from Delhi to Tokyo the
following are the landing airports:
97. Which of the following come under I. Hong Kong
Non-plan expenditure? II. Hanoi
I. Subsidies III. Taipei
II. Interest payments IV Bangkok
III. Defence expenditure The correct sequence of the landing at these
IV. Maintenance expenditure for the airports during an onward journey is
infrastructure created in the previous plans a) I, II, III, IV
Choose the correct answer using the codes b) IV, II, I, III
given below: c) III, IV, I, II
Codes: d) IV, i, ii, iii
a) I and II Ans: b)
b) I and III
c) II and IV 102. The Badami rock inscription of Pulakesin
d) I, II, III and IV I is dated in the Saka year 465. If the same
Ans: d) were to be dated in Vikrama Samvat, the year
would be
98. Which one of the following was a a) 601
corporation of merchants in ancient India? b) 300
a) Chaturvedi Mangalam c) 330
b) Parishad d) 407
c) Ashtadikgaja Ans: a)
d) Manigrama
Ans: d) 103. The Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) was
introduced in the Budget of the Government
of India for the year
Which one of the following is a valid 114. Which one of the following is
conclusion? paramagnetic in nature?
a) The larger the initial inclination, the longer a) Iron
the throw b) Hydrogen
b) The larger the height reached, the longer c) Oxygen
the throw d) Nitrogen
c) The larger the height reached, the shorter Ans: c)
the throw
d) The larger the initial inclination, the 115. Which one of the following has the
greater the height reached highest fuel value?
Ans: c) a) Hydrogen
b) Charcoal
110. The working principle of a washing c) Natural Gas
machine is d) Gasoline
a) centrifugation Ans: a)
b) dialysis
c) reverse osmosis 116. Which one of the following is used as an
d) diffusion anti-freeze for the automobile engines?
Ans: a) a) Propyl alcohol
b) Ethanol
111. The characteristic odour of garlic is due c) Methanol
to d) Ethylene glycol
a) a chloro compound Ans: d)
b) a sulphur compounds
c) a fluorine compounds 117. The pituitary gland by virtue of its tropic
d) acetic acid hormones controls the secretory activity of
Ans: b) other endocrine glands. Which one of the
following endocrine glands can function
112. Which one of the following is an active independent of the pituitary gland?
component of oil of clove? a) Thyroid
a) Menthol b) Gonads
b) Eugenol c) Adrenals
c) Methanol d) Parathyroid
d) Benzaldehyde Ans: d)
Ans: d)
118. Oxygen transportation in a human body
113. The most reactive among the halogens is takes place through
a) fluorine I. Blood
b) chlorine II. Lungs
c) bromine III. Tissue
d) iodine The correct sequence of transportation is
Ans: a) a) I, II, III
b) III, I, II
c) II, I, III
d) I, III, II a) glucose
Ans: c) b) sucrose
c) maltose
119. Corpus luteum is a mass of cells found in d) fructose
a) brain Ans: d)
b) ovary
c) pancreas 125. Arteries supplying blood to the heart are
d) spleen called
Ans: c) a) carotid arteries
b) hepatic arteries
120. Which one of the following organisms is c) coronary arteries
likely to show the highest- concentration of d) pulmonary arteries
DDT once it has been introduced into the Ans: d)
a) Grasshopper 126. Recommended daily intake of proteins
b) Toad for a moderately active woman is
c) Snake a) 30 g
d) Cattle b) 37 g
Ans: d) c) 40 g
d) 46 g
121. Alpha-keratin is a protein present in Ans: d)
a) blood
b) skin 127. The sequencing of the entire genome
c) wool (the totality of all genes) of an organism was
d) eggs completed in 1996. The organism was
Ans: b) a) albino mouse
b) yeast
122. Which one of the following is cultivated c) human being
by transplanting seedlings? d) Plasmodium vivax
a) Maize Ans: c)
b) Sorghum
c) Onion 128. Match List I with List II and select the
d) Soyabean correct answer by using the codes given
Ans: c) below the lists:
List I List II
123. What is the average fat content of buffalo I. Malaria A) Bone marrow
milk? II. Filaria B) Brain
a) 7.2% III. Encephalitis C) Muscle
b) 4.5% IV. Leukaemia D) Lymph node
c) 9.0% E) Blood cells
d) 10.0% Codes:
Ans: c) a) I-E, II-C, III-B, IV-A
b) I-E, II-D, III-B, IV-A
124. The major component of honey is c) I-D, II-C, III-E, IV-A
Ans: a)