Speed Control of Electric Car Using Field Oriented Controlled Switched Reluctance Motor
Speed Control of Electric Car Using Field Oriented Controlled Switched Reluctance Motor
Speed Control of Electric Car Using Field Oriented Controlled Switched Reluctance Motor
Abstract:- Nowadays, global warming caused by carbon expensive. Therefore, the switched reluctance machines
emission threatens the lives of human beings and living (SRM) are becoming of great and popular interest in the
organisms. The problem of reducing carbon dioxide recent years [2].
(CO2) has become urgent. Therefore, in the vehicle world,
electric vehicles (EV) are being used instead in order for Nowadays, SRM is a predominant option as a motor
reducing the fuel consumption. The using of electric used for electric cars with the minimum cost and high
motor plays a significant role in the performance of reliability due to its adjustable speed drive system and can be
electric cars. In most recent research, the application of found by the applications in high speed drives. Due to
switched reluctance motor (SRM) can be seen to improve interesting advantages such as the high efficiency, high
the performance of electric cars. Thus, this research reliability, excellent fault-tolerance, and high starting torque
focuses on the testing the performance of SRM. Among in initial accelerations, SRMs are recommended to be a
the many benefits of SRM, torque ripple is a drawback. competitive to other type of special application electrical
For reducing the torque ripple, the closed-loop vector machines. The main disadvantage in SRM includes the high
control is applied to motor control. In this research, field torque ripples [3]. In this paper, for reducing the drawback of
oriented control (FOC) to SRM is used for NEVERA torque ripple, the closed loop vector control as FOC of SRM
TECH EV car. The scenarios for Speed acceleration, for NEVERA TECH EV car is applied. The case study is
deceleration, and torque change are considered for the modeled and the results are analyzed by using
performance analysis using MATLAB/Simulink. MATLAB/Simulink.
Keywords:- Carbon Emission, Electric Vehicles, Field II. CONFIGURATION OF ELECTRIC CAR
Oriented Control, Switched Reluctance Motor, Speed,
Torque. The configuration of the EV is more adaptable than the
configuration of an internal combustion engine (ICE) car
I. INTRODUCTION because of the decreased number of moving parts, such as the
clutch [4]. Fig.1 demonstrated general EV configuration.
Nowadays, electric and hybrid electric vehicles are There are three main subsystems in the drive train: electric
popular products in the market and are accepted motor propulsion, energy source, and auxiliary.
internationally. Despite the growing awareness of the global
warming problem caused by fossil fuel use, they haven’t fully
entered the automobile market yet. The large number of
automobiles used around the world has caused and continues
to cause serious conditions for the environment and human
life. Global warming, air pollution and the rapid shortage of
the earth’s petroleum resources are current problems of
paramount concern.
ia + ib + ic = 0.
The wheel speed is 412 km/h. Therefore, it is 2180 rpm Speed deceleration from 7500 rpm to 7000 rpm at 5 sec,
which is assumed to 2200 rpm. In this paper, the front motor and then to 6000 rpm at 10 sec.
is analyzed for front wheels. For front wheel, motor power
(P) is 220 kW and maximum torque is (T) 280 N.m. By Scenario 3 (Speed Acceleration)
calculation using motor power and maximum torque, its
speed is 7500 rpm. Therefore, gear ratio is chosen as 1:3.5. Tref is 280 N.m.
Fig. 4 illustrates the Simulink model of SRM with FOC. Speed acceleration from 6000 rpm to 7000 rpm at 5 sec,
SRM is supplied with the required AC voltage using a DC- and then to 7500 rpm at 10 sec.
AC converter. Closed-loop control uses feedback from output
speed and stator current to achieve the required speed with Scenario 4 (Torque Change)
minimal error and minimum torque ripple through FOC.
Nref is 7500 rpm.
At stating, torque is 280 N.m. Next, it is changed to 200
The simulation is performed with the following N.m at 5 sec. And then, to 250 N.m at 10 sec.
scenarios. The speed acceleration, speed deceleration and
torque change at speed constant are considered for EV car Scenario 1 (Normal Condition)
performance in this research. After simulation, the speed result for normal condition
and the torque result for normal condition are shown in Fig. 5
Scenario 1 (Normal Condition) and Fig.6. In speed curve, the overshoot occurs for 4 secs and
after that, the steady state speed, 7500 rpm, is reached in
Nref is 7500 rpm and Tref is 280 N.m which the torque value rises to 886 N.m during starting
condition and reached to required value after speed
Scenario 2 (Speed Deceleration) overshoot.
Fig 5 Speed Result of Normal Condition According to the analysis of the results, during speed
deceleration at torque constant, the speed can change
smoothly during seconds to the required speed with little
As can be seen from the simulation results, during speed VII. CONCLUSION
acceleration at torque constant, the required speed can be
changed smoothly with little transients. In conclusion, the performance of switched reluctance
motor used in NEVERA TECH EV car is described in this
Scenario 4 (Torque Change) paper. It is evident that the closed-loop field-oriented control
In scenario 4, the condition of the torque change is of SRM is able to handle the situations of speed acceleration,
taken into consideration. Between 0 and 5 secs, the torque speed deceleration and torque changes effectively. It is able
reference is 280 rpm. After 5 to 10 sec, the torque is to reach the desired speed with short transient time and low
increased to 200 rpm. The torque was finally reduced to 250 overshoot and undershoot values. Even in the case of torque
rpm after 10 sec. It is assumed that the reference speed is change, the rated speed can be maintained. In all scenarios,
fixed at 7500 N.m. Fig.11 and Fig.12 expose the speed and FOC also reduces torque ripple. In a nutshell, FOC for SRM
torque results for scenario of torque change. can guarantee smooth performance for EV.