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BIO Skema

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(MASA : 2 ½ JAM)

Nama : ____________________________
______( ) Markah : _______________
Kelas : ____________

Disediakan oleh : CHEW KOK YING

Disemak oleh : ________________ Disahkan oleh : __________________
(Guru Kanan Sains & Matematik)
Matematik (PK Pentadbiran)
This paper consists of 11 printed pages.
SectionA :
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

1. Diagram 1 shows the structure of a typical cell of an organism as seen under an electronmicroscope.

a) Name the structures labelled X and Y.(2m)

X : __________________________________________________________________________

Y : __________________________________________________________________________

b) State the process that occurs in structure X. (1m)


c) State one function of structure Y. (1m)


d) What type of cell is shown in Diagram1? Give a reason for your answer. (2m)


2. Diagram 2.1 and 2.2 show level of antibody in the blood of individual P and individual Q respectively
during immunisation treatment.

Diagram 2.1 Diagram 2.2

a) i)State the type of body defence mechanism involved in the immunity. (1m)


ii) State the type of immunisation given to individual P and individual Q. (2m)

P : ___________________________________________________________________________

Q : ____________________________________________________________________________

b) Explain why individual P and individual Qhad to be given a second injection of the same substance.

P : ____________________________________________________________________________

Q : ____________________________________________________________________________

c) State the different between the type of immunisation received by P and Q. (1m)


3.Diagrams show food samples which contain fatty acids.

a) Based on the Diagrams above, name the type of fatty acids in those cooking oil sample: (2m)

cooking oil sample P : ________________________________________________________

cooking oil sample Q : ________________________________________________________

b) Diagram below shows part of word equation for breaking down cooking oil sample P and Q.

Based on Diagram above, explain process M. (3m)



c) Compare and contrast between cooking oil sample P and Q. (2m)



4. Diagram 4.1 shows the stages of the cell cycle.

Diagram 4.1
a)i) Based on diagram 4.1, in which phase DNA synthesis happen? (1m)


ii)Shade the part of the diagram to show the stage where the chromosomes become shorter and thicker.

b)State two roles of process M in an organism. (2m)



c)Diagram 4.2 shows the phase of cell division in mitosis.

Diagram 4.2

(d) Arrange the phase of mitosis in Diagram 4.2 according to the correct sequence. (1m)

e) State the chromosomal behavior of the named phase. (2m)

Phase Q:


Phase S:


5. Diagram 5 shows the forelimb and joint of humans.

Diagram 5

a) Name the parts labelled P and R. (2m)

P : ______________________________

R : ______________________________

b) State the characteristic of R tissues which is adapted to its function. (1m)


c) i) Name the tissue that connects T and S. (1m)


ii) What happened if this tissue is torn? (1m)


d) Circle and name a joint in the above diagram. (1m)

e) Explain how the P, Q, R, S, T and joint enable the arm to bend. (2m)



6. Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 show different types of fingerprints and a group of students with various body
heights respectively.

Diagram 6.1

Diagram 6.2

a) State the types of variation shown by the two diagrams above. (2m)

Diagram 6.1 : ________________________________________________________________________

Diagram 6.2 : ________________________________________________________________________

b) Explain the importance of variation. (2m)



c) Mutation is one of the factors that cause variation. Diagram 6.3 shows two types of chromosomal

Diagram 6.3

Name the processes involved in the mutation of P and Q. (2m)

P: _____________________________________________________________________________

Q : _____________________________________________________________________________

d) A woman who is a heavy smoker is pregnant. Explain why she should stop smoking. (2m)



7. Diagram below shows a nitrogen cycle.

a)i) Name the organism P and S. (2m)

P : __________________________________________

S : __________________________________________

ii) State in which Kingdom P, R and S are classified. (1m)


b)i) State the function of organism P and S. (2m)

P : _____________________________________________________________________________

S : _____________________________________________________________________________

ii) Explain the relationship between P and leguminous plant. (2m)



e) Explain what will happen to activity of P, R and S if this area received acid rain. (2m)



8. A group of students conducted an experiment to study the effect of light intensity on the rate of
Diagram 8.1 shows the apparatus set up for collecting the gas produced during photosynthesis.

Diagram 8.1

a) Based on diagram 8.1,

i) Name gas X. (1m)


ii) State the function of sodium hydrogen carbonate used in this experiment. (1m)


iii) Suggest one way to increase the volume of gas X collected. (1m)


b) The graph in Diagram 8.2 shows the relationships between the rate of photosynthesis and light

Diagram 8.2

i) Explain the relationship between the rate of photosynthesis and light intensity. (2m)



ii) Predict what happens to the rate of photosynthesis if the surrounding temperature increases to
55°C. (2m)



c) Diagram 8.3 shows a treatment used on a leaf of a plant.

Diagram 8.3

Explain how the treatment affects the rate of photosynthesis. (2m)



Section B
[20 marks]

Answer any one question from this section.

9. a) Diagram 9.1 shows organism X.

Diagram 9.1

i) Based on diagram 9.1, describe briefly the respiratory structure of organism X and its adaptation.

ii) Explain the respiratory mechanism of organism X. (4m)

b)Graph below shows differeces of volume of substances that present in cigarette and e-cigarette.

Compare the substances that present in cigarette and e-cigarette and its effect on human health. (10m).

10. Diagram 10.1 shows the digestive system and the organs associated with digestion.

Diagram 10.1

a)Explain how bread is digested in structures labelled P, Q and R. (10m)

b)Table below shows the types and quantity of food consumed by an adult woman in a
particular day.

i) Calculate the total energy intake for the woman for one day. (2m)

ii) If the daily requirement of an adult woman is 9200 kJ, justify the woman’s diet
based on your calculation. Explain the possible consequences of consuming the
diet. Give your recommendation to improve her daily diet. (8m)

Section C
[20 marks]

Answer all questions from this section.

11. Diagram 11.1 shows a production of compost to implement the concept of recycle.

Diagram 11.1

a) Explain what compost is and state the benefits of using compost instead of chemical fertilisers.

b) Diagram 11.2 show bananas in two different situations, situation X and Y.

Diagram 11.2

i)Based on Diagram 11.2, which situation banana will ripe first? Explain why. (4m)

ii) Bananas have been genetically modified through genetic engineering and are known as
genetically modified food (GMF).
Give the advantages and disadvantages of GMF bananas. (6m)
SMK Perempuan Perak

Marking Scheme

Trial Exam Bio SPM 2021

Paper 2

Peraturan Permarkahan Markah Catatan

1a) X : Mitochondria 1
Y : Nucleus 1

b) Respiration 1

c) To control all the activities of the cell // It carries genetic information or 1

d) An animal cell 1
because it does not have a cell wall 1 6m
2a)i) Third line of defence 1
ii) P : Artificial Passive immunity 1
Q: Artificial Active immunity 1
a) P : antiserum is injected in the body to increase the concentration of 1
antibodies to use as a treatment to recover from a serious illness/ immediate
protection against diseases
Q : a booster is needed to increase antibody production so that the 1
concemtration of antibodies is above the level of immunity to provide
effective immunity in future.
b) Individual P has short term immunity where it provides immediate 1
protection against diseases whereas individual Q has long –lasting immunity
where it provide effective protection aginst certain diseases for long term 6m
3a) P : saturated fats 1
Q : unsaturated fats 1
b) -M process is hydrolysis 1
-triglyceride is breakdown by water 1
- Water is used to break the bond between glycerols and fatty acids. 1


1 7m

4a)i) S 1
ii) 1 region 1

b) - Involve in growing of organisms 1

- Replication of cells in organisms 1

c) R, Q, S, P 1

d) Phase Q – chromosomes arrange in the metaphase plate 1

Phase P –sister chromatids of each chromosomes separate at the centromere 1
and move to opposite poles by shortening of the spindle fibres 7m
5a) P : Scapula 1
R : Ligament 1
b) Strong and elastic 1
c)i) Tendon 1
ii) The arm cannot bend

1. biceps muscle contracts whereas triceps muscle relaxes at 1
antagonistic action
2. the lower arm moves up and arm bends at the elbow joint. 1
3. The contraction of biceps muscles pulls the lower arm bones towards
the shoulder Max 2 8m

6a) Diagram 6.1 : discontinuous variation 1

Diagram 6.2 : continuous variation 1
b) -Allows cross breeding among species to form new species 1
-Ensures survival of the species when the environment changes 1
c) P : Translocation 1
Q : inversion 1
d) Cigarettes contain carcinogenic substances that can cause DNA mutation 1
1 8m
that can cause deformities in foetus
7a)i) P : Rhizobium sp. 1
S : Nitrobacter sp. 1
ii) Eubacteria 1
b) i) P:
- Involve in nitrogen fixation 1
- Fix nitrogen in the atmosphere and changes it to ammonium ions
- Involve in nitrification 1
-Convert nitrate ions to nitrate ions. Max 2

c)i) Simbiosis/mutualism 1

P / Rhizobium sp. convert nitrogen into ammonium ions / nitrate ion that 1
used by leguminous plant
Leguminous plant gives shelter and carbohydrate to P / Rhizobium sp 1 Max 2
ii) -Activities of these bacteria become reduced / stopped 1

-Because at lower pH bacteria become inactive or died 1 9m

8a)i) Oxygen 1
ii) 1
to supply carbon dioxide
iii) increase the number of bulb/ 1
decrease the distance of light sources/ 1
1 Max 1
increase the concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution

b)i) At P, low light intensity, the rate of photosynthesis is low 1

when the light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases until point 1
aft point Q, when the light intensity increasem the rate of photosynthesis remains
constant. 1 Max 2
carbon dioxide becomes the limiting factor

ii) The rate of photosynthesis will decrease 1

enzymes are denatured at high temperature 1

c) The rate of photosynthesis will decrease 1

stomata are covered with wax 1
1 Max 2 9m

prevent carbon dioxide from diffusing into the leaf/ prevent gaseous exchange

9a)i) 1. Respiratory system of organism X is a tracheal system 1

2. There is a small hole in the thorax and abdomen of the insect which 1
is a spiracle. 1
3. Spiracle allows air to enter the trachea system. 1
4. The trachea branched to form a finer channel called the tracheal. 1
5. The large number of tracheal provides a large amount of surface 1
area for gas exchange.
6. The trachea wall is thin and damp for efficient gas exchange. 1 6m
ii) 1.During breathing in, the abdominal muscles relax. 1
2.Air pressure in the trachea decreases and air enters the trachea through 1
the spiracles.
3. while breathing out, the abdominal muscles contract. 1
4. Air pressure in the trachea increases and thus forces the air out through 1
spiracles. 4m







1 Max :

10a) P1: P is mouth, Q is duodenum and R is ileum 1

P2: Bread contains carbohydrates 1

P3: In mouth /P, bread is chewed to break it up into 1

smaller pieces to increase the surface area forenzyme action.
P4: Bread is mixed with saliva which is secreted by thesalivary
P5: Saliva contain (salivary) amylase
P6 : Which hydrolyses starch into maltose 1

P7: In duodenum / Q, the pancreatic juice (secreted by the 1

pancreas) contains amylase, (trypsin and lipase ) 1
P8: (Pancreatic) amylase acts on starch to hydrolyse it to maltose
P9: In ileum /R, intestinal juice contains maltase, ( sucrase, lactase
and erepsin)
P10: Maltase hydrolyse maltose into glucose 1
P11: Sucrase hydrolyses sucrose into glucose and fructose 1
P12: Lactase hydrolyses lactose into glucose and galactose
1 10m
b)i) Total energy intake


ii) F: Energy intake is more than the daily requirement 1 1
Consequences of consuming diet:
P1: Rice contain carbohydrate
P2: Excess intake of carbohydrate will lead obesity 1

// Excess carbohydrate will stored as fat 1

P3: Fried chicken contain a lot of fat 1
P4: Increases the level of cholesterol in blood
P5: Cholesterol will be deposited on the wall of arteries
// Artherosclerosis /cardiovascular diseases occurs
P6: Fried potato contain high (fats) and salts 1

P7: Excess salts will lead to high blood pressure /hypertension 1

P8: Soft drink contains high sugar
P9: High intake of sugar will lead to diabetes Any 5
P10: Snack contains preservatives / artificial colouring / artificial
flavour 1

P11 : Lead to cancer
iii) Recommendation to improve her daily diet:
R1: Reduce the intake of rice // Replace with healthy
type of rice / parboiled rice / basmathi rice / brown rice
R2: Replace fried chicken with steamed / roasted chicken // Cook 1

with air fryer

R3: Replace soft drink with fruit juice / mineral water 1 Any 2
R4: Replace fried potato with boiled / grilled potato 1F+5P+2R
R5: Replace snack with vegetable salad / fruit salad 1
11a) P1: Compost is a mixture of (decayed) of an organic matter/ 1

domestic waste/ food waste

P2 : that has been decomposed in a process called 1
decomposition by microorganisms
P3: as (good) fertilizer for plants 1
P4: Enriches soil/ adds nutrients into the soil / repair damaged soil 1
using chemical fertilisers
P5: Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers/ contains 1
no chemicals.
P6: Does not contain any harmful substances 1

P7: Increases the production of fungi and beneficial bacteria in the 1

P8 : Reduces landfill waste. 1
P9: Helps to reduce the formation of a greenhouse gases in the 1
P10: No air pollution/ water pollution/ soil pollution. 1
P11: Reduces soil erosion 1
P12: Safe to use and has no side effects when used too
P13: 100% natural fertiliser. Any 10

P14: Suitable for all types of plants. 1 10m


b)i) P1- banana in situation Y will ripe first 1

P2- matured banana will release ethylene gas 1
P3- ethylene release will trap in the container 1
P4- ethylene gas will stimulate/enhance/induce the ripening of banana 1
P5- ripening of banana will be faster 1 Max : 4m
ii) G1- produce more product 1
G2- Increase nutritional value of crops/ produce quality fruit/ bigger fruit 1

G3- resistant to diseases/ changes of temperature/ pests 1
G4-reduce the usage of pesticides 1
G5-can keep longer the fruit/ fruit mature faster 1
G6- increase the income 1
G7- Overcome worldwide food shortage byproducing high quality
transgenic crops
G8-Reduce cost of food production 1

B1- threaten the survival of natural species/ extinct of species 1

B2- the foreigngene in GMF may be transferred to humans in food chain 1
B3- disrupt the equilibrium of nature 1 3G+3B
B4-May have adverse effects on human healthand genetic material 1 Max : 6m


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