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Non-Technical Summary: Agence Régionale D'exécution Des Projets - AREP de Guelmim Oued Noun

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Agence Régionale d’Exécution des Projets - AREP de Guelmim Oued Noun

Guelmim, Tan Tan, Lakhssas and Mirleft

Drinking water
& wastewater reuse projects

Non-Technical Summary

Version 1 dated 17.06.2023

AREP Guelmim Oued Noun
Drinking water & wastewater reuse project
Non-Technical Summary – Version 1 dated 17.06.2023

Project description
Guelmim-Oued Noun Region, with financial support from the Ministry of Interior and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), is implementing the following
strategic drinking water and wastewater reuse projects:
o The drinking water supply project is part of the 2020-2027 National Drinking Water
Supply and Irrigation Program (Programme National pour l'Approvisionnement en Eau
Potable et l'Irrigation or “PNAEPI”). It aims at increasing and improving access to
drinking water for households in rural areas within Bouizakarne district.
o The wastewater reuse projects aim at irrigating green spaces and green belts in
Guelmim, Tan Tan, Lakhssas and Mirleft: the projects involve the upgrade of four
existing Waste Water Treatment Plants (“WWTPs”) to enable the reuse of treated
water for watering green spaces in the Region.
The Project is categorised “B” in accordance with the EBRD 2019 Environmental and Social
Policy 2019, and was therefore subject to an Environmental and Social Due Diligence.
An Environmental and Social Action Plan, as well as a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, were
also prepared for the Project.

Figure 1 - Location of the five sub-projects

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AREP Guelmim Oued Noun
Drinking water & wastewater reuse project
Non-Technical Summary – Version 1 dated 17.06.2023

Implementation arrangements
The implementing agency for this Project will be the Regional Agency for the Execution of
Projects of Guelmim-Oued Noun Region (Agence Régionale d'Exécution des Projets or
The technical studies, construction and rehabilitation works that are required for the Project
will be implemented by specialized companies selected by AREP according to the national
and EBRD procurement rules.
For the operation phase:
o The drinking water sub-project will be operated in the future by a Multipurpose Regional
Company, "MRC" or through another entity, as identified through an institutional,
financial and technical audit and detailed governance study that will be undertaken..
o For the wastewater reuse sub-projects, detailed studies aligned on the planned green
spaces / green belt developments, will describe the proposed technical scheme (pipes
+ trucks) for wastewater reuse, as well as the institutional/financial arrangements
defining the respective responsibilities of:
 the entity in charge of wastewater collection and treatment meeting the
Moroccan normative requirements for domestic wastewater (this entity is
presently ONEE);
 the entity responsible for the interface between wastewater initial treatment and
wastewater reuse, including additional treatment so that wastewater meets the
normative requirements for irrigation water and wastewater reuse.
 the entity(ies) entitled to use the treated wastewater – for plants irrigation or other
authorized technical needs.
Given its nature and level of readiness, the Project is expected to extend on several years:
o Year 1: Preparatory studies.
o Year 2: Preparation of bidding documents and selection of contractors.
o Years 3-4: Construction.

Physical impacts and mitigation measures

The main physical risks and potential impacts are related to the construction phase of the
sub-projects. They include:
o The permanent or temporary use of land for the construction of new infrastructures,
such as water pipelines or water/wastewater treatment facilities.
o Increase of vehicles traffic with associated accident risks around the project’s
footprints. This risk will be significative in the villages where the drinking water sub-
project will be implemented, as well as along the supply routes for all sub-projects. This
risk will be mitigated through traffic management and signalling of construction sites.
o Dust and erosion risks resulting from earthworks. An Erosion and Dust Management
Plan will be prepared and implemented.

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AREP Guelmim Oued Noun
Drinking water & wastewater reuse project
Non-Technical Summary – Version 1 dated 17.06.2023

Environmental impacts and mitigation measures

Pollution prevention: Oil spills and wastes are the main pollution risk during construction.
For each sub-project, the Contractors will have to prepare and implement oil spill prevention
and response plans as well as a waste management plans.
During operation, the main pollution risk will be the release of poorly treated wastewater in
irrigation sites. This risk will be controlled through appropriate quality control of the
wastewater treatment.
Biodiversity conservation: The drinking water sub-project does not present risks for
biodiversity conservation.
Regarding the wastewater reuse sub-projects, species of conservation interest and
protected/internationally recognized areas were identified in the areas where works are
o Draa Wadi Estuary, a legally protected area ("SIBE") and Ramsar site is located close
to Tan Tan wastewater treatment plant. The exact boundaries of the site will be marked
on site to avoid impact on Draa Wadi Estuary.
o No net loss measures for Argan trees have been included in the Project, because
Argan trees Priority Biodiversity Features as defined by the EBRD, and also because
two of the sub-projects are located in the Arganeraie Biosphere reserve (Mirleft and
o The Project also includes no net loss measures for Mauremys leprosa and Hannonia
hesperidum whose presence are respectively confirmed and suspected for two of the
o The Project finally includes impact avoidance measures for Small mammals and
reptiles, including notably workers awareness raising.

Social impacts and mitigation measures

Land acquisition is required for the Project construction. The Project is however not
expected to result in physical resettlement. Economic resettlement is likely. A Land
Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Framework, and subsequently a plan, will be
prepared for the Project.
Community-level consultation and disclosure of information will be conducted in
accordance with the Project's Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Livelihood Restoration
Employment: Hundreds of construction personnel is expected to be employed during the
peak period of the construction works in total. Only a small number of staff will be hired
permanently for the operation period.
Disturbances: Noise, dust and traffic are the main disturbances expected during the
construction period. The potential negative impacts will be managed by controlling dust
emissions from the construction site, and by managing traffic interactions at the connection
between the construction site and the public road, with the objective to avoid accidents.
Leisure and tourism: the project sites and their vicinity do not offer any particular interest
for leisure or tourism activities. No impact.

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AREP Guelmim Oued Noun
Drinking water & wastewater reuse project
Non-Technical Summary – Version 1 dated 17.06.2023

Public health and Safety: the Project construction and operation will not generate any
significant health risks. Public health risks are expected to be reduced, through a better
control of drinking water and treated wastewater quality. Safety risks will be increased
during construction mostly as a result of traffic increase and will be managed through the
implementation of the traffic control and signalling procedures.
Workers health and safety: Before starting any construction activities, contractors will
prepare specific Health, Safety and Environment Management Plans (HSEMP).
Cultural heritage: The projects sites are not located next or close to a cultural or historic
site that might be visually impacted.

If you are interested in the Project and wish to receive further information, please liaise with
AREP's contact person:

Name Fadli Benemman

Position Head of AREP

E-mail Fadli.benemman@gmail.com

Contact person for the Region :

Name Omar Abdeladim

Position Head of services for the Guelmim Oued Noun Region

E-mail abeladim.omar@gmail.com

Phone number +212 52 87 70 113

Conseil Régional de Guelmim Oued Noun

Adress Avenue Mohamed VI
Guelmim, Maroc

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