Science2 Chapter6 Exercise
Science2 Chapter6 Exercise
Science2 Chapter6 Exercise
Animal Classification
Class-10-Science-Part-2-Chapter-6- Animal Classification
Question 1:
Identify me.
a. I am diploblastic & acoelomate. Which phylum do I belong to?
b. My body is radially symmetrical. Water vascular system is present in my
body. I am referred as fish though I am not. What is my name?
c. I live in your small intestine. Pseudocoelom is present in my thread like
body. In which phylum will you include me?
d. Though I am multicellular, there are no tissues in my body. What is the
name of my phylum?
Question 2:
Write the characters of each of the following animals with the help of
classification chart.
Bath sponge, grasshopper, rohu, penguin, frog, lizard, elephant, jellyfish.
(1) Bath sponge: Classification
Question 3:
Aristotle (384-322 BC): The first classification method was given by the Greek
philosopher Aristotle. He took into account the criteria like body size, habits
and habitats of the animals. This method was called artificial method of
Further due to advances in science the references were changed and there
were some new methods of classification proposed.
Carolous Linneaus (1707-1778): Also known as father of taxonomy, he
classified living things into two kingdoms- Plantae and Animalia.
Later, Dobzhansky and Meyer gave the system of classification based on
Robert Whitakker (1920-1980): He gave the five kingdom classification-
Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.
Carl Woese (1928-2012): In 1977 Carl Woese gave the three domain system
of classification, where he classified all the organisms into three categories-
Eukarya domain, Bacteria domain and Archae domain.
Question 4:
Cellular grade of organization: Some organisms have only cells in their body
which is called cellular grade of organization. It is a loose aggregation of cells in
which the cells are functionally different from one another. Exapmle- Poriferans
Tissue grade of organization: In this, different cells performing similar functions are
arranged into tissues. Exapmple- Coelenterates .They are said to have cell-tissue
grade organization
Organ grade of organization: Here, different tissues are organized into organs and
each organ is specialized for a particular function. Example- Platyhelminthes
All other higher animals have organ-system grade organization.
Examples: Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and
Symmetry : Symmetry on the other hand shows the base of the body formation.
The symmetry can be understood by taking an imaginary cut through the animal
Symmetry is a characteristic through which animals may be distinguished from each
Animals that can be divided into two identical halves in one plane exhibit bilateral
symmetry. Most of the animals have bilateral symmetry and hence their organs are
arranged in symmetric way on both the sides. Example Human beings and prawn
Animals that can be divided into many identical parts exhibit radial symmetry. The
imaginary cut passing through the central axis can give more than one equal halves.
The organs of such animals are arranged in a radius of an imaginary circle. e.g
Cnidarians, Hydra and some echinoderms.
Animals that cannot be divided into identical parts are asymmetric. In asymmetric
animals, there is no symmetry in any plane. e.g. Amoeba
Both grades of organization and symmetry are the bases for classifying animals into
different phyla.
Question 5:
Answer in brief.
a. Give scientific classification of shark upto class.
c. Distinguish between butterfly and bat with the help of four distinguishing
Butterfly Bat
5. They are cold blooded organisms. They are warm blooded organisms.
Cockroach belongs to the phylum Arthropoda and class Insecta. It shows all the
features which are a characteristic of this phylum:
Question 6:
Tortoise belongs to the class reptilia and does not show any characteristic
which is similar to the class amphibia except that it can live in both land and
When tortoise lives on the land, it respires with the help of lungs. When in
water, it keep nares (nasal openings) out of the water and breathesair. It
cannot take up oxygen dissolved in water. In both the habitats it respires with
the help of lungs.
In case of true amphibians, this is not the case. They can breathe in water with
the help of skin and on land with the help of lungs.
Jelly fish has special cells on its tentacles called cnidoblasts. These cnidoblasts
contain toxins which is a protective mechanism shown by organisms belonging
to the phylum Cnidaria.
On touching the jelly fish, this toxin is released causing reaction to our skin.
Therefore our body gets irritating when comes in contact with jelly fish.
c. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
Question 7:
1. Amphibia
2. Reptilia
3. Aves
4. Mammalia
Question 8:
Body cavity Germ Layer Phylum
Question 9:
Gill respiration
Type Character Example
Aquatic and
Amphibia Frog
aerial respiration
Question 10:
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Coelenterata
Genus- Hydra
Jelly Fish
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Colenterata
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Platyhelmenthis
Genus- Planaria
Round Worm
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Aschelminthes
Genus- Ascaris
Butter fly
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Arthropda
Genus- Rhopalocera
Earth Worm
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Annelida
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Mollusca
Genus- Octpous
Star Fish
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Echinodermata
Genus- Asterias
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Choradata
Class- Pieces
Genus- Isurus
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
Class- Amphibia
Genus- Rana
Wall lizard
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Choradata
Sub-phylum - Vertebrata
Class- Reptilia
Genus- Hemidactylus
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Choradata
Sub-phylum - Vertebrata
Class- Aves
Genus- Columba
Question 11:
1. Planaria 2. Scolidon
3. Nereis 4. Jelly fish