AdityaRajivRatnam 7B Biology Practice
AdityaRajivRatnam 7B Biology Practice
AdityaRajivRatnam 7B Biology Practice
Phylum Name Features Examples
Phylum Porifera Aquatic animals that are mostly Sycon (a sponge)
marine (found in sea).
Non-motile or sedentary, fixed to
bottom of the water body.
Many pores on their body in which
water and food are drawn into.
Canal system to pass the waste
products out.
Cellular level of organization.
Phylum Coelenterata Aquatic animals (mostly marine). 1. Hydra
Or Phylum Cnidaria Finger-like structures for swimming 2. Sea anemone
called tentacles around their one 3. Obelia
opening as mouth to catch prey. 4. Jellyfish
Sac-like almost translucent body.
Phylum Thin and ribbon-flat bodies. 1. Liver fluke
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Platyhelminthes Hooks and suckers are present around 2. Tapeworm
their mouth.
Flatworms that mostly live inside.
other animals (hosts) as parasites.
Phylum Nematoda Cylindrical, unsegmented bodies. 1. Ascaris
Aschelminthes Parasitic worms living inside human 2. Filarial worm
bodies (mostly in their intestines) 3. Hookworm
causing various diseases. Example:
Filarial worm causes elephantiasis.
Phylum Annelida Soft and segmented bodies forming 1. Leeches
rings. 2. Earthworms
Move using bristle-like chaetae.
Breathe through soft, moist body wall.
Have special organs called nephridia
for excretion.
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Phylum Arthropoda Arthro – joint, poda – legs/feet 1. Crab (Crustacea)
Have simple and compound eyes. 2. Shrimp (Crustacea)
Body divided into three parts: a. head 3. Prawn (Crustacea)
b. thorax c. abdomen 4. Ladybug (Insecta)
Paired appendages 5. Cockroach (Insecta)
Have tough outer body covering 6. Aedes/ Culex/
(exoskeleton). Anopheles/mosquitoes
Class Insecta: Has 6 legs. Have
7. Honey bee (Insecta)
8. Limulus (Crustacea)
Class Arachnida: Have 8 legs.
9. Centipede (Myriapoda)
Class Crustacea: Has 10 legs. Head
10. Millipede (Myriapoda)
and thorax fused together.
11. Spider (Arachnida)
Class Myriapoda: Has more than 10 12. Scorpion (Arachnida)
legs. Each segment has more than 1 or 13. Silk moth (Insecta)
2 legs.
Phylum Mollusca Do not have appendages. 1. Snail
Soft and unsegmented bodies. 2. Pearl oyster
Move with muscular feet. 3. Squid
Body is enclosed by a shell. 4. Octopus
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Phylum Mostly marine (found in seas). 1. Sea urchin
Echinodermata Move with tube feet. 2. Starfish
Rough and spiny bodies. 3. Sea cucumber
Body not distinct into head, body and
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Class Amphibia Animals that are adapted to live 1. Toad
on land as well as water. 2. Frog
Breathe through lungs and skin. 3. Salamander
Cold-blooded animals.
Do not possess exoskeleton.
Most lay their eggs in water.
Have webbed-feet.
Body is covered by slimy, moist
and slippery skin.
Class Reptilia Animals that creep or crawl. 1. Lizard
Breathe through lungs. 2. Turtle
Cold-blooded animals. 3. Tortoise
Dry, cornified skin without skin 4. Snake
glands are one of the important 5. Crocodile
characteristics of reptiles.
They lay their eggs on land.
Mostly terrestrial animals, though
few may live in water too.
Class Aves Animals with wings and are 1. Penguin
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adapted for flight. 2. Peacock
Breathe through lungs. 3. Pigeon
Claws on their toes. 4. Parrot
Do not have thick bones but (The 4P’s)
instead have thin and hollow 5. Ostrich
bones to keep their body light so 6. Sparrow
that they can fly easily. 7. Crow
Warm-blooded animals.
Lay eggs with hard shells.
Jaws modified into beaks.
Bear scales only on legs.
Forelimbs are modified into wings
to fly.
Body is covered with feathers.
Have a streamlined body to make
it fly easily.
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Class Mammalia Animals that feed their young 1. Platypus
ones with milk as they have 2. Bat
mammary glands. 3. Whale
Breathe through lungs. 4. Dolphin
Covers its body with hair or fur 5. Echidna
naturally to keep itself warm and 6. Kangaroo
to protect itself. 7. Camel
Does not usually lay eggs except 8. Lion
echidna and platypus. 9. Dog
Have a four-chambered heart. 10. Cat
11. Humans
Most give birth to young ones.
12. Monkey
Mostly terrestrial.
13. Orangutan
Usually have four limbs and some
14. Elephant
have a tail too.
Warm-blooded animals.
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Symmetry for Phylums:
1. Phylum Porifera: bilaterally
2. Phylum Coelenterata: radially
3. Phylum Platyhelminthes: bilaterally (dorsal-ventral symmetry)
4. Phylum Nematoda Aschelminthes: bilaterally
5. Phylum Annelida: bilaterally
6. Phylum Arthropoda: bilaterally
7. Phylum Mollusca: bilaterally
8. Phylum Echinodermata: radially
9. Class Pisces: bilaterally
10. Class Amphibia: bilaterally
11. Class Reptilia: bilaterally
12. Class Aves: bilaterally
13. Class Mammalia: bilaterally
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