Astrid Research
Astrid Research
Astrid Research
issue, as humans, to create a Bill of Rights to protect them? Since animals do not have voice in society to
defend themselves from the harm that humans have inflicted time and time again, it is our duty to prevent
this sort of cruelty.
Harming innocent and defenseless animals goes beyond evil - it is simply inhumane. Putting
animals in a position where they are subjected to harmful chemicals genetically modifying experiments is
barbaric and cruel. This also implies that humans have no regard for animal life, that they think of
animals. Can we still be called a good person if we can’t protect or take care of even our own pet?
heartless people who do not know how to appreciate every living being in this world.
Animal rights groups generally argue that the use of animals for food,
adornment, (furs, leather, etc.), labor, and scientific research constitutes
unjustifiable violence against our fellow living beings, who have the same rights
to life and liberty as we do.
Animal rights is the philosophy according to which many or all sentient animals
have moral worth that is independent of their utility for humans, and that their
most basic interests – such as in avoiding suffering – should be afforded the
same consideration as similar interests of human beings. Broadly Speaking,
and particularly in popular discourse, the term “animal rights” is often used
synonymously with “animal protection or “animal liberation”. More narrowly,
“animal rights” refers to the idea that many animals have fundamental rights to
be treated with respect as individuals – rights to life, liberty, and freedom from
torture that may not be overridden by considerations of aggregate welfare.
In my own opinion, all animals deserve respect, because they are like human beings, the only difference
is that we can speak, we can do what we want to do, we can think, we can make many decisions even if it
is right or wrong, and above all we are the most intelligent beings in this world, but they are not like that.
We are the ones who should protect them, we were all made equal by the Lord God, we were made
people not to hurt animals, but to care for, love, and protect them as well.
How do you apprehend the meaning of frugality and prudence towards the environment. Cite 3
Planting trees
By recycling what should be recycled
I will not burn any kind of plastics
Reference: rights