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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) : Features General Description

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

1.5A Fixed Voltage LDO Linear Regulator

Features General Description

z Operating Voltage Range:+2.4V to +7.0V The AP6265 series is a CMOS low-dropout

linear regulator that operates in the input
z Output Voltages:+1.0V to +5.0V (0.1V Step) voltage range from +2.4V to +7.0V and delivers
z Maximum Output Current:1.5A 1.5A output current.

z Dropout Voltage:800mV @ 1.5A(Typ.) The AP6265 is available fixed output voltage type
z 35 uS Fast Response when Power-on is preset at an internally trimmed voltage 1.8V,
2.5V, or 3.3V. Other options 1.0V, 1.2V, 1.5V,
z Low Current Consumption:40µA (Typ.) 2.85V, 3.0V and 3.6V are available by special order
z ±2% Output Voltage Accuracy (special ±1% only.

highly accurate), VOUT≧1.8V The AP6265 consists of a 0.95V bandgap

z Low ESR Capacitor Compatible reference, an error amplifier, and a P-channel pass
transistor. Other features include short-circuit
z High Ripple Rejection:55 dB (Typ.) protection and thermal shutdown protection. The
z Output Current Limit Protection:2.0A (Typ.) AP6265 series devices are available in SOT-223,
TO-252, TO-263, and SOP-8(EP) packages.
z Short Circuit Protection:1.0A (Typ.)
z Thermal Overload Shutdown Protection
z SOT-223, TO-252, TO-263, and SOP-8(EP)
z RoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-Free
and Green (Halogen Free with Commercial
● Active SCSI Terminators ● Low Voltage Micro-Controllers
● High Efficiency Linear Regulators ● Post Regulator for Switching Power
● Monitor Microprocessors

Simplified Application Circuit


10uF GND 10uF

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Ordering Information

Vout Code:
VOUT Range : 1.0V~5.0V Exam. 12=1.2V, 33=3.3V, 50=5.0V
Lead Free Code:
P:Commercial Standard, Lead (Pb) Free and Phosphorous (P) Free Package
G:Green (Halogen Free with Commercial Standard)
Package Code:
J:SOT-223* G:SOT-223* X:SOT-223* P:TO-252*
R:TO-252* U:TO-263 S:SOP-8(EP)
Output Voltage Accuracy:
None Digit (Default):±2% 1:±1%
* The difference between “J”, “G” & “X” types and “P” & “R” types, please refer to ”Pin Description”.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Pin Description
Part NO. Symbol Pin Description
SOT-223(J) SOT-223(G) SOT-223(X)

3 1 3 VIN Regulator Input Pin.

1 2 2 GND Ground Pin.

2 3 1 VOUT Regulator Output Pin.

Part NO. Symbol Pin Description
TO-252 (P) TO-252 (R)

1 3 VIN Regulator Input Pin.

2 1 GND Ground Pin.

3 2 VOUT Regulator Output Pin.

Part NO. Symbol Pin Description
TO-263 (U)

1 GND Ground Pin.

2 VOUT Regulator Output Pin.

3 VIN Regulator Input Pin.

Part NO. Symbol Pin Description
SOP-8(EP) (S)

1, 2, 3 VIN Regulator Input Pin.

4, 5 GND Ground Pin.

6, 7, 8 VOUT Regulator Output Pin.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Package Marking Information

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AP6265
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3
SOT-223 2
(Top View)
1 TO-252 3
(Top View)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 7

2 3 6
4 5
1 3
TO-263 SOP-8 (EP)
(Top View) (Top View)

Top Point Represents Products Series

Mark Product Series
Top Point Part No.:AP6265

1 、○
2 、○
3 、○ 5 Represents Products Series
4 、○

Mark Description

1 、○
2 Voltage Voltage Code

3 P, G Pb-Free Code or Green

4 J, G, X, P, R,U,S Package Code

5 Accuracy Default (±2%) or 1 (±1%)

○ 7 Represents Product Date Code

6 、○


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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Ratings Units

Input Voltage VIN to GND VIN 9.0 V
Output Current Limit, I(LIMIT) IOUT 2.0 A
Junction Temperature TJ +155 °C
SOT-223 150
TO-252 85
Thermal Resistance θJA °C/W
TO-263 60
SOP-8(EP) 95
SOT-223 900
TO-252 1200
Power Dissipation PD mW
TO-263 1750
SOP-8(EP) 1100
Operating Ambient Temperature TOPR -40 ~ +85 °C
Storage Temperature TSTG -55 ~ +150 °C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) +260 °C
* The power dissipation values are based on the condition that junction temperature TJ and ambient
temperature TA difference is 100°C.

* Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.
These are stress ratings only, and function operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond
those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum
-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Electrical Characteristics
(VIN=5V, TA=25℃, unless otherwise noted.)

Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VIN Input Voltage 2.4 7.0 V
-1% +1%
VIN = VOUT+1.0V, IOUT=1mA, VOUT≧1.8V V
-2% +2%
VOUT Output Voltage VOUT
-35 +35 mV
Output Current
IMAX 1.5 A
(see note *1)
ILIMIT Current Limit 1.8 A
IOUT= 100mA, VOUT>2.4V 30 45 mV
IOUT= 500mA, VOUT>2.4V 230 350 mV
VDROP Dropout Voltage
IOUT= 900mA, VOUT>2.4V 500 750 mV
IOUT= 1500mA, VOUT>2.4V 900 1350 mV
VOUT+1.0V≦VIN≦7.0V, IOUT=1mA
∆VLINE Line Regulation 0.2 0.3 %/V
For Fixed Voltage Type
∆VLOAD Load Regulation VIN=VOUT+1V, 1mA≦IOUT≦100mA 0.01 0.02 %/mA
IQ Ground Pin Current ILOAD=0mA to 1.5A, VIN = VOUT+1.0V 40 65 µA
ISC Short Circuit Current 1.0 A
PSRR Ripple Rejection IOUT=30mA, F=1KHz, COUT=10uF 55 dB
eN Output Noise IOUT=100mA , F=1KHz, COUT=10uF 40 µV(rms)
Thermal Shutdown
TSD 155 °C
Thermal Shutdown
THYS 20 °C
Human Body Mode MIL-STD-883G Method 3015.7 4.0 KV
Machine Mode ESDA-STM5.2-1999 200 V

*1) Measured using a double sided board with 1” x 2” square inches of copper area connected to the GND pins
for “heat spreading”.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

AP6265 Function Block Diagram





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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Detail Description Current Limit

The AP6265 is a CMOS low-dropout linear The AP6265 also includes a fold back current
regulator. The device provides preset 1.8V, 2.5V limiter. It monitors and controls the pass transis-
and 3.3V output voltages for output current up to tor’s gate voltage, estimates the output current,
1.5A. As illustrated in function block diagram, it and limits the output current within 2.0A (Typ.).
consists of a 0.95V bandgap reference, an error
amplifier, a P-channel pass transistor and an Thermal Overload Protection
internal feedback voltage divider.
Thermal overload protection limits total power
The bandgap reference voltage is connected to the dissipation in the AP6265. When the junction
error amplifier, which compares this reference with temperature exceeds TJ = +155°C, a thermal
the feedback voltage and amplifies the voltage sensor turns off the pass transistor, allowing the IC
difference. If the feedback voltage is lower than the to cool down. The thermal sensor turns the pass
reference voltage, the pass-transistor gate is pulled transistor on again after the junction temperature
lower, which allows more current to pass to the cools down by 20°C, resulting in a pulsed output
output pin and increases the output voltage. If the during continuous thermal overload conditions.
feedback voltage is too high, the pass transistor
gate is pulled up to decrease the output voltage. Thermal overload protection is designed to protect
the AP6265 in the event of fault conditions. For
The output voltage is feed back through an internal continuous operation, the absolute maximum oper-
resistive divider connected to OUT pin. Additional ating junction temperature rating of TJ = +125°C
blocks include an output current limiter, thermal should not be exceeded.
sensor, and shutdown logic.

Internal P-channel Pass Transistor Operating Region and Power Dissipation

The AP6265 features a P-channel MOSFET pass Maximum power dissipation of the AP6265
transistor. Unlike similar designs using PNP pass depends on the thermal resistance of the case and
transistors, P-channel MOSFETs require no base circuit board, the temperature difference between
drive, which reduces quiescent current. PNP-bas- the die junction and ambient air, and the rate of
ed regulators also waste considerable current in airflow. The power dissipation across the devices is
dropout when the pass transistor saturates, and P = IOUT x (VIN-VOUT). The resulting maximum
use high base-drive currents under large loads. power dissipation is:
The AP6265 does not suffer from these problems
and consumes only 60μA (Typ.) of current consum-
ption under heavy loads as well as in dropout PMAX =
(TJ − TA ) = (TJ − TA )
conditions. θ JC + θ CA θA

Output Voltage Selection Where (T J -T A ) is the temperature difference

between the AP6265 die junction and the
For voltage type of AP6265, the output voltage is surrounding air, θJC is the thermal resistance of the
preset at an internally trimmed voltage. The first package chosen, and θCA is the thermal resistance
two digits of part number suffix identify the output through the printed circuit board, copper traces and
voltage (see Ordering Information). For example, other materials to the surrounding air. For better
the AP6265-33 has a preset 3.3V output voltage. heat-sinking, the copper area should be equally
shared between the IN, OUT, and GND pins.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Dropout Voltage
A regulator’s minimum input-output voltage
differential, or dropout voltage, determines the
lowest usable supply voltage. In battery-powered
systems, this will determine the useful end-of-life
battery voltage. The AP6265 use a P-channel
MOSFET pass transistor, its dropout voltage is a
function of drain-to-source on-resistance RDS(ON)
multiplied by the load current.


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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Application Note
Table 1.θJA Different Heatsink Area
Layout Copper Area Thermal Resistance
2 2
Top Side (in ) Bottom Side (in ) SOT-223 (θJA, ℃/W) TO-252 (θJA, ℃/W)
a 0 0 140 106
b 0 0.070 127 91
c 0 0.310 84 64
d 0.067 0.067 125 89
e 0.200 0.080 118 87
f 0.600 0.080 89 63
g 0.285 0.285 92 64
h 0.393 0.393 78 58
i 0.500 0.500 73 55

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Package Outline

A) SOT-223

Millimeters Inches
Min Max Min Max
A 1.52 1.80 0.061 0.071
A1 0.02 0.10 0.0008 0.0040
A2 1.50 1.70 0.059 0.067
b 0.60 0.80 0.024 0.031
b1 2.90 3.10 0.114 0.122
C 0.24 0.32 0.009 0.013
D 6.30 6.80 0.248 0.268
E1 3.30 3.70 0.130 0.146
e 2.30 BSC 0.090 BSC
e1 4.60 BSC 0.181 BSC
E 6.70 7.30 0.264 0.287
L 0.90 MIN 0.036 MIN
L2 0.06 BSC 0.0024 BSC
α 0° 10° 0° 10°

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

B) TO-252

Millimeters Inches
Min Max Min Max
A 2.19 2.38 0.086 0.094
A1 0.89 1.27 0.035 0.050
A2 0.00 0.13 0.000 0.005
b 0.51 0.89 0.020 0.035
C 0.46 0.58 0.018 0.023
D 5.97 6.22 0.235 0.245
E 6.35 6.73 0.250 0.265
E1 5.21 5.46 0.205 0.215
e 2.28 BSC 0.090 BSC
e1 3.96 5.18 0.156 0.204
F 0.46 0.58 0.018 0.023
L 1.40 1.78 0.055 0.070
L1 2.67 (REF.) 0.105 (REF.)
L2 0.64 1.02 0.025 0.040
L3 1.52 2.03 0.060 0.080
L4 0.51 BSC 0.020 BSC
H 9.40 10.40 0.370 0.410
θ 0° 8° 0° 8°

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

C) TO-263

Millimeters Inches
Min Max Min Max
A 4.30 4.70 0.169 0.185
A1 1.22 1.40 0.048 0.055
A2 2.64 2.69 0.104 0.106
b 0.69 0.94 0.027 0.037
b1 1.22 1.40 0.048 0.055
C 0.36 0.56 0.014 0.022
D 8.64 9.652 0.340 0.380
E 9.70 10.54 0.382 0.415
e 2.29 2.79 0.090 0.110
e1 4.83 5.33 0.190 0.210
H 14.60 15.87 0.575 0.625
L 4.70 5.84 0.185 0.230
L1 1.19 1.778 0.047 0.070
L2 2.24 2.82 0.088 0.111
L3 1.40 MAX 0.055 MAX
θ 0° 8° 0° 8°
B 0.00 0.15 0.000 0.006

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

(D) SOP-8 (EP)

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Reflow Condition (IR/Convection or VPR Reflow)

Classification Reflow Profiles

Profile Feature Pb-Free / Green Assembly

Average ramp-up rate
3°C/second max
(TL to TP)
Preheat 150°C
- Temperature Min (Tsmin)
- Temperature Max (Tsmax)
- Time (min to max) (ts) 60-180 seconds
Time maintained above: 217°C
- Temperature (TL)
- Time (tL) 60-150 seconds

Peak/Classification Temperature (Tp) See table 1

Time within 5°C of actual
20-40 seconds
Peak Temperature (tp)

Ramp-down Rate 6°C/second max

Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 8 minutes max
1) All temperatures refer to topside of the package.
2) Measured on the body surface.

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AP6265 Series (Preliminary) Anwell Semiconductor Corp.

Classification Reflow Profiles (Continued)

2.0Table 1. Pb-free / Green Process – Package Classification Reflow Temperatures

Volume mm³ Volume mm³ Volume mm³
Package Thickness
<350 350~2000 ≧2000
<2.5 mm 260 +0°C* 260 +0°C* 260 +0°C*
1.6-2.5 mm 260 +0°C* 250 +0°C* 245 +0°C*
≧2.5 mm 250 +0°C* 245 +0°C* 245 +0°C*
* Tolerance: The device manufacturer/supplier shall assure process compatibility up to and including the stated
classification temperature (this means Peak reflow temperature +0°C. For example 260°C+0°C) at the rated
MSL level.

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