2015 Darkening MGZN
2015 Darkening MGZN
2015 Darkening MGZN
Steel coils coated with Zn–Mg alloy containing high Mg content develop dark rust when exposed to
an extremely limited amount of aqueous environment. To understand the nature of the dark rust and
its formation mechanism, the steel is evaluated by the immersion test and high temperature–humidity
test followed by critical evaluation with transmission electron microscopy for cross-sectional
observation, field-emission scanning electron microscopy for surface morphology observation, Auger
electron spectroscopy and glow discharge spectroscopy for identification of chemical composition as
a function of depth. The results indicate that the dark rust is formed by precipitation of Mg-based
corrosion product on the outermost surface when the steel is exposed to aqueous environment at
high temperature. This is due mainly to preferential dissolution of Mg phases by the galvanic action
with MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11 composed of the coating layer, and easy precipitation of Mg21 ion in
a form of Mg(OH)2 in a limited volume of the condensed water film on the surface.
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015 Ó Materials Research Society 2015 3605
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
drawback is the surface darkening of the Zn–Mg alloy used. In addition, the TEM was used for the cross-sectional
coating layer when exposed to high humidity environment observation.
of over 60% relative humidity at a temperature over
50 °C.15,16 The surface of the Zn–Mg alloy coated steel B. Corrosion test
produced by PVD process easily turns to dark within a short Two different kinds of corrosion tests were used to
time when its surface is exposed to an extremely thin layer understand the nature of the dark rust, and they were the
of water film in high humid and temperature environment. immersion test and exposure test to a high humidity and
The present authors have suspected that Mg contained in temperature environment. The immersion test was per-
the Zn–Mg alloy coated layer plays an important role for formed by immersing the specimens in boiling deionized
the surface darkening phenomena, and a Mg-based corro- (DI) water at 100 °C for 5 min. Before immersion, the
sion product could be formed on the coating surface by specimens were ultrasonically rinsed in ethanol and dried
precipitation. Although a great deal of attention has been in air. Instead of DI water, tap water, 0.2 M NaHCO3
focused on the electrochemical corrosion behaviors of the solution and 0.2 M K2CO3 solution containing 0.1 M
Zn–Mg alloy coated steel in wet–dry environment contain- ZnCl2 were also used as the other immersion test solution
ing chloride, no attention has been paid to the surface color to evaluate the effect of bicarbonate ion on the prevention
degradation phenomenon appeared mostly in the humid of surface darkening. The reason why the tap water was
environment at high temperature. In fact, during shipment used is that the tap water contains bi-carbonate ion
and storage of the Zn–Mg alloy coated steel sheets, its (HCO3 ). According to the ion chromatography analysis,
surface can be easily turned to dark if it is exposed to the the amount of HCO3 in the tap water is around 81.3 mg/L.
high humid environment at high temperature. Since the By the addition of 0.1 M ZnCl2 to the 0.2 M K2CO3
surface darkening phenomenon may lead to degrading of solution, Zn21 ion used for the precipitation of Zn-based
the coating quality regardless of its superior corrosion protective film on the coating surface can be supplemented.
resistance, it is very critical industrial problem for the Zn– After the test, the surface was analyzed by FE-SEM,
Mg alloy coating. To develop a proper mitigation method EDS, GDS, XPS, and scanning vibrating electrode
for this surface darkening problem, it is necessary to clearly technique (SVET).
understand the nature and formation mechanism of the A high temperature–humidity exposure test was per-
surface darkening phenomenon. formed to simulate the corrosion by water films condens-
This study is mainly focused on understanding the ing on the surfaces of narrow gaps of the galvanized steel
nature and formation mechanism of the dark rust formed roll. The two specimens were ultrasonically rinsed in
on the Zn–Mg alloy coated steel produced by a PVD ethanol and dried in air. After two drops of DI water were
method. Various analytical techniques including trans- dropped on the surface of one steel specimen, the other
mission electron microscopy (TEM), field-emission scan- specimen was folded on this specimen to make them in
ning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Auger electron face-to-face contact. Then, a constant load (compressive
spectroscopy (AES), glow discharge spectroscopy stress) was applied to press these two specimens together
(GDS), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and in such a way that the small amount of water in the gap
Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy between these two specimens cannot be evaporated
are utilized for the analysis on the surface film. easily. Figure 1 illustrates the exact description of the
experimental procedure. The temperature and humidity
levels were kept at 50 °C and at 95%, respectively, for
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 3 days. After the test, the surface was analyzed by digital
A. Specimen preparation and microstructure camera and AES.
The Zn–Mg alloy coated steel was obtained by a high III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
speed PVD using evaporation method. The nominal com-
position of the alloy coating was 90 wt% Zn-10 wt% Mg. A. Microstructure analysis
Firstly, the cold rolled steel was cleaned by sputter etching Figure 2 presents X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of
method before deposition. The coating thickness on the the Zn–Mg alloy coated surface of as-received specimen.
specimens was in the range of 1–2 lm. The microstructure Detected phases are two intermetallic compounds of
and morphology of specimens were analyzed by the FE- MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11. Figure 3(c) exhibits the cross
SEM and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The sectional image of the coating layer analyzed by TEM,
specimen was ultrasonically cleaned in ethanol, dried in and Table I lists the result of the EDS quantitative
air, and coated with platinum before observation of the analysis at each point marked on Fig. 3. From these
surface morphology by FE-SEM. To determine the com- analyses, it is found that the light and dark images in
position of coating layer as a function of depth, GDS was Fig. 3(c) are identified as MgZn2 phase and Mg2Zn11
3606 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015 3607
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
FIG. 3. (a) Surface morphology of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel examined by FE-SEM in the BEI mode; (b) magnified view of (a); (c) cross sectional
view of Zn–Mg alloy coating layer examined by TEM.
TABLE I. EDS quantitative analysis at each point marked on Fig. 3. deficient phenomenon in ZnO can degrade the surface to
O (wt%) Mg (wt%) Zn (wt%) Total (wt%)
a certain extent, it seems that it is not directly associated
with the dark rust formation discussed here, and the dark
Point A 25.47 40.57 33.96 100 rust formation cannot be fully explained by the mecha-
Point B 0.51 87.82 11.67 100
Point A9 35.53 41.28 23.19 100
nism of oxygen deficiency in ZnO. To understand the
Point B9 1.81 10.31 87.88 100 nature of the corrosion product formed on the coating
Point C9 1.03 5.05 93.89 100 surface, GDS analysis was additionally carried out.
According to the analysis shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c),
there is a clear increase in Mg peak on the outermost
lead to the change of band gap energy related to the surface in case of the specimen immersed in DI water for
optical property. This kind of phenomenon has also been 5 min contrary to the case of the specimen immersed in
identified after the immersion test in this research. In the 0.2 M NaHCO3 solution. The effect of solution contain-
case of the EG, surface has some local staining like dot. ing carbonate ion on the suppression of surface darkening
However, as it is seen clearly in Fig. 5, dominant dark is mainly discussed in Sec. III. B. 2. The results of
color was not observed. Therefore, although the oxygen various analyses on the surface of the steel with pure Mg
3608 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
FIG. 4. GDS analysis on (a) as-received Zn–Mg alloy coated specimen, and (b) and (c) coating surface after immersion test in 0.2 M NaHCO3
solution and DI water, respectively.
FIG. 5. Surface morphology of Zn–Mg alloy coated, pure Mg coated and EG steels after various immersion and high-temperature humidity
coating and Zn–Mg alloy coated steel after immersion that of MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11 phases acting as cathode, the
test suggest that Mg plays a crucial role in the formation dissolution of Mg can be accelerated drastically. Figure 7
of dark rust formed on the coating surface. It is known shows the surface morphology examined by FE-SEM in
that when two dissimilar metals are coupled electrochem- the BEI mode before and after the immersion test for 40 s.
ically or galvanically, the active metal is preferentially Although large Mg phases appearing as black-colored
corroded while the noble one is protected from corro- region in Fig. 7 still remain, the amount of fine size of
sion.19 Since Mg is more electroactive than Zn and also Mg phases is clearly reduced, suggesting that the metallic
more electroactive than MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11, Mg has Mg phases are dissolved at a short period of immersion.
a tendency to dissolve preferentially when Mg is elec- Furthermore, the remaining large Mg phases after the
trochemically coupled with MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11 in the immersion test in 40 s are precisely observed and the
Zn–Mg coating. In the Zn–Mg alloy coating, since the results are shown in magnified view of Fig. 7(b). It
area of Mg phase acting as an anode is much smaller than appears that the needle-like corrosion products were
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015 3609
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
FIG. 6. FE-SEM images showing the surface morphology of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel (a) before, and (b) and (c) after immersion test in DI water for
5 min and 25 s, respectively; (d) TEM image showing the cross section of the coated steel after immersion test in DI water for 5 min.
scarcely precipitated only on the remaining Mg phases. It are very sensitive to variations in metal particle size and/
implies that the Mg phases act as anode and the high or shape,20 it could be also possible that accelerated
anodic dissolution could occur preferentially at those sites. dissolution of Mg from the coating surface makes the
To confirm this phenomenon, ion-chromatography (ICP) surface rougher, leading to the scattering of visible ray
analysis was performed on the dissolved Zn and Mg ion and therefore it could contribute additionally to the
after immersion test in DI water. The amount of dissolved surface color change to dark.
Mg ion was 0.05 ppm, whereas that of dissolved Zn ion Lindstrom et al.21 have also reported that Mg surface is
was less than 0.01 ppm. This ICP analysis result is covered with dark Mg(OH)2 when Mg is exposed to
consistent with the discussion above. It is believed that corrosive wet environment, especially in the absence of
this is the reason why the extent of surface staining of Zn– CO2. In addition, it is known that the solubility of Mg
Mg alloy coated steel is more severe than that of pure Mg (OH)2 in aqueous water at 100 °C is around 4 mg/L
coated steel. Although an electrochemical potential map which is only one third of that in the water at room
analyzed by SVET, which is found in Fig. 8, cannot give temperature (25 °C).22 This suggests that as the temper-
the potential level at each phase in the microstructure, it ature of the aqueous water increases, the solubility of
can be surely indicated that there are a lot of local anodes Mg(OH)2 in the water is decreased and therefore easy
and cathodes in the coating surface. precipitation of Mg(OH)2 on the coating surface can be
In summary, the dark rust is closely associated with the facilitated. Considering these facts, the dark rust forma-
precipitation of the Mg-based corrosion product in a form tion of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel in aqueous solution at
of Mg(OH)2. Although it is known that the color of pure high temperature could be well explained by the prefer-
Mg(OH)2 is white, its color can be changed to gray or ential dissolution of Mg from the coating layer and easy
other dark colors depending on the kind and level of precipitation of Mg(OH)2 on the coating surface. The
impurity. Considering the fact that the optical properties preferential dissolution of Mg and subsequent precipitation
3610 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
FIG. 7. Surface morphology of the coating surface examined by FE-SEM in the BEI mode (a) before and (b) after the immersion test for 40 s;
(c) magnified view of (b).
FIG. 8. Potential map of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel after immersion test in DI water, analyzed by SVET.
of Mg(OH)2 are basically attributed to the pre-existing process, the conditions of the coating process should be
metallic Mg on the coating layer. To avoid the formation of optimized or efficient surface treatment should be devel-
abnormal Mg phase on the coating layer during the PVD oped. However, detailed discussion on the prevention
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015 3611
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
methods are beyond the scope of this paper and the present Zn-based corrosion product is assumed to be hydrozincite
study is focused sorely on the mechanistic study of the dark [Zn5(OH)6(CO3)2] since the hydrozincite becomes stable
rust formation. between pH 7 and 8.5 of the bicarbonate buffer solution.23
Contrary to the result of immersion test in DI water, dark The surface analysis by FT-IR, which is found in Fig. 10,
rust is not observed from Zn–Mg alloy coated steel clearly supports this assumption. The peaks at 1499,
specimens when tested by immersion in a solution con- 1387.15, and 845 cm 1 are attributed to hydrozincite.10
taining bi-carbonate ion (HCO3 ) and Zn21 ion. The According to Chung et al.,24 the presence of hydrozincite
extent of surface color change to dark was less severe as a passive film is widely accepted as being advantageous
when immersed in tap water containing a small amount of for the longevity and protectively, which is primarily
carbonate ion than when immersed in DI water. Secondly, attributed to a superior insolubility comparing to oxidation
little change of surface color was observed after the test products such as simple oxides and chloride species. Figure
using solutions containing the carbonate ion such as 9(b) showing FE-SEM image obtained from the carbonate
NaHCO3 and K2CO3. After immersion test in the solutions treated specimen after immersion test by using DI water for
containing NaHCO3 and K2CO3, the specimen surface did 30 min indicates that the hydrozincite particles which can
not show any discernible change in the color and pattern by act as a protection barrier against the formation of dark rust
observation with naked eye. As shown in Fig. 4(b), Mg gradually disappear by dissolution in boiling DI water, and
peak was not detected on the outermost surface in case of therefore the coating layer containing Mg is exposed to the
the specimen immersed in 0.2 M NaHCO3 solution, which DI water. As a result, the dark rust is gradually formed on
is attributed to the precipitation of Zn-based thin film on the coating surface. A number of test results obtained by
the surface. The morphology Zn-based film is presented in a variety of analysis equipment such as FE-SEM, EDX,
Fig. 9. Consequently, the surface darkening phenomenon GDS, and FT-IR supports the fact that the outermost layer
can be avoided. Considering the fact that pH of the solution of carbonate treated specimen is composed of hydrozincite
containing 0.2 M NaHCO3 is around 8.3, the thin film of and there is no evidence that Mg rich layer such as MgCO3
FIG. 9. Surface morphology of the coating surface (a) before and (b) after immersion test in 0.2 M NaHCO3 solution, (c) EDS analysis on the
coating surface.
3612 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 23, Dec 14, 2015
S.J. Kim et al.: Surface darkening phenomenon of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel exposed to aqueous environment at high temperature
is present on the coating surface. This could be due mainly 2. Surface analysis after high temperature–humidity
to the fact that the Gibbs free energy of formation for test
hydrozincite ( 3160 kJ/mol at room temperature to At the third and fourth row of Fig. 5, the surface
100 °C) is much lower than that for MgCO3 ( 1100 kJ/ morphology examined by digital camera after high
mol at room temperature to 100 °C), suggesting that the temperature–humidity exposure test are presented. Since
hydrozincite could be preferentially formed on the coating the condition of high temperature–humidity exposure test
surface. Nevertheless, it would not be possible to entirely is different from that of immersion test, the mechanism of
exclude the fact that some Mg rich layers are also present dark rust formation is not the exactly same as that of
on the coating surface. immersion test. Contrary to immersion test, an extremely
small amount of water exists on the coating surface
during this test. This suggests that the precipitation rate of
metallic ions, specifically Mg ions, increases since their
solubility limit exceeds rapidly because of a small
volume of solution in the thin water film condensed on
the surface. Therefore, MgO/hydroxide can be formed
rapidly by precipitation from the water.25 As seen clearly,
the extent of surface change was the most severe in the
case of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel due to the combined
effects of galvanic action between Mg and two interme-
tallic phases of MgZn2 and Mg2Zn11, and fast precipita-
tion of Mg ions. Although a similar pattern was observed
in the case of the pure Mg, the extent of surface change
was not as severe as that of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel. In
the case of the EG, there was no discernable change on
the coating surface. This result shows that it is pretty
much the same as the result of immersion test. Consid-
FIG. 10. FT-IR spectra of the coating surface after immersion test in ering these results of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel and pure
0.2 M NaHCO3 solution. Mg shown in Fig. 5, it seems that the dark surface is
FIG. 11. Surface morphology of Zn–Mg alloy coated steel after high temperature–humidity exposure test and AES analysis at (a) dark region and
at (b) light region.
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