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Fresno Flyer Vol 8 No 9

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You did it!

Lisa Talley
Class of 2024
San Joaquin College of Law

Riding the wave with pride
Fresno’s 34th Annual Pride parade and festival will arrive in style as one of Fresno’s largest single-day events June 1.
By Lisa Talley | lisa@fresnoflyer.com

W here some events struggled to find

their footing after the dormant
years of COVID shutdowns, the Fresno
an important election year,
and as a result, the organiza-
tion felt that the theme need-
formation and to navigate both
the festival and parade.
Volunteers are welcome to join
the efforts, but the deadline to sign up
While most of the world online is May 15th. Interested parties can
Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival re- ed to reflect a crucial maxim is back to business after the sign up to volunteer on Eventeny. Every
emerged larger and more fabulous than - every vote counts, so get out shutdowns, some folks don’t volunteer will not only help ensure the day
ever. However, where the organization there and vote! have the luxury of participating in runs smoothly for an event drawing more
avoided one tragedy, it fell victim to an- “The current might be rough big crowds. COVID is still very much an than 20,000 people overall but will also
other. Not long before the festival would sometimes, but use your power to vote to issue for the vulnerable members of our join the ranks of an entirely volunteer-led
see its most significant jump in attendance effect the change you want to see,” Cau- community, and there will be many who tradition. The Pride Committee and Com-
and historic move to Fresno City College, wels encouraged. will have to sit out for yet another Pride munity Link Board - everyone involved
the organization lost its founder, commu- The theme will likely echo across celebration. However, the Fresno Rainbow in producing the Pride celebrations every
nity Godfather, and pillar - Jeffery Robin- thousands of hearts and minds as the or- Pride Parade and Festival will collabo- year - is comprised entirely of volunteer
son. ganization anticipates an attendance of rate with local community access station staff.
The fierce advocate for Queer roughly 20,000 people pouring in from all CMAC to broadcast the parade live on “We love our community and
history and safe spaces sowed the seeds of over the valley. Last year, the festival alone television and YouTube. The live broadcast can’t wait to see everyone at the parade and
what has grown to be an iconic Central boasted 13,000 attendees and will likely will allow everyone who cannot attend in festival. We pour our blood, sweat, tears,
Valley celebration. While the rest of the exceed that number this year. To help make person to share in the festivities remotely and money into this event and it is all
valley may have questioned in the early 90s the parade and festival more approachable and safely. Moreover, the event will also worth it when we see 20,000+ people hav-
whether a Pride parade here would ever be for first-timers, Cauwels shared a key tip have two live commentators - Chris Jarvis ing the best day of their life in a non-judg-
more than a few decorated laundry carts on how best to navigate the crowded areas and James Hensley. ment, be-your-true-self environment,” ex-
showcased in a parking lot, Robinson al- and available resources. For all those who plan to arrive pressed Cauwels.
ways knew it had the potential to be larger “Do yourself a favor and park early to the parade, you’ll have the oppor- The Pride Parade will take place
than life. His dedication built the frame- your vehicle at Fresno City College in the tunity to witness something special as the in the Tower District at 10 a.m., at Palm
work, and his passion continues to inspire morning, before the parade begins, and Fresno Rainbow Pride organization will and Olive. The Festival begins at 11 a.m.
community builders and advocates today then utilize our shuttle buses that will take hold a “Pre-Parade.” Roughly ten minutes and until 6 p.m. It will be held at Fres-
to continue growing the Fresno Pride cele- you between the festival site and the pa- before 10 a.m., the organization will gath- no City College with more than 20 food
bration to new heights. rade route,” said Cauwels. er on Palm and Olive in remembrance of trucks, booths, and a vast array of vendors,
Carrying the torch this year is One of the more significant up- several beloved community members. and complete with a full day of perfor-
Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival grades the celebration has received in re- “This is where we will honor mances. For more information about the
President Bryan Cauwels. cent years was the addition of shuttle bus- those we have lost, including Jeffery Rob- event and how to volunteer, download the
Every year, the board and com- es, thanks to the generous contributions inson, Patricia Colucci, and Susan Kuhn. Eventeny app and search “Fresno” for the
mittee of organizers develop a theme that of the Fresno Economic Opportunities We want to give these people, who were so Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival.
encapsulates the spirit of the celebration in Commission (EOC). The buses are free important to our organization and com- To watch the live broadcast, visit
a few words. This year's theme is “Rain- for attendees to use and run all day long. munity, a moment all to themselves to CMAC.tv, follow CMAC on social media,
bow Wave 2024: navigating through the Additionally, the organization now has an show them the respect they deserve and or subscribe to their channel on YouTube.
current.” Cauwels explained that 2024 is app available for download on Eventeny let them lead the way for the 34th Annual
that eventgoers may use to get updated in- Parade,” Cauwels shared.

Black and Latino Californians face the greatest
barriers to homeownership, the new study says.
That’s almost 60% of Fresno
You need to earn more than $100k to afford a median-priced home in Fresno.
By Pablo Orihuela | pablo@fresnoland.org

[This story was originally published by Fres- color, which could worsen as the economy The association’s report found that Housing challenges have been front
noland, a nonprofit news organization] slows and rates remain elevated in 2024,” the only 18% of Californians earned enough of mind in recent weeks for Fresno Mayor
association said in their report. to buy a $819,980 home — the state me- Jerry Dyer, who recently told realtors the

B lack and Latino households are lagging Fresno County is a majority His- dian price in 2023. The price in 2022 was city was counting on the real estate industry
behind their white and Asian peers when panic/Latino, with the demographic repre- $822,320. The 2022 report found that a to – hopefully– offset shortfalls in the city’s
it comes to homeownership throughout Cali- senting 55% of the population according to potential homeowner would need to earn at sales tax revenue ahead of a looming budget
fornia, including Fresno. the United States Census Bureau. The Black least $186,800 annually to comfortably make crunch.
That’s according to a new report demographic makes up about 6% of the pop- payments on a median-priced home in 2022.
from the California Association of Realtors. ulation — reflective of the state’s 6.5% aver- Last year, that number climbed to $204,800. Correcting past injustices
The annual report, released in April, breaks age. The data also showed the financial
down housing affordability by ethnicity. The disparity in who does and pangs aren’t evenly distributed across the On top of the financial gaps among their
A median-priced home in Fresno doesn’t have the money to buy a home could state. Only about 28% of Asians and 21% of white and Asian counterparts, prospective
County is $410,000, and the association said be in part due to the wage discrepancy be- white residents could afford a median-priced Black and Latino homeowners have histori-
$103,200 is the minimum qualifying income. tween the demographics. home in 2023. But just 9% of Black and His- cally faced racist policies by local and national
The report also found that only 33% The report compared the median in- panic/Latino Californians could afford to buy banks and realtors. The issues have only re-
of county residents can afford to purchase a come for all of California — $92,420 — with that same house. cently been acknowledged.
home, assuming a 20% down payment. And the median income of residents broken up by The association continues to push In 2020, the National Association
while some demographic groups struggled demographic. The median income of Asian the state to fund the California Dream For of Realtors released a statement apologizing
more–sometimes significantly more–than residents was $120,630, followed by white All loan assistance program, which helps for “past policies that contributed to racial
others, the report suggests that most Ameri- residents at $103,870; Hispanic/Latino resi- first-generation and first-time homebuyers inequality” and the CAR released a similar
cans can’t afford a median-price home, with dents were at $75,950 and the median salary cover housing costs like their initial down statement in 2022.
Black and brown people of color facing the for Black residents was $63,800. payment. Allysunn Walker is the president
heaviest burdens in Fresno and the rest of the The City of Fresno attempts to and CEO of the Southwest Fresno Develop-
state. Issues persist at the state level help prospective homeowners by highlight- ment Corporation — a group that attempts
“The significant difference in hous- ing homebuying resources on their website, to bridge the wealth gap among demograph-
ing affordability for Black and Hispanic/Lati- But while median home prices fell slightly which include the California Dream For All ics through homeownership.
no households illustrates the homeownership in 2023, Californians still have to earn more program, and information on the Bank of Walker and the SWFDC attempt to
gap and wealth disparity for communities of money to afford a median home than they America America’s Home Grant and Down help people in one of the city’s most under-
did just one year earlier. Payment Grant programs. served areas by encouraging homeownership
and educating residents on the benefits that


TIRED OF For many, Walker says, education


PGE comes through a mental shift.
PRICES? “People say, ‘I didn’t know I could
buy a home’ or ‘I didn’t know that I’m not
FREE CONSULTATION too old to do this,” Walker said. “‘How do I
find a lender? How do they find me?’ We’ve
TESLA had people ask questions as though they don’t
POWER know what their rights are.
WALL “It’s so much deeper than just the
house not being affordable. It’s a system that
was set up to exclude people of color.”
“We’ve got folks that are renting
$2,500, $3,000 for a two or three-bedroom
rental,” Walker added. “If they can pay
$2,500 for a rental then we believe that they
CONTACT MIKE can pay a mortgage.”

(559) 519-0998
On the Scene - Boundaries in
Suicide Prevention
By Amber Lynette | amberlynette@reaperclean.com

A s our community becomes more vigi-

lant in understanding warning signs for
suicide, it has fallen into everyone’s hands to
not have to come at another person’s
expense. If suicide is ever used as a
means of manipulating a person to
a victim in any domestic vio-
lence situation tries to separate
from their partner, their life and
unfamiliar location, especially if it is late at
night or if there is any indication they have
a firearm, have consumed drugs or alcohol,
connect others to much-needed help during stay in an unsafe situation, there is their circumstances can be most or are in a secluded area (such as near train
times of distress or crisis. Nevertheless, with more than just one life at risk. volatile. Safety planning for al- tracks, a bridge, or an abandoned building) is
so much focus solely on prevention, the im- Research has shown that ternative times to escape may be extremely dangerous, particularly if they are
portance of openly discussing boundaries and there is no such thing as a single reason needed, especially if their partner is asking for the person to come alone.
safety while trying to help others in crisis for somebody to take their own life, but rath- suicidal, has access to a firearm, has a history As of January 1, Fresno County has
must be at the forefront of this conversation. er an intersection of multiple risk factors con- of violence, or if there are children involved. its very own mobile Crisis Response team,
Being able to discern the difference verging between their environment, health, Getting help for a suicidal person can take capable of dispatching to mental health and
between somebody who is genuinely asking and personal history at a specific point in place away from the victim. Crime Scene substance use incidents 24/7. Their phone
for help while going through a suicidal crisis time. Many people like to focus on single en- Cleaners respond to more murder-suicides in number is (559) 600-6000, and there is no
and somebody who may also be using sui- vironmental factors within the time frame of domestic violence situations than any other. cost to utilize this service. The Marjaree Ma-
cide as a means of manipulation or control a suicide—such as divorce or job loss—but a A person in crisis may also call son Center domestic violence crisis line is also
is a matter of safety. For example, if someone majority of people go through ups and downs somebody over the phone or send messages 24/7, and their phone number is (559) 233-
is trying to remove themselves from a con- in life and manage to work through them. before attempting to end their life, and it 4397. Suicide Prevention is crucial, but being
flict, situation, or relationship where they feel Understanding that a single person or event can be panic-inducing to want to find where able to discern whether or not you are in dan-
unsafe, they have every right to walk away cannot be the sole reason somebody chooses they are and head to their location. Howev- ger is just as important.
from the conflict. Forcing a person to stay by suicide empowers boundaries as well as heal- er, trying to de-escalate the situation from a For more information about Reap-
threatening or omitting suicide or harm to ing in situations where blame, guilt, or harm distance while biding time for a crisis team er Clean, go to www.reaperclean.com, email
others if they try to leave is manipulative. The may exist. or first responder to find them is a much onthescene@reaperclean.com, or follow on
suicidal person may need help, but it should It should also be noted that when safer means of helping. Showing up to an Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok @reaper_

How a suicide crisis led to change in one small

California county jail
V ISALIA – Lt. Buddy Hirayama sagged
into his desk chair after a busy morning
on his first day leading a county jail system
out all over California. The year 2022 was the
deadliest on record for California’s jail system,
when 215 people died in county-run lockups
tody death so quickly. He had to ask himself
whether anything he could do would make a
They don’t report to Hirayama.
He focused on something he could
control: creating a less-predictable system of
difference. “I was honestly completely over-
running along the eastern edge of California’s from natural causes, suicide, overdoses and whelmed,” he said. “I just had a thousand checks meant to keep inmates guessing about
San Joaquin Valley. homicides. Death rates in jails remained high questions about how the facility runs. I had when deputies would pass by them.
A call crackled across his radio: statewide in 2023, as they have been every a thousand questions about how the deputies Hirayama made other changes, too,
“Man down. Unresponsive.” year since 2019. are supposed to prevent this. I had a thousand as he stepped into his new role leading the
Hirayama and almost two dozen The jail deaths led to calls for more questions about medical staff and what their jails. He hoped they would improve deputy
deputies raced to a cell where a man appeared oversight. A new state law created additional roles and responsibility is in this. morale and yield more cooperative inmates.
to have overdosed on something. Deputies seats on the board that oversees jails and jail- “And then I have a thousand ques- But mostly, he had to stop people
pounded on his chest, administering CPR. ers while the state pledged to conduct more tions on the mental health side of this thing. from dying.
Emergency medical crews arrived. inspections. What went wrong and how did it go wrong?
“Ultimately,” Hirayama said, “they But the state doesn’t manage Cali- And what could we have done to prevent it all Mental health crises in California jails]
were unable to bring him back.” fornia’s county jails, the lockups where people the while?”
The June 5, 2023, fentanyl overdose await trials or serve relatively shorter sentenc- Hirayama knew he couldn’t control New inmates are welcomed with a “fish kit,”
death of Ignacio Garcia, 32, was the second in es. Locally elected sheriffs run them. everything in the jail. A substantial number of the toothbrush, soap and other basic hygiene
Tulare County jails last year, and the first on Changes, if they happen, will have its inmates come from rival gangs, and keep- supplies they’ll save or trade while they’re
Hirayama’s watch. Those deaths followed the to take place at the local level, in places like ing them apart is critical to limiting violence. incarcerated. But just as important is the
deadliest year in the jail’s history when eight this Central Valley jail, and they’ll have to Tulare County, like many local governments, mental health check they’re given by an in-
inmates died in 2022, four of them by sui- come from Hirayama and other commanders hires outside contractors to provide health
cide. like him. care and mental health treatment to inmates.
Similar scenes have been playing He didn’t expect to face an in-cus- Continues on pg 6...

Poetry Series By Doug Cox | bdougcox@gmail.com
... crisis cont’d from pg5

take nurse or medical assistant when they’re took his own life.
first processed, said Dr. Abdolreza Saadabadi, “He knew what he was looking at in
From Fresno to France, the bittersweet follows us everywhere. In this surprising the jail’s psychiatrist employed by the private prison.”
and gritty poem, Michelle Patton, a widely published poet and professor at Fres- company Precision Psychiatric Services. Other families are not as resigned to
no City College, employs a series of lists and fragments to depict both the literal Jails have become this country’s the outcome.
and figurative debris that lives on in rivers, even those in our most glamorous mental health wards, Saadabadi said. Mental Kelsi Fahrni was 29 when she hung
cities. These rivers of physical objects and memories, these rivers of loss, shadow illness that goes untreated on the outside be- herself in her jail cell on Aug. 12, 2022. In
us at home and abroad, and this elegiac piece echoes that startling then haunting comes mental illness that must be addressed previous stays in jail, Fahrni had swallowed
realization well. inside, he said. Worse, he said, is when in- razor blades, jumped off a second-story rail-
mates who have been treated before for men- ing and tried to hang herself.
tal illness may not like the drugs they were After she was booked and admitted
WHAT LIVES IN THE RIVER SEINE given, or feel ashamed to admit their diagno- to using fentanyl daily, she was put in a cell,
sis, so they don’t disclose it. alone.
“When they don’t share, it’s difficult “Fahrni deteriorated and began
The salt of saints and mothers. to project what they might or might not do,” self-harming behaviors,” alleges a lawsuit her
Saadabadi said. family filed last year in federal court against
The girl-child who drowned herself, Curtis Peck was facing a long prison the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office and Preci-
unwanted and pregnant. Shopping carts, sentence when he killed himself in his Tulare sion Psychiatric Services.
County jail cell on Sept. 27, 2022. He was Deputies didn’t check on Fahrni for
45. more than two hours, the lawsuit alleges, de-
piss and shit from bodies, a wheelchair, His father, a retired prison guard of spite California laws mandating at least hour-
more than 26 years at California State Prison, ly checks on inmates.
coke cans and delicate tendrils Corcoran, doesn’t believe the sheriff’s office The lawsuit accuses the jail system
woven with hair. Bits of paper and bits could have done anything to stop him. of failing to implement suicide prevention
“I had to accept that he took his policies; failing to classify, house and mon-
own life rather than go back to prison,” Rog- itor inmates suffering from mental illness;
of Joan of Arc. Fragments of bathtubs er Peck said. “He wasn’t convicted yet but he and “permitting unlicensed and/or untrained
had been most of his adult life in and out of medical staff to remove severely mentally ill
and bitter bones. Silt. Bigmouth buffalo, prison.” inmates from suicide watch.” Fahrni’s history
black bullhead, blackside darter, brook Roger Peck’s three eldest sons spent of self-harm was known to Defendants,” the
time in prison, but Peck said Curtis’ lat- lawsuit alleges.
est charges would send him away for a long Hirayma took over eight months af-
stickleback, fathead minnow, time. Peck has family and friends in the Tu- ter Fahrni’s death.
lare County Sheriff’s Office, and asked one of
freshwater drum. Wine bottles, a Viking sword, them to investigate his son’s death.
umbrellas. Gold and garnet bees. “I asked my sister’s neighbor to look
into it,” Peck said. “It was a single cell, no one
in there with him. Everything proves that he
A Gallic boat. So quietly flow Continues on pg 17...
stories and about a quarter cup
of my mother’s ashes.

Photo by Larry Valenzuela

A Fruity Sprinkle
(Culinary.net) To kids, birthday parties are a yogurt until well combined.
big deal and only happen once a year. From Pour the mixture into four smoothie
the decorations to their friends and all the glasses and garnish each with whipped cream
sweet, delicious treats to devour, it can be and sprinkles to add some extra color.
an overwhelming amount of excitement and It’s that easy to make and even better to enjoy
awe. while watching your kid make wonderful
They receive gifts, get to have fun memories with friends and family.
with their friends and family, and get to snack Find more fun celebration recipes at Culinary.
on treats they typically don’t have on a regular net.
basis. This is part of what makes birthdays so If you made this recipe at home, use
fun. #MyCulinaryConnection on your favorite
It can be a lot of pressure for parents, social network to share your work.
though. You want everything to be perfect
and fall in line with expectations, especially Fruity Sprinkles Smoothie
when it comes to the food and treats served to Servings: 4
everyone that day.
At the next party you’re hosting, try 1 cup frozen blueberries
this delightful Fruity Sprinkles Smoothie that 2 cups frozen strawberries
fits the theme for nearly any colorful birthday 1 cup frozen mango
bash. 1 1/2 cups milk
It’s made with frozen blueberries, 1 carton (6 ounces) vanilla yogurt
frozen strawberries and frozen mango for a whipped cream
healthier alternative to sugar-filled birthday sprinkles
cake. Topped with fluffy, fun whipped cream
and mini sprinkles, it still provides a sweet, In blender, blend blueberries, strawberries,
festive treat. Plus, this smoothie can be made mango, milk and yogurt until combined.
in a matter of minutes using only one kitchen
appliance for easy clean up. Pour smoothie into four glasses. Garnish with
To make it, blend frozen blueberries, whipped cream and sprinkles.
frozen strawberries, frozen mango, milk and

Calendar Events
variety of media! To register or learn Forrest Gump Sunday, May 26,
Art more, visit: https://fresnoartmuse- 2024 at 3:00 PM Historic Theatre
um.org/edu.../for-children/art-acad- 1170 Broadway St, Fresno.
Let’s Make An Art! June 1 6-9 Com- emy/WEEK 1 (June 10 to 14) Stop­
munity art meetup! Bring your fa- Motion Animation (AM) Comic Book Jersey Boys - The story of Frankie Val-
vorite materials or use ours. Start Design (PM) WEEK 2 (June 17 to 21) li and The Four Seasons | June 7 - 29
something new or bring a work in - Drawing & Painting What You See! With phenomenal music, memorable
progress... Bring a friend and collabo- (AM) Print It! (PM) WEEK 3 (June 24 characters, and great storytelling,
rate, or simply hang out! This meetup to 28) Super Mud! (AM) Make Your JERSEY BOYS follows the fascinat-
is free and open to the public, but do- Own Artist Trading Cards (PM) WEEK ing evolution of four blue-collar kids
nations are encouraged! 4 (July 29 to August 2) Let’s Face who became one of the greatest suc-
It! (AM) Fun with Mixed Media (PM) cesses in pop-music history. JERSEY
Explore Japanese Traditions at the WEEK 5 (August 5 to 9) Black & White BOYS takes you behind the music of
Fresno Art Museum What’s includ- (AM) Painting & Drawing with Color Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons
ed?: Bonsai Talk and Demonstration (PM) Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st to discover the secret of a 40-year
presented by Bob Hilvers, Managing St, Fresno. friendship as the foursome work their
Curator for the Clark Bonsai Collec- way from the streets of New Jersey
tion at Shinzen Friendship Garden! to the heights of stardom. June 7th
Japanese Woodblock Printing Demon-
stration using the traditional method
Theater. 7:30pm, June 8th 7:30pm, June 9th
2pm, June 14th 7:30pm, June 15th
presented by FAM Art Instructor and Sugar (May 16th-July 14th) Roger 7:30pm, June 16th 2pm, June 21st
master printmaker Linda Zupcic! Jap- Rockas This zany musical adapta- 7:30pm, June 22nd 2pm & 7:30PM,
anese tea and pastry samplings to tion of Some Like It Hot captures the June 23rd 2pm, June 27th 7:30pm
enjoy Tickets: https://fammuseum- heart and hilarity of the hit film and (Student Senior Discount Night),
store.shopsettings.com/Explore-Jap- features a thrilling, jazzy score from June 28th 7:30pm, June 29th 2pm
anese. $15 Museum members $25 Jule Styne and Bob Merrill, the com- & 7:30PM Rated PG-13 $23 Adults /
non-Museum members posing team behind Funny Girl. Rated $21 Seniors, Students, Military/ $17
PG. (559) 266-9494 | 1226 N. Wis- Children under 13
Summer Art Academy! In these hon Avenue Fresno, CA 93728
workshops, students will explore the DannyLux June 21 7pm Saroyan
Elements of Art and how they apply Theatre 730 M St. Fresno. Experience
to the Principles of Design through a the electrifying journey of DannyLux
live at Saroyan Theatre on June 21st!
Born Daniel Balderrama Espinoza in
Palm Springs, California, DannyLux
embarked on his musical odyssey at
the tender age of 19. Guided by his
mother, Patricia, he honed his skills
in the church choir, mastering the gui-
tar along the way. His talent caught
the attention of VPS Music, leading
to a record deal and the release of
his debut album “Las Dos Caras Del
Amor,” featuring hits like “El Dueño
de Tu Amor.” Join us for a night of
music that transcends boundaries
and resonates with the soul!

Join us for an unforgettable FAMily
Day happening on Sunday, May 19th,
from 11 am to 4 pm! Enjoy FUN ac-
tivities and FREE admission! Event by
Fresno Art Museum 2233 N 1st St,

Food Truck Nights Join us every

Wednesday night from May 22
through August 21 for Sanger Food
Truck Nights happening 6 to 9 PM at
Kings River Winery in Sanger, CA!



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1969 Stonewall
Inn Riots
Referred to as the ‘pin drop heard round the world,’ the 1969
riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York sparked a monumental
and unforgettable global movement.
In 1969, being gay was a crime, and serving gay peo-
ple could also land you in jail or, at the very least, with closures
and a fine. But that didn’t stop people from building their own
safe spaces. Gay bars had become a place of refuge - a sanctu-
ary for gays, lesbians, and anyone else who found themselves
on the sexually suspect spectrum. These bars were well-known
amongst the queer community as a place to safely escape the
daily harassment of society and where they could be their au-
thentic selves. However, word would eventually spread about
the nature of these particular bars or clubs, and law enforcement
nearly always found a way to crash the party.
The Stonewall Inn and other gay-friendly bars fre-
quently suffered raids by law enforcement who sought to dis-
rupt the scene and arrest any suspicious individuals engaged in
homosexual activity. On June 28, 1969, the final attack by law
enforcement in a series of recent raids erupted into an event that
would soon be known as the famous Stonewall riots. During
this raid, police escorted people from the building into a police
van, but the crowd didn’t disperse as usual. Angry, frustrated,
and exhausted from the ongoing harassment, the queer patrons
of Stonewall began jeering, throwing bottles and debris at the
police officers. The queer community had finally had enough.
Law enforcement quickly lost control of the situation, and the
protesters rioted well into the early morning.
Rioting continued over the following days as the pro-
testers grew to an astonishing size of roughly 400 individuals.
Members of the local queer community heard about the on-
going struggle and aided the patrons at Stonewall in facing off
with the local police. It was the first time that gays, lesbians,
drag queens, and trans people united behind a common cause
to fight injustice.
A year later, on the first anniversary of the riots, the
first gay pride marches took place in New York, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, and Chicago. In the years that followed, gay
rights groups erupted in almost every major city in the U.S.
to advocate openly for equal rights. Pride has now become a
celebration in recognition of how far the community has come
since those stark, oppressive days, and those trailblazers who
paved the way.

93.7 KISS Country Summer Concert BMX NEW FREE RIDER CLINIC and Dragons. Each day we’ll play Fresno Grizzlies vs Visalia Rawhide Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca.
Series presented by Bud Light featur- Wed Jun 05 2024 at 06:00 pm to about 3.5 hours of D&D and spend May 25, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tu- June 12, 2024 at 6:50 PM 1800 Tu-
ing Aaron Watson, Tigirlily Gold, An- 08:00 pm Ready to take a ride on the rest learning new skills and en- lare St, Fresno lare St, Fresno
nie Bosko and JJ Brown kicks off on a BMX journey? This clinic offers a joying lunch and snacks. Crazy Squir-
Thursday night, May 23rd at the Ro- crash course on BMX basics with a rel Games & Toys Reservations are Fresno Grizzlies vs Visalia Rawhide Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca.
tary Amphitheater at Woodward Park USA BMX certified coach leading the required. Payment is required upon May 26, 2024 at 1:05 PM 1800 Tu- June 13, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tu-
in Fresno. Gates open at 5:00pm. way. Ensure you’re equipped with reservation. If you cancel by June lare St, Fresno, CA 93721 lare St, Fresno
Show starts at 6:45pm. All ages are long pants, long sleeves, and closed- 10th, you’ll get a full refund (90% if
welcome. This is a general admission toe shoes. Get ready to pedal into you use Paypal because they don’t Ca Usa Wrestling Sat Jun 01 2024 Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca.
show. No outside food or beverage adventure! Woodward Park, 7775 N refund fees). at 08:00 am Selland Arena, 700 M June 14, 2024 at 7:05PM 1800 Tu-
allowed. Friant Rd,Fresno. www.parcsonline. St,Fresno. lare St, Fresno
fresno.gov Furry Freedom Fest - A Pet Friend-
Fresno Water Lantern Festival May ly 4th of July Celebration! Fri Jun 28 Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca. Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca.
25 Get your tickets at https://www. Kids Gardening - Pot Prints June 2024 at 05:00 pm CrossCity Fresno, June 11, 2024 at 6:50 PM 1800 Tu- June 15, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tu-
waterlanternfestival.com/fresno.php 8 11am Bring the kids to create a 2777 E Nees Ave, Fresno. Live Band lare St, Fresno lare St, Fresno
before they sell out. Water Lantern unique gift for mom or grandma!! We and Dancing Under the Stars by Lady
Festival is an amazing experience will use child’s footprint on a terra and the Tramps Food Trucks Galore
where you’ll witness the magic of lan- cotta pot and then make a cute but- Pet-Related Vendors and more-
terns as they light up the water. The terfly or ladybug. $20 includes pot, Bounce Houses for the Kids A Spec-
Water Lantern Festival was voted #1 paint,and 4” succulent. Pre-register tacular Patriotic Drone Light Show to
Festival by USA Today. Don’t miss this or contact us to schedule a Private finish off the night by Skye Dreams
beautiful event! For more information Party. Kileen’s Succulent Vertical Tickets sold at www.skyedreams.com
please visit www.WaterLanternFes- Gardens Nursery & Boutique 7313 N
tival.com Gates Open: 5:30pm PST DeWolf Ave, Clovis. Water Fest: Dive into a day of fun
Launch: 8:30 PST Gates Close: 9:30 with water games, relays, and splash
PST Farmer Appreciation Night at pad! Learn teamwork skills and make
Thursday Night Market Place Thu a splash. Dress comfortably, bring
Spring Glorious Junk Days May 26 Jun 13 2024 at 05:30 pm to 09:00 a water bottle. Date: June 28, 2024
7-3pm This signature event features pm The Thursday Night Market Place Time: 4-6 PM Location: Mosqueda
more than 155 dealers and is still is a Certified Farmers’ Market and Community Center, Fresno.
growing! Guests to Old Town can ex- features a variety of food vendors,
pect to see a great variety of not only unique craft vendors, fun kid’s activ-
antiques and collectibles, but vintage ities, live music, and a beer and wine Sports
and vintage-inspired things, repaint- garden. Come out and join the fun
ed furniture and accessories, hand- every Thursday from May to October Fuego vs One Knoxville SC Friday,
crafted items and more! from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Civic May 17th 7:30 PM | Fresno State
Park in downtown Hanford! WHanford Soccer Stadium
DANCE IT OUT All Style Competi- Civic Park, 400 N Douty St,Hanford
tion is on! SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 2024 Fresno Grizzlies vs Visalia Rawhide
at Holmes Playground in Fresno, CA. 6TH ANNUAL “THE REAL FA- May 23, 2024 at 6:50 PM 1800 Tu-
Two age divisions: 12 and under, 13 THER’S DAY” CORNHOLE TOURNA- lare St, Fresno
and older. Join us from 12:00 PM - MENT Sun Jun 16 2024 at 03:00 pm
5:00 PM for a day of dance battles to 08:00 pm Fresno Grizzlies, 1800 Fresno Grizzlies vs Visalia Rawhide
and fun! Showcase your skills and Tulare St, Fresno. May 24, 2024 at 7:05 PM 1800 Tu-
compete against dancers of all styles. lare St, Fresno
Registration is also available on the Sesame Street Live June 18 6pm
day of the event from 12:00 PM - Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster,
12:30 PM. For any questions, call and their friends from Sesame Street
(559) 621-PLAY (7529). Don’t miss are coming to your neighborhood to
out on this exciting dance event - say hello! In Sesame Street Live! Say
register online, by phone (559-621- Hello, you can sing and dance with
PLAY), or in person at Dickey Youth your favorite furry friends while en-
Center by June 1. Let’s see your best joying fun surprises along the way. So
moves! put on your dancing shoes and make
your way to where the air is sweet for
Home Depot Car Show June 1 this all-new celebration on Sesame
8:30am free entry - free raffle prizes Street! Saroyan Theatre 700 M St.
- free Kids work shop - free family fun
3272 W Shaw Ave Summer D&D adventures for kids!
This year it’s a Monday, June 24 – Fri-
Link up for Autism Dance Fitness day, June 28 from 11 am to 5:30 pm
Fundraiser June 1 3pm Sat Palace (you can drop off the kids starting at
Ballroom 1420 Fulton Fresno Visit 10 am) But that’s not all! This year,
linkupforautism.bigcartel.com we’re bringing in more hands-on ac-
tivities, relating them all to adventur-
ing in a fantasy world like Dungeons

Fuego vs Richmond Kickers Sat- – The International Rolling Stones Panter Bélico is bringing his “Pun-
urday, June 15th 7:30 PM | Fresno Show, who offer a faithful rendition to Y Aparte” to Fresno on June 8th!
State Soccer Stadium of the music and style of Mick Jagger, Bélico is a gifted performer who has
Keith Richards and the bad boys of had a huge impact on the Latin mu-
Fresno Grizzlies vs Rancho Cuca. the British Invasion. sic world. He focuses on Regional
June 16, 2024 at 5:05PM 1800 Tu- Mexican music and infuses his work
lare St, Fresno Taste of Chaos Tribute Night 2 with a distinctive blend of traditional
May 31 7pm Strummer’s $ 10.00 - Mexican sounds and contemporary
Fresno Grizzlies vs Stockton June $15.00 / Age All Ages Local favorites elements. Save Mart Center 2650 E
18, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tulare St, laying tribute to emo screamo favor- Shaw Ave.
Fresno ites. 833 E Fern ave.
Don’t miss the Smokey Robinson
Fresno Grizzlies vs Stockton June FRESNO EXTREME METALFEST concert at the Saroyan Theatre at
19, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tulare St, 2024 June 1 6pm 2 Stages ALL AGES Fresno Convention Center in Fresno,
Fresno 21+ can drink $10 presale $20 day CA on Friday, June 14, 2024. Saroyan
of show Full Circle Brewery District Theatre 700 M St.
Fresno Grizzlies vs Stockton June 712 Fulton St. Fresno.
20, 2024 at 6:50PM 1800 Tulare St, Anthony Jeselnik: Bones and All
Fresno Brooks & Dunn: Reboot 2024 Tour June 15 7pm Saroyan Theatre 730
June 6 7am Save Mart Center M st
Fuego vs South Georgia Tormenta
FC Saturday, June 29th 7:30 PM | Night Heat at Yosemite Falls Café, The DollyRots, Go Betty Go, Kutie,
Fresno State Soccer Stadium Cedar location June 8 8-11pm. Play- Devil Like Me Skank Stomp June 19
ing all your favorite classic rock! 4020 5:30pm All Ages / $17 Adv / $22 Dos
Fuego vs Spokane Velocity FC Friday, N Cedar Ave ONLINE Tickets: https://bit.ly/3Tcw-
July 19th 7:30 PM | Fresno State Ka5 PHYSICAL Tickets: Ragin’ Re-
Soccer Stadium THE OLIVIA SHOW - Tribute to OL- cords - Tower District 1118 N Fulton
IVIA NEWTON JOHN + Summer Nights Fresno (559)-369-7274
Tribute to GREASE
Music The Iron Maidens June 21 7pm Tow-
Saturday June 8th - 7pm - All Ages er Theatre 815 E Olive Ave. Formed in
The Beatles Vs Rolling Stones Mu- Tower Theatre Tickets: https://tow- 2001, The Iron Maidens have quick-
sical Showdown May 31 7pm Tower ertheatre.ticketsauce.com/e/the-ol- ly established themselves as one of
Theatre 815 E. Olive Ave. The two ivia-show southern California’s most popular
greatest rock ‘n’ roll bands of all time tribute acts and are rapidly gaining
face off in a once-in-a-lifetime show. Summer Nights is THE electrifying international recognition. The band
Taking the side of the Fab Four is Ab- Grease tribute band! Get ready to boasts beauty as well as excellent
bey Road, one of the country’s top rock and roll like it’s 1959, with the musicianship, lively stage pres-
Beatles tribute bands. With brilliant most iconic soundtrack of all time! ence, and a remarkable stage show
musicianship and authentic cos- Part tribute band, part musical the- with theatrical scenes interspersed
tumes and gear, Abbey Road plays ater, all the fun of the 1978 classic throughout.
beloved songs spanning the Beat- movie! Summer Nights, brilliantly en-
les’ career. They engage in a musical capsulates the spirit of the cult-clas- Zep-LA/Purplish with Fuse June
“showdown” of the hits against pre- sic movie Grease, with unforgettable 22 7pm Tower Theater Zep-LA/Pur-
mier Stones tribute band Satisfaction songs, dances, costumes, charac- plish playing classic Led Zeppelin
ters, and summer lovin!

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for the warm season.
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@nhoodthrift Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm
Sunday 12pm-7pm

21 +
and Deep Purple with special guests, This is a 21+ only event we will be ets and VIP tables asap! The Dinner
Fuse “An Homage to Cheap Trick!” checking id’s at the gate. Absolutely Crowd $20 online $30 at the gate
no outside beverages or ice allowed. Gates and bar Open at 6pm Music
Cryptopsy at Full Circle Mon Jun 24 No Pets Your ticket is your reserva- starts at 7pm Music ends at 11pm
2024 at 05:30 pm to 11:00 pm All tion. Pre purchased tickets are highly
Ages / $22 Adv / $27 Dos Full Circle recommended. Gates open: 6PM Jeremy ELVIS Pearce June 21
Brewery District (712 Fulton St, Fres- Live Music: 7-10PM For Tributes with 6-10pm Get your tickets for a great
no opening act: Opening act 7-8PM evening under the stars with live mu-
Headliner 8:15-10PM sic, wine, beer, frose, food trucks, lots
Louie the Singer with the Chris Pe- of dancing and a few hundred of your
rez Band Thursday June 27, 2024 The Killer Dueling Pianos May 31 closest friends. Grab your chairs and
Rainbow Ballroom 1725 Broadway 6-10pm Get your tickets for a great or blankets and find your favorite spot
St evening under the stars with live mu- in the Vineyard Park at Engelmann
sic, wine, beer, frose, food trucks, lots Cellars. This is a 21+ only event we
Beartooth July 6 All Ages Tioga Se- of dancing and a few hundred of your will be checking id’s at the gate.Abso-
quoia Brewing Company closest friends. lutely no outside beverages or ice al-
1920 Inyo St, Fresno lowed. No Pets Your ticket is your res-
Grab your chairs and or blankets ervation. Pre purchased tickets are
blink 182 & Pierce The Veil July 8 7 and find your favorite spot in the highly recommended. Gates open:
pm Save Mart Center 2650 E. Shaw Vineyard Park at Engelmann Cellars. 6PM Live Music: 7-10PM Englemann
Avenue This is a 21+ only event we will be Cellars 3275 N Rolinda Ave
checking id’s at the gate. Absolutely
Cole Swindell, Dylan Scott & Rest- no outside beverages or ice allowed. Sun Kissed Summer Festival Sat-
less Road July 13 7pm Save Mart Your ticket is your reservation. Pre urday, June 29 2024 Presented by
Center 2650 E. Shaw Avenue purchased tickets are highly recom- K-LIn Events & Crowdsurf Fresno, CA
mended. Gates open: 6PM Live Mu- Granite Park 18+ w/ 21+ Bars Come
sic: 7-10PM For Tributes with opening one, come all! Fresno’s premier sum-
21 and Over act: Opening act 7-8PM / Headliner
mer festival returns to a new home at
Granite Park for the biggest year yet!
Don’t miss the Tequila Fest: T-Pain Gather with your best friends for an
& Busta Rhymes concert at the Chuk- June 15 9am Come sing, dance and unforgettable night of dancing under
chansi Park in Fresno, CA on Friday, mope tothesights and sounds ofThe- the stars!
May 17, 2024. Chukchansi Park Cure,TheSmiths,andDepecheModeat
Chukchansi Park, 1800 Tulare St, this special DJ night. 833 E Fern Ave WineRun Fresno! Sat Jun 29
Fresno 2024 at 02:00 pm Kings River Win-
Journey tribute June 15 6-10pm ery, 4276 S Greenwood Ave,Sanger.
Stealing Nicks - The Ultimate Stevie concerts are always a favorite at the Whether you’re a seasoned runner or
Nicks Experience May 24 6-10pm ApCal Rock’n Ranch, so we’re doing just love to walk and take in the scen-
Get your tickets for a great evening it again! This time, Valley favorite – ery, our Wine Run is for you! With the
under the stars with live music, wine, Faithfully LIVE – will be bringing the option to choose between a 1K or 5K
beer, frose, food trucks, lots of danc- sounds of Journey and the voice of course, or both, there’s something for
ing and a few hundred of your closest Steve Perry! You’ll hear all your favor- everyone. Along the 1K course, you’ll
friends. Grab your chairs and or blan- ite Journey tunes and you’ll be sing- find four sampling stations where you
kets and find your favorite spot in the ing and dancing all night long! These can enjoy world-class wines from the
Vineyard Park at Engelmann Cellars. guys always sell out, so get your tick- partner vineyard.

Answers to last month’s puzzles


Get the Flyer in your mailbox every month.

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FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR Mail To: P.O. Box 4582
Fresno CA, 93744

... crisis cont’d from pg6 Deputies are now instructed to check

for signs an inmate is breathing, especially at
Preventing suicides in jail No inmate has died in the Tulare
County jail in the past seven months.
California sheriffs have long known that pre-

You’re not
He also took steps to change the at-
venting suicides is among their most serious mosphere in the jails. Small stuff, like buying
challenges. something to get at the cobwebs in high plac-
“Jail suicides are extraordinarily diffi- es, was accompanied by more safety measures,
cult to protect against,” said John McGinness, like small rubber U-shaped door stops for dep-

recycling used oil

a retired Sacramento County sheriff. “Protect- uties who walk into cells to check on inmates.
ing you from somebody else is fairly easy to do. “If we let the doors close behind us
But protecting you from yourself is a greater in the haste of trying to help, you’re locked in,
challenge. and that’s not good,” Hirayama said. “Only a
“And we did all kinds of things, even couple deputies had (the doorstops) and had
in my limited experience with getting different to buy them themselves. So, holy smokes, I
kinds of bedding that couldn’t be fashioned can spend roughly $300 and outfit my whole
into a noose, shorter socks for the same reason. facility.”
Welding the bed frames to the walls so if they They flipped every mattress, looking
were able to fashion something into a noose, for drugs and weapons. For a couple of months
they wouldn’t have a way to apply it.” at the beginning of his term as commander of
Hirayama’s boss, Tulare County the jails system, Hirayama was disrupting the
Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, shares the same view: way things had always been. More inmates
“The reality of it is when someone is severely were fighting.
intent and depressive and decides that they’re “Let’s just turn this place upside
going to take their life, they’re going to do down, open doors that we haven’t opened for
whatever they can to do that,” he said. years, see what we can fix on the mechanical
Hirayama tried to make a difference and aesthetic side,” he said. “I’m looking at
by focusing on the hourly checks guards are how I can make the jail more ‘appealable,’ as
required to make on the inmates under their awkward as that sounds in a jail environment.”
watch. Nearly a year after his first day, Hi-
Deputies have the same number of rayama said he hopes his changes will have a
rotations as before, but Hirayama said he has lasting effect. For now, he’s satisfied that the
staggered the times they walk the block. Some- suicides have stopped.
times, a deputy will check on an inmate con-
sidered at risk, then rotate right back minutes CalMatters.org is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media
later to make sure nothing has changed. venture explaining California policies and politics.


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