Mother Child and Father Child Relationsh
Mother Child and Father Child Relationsh
Mother Child and Father Child Relationsh
Preparation of this paper began when the first author was a Visiting Scholar at Macquarie
University. Support from the National Institute Mental Health to W. Andrew Collins and
from the Australian Research Grant Scheme to Graeme Russell is gratefully acknowledged.
The authors thank Gerald Adams, Ailsa Burns, Megan R. Gunnar, Willard W. Hartup, Ray
Montemayor, and Judy A. Ungerer for helpful comments on the manuscript. Special ap-
preciation is due to Jacqueline J. Goodnow for extensive discussion and suggestions on
earlier versions of the paper. Requests for reprints may be addressed to W. Andrew Collins,
Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, 51 E. River Road. Minneapolis,
MN 55455-0345.
0273-2297191 $3.00
Copyright 0 1991 by Academic Press. Inc
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
that relationships with salient others are central influences upon chil-
dren’s development. Researchers have increasingly turned their attention
to conjoint patterns of action and affect between parents and children to
provide a foundation for examining the significance of relationships in
individual ontogeny (e.g., Hartup & Rubin, 1986; Hinde & Stevenson-
Hinde, 1987, 1988). A second is the extensive theoretical emphasis on
differences in mother-child and father-child relationships as primary
sources of differential socialization for females and males. These empha-
ses are apparent in diverse perspectives, from psychoanalytic formula-
tions (e.g., Chodorow, 1978; Siegal, 1987) to role theories (e.g., Johnson,
1963, 1975; Lynn, 1969; Parsons, 1955) and social-learning views (e.g.,
Mischel, 1970). To date, little attention has been given to examining
whether these different relationships are consistent with theoretically in-
spired hypotheses and, thus, whether the socialization processes implied
by the theories are valid. Consideration of the nature of mother-child and
father-child relationships is an essential step toward testing their func-
tional significance in socialization.
A third line of inquiry, which overlaps with both an interest in relation-
ships and an interest in socialization, is the nature and degree of changes
in parent-child relationships as children mature. Extensive theoretical
speculation exists about the dimensions of difference from one age period
to another; most research to date, however, has emphasized the nature
and the outcomes of parent-child relationships at particular ages, with far
less attention paid to cross-time patterns (see reviews by Hill & Holm-
beck, 1986; Maccoby, 1984a; Maccoby & Martin, 1983; Steinberg, in
press). To build a developmental theory, an account is needed that en-
compasses changes over time in relationships, in terms of specific link-
ages to individual developmental changes in offspring.
In this review we consider empirical findings on mother-child and fa-
ther-child relationships in terms of several common hypotheses implied
by the theoretical literature on differential roles of mothers and fathers in
socialization and changes in these roles as a function of developmental
changes in offspring. We focus particularly on findings from two age
periods, middle childhood and adolescence, in which children undergo
pronounced physical, behavioral, and social changes (Collins, 1984; Hill,
1988b) and, thus, in which differences in the nature, sources, and conse-
quences of relationships are thought to be especially apparent (e.g.,
Maccoby, 1984a). Our general goal is to help to build a framework for
formulating and testing hypotheses about relationship differences, their
antecedents, consequences, changes over time, and developmental
The review is in four sections. The first provides an overview of several
general hypotheses pertinent to change in parent-child relationships dur-
ing middle childhood and adolescence. The second outlines several cur-
rent views of relationships that underlie the organization of findings in
terms of three components: interactions, affect, and cognitions. The third
considers each of these components in turn, analyzing first material from
studies within middle-childhood or within adolescence and then material
from studies that focus on change across the two age periods. The fourth
and final section considers what elements are needed, both methodolog-
ically and theoretically, to formulate a developmental account of parent-
child relationships.
Few existing formulations include well-articulated frameworks for for-
mulating and testing hypotheses about relationship differences or changes
in relationships as a function of developmental changes in children. Sev-
eral general predictions are implicit, however, in the literature on gender
socialization and gender differences in the transition from middle child-
hood to adolescence. We describe briefly the most salient of these hy-
potheses as a basis for the review of empirical findings.
One hypothesis is that the complementarity of parental roles in the
socialization of gender-marked behaviors (Johnson, 1963, 1975; Lynn,
1969) becomes more pronounced during middle childhood and adoles-
cence. Chodorow (1978), for instance, presents a psychodynamic account
of the effect of the asymmetric organization of parenting in which the
mother is the primary parent and the father typically is remote. She ar-
gues that this asymmetry produces different “relational potentials” in fe-
males as against males, with paternal remoteness being especially impor-
tant for the development of masculinity in sons. A common corollary of
views emphasizing the distinctive role of fathers in gender socialization is
that pressures on the unique contributions of fathers intensify around
puberty. Similarly, other aspects of socialization to which fathers’ con-
tribution is thought to be complementary to mothers (e.g., teaching prac-
tical skills, critical aspects of control, achievement and competition, and
the modulation of dependency) are generally more salient in middle child-
hood and adolescence than in earlier periods (e.g., Block, 1978).
A different set of hypotheses proposes that middle-childhood and ad-
olescent relationships are marked by an intensification of difficulties in
same-sex more than in opposite-sex dyads. This type of proposal is con-
tained, for instance, in Oedipal and Electra accounts of development
within psychoanalytic theory. In this view, for example, fathers should
spend relatively more time with and manifest more interest in sons in an
effort to consolidate their roles as guides and mentors for same-sex off-
spring in both middle childhood and adolescence. Differences between
focus on dyads rather than individuals has been somewhat sporadic; but
two sources have increased the conceptual impetus for concentrating on
conjoint patterns.
One source is the extensive body of work on the quality of primary
relationships in early life. Influenced by attachment theory, researchers
have given particular attention to the possibility of overlapping and com-
plementary patterns between children and their mothers and fathers in
frequency of interaction, caretaking, social interactions, and the affective
quality of relationships (Lamb, Pleck, Charnov, & Levine, 1987). Obser-
vational studies of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers (for reviews, see
Lamb, 1981, 1986) have shown that in most ways fathers are as significant
to their children and as competent in caregiving as mothers. At the same
time, in comparison to mothers, fathers have been found to interact with
their children less frequently (Belsky, 1979; Belsky, Gilstrap, & Rovine,
1984; Clarke-Stewart, 1978; Lytton, 1980), to initiate different types of
interactions and to be less involved in caregiving (Belsky, 1979; Belsky et
al., 1984; Clarke-Stewart, 1978; Lamb, 1976, 1977; Lytton, 1980), to in-
teract more frequently in play, especially physical and idiosyncratic play
(see Lamb, 1981), and to display less positive (Belsky et al., 1984) and less
negative affect (Clarke-Stewart, 1978; Lytton, 1980).
Young children’s responses to mothers and fathers also show differen-
tiation of relationships. Under stressful conditions in a laboratory, 18- to
24-month-olds displayed a preference for mothers over fathers in their
attachment behaviors (Lamb, 1976), whereas in the less constrained con-
text of the home, infants and toddlers preferred fathers as partners in
social and play interactions (Belsky, 1979; Clarke-Stewart, 1978). Con-
trary to earlier ideas about the primacy of the mother-infant relationships,
however, within-family analyses have shown that the security of infants’
attachments to fathers is independent of attachment security to mothers
(Lamb, 1978; Main & Weston, 1981). Finally, consistent with neopsycho-
analytic views, boys have been found to display a strong preference for
fathers from about the second year of life, a preference that appears to be
associated with fathers being more interested in sons (Lamb, 1981).
The empirical bases for these differences in early relationships are ob-
servations of behavior either in the Strange Situation or in home settings.
In both cases, the primary indicators are typically interactive behaviors
(both frequency and content; e.g., caregiving versus social interactions),
emotional/affective responses, and the interrelations between them (Cam-
pos, Barrett, Lamb, Goldsmith, & Stenberg, 1983). Cognitive dimen-
sions, as manifested in Bowlby’s (1969, 1973, 1980) concept of internal
working models, are also interrelated with affective and behavioral as-
pects of dyadic interactions (Bretherton, in press; Main, 1985; Main,
Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985).
Several general points are in order regarding the nature of the research
literature included in the review:
First, the review is limited to comparisons of mother-child and father-
child dyads. No studies have been included that are based on data from
only one parent or from analog studies of adult-child pairs in which the
two parties are not actually parent and child (e.g., Bugental & Shennum,
1984). Because virtually all of the studies that meet this criterion involve
dual-parent families, the implications of these studies for parent-child
relationships in single-parent families are limited.
Second, the available studies include samples that are, for the most
part, too small to permit reliable inferences about interaction terms in the
analyses. Consequently, most tindings discussed here are overall differ-
ences between mother-child and father-child dyads. In a few cases, reli-
able conclusions can be drawn from interactions of parent gender and
child gender; but no studies permitted comparisons of mother-child and
father-child differences within different social-structural or family-
difference categories (e.g., Olson, McCubbin, Barnes, Larsen, Muxen, &
Wilson, 1983; Reiss, Oliveri, & Curd, 1983). Further data on variations
within and between families is a high priority for further research.
Third, to date virtually all studies of differences between mother-child
and father-child relationship have focused on direct comparisons of the
two dyads. Despite the general recognition that the behavior of one dyad
may be affected by the presence and/or activity of the third person, only
a very small number of studies (e.g., Gjerde, 1986; Vuchinich, Emery, &
Cassidy, 1988) have explicitly analyzed triadic effects in these age peri-
ods. Unlike research on infancy (e.g., Dunn, 1988; Tinsley & Parke,
1987), no studies of middle-childhood and adolescent parent-child rela-
tionships now exist in which sibling interactions and effects or the pos-
sible moderating roles of extended family members have been considered
(see Gehring, Wentzel, Feldman, & Munson, in press, for an exception,
albeit one in which no gender differences were found). The need for such
studies is another priority for future research.
Finally, most research has been conducted on white, middle-class sam-
ples in the United States. The few instances of findings from other na-
tional, cultural, and socioeconomic samples are specifically noted in the
review. Generalizations from the conclusions of available studies to dif-
ferences in mother-child and father-child relationships in other groups
must be held in abeyance pending archival-quality reports of research
with diverse samples.
Theoretical views of the role of gender in relationships and socialization
recognize that parent-child relationships vary in the frequency and con-
Russell, 1987); and children’s initiations toward each parent were similar
(Russell & Russell, 1987). Similarly, in one adolescent sample (Mon-
temayor, 1982) 15 to 16-year-olds reported that more than twice as much
time was spent with mother alone than with father alone each day. In a
different sample (Montemayor & Brownlee, 1987), both boys and girls
ages 14 through 18 reported a larger differential, favoring mothers, than
12- to 13-year-olds did.
Caregiving vs. play. Interactions with mothers also take place in con-
nection with somewhat different activities and settings than those with
fathers. As in early life, the joint activity in which differences are most
marked is that of physical play. Fathers of 6- to 7-year-olds were more
involved in physical/outdoor play interactions; observations of these
same families revealed that children more often initiated shared activities
(mostly play) with fathers than with mothers. Mothers reported more
frequent interactions involving caregiving and household tasks than fa-
thers did, but in observational studies with both parents present, fathers’
performance of caretaking tasks was not significantly different from
mothers’. Both parents reported that they “have a cuddle” with their
child and were likely to “go over their child’s day” and “sit and have a
talk” almost every day, but these exchanges were more frequent in
mother-child than in father-child dyads (Russell & Russell, 1987). Data
from time-use studies (Montemayor & Brownlee, 1987) showed that
mothers were equally likely to be involved with adolescents in household
work and leisure activities, whereas time with fathers more often con-
sisted of leisure than work.
fnstrumentaf emphasis. Although fathers are commonly assumed to be
more often involved than mothers in cognitive- and achievement-oriented
interactions, available findings do not yield a clear picture of mother-child
and father-child differences in middle childhood. Russell and Russell
(1987) reported no difference in Australian parents’ initiations of compet-
itiveness nor their positive reactions to children’s competitiveness, au-
tonomous achievement, or competence in cognitive/play activities;
whereas Bronstein (1984) found that Mexican middle-class fathers di-
rected more attention and cognitive involvement toward sons than moth-
ers did, with no differences among parents of daughters. The inconsis-
tency in these findings could either reflect cultural differences between
the three samples studied, differences in the sampling of behaviors, or
differences in the ages of children (e.g., Bronstein studied 7- to 12-
year-olds, whereas Russell & Russell studied 6- to 7-year-olds). In the
narrower area of help with school tasks, Roberts, Block, and Block (1984)
found that both mothers and fathers reported increased attention to
school achievement and homework during middle childhood. Russell and
Russell’s (1987) data showed mothers appear to be more involved in these
:-r----r:--- AL-- c-&l--^
dicate that fathers are more likely to exhibit behavior that purportedly
fosters autonomy and interpersonal competence. Father-child exchanges
involved relatively more facilitative communications about the task than
mother-child exchanges. Mother-child interactions more often appeared
either as directive (and, therefore, constraining) or as distracting with
respect to the task. Differences in interaction patterns between the two
parents and sons versus daughters have been nonsignificant (Grotevant &
Cooper, 1985; Hauser, Powers, Noam, Jacobson, Weiss, & Follansbee,
1984; Steinberg, 1981).
Summary comment. In both middle childhood and adolescence,
mother-child relationships, in contrast to father-child relationships, are
characterized by more frequent interaction and more involvement in care-
giving and mundane tasks, whereas father-child relationships, especially
father-son relationships, are characterized more by play and other recre-
ational activities and with interactions associated with instrumental goals.
Although fathers’ interactions with offspring are typically more exclu-
sively associated with specific tasks and relatively objective social issues,
issues of achievement or performance are no more likely to be dealt with
in father-child than in mother-child interactions overall. It is the case,
however, that fathers’ behavior in problem-solving interactions more of-
ten seems to facilitate instrumental action by offspring than mothers’
more directive, intrusive interactions and to elicit different responses
from sons than daughters.
Differences in mother-child and father-child interactions, nevertheless,
do not appear to be as marked as most theories imply. Observation stud-
ies in middle childhood show that many fathers were highly nurturant
(e.g., by demonstrating affection) and typically participated in caregiving
as frequently as mothers did, when both parents were present. Further,
self-report studies in adolescence show that mothers are equally as likely
as fathers to discuss school performance and future career goals, and they
are more likely than fathers to discuss achievement goals with their
daughters. Longitudinal data or cross-sectional comparisons spanning the
two periods are needed to determine whether there are changes in the
relative incidence or controlling conditions of interaction content and
frequency in the transition to adolescence. Attention is also needed to
possible parent-gender by child-gender interactions that have appeared in
some previous studies.
Perturbations in Interactions
A pervasive emphasis in theoretical formulations about adolescence is
that of disjunction and perturbations in early adolescent relationships
with parents (e.g., Steinberg, 1987a, 1988; see Hill, 1988b, for a review).
A frequent speculation is that perturbations occur more often in mother-
grade boys (Hill et al., 1985b). Steinberg (1987a) found that adolescents’
perceptions of authoritarian behavior by parents declined as a function of
age in early adolescence, but was unrelated to pubertal status for either
sons or daughters.
In laboratory problem-solving tasks, pubertal variations in degree of
reciprocity are manifested differently in mother-child and father-child dy-
ads. For example, both Steinberg (1981; Steinberg & Hill, 1978) and Hill
(1988a) found that mothers’ interruptions of both sons and daughters and
the children’s interruptions of mothers increased as a function of pubertal
maturation. In father-child interactions, degree and kind of reciprocity
varied with sex of offspring. Fathers interrupted sons more often as a
function of pubertal status, and sons typically yielded. Postmenarcheal
seventh-grade daughters, however, yielded less often to fathers’ interrup-
tions, although they did not interrupt fathers more frequently (Hill,
1988a). Hill has noted that, whereas sons react to fathers’ assertiveness
submissively, more physically mature daughters respond with “passive
assertiveness.” Whether these indicate a general difference in reciprocity
or are specific to problem-solving tasks is not known.
Conjlict. Frequency of contentious exchanges increases generally in
early adolescence (for a review, see Montemayor, 1983). Most often, the
topics of these contentious episodes are everyday matters of child behav-
ior and household routine, such as whether children have performed
chores on time or inadequately, or whether they are dressed appropriately
for inclement weather.
Mothers are involved with offspring in contentious exchanges more
often than fathers are (Montemayor & Hanson, 1985; Richardson, Galam-
bos, Schulenberg, & Petersen, 1984; Savin-Williams & Small, 1986; Smith
& Forehand, 1986; Steinberg, 1987a, 1988). Pubertal maturation is corre-
lated with the incidence of conflictful interactions, particularly in mother-
daughter dyads (Savin-Williams & Small, 1986; Steinberg, 1987a, 1988).
Hill and Holmbeck (1987) found that although mothers of seventh graders
reported having similar levels of disagreements about rules with their
offspring as fathers did, rule-related disagreements between mothers and
daughters were more frequent when menarche had occurred within the
previous 6 months than when daughters were pre- or postmenarcheal (Hill
et al., 1985a). Timing of maturation also affects incidence of conflict. Both
early-maturing daughters and their mothers reported more conflict than
later-maturing daughters and mothers did, and early-maturing sons re-
ported more intense, although not more frequent conflict, with mothers
than later-maturing sons (Steinberg, 1987a). The intensity, but not the
frequency of father-daughter conflict increases with pubertal-maturation
status, and both frequency and intensity of conflicts between fathers and
the dyad (e.g., Ball, McKenry, & Price-Bonham, 1983; Fisher, Kokes,
Ransom, Phillips, & Rudd, 1985). An implication of family-level aggrega-
tion, however, is that the striking differences in relationships that appear
in the middle-childhood and adolescent years would become less central
to research on the significance of relationships in development. The use-
fulness of either family-level or dyadic analyses must ultimately be de-
cided in light of the questions guiding a given research effort. In the case
of questions bearing on the different socialization impact of mothers and
fathers, approaches that emphasize the nature of the child’s relationships
with each will obviously have more utility than family-level measures.
One possibility is that dyadic relationship measures should be used more
effectively in combination with measures of triads and family-level func-
Reactivity to Measurement Procedures
A third issue regarding comparability of data comes from the possibility
that differences in mother-child and father-child pairs may reflect differ-
ent reactions to common research procedures. A number of studies (e.g.,
Belsky, 1979; Belsky et al., 1984; Lytton, 1980; Patterson, 1982; Russell
& Russell, 1987) have indicated that father-child interactions are more
influenced by the observer’s presence than are mother-child exchanges.
For example, in Russell and Russell’s (1987) study of 6- to 7-year-olds,
fathers showed higher levels of neutral affect with children than mothers
did. These relational patterns may indicate that fathers felt more inhibited
during observation, or they may reflect a genera1 gender difference in the
display of affect. Other researchers have noted fathers’ lesser tolerance
for extensive questionnaires (Hill, 1988a). The problem of differential
reactivity may require greater use of multiple methods and observational
contexts than has been typical of previous studies.
Theoretical Implications
Despite the limitations of existing methods, current findings provide a
basis for further theoretical and empirical work on the nature, signifi-
cance, and development of parent-child relationships. In this section we
first evaluate the status of existing knowledge with respect to the hypoth-
eses that have dominated research to this point. Second, we consider
some points from previous findings that should be carried forward as a
basis for further research on mother-child and father-child relationships in
developmental perspective.
Evaluation of Findings
The hypotheses that have motivated most research on relationships and
relationship change in middle childhood and adolescence are conceptually
p. 2), the nature and impact of parent-child relationships after early child-
hood has largely been inferred from correlations between parental per-
sonality traits or childrearing practices and child outcomes, rather than
from research on the qualities of dyadic relationships (see reviews by
Maccoby, 1984a, 1984b; Maccoby & Martin, 1983). The neglect of ques-
tions about the nature and functions of the differences in mother-child and
father-child relationships, which have been consistently considered to be
of central importance in general theories of socialization, is one example
of the current narrowness of knowledge regarding the role of relationships
in development. Two new, related thrusts are now needed to expand
understanding in this area. One is the formulation of testable, theoreti-
cally derived hypotheses about the functions of relationship differences
and their significance in developmental changes. The second is more
extensive research on differences in mother-child and father-child rela-
tionships in connection with the normative variations and the develop-
mental tasks of middle childhood and adolescence. Such research may
not only yield valuable new understanding of middle-childhood and ado-
lescent relationships, but may also provide a basis for examining other
relationships encountered in development and their sequelae.
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RECEIVED: January 2, 1989; REVISED: March 6, 1990