Impactof Terrorismon International Peaceand Securityinthe Ageof Technological Advancement
Impactof Terrorismon International Peaceand Securityinthe Ageof Technological Advancement
Impactof Terrorismon International Peaceand Securityinthe Ageof Technological Advancement
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1 author:
Manasseh Bassey
University of Uyo
All content following this page was uploaded by Manasseh Bassey on 16 October 2021.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Uyo, Uyo , Akwa Ibom State - Nigeria
Abstract - Efforts geared at repositioning the international perceived enemies of Islam. Rourke (2008) observed that the
system to ensure peaceful coexistence among states have greatly global changes that have given move to a rapid increase in the
been undermined by terrorist activities across the globe. Thus, number of international nongovernmental organizations have
while commerce and technology have brought the planet together also expanded the number of transnational terrorist groups that
in ways unimaginable, advances in communication, are organized and operate internationally and that commit
transportation and weaponry by nations now give room for transnational terrorism. More so, modern technology has
unavoidable avenue for terrorist exploitation. This paper increased the power of weapons available to terrorists.
examined the impact of international terrorism in the Explosives have become more deadly with an increasing danger
international system. The paper utilized data drawn from the of terrorists obtaining the material and means to launch a
secondary sources which were analyzed within the context of biological, chemical or radiological attack. Again, increased
Frustration/Aggression theory. The article revealed that urbanization has brought people together so that they are easier
frustration on the part of the terrorists about their perceived targets, especially when gathered in such high profile places as
plights especially the United States support for Israel against the skyscrapers, sports stadium, market places, churches, mosques,
Palestinians is responsible for the prolonged terrorist attacks etc.
against the United States of America and Israel. Similarly, the Similarly, modern communication has also affected the
article also found out that military interventionist foreign policies international system adversely and made terrorism more
by the major powers aggravate and intensify terrorist attacks efficacious as terrorists use the modern day advancement in
across the globe. Consequently, the article recommended among technology to create pressure on governments to negotiate with
others, that Palestinians should be provided with some reliefs terrorists and accede to their every demand. Terrorism now
from their current stateless condition; efforts should be affects the international system negatively as terrorist groups
intensified in improving living conditions in less prosperous now destroy lives and property of citizens within and across
countries by providing disadvantaged people with employment national boundaries. It is against this background that this chapter
and other opportunities for a better life as this will help to deter seeks to explore the concept of terrorism and its impact on the
some potential terrorists. international system.
Index Terms - International terrorism, interventionist foreign II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
policy, frustration aggression, international peace, security. Observably, the persistence of terrorist activities across the
globe has led to an increased thought as to what to do to stem the
tide of terrorist activities across the world. The present day
I. INTRODUCTION international system has intensified efforts at bringing together
countries of the globe with evidence of interconnectivity. But
T he present day international system has come to become
more unified with evidence of interconnection everywhere.
Commerce and technology have brought the planet together in
while the international system through the internet and
technology penetrates into the remote corners of the globe with
ways previously unimaginable. The internet has penetrated into new discoveries, terrorists now exploit advances in
remote corners of the planet, and new discoveries in digital and communication, transportation and weaponry by nation.
optical technology now seem to drive human beings even closer Accordingly, while international relations seek to unify states by
together. Advances in communication, transportation and way of bringing them together as a unified whole, terrorism on
weaponry by nations now give room for unavoidable avenue for the other hand is at odds with this civilization march toward
terrorist exploitation. Thus, while international relations seek to globalization.
unify states by way of bringing them together as a unified whole, This situation therefore raises concern and pertinent
terrorism on the other hand is at odds with civilization march question: Are advances in modern technology which is a fall out
toward globalization. It aims at breaking the international system of globalization responsible for the rising spate of modern day
apart into smaller autonomous units. Barber (1992) captured this international terrorism?
phenomenon vividly when he noted that the planet is falling Flowing from this problem, the following questions
precipitantly apart and coming reluctantly together at the very become pertinent:
same moment. This division he labels as Jihad which means the (i) What factors account for terrorist activities in the
internal struggle against evil or the external struggle against the globe?
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(ii) To what extent has modern technology served as a always been hard to predict, control and comprehend. Relatively
boost to global terrorism? rare behavior like terrorism is even harder to understand. This is
(iii) In what ways can terrorism be eradicated to ensure so because the adversarial and political postures embedded in the
international peace and security? practice of terrorism make it unlikely that a universally accepted
definition or a widely shared strategy for controlling it will soon
Objectives of the Study emerge. Terrorism is an ideological and political concept (Griset,
(i) To find out the factors that account for terrorist 2008:3). The meaning given to the concept is part of a person’s
activities across the globe. or nation’s philosophy. Thus, the determination of the right
(ii) To examine the extent to which modern technology has definition of terrorism is subjective and not likely to be reached
served as a boost to global terrorism. by consensus. Therefore, if you disagree with my position, you
(iii) To recommend ways of eradicating terrorism to ensure are a terrorist; if you agree with my position, you are not a
international peace and security. terrorist (Cooper, 2001). Yet the cliché that “one man’s terrorist
is another man’s freedom fighter” provides little help in
Theoretical Framework achieving definitional precision. Repressive regimes call those
This paper is guided and analyzed within the framework of who struggle against them terrorist, but those who commit
the frustration and aggression theory. Originally developed by violence to topple those same regimes call themselves freedom
Dollard and his research associates in the 1930s and later fighters (Hoffman, 2006). Let us now look at a few of these
expanded and modified by scholars like Yale and Berkowitz, definitions: for Lacqueur (2001:79) terrorism is “the use of
frustration and aggression theory states that aggression is always covert violence by a group for political ends. Hoffman (2006:41)
the result of frustration. An individual whose basic desires are defined the concept as the “deliberate creation and exploitation
thwarted and who consequently experience profound sense of of fear through violence or threat of violence in the pursuit of
dissatisfaction and anger is likely to react to his condition by political change”. For Stern (2003:xx), it is “an act or threat of
directing aggressive behavior at what is perceived as being violence against noncombatants with the objectives of exacting
responsible for thwarting those desires, or at a substitute. Thus, revenge, intimidation or otherwise influencing an audience”.
according to Gurr (1970), “relative deprivation is a perception of Some definitions specifically include religious
thwarting circumstance”. This is to say that when a man is motivations, others include hate, millenarian and apocalyptic
deprived of his desire, he feels thwarted or frustrated because he groups. Not everyone agrees that people who employ terrorist
has been deprived the right of possession. tactics on behalf of animals or the environment are terrorists.
The tenets and basic assumptions of the Several definitions refer only to non-state actors, whereas others
frustration/aggression theory are that: include state sponsored terrorism (Mahan and Griset, 2008).
i. Aggression is always the result of frustration. Kydd and Walter (2011:394) defined terrorism “as the use of
ii. The greater the perceived importance of the desire, the violence against civilians by non-state actors to attain political
more vigorous the aggressive response. goal, Rouke (200:316) while recognizing the lack of conscious in
iii. The greater the discrepancy between what men seek and the definition of terrorism, defined the concept as:
what seems attainable, the greater their anger and Violence carried out by individuals,
their propensity towards violent reactions. nongovernmental organizations, or covert government
iv. Emphasizes on relative deprivation gap between agents or units; that specifically target civilians; uses
expectations and capabilities. clandestine attack methods such as car bombs and
hijacked airliners and attempt to influence politics.
In analyzing the subject matter within the context of the This definition stresses that terrorism focuses on harming some
theory, terrorists’ activities seen as aggression springs from people in order to create fear in others by targeting civilians and
denial or deprivation seen as frustration. Without the perceived facilities or systems, such as transportation on which civilians
United States domination of the Arab world mostly the Palestine, rely. The objective of terrorist is not just killing and wounding
there would not have been terrorist attacks on the West. Thus the people and destroying physical material. Instead the true target is
continued attacks by terrorist organizations against the United the emotions of those who see or read about the act of violence
States of America and her citizens on one hand and Israel and her and become afraid or dominated.
citizens on the other hand stem from the perceived deprivation of On his part, de Mesquita (2003) defined it as any act of
Palestinians from their homeland. The gap between this violence undertaken for the purpose of altering government’s
expectation and realization brings in frustration which gingers political policies or acts that target those who do not actually
aggressive dispossession towards the United States of America have the personal authority to alter or entries governmental
and her allies by terrorists. Against this background, terrorism is authorities. By this definition, it is evident that terrorism
seen as an effective tool by terrorist to rid themselves and others encompasses all violent acts that are not motivated by the injury
of what they consider as oppression and an only way for an the specific individuals actually victimized by the act but rather
oppressed group to prevail against a heavily armed government. are designed to influence the behavior of others, particularly
What is Terrorism? Collapsing all the definitions into one whole, we adopt,
Terrorism is difficult to define. In other words, there is no Cooper’s definition as “the international generation of massive
commonly accepted definition of the concept. Terrorism is tied to fear by human beings for the purpose of securing or maintaining
human behavior. Thus for Griset (2008), human behavior has control over other human beings (Cooper 2001:883). For the
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purpose of this article, we adopt Cooper’s definition as our would panic and would lose its freedom. At the same time, the
working definition although like him, we recognize that no single masses would wake up”. Thus, the Noradnaya Volya counted on
definition will ever be satisfactory to everyone. the toppling of tsar’s regime as a result of their assassinations.
This method of terrorism came in the wake of the land
History of Terrorism distribution which was at the heart of the struggle in Russia in
Terrorism dates back to history. The Jewish Zealots of the 1861. Tsar Alexander II abolished serfdom and lifted strict
first century, also known as the Sicarii, constituted one of the controls over freedom of speech and assembly. These
earliest large scale terrorist organizations. Their goal was to progressive actions were influenced by the ideas of the European
prevent Roman rule over Judaea (now Israel). They died for their Enlightenment, but they proved to be tsar’s undoing and led
efforts in a mass suicide at Masada in 20 AD but not before they eventually to his assassination (Lacqueur, 1977:34).
had incited an insurrection of the populace against the roman Part of the history of terrorism could be discovered from
occupation of Judaea. This was followed by Gunpowder plot by the adoption of nationalism, and the desire for independence
Guy Fawkes in Great Britain in the 17th century. Although the from colonial rulers were at the heart of the social, economic,
Gunpowder or Papacy plot was foiled, Fawkes and his associates political and religious struggles as in India. India under British
justified their actions in terms of religion (Griset 2008:36). It was rule since 1857 adopted isolated instances of terrorism from the
termed the “holy terror”. beginning of British colonialism. This massive nonviolent
Religious motives are often cited as a justification for resistance to colonial rule led the British to withdraw from India
much of contemporary terrorism. Many terrorist groups of today in 1947 and India became independent. Also, Algeria through its
such as Al-Qaida, Taliban, ISIS, Alshabab, and others, all draw National Liberation Front (FLN) attacked the French colonial
their motives from religion. For example Doran (2002) argued rule by attacking military installations, police installations and
that Osama bin Laden’s primary motive on 9/11 terrorist attacks public utilities in 1954. This was inspired by Frantz Fanon’s
was to overthrow the pro-US governments of some Arab and Wretched of the Earth. Other countries which also achieved their
Muslim nations, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan. freedom through terrorism took their inspiration from the
Religious and political motivations are often difficult to separate. writings of Germany’s Karl Marx, Russia’s Vladimir Lenin and
The 18th century challenged the divine rights of kings, China’s Mao Zedong. These writings were carefully studied by
arguing against a society of privilege and in favour of a political Fidel Castro who launched the Cuban Revolution of 1959.
system that recognized the equality of men. Terrorists of the 18 th Although many argue that terrorism has increased as
and 19th centuries fought against a system that conferred amazing technology has advanced, the fact remains that terrorists have
riches on a few and subjected all others to hard work and always had weapons, transportation, and communication – no
deprivation. Thus, not only have hereditary rulers and their matter how rudimentary. Thus, from the sword of the Zealots
representatives been targeted for assassination by terrorists who Sicarii to the dagger of the Assassins to silk scarf noose of the
reject the existing governments but in addition revolutionary thugs, terrorists have used whatever technology was available to
governments have themselves turned on their citizens, launching them. Contributing in this direction, Rapoport (1984:659) argued
terrorist attacks of breath-taking cruelty and slaughtering untold that “the critical variable cannot be technology; rather the
members of civilians. It was through the state sponsored purpose and organizations of particular groups and the
terrorism that in July 14, 1789, a French mob attacked the vulnerabilities of particular societies to them are decisive
Bastille prison in Paris, massacring the soldiers stationed there. factors”. That way, understanding the culture, religion, politics,
The rioters later walked through the streets carrying the heads of economics and ideology of a country and its people is the best
the prison commandant and several of the guards on pike. The way to comprehend the phenomena of terrorism.
mob was supported by a group of radical revolutionaries, who
soon gained control of the government. In October of the same Weapons and Tactics of Terrorism
year, the radicals forced King Louis XVI and the Royal family to Notwithstanding, modern terrorism has advanced with the
move from Versailles to Paris; later the king unsuccessfully tried advancement in science and technology. Enders and Savders
to flee. He ultimately was tried by the revolutionary Court and in (2005) observed that there are new, more terrible threats–
January 21, 1793, was executed (Mahan and Griset, 2008:48). radiological terrorism, and nuclear, biological and chemical
Like modern terrorists, the French revolutionaries took (NBC) terrorism. Terrorists now attack with radiological,
advantage of technological advances. Joseph Guillotine’s biological, or chemical weapons using “ships, trucks, airplanes or
invention of a new execution technology served in no little other means” than by weapons of mass destruction from another
measure as it was a perfect fit for France’s ruthless state country using its military missiles or bombers. Major weapons of
sponsored terrorism. This was followed by the White terror with terrorism include:
victims of the reign of terror attacking the former terrorists. The i. Conventional Weapons Terrorism
Russian terrorist group known as the Narodnaya Volya which This involves the use of bombs, guns and other
existed from 1878 to 1881 was also another terrorist group in the conventional weapons. As reported by Rourke (2008:319):
history of terrorism. The group, a secret society of about 500 During 2006, for example, bombs were used in 59% of the
members targeted only high profile officials. This group was terrorist attacks, and firearms were used in another 19%.
different from the state-sponsored terrorists in the French Kidnapping (17%) were also common, with a few cases of arson,
revolution that jailed and killed thousands of their countrymen. hijackings, and assassinations. Even the attacks on the World
As reported by Lacqueur (1977) if ten or fifteen pillars of the Trade Centre and Pentagon in 2001, as horrific as they were,
establishment were killed at the same time, the government
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would fall under the category of conventional weapons terrorist across the globe. In kidnapping, terrorists confine their victims in
attacks. secret locations and make ransom demands, threatening to kill if
ii. Radiological Terrorism these demands are not met. Hostage takers openly confront the
This involves spewing radioactivity into the surrounding police or military, in known locations with the objective often
air and water which would result in increased levels of radiation being to make demands with full media coverage.
causing future cancers, pregnancy complications, and other
medical risks. It is also potential for economic damage, since a v. Bombing
radiological attack could render parts of a city or an important This is the detonation of deadly explosives. Explosives are
facility unsafe, perhaps for years (Rourke, 2008). considered as conventional tools of warfare. The history of
terrorist bombing begins with dynamite, black powder and
iii. Chemical and Biological Terrorism Molofov cocktails. The objectives of bombing remain the same
This weapon of terrorism came to the limelight after the regardless of the technology employed to a blow up a notable
9/11 attacks. This is the spreading of anthrax that would leave target and gain attention for a cause, slow down the opposition,
millions dead. get rid of political adversaries and destroy property. Some
Similarly, terrorist tactics across the globe include, bombings intend to achieve all these goals, whereas others are
children at war, assassination, hijacking, kidnapping and hostage meant simply to gain attention.
taking, bombing, suicide terrorism including female suicide
bombers, etc. These tactics will be discussed seriatim: vi. Suicide Terrorism
This has become a serious tactical concern in transnational
(i) Children at War terror. This is a process in which the perpetrators intend to take
Records show that at the beginning of the 21 st century, an numbers of other innocent victims with them in death. It is seen
estimated 300,000 children, some as young as 7 years old, are as a form of martyrdom. According to Mahan and Griset
being used as combatants, sometimes after being kidnapped. (2008:142):
They are exploited by both established governments and rebel In most religious traditions, martyrdom is regarded
movements in scores of armed conflicts around the world; such not only as a testimony to the degree of one’s
children are trained in violent tactics (Human Rights Watch, commitment but also as a performance of a religious
2006).Young combatants participate in all aspects of act, specifically as act of self sacrifice.
contemporary political strife. They wield AK 47s and M-16s on However, suicide bombing has its root in secular ideologies as
the front lines of political strife, serve as human mine detectors, well. Many suicide bombers of contemporary terrorist attacks are
participate in suicide missions, carry supplies and act as spies, or females. Female suicide terrorists are said to be the ultimate
lookouts. Physically vulnerable and intimidate, they make asymmetrical weapons (Zedalis, 2004). There is often more
obedient soldiers. They are scattered across the globe-in shock value if the suicide bomber is a woman thus attracting
Afghanistan, Angola, Congo, Cuba, Eritiea, Rwanda, Iraq, Iran, attention and precipitating widespread fear. Women provide a
Somalia, Uganda, etc. tactical advantage as they significantly increase the number of
combatants available to a terrorist group.
ii. Assassinations
Assassinations have always been a basic tactic of terrorists. Strategies of Terrorism
It involves taking the lives of public figures who they christen as Minst and Snyder (2011) provide five principal strategies
their enemy in order to achieve their objective. Many public in terrorist campaigns. These include attrition, intimidation,
officials including Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin have provocation, spoiling and outbidding. In attrition strategy,
been killed through this tactic. As a tactic of war, a single terrorists seek to persuade the enemy that the terrorists are strong
strategic fatality can have an impact that makes an assassination enough to impose considerable costs if the enemy continues a
a compelling choice for a strike against an enemy (Mahan and particular policy. Intimidation is a strategy of trying to convince
Griset, 2008). the population that the terrorists are strong enough to punish
disobedience and that the government is too weak to stop them,
iii. Hijacking so that people behave as the terrorists wish. Provocation strategy
This involves taking over a vehicle on the public attempts to induce the enemy to respond to terrorism with
thoroughfare and turning it into a terrorist weapon. It includes car indiscriminate violence, which radicalizes the population and
theft at knife point or gun point as well as terrorists’ target of moves them to support the terrorists. Spoilers strategy is an effort
autos, buses, trains, ships, military vehicles, aircrafts or even to persuade the enemy that moderates on the terrorists side are
spacecraft depending on their technical resources and weak an untrustworthy, thus undermining attempts to reach a
development. peace settlement. Groups engaged in outbidding use violence to
convince the public that the terrorists have greater resolve to
iv. Kidnapping and Hostage taking fight the enemy than rival groups and therefore are worthy of
Kidnapping and hostage taking involve seizing, detaining support.
or threatening to kill or injure someone. The victim is held to
compel a third party to act or abstain from acting as a condition The Goals of Terrorism
for the release of the seized person. This tactic has continued Although the ultimate goals of terrorists have varied over
unabated and remains a common known tactic of terrorism time, Minst and Snyder (2008) have identified five enduring
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ISSN 2250-3153
important goals of terrorism. These include; regime change, market places, etc. Another major cause of terrorism is modern
territorial change, policy change, social control and status quo communications which have made terrorism more efficacious
maintenance. Let’s take a look at them one after the other; because the goal of the terrorist is not to kill or injure, but to gain
i. Regime Change: in most cases, terrorist objective is to attention for a cause or to create widespread anxiety that will in
overthrow a government and replace it with the turn, create pressure on governments to negotiate with them and
government led by the terrorists or at least one accede to their demand. Without the media to transmit the news
more to their liking. The Taliban in Afghanistan, of their act, their goal will not be accomplished.
the Al-Qaida, Alshabab, among others fit into this
category as terrorist groups whose basic objective is
to establish Islamic states in the Middle East. III. CONCLUSION
ii. Territorial Change: This involves taking territory This article set out to discuss international terrorism and
away from a state either to establish a new state as the extent to which it has affected the peaceful coexistence of
the Tamil Tigers seek to do in Tamil areas of Sri states. It has been discovered that while international relations
Lanka or join another state as Lashkar-e Tayyiba was trying to unify states with one another, terrorism on its part
would like to do by incorporating India Kashmir is tearing the international system apart. Terrorist now avail
into Pakistan. themselves of the bountiful and rapid increase in weapons and
iii. Policy Change: This is a broader category of lesser explosive devices to launch deadly attacks on governments and
demands, such as Al-Qaida’s demand that the their innocent citizens.
United States drops its support for Israel. Accordingly, the article discussed the definition of
iv. Status quo maintenance: This is the support of an terrorism, history of terrorism and took a glimpse at terrorism
existing regime or a territorial arrangement against and terrorist attacks around the globe. Other areas of concern and
political groups that seek to change it. An example discussion in this chapter included weapons and tactics of
of this is the protestant paramilitary groups in terrorism, strategies of terrorism, goals of terrorism, causes of
Northern Ireland which support the maintenance of terrorism and lastly ways of combating terrorism. The article is
the territorial status quo of that country as British of the opinion that countering or combating terrorism does not
territory as against the Irish Republican Army only rely on military actions alone, but requires and consists
(IRA) demands that the territory be transferred to mostly in understanding the root causes behind terrorism.
Ireland, (Minst and Snyder, 2011:394). Accordingly, counter terrorism measures should include attempts
to improve the living condition in less prosperous countries,
Causes of Terrorism adopting a policy a military restraint rather than interventionist
Terrorism has long existed even though it came to the front foreign policy by the Major Powers abroad and reduction of
burner of international agenda in the wake of September 11 2001 inhuman treatment meted on prisoners in US detention facilities
attacks on the United States of America. Understanding its in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and US run prison in Iraq, among
causes is vital to combating it. That being the case, it is others.
instructive to argue that political violence is in part a product of
unequal global distribution of wealth. According to Rourke
(2008:321) “Globalization has brought the wealth gap into
sharper focus and has also created a sense of cultural dislocation
with its impact… connection between poverty and violence”. A major concern about terrorism lies on how to combat it.
The second factor is the overwhelming view among Muslims that Countering terrorism does not only require military action alone,
the United States favours Israel. This factor points to the it consists mostly in understanding the root causes behind
presence of U.S. forces in the Middle East, particularly U.S. terrorism. This is so because many of the most spectacular
support to authoritarian regimes in Saudi Arabic and elsewhere. terrorist incidents, especially those involving Americans and
This accounts for the psychological drives of terrorists blowing Israelis, have been carried out by Palestinians or groups
themselves to pieces attacking Israelis and others. sympathetic to the Palestinians. Therefore providing Palestinians
Terrorism is usually not the irrational acts of crazed with some relief from their currently stateless condition might
fanatics; it is usually carried out by those who consider it a well deprive terrorist organizations of an important source of
necessary, legitimate and effective tool to rid themselves and volunteers for their plans and projects. Accordingly, the article
others of what they consider as oppression. It is seen as the only recommend as follows:
way for an oppressed group to prevail against a heavily armed (i) Palestinians should be provided with some reliefs from
government (Rourke, 2008:322). Modern conditions make their currently stateless condition which has
terrorist operations possible. Technology has increased the power deprived them of their homeland and their well
of weapons available to terrorists. Explosives have become more deserved right to independence
deadly, huge airliners can be made into piloted missiles, and (ii) Conventional military attacks against states that support
there is an increasing danger of terrorists obtaining the material terrorism such as the one that was staged by the
and means to launch biological, chemical or radiological attack. United States against Libya in 1986 can aggravate
Again, increased urbanization has brought people together so that the casualty rate. US bombs in Libya killed
they are easier targets, especially when gathered in such high innocent civilians. According to Wilkinson
profile places as skyscrapers, sports stadium, churches, mosques, (1984:44) “such attacks would substitute the greater
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