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NGS Geodetic Tool Kit, Part II: The On-line Positioning User

Service (OPUS)
G. L. Mader, N. D. Weston, M. L. Morrison, and D. G. Milbert

This article is available (with images) in PDF format (608 Kb)

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) officially began public operation of the web-based
On-line Positioning User Service (OPUS) in March 2001 as a means to provide GPS
users easier access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). Through OPUS,
our goal is to provide the means to accurately, reliably, and quickly obtain consistent
geodetic positions.

OPUS allows users to submit their GPS data files in receiver independent exchange
(RINEX) format to NGS via the Web, whereupon the data will be processed to
determine a position using NGS computers and software. Each RINEX file that is
submitted will be processed with respect to three reference sites, which may be
National Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) or International GPS
Service (IGS) sites. OPUS will try to select the three sites nearest to the user’s location
but will expand the search based on data availability and quality. NGS has also
introduced a new feature where the user may select one, two or all three of the
reference sites from a list of available reference stations. This list will soon also include
qualifying cooperative CORS sites. If the user specifies less than three sites, then OPUS
will select the remaining sites. Currently, a minimum of two hours of data are needed
for OPUS to begin.

Positions computed by OPUS are usually e-mailed to the user within a few minutes. The
OPUS report contains both the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and
North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) coordinates, as well as the Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) and State Plane Coordinates (SPC).
OPUS is completely automatic and requires only a minimal amount of information from
the user:

1. The email address where you want the results sent.

2. The RINEX file that you want to process (which you may select using the browse

3. The antenna type used to collect the GPS data in this RINEX file (selected from a list
of calibrated GPS antennas).

4. The height of the Antenna Reference Point (ARP) above the monument or mark that
you are positioning.

5. As an option, you may also enter the state plane coordinate code if you want SPC
northing and easting.

6. As an additional option, you may select one, two, or all three of the reference sites
to be used by OPUS.

Wherever possible, OPUS uses drop-down boxes for selections to minimize hand entries
by the user and hence reduce the possibility of errors.

A copy of the OPUS submittal page is shown in Figure 1. This page can be accessed at
www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/. OPUS is intended to process only static, dual-frequency,
carrier phase observations. Users are cautioned not to submit kinematic data. The NGS
software only uses data spaced at 30 second intervals and occurring on the minute and
half minute. Users may submit data collected at a faster rate, but only the 30 second
data will actually be used. OPUS only accepts RINEX files in ASCII, and compressed or
zipped format and following the RINEX naming convention.

OPUS is intended for use in the coterminous United States, Alaska and Hawaii, and
most territories. It is NGS’s policy to not publish geodetic coordinates outside the
United States without the agreement of the affected countries. The OPUS web site
contains a set of maps indicating areas where OPUS can be used.

How Are the Solutions Performed?

OPUS-derived ITRF positional coordinates are the average of three distinct single-
baseline solutions computed by double-differenced, carrier-phase measurements from
three different reference sites using the program PAGES. The ITRF coordinates for the
reference sites have been obtained from the NGS Integrated Data Base (IDB) and have
been updated to the midpoint of the time interval when the submitted data were
observed. Hence, OPUS-derived ITRF coordinates correspond to the position of the
point at this instant in time. Points in the coterminous United States move between 9
and 22 mm/yr horizontally, relative to ITRF. OPUS-derived NAD 83 positional
coordinates are also the average of three distinct single-baseline solutions. The
procedure followed to compute final NAD 83 coordinates at epoch 2002.0 is as follows:

First, the three derived ITRF inter-site vectors, given at the midpoint of the data time
interval, are individually transformed to the NAD 83 reference frame. Second, the NAD
83 coordinates of the three reference stations, retrieved from the NGS IDB, are also
updated to the midpoint of the interval by applying the NAD 83 velocities available from
the NGS IDB. Each NAD 83 vector is added to the NAD 83 coordinate of the
corresponding reference station to determine one of the three different values of the
coordinates of the unknown point on the NAD 83 frame at the midpoint epoch. These
three quantities are averaged to better estimate the coordinates of the point at this
epoch. Finally, these coordinates are then transformed in time to the epoch date of
January 1, 2002 by using the NAD 83 velocity for the point as predicted by the HTDP
(Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning) software.

Because NAD 83 positional coordinates in the coterminous United States are referenced
to the North American tectonic plate, NAD 83 velocities are typically very small. NAD 83
velocities in excess of 5 mm/yr, however, are prevalent in states along the Pacific
Coast. Note that the OPUS-derived NAD 83 positional coordinates are not obtained by a
direct transformation of their corresponding ITRF coordinates.

While three single-baseline solutions are computed, these solutions can not be
considered as completely independent. Local biases at the user’s submitted station will
not be averaged away by the combination. For example, local multipath error or error
in the height of the Antenna Reference Point (ARP) will not be averaged away. On the
other hand, use of three single-baselines does provide a gauge of certain error

What Is the Accuracy of the Result?

Accuracy estimates for GPS reductions obtained by formal error propagation are
notoriously optimistic. For this reason, OPUS does not rely only on the formal errors.
Instead, the peak-to-peak variation is provided for each coordinate component (XYZ
and north-east-up). The peak-to-peak variation is the difference between the maximum
and the minimum value of a coordinate obtained from the three baseline solutions.
Peak-to-peak variations are more conservative (i.e., greater) than the more
conventional root mean square (RMS) estimates of coordinate repeatability. However,
given the single file being submitted and the limited number of reference stations used,
peak-to-peak variations are a more appropriate choice. A key element, which bears
repeating, is that accuracy estimates depend upon freedom from systematic error. For
example, if the antenna type is misidentified, then the wrong antenna phase center
variation model and the wrong phase center-ARP offsets will be applied to the data.
This could lead to errors of 10 cm or more that will not be displayed in the peak-to-
peak variation value. Additionally, errors in the submitted antenna height cannot be
detected. The accuracy of this information is totally dependent on the user. Additional
information on antenna measurements can be found at www.ngs.noaa.gov/
OPUS/Height_measure.html. Another advantage of these peak-to-peak variations is
that the range also directly reflects the errors in the coordinates of the reference
stations. Small errors in the reference coordinates can become a relatively more
significant component of the total error as the observational time span increases.

While OPUS provides peak-to-peak errors, the ability of OPUS to reproduce known
results has also been examined as a mean to estimate accuracy. In one such study,
two hours of data were selected from one day for over 200 CORS stations. Since the
CORS positions are well known, the OPUS results could be compared with the known
values. Plots of the east, north, and up deviations of the OPUS results from the
accepted ITRF positions for these stations are shown in Figure 2. The mean OPUS
positions differ by less than 1 mm in each component and the east, north, and up
components showed standard deviations of 1.4, 0.8, and 1.9 cm respectively. In the
October 2002 issue of this magazine, Snay and others reported that the positioning
accuracy from CORS stations depends primarily on the time span of the data, not the
distance from the CORS station. While individual accuracies are not predictable, users
should expect their results to improve as the time span of their data is increased.

The OPUS solution report is divided into three main sections. The first section contains
information about the software version used to process the dataset, the orbits, the
antenna type, and the number of observations used in the solution. The overall RMS of
the residuals is also reported in the first section.

The second section reports the computed ITRF and NAD 83 coordinates. Each
coordinate is stated with its respective peak-to-peak variation. UTM and SPC
coordinates are also reported.

The final section identifies which reference stations were used in the solution. This
includes the Permanent Identifier (PID), site designation, latitude, longitude, and
distance from the reference site to the observation site. The nearest NGS published
control point is also stated at the end of the report.
What Makes a Quality Solution?
There are no absolute rules, but we can certainly provide some guidance on OPUS
solutions. First, make sure the antenna type and the ARP height are correct. Next,
review the solution statistics: A good OPUS run should typically use 90% or more of
your observations. OPUS should have fixed at least 50% of the integer ambiguities. The
overall RMS of the residuals should seldom exceed 3 cm. The peak-to-peak variations
should seldom exceed 5 cm. (This depends, of course, on the accuracy you are trying
to achieve.)

OPUS Usage
Since OPUS’ introduction in the early part of 2001, the number of users continues to
increase. OPUS submissions from non-governmental users averaged about 3000 per
month for the first nine months of 2002. The locations of OPUS submissions for the first
nine months of 2002 are shown in Figure 3. OPUS is being used to monitor the
positions of Cooperative CORS stations and other permanent GPS tracking stations.
OPUS is providing positions for temporary GPS base stations used for kinematic, rapid-
static, and RTK applications. OPUS is providing constrained positions for local network
surveys as well as positions for new monumentation. OPUS has clearly become an
important utility for a wide range of surveying applications.

NGS is working to add new features to OPUS. Having just added features allowing users
to select their preferred local reference stations and submit compressed files, NGS is
now investigating how users might enter selected OPUS results into a data base for
sharing results with other users. We are also looking into decreasing the minimum data
span required without sacrificing accuracy, providing differential range solutions for
users able to extract RINEX files from less expensive GPS navigation receivers, and
enabling L1 carrier phase solutions for users who do not have dual frequency GPS
receivers. OPUS provides a link to email NGS with other suggestions as well, and we
welcome all questions and comments.

Gerald Mader is the Chief, Geosciences Research Division, NGS, and conducts
research on improved GPS techniques for static and kinematic applications.
Neil Weston is a research physicist for the Geosciences Research Division, NGS, and is
currently involved in the development of several GPS applications for the end-user
Michael Morrison is a Geodesist with the Geosciences Research Division, NGS, and
supports research on GPS data processing and antenna calibrations.
Dennis Milbert is the Chief Geodesist, NGS, and provides scientific leadership in the
development of major programs in geodesy and related sciences.
Note: Most of the articles have images and/or graphics.
To view these, we suggest that you subscribe to the magazine.

Copyright 1995 - 2004 by GITC America, Inc, Inc. Articles cannot be reproduced,
in whole or in part, without prior authorization from GITC America, Inc, Inc.

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