Power system is a nonlinear and temporal variable system. Different parts of the system change
at different times and times with changing loads or loss of generators and disturbances. Power
system stability and attenuation of low frequency fluctuations are very important. To increase the
damping power and stability of the dynamic system, power system stabilizers are used to reduce
fluctuations by generating additional control signals for the generator excitation system. In this
paper, to improve the stability of the power system dynamic, a power system stabilizer based on
synergistic control theory with an excitation system stabilizer according to a simplified nonlinear
power system is used. The power system stabilizer has been studied in a single machine system
connected to an infinite bus. The results show that the use of power system stabilizer and excita -
tion system stabilizer for all nonlinear dynamic systems performs better than synergistic PSS,
conventional PSS, and a system without stabilizer.
Keywords: Stability, Power System Stabilizer (PSS), Excitation System Stabilizer (ESS), Dynamic
Power systems are always subject to various inherent phenomenon in power systems,
disruptions [1]. In other words, which result from the dynamic behavior of
electromechanical oscillations are an the system in transferring the operating point
after the occurrence of the disturbance [2].
A way to prevent these types of
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oscillations is to add additional control loops
100 Fattollahi, Dehghani, Yousefi. Analysis and Simulation …
[3]. Low frequency electromechanical performance which later is proven to have the
oscillations in an interconnected power degree of shorter reaching time and lower
system usually continue for a long time [4,5]. spike.
In some cases, these oscillations may place A novel bat algorithm-based method is
limitations on the transmission system [6]. proposed for designing the parameters of
Synchronous generators have two automatic power system stabilization and power
controllers, one for regulating the terminal oscillation damping in a multi-machine
voltage and the other for frequency control power system in [16], which aims to ensure
[7]. The controllers indirectly affect the the minimum damping rate in low frequency
active output power and reactive power of the electromechanical oscillation modes.
synchronous generator [8,9]. The voltage To minimize low-frequency oscillations
regulator controller operates faster than other in a power system, an interval type-2
controllers and is more stable than the speed fractional order fuzzy proportional integral
controller for the system [10]. derivative-PSS is proposed in [17], where
Power system stabilizer (PSS) is the most speed deviation and acceleration are
common controller for improving the considered as input signals. Also, a hybrid
damping of electromechanical oscillations firefly algorithm-particle swarm
[11]. This controller helps to eliminate optimization scheme for optimizing the
oscillation by generating an additional parameters is used.
control signal for the excitation system [12]. The power system is nonlinear and
Conventional PSS using lead-lag variable with time, and its setpoints are
compensators operate according to the linear always variable, so the good performance of
power system model, and various methods the CPSS, which is based on the linear system
have been proposed in studies to improve its model, cannot be guaranteed for the power
performance [13]. system in very dynamic operating conditions.
A microcontroller-based PSS is designed Synergy control theory is a nonlinear
in [14], that increases the dynamic stability of method and is consistent with the nonlinear
the single-machine infinite-bus power system and dynamic nature of the power system.
by improving damping in the low frequency This paper uses a nonlinear model of a
oscillation. Also, the system stability is single machine power system. Synergistic
investigated by the eigenvalues and the power system stabilizer (SPSS) and
results of dynamic simulations are provided excitation power system (ESS) are used to
in the time domain. dampen power system fluctuations. The
A method for designing of PSS (lead-lag simulation results are compared with the
compensation type) based on sliding mode results [18]. The rest of this article is set out
control (SMC) technique is presented in [15], as follows.
which the control objective is to enhance
stability and improve the dynamic response 2. SYNERGETIC CONTROL METHOD
of the multi-machine power system and, also,
In this section an overview about designing
the main approach is to focus on the control
synergetic control based on compressed
Signal Processing and Renewable Energy, March 2022 101
regulator is presented. Given a nonlinear u = u ( x , ( x , t ), T, t ) (5)
system in the following state space from
It can be seen that the control output
depends not only on the system state variable,
x = f ( x ,u ,t ) (1) but also on the selected φ and time constant
T. From the synthesis procedure of synergetic
where x and u are the system state variable controller shown above, it is clear that the
vector and the input vector respectively. In synergetic controller works on the full
this method, control variable φ is defined as nonlinear system and does not need any
follows: linearization or simplification on the system
model at all as is necessary for application of
= ( x ,t ) (2) traditional control theory [22,23].
Then consider that the φ must satisfy the
following equation, by synergetic control the
system is forced to act in φ=0. Fig. 1 shows the connection of a machine to
the infinite bus with the controllers. In this
T + = 0, T 0 (3) system, a synchronous generator is powered
by a turbine and a governor and is excited by
where T is time constant and φ is control
an external excitation system. The excitation
variable. φ specifications that include: goal of
system is controlled by an automatic voltage
control, restrictions output, and settling time
regulator (AVR), an excitation system
is defined by the designer. By using the chain
stabilizer (ESS) and a power system
differentiation obtained:
stabilizer (PSS). The equations of the single-
• d • machine system connected to the infinite bus
= x (4)
dx are given in various papers [24,25]. Fig. 2
shows the excitation system stabilizer (ESS)
Therefore, the control law can be found
3.1. Power System Stabilizer. active power and rotor angular speed of the
generator respectively. As mentioned in the
In this paper, two types of conventional
second part, the objective of the synergetic
power system stabilizer (CPSS) and the
controller is to force the system to operate on
synergetic power system stabilizer (SPSS)
φ1=0. Therefore:
are used.
CPSS consists of an amplifier, a washout •
T1 1 + 1 = 0 (7)
filter, two lead-lag compensators, and a
limiter. The block diagram of CPSS is shown T1 represents the system converge speed
in Fig. 3. In CPSS, the input signal (control in to the manifold of φ1=0 and K1 is the value
signal) stabilizing the power system is the of the controller parameter, and always
rotor speed deviation (∆ωr). T1> 0.
In SPSS for stabilizing the generator The chain derivation rule and by using the
speed, rotor speed deviation and output active equation of Pe, PSS output can be obtained as
electrical power deviation of generator (ΔPe) follow:
are used [28,29].
1 E ' − E bSin
For designing SPSS, the control variable U PSS = E 'q + q ( X d − X 'd ) − VR
KE K E X 'dE
defines as follow: T'd 0 E'q Cos
− 2f ( − 0 )
1 = K1 ( − ref ) − (Pe − Pref ) K ESin
T'do K1X'dE 1
where K1 is a constant coefficient and ωref + [Pm − Pe − K D ( − 0 )]
K E E b Sin 2H
and Pref are the reference values of output
Signal Processing and Renewable Energy, March 2022 103
T' d 0 X' dE 1 Nominal parameters for the power system are
− [K 1 ( − ref ) − (Pe − Pref )]
K E E b Sin T1
(8) given in Table 1 [30]. Simulation results are
obtained using MATLAB software.
UPSS represents the desired control
Three types of disturbances are
function for PSS.
investigated, including step change in
reference terminal voltage, step change in
input mechanical power, and three-phase
In this section, to evaluate the effect of the short circuit fault.
control method on the dynamic stability of In each scenario, the power system (a)
the power system, a simulation of a single- without PSS (No PSS), (b) with CPSS, (c)
machine power system connected to an with SPSS, and (d) with SPSS and ESS (new
infinite bus in the time domain is performed. PSS) are compared.
Fig. 4. Rotor angle response to step change in the input mechanical power.
104 Fattollahi, Dehghani, Yousefi. Analysis and Simulation …
Fig. 5. Speed deviation response to step change in the input mechanical power.
Fig. 6. Active electrical power response to step change in the input mechanical power.
4.1.Change in the Input Mechanical Power power are shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6,
respectively. The combination of SPSS and
In this case, a step change of 0.05 in the
ESS compared with CPSS, caused a
mechanical power of the input occurs at time
reduction the 33.54% in maximum
overshoot, and the 52.5% in settling time.
The simulation results including rotor
Also, compared to SPSS, there is a 31%
angle, speed deviation and active electrical
reduction in the maximum ups, and 24% in
Signal Processing and Renewable Energy, March 2022 105
the settling time of the generator-torque rotor As can be seen, the simultaneous use of
response speed. power system stabilizer and excitation
system stabilizer has better results than
4.2.Change in reference terminal voltage NOPSS, or CPSS, or SPSS power system in
damping oscillation. The new stabilizer
In this case, a 0.05pu step change occurred in
compared to the CPSS Creates 46.1%
the generator reference terminal voltage at 0
reduction in the maximum overshoot and
sec. The simulation results are shown in Figs.
80% reduction in settling time and compared
7, 8, and 9.
Fig. 9. Active electrical power response to step change in reference terminal voltage.
to the SPSS creates 43% reduction in the occurred on the infinite bus at 0 sec, and then
maximum overshoot and 29% reduction in one of the parallel transmission lines was
settling time of generator rotor speed switched off at 0.1 sec when the fault was
response. cleared.
The results of the simulations which
4.3. Three-Phase Short-Circuit Fault indicate more damping impact of using the
combined synergetic power system stabilizer
In this case, a three-phase short-circuit fault and excitation system stabilizer compared to
Signal Processing and Renewable Energy, March 2022 107
non-PSS, or the CPSS, or the SPSS are Comparison of simulation results for
shown in the Figs. 10, 11, and 12. The new three disturbances in power system, which in
PSS compared to the CPSS Creates 11% this section, time-domain simulations for
reduction in the maximum overshoot and these disorders are shown, is listed in Table
44% reduction in settling time and compared (2).
to the SPSS creates 8% reduction in the As can be seen, the new PSS reduces the
maximum overshoot and 20% reduction in maximum height and decreases the settling
settling time of generator rotor speed time compared to the CPSS and SPSS.