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Appl Trig

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Page 102 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

Some Applications of Trigonometry

OBJECTIVE QUESTION 5. In the given figure, the positions of the observer and
the object are mentioned, the angle of depression is

1. If the angle of depression of an object from a 75 m

high tower is 30c, then the distance of the object from
the tower is
(a) 25 3 m (b) 50 3 m
(c) 75 3 m (d) 150 m
Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]

2. If the height and length of the shadow of a man are

equal, then the angle of elevation of the sun is,
(a) 30c (b) 90c
(a) 45c (b) 60c
(c) 60c (d) 45c
(c) 90c (d) 120c Sol : [Board 2018]
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]

6. A tree is broken by the wind. The top struck the

3. A tree casts a shadow 15 m long on the level of ground at an angle of 30c and at distance of 10 m from
ground, when the angle of elevation of the sun is 45c. its root. The whole height of the tree is ( 3 = 1.732)
The height of a tree is
(a) 10 3 m (b) 3 10 m
(a) 10 m (b) 14 m
(c) 20 3 m (d) 3 20 m
(c) 8 m (d) 15 m Sol : [Board 2010]
Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2014]

7. A circle artist is climbing a 20 m long rope, which is

4. The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow is tightly stretched and tied from the top of a vertical
1 : 3 then the angle of elevation of the sun is pole to the ground, then the height of pole, if the
(a) 90c (b) 45c angle made by the rope with the ground level is 30c, is
(c) 30c (d) 75c (a) 5 m (b) 10 m
Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2017]
(c) 15 m (d) 20 m
Sol : [Board 2019 OD]

8. The length of a string between a kite and a point on

the ground is 85 m. If the string makes an angle θ
with level ground such that tan θ = 158 , then the height
of kite is
(a) 75 m (b) 78.05 m
(c) 226 m (d) None of these
Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 103

9. The top of two poles of height 20 m and 14 m are ONE MARK QUESTION
connected by a wire. If the wire makes an angle of
30c with the horizontal, then the length of the wire is
(a) 12 m (b) 10 m
15. A tree casts a shadow 15 m long on the level of ground,
(c) 8 m (d) 6 m when the angle of elevation of the sun is 45c. Find the
Sol : [Board 2018]
height of a tree.
 Sol : [Board 2022 Term-2 Delhi]

10. An observer, 1.5 m tall is 20.5 away from a tower

22 m high, then the angle of elevation of the top of 16. In Figure, the angles of depressions from the observing
the tower from the eye of observer is positions O1 and O2 respectively of the object A are
(a) 30c (b) 45c .................. .
(c) 60c (d) 90c
Sol :

11. A 6 m high tree cast a 4 m long shadow. At the same

time, a flag pole cast a shadow 50 m long. How long
is the flag pole?
(a) 75 m (b) 100 m
(c) 150 m (d) 50 m
Sol : (a) 75 m
Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]

12. From the top of a 7 m high building the angle of

elevation of the top of a cable tower is 60c and the 17. The .......... is the line drawn from the eye of an
angle of depression of its foot is 45c, then the height observer to the point in the object viewed by the
of the tower is observer.
(a) 14.124 m (b) 17.124 m Sol :

(c) 19.124 m (d) 15.124 m

Sol : 18. The .......... of an object viewed, is the angle formed by
the line of sight with the horizontal when it is above
the horizontal level, i.e., the case when we raise our
13. The angles of elevation of the top of a tower from the
head to look at the object.
points P and Q at distance of a and b respectively  Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
from the base and in the same straight line with it, are
complementary. The height of the tower is
19. The .......... of an object viewed, is the angle formed by
(a) ab (b) ab
the line of sight with the horizontal when it is below
(c) a (d) b the horizontal level, i.e., the case when we lower our
b a
Sol : head to look at the object.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]

14. From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of

the bottom and the top of a transmission tower fixed 20. A ladder, leaning against a wall, makes an angle of
at the top of a 20 m high building are 45c and 60c 60c with the horizontal. If the foot of the ladder is 2.5
respectively, then the height of the tower is m away from the wall, find the length of the ladder.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
(a) 14.64 m
(b) 28.64 m
(c) 38.64 m
(d) 19.64 m

Sol :
Page 104 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

21. In the adjoining figure, the positions of observer and 28. A ladder 15 m long leans against a wall making an
object are marked. The angle of depression is .......... angle of 60º with the wall. Find the height of the point
where the ladder touches the wall.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]

29. A pole casts a shadow of length 2 3 m on the ground,

when the Sun’s elevation is 60º. Find the height of the
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]

Sol : [Board 2008]

30. If the length of the ladder placed against a wall is
twice the distance between the foot of the ladder and
22. If the angle of depression of an object from a 75 m the wall. Find the angle made by the ladder with the
high tower is 30c, then what is the distance of the horizontal.
object from the tower?  Sol : [Board Term-2 2015]
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017

31. An observer, 1.7 m tall, is 20 3 m away from a tower.

23. The top of two poles of height 20 m and 14 m are The angle of elevation from the eye of observer to the
connected by a wire. If the wire makes an angle of 30c top of tower is 30º. Find the height of tower.
with the horizontal, then find the length of the wire.  Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2014]

32. In the given figure, AB is a 6 m high pole and DC is

24. If the height and length of the shadow of a man are a ladder inclined at an angle of 60c to the horizontal
equal, then find the angle of elevation of the sun. and reaches up to point D of pole. If AD = 2.54 m,
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
find the length of ladder. ( use 3 = 1.73 )
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
25. In the given figure, the positions of the observer and
the object are mentioned, find the angle of depression? 33. An observer 1.5 m tall is 28.5 m away from a tower
30 m high. Find the angle of elevation of the top of
the tower from his eye.
Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]

34. If the angles of elevation of the top of a tower from

two points distant a and b (a 2 b) from its foot and
in the same straight line from it are respectively 30c
and 60c, then find the height of the tower.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2014]

Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015] 35. The angle of depression of a car parked on the road
from the top of a 150 m high tower is 30c. Find the
distance of the car from the tower (in m).
26. A circus artist is climbing a 20 m long rope, which is  Sol : [Board Term-2, 2014]
tightly stretched and tied from the top of a vertical
pole to the ground. If the angle made by the rope
with the ground level is 30c, then what is the height 36. A pole 6 m high casts a shadow 2 3 m long on the
of pole? ground, then find the Sun’s elevation.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2013] Sol : [Board Term-2 2012]

27. The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow is 37. If the altitude of the sun is 60c, what is the height of
1 : 3 then what is the angle of elevation of the sun ? a tower which casts a shadow of length 30 m ?
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012]
Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 105

38. Find the angle of elevation of the top of the tower of the top of a tower from the foot of the building is
from the point on the ground which is 30 m away from 60c. If the tower is 50 m high, then find the height of
the foot of the tower of height 10 3 m. the building.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012] Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]

TWO MARKS QUESTION 46. The top of two poles of height 16 m and 10 m are
connected by a length l meter. If wire makes an angle
of 30c with the horizontal, then find l .
 Sol : [Board Term-2, 2012]
39. From the top of light house, 40 m above the water, the
angle of depression of a small boat is 60c. Find how
47. An electric pole is 10 m high. A steel wire tied to top
far the boat is from the base of the light house.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2015] of the pole is affixed at a point on the ground to keep
the pole up right. If the wire makes an angle of 45º
with the horizontal through the foot of the pole, find
40. A kite is flying at a height of 90 m above the ground.
the length of the wire. [Use 2 = 1.414 ]
The string attached to the kite is temporarily tied to  Sol : [Board Term-2 2016]
a point on the ground. The inclination of the string
with the ground is 60c. Find the length of the string
assuming that there is no slack in the string. 48. The angles of depression of the top and bottom of
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011, 2014] a 50 m high building from the top of a tower are
45º and 60º respectively. Find the height of the tower
and the horizontal distance between the tower and the
41. A tree breaks due to storm and the broken part bends
building. (Use 3 = 1.73)
so that the top of the tree touches the ground making  Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
an angle 30c with it. The distance between the foot of
the tree to the point where the top touches the ground
is 8 m. Find the height of the tree. 49. An aeroplane, when flying at a height of 4000 m from
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011] the ground passes vertically above another aeroplane
at an instant when the angles of elevation of the two
planes from the same point on the ground are 60º and
42. A player sitting on the top of a tower of height 20 m
45º respectively. Find the vertical distance between
observes the angle of depression of a ball lying on the
the aeroplanes at that instant. (Use 3 = 1.73)
ground as 60c. Find the distance between the foot of  Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
the tower and the ball. Take 3 = 1.732
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
50. A boy, flying a kite with a string of 90 m long, which
is making an angle θ with the ground. Find the height
43. If the shadow of a tower is 30 m long, when the Sun’s
of the kite. (Given tan θ = 458 )
elevation is 30c. What is the length of the shadow,  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2014]
when Sun’s elevation is 60c ?
Sol : [Board Term-2 2011]
51. A 7 m long flagstaff is fixed on the top of a tower
standing on the horizontal plane. From point on the
44. From a point P on the ground the angle of elevation
ground, the angles of elevation of the top and bottom
of the top of a 10 m tall building is 30c. A flag is
of the flagstaff are 60º and 45º respectively. Find the
hoisted at the top the of the building and the angle
height of the tower correct to one place of decimal.
of elevation of the length of the flagstaff from P is
(Use 3 = 1.73)
45c. Find the length of the flagstaff and distance of  Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
building from point P . [Take 3 = 1.732 ]
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2011, Delhi 2012, 2013]
52. Two men on either side of a 75 m high building and
THREE MARKS QUESTION in line with base of building observe the angles of
elevation of the top of the building as 30º and 60º. Find
the distance between the two men. (Use 3 = 1.73 )
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]

45. The angle of elevation of the top of a building from

the foot of a tower is 30c and the angle of elevation
Page 106 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

53. A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10 m FIVE MARKS QUESTION
above water level, observes the angle of elevation of
the top of a hill as 60º and the angle of depression of
the base of hill as 30º. Find the distance of the hill
from the ship and the height of the hill. 60. The angles of depression of the top and bottom of an
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016] 8 m tall building from top of a multi-storeyed building
are 30º and 45º, respectively. Find the height of multi-
storey building and distance between two buildings.
54. Two ships are approaching a light house from opposite  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2014]
directions. The angle of depression of two ships from
top of the light house are 30º and 45º. If the distance
between two ships is 100 m, Find the height of light- 61. The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point
house. on the ground is 60º. After a flight of 30 seconds the
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2014] angle of elevation becomes 30º. If the aeroplane is
flying at a constant height of 3000 3 m, find the
speed of the aeroplane.
55. The horizontal distance between two poles is 15 m.  Sol : [Board 2020 SQP Standard, 2014]
The angle of depression of the top of first pole as seen
from the top of second pole is 30c. If the height of the
first of the pole is 24 m, find the height of the second 62. The person standing on the bank of river observes that
pole. [ Use 3 = 1.732 ] the angle of elevation of the top of a tree standing on
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2013] opposite bank is 60c . When he moves 30 m away from
the bank, he finds the angle of elevation to be 30c.
Find the height of tree and width of the river.
56. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a  Sol : [Board 2020 OD Basic]
point A on the ground is 30c. On moving a distance
of 20 metre towards the foot of the tower to a point B
the angle of elevation increase to 60c. Find the height 63. A vertical tower stands on horizontal plane and is
of the tower and the distance of the tower from the surmounted by a vertical flag-staff of height 6 m. At a
point A. point on the ground, angle of elevation of the bottom
 Sol : [Board Term-2 2012] and top of the flag-staff are 30c and 45c respectively.
Find the height of the tower. (Take 3 = 1.73 )
 Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]
57. The shadow of a tower at a time is three times as long
as its shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun
is 60c. Find the angle of elevation of the sun at the of 64. From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation
the longer shadow. of the bottom and the top of a tower fixed at the top
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2017] of a 20 m high building are 45c and 60c respectively.
Find the height of the tower.
 Sol : [Board 2020 OD Standard]
58. A statue 1.6 m tall stands on the top of a pedestal.
From a point on the ground the angle of elevation of
the top of the statue is 60c and from the same point 65. From the top of a 7 m high building the angle of
the angle of elevation of the top of the pedestal is 45c elevation of the top of a tower is 60c and the angle of
. Find the height of the pedestal. depression of its foot is 45c. Determine the height of
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012] the tower.
 Sol : [Board 2020 Delhi Standard]

59. On a straight line passing through the foot of a tower,

two C and D are at distance of 4 m and 16 m from 66. Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite to
the foot respectively. If the angles of elevation from each other on either side of the road which is 80 m
C and D of the top of the tower are complementary, wide. From a point P between them on the road, the
then find the height of the tower. angle of elevation of the top of a pole is 60c and the
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017] angle of depression from the top of the other pole of
point P is 30c. Find the heights of the poles and the
distance of the point P from the poles.
 Sol : [Board 2019 OD]
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 107

67. Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite to 12 min. for the angle of depression to change from
each other on either side of a road, which is 80 m 30c to 45c, how soon after this, the car will reach the
wide. From a point between them on the road, angles tower ?
of elevation of their top are 30c and 60c. Find the Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2014]

height of the poles and distance of point from poles.

 Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi, OD 2011]
75. As observed from the top of a light house, 100 m high
above sea level, the angles of depression of a ship,
68. Amit, standing on a horizontal plane, find a bird sailing directly towards it, changes from 30c to 60c
flying at a distance of 200 m from him at an elevation . Find the distance travelled by the ship during the
of 30c. Deepak standing on the roof of a 50 m high period of observation. (Use 3 = 1.73 )
building, find the angle of elevation of the same bird  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]

to be 45c. Amit and Deepak are on opposite sides of

the bird. Find the distance of the bird from Deepak. 76. A straight highway leads to the foot of a tower. A
 Sol : [Board 2019 OD]
man standing on its top observes a car at an angle
of depression of 30c, which is approaching the foot of
69. As observed from the top of a 100 m high light house the tower with a uniform speed. 6 seconds later, the
from the sea-level, the angles of depression of two angle of depression of the car becomes 60c. Find the
ships are 30c and 45c. If one ship is exactly behind time taken by the car to reach the foot of tower from
the other on the same side of the light house, find the this point.
distance between the two ships [Use 3 = 1.732 ]  Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi Compt. 2017]
 Sol : [Board 2018]

77. Two points A and B are on the same side of a tower

70. From the top of tower, 100 m high, a man observes and in the same straight line with its base. The angle
two cars on the opposite sides of the tower with the of depression of these points from the top of the tower
angles of depression 30c and 45c respectively. Find are 60c and 45c respectively. If the height of the tower
the distance between the cars. (Use 3 = 1.73 ) is 15 m, then find the distance between these points.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 SQP 2016]  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]

71. The angle of elevation of the top B of a tower AB 78. From the top of a hill, the angle of depression of two
from a point X on the ground is 60c. At point Y , consecutive kilometre stones due east are found to be
40 m vertically above X , the angle of elevation of the 45c and 30c respectively. Find the height of the hill.
top is 45c. Find the height of the tower AB and the [Use 3 = 1.73 ]
distance XB .  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2016]

79. The angle of depression of two ships from an aeroplane

72. A vertical tower stands on a horizontal plane and flying at the height of 7500 m are 30c and 45c. if both
is surmounted by a flagstaff of height 5 m. From a the ships are in the same that one ship is exactly
point on the ground the angles of elevation of top and behind the other, find the distance between the ships.
bottom of the flagstaff are 60c and 30c respectively.  Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2017]

Find the height of the tower and the distance of the

point from the tower. (take 3 = 1.732 ) 80. An aeroplane is flying at a height of 300 m above the
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2016]
ground. Flying at this height the angle of depression
from the aeroplane of two points on both banks of
73. Two post are k metre apart and the height of one is a respectively. Find the width of the river. River in
double that of the other. If from the mid-point of the opposite direction are 45c and 60c.
line segment joining their feet, an observer finds the  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2017]

angles of elevation of their tops to be complementary,

then find the height of the shorted post. 81. The angle of elevation of a cloud from a point 120 m
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
above a lake is 30c and the angle of depression of its
reflection in the lake is 60c. Find the height of the
74. A man on the top of a vertical tower observes a car cloud.
moving at a uniform speed towards him. If it takes  Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2012]
Page 108 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

82. The tops of two towers of height x and y , standing 88. If the angles of elevation of the top of the candle from
on level ground, subtend angles of 30c and 60c two coins distant a cm and b cm ^a 2 b h from its
respectively at the centre of the line joining their feet, base and in the same straight line from it are 30c and
then find x : y . 60c, then find the height of the candle.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2015]

83. The angle of elevation of a jet fighter point A on ground

is 60c. After flying 10 seconds, the angle changes to
30c. If the jet is flying at a speed of 648 km/hour, find
the constant height at which the jet is flying.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2012]

84. From the top of a tower of height 50 m, the angles of

depression of the top and bottom of a pole are 30c
and 45c respectively. Find : Sol : [Board SQP Standard 2021]
(1) How far the pole is from the bottom of the tower,
(2) The height of the pole. (Use 3 = 1.732 ) 89. A 1.2 m tall girl spots a balloon moving with the
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Foreign 2015]
wind in a horizontal line at a height 88.2 m from the
ground. The angle of elevation of the balloon from the
85. The shadow of a tower standing on a level ground is
found to be 40 m longer when the Sun’s altitude is
30c, then when it is 60c. Find the height of the tower.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 OD 2011]

86. A man in a boat rowing away from a light house

100 m high takes 2 minutes to change the angle of
elevation of the top of the light house from 60c to 30c
. Find the speed of the boat in metres per minute.
6Use 3 = 1.732@
 Sol : [Board 2019 Delhi]
Sol : [Board SQP Basic 2021]

87. A bird sitting on the top of a 80 m high tree. From

a point on the ground, the angle of elevation of the COMPETENCEY BASED QUESTION
bird is 45c. The bird flies away horizontally in such
a way that it remained at a constant height from the
ground. After 2 seconds, the angle of elevation of the 90. From his hotel room window on the fourth floor,
bird from the same point is 30c. Find the speed of Ranjan notices some window washers high above him
flying of the bird. (Take 3 = 1.732 ) on the hotel across the street.
 Sol : [Board Term-2 Delhi 2016]
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 109

Curious as to their height above ground, he quickly communications station, and a television transmission
estimates the buildings are 60 m apart, the angle of antenna, as well as a suite of rooms that were used by
elevation to the workers is about 60c , and the angle Eiffel are located near the top of the tower.
of depression to the base of the hotel is about 30c .
(i) How high above ground is the window of Ranjan’s
hotel room?
(ii) How high above ground are the workers?
Sol :

91. Statue of Unity : It is a colossal statue of Indian

statesman and independence activist Sardar Vallabh
bhai Patel, who was the first Deputy Prime Minister
and Home minister of independent India.

(i) For a person standing 324 m from the center of

the base of the Eiffel Tower, the angle of elevation
to the top of the tower is 45c . How tall is the
Eiffel Tower?
(ii) A car is moving at uniform speed towards the
Eiffel tower. It takes 15 minutes for the angle of
depression from the top of tower to the car to
change from 30c to 60c . After how much time
after this, the car will reach the base of the tower?
Sol :

93. From the observation deck of a seaside building 200 m

Patel was highly respected for his leadership in uniting high, Jignesh sees two fishing boats in the distance.
the 562 princely states of India to form the single The angle of depression to the nearer boat is 60c
Union of India. It is located in the state of Gujarat while for the boat farther away the angle is 45c .
and it is the world’s tallest statue.
(i) How far out to sea is the nearer boat?
(i) For a person standing 240 m from the center of
(ii) How far apart are the two boats?
the base of the statue, the angle of elevation to the
top of the statue is 45c . How tall is the statue?
(ii) A cop in helicopter near the top of the statue,
notices a car wreck some distance from the statue.
If the angle of depression from the cop’s eyes to
the wreck is 60c , how far away is the accident
from the centre of base of the statue?
Sol :

92. Eiffel Tower : The Eiffel Tower is a landmark and

an early example of wrought-iron construction on
a gigantic scale. The lower section consists of four
immense arched legs set on masonry piers. The legs
curve inward until they unite in a single tapered Sol :
tower. Platforms, each with an observation deck, are
at three levels; on the first is also a restaurant. 94. While doing some night fishing, Sarthak round a
The tower, constructed of about 7000 tons of iron, has peninsula and a tall light house comes into view.
stairs and elevators. A meteorological station, a radio Taking a sighting, Sarthak find the angle of elevation
Page 110 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

to the top of the lighthouse is 30c . If the lighthouse (i) How wide is the park?
is known to be 25 m tall, how far from the lighthouse (ii) How fast (in kmph) does the mower travel as it
is Sarthak ? cuts the grass?

96. Speed Limit Enforcement : Rajendra works in traffic

police and manage traffic on highway. His van is
having radar detection equipment. He takes up a
hidden position 50 meter from the highway. Using a
sighting device he finds the angle between his position
and a road sign in the distance is 60c .

Sol :

He then uses a stop watch to determine how long it

takes a vehicle to pass her location and reach the road
sign. In quick succession—an 18-wheeler, a truck,
and a car pass her position, with the time each takes
95. On a warm and lazy Saturday, Rishi is watching a to travel this distance noted. Find the speed of each
county maintenance crew mow the park across the vehicle in miles per hour if
street. He notices the mower takes 16 sec to pass (i) the 18-wheeler takes 8 sec,
through 60c of rotation from one end of the park to (ii) the truck takes 6 sec,
the other. (iii) the car takes 4 sec.
Sol :

97. Rainbow: While visiting the Mount Abu in Rajasthan,

Taniya and Lavanya see a spectacularly vivid rainbow
arching over the lake. Taniya speculates the rainbow
is 250 m away, while Lavanya estimates the angle
of elevation to the highest point of the rainbow is
about 60c . What was the approximate height of the

If the corner of the park is 40 meter directly across the

street from his house, Sol :
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 111

98. CN Tower : The tallest free-standing tower in the x of the shorter building and the ratios for tan θ and
world is the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. The tower tan φ .
includes a rotating restaurant high above the ground.

From a distance of 208 meter the angle of elevation to

the pinnacle of the tower is 60c . The angle of elevation Sol :
to the restaurant from the same vantage point is 45c .
(i) How tall is the CN Tower? 101. Distance Measuring Equipment : DME is standard
(ii) How far below the pinnacle of the tower is the avionic equipment on a commercial airplane. This
restaurant located? equipment measures the distance from a plane to a
Sol : radar station. If the distance from a plane to a radar
station is 200 km and the angle of depression is 30c ,
99. Height of Cloud Cover : To measure the height of the find the ground distance from a point directly below
cloud cover at an airport, a worker shines a spotlight the plane to the radar station.
upward at an angle 45c from the horizontal. An
observer 600 m away measures the angle of elevation
to the spot of light to be 30c . Find the height of the
cloud cover.

Sol :
Sol :
102. Height of a Climber : Himalayan Trekking Club has
just hiked to the south rim of a large canyon, when
100. Use the diagram given to derive a formula for the
they spot a climber attempting to scale the taller
height h of the taller building in terms of the height
northern face. Knowing the distance between the
sheer walls of the northern and southern faces of the
canyon is approximately 150 meter, they attempt to
Page 112 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

compute the distance remaining for the climbers to 104. Height of a Building : A surveyor determines that
reach the top of the northern rim. the angle of elevation from a transit to the top of
a building is 30c . The transit is positioned 2 meter
above ground level and 30 meter from the building.
Find the height of the building.

Sol :

105. Width of a Lake : The angle of depression to one side

of a lake, measured from a balloon 300 meter above
the lake as shown in the accompanying figure, is 45c
Using a homemade transit, they sight an angle of . The angle of depression to the opposite side of the
depression of 60c to the bottom of the north face, and lake is 30c .
angles of elevation of 30c and 45c to the climbers and (i) Find the width of the lake.
top of the northern rim respectively. (ii) Find the ground distance of balloon from sides of
(i) How high is the southern rim of the canyon? lake.
(ii) How high is the northern rim?
(iii) How much farther until the climber reaches the
Sol :

103. An observer notes that the angle of elevation from

point A to the top of a space shuttle is 45c . From a
point 20 meters further from the space shuttle, the
angle of elevation is 30c .
(i) Find the height of the space shuttle. Sol :
(ii) Find the distance of point A from space shuttle.

Sol :
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 113

106. Height of a Pyramid : The angle of elevation to the top From a point A on a line from the base of the
of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is 30c measured Washington Monument, the angle of elevation to the
from a point 50 meter from the base of the pyramid. top of the monument is 45c . From a point 125 m away
The angle of elevation from the base of a face of the from A and on the same line, the angle to the top is
pyramid is 60c . 30c . Find the height of the Washington Monument.
Sol :

108. Fire towers : Two fire towers are 4 kilometres apart,

where tower is due west of tower. A fire is spotted
from the towers, and the angle of fire sight from tower
is shown below. Find the distance of the fire from the
line segment.

(i) Find the height of the Cheops pyramid.

(ii) Find the side of base of pyramid.
Sol :

107. Washington Monument : The Washington Monument

is a large, tall, white obelisk near the west part of
the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It was built
to remember George Washington, who was the first
President of the United States. It is the tallest stone Sol :
structure in the world
109. Flag Pole : Figure given below is a diagram that shows
how Varsha estimates the height of a flagpole. She
can’t measure the distance between herself and the
flagpole directly because there is a fence in the way.

So she stands at point A facing the pole and finds the

angle of elevation from point A to the top of the pole
to be 30c . Then she turns 90° and walks 15 metre to
Page 114 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

point B, where she measures the angle between her waterways. They can be lifted to allow large ships to
path and a line from B to the base of the pole. She pass or lowered to allow land vehicles or pedestrians
finds that angle is 60c . Find the height of the pole. to cross.
Sol :

110. Height of a Door : From a point on the floor the angle

of elevation to the top of a door is 30°, while the angle
of elevation to the ceiling above the door is 60°. The
ceiling is 6 metre above the floor.
(i) What is the vertical dimension of the door ?
(ii) Find the distance of the point from door.

A drawbridge is 60 metre long when stretched across

a river. As shown in the figure, the two sections of
the bridge can be rotated upward through an angle
of 30c .
(i) If the water level is 5 metre below the closed
bridge, find the height h between the end of a
section and the water level when the bridge is
fully open.
(ii) How far apart are the ends of the two sections
when the bridge is fully opened, as shown in the
Sol : figure?
Sol :

111. Sonar : It is a machine that uses underwater sound

113. Water Tower : A water tower is a building that is used
waves to find other objects in the sea. A sonar can
to hold and give out water. It is almost always built
work by sending out sound and listening for echoes
on a high place. It works because a pump gives water
(active sonar), like a radar, or by listening for sound
to the tower, and gravity makes the saved water go
made by the object it is trying to find.
out to the places that need water. Those places are
connected to the tower by pipes. A water tower is
good when there is no power because it uses gravity
to send out the water.

The sonar of a navy cruiser detects a sub marine that

is 1234 meter from the cruiser. The angle between the
water line and the submarine is 30°. How deep is the
Sol :

112. Drawbridge : A drawbridge is a bridge that can be A water tower is located 60 meter from a building
moved in order to stop or allow passage across it. (see the figure). From a window in the building, an
Modern drawbridges are often built across large, busy observer notes that the angle of elevation to the top
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 115

of the tower is 60c and that the angle of depression to 115. A hot air balloon is a type of aircraft. It is lifted by
the bottom of the tower is 30c . heating the air inside the balloon, usually with fire.
(i) How tall is the tower? Hot air weighs less than the same volume of cold air
(ii) How high is the window? (it is less dense), which means that hot air will rise
up or float when there is cold air around it, just like
114. Clinometer : A clinometer is a tool that is used to a bubble of air in a pot of water. The greater the
measure the angle of elevation, or angle from the difference between the hot and the cold, the greater
ground, in a right - angled triangle. We can use a the difference in density, and the stronger the balloon
clinometer to measure the height of tall things that will pull up.
you can’t possibly reach to the top of, flag poles,
buildings, trees.

Ravish got a clinometer from school lab and started

the measuring elevation angle in surrounding. He saw Lakshman is riding on a hot air balloon. After reaching
a building on which society logo is painted on wall of at height x at point P , he spots a lorry parked at B
building. on the ground at an angle of depression of 30c. The
balloon rises further by 50 metres at point Q and now
he spots the same lorry at an angle of depression of
45c and a car parked at C at an angle of depression
of 30c.
(i) What is the relation between the height x of the
balloon at point P and distance d between point
A and B ?
(ii) When balloon rises further 50 metres, then what
is the relation between new height y and d ?
(iii) What is the new height of the balloon at point Q
From a point P on the ground level, the angle of ?
elevation of the roof of the building is 45c. The angle (iv) What is the distance AB on the ground ?
of elevation of the centre of logo is 30c from same (v) What is the distance AC on the ground ?
point. The point P is at a distance of 24 m from the Sol :
base of the building.
(i) What is the height of the building logo from 116. Radio towers are used for transmitting a range of
ground ? communication services including radio and television.
(ii) What is the height of the building from ground ? The tower will either act as an antenna itself or support
(iii) What is the aerial distance of the point P from one or more antennas on its structure, including
the top of the building ? microwave dishes. They are among the tallest human-
(iv) If the point of observation P is moved 9 m made structures. There are 2 main types: guyed and
towards the base of the building, then the angle self-supporting structures.
of elevation θ of the logo on building is given by On a similar concept, a radio station tower was built
(v) In above case the angle of elevation φ of the top in two sections A and B . Tower is supported by wires
of building is given by from a point O . Distance between the base of the
Sol :
Page 116 Some Applications of Trigonometry Chap 9

tower and point O is 36 m. From point O , the angle From Colin to Bhawani : 30c
of elevation of the top of section B is 30c and the From Dev to Colin : 60c
angle of elevation of the top of section A is 45c. From Amar to Colin : 60c
(i) Which of the following is a pair of angle of
(a) (+a, +e) (b) (+b, +e)
(c) (+c, +d) (d) (+a, +f )
(ii) Which of the following is a pair of angle of
(a) (+a, +e) (b) (+b, +e)
(c) (+c, +d) (d) (+a, +f )
(iii) If angle of elevation of Amar to Colin is 60c , what
is the distance of Amar boat from the base of hill
(iv) If angle of depression of Colin to Bhawani is 30c
, what is the distance of Amar boat from the
Bhawani boat?
(v) If angle of depression of Dev to Colin is 60c , what
is the height of Dev from base of hill ?
Sol :
(i) What is the height of the section B ?
(ii) What is the height of the section A ? 118. When an eagle looks at a rat on the ground, eagle
(iii) What is the length of the wire structure from the does not attack the rat at its initial position. It takes
point O to the top of section A ? into account the speed of the rat and the direction
(iv) What is the length of the wire structure from the in which rat is moving. After analysing the situation
point O to the top of section B ? (how? it may be God’s gift) eagle attacks the rat in
(v) What is the angle of depression from top of tower such a way that it may successful in catching the rat.
to point O ?
Sol :

117. Navy Officer : Mr. Colin is tasked with planning a

coup on the enemy at a certain date. Currently he is
inspecting the area standing on top of the cliff. Agent
Dev is on a chopper in the sky. When Mr. Colin looks
down below the cliff towards the sea, he has Bhawani
and Amar in boats positioned to get a good vantage
point. Bhawani boat is behind the Amar boat.

Suppose an eagle sitting on the tree of height 90 m,

observe a rat with angle of depression 45c , and moving
away from the tree with some speed. Eagle start flying
with 30c downward and catch rat in 10 second.
(i) What is the horizontal distance between tree and
initial position of rat ?
(ii) What is the distance travelled by rat in 10
Following angle have been measured : seconds?
(iii) What is the distance travelled by eagle to catch
Chap 9 Some Applications of Trigonometry Page 117

(iv) What is the speed of rat ?
(v) What is the speed of eagle ?
Sol :

119. An air-to-surface missile (ASM) or air-to-ground

missile (AGM or ATGM) is a missile designed to be
launched from military aircraft and strike ground
targets on land, at sea, or both. They are similar to
guided glide bombs but to be deemed a missile,

A military fighter plane is flying at an altitude of 600

metres with the speed of 200 km/h. The pilot spots
enemy tanks at point R on ground. After getting the
permission from command centre to hit the target at
R , pilot fires a missile. Fighter plane was at point A
at the time of fire of missile. Missile moves to target
at enemy tanks stationed at R at an angle of 45c at
a speed of 300 km/h.
(i) What is the horizontal distance between fighter
plane at A and tank at R ?
(ii) How much time will missile take to hit the target
R ?
(iii) Another enemy tank at point S on ground
moving with a speed of 90 km/h in straight line
away from plane. Pilot fires another missile at an
angle of 60c from its flight path position B at
the instant when enemy’s tank was at S and it
hits this enemy tank at point T . How much time
is taken by second missile to hit the enemy tank
at point T ?
(iv) What is the horizontal distance between fighter
plane at B and tank at T ?
(v) What is the distance of point T from S ?
Sol :

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