Filename 22000001206
Filename 22000001206
Filename 22000001206
Green Procedure
Sapura Fabrication
Sdn Bhd
Property Information:
This document and its content is the property of Sapura Energy Berhad. Any unauthorized
employment for reproduction in full or part is forbidden.
Table of content
1 PURPOS E ............................................................................................................................ 3
2 SCOP E ................................................................................................................................ 3
3 RESPONSI BILITIES ............................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Top Management .......................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Responsible Manager.................................................................................................... 3
3.3 HSE Manager ............................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Employee & Contractor.................................................................................................. 3
3.5 Change Initiator............................................................................................................. 4
4 REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Initiating The MOC Process ........................................................................................... 4
4.2 Change Control ............................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Change Process ........................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Communicating The MOC Process................................................................................. 5
4.5 Post MOC..................................................................................................................... 5
5 RISK EV ALUATION.............................................................................................................. 5
6 GUIDELI NES, FORMS AND CHECKLISTS ........................................................................... 5
6.1 Appendix 1 - Management of Change Request Form ....................................................... 5
7 ABBREVI ATION & DEFI NITION............................................................................................ 5
7.1 Abbreviation.................................................................................................................. 5
7.2 Definition ...................................................................................................................... 6
8 RECORDS ........................................................................................................................... 6
9 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 6
10 DOCUMENT CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 6
1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to ensure that temporary or permanent organizational,
system or operational changes are considered for HSE implications prior to implementation.
This key process complies with the principles of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and
Safety Management Systems - Requirements.
2 Scope
This process should be applied for assessing any significant change involving Sapura
Fabrication facilities, equipment and personnel.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Procedural Related Change
Organizational Related Change
Facilities and Process Related Change
A “significant change‟ is one which affects the original operation or intent of Sapura
Fabrication. The intent is to maintain an audit trail from the original to current status.
Any non-significant change or minor change, will be evaluate and control using job hazard
analysis (JHA).
3 Responsibilities
The following personnel shall ensure that all personnel who work on Sapura Fabrication sites
are familiar with the requirements of this key process and the relevant work instructions;
4 Requirements
Organizational, system or operational changes traditionally increases the risk of personnel
injury due to personnel being exposed to activities or process with which they are unfamiliar.
When variations from present operations are proposed, the Management of Change (MOC)
process can ensure all potential hazards are identified, assessed and controlled in a planned
and systematic way.
The Department Manager will either rejects the change and returns the Form to the Change
Initiator or approves the change and allocates a change category and identifies a
Responsible Party.
4.5 Post M OC
To ensure continual improvement occurs, further follow-up of the implemented change must
be set to ensure further hazards have not been introduced as a result of the change.
5 Risk evaluation
Failure to comply with this procedure may:
Result in any new legislation, law and ISO 45001 requirements not incorporated
Result in non-compliance to ISO 45001 requirements.
Personnel not made aware of changes.
Potentially affect the effectiveness of the management system, in addition to creating a
barrier to continual improvement.
7.2 Definition
8 Records
No Forms/Records Retention Period Custodian
Management of Change 3 years / Project HSE / Relevant
Request Form complete Party
9 References
No Title
10 Document control
Published electronic versions of documents are the only valid versions.
Paper printouts serve as information only.
Where there is a need to use controlled paper copies, this shall be defined and controlled
locally by each respective site / location.