HSE Audit - Final
HSE Audit - Final
HSE Audit - Final
Table of Contents
......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Purpose and Objective ............................................................................................................... 3
Scope.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Criteria........................................................................................................................................... 3
Audit methodology and duration ............................................................................................ 3
Summary and finding of the audit .......................................................................................... 3
Good practices ............................................................................................................................. 5
Objective evidences .................................................................................................................... 8
Capacity building of workers ........................................................................................................... 8
HSE Audits and Inspections ........................................................................................................... 10
HSE Meetings and Discussions ...................................................................................................... 14
Hazard identification and risk assessment................................................................................... 15
Personal protective equipments ..................................................................................................... 16
Medical Assistance........................................................................................................................... 21
Health and Hygiene Management .................................................................................................... 24
Health issues by hazardous material, toxic substances .............................................................. 24
Sanitation facilities ........................................................................................................................... 29
Potable water .................................................................................................................................... 31
Communicable Diseases ................................................................................................................. 32
Messing Facilities ............................................................................................................................. 32
Medical waste ................................................................................................................................... 37
Housekeeping Mechanism ............................................................................................................. 38
Workers camp....................................................................................................................................... 44
Incident reporting and investigation................................................................................................. 46
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) .................................................................... 46
Excavation safety.................................................................................................................................. 47
Recommendations..................................................................................................................... 50
1. Introduction
Jalalpur Irrigation Project Package Two (JIP P-II). The JIP P-2 is second segment of the Project
having length of 53 km canal is under construction, starting from 32°40'03.93''N & 73°22'31.39''E
and ending at 32°35'45.53''N & 72°54'07.31''. The area falls in Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan (PD Khan)
of District Jhelum. The project area can be accessed through Lahore-Islamabad Motorway (M-2)
by taking exit from Lillah Interchange. Alternatively, the area may be reached via GT Road from
Jhelum to Rasul Barraj or from Sarai Almgir to Head Rasul via Upper Jhelum Canal.
3. Scope
Scope of the audit is the CGGC-GRC JV camps, worksites of the under construction JIP P-2 main
canal, flood carrier channels, and other allied facilities.
4. Criteria
Criteria of the audit is Environmental management plan (EMP) of Package no: JIP/WKS/ICB-P2,
construction of Jalalpur irrigation canal and its system and approved Site-specific environmental
management plan (SSEMP) of CGGC-GRC JV.
Review of the documentations done on 22nd, 23rd of May, opening meeting and site visits started
from 24 till 26 of May, draft report preparation done on 27, 28 May and closing meeting with the
final report presentation on 29th of May 2023.
SSEMP plan of the project is a live document which need to be updated throughout the duration
of the project. The SSEMP plan is missing with the SOPs related to various construction activities
like excavations, work at height, concrete work, electrical system, lifting and hoisting, fire, safe
driving, equipment operations, inspection and maintenance etc.
The key to ensure the safe working environment for the workers is to have an updated Hazard
identification and risk assessment document and process. It is integral part of each method
statement and routine of each work supervisor to undergo through the process of job hazard
analysis prior to execution of the job and make sure to communicate with all his working crew.
Generalize risk assessment is in the SSEMP but there is no record or evidence found for site
specific risk assessment and hazard identification even in the method statements as well.
The purpose of the capacity building program of the workers is to ensure that workers are to be
made aware of the work-related hazards, well prepared for the tasks with particular attention
being paid to controls and preventive measures of the hazards and risks. Worker’s induction and
training is not addressed, no mechanism for induction of new workforce at the project site, neither
the trend of TBTs at site is established and nor the job specific trainings delivered on routine basis.
Inspections are the key part of the management plan to assess and confirm the activities are in
compliance with the requirements and expectations of EMP/SSEMP as well as to enhance the
system improvement and awareness of the site person. No record or evidence of formal and
scheduled inspections of machinery, electrical systems, workers camps, kitchen and fire safety
etc. observed.
Another important aspect and tools to engage the different levels of the project to ensure the
compliance of management plan and to bring the continuous improvement in the system is HSE
internal and external review meetings. This part is also neglected in the project which is obviously
the cause of poor HSE performance and achievement.
PPEs Compliance at site is very poor, no process of identification, provision and use observed at
the project site. The workers are not provided with the mandatory and job specific PPEs at site.
Wherever some of the workers are provided with the helmets are not reinforced to use during
the activities. During site inspections workers were observed working without safety shoes near
projected nails, rebars, working at height without body harness, involved in handling or use of
hazardous material without skin/eye/respiratory protection.
Provision of Welfare facilities are obligatory to the contractor and it is very basic human right of
the workers. Congested and crowded accommodations with poor sanitation facilities observed
in the camps especially for the labors. At workers camp II, no washroom provided to workers
living there, they are coercive to open defecation and urination. Used chemical tank provided for
drinking water.
Medical screening of the kitchen staff is not done and neither are they vaccinated. No use of
aprons or head cover observed while preparation of food.
First aid facility was available in base camp, dispensary with the basic first aid medication and
qualified and experienced dispenser is available. At site, no first aid box observed.
Housekeeping at various sites and in the camp require improvement, waste is being collected not
in separate bin and even medical waste mixed with kitchen and other office waste.
Emergency preparedness and response is also ignored during the construction of the project. No
drill conducted during the project life to test the EPRP prepared and response.
Incident reporting and investigation has vital role to prevent the reoccurrence and find out the
gaps in the existing system. No record or evidences found regarding incident reporting ion the
Compliance of other SSEMP/EMP requirements like traffic safety, excavation safety, public
safety is very poor. Excavation without barrication and diversion without protection and signage.
In general, the overall compliance of SSEMP/EMP is very poor at the site, although some of the
good practices observed at the sites or in the camp during the visit which are enlisted below.
7. Good practices:
Fenced base camo and road safety sigange displayed Controlled entry, availability of watchman at the main gate
Flagman at Village road diversion and water speinkling Water sprinkling at the access road
Dispecsary with basic medicines and available dispenser Record of treatment maintianed
Water delivery for office staff Sigange and drums displayed at the district road diversion
Complaint Register
8. Objective evidences:
Capacity building of workers
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Observations Requirements
Capacity Overall
building of
No record or evidence found 7.19.1 Roles and
during the site inspection and Responsibilities of
from document review EMP
Safety regarding the Induction of 7. 19.3 HSE Training
induction new workers of EMP
8.2.1 HSE Induction
Training for New
Entrants, para 64 of
Training and awareness 7. 19.3 HSE Training
system is not in compliance of EMP
with the EMP and SSEMP of 8.2.2 Trainings for
the project. Individual Work
Training need analysis and or Categories
training schedule is not being
Job specific prepared based on site specific
training hazards or risk assessment.
Only one or two random TBT
sessions conducted regarding
job specific topics No
evidences found during the
site inspection regarding the
job specific training of the
different categories of the
Manager/supe No record of evidences found 7. 19.3 HSE Training
rvisor training during the site inspection of EMP
7.19.6 Personnel
Protective Equipment
(PPE) Provisions of
Medical Assistance
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Medical Observations Requirements
Dispensary is established 8.9 Medical
Base camp in the main camp along Assistance of SSEMP
with the dispenser 24/7.
Record of first 7 .19. 11 Health Care
aid/treatment is available & First Aid of EMP
and presented in the MPR
HSE is presented monthly.
Sanitation facilities
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Sanitation Observations Requirements
Base camp Labor washrooms without 8.10 Health and
rooftop and found Hygiene
stagnant water inside Management
Potable water
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Potable water Observations Requirements
Base camp Drinking water tanks, 8.10.1 Health Issues,
placed on the ground, no para 121 Potable
shelter. This may cause the water
Communicable Diseases
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Observations Requirements
Awareness campaigns not 8.10.2 Communicable
8.10.2 in compliance of SSEMP at Diseases of SSEMP
Communicable Base camp the Camp regarding
Diseases spread and control of
communicable diseases.
One session in March
fetched with the first aid
observed in the HSE MPR.
Messing Facilities
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Messing Observations Requirements
Messing facilities are 8.10.3 Messing
provided in the base camp. Facilities of SSEMP
Regular HSE inspection of Para 124 HSE
Base camp the management, staff and inspection of mess,
workers kitchen was food and screening of
neither observed nor the the kitchen staff
record maintained. 12.5 Kitchens
Health screening and 12.6 Dining Areas
vaccination of the food
handler was not done.
8.10.3 Messing
Base camp Cooked and uncooked Facilities of SSEMP
food placed together in the Para 124 HSE
refrigerator inspection of mess,
food and screening of
the kitchen staff
12.5 Kitchens
12.6 Dining Areas
Medical waste
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Medical waste Observations Requirements
Record of the waste is Para 126 Medical
maintained in the register. Waste
Housekeeping Mechanism
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Housekeeping Observations Requirements
FFC/main Poor housekeeping 8.11 Housekeeping
canal culvert observed at construction Mechanism
sites. Construction
material scattered, which
may lead to slip, trip and
fall hazard
Worker’s camp
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Worker’s camp Observations Requirements
Base camp Workers rooms in base 7.19.1 Roles and
camp. Responsibilities of
Material stored inside the EMP
living rooms
Excavation safety
Item Location Objective evidences Pictures
Excavation Observations Requirements
Excavation is major part in 11.6.1 Traffic
the project. No special Management for
attention is given to the Excavation /Earth
Main Canal excavation safety starting Works of SSEMP
/FFC culvert from PTW to the
prevention of excavation 7.19.1 Roles and
related incidents. Responsibilities of
Deep excavations are EMP
observed without
barricades and signage. 7 .19.5 Work Permit
Collapse and cave-in System of EMP
protection of the Table 1
excavation was not Environmental
observed. Mitigation Plan;
unprotected Exavation Excavation, cut and
adjuscent to the access fill,
road backfilling,
construction works of
9. Recommendations
SR Item Observations Recommendations Timeline
1. Regular review and No review and revision SSEMP done Contractor to set the interval, biannually
revision of SSEMP during the project period. It is live or annually to review an revise the
document and to be reviewed and revised SSEMP especially risk assessment part.
after change in management, work scope,
site conditions and incident
2. Capacity building of No record or evidence found during the Every new worker to be inducted while
workers site inspection and from document review joining and contractor must ensure to
regarding the Induction of new workers prepared the work ID of each employee
and induction date must be mentioned
on the document.
Training and awareness system is not in Contractor should prepare training need
compliance with the EMP and SSEMP of analysis for categories of employees
the project. including supervision staff and site
Training need analysis and or training workers and based on that monthly
schedule is not being prepared based on schedule of training to develop and
site specific hazards or risk assessment. ensure the training delivery accordingly.
No evidences found during the site Training must be done in house,
inspection regarding the job specific contents, duration, trainer and number
training of the different categories of the of participants must be recorded and
workers. included in MPR HSE.
Only one or two random TBT done each HSE manager or his deputy to conduct
month. No record or evidence found for daily mass TBT at base camp prior to
TBT delivery at site leaving the site.
After reaching at site, each team
supervisor to conduct TBT to discuss the
task to be done, hazards and preventive
All this activity should be recorded and
presented in MPR HSE.
First aid and firefighting training sessions HSE manager to engage rescue 1122 at
not conducted at the project site. least once a month and ensure to deliver
Only one session done regarding first aid the first aid and basic life support and
training in Mar 2023 fire safety training to the selected group
Messing Facilities
Medical waste
Worker’s camp