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EHS Manual

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1.0 Purpose …………………………………………………………………... 3

2.0 Scope ……………………………………………………………………... 3

3.0 Document Control ………………………………………………………. 3

4.0 Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations …………………………………. 3

5.0 Responsibility
5.1 General ……………………………………………………………………. 3
5.2 Managers and Supervisors ………………………………………………... 4
5.3 HSE Department Personnel ………………………………………………. 5
5.4 Company Employees ……………………………………………………... 6
5.5 Subcontractors and Visitors ………………………………………………. 6

6.0 Procedure
6.1 Corporate HSE Management System …………………………………….. 7
6.2 Corporate HSE Policy ……………………………………………………..8
6.3 General HSE Philosophy …………………………………………………. 9
6.4 Zero Accident and Injury Rate ……………………………………………. 9
6.5 Health and Welfare of Employees ………………………………………... 10
6.6 Environmental Management ……………………………………………… 11
6.7 Asset Management and Financial Liability ………………………………. 11

Table 6.1 Examples of HSE Costs ………………………………………………... 10

Appendix A HSE Responsibility Summaries


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1.1 To describe the Company’s health, safety and environmental management system
to assist the Contractor, through his management team, to discharge his
responsibilities satisfactorily.


2.1 This HSE procedure applies to all projects.

2.2 All employees of the Company, whether permanent or temporary, and to all other
persons affected by or involved in the project, including members of the Client’s
staff, subcontractors, visitors and members of the public.


3.1 This HSE procedure is a controlled document as required by the Corporate Quality
Manual and issued in accordance with the general procedure Control of
Documents and Data.

3.2 Revisions of this document will be issued when the main text changes or when an
appendix is added in accordance with that general procedure. Revised appendices
for substitution will be issued separately and, where appropriate, will include a
separate schedule of contents.

3.3 Document revision and appendix issue status are shown in the Register of
Corporate Management System Documents, a copy of which may be obtained
from the Corporate Quality Manager upon request.


4.1 COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. Regulations issued by

the Health and Safety Executive in the UK.

4.2 CITB The Construction Industry Training Board. The premier UK body
recognised throughout the construction industry for training and development.

4.3 Safety Event An accident, incident or a near miss (see HSE procedure Accident,
Incident & Near Miss Reporting).


5.1 General

5.1.1 The Contractor is responsible for the implementation of this HSE procedure.

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5.1.2 The Contractor shall assign responsibility for a particular task or function to a
member of his management team, and delegate the authority to enable him to
perform his duties; guidelines are given in the following sections. Notwithstanding
such assignment, overall responsibility remains with the Project Manager.

5.1.3 The Contractor shall ensure that effective means of communication are put into
place to advice employees on HSE issues. These are to include the display of
notices, regular toolbox talks and the facility at all levels of construction
management to discuss, provide and source information.

5.1.4 The Contractor and his management team shall take the lead in developing and
promoting initiatives in HSE matters. They shall use the HSE system to set the
standards and targets and shall monitor the performance on a regular basis.

5.1.5 Every person is responsible for fulfilling his obligations under the HSE system.

5.1.6 Managers and supervisors are responsible for implementing the HSE system
within their own area of the project. Queries on the application or interpretation of
the HSE system must be discussed with the Corporate HSE Manager or Safety
Advisor prior to any action being taken.

5.2 Managers, Engineers and Supervisors

5.2.1 Every manager, engineer and supervisor who is responsible for staff and/or an area
of the project under his control has the following general HSE responsibilities,
appropriate to the nature of his work:
He is to safeguard the health and safety of his permanent and temporary staff
and of others affected by his work.
He is to ensure that all necessary risk assessments are carried out, that the work
is programmed to ensure compliance with the Contract, local legislation and
the Company’s policies and procedures and that risk are monitored through
regular and systematic health and safety inspections of the work area.
He has a duty of care for all visitors and subcontractors.
He is to ensure that effective response arrangements are in place to deal with
incidents, accidents and emergencies.
He is to take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure and improve the
health and safety at work of his staff, subcontractors and the general public.
He is to establish action plans to implement the objectives for improved safety
performance, in compliance with the HSE system.
He is to ensure that arrangements are in place for fire precaution management.
He is to ensure that staff is trained with regard to safety responsibilities and
that the necessary information, instruction and training is provided to
subcontractors and visitors, as appropriate.
He is to ensure the efficient distribution and understanding of safety
instructions and publications.
He is to ensure that all necessary equipment and systems are provided and
maintained and is safe for use without known risks to health.

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He is to ensure that all materials, new machinery and equipment purchased

comply with the any legislative requirements and/or the manufacturer’s
recommendations and that information is available to employees for safe use.
He is to ensure that the use, handling and storage of articles and substances are
conducted safely without known risks to health.
He is to pay special attention to the training of inexperienced employees or
those that have special needs.
He is to ensure that any issue raised by an employee that could reasonably be
foreseen as causing a threat or potential hazard is dealt with and reported to
those responsible for taking action and monitoring health and safety issues.
He is to report all safety events in accordance with the HSE procedure
Accident, Incident and Near Miss Reporting at the earliest opportunity.
He is to ensure that personal protective clothing and equipment are issued to
staff where appropriate.
He is to ensure that all practical steps are taken to provide a safe working
environment without known risks to health, including the reduction of noise or
sound levels to an acceptable degree.

5.3 HSE Department Personnel

5.3.1 The HSE Advisor has been designated as the Responsible Person with respect to
the day-to-day management of health and safety issues. He and his team, as
applicable, have the following responsibilities:
To maintain regular and effective liaison with all levels of management and the
health and safety authorities.
To investigate accidents and dangerous occurrences.
To monitor and maintain Health, Safety & Environmental records.
To recommend changes to the HSE system as required.
To develop and maintain safe working procedures and health and safety plans
as necessary for controlling site and associated office activities.
To ensure that all personnel attend the site safety induction program and other
specific training modules.
To perform regular audits on subcontractors to identify compliance with the
HSE system.
To ensure that a system to record and monitor potentially hazardous substances
brought to site is in place.

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5.3.2 For convenience the Responsible Person is given the title HSE Advisor throughout
the HSE system documentation, as this is the most senior position below the
Corporate HSE Manager. It is recognised, however, that some sites will have a less
senior member such as the HSE Officer as the Responsible Person. In this case he
shall assume the responsibilities and duties of the HSE Advisor unless otherwise
instructed by the Corporate HSE Manager.

5.4 Company Employees

5.4.1 Each employee has the personal responsibility to:

Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their fellow
employees and all other persons attending the workplace.
To co-operate with management in the performance of their duties and to work
in accordance with the HSE system policies and procedures.
To avoid intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything
provided in the interests of health, safety and the environment.
To call attention to any potential hazard and/or to raise any point relating to
health, safety and environmental issues by contacting their immediate
supervisor and manager or, if they are unavailable, the HSE Advisor or Officer.
To perform only those duties for which they are authorised and for which
training has been given.
To follow all project safety regulations and follow all additional rules those
are notified and apply to their particular area of work.

5.5 Subcontractors and Visitors

5.5.1 Subcontractors and visitors are required to follow the HSE system by:
Taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others. Co-
operating with construction management in the performance of their duties.
Avoiding intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything
provided in the interests of health, safety or the environment.

5.5.2 Subcontractors are required to work to their own HSE system approved by both the
Project Manager and the Corporate HSE Manager, or to work under the
Company’s HSE system.

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6.1 The Corporate HSE Management System

6.1.1 The HSE management system structure is as follows.

6.1.2 In developing the HSE system consideration has not only been given to common
sense but also to best practice in the fields of health and welfare of the workforce,
safe work practices and proven technology and measures to minimise any adverse
impact on the environment.

6.1.3 Examples of the information sources used include diving management from the US
Navy, COSHH regulations from the UK for hazardous materials and CITB good
practice for scaffold systems and working at height. Incorporation of the applicable
elements of these internationally recognised standards and guides to good practice
will ultimately improve the Company’s reputation and profitability.

6.1.4 The HSE system addresses personal safety and welfare, damage to property,
protection of the environment, including measures to remedy any damage, and
measures to reduce the Company’s exposure to asset losses and financial
liabilities. In implementing this system, not only are the requirements of the
Contract and relevant local legislation complied with, but also appropriate
measures for the protection of health and of the environment are promoted.

6.1.5 This HSE procedure is intended for the Contractor to serve as an overview of the
system to enable him to manage health, safety and the environment effectively.

6.1.6 The Project HSE Plan is a reference document that is issued for each project upon
award and provides the link between the Corporate HSE System and the
requirements of the client as given in the Contract. Where we are required to
follow the client’s system for an activity, or the client’s standards exceed ours,
reference is made to the Contract document where the requirements are to be
found, or additional text is inserted, in the section related to our procedure for that
activity. By this means, every manager, engineer and supervisor has ready access
to all of the HSE requirements for the project.

6.1.7 The final element of the HSE system comprises a set of procedures on specific
topics and activities. These procedures provide the detailed requirements and
specific instructions for complying with the HSE system and are intended for
managers, engineers and supervisors.

6.1.8 The Contractor shall issue the Project HSE Plan and selected HSE
procedures to members of his management team appropriate to the nature of their
work and their needs. Distribution shall be through the project’s document control

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6.1.9 The Contractor and the Corporate HSE Manager, if necessary, shall review each
subcontractor’s system, if available, for adequacy with respect to his work
scope. Additional HSE procedures shall then issue as required to cover all of the
subcontractor’s work.

6.1.10 All documents issued to a subcontractor shall be through the project’s document
control system (see general procedure Control of Documents and Data).

6.2 Corporate HSE Policy

6.2.1 The Company’s HSE Policy requires that all activities on a project are to be
conducted in accordance with the HSE management system to ensure the health
and safety of people and to avoid, as far as is reasonably practicable, disturbance
and damage to the environment.

6.2.2 In order to implement the HSE Policy, the Contractor shall give priority to
matters of health, safety and the environment and ensure that sufficient funds are
available to implement the actions and initiatives developed as a result of the HSE
system. Targets for improving safety and environmental standards shall be set and
monitored in accordance with the Company’s business strategy.

6.2.3 The Company shall regard meeting the requirements of the HSE Policy as the
minimum standard on the project.

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6.2.4 All personnel working on the project have a responsibility for implementing the
HSE Policy through the HSE system. These commitments will be discharged by:
The personal involvement of senior management.
Ensuring that effective arrangements exist for communication and discussion
on Health, Safety & Environmental matters at all levels.
Setting and monitoring personal safety objectives appropriate for the project.
Fulfilling the Company’s duty of care for subcontractors and visitors.
Ensuring the provision of adequate instruction, training and supervision to
enable work to be performed safely.
The provision of safe workplaces, including access to and exit from them.
The provision of well-maintained plant and safe systems of work.
The appointment of competent people to assist in meeting statutory duties
including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the Company.

6.3 General Philosophy

6.3.1 The Company’s philosophy for health, safety and the environment is to develop a
safe working and accident prevention culture to ensure that safety and the
environment are an integral part of everyone’s daily work and not an ‘add-on’.
Any activity identified as unsafe, unhealthy or environmentally unsound shall not
commence, or shall be suspended, until acceptable solutions are found. This
philosophy is summarised by the four points below:
A zero accident and injury rate target.
Maintaining the health and welfare of employees.
Preventing damage to the environment as a result of our activities.
Preventing loss of assets and minimising exposure to financial liability.

6.4 Zero Accident and Injury Rate

6.4.1 To achieve this key objective, the Contractor shall adopt the technique of risk
management to all work undertaken on his project to identify potential hazards and
initiate preventative measures before work starts. He shall ensure that an
appropriate risk analysis study as described in the HSE procedure Hazard Analysis
is performed for each relevant activity, taking into account not only the
requirements of the applicable HSE system procedures but also those of the
Contract and local legislation.

6.4.2 When a safety event occurs, the Contractor, through his HSE Advisor, shall
immediately report it using the HSE procedure Accident, Incident & Near Miss
Reporting. The Contractor and the Corporate HSE Manager shall analyse the event
to identify appropriate measures to prevent recurrence and to calculate the cost,
both direct and indirect, to the project. Examples of the types of costs to be
considered are given in Table 6.1

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Table 6.1 Examples of HSE Costs

Direct Cost to the Project Indirect Cost to the Project
Area Office medical and Loss of productivity.
administration charges.
Employee’s wages during his Project office administration.
period of absence.
Asset loss and replacement when Overtime payment to compensate
insurance does not pay. for the employee’s absence.
Increased insurance premium. Reduced Corporate image.

6.4.3 The Contractor shall evaluate all accident, incident and near miss data and
produce a report, including graphics where appropriate, each month throughout the
life of the project. The report shall include:
Monthly and year-to-date hours worked.
Recordable Case incident rate.
Lost Workday Case incident rate.

6.4.4 The Contractor shall discuss his report with the Corporate HSE Manager to
assess the HSE performance on his project. In this way, the performance of
individual managers, supervisors and subcontractors can be reviewed, action taken
as necessary and the HSE system itself can be improved with best practice passed
to other projects.

6.4.5 The Corporate HSE Manager shall evaluate accident, incident and near miss data
from all projects to identify trends. He shall discuss his findings with each
Contractor whenever appropriate and issue to senior corporate management and
all Project Managers the annual Company Loss Prevention Status Report, or
whenever directed to do so by the C.E.O.

6.4.6 The Corporate HSE Manager shall issue at the start of each calendar year the
Action Plan detailing the targets and actions to be taken by Contractor for the
coming 12 months. Each Contractor shall distribute the document to
appropriate members of his management team and subcontractors through the
project’s document control system (see general procedure Control of Documents
and Data). The Contractor shall include the targets and recommendations of the
Action Plan in his HSE management arrangements.

6.5 Health and Welfare of Employees

6.5.1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard and preserve the
health of his employees and shall provide such welfare facilities as are necessary to
achieve this.

6.5.2 The Contractor shall issue personal protective equipment for all employees
appropriate to the nature of their work.

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6.5.3 Employees shall be given medical examinations when required and shall be
promptly treated for first aid and other treatment following injury.

6.5.4 A suitable medical facility shall be provided on the project and arrangements shall be
made to ensure a reasonable level of hygiene both on the site and in the
accommodation area.

6.5.5 Employees shall undergo induction training upon arrival at the project to
familiarise them with the Company’s HSE system and shall be given further
training when necessary, for example as a refresher course, when new work starts or
when a change in the system occurs.

6.6 Environmental Management

6.6.1 The Contractor shall implement the Company’s environmental policies and
procedures to prevent as far as is practicable damage to the environment. Action
plans shall be developed to mitigate any damage that may occur, in particular pollution
from fuel, lubricants and other materials.

6.6.2 Hazardous materials shall be controlled to prevent misuse and from becoming a
threat to the health of employees. The hazardous nature of a material shall be
considered during procurement (see general procedure Procurement of Materials and
Services). Where applicable the form Material Data Safety Sheet (see HSE procedure
Control of Hazardous Materials) shall be used as described in that procedure.

6.6.3 The C o n t r a c t o r shall be sensitive to the concerns of host and

adjacent communities during the course of the project. The impact on their
lives from project work activities, for example noise, dust and working at night, shall
be taken into account during planning. The Contractor shall also consider taking
advantage of opportunities for mutual benefit, for example the collection of scrap
timber by the locals.

6.7 Asset Management and Financial Liability

6.7.1 The Contractor shall give consideration to the preservation of Company assets
to prevent avoidable loss and shall manage the work in such a manner that the
Company is not exposed to unnecessary financial liability.

6.7.2 The Contractor shall ensure that proper arrangements are made for the safe use
and storage of temporary works items, for example scaffold systems, boards and
accessories, and for small tools.

6.7.3 Exposure to financial liability shall be minimised by safe working practices, the
recognition of potential damage to the life and property of others and an
appreciation of the terms and conditions of insurance policies in force on the
project, such as the excess associated with claims.



Title Reference Rev. Pages

HSE Responsibilities of Managers N/A 1 1

HSE Responsibilities of Engineers and Supervisors N/A 1 1

HSE Responsibilities of all Employees N/A 1 1


HSE Document Ref. Issue 0



1. The inclusion of HSE considerations when planning work or work schedules.
2. Promptly responding to all reports of non-compliance, unsafe conditions, unsafe
activities, accidents, near misses and HSE hazards that are received from
subordinates and other persons.
3. Taking prompt corrective action on observed non-compliance and substandard
industrial practice in the areas of Health, Safety and the Environment.
4. Taking prompt corrective action and advising the Corporate HSE Manager
accordingly with regard to potential health, safety and environmental hazards.
5. Setting a personal HSE example and encouraging HSE awareness among
individual subordinates, the managed workforce and Subcontractor workforce.
6. Adequately contributing to the investigation and reporting of all accidents,
incidents and near misses.
7. Ensuring that all activities, within his area of management responsibility, whether
executed by Company personnel or subcontractor personnel, are carried out with
full regard to the Company regulations.
8. Confirming that all persons, whether employed by the Company or its
subcontractors, who are engaged in activities or on facilities for which he has a
management responsibility, are competent to execute safely the required work,
and that the applicable Construction and HSE Procedures are communicated,
understood and in place.
9. Ensuring, through his supervisory line, that his workforce and other applicable
persons are advised of any HSE hazards, the necessary hazard controls and the
contingency arrangements associated with the work activities, which fall within
his area of management responsibility.
10. Ensuring, through his supervisory line, that his workforce and, where applicable,
his subcontractor workforce, make correct use of personal protective equipment
and that such equipment is in good condition, is suitably rated with consideration
to the hazards involved and is, as closely as possible, suitable to the user.
11. Ensuring, through his supervisory line, that safety and emergency equipment,
whether portable or installed, is maintained in a safe operational condition and
that such equipment is correctly used.
12. Ensuring, through his supervisory line that all facilities, tools, equipment, plant
and vehicles in use within his area of management responsibility, whether
owned/operated by the Company or its subcontractors, are maintained in a safe
operational condition and are used correctly.
13. Maintaining, and participating in, the schedule of HSE Meetings, Emergency
Exercises, HSE Inspections and Audits that are programmed for his area of
management responsibility.
14. Participating in the follow-up and close-out of Corrective Actions which arise
from Operational Activities, HSE Meetings, Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses,
Emergency Exercises, HSE Inspections or Audits that take place within his area
of management responsibility.

HSE Document Ref. Issue 0



1. The inclusion of HSE considerations when issuing day to day work instructions
and monitoring their execution within Company activities.
2. Promptly responding to all reports of non-compliance, unsafe conditions, unsafe
activities, accidents, near misses and HSE hazards, which are received from
subordinates or other persons.
3. Taking prompt corrective action on observed non-compliance and substandard
industrial practice in the areas of Health, Safety and the Environment.
4. Taking prompt corrective action and notifying line management accordingly with
regard to accidents, HSE incidents and high potential near misses.
5. Taking prompt corrective action and notifying line management accordingly with
regard to potential health, safety or environmental hazards.
6. Setting a personal HSE example and encouraging HSE awareness amongst
individual subordinates and the supervised workforce.
7. Adequately contributing to the investigation and reporting all accidents, incidents
and near misses.
8. Ensuring that all activities, within his area of supervisory responsibility, are
carried out with full regard to Company regulations.
9. Confirming that all persons, whether or not employed by the Company, who are
engaged in activities or on facilities for which he has a supervisory responsibility,
are competent to execute the work safely, and that the applicable Operating and
HSE Procedures are communicated, understood and in place.
10. Ensuring that his workforce and other applicable persons are advised of any HSE
hazards, the necessary hazard controls and contingency arrangements associated
with the work activities, which fall within his area of supervisory responsibility.
11. Ensuring that his workforce and, where applicable, subcontractors’ workforce,
make correct use of personal protective equipment and that such equipment is
suitably rated with consideration to the hazards involved, and is, as closely as
possible, suitable for the user.
12. Ensuring that safety and emergency equipment, whether portable or installed, is
maintained in a safe operational condition, and that such equipment is correctly
13. Ensuring that all facilities, tools, equipment, plant and vehicles, in use within his
area of supervisory responsibility, whether owned/operated by the Company or a
third party, are maintained in a safe operational condition and are used correctly.
14. Maintaining, and participating in, the schedule of Toolbox Talks, HSE Meetings,
Emergency Exercises, HSE Inspections and Audits that are programmed for his
area of supervisory responsibility.
15. Participating in the follow-up and closeout of Corrective Actions that arise from
Operational Activities, Toolbox Talks, and HSE Meetings. Accidents, Incidents,
Near Misses, Emergency Exercises, HSE Inspections and Audits and that take
place in his area of supervisory responsibility.

HSE Document Ref. Issue 0



1. To participate in any Company training for which he is nominated by his
2. To participate in any emergency exercises that take place at his work location.
3. To participating in toolbox talks that are scheduled for his workgroup.
4. To become sufficiently familiar with the HSE and operating procedures that are
applicable to himself and his job.
5. To follow all work and HSE instructions that are issued by his Supervisor and
6. To use correctly the personal protective clothing (PPE) and equipment provided
by the Company for his protection and welfare.
7. To comply with all HSE, operational, security, behavioural and social procedures
and regulations issued by the Company.
8. To comply with all posted signs, including HSE, road and site traffic signs,
whether temporary or permanent.
9. To comply with all audible warnings and alarms.
10. To inspect daily and prior to use all PPE, tools, equipment, vehicles and similar
resources that are used by him in the execution of his job, and the reporting to his
Supervisor any inadequacies, defects or damage noted.
11. To report promptly any accidents, incidents and near misses, however small, to
his Supervisor.
12. To communicate with his colleagues, and report to his Supervisor, any condition
or situation that he feels may be unsafe, unhealthy or damaging to the

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