Ere 58
Ere 58
Ere 58
An Internship Report on
Submitted by
Diploma Engineering
[SUMMER 2024]
This is to certify that the Internship report submitted has been carried out by PRAJAPATI
AKASH MAHESHBHAI (22021302020006) at KANHAI ENGINEERS under my guidance in partial
fulfilment in 5th Semester for the Diploma Engineering in Civil Engineering of Monark University, Vahelal
during the academic year 2023-24.
I hereby declare that the Internship report submitted along with the Internship entitled STRUCTURAL
DETAILING submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of the of Diploma Engineering in Civil
Engineering to Monark University, Vahelal, is a bonafide record of original project work carried out by me,
at KANHAI ENGINEERS under the supervision of AMIT K BHARVAD and that no part of this report has
been directly copied from any students’ reports or taken from any other source, without providing due
Sign of Student :
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the guide, Prof.jaydip jadia for her invaluable guidance,
support, and encouragement throughout the process. His expertise, patience, and feedback have been
instrumental in shaping my ideas and guiding me towards the completion of this Internship.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to the faculty members of the Civil Department as well as H.O.D
of Civil Department, Prof. Jaydip Jadia, for their valuable insights and feedback on my Internship. Their
critiques, suggestions, and encouragement have helped me to develop a deeper understanding of the subject
In addition, I would like to thank my Family and Friends for their unwavering support and encouragement
throughout this journey. Their love, motivation, and belief in me have been the driving force behind my
academic success.
Once again, I express my deepest gratitude to all those members who have contributed to the successful
completion of this thesis and progress.
I also thank my parents and family, for their continuous support and
Thank You
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................7
1.1 Site Overview ..............................................................................................7
1.2 Details of the project:...................................................................................7
1.3 Project Amenities.......................................................................................10
2. Scope, approach and methodology of assessment........................................14
3. Key Observations And Analysis From Site .................................................15
3.1 Construction of Pedestal and Footing ...........................................................15
3.2 Column Reinforcement with Stirrups ...........................................................16
3.3 Casting of Column ........................................................................................20
3.4 Laying of Plain Cement Concrete .................................................................22
3.5 Slab Curing ...................................................................................................24
3.6 Construction of Tie Beams ...........................................................................26
3.7 Retaining wall on site: ..................................................................................27
4. Conclusions and Key Learnings: ..................................................................28
5. Bibliography .................................................................................................31
Annexure .............................................................................................................32
List of Tables
Table 1: Details of the project .............................................................. 8
Table 2: Column Description ............................................................. 16
List of Figures
Figure 1 Site Location Plan .................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Site visualization .................................................................. 8
Figure 3: Proposed Elevation................................................................ 9
Figure 4: 2 Dimension Floor Plan of the apartment .......................... 12
Configuration 2 BHK
Column is a vertical member of the structure which carries the load of the beam, slab,
etc. and transfers the load to the foundation and to the soil.
Its function is to withstand the bending and compression caused by the elements they
support or by forces of nature such as earthquakes, wind, among others.
Stirrups: A stirrup refers closed loop of reinforcement bar. Its main purpose is to hold
the reinforcement bar together in an RCC structure. When used in a column, they
provide lateral support to the main reinforcement bars to prevent buckling.
Column Details
Shape Rectangular
These codes are used as reference for the use of particular materials and methodology to achieve a well
structure design, perfect shape of building component, to increase life span etc.
Table 3: IS Codes for Columns
IS Codes Description
Methodology of construction:
- Sprinkling of water
- Ponding curing
- Membrane Curing
-Steam Curing
-Immersion Curing
(B) The length of adequate curing time depends on:
-Mixture proportions
- Ambient weather conditions
Key Observation
It is witnessed that at construction sites, curing of concrete is left to the decision and
comfort of the unskilled manual worker.
Site engineers and supervisors should put additional effort to guarantee that curing is
not overlooked at site. They should arrange for the essential resources to retain
satisfactory levels of curing, by using best techniques available.