SM 14
SM 14
SM 14
The radiator is a crossflow design . A translucent expansion On 6-cylinder models, a stand alone expansion tank is used .
tank provides for coolant expansion at higher temperatures and
easy monitoring of the coolant leve¡. On cars with automatic transmission, ATF is circulated
through an additional heat exchanger (ATF cooler).
On 4-cylinder modeis, the radiator expansion tank is integral
with the radiator. See Fig. 1 .
" Avoid adding cold water to the coolant while the " Some early style coolant pumps were fitted wíth fi-
engine is hot or overheated. If it is necessary to berlplastic type impellers . Over time, this impeller can
add coolant to a hot system, do so only with the wear away and result in overheating. The plastic im-
engine running and coolant pump tuming. peller can also slip or free-wheel on the pump shaft. If
the engine overheats and no other faults can be
" Prior to disconnecting the battery, read the bat- found, the old style impeller may be the cause of the
tery disconnection cautions given at the front of problem.
this manual on page viii.
" Only pumps with the updated metal impeller should
be used for replacement.
Cooling System Pressure Test If the engine overheats and no other cooling system tests
indicate trouble, the radiator may have some plugged passag-
A cooling system pressure test is used to check for internal es that are restricting coolant flow .
leaks. Some of the common sources of internal leaks are a
faulty cylinder head gasket, a cracked cylinder head, or a Temperature Gauge Quick Check
cracked cylinder block.
The coolant temperature sensor is located on the intake
To do a cooling system pressure test, a special pressure manifold (left) side of the cylinder head, under the intake man-
tester is needed . ifold runners. See Fig. 2.
At normal operating temperature- the cooling sys-
tem is pressurized. Allow the system to cool before
opening . Release the cap slowly to allow sale re-
tease of pressure.
U.¡ig .v
Fig. 2. Temperature gauge sender on M44 engine . Temperature
Exceeding the speclfied test pressure could dam- gauge sender location is similar on al] engines.
age the radiator or other system components .
Thermostat Quick Check In later models, the ECT sensor and the gauge sender are
combined into one sender unit . For wire colors refer to Table a.
To check if the thermostat is opening and coolant is circulat-
ing through the radiator, allow a cold engine to reach operat- Table a. Coolant Temperature Sensor Wire Colors
ing temperature (temperature gauge needie approximately
centered). Shut off engine . Feel the top radiator hose . If the Sensor Terminal Wire colors
Function location number
hose is hot to the touch, the coolant is probably circulating cor-
rectly. If there are any cool areas in the hose or radiator, cool- Two sensors:
antflow to the radiator is probably restricted . Check for a faulty Temperature Rear 1 Brown/violet
thermostat or a plugged radiator. gauge sender 2 Brown/yellow
ECT sensor Front 1 Brown/red
2 Brown or
NOTE- Brown/black
A thermostat that is stuck open will cause the engine to One sensor :
warm up slowly and run below normal temperature at Temperature Dual 1 Brown/yellow
highway speed. A thermostat that is stuck closed will re- gauge sender sensor 2 Brown/violet
strict coolant flow to the radiator and cause overheating . ECT sensor 3 Brown/red
4 Brown/black
or Grey/black
A quick test at the coolant temperature gauge sender can The auxiliary cooling fan comes on when coolant tempera
determine if the gauge is functioning correctly. ture exceeds a predetermined leve¡ or whenever the air condi-
tioning is on . A dual-range temperature switch for cooling fan
lf the gauge needie remains at the rest position with the en- control is mounted on the right side of the radiator . See Fig. 3.
gine warm, remove the harness connector from the sender
and jumper the correct terminals in the connector to simulate
a high engine temperature . See Table a. Turn the ignition on .
If the gauge needle moves upward, the sender is faulty . If the
gauge does not respond, the wiring to the gauge is broken
(open circuit) or the gauge itself is faulty .
1996 and laten models are OBD 11 compliant. Dis-
connecting electrical connectors wíth the ignition
turned on may set fault codes in the ECM. It is rec-
ommended that you leave the diagnosis of faults in
the coolant temperature sensor system to the BMW
dealer service department which has specialized
OBD 11 scan tool equipment.
If the gauge needle reads too high when the engine is cold,
remove the harness connector from the sender. Turn the igni-
tion on . lf the gauge needle position does not change, the wir-
ing or the gauge is shorted to ground . If the gauge needle
drops, the sender is faulty and should be replaced . When re-
placing a faulty coolant temperature sender, the gasket ring
on the sender should also be replaced .
Some cars covered by this manual may have an alter-
nate cooling fan switch with switching temperatures of
176%190W (80%88°C). When replacing the switch
check the switching specifications, which should be ~r~nmm
a 0
stamped on the switch body. 0
1 . If coolant is circulating at normal operating tempera-
ture, but auxiliary cooling fan does not run, disconnect
connector from radiator temperature switch and make
tests listed in Table c.
Wires jumpered Test Fig. 4. Auxiliary radiator cooling fan low speed relay (1) and high
conditions Test resuits
speed relay (2) in power distribution box. (Relay locations may
Black/green (terminal 2) and vary.)
Ignition ON Fan runs on
brown (terminal 1) low speed
Black/gray (terminal 3) and I Ignition ON Fan runs on
brown (terminal 1) high speed
Tightening Torque
" Temperature switch to radiator . . . . . . 15 Nm (11 ft-Ib)
Auxiliary Cooling Fan Circuit Fuses Fig. 5. Auxiliary radiator fan resistor (arrow).
" Fuse16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 amp
" Fuse 41 (ex. M44 w/man. trans) . . . . . . . . . . . 30 amp
" Fuse 48 (M44 w/man. trans. only) . . . . . . . . . . 40 amp COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE
4. If no faults are found, remove low speed relay and turn Coolant, draining and filling
ignition ON . See Fig. 4.
1 . Remove expansion tank cap. Set temperature controls
" Check for power at terminal 30 and terminal 86 of relay to full warm .
socket .
" Reinstall low speed relay and repeat test at high speed
relay socket . Fix any wiring faults found.
Allow the cooling system to cool before openlng or
draining the cooling system .
On early production cars (up to 9/92): If fan operates only on
high speed and no electrical faults have been found up to this
point, use an ohmmeter to check that fan resistor is not electri- 2. Place 3ra allo beneath radiator drain plug and re-
cally open . Resistor is mounted on auxiliary cooling fan housing move drain See Fig. 6.
behind front grille . See Fig. 5. Wiring diagrams for the radiator
cooling fan can be found under Electrical Wiring Diagrams . 3. Place 3-g mlon pail beneath rear of engine blo k. Loos-
en and re ove engine block coolant drain plug .
Tightehing Torques
" Radiator drain plug to radiator . . . 2-3 Nm (18-27 in-lb)
" Engine block drain plug to block . . . . 25 Nm (18 ft-Ib)
On radiators with a separate expansion tank, a bleed
screw is not provided . The cooling system with sepa-
rate expansion tank is self bleeding via the vent hose
on the expansion tank.
The block drain plug is located on the exhaust side of
the engine, near the reas of the engine.
" Tap water may cause corrosion of radiator, engine
and coolant hoses.
Always use genuine BMW coolant or its equiva-
lent to avoid the formation of harmful, clogging de-
posits in the cooling system . Use of other
antifreeze solutions may be harmful to the cooling
system .
Tightening Torque
" Radiator bleed screw
to thermostat housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nm (71 in-lb)
Belt-driven cooling fan, replacing Fig. 8. Radiator cooling fan nut (arrow). Nut has left-hand threads.
1 . Using a 32 mm wrench on fan clutch nut, turn wrench
quickly in a clockwise direction (working from front of
car) to loosen . Spin fan off pump. See Fig. 8.
" The radiator cooling fan nut (32 mm wrench) has left-
hand threads .
Store the removed fan clutch assembly in an upright
(installed) position to prevent loss of clutch fluid.
Tightening Torques
" Clutch nut to coolant pump (left-hand threads)
Wíthout BMW tool no. 11 5 040 . . . . . 40 Nm (29 ft-lb)
With BMW tool no . 11 5 040 . . . . . . . 30 Nm (22 ft-Ib)
" Fan to viscous clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nm (89 in-lb)
Fig. 11 . Front radiator air shroud fasteners (arrows) .
Fig. 10. Aircover in back of radiator. Unclip cover from fan shroud af-
ter removing mounting screws.
Auxiliary cooling fan, replacing Fig. 12. Version 1 auxiliary fan mounting screws (arrows) .
1 . Remove front radiator air shroud . See Fig. 11 . l) Type 2 (from 9192)
2 . Remove fan mounting screws . See Fig. 12 . 1 . Remove front bumper and radiator grilles. See 510 Ex-
terior Trim, Bumpers.
3. Tilt fan forward. Disconnect electrical harness connec-
tor before lifting fan up. 2. Remove fan mounting screws . See Fig. 13 .
Allow the cooling system to cool before opening or
draining the system .
Fig. 13 . Version 2 auxiliary fan mounting screws (arrows) . Front
bumper has been removed .
Thermostat, replacing
The coolant thermostat is instalied in a housing at the front
of the cylinder head . See Fig . 14 .
Some thermostats have a direction arrow or vent hole
near the edge. Install the thermostat so that either the
arrow or hole are at the top.
NOTE- Be sure to reconnect ground wire(s) at thermostat
housing mounting bolt, where applicable.
On M44 engines, the thermostat is integrated into the
thermostat housíng. If the thermostat requires replace-
ment, the complete thermostathousing mustbe replaced.
Tightening Torques
1 . Drain radiator as described above under Coolant, " Thermostat housing cover
draining and filling . to housing or coolant pump . . . . . . . . 10 Nm (89 in-lb)
" Engine lifting bracket bolt to thermostat housing
(M52/S52US engine)(M8) . . . . . . . . . 22 Nm (17 ft-Ib)
Only replacement coolant pumps with metal ¡mpellers
should be installed. Pumps with plastic impellers
should not be used.
Allow cool¡ng system to cool before open¡ng or
drain¡ng system .
Tightening Torque
" Coolant pump to timing chain cover
M6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nm (89 in-lb)
M8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nm (17 ft-Ib)
" Coolant pump pulley
to coolant pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nm (89 in-lb)
Allow cooling system to cool before opening or
draining system .
2 . Remove primary cooling fan (belt-driven or electric) as Fig. 21 . Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) linos at radiator.
described earlier.
7 . Carefully pry out radiator retaining clips from top of ra-
3 . Disconnect cooling fan and leve¡ sensor harness con- diator . See Fig . 22 .
nectors from bottom of radiator, where applicable
8 . Pul¡ radiator up and out of car.
4 . Disconnect harness connector from auxiliary fan dual
temperature switch . See Fig . 20 .
The radiator rests on two rubber mounts. Check that
5 . Disconnect all coolant hoses from radiator.
the mounts do not stick to the bottom of the radiator.
Fig. 22 . Radiator retaining clip being removed . Push down and pulí
screwdriver forward to release clip .