page page
Belt tension is adjusted at the power steering
Fig. 3 Water Pump Bypass Hose—5.2L Engine pump bracket and idler pulley assemly. There are dif-
ferent types of adjustment gauges for checking either
• A convenient and safe method for checking/ad-
a serpentine or a V-type belt. Refer to the instruc-
justing coolant level at atmospheric pressure. This is
tions supplied with the gauge. Use the correct gauge
done without removing the radiator pressure cap.
when checking belt tension. Place gauge in the mid-
It is not necessary to adjust belt tension on the
5.2L engine. The engine is equipped with an auto-
matic belt tensioner. The tensioner maintains correct
belt tension at all times. Due to use of this belt ten-
sioner, do not attempt to use a belt tension gauge on
5.2L engines.
Fig. 9 Coolant Return Tube—5.2L V-8 Engine Fig. 11 Clamp Number/Letter Location
WARNING: CONSTANT TENSION HOSE CLAMPS Inspect the hoses at regular intervals. Replace
ARE USED ON MOST COOLING SYSTEM HOSES. hoses that are cracked, feel brittle when squeezed, or
WHEN REMOVING OR INSTALLING, USE ONLY swell excessively when the system is pressurized.
TOOLS DESIGNED FOR SERVICING THIS TYPE OF For all vehicles: In areas where specific routing
CLAMP, SUCH AS SPECIAL CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER clamps are not provided, be sure that hoses are posi-
6094) (Fig. 10). SNAP-ON CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER tioned with sufficient clearance. Check clearance
HPC-20) MAY BE USED FOR LARGER CLAMPS. from exhaust manifolds and pipe, fan blades, drive
ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES WHEN SERVIC- belts and sway bars. Improperly positioned hoses can
ING CONSTANT TENSION CLAMPS. be damaged, resulting in coolant loss and engine
Ordinary worm gear type hose clamps (when
CAUTION: A number or letter is stamped into the equipped) can be removed with a straight screw-
tongue of constant tension clamps (Fig. 11). If driver or a hex socket. To prevent damage to
replacement is necessary, use only an original hoses or clamps, the hose clamps should be
equipment clamp with matching number or letter. tightened to 4 N·m (34 in. lbs.) torque. Do not
over tighten hose clamps.
When performing a hose inspection, inspect the
radiator lower hose for proper position and condition
of the internal spring.
Viscous fan drive operation is not affected by small
oil stains near the drive bearing. If leakage appears
excessive, replace the fan drive unit.
When diagnosing serpentine accessory drive belts,
small cracks that run across the ribbed surface of the
Fig. 16 Impeller Test—Typical belt from rib to rib (Fig. 17), are considered normal.
These are not a reason to replace the belt. However,
(6) Connect the hose and install the coolant, or cracks running along a rib (not across) are not nor-
proceed with repairs. mal. Any belt with cracks running along a rib must
be replaced (Fig. 17). Also replace the belt if it has
excessive wear, frayed cords or severe glazing.
Inadequate heater performance may be caused by
Refer to the Serpentine Accessory Drive Belt Diag-
a metal casting restriction in the water pump heater
nosis charts for further belt diagnosis.
hose inlet.
DO NOT WASTE reusable coolant. If solution is
clean, drain the coolant into a clean container for
Drain cooling system and refill with water. Run
engine with radiator cap installed until upper radia-
tor hose is hot. Stop engine and drain water from
system. If water is dirty, fill system with water, run
engine and drain system. Repeat until water drains
Reverse flushing of the cooling system is the forc-
ing of water through the cooling system. This is done
Fig. 22 Drain Plugs—5.2L V-8 Engine using air pressure in the opposite direction of normal
(1) With engine cold, slowly remove the radiator coolant flow. It is usually only necessary with very
cap. Raise vehicle on a hoist and locate radiator dirty systems with evidence of partial plugging.
• 4.0L Engine: Radiator draincock is located on REVERSE FLUSHING RADIATOR
the right/lower side of radiator facing to rear of vehi- Disconnect the radiator hoses from the radiator fit-
cle. tings. Attach a section of radiator hose to the radia-
• 5.2L Engine: Radiator draincock is located on tor bottom outlet fitting and insert the flushing gun.
the left/lower side of radiator facing to rear of vehi- Connect a water supply hose and air supply hose to
cle. the flushing gun.
(2) Attach one end of a hose to the draincock. Put
CAUTION: The cooling system normally operates
the other end into a clean container.
at 97 to 124 kPa (14 to 18 psi) pressure. Exceeding
(3) Open draincock and drain desired amount of
this pressure may damage the radiator or hoses.
coolant from radiator.
Allow the radiator to fill with water. When radiator
is filled, apply air in short blasts allowing radiator to
(1) Tighten the radiator draincock and the cylinder
refill between blasts. Continue this reverse flushing
block drain plug(s) (if removed).
until clean water flows out through rear of radiator
cooling tube passages. For more information, refer to
operating instructions supplied with flushing equip-
ment. Have radiator cleaned more extensively by a
radiator repair shop.
In some instances, use a radiator cleaner (Mopar
Radiator Kleen or equivalent) before flushing. This
will soften scale and other deposits and aid the flush-
ing operation.
(1) If pump is being replaced, install the heater
hose fitting to the pump. Use a sealant on the fitting
such as Mopary Thread Sealant With Teflon. Refer
to the directions on the package.
(2) Clean the gasket mating surfaces. If the origi-
nal pump is used, remove any deposits or other for-
eign material. Inspect the cylinder block and water
pump mating surfaces for erosion or damage from
(3) Install the gasket and water pump. The sili-
cone bead on the gasket should be facing the water
pump. Also, the gasket is installed dry. Tighten
mounting bolts to 30 N·m (22 ft. lbs.) torque. Rotate
the shaft by hand to be sure it turns freely.
(4) Connect the radiator and heater hoses to the
water pump.
(5) Position water pump pulley to water pump
Fig. 30 Clamp Number/Letter Location hub.
(12) Remove the four pump mounting bolts (Fig. (6) If equipped with a water pump mounted fan,
31) and remove pump from vehicle. Discard old gas- install fan and four nuts to water pump hub. If not
ket. Note that one of the four bolts is longer than the equipped with a water pump mounted fan, install
other bolts. four pump hub bolts. Tighten bolts (or nuts) to 27
N·m (20 ft. lbs.) torque.
(7) Install power steering pump.
(1) Clean mating areas of intake manifold and
thermostat housing.
(2) Install thermostat (spring side down) into
recessed machined groove on intake manifold (Fig.
(3) Install gasket on intake manifold and over
thermostat (Fig. 42). Fig. 43 Thermostat Position—5.2L Engine
(4) Position thermostat housing to intake manifold.
Note the word FRONT stamped on housing (Fig. 43). in intake manifold. If not, it may result in a cracked
For adequate clearance, this must be placed towards housing, damaged intake manifold threads or cool-
front of vehicle. The housing is slightly angled for- ant leak.
ward after installation to intake manifold.
(6) Install upper radiator hose to thermostat hous-
(5) Install two housing-to-intake manifold bolts.
Tighten bolts to 23 N·m (200 in. lbs.) torque.
(7) Air Conditioned vehicles:
CAUTION: Housing must be tightened evenly and
thermostat must be centered into recessed groove
CAUTION: When installing the serpentine acces- DRAINCOCK WITH THE SYSTEM HOT AND UNDER
sory drive belt, belt must be routed correctly. If not, PRESSURE. SERIOUS BURNS FROM COOLANT
engine may overheat due to water pump rotating in CAN OCCUR. REFER TO COOLING SYSTEM DRAIN-
wrong direction. Refer to (Fig. 44) for correct 5.2L ING IN THIS GROUP.
engine belt routing. Or, refer to the Belt Routing
Label located in the engine compartment. The cor- Do not waste reusable coolant. If the solution is
rect belt with correct length must be used. clean, drain the coolant into a clean container for
(a) Install generator. Tighten bolts to 41 N·m (30
(b) Install support bracket (generator mounting ARE USED ON MOST COOLING SYSTEM HOSES.
bracket-to-intake manifold) (Fig. 40). Tighten bolts WHEN REMOVING OR INSTALLING, USE ONLY
to 54 N·m (40 ft. lbs.) torque. TOOLS DESIGNED FOR SERVICING THIS TYPE OF
(c) Position drive belt over all pulleys except CLAMP, SUCH AS SPECIAL CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER
idler pulley (located between generator and A/C 6094) (Fig. 45). SNAP-ON CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER
(d) Attach a socket/wrench to pulley mounting ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES WHEN SERVIC-
bolt of automatic belt tensioner (Fig. 41). ING CONSTANT TENSION CLAMPS.
(e) Rotate socket/wrench clockwise. Place belt
over idler pulley. Let tensioner rotate back into
CAUTION: A number or letter is stamped into the
place. Remove wrench. Be sure belt is properly
tongue of constant tension clamps (Fig. 46). If
seated on all pulleys.
replacement is necessary, use only an original
equipment clamp with matching number or letter.
Fig. 48 Fan Mounting Nuts—4.0L 6-Cyl. Engine Fig. 50 Radiator and A/C Condenser Mounting
holes. Before removal, mark the original position of
the crossmember.
WARNING: THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (IF (1) Equipped with air conditioning: Gently lower
EQUIPPED) IS UNDER A CONSTANT PRESSURE the radiator into the vehicle. Guide the two radiator
EVEN WITH THE ENGINE OFF. REFER TO REFRIG- alignment dowels through the holes in the rubber air
ERANT WARNINGS IN GROUP 24, HEATING AND seals first and then through the A/C support brackets
AIR CONDITIONING BEFORE HANDLING ANY AIR (Fig. 52). Continue to guide the alignment dowels
CONDITIONING COMPONENT. into the rubber grommets located in lower radiator
crossmember (Fig. 52). The holes in the L-shaped
(25) If equipped with an auxiliary automatic trans- brackets (located on bottom of A/C condenser) must
mission oil cooler, use caution when removing radia- be positioned between bottom of rubber air seals and
tor. The oil cooler lines are routed through a rubber top of rubber grommets.
(2) Not equipped with air conditioning: Gently (20) 4.0L Engine: Install the four nuts securing
lower the radiator into the vehicle. Guide the two the fan assembly to the water pump (Fig. 48).
radiator alignment dowels through the holes in the Tighten nuts to 27 N·m (20 ft. lbs.) torque.
rubber air seals. Continue to guide the alignment (21) 5.2L Engine: Install the fan/viscous fan drive
dowels into the rubber grommets located in lower assembly to the water pump.
radiator crossmember. (22) Rotate the fan blades (by hand) and check for
(3) Connect the lower radiator hose and hose interference at fan shroud.
clamp to radiator. (23) Be sure of at least 25 mm (1.0 inches)
between tips of fan blades and fan shroud.
CAUTION: The tangs on the hose clamp must be (24) Fill cooling system. Refer to Refilling Cooling
positioned straight down. System in this group.
(25) Connect battery cable at battery.
(4) 4.0L Engine: Connect the lower radiator hose (26) Start and warm engine. Check for leaks.
at the water pump.
(5) Connect the upper radiator hose at the radia- WATER PUMP BYPASS HOSE
(6) Equipped with air conditioning: Install the two WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING
A/C condenser- to-radiator mounting bolts (Fig. 50).
These two bolts are also used to retain the rubber air REMOVAL
seal (Fig. 47) to the sides of radiator. (1) Partially drain cooling system. Refer to Drain-
(7) Not equipped with A/C: Install the two bolts ing Cooling System in this group.
retaining the rubber air seal (Fig. 47) to sides of radi- (2) Do not waste reusable coolant. If solution is
ator. clean, drain coolant into a clean container for reuse.
(8) Install coolant reserve/overflow tank hose at
(9) If radiator-to-upper crossmember rubber isola- ARE USED ON MOST COOLING SYSTEM HOSES.
tors were removed from radiator, install them. WHEN REMOVING OR INSTALLING, USE ONLY
Tighten mounting nuts to 3 N·m (24-36 in. lbs.) TOOLS DESIGNED FOR SERVICING THIS TYPE OF
torque. Position upper radiator crossmember to radi- CLAMP, SUCH AS SPECIAL CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER
ator. 6094) (Fig. 53). SNAP-ON CLAMP TOOL (NUMBER
(10) Working through grill opening, install and HPC-20) MAY BE USED FOR LARGER CLAMPS.
tighten the hood latch support bracket-to-lower frame ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES WHEN SERVIC-
crossmember bolt (Fig. 50). ING CONSTANT TENSION CLAMPS.
(11) Install the four bolts securing the radiator
upper crossmember to the body (Fig. 51).
(12) Install two nuts securing the radiator to the CAUTION: A number or letter is stamped into the
upper radiator crossmember (Fig. 51). Tighten nuts tongue of constant tension clamps (Fig. 54). If
to 2 N·m (18-21 in. lbs.) torque. replacement is necessary, use only an original
(13) Install the upper bolt to each radiator brace equipment clamp with matching number or letter.
(Fig. 50).
(14) Install the grill. Refer to group 23, Body.
(15) Install the rubber seal (Fig. 51) to the four
(outer) seal mounting clips on vehicle body. Press
down on clips until seated.
(16) Install the transmission cooler lines to radia-
tor. Refer to Group 21 for installation.
(17) Position the fan assembly and fan shroud (as
one unit) to the vehicle.
(18) Position fan shroud to radiator. Be sure the
alignment tabs at the lower part of shroud are placed
into the slots near lower part of radiator.
Be sure the upper and lower portions of the fan
shroud are firmly connected. All air must flow
through the radiator.
(19) Install the two nuts securing the fan shroud
to the upper radiator crossmember (Fig. 50). Fig. 53 Hose Clamp Tool—Typical
Fig. 54 Clamp Number/Letter Location Fig. 55 Generator and A/C Compressor Mounting
(3) Loosen both bypass hose clamps (Fig. 53) and Bracket—5.2L Engine
position to center of hose. Remove hose from vehicle. (3) Remove upper radiator hose clamp (Fig. 53)
and hose at radiator.
(4) Unplug wiring harness from A/C compressor.
(1) Position bypass hose clamps (Fig. 53) to center
(5) Remove air duct at throttle body.
of hose.
(6) Disconnect A/C lines from clip at intake mani-
(2) Install bypass hose to engine.
(3) Secure both hose clamps (Fig. 53).
(7) Remove heater hose coolant return tube mount-
(4) Fill cooling system. Refer to Refilling the Cool-
ing bolt and nut (Fig. 56). Remove tube from engine
ing System in this group.
and discard the old tube o-ring.
(5) Start and warm the engine. Check for leaks.
If equipped with A/C, the generator and A/C com-
pressor along with their common mounting bracket
(Fig. 55) must be partially removed. Removing gener-
ator or A/C compressor from their mounting bracket
is not necessary. Also, discharging A/C system is not
necessary. Do not remove any refrigerant lines from
A/C compressor.
Belt tension is adjusted at the power steering
pump bracket and idler pulley assembly.
(1) Disconnect negative battery cable from battery.
(2) Loosen belt tension at power steering pump
bracket and idler pulley (Fig. 63).
(3) Remove belt.
Fig. 64 Belt Routing—4.0L Engine
(1) Check condition of all pulleys. 5.2L Engine
Drive belts on the 5.2L engine are equipped with a
CAUTION: When installing the serpentine acces- spring loaded automatic belt tensioner (Fig. 65).
sory drive belt, the belt MUST be routed correctly. If
not, the engine may overheat due to the water CAUTION: Do not attempt to check belt tension
pump rotating in the wrong direction (Fig. 64). with a belt tension gauge on vehicles equipped with
an automatic belt tensioner. Refer to Automatic Belt
(2) Install new belt. Refer to the end of this group Tensioner in this group.
for Drive Belt Tension specifications.
(3) After power steering pump bracket and idler
pulley has been tightened into position, recheck belt REMOVAL
tension. Adjust if necessary. (1) Attach a socket/wrench to pulley mounting bolt
of automatic belt tensioner (Fig. 65).
(1) Assemble fan blades to viscous fan drive.
Tighten mounting bolts to 24 N·m (18 ft. lbs.) torque.
(2) Position fan, viscous fan drive and fan shroud
to the engine as one assembly.
(3) Position fan shroud to radiator. Be sure the
alignment tabs at the lower part of shroud are placed
into the slots near lower part of radiator.
Be sure the upper and lower portions of the fan
shroud are firmly connected. All air must flow
through the radiator.
(4) Position mounting flange of fan/viscous fan
drive assembly onto water pump pulley. Install four
nuts and tighten to 24 N·m (18 ft. lbs.) torque. Fig. 70 Fan Blade/Viscous Fan Drive—5.2L V-8
(5) Install two fan shroud mounting nuts. Engine
Be sure of at least 25 mm (1.0 inches) between tips
CAUTION: Do not remove water pump pulley-to-
of fan blades and fan shroud.
water pump bolts. This pulley is under spring ten-
(8) Remove four bolts securing fan blade assembly
to viscous fan drive.
(1) Disconnect negative battery cable from battery.
(2) The thermal viscous fan drive/fan blade assem- INSTALLATION
bly is attached (threaded) to water pump hub shaft (1) Install fan blade assembly to viscous fan drive.
(Fig. 70). Remove fan blade/viscous fan drive assem- Tighten bolts to 23 N·m (17 ft. lbs.) torque.
bly from water pump by turning mounting nut coun- (2) Position fan shroud and fan blade/viscous fan
terclockwise as viewed from front. Threads on drive assembly to vehicle as a complete unit.
viscous fan drive are RIGHT HAND. A Snap-On 36 (3) Position fan shroud to radiator. Be sure the
MM Fan Wrench (number SP346 from Snap-On alignment tabs at the lower part of shroud are placed
Cummins Diesel Tool Set number 2017DSP) can be into the slots near lower part of radiator. Install and
used. Place a bar or screwdriver between water tighten the two fan shroud-to-upper crossmember
pump pulley bolts to prevent pulley from rotating. mounting nuts.
(3) Do not attempt to remove fan/viscous fan drive Be sure of at least 25 mm (1.0 inches) between tips
assembly from vehicle at this time. of fan blades and fan shroud.
(4) Do not unbolt fan blade assembly from viscous (4) Install fan blade/viscous fan drive assembly to
fan drive at this time. water pump shaft.
(5) Remove two fan shroud-to-upper crossmember (5) Connect negative battery cable.
nuts (Fig. 69).
(6) Remove fan shroud and fan blade/viscous fan VISCOUS FAN DRIVE
drive assembly as a complete unit from vehicle.
(7) After removing fan blade/viscous fan drive REMOVAL/INSTALLATION
assembly, do not place viscous fan drive in horizon- Refer to Cooling System Fan removal and installa-
tal position. If stored horizontally, silicone fluid in tion procedures of the viscous fan drive unit proce-
the viscous fan drive could drain into its bearing dures.
assembly and contaminate lubricant.
Viscous Fan Drive Fluid Pump Out Requirement:
After installing a NEW viscous fan drive, bring the
engine speed up to approximately 2000 rpm and hold
for approximately two minutes. This will ensure • Impeller rubs either the pump body or timing
proper fluid distribution within the drive. chain case/cover
Pliers 6094