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 Detecting polygons defined by a set of line segments in a plane is an important step in the analysis

of vectorial drawings.
 This project presents an approach that combines several algorithms to detect basic polygons from
a set of arbitrary line segments..
 A Polygon is a closed figure made up of line segments (not curves) in a two-dimensional plane.
 A polygon is any 2-dimensional shape formed with straight lines. Triangles, quadrilaterals,
pentagons, and hexagons are all examples of polygons.


Unlike image processing, where data consist of raster images, the proposed algorithm deals with
drawings in vector format, consisting of line segments.

This requires completely different approaches, such as described in this paper.

To perform polygon detection from a set of line segments we divide this task in four major steps.
First we detect line segment intersections using the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm [13].

Next step creates a graph induced by the drawing, where vertices represent endpoints or proper
intesection points of line segments and edges represent maximal relatively open subsegments that
contain no vertices.

The third step finds the Minimum Cycle Basis (MCB) [16] of the graph induced in previous step, using
the algorithm proposed by Horton [12]. Last step constructs a set of polygons based on cycles in the
previously found MCB.

This is straight-forward if we transform each cycle into a polygon, where each vertex in the cycle
represents a vertex in the polygon and each edge in the cycle represents an edge in the polygon.

In sections 2 and 3 we describe the four steps of our method. Section 4 presents the whole
algorithm, followed by experimental results in section 5. Finally in section 6 we discuss conclusions
and future work.

In a vector drawing composed by a set of line segments there might exist many intersections
between these segments.

To detect polygonal shapes we have to remove proper segment intersections, thus creating a new set
of line segments in which any pair of segments share at most one endpoint.

2.1. Finding line segment intersections

The first step of our approach consists in detecting all M intersections between N line segments in a
plane. This is considered one of the fundamental problems of Computational Geometry and it is
known that any algorithm, within the model of algebraic decision tree, have a lower bound of Ω(N
log N + M) time to solve it [3, 5].

In [1] Balaban proposes two algorithms for finding intersecting segments, a deterministic and
asymptotically optimal for both time O(N log N + M) and space O(N) algorithm and a simpler one that
can perform the same task in O(N log2 N + M)-time. Before that, Chazelle and Edelsbrunner [5]
reached a time optimal algorithm O(N log N + M) with space requirement of O(N + M).

The randomized approach devised by Clarkson and Shor [6] produced a algorithm for reporting all
intersecting pairs that requires O(N log N + M) time and O(N) space. In 1979 Bentley and Ottmann
proposed an algorithm that solved this problem in O((N+M) log N) time and O(N+ M) space [13].

This algorithm is the well-known BentleyOttmann algorithm and after more than 20 years it is still
widely adopted in practical implementations because it is easy to understand and implement [15,
11]. In realizing that this is not the most complex part of our aproach, we decide to use the Bentley-
Ottmann algorithm, since its complexity is pretty acceptable for our purposes and its published
implementations are quite simple.
Figure 1. Set of line segments

2.2. Removing line segment intersections

The next step of our approach is to remove all proper intersections between line segments, dividing
each intersected segment in sub-segments without proper intersections, only sharing endpoints.

In order to find and remove intersections, performing at once the first two steps of our approach,
we use a robust and efficient implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm, described by
Bartuschka, Mehlhorn and Naher that computes the planar graph induced by a set of line segments.
Their implementation, represented in this paper by COMPUTEINDUCED-GRAPH,

computes the graph G induced by set in O((N+M) logN) time. Since this algorithm is quite long we
choose not to present it here. We refer our readers to [2] for a detailed description. In this
implementation the vertices of G represent all endpoints and proper intersection points of line
segments in ,

and the edges of G are the maximal relatively open subsegments of lines in that do not contain any
vertex of G. The major drawback of this implementation lies in that parallel edges are produced in
the graph for overlapping segments. We assume that contains no such segments. Considering, for
example, the set shown in Figure 1, COMPUTE-INDUCED-GRAPH will produce the graph G, depicted
in Figure 2, where each edge represents a nonintersecting line segment.


Detecting polygons is similar to finding cycles on the graph G produced in the previous step.
Figure 2. Graph G induced by Φ

Figure 3. A planar graph with a exponential number of cycles

3.1. All Cycles of a Graph

The first known linear-time algorithm for listing all cycles of a graph was presented by Syslo [16]. This
algorithm requires O(V ) space and O(V × C) time, where V is the number of vertices and C the
number of cycles in G.

Later Dogrusoz and Krishnamoorthy proposed a vector space al- ¨ gorithm for enumerating all cycles
of a planar graph that runs in O(V 2 × C) time and O(V ) space [8]. Although asymptoticaly slower, this
algorithm is much simpler than Syslo’s and is amenable to parallelization. Unfortunately, the total
number of cycles in a planar graph can grow exponentially with the number of vertices [14].

An example of this situation is the graph presented in Figure 3. In this case, the number of cycles,
including the interior region numbered 1, is O(2r ) with r = k/2 + 1, where k is the number of vertices,
since one can choose any combination of the remaining regions to define a cycle [8]. This is why it is
not very feasible to detect all polygons that can be constructed from a set of lines. In this paper, we
choose just to detect the minimal polygons, those that have a minimal number of edges and cannot
be constructed by joining other minimal polygons.

3.2. Minimum Cycle Basis of a Graph

Considering that we just want to detect the minimal polygons this can be treated as searching for a
Minimum Cycle Basis (MCB).

So, the second step of our approach consists in obtaining a MCB of graph G. A cycle basis is defined
as a basis for the cycle space of G which consists entirely of elementary cycles. A cycle is called
elementary if it contains no vertex more than once. The dimension of the cycle space is given by the
cyclomatic number ν = E −V +P [9, 4], where E is the number of edges and V the number of vertices in
G and P is the number of connected components of G.

Horton presented the first known polynomial-time algorithm to find the shortest cycle basis of a
graph, which runs in O(E3V ) time [12] or in O(E4 ) on simple planar graphs [10], which is the case.
While assimptotically better solutions have been published in the literature, the BentleyOttmann
algorithm is both simple and usable for our needs. The pseudo-code of this algorithm is listed in
MINIMUMCYCLE-BASIS and shortly described bellow. A further detailed description of this algorithm
and concepts behind it can be found in [12].

The ALL-PAIRS-SHORTEST-PATHS finds the shortest


1 Γ ← empty set


3 for each v in VERTICES(G)

4 do for each (x, y) in EDGES(G)

5 do if Πx,v ∩ Πv,y = {v}

6 then C ← Πx,v ∪ Πv,y ∪ (x, y)

7 add C to Γ



paths between all pairs of vertices in graph G and can be performed in O(V 3 ) time and O(V 2 ) space
using FloydWarshall or Dijkstra algorithms [7].
ORDER-BY-LENGTH orders the cycles by ascending length and can be implemented by any efficient
sorting algorithm. This is a noncritical step because it has a O(V ν log V ) upper bound in time
complexity, which is insignificant in comparision with other steps of this algorithm. In SELECT-CYCLES
we use a greedy algorithm to find the MCB from Γ set of cycles.

To do this Horton [12] suggests representing the cycles as rows of a 0-1 incidence matrix, in which
columns correspond to the edges of the graph and rows are the incidence vectors of each cycle.
Gaussian elimination using elementary row operations over the integers modulo two can then be
applied to the incidence matrix, processing each row in turn, in ascending order of the weights of
cycles, until enough independent cycles are found. This step dominates the time complexity from
other steps, since it takes O(Eν2V ) time.

Knowing that G is always a simple planar graph we can conclude that as a whole the MINIMUM-
CYCLE-BASIS algorithm has a worst case upper bound of O(Eν2V ) = O(E3V ) = O(E4 ) operations and a
space requirements of O(V 2 ). Figure 4 shows an example of Γ, the set of cycles resulting from
applying the MINIMUM-CYCLE-BASIS to graph G shown in Figure 2.

3.3. Polygon construction

The last step of our approach consists in constructing a set Θ of polygons from the MCB. An
algorithm to perform this operation can easily run in O(CV ) time, where C is number of cycles in
MCB. Such an algorithm is listed in POLYGONS-FROM-CYCLES which returns a set Θ of polygons.

Figure 4. Shortest cycle basis Γ of graph G

Figure 5. Set Θ of polygons detected from Φ


1 Θ ← empty set

2 for each C in Γ

3 do P ← new polygon

4 for each v in VERTICES(V )

5 do add vertex v to P

6 add polygon P to Θ

7 return Θ

Figure 5 illustrates the resulting set Θ of polygons generated by applying POLYGONS-FROM-CYCLES to

Γ depicted in Figure 4.


We can now outline DETECT-POLYGONS. This algorithm is able to detect a set Θ of polygons from a
initial set Ψ of line segments.

To perform this task we pipeline the algorithms referred in previous sections for line segment
intersection removal, MCB finding and cycle-to-polygon conversion. DETECT-POLYGONS(Ψ) 1 G ←
4 return Θ

As refered in section 2.2, COMPUTE-INDUCED-GRAPH runs in O((N + M) log N) time and O(N + M)
space. The SHORTEST-CYCLE-BASIS runs in O(V 4 ) operations and has a space requirement of O(V 2 ),
making this the critical step in the complexity of this algorithm, since the POLYGONS-FROM-CYCLES
just needs O(CV ) time.

Since the number V of vertices in the graph is no greater than the sum of line endpoints (2 × N) with
detected intersections M, we can then conclude that the proposed algorithm has time and space
complexities of O(V 4 ) = O((N + M) 4 ) and O(V 2 ) = O((N + M) 2 ), respectively.

The algorithm proposed in this paper was implemented in C++ and tested in a Intel Pentium III 1GHz
512MB RAM computer running Windows XP . We tested the algorithm with sets of line segments
created from simple test drawings, technical drawings of mechanical parts and handsketched
drawings. Table 1 presents the results obtained from these tests.

Table 1. Results of algorithm tests

Based on these results we conclude that performance is acceptable for on-line processing in sets
with less than three-hundred lines like hand-sketches or small-size technical drawings. If the line set
have about 2500 lines the algorithm will take more than twenty minutes to detect the polygons. Still
this remains a feasible solution for batch processing of medium-size technical drawings


The proposed algorithm is used for polygon detection in vector drawings to create descriptions based
on spatial and topological relationships between polygons.

Other use is detecting planar shapes in sketches. Both applications have been implemented as
working prototypes used for shape retrieval and architectural drawing from sketches.

The algorithm presented here detects in polynomial time and space, all minimal polygons that can be
constructed from a set of line segments.

This approach uses wellknown and simple to implement algorithms to perform line segment
intersection detection and to find a MCB of a graph, instead of using more efficient but less simpler

Indeed there is considerable room for improvement in the presented algorithm, namely through the
use of more recent, complex and efficient algorithms.

work may be carried out regarding the detection and correction of rounding errors resulting from
finite precision computations.

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