Other Variants
Other Variants
Other Variants
The folded dipole is therefore well matched to 300 ohm balanced transmission lines, such as twin-feed ribbon cable. The
folded dipole has a wider bandwidth than a single dipole. They can be used for transforming the value of input
impedance of the dipole over a broad range of step-up ratios by changing the thicknesses of the wire conductors for the
fed- and folded-sides.[13]
Instead of altering thickness or spacing, one can add a third parallel wire to increase the antenna impedance to 9 times
that of a single-wire dipole, raising the impedance to 658 Ω, making a good match for open wire feed cable, and further
broadening the resonant frequency band of the antenna. More extra parallel wires can be added: Any number of extra
parallel wires can be joined onto the antenna, with the radiation resistance (and feedpoint impedance) given by
where is the number of parallel halfwave-long wires laid side-by-side in the antenna, and connected at their ends. It is
also possible to "cheat" on the so-called flattened-loop design, and get nearly as-good performance, by making each the
parallel wires too short by the same amount, but connecting a single capacitive loading wire (going off in nearly any
direction, most often dangling) on each of the antenna ends. The loading wire length is equal to the single missing length
of one of the parallel wires.
Other variants
There are numerous modifications to the shape of a dipole antenna which are useful in one way or another but result in
similar radiation characteristics (low gain). This is not to mention the many directional antennas which include one or
more dipole elements in their design as driven elements, many of which are linked to in the information box at the
bottom of this page.
The bow-tie antenna is a dipole with flaring, triangular shaped arms. The shape gives it a much wider bandwidth than
an ordinary dipole. It is widely used in UHF television antennas.
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The g5rv antenna is a dipole antenna fed indirectly, through a carefully chosen length of 300 Ω or 450 Ω twin lead,
which acts as an impedance matching network to connect (through a balun) to a standard 50 Ω coaxial transmission
The sloper antenna is a slanted vertical dipole antenna attached to the top of a single tower. The element can be
center-fed or can be end-fed as an unbalanced monopole antenna from a transmission line at the top of the tower, in
which case the monopole's "ground" connection can better be viewed as a second element comprising the tower and
/ or transmission line shield.
The inverted 'V' antenna is likewise supported using a single tower but is a balanced antenna with two symmetric
elements angled toward the ground. It is thus a half-wave dipole with a bend in the middle. Like the sloper, this has
the practical advantage of elevating the antenna but requiring only a single tower.
The AS-2259 antenna is an inverted-‘V’ dipole antenna used for local communications via Near Vertical Incidence
Skywave (NVIS).
In this upper side of space, the emitted field has the same amplitude of the field
radiated by a similar dipole fed with the same current. Therefore, the total
emitted power is half the emitted power of a dipole fed with the same current. As
the current is the same, the radiation resistance (real part of series impedance)
will be half of the series impedance of the comparable dipole. A quarter-wave 1
A 4 λ monopole antenna and its ground
monopole, then, has an impedance[7](p 173) of 1
image together form a 2 λ dipole that
Another way of seeing this, is that a true dipole receiving a current I has voltages radiates only in the upper half of space.
on its terminals of +V and −V, for an impedance across the terminals of 2 I ,
whereas the comparable vertical antenna has the current I but an applied voltage of only V.
Since the fields above ground are the same as for the dipole, but only half the power is applied, the gain is doubled to
5.14 dBi . This is not an actual performance advantage per se, since in practice a dipole also reflects half of its power off
the ground which (depending on the antenna height and sky angle) can augment (or cancel!) the direct signal. The
vertical polarization of the monopole (as for a vertically oriented dipole) is advantageous at low elevation angles where
the ground reflection combines with the direct wave approximately in phase.
The earth acts as a ground plane, but it can be a poor conductor leading to losses. Its conductivity can be improved (at
cost) by laying a copper mesh. When an actual ground is not available (such as in a vehicle) other metallic surfaces can
serve as a ground plane (typically the vehicle's roof). Alternatively, radial wires placed at the base of the antenna can
form a ground plane. For VHF and UHF bands, the radiating and ground plane elements can be constructed from rigid
rods or tubes. Using such an artificial ground plane allows for the entire antenna and "ground" to be mounted at an
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arbitrary height. One common modification has the radials forming the ground plane sloped down, which has the effect
of raising the feedpoint impedance to around 50 Ω, matching common coaxial cable. No longer being a true ground, a
balun (such as a simple choke balun) is then recommended.
Dipole characteristics
Dipoles whose length is approximately half the wavelength of the signal are called half-wave dipoles and are widely used
as such or as the basis for derivative antenna designs. These have a radiation resistance which is much greater, closer to
the characteristic impedances of available transmission lines, and normally much larger than the resistance of the
conductors, so that their efficiency approaches 100%. In general radio engineering, the term dipole, if not further
qualified, is taken to mean a center-fed half-wave dipole.
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For a typical k of about 0.95, the above formula for the corrected antenna
length can be written, for a length in metres as f , or a length in feet as
f where f is the frequency in megahertz.[18]
dipole's terminals have an equal but opposite voltage, whereas coax has one conductor grounded. Using coax regardless
results in an unbalanced line, in which the currents along the two conductors of the transmission line are no longer equal
and opposite. Since you then have a net current along the transmission line, the transmission line becomes an antenna
itself, with unpredictable results (since it depends on the path of the transmission line).[20] This will generally alter the
antenna's intended radiation pattern, and change the impedance seen at the transmitter or receiver.
A balun is required to use coaxial cable with a dipole antenna. The balun transfers power between the single-ended coax
and the balanced antenna, sometimes with an additional change in impedance. A balun can be implemented as a
transformer which also allows for an impedance transformation. This is usually wound on a ferrite toroidal core. The
toroid core material must be suitable for the frequency of use, and in a transmitting antenna it must be of sufficient size
to avoid saturation.[21] Other balun designs are mentioned below.[22][23]
Coax and antenna both Dipole with a current A folded dipole (300 Ω) Dipole using a sleeve
acting as radiators balun to coax (75 Ω) 4:1 balun
instead of only the halfwave balun
Current balun
A current balun uses a transformer wound on a toroid or rod of magnetic material such as ferrite. All of the current seen
at the input goes into one terminal of the balanced antenna. It forms a balun by choking common-mode current. The
material isn't critical for 1:1 because there is no transformer action applied to the desired differential current.[24][25] A
related design involves two transformers and includes a 1:4 impedance transformation.[20][24]
Coax balun
A coax balun is a cost-effective method of eliminating feeder radiation, but is limited to a narrow set of operating
One easy way to make a balun is to use a length of coaxial cable equal to half a wavelength. The inner core of the cable is
linked at each end to one of the balanced connections for a feeder or dipole. One of these terminals should be connected
to the inner core of the coaxial feeder. All three braids should be connected together. This then forms a 4:1 balun, which
works correctly at only a narrow band of frequencies.
Sleeve balun
At VHF frequencies, a sleeve balun can also be built to remove feeder radiation.[26]
Another narrow-band design is to use a 4
λ length of metal pipe. The coaxial cable is placed inside the pipe; at one end
the braid is wired to the pipe while at the other end no connection is made to the pipe. The balanced end of this balun is
at the end where no connection is made to the pipe. The 41 λ conductor acts as a transformer, converting the zero
impedance at the short to the braid into an infinite impedance at the open end. This infinite impedance at the open end
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