Receiver Feedline Dipole Antenna: 1. Monopole Antenna Concept Monopole Antenna
Receiver Feedline Dipole Antenna: 1. Monopole Antenna Concept Monopole Antenna
Receiver Feedline Dipole Antenna: 1. Monopole Antenna Concept Monopole Antenna
A monopole antenna is a class of radio antenna consisting of a straight rod-shaped conductor,
often mounted perpendicularly over some type of conductive surface, called a ground plane.
The driving signal from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal
to the receiver is taken, between the lower end of the monopole and the ground plane. One
side of the antenna feedline is attached to the lower end of the monopole, and the other side is
attached to the ground plane, which is often the Earth. This contrasts with a dipole
antenna which consists of two identical rod conductors, with the signal from the transmitter
applied between the two halves of the antenna.
The monopole is a resonant antenna; the rod functions as an open resonator for radio waves,
oscillating with standing waves of voltage and current along its length. Therefore the length
of the antenna is determined by the wavelength of the radio waves it is used with. The most
common or fundamental form is the quarter-wave monopole, in which the antenna is
approximately 1/4 of a wavelength of the radio waves.
Elliptical polarization can be right hand (clockwise) or left hand (anti-clockwise)The figure
above is right hand elliptical polarization.
A dipole antenna is a straight electrical conductor measuring 1/2 wavelength from end to
end and connected at the center to a radio-frequency (RF) feed line. This antenna, also
called a doublet, is one of the simplest types of antenna, and constitutes the main RF
radiating and receiving element in various sophisticated types of antennas. The dipole is
inherently a balanced antenna, because it is bilaterally symmetrical.
Half wave
Yagi-uda antennas are directional along the axis perpendicular to the dipole in the plane of
the elements, from the reflector through the driven elements, from the reflector the driven
elements and out via the director(s). Typically, all elements are arranged at approximately a
one-quarter-wavelength mutual spacing. All elements usually lie in the same plane, supported
on a single boom or crossbar; however, they do not have to assume this coplanar
arrangement. For example, some commercially available Yagi uda antennas for antennas for
television reception have several reflectors arrange to form a corner reflector behind the
The bandwidth of a yagi uda antenna, which is usually defined as the frequency range for
which the antenna provides a goas match to the transmission line to which it is attached, is
determine by the length, diameter and spacing of the elements. For most designs, bandwidth
is low, typically only a few percent of the design frequency.
The Yagi uda is wide variety of applications where an RF antenna design with gain and
directivity is required. Its become particularly popular for television reception, but it is also
used in very many other domestic and commercial applications where an RF antenna is
needed that has gain and directivity.
Not only is the gain of the yagi uda antenna important as it enables better levels of signal to
noise ratio to be achieved, but also the directivity can be used to reduce interference levels by
focusging the transmitted power on areas where it is needed, or rereceiving signals best from
where the emanate.
For home TV application, the feature of directional radiation (end-fire-beams) of the Yagi-
Uda antennas is desirable because the position of the TV stations and TV sets are all fixed.
However, for wireless communication, the situations and TV sets are all fixed.
However, for wireless communications, the situation is different the base station is fixed but
the terminals carried by users are mobile regularly. Sometimes the Yagi uda antenna, similar
to other antennas with fixed directional radiations, may not illuminate the terminals efficient,
causing a limitation for its application in many new generation mobile communication
Other than that, Yagi uda antenna is mostly used in astronomical antennas and defense
antennas. However, a helical antenna which is one of type of directional antennas is used for
increasing the gain of the antenna.
i. Horizontally polarized
Spiral antennas belong to the class of "frequency independent" antennas; these antennas are
characterized as having a very large bandwidth. The fractional Bandwidth can be as high as
30:1. This means that if the lower frequency is 1 GHz, the antenna would still be efficient at
30 GHz, and every frequency in between. Spiral antennas are usually circularly polarized.
The spiral antenna's radiation pattern typically has a peak radiation direction perpendicular to
the plane of the spiral (broadside radiation). The Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) is
approximately 70-90 degrees. Spiral antennas are widely used in the defence industry for
sensing applications, where very wideband antennas that do not take up much space are
needed. Spiral antenna arrays are used in military aircraft in the 1-18 GHz range. Other
applications of spiral antennas include GPS, where it is advantageous to have RHCP (right
hand circularly polarized) antennas.
A spiral antenna transmits EM waves having a circular polarization. It will receive linearly
polarized EM waves in any orientation, but will attenuate signals received with the opposite
circular polarization. A spiral antenna will reject circularly polarized waves of one type, while
receiving perfectly well waves having the other polarization.
Helical antenna is an example of wire antenna and itself forms the shape of a helix. This is a
broadband VHF and UHF antenna. The frequency range of operation of helical antenna is
around 30MHz to 3GHz. This antenna works in VHF and UHF ranges. Helical antenna or
helix antenna is the antenna in which the conducting wire is wound in helical shape and
connected to the ground plate with a feeder line. It is the simplest antenna, which provides
circularly polarized waves. It is used in extra-terrestrial communications in which satellite
relays etc., are involved.
The above image shows a helical antenna system, which is used for satellite
communications. These antennas require wider outdoor space. It consists of a helix of thick
copper wire or tubing wound in the shape of a screw thread used as an antenna in
conjunction with a flat metal plate called a ground plate. One end of the helix is connected to
the centre conductor of the cable and the outer conductor is connected to the ground plate.
The radiation of helical antenna depends on the diameter of helix, the turn spacing and the
pitch angle. Pitch angle is the angle between a line tangent to the helix wire and plane
normal to the helix axis.
D is the diameter of helix.
S is the turn spacing (centre to centre).
is the pitch angle.
1. Highly Directional Antenna
2. Circularly Polarized Antenna
3. Use in Radio Astronomy
Circular polarised wave radiates energy in both the horizontal and vertical planes and all
planes in between. The difference, if any, between the maximum and the minimum peaks as
the antenna is rotated through all angles, is called the axial ratio or elliptically and is usually
specified in decibels (dB). If the axial ratio is near 0 dB, the antenna is said to be circular
polarised, when using a Helix Antenna. If the axial ratio is greater than 1-2 dB, the
polarisation is often referred to as elliptical, when using a crossed Yagi.
The most well-known reflector antenna is the parabolic reflector antenna, commonly known
as a satellite dish antenna. Parabolic reflectors typically have a very high gain (30-40 dB is
common) and low cross polarization. They also have a reasonable bandwidth, with the
fractional bandwidth being at least 5% on commercially available models, and can be very
wideband in the case of huge dishes (like the Stanford "big dish" above, which can operate
from 150 MHz to 1.5 GHz). The smaller dish antennas typically operate somewhere between
2 and 28 GHz. The large dishes can operate in the VHF region (30-300 MHz), but typically
need to be extremely large at this operating band.
i. Direct broadcast television: Direct broadcast or satellite television has become a
major form of distribution for television material. The wide and controllable coverage
areas available combined with the much larger bandwidths for more channels
available mean that satellite television is very attractive.
ii. Microwave links: Terrestrial microwave links are used for many applications. Often
they are used for terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure links. One of the major
areas where they are used these days is to provide the backhaul for mobile phone /
cellular backhaul.
iii. Satellite communications: Many satellite uplinks, or those for communication
satellites require high levels of gain to ensure the optimum signal conditions and that
transmitted power from the ground does not affect other satellites in close angular
proximity. Again the ideal antenna for most applications is the parabolic reflector
iv. Radio astronomy: Radio astronomy is an area where very high levels of gain and
directivity are required. Accordingly the parabolic reflector antenna is an ideal choice.
1. E-Plane
2. H-Plane
Horn antennas are very popular at UHF (300 MHz-3 GHz) and higher frequencies (I've heard
of horn antennas operating as high as 140 GHz). Horn antennas often have a directional
radiation pattern with a high antenna gain, which can range up to 25 dB in some cases, with
10-20 dB being typical. Horn antennas have a wide impedance bandwidth, implying that the
input impedance is slowly varying over a wide frequency range (which also implies low
values for S11 or VSWR). The bandwidth for practical horn antennas can be on the order of
20:1 (for instance, operating from 1 GHz-20 GHz), with a 10:1 bandwidth not being
uncommon. The gain of horn antennas often increases (and the beamwidth decreases) as the
frequency of operation is increased. This is because the size of the horn aperture is always
measured in wavelengths; at higher frequencies the horn antenna is "electrically larger"; this
is because a higher frequency has a smaller wavelength. Since the horn antenna has a fixed
physical size (say a square aperture of 20 cm across, for instance), the aperture is more
wavelengths across at higher frequencies. And, a recurring theme in antenna theory is that
larger antennas (in terms of wavelengths in size) have higher directivities. Horn antennas
have very little loss, so the directivity of a horn is roughly equal to its gain. Horn antennas are
somewhat intuitive and relatively simple to manufacture. In addition, acoustic horn antennas
are also used in transmitting sound waves (for example, with a megaphone). Horn antennas
are also often used to feed a dish antenna, or as a "standard gain" antenna in measurements.
1. Satellite Communication
2. TV base station
1. E-Field
2. H-Field