Lutheran Confession
Lutheran Confession
Lutheran Confession
Historical & theological Dev’t & emphasis of the three ecumenical creeds.
EC Historical development Theological development Emphasis
A -used mostly in Evangelical churches, - from the beginning it follows the Trinitarian formula On the 2nd
P but not in EOTC. with three articles (Mat.28:19). person of the
O -used in the western church, not eastern - describes the work of each person of the Trinity & Trinity
S church for they have the Nicene Creed significance of the work of each person for salvation.
w/c is used by both east and west. Used biblical language.
- developed gradually and get the - teaches who God is & what He has done for our
I present form in 6th c, AD, salvation in the life, death and resurrection of our
C a. 1st called “Old Roman Symbol” w/c Lord Jesus Christ.
C omitted some parts of the present form. - makes us understand what meant when the church
R b. since about 200/220 AD in Greek & baptizes in the name of Triune God.
E 400 AD in Latin. - used for reciting publicly, to instruct members, ti
E confess before God & human beings & to exclude
D wrong views & doctrines.
N -used mostly in eastern part of the - Eastern churches emphasize on the unity of God More focuse
I Christendom, & EOTC. -to repudiate Arianism w/c made Christ hslf-God & on the 2nd and
C -not the work of an individual. half creature. 3rd persons of
E - It developed in 3 main stages, -used by ministers in reaching & teaching. the Trinity as
a. “Oriental Symbol” based on 1 Cor. - to preserve the unity of the church & the Roman compared to
8z:6 heart and core of Cxn message. Empire. the Apostles
C b. “Oriental Symbol Creed” – N 325 -to emphasize of the Son with the Father in substance. Creed.
R AD. to repudiate Arianism & to -to emphasize of the person (divinity) and work of the
E preserve the unity if the Church & Holy Spirit & His procession from the Father and the
E Roman Empire. Son.
D c. Nicen-Constantinoplitan Creed- NC - Also mentions the purpose of the Son become man.
(381, 451 AD) – a revision of the - uses theological & philosophical language of the
Original Nicene Creed with some day.
A - Not a product of a theological - compared in a rhythm and prose from with its 40 On the two
T cooperation but composed by a single verses. natures of
H author about 500 AD. - divided into two: Trinity and Incarnation. Esp. the Jesus Christ,
A - tradition says this creed was ascribed two natures of Jesus Christ. how they exist
to Bishop Athanasius of the 4th c. AD. - uses very clear &concise language w/c in one person,
-recent research proved that Bishop understandable by ordinary readers/ hearers. & on the Holy
I Athanasius could not be the author. - composed to instruct & teach the dogmatic truths of Trinity
A - for the 1st time appeared at a church the church in prayer of song form. (Three-in-
N synod in the French town of Autun in - used to test the correctness of their faith/ belief and oneness of
670 AD. to remind the importance of the two doctrines: Trinity God)
C It was called “the faith of st. & Incarnation for salvation.
R Athanasius”.
He wanted the catechism to be simple, to include all main teachings of the Bible with six chief parts: the
Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the sacrament of Holy Baptism, the sacrament of Holy
Communion, the use of the Keys and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer.
Everything written in the Catechism is based on the Bible and each explanation given by Luther has
references from the Bible to assure ourselves that the catechism truly teaches the God’s word. in the
Lutheran churches, the Lutheran church has always considered the catechism the very least that every
Christian should know about Bible teachings.
An overview of the major parts of Martin Luther’s small catechism
Martin Luther’s Catechism is a collection of questions and answers on six major topics and one additional topic.
Topics of the small catechism are;
1. The Ten Commandments; the presents God’s Law or His will.
2. The Apostle’s Creed; has three articles and presents the person and work of the Trinity; Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
3. The Lord’s Prayer; has introduction, seven petitions and conclusion.
4. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism; the meaning, benefits, power and the significance of baptism for our daily
life was included in it.
5. Confession and absolution; about the continuation of life.
6. The Sacrament of the Altar; has four basic questions and its answer, benefits, the power of this Sacrament
and the worthiness of the Christian to receive the body and the blood of Jesus.
7. The daily prayer and daily work.
Martin Luther’s expiation on the Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are the Laws God gave to His people through the hands of Moses to reveal His
will or what He wants His people to do or not to do their good;
a) The first way- God gives His law to all people is by writing it on their hearts and this is called the
natural law.
b) The second way- God gives His law by having written down in the Bible so that we know exactly what
His will is.
The Laws God gave to Moses are of three kinds.
a) The Civil Law- established the punishment for crimes such as injury, another person or damage to
another person’s property.
b) The ceremonial Law- told to the people of God where, how and when they worship God.
c) The moral Law- which God written in human’s heart at creation and given to Israelite as Ten
The Ten Commandments were a special form of God’s moral Law, His holy will for His people.
Doxology: for yours is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. This part is
glorifying and praising God.
2. They are sinful by nature and must be born again in order to be saved (psa.51:5).
3. They too can believe (Mat.18:6; Lk. 18:17-17).
In the Lutheran churches the administration of sacraments is limited the pastors, because they were
called “in fitting and orderly way” and it is to avoid disorder in the congregations.
But emergency baptism is possible by and Christian in the name of Triune God and it the sick child
will be healed it is announced in the congregation to avoid confusion.
b) The blessing of Baptism
Baptism brings about forgiveness of sins, redeems from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to
all who receive it as the words and promise of God declare. God offers and gives great blessings in
a. Forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38, 22:16).
b. Delivers from the power of death and the devil (Rom.6:3; Heb. 2:14-15).
c. Eternal salvation (Mk.16:16; 1Pet.3:20-21).
These great blessings which Christ won for us and that is why we say the Sacrament (Rom.6:3; 1Pet.3:21;
Gal.3:27). Since it assures them rebirth, baptism is a great comfort for the baptized members; which they
could not obtain by trying any of their best doing; (Jn. 3:3-5; Gal. 3:26-27; Titus 3:5-7).
c) The power of Baptism
In baptism the water does not do any great things, but the Word of God alongside the water, and the faith
which trusts this word of God in the water (Titus 3;5-8).
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is able to offer and give the great blessing (Jn. 3:5; Acts 2:38; Titus 3:5).
The Holy Spirit does His work in baptism through the word of God connected with water (Eph.5:25-26;
Through the word of God, the Holy Spirit;
- promises blessings, (Acts 2:38-39).
- creates and strengthens faith in us so that we trust God’s promise and the blessings of baptism our own
(Mk.`16:16; Acts 8: 26-39).
- The word of God makes baptism a washing through which God graciously forgives our sin and grants us
rebirth and a new life through the Holy Spirit (1Pet.3:21; Titus 3;5-7).
Church’s authority
Lord Jesus Christ gave power and authority to His Church. The authority of binding and loosing (Mt.
16:19, 18:15-18; Jn.20:23).
The sacrament of the Alter (Holy Communion) is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under
the bread and wine. As it is written in different New Testament books it was instituted by the command of
Jesus to do what He did on night He was betrayed (Mat.26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25; Lk.22:14-20; 1Cor.11:23-
25).this shows that the sacrament is not human invention that people do by their agreement. Jesus told to
His followers that those who have faith on Him have to eat His body and drink His blood through His
Word. According to His command we receive the true body of Christ in, with and under the bread and we
receive the true blood of Christ in, with and under the wine (1Cor.10:16, 11:27). We do believe the real
presence of the true body of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of the Alter in His Word of Truth (Lk.1:34-37;
Num.23:19; Psa.33:4).
The blessings of the sacrament of the Alter (Holy Communion) alter
The words “given for you” and “shed for you for the forgiveness of sins” show us that the forgiveness of
sin, life, and salvation arte given to us in the sacrament through these words, because where there is
forgiveness of sin, there is also life and salvation.
The reason Jesus gave His body to death and pour out His blood for the forgiveness of your sins (1Pet.2:24;
Eph.1:7). The blessings of Jesus’ giving His body and His blood which are made available to us in
participating in the sacrament are forgiveness of sins (Mat. 26:28; Lk.22:19-20; 1Cor.11:24-
25;Rom.11:27), life and salvation; (Rom.5:9,6:22-23).
The power of the sacrament of Alter (Holy Communion)
Eating bread and drinking wine could not bring forgiveness, life and salvation by itself alone, but the word
“given for you” and “shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins.” could do it. It gives and offers such
great gift through the word of Jesus (1Cor.11:23-25; jn.6;30; Mat; 26:26-27).
The words of Christ make this sacrament and eating and drinking through which God graciously gives us
the blessings which Christ won for us (1Cor.10:16; Rom.3:24-25).
Worthiness to receiving the Sacrament of the Alter
Fasting and bodily preparation area in fact a fine external discipline, but a person must has faith in Jesus
28; Lev. 23:26-32; Exo.19:10; 1Cor.10:16-21). When these words, accompanied by the physical eating and
drinking, are the essential thing in the Sacrament, and whoever believes these very words has what declare
and state, namely “forgiveness of sins.” The Sacrament of Alter is able to offer and give such great
blessings, because of the words Jesus told us to use along with the eating and drinking. (1Cor. 23-25;
God wants us to give the Holy Sacrament;
a. Only to repentant sinners (1Jn.1:8-9; Mat. 18:15-18).
b. Only to those who instructed so that they know the meaning of Christ’s death (confirmation institution/
1Cor. 11:24, 26; Heb. 5:13, 6:1).
c. Only to those are able to examine themselves (1Cor.11:28-29).
d. Only to those who are one with us in all we believe and teach (1Cor. 10:17; Rom.16:17; 2Jn.10-11).
Direction; please becareful; you have to answer each question in the sense of the course only.
Name________________________course____________year________program ____________
Assignment from 30%
a) Write the definition of creeds and Confessions.
b) What are the main functions and purposes of Creeds and Confessions?
c) Write the main points about the significance of the Lutheran Confessions.
d) What kind of relationship do the Ecumenical Creeds and Confessions have?
e) How do you believe in two natures of Lord Jesus Christ?
f) What are the significant or importance of the Augsburg Confession?