Instrumentation and Mechanical Measurement
Instrumentation and Mechanical Measurement
Instrumentation and Mechanical Measurement
9 Nautical mile is a unit of distance used in Navigation Road mile Astronomy Measuring the boundaries of a nation
10 What is the least count of dial indicators 0.01 mm 0.03 mm 0.05 mm 0.07 mm
which can be calibrated using passmeter?
11 The desirable static characteristics of a Accuracy and Accuracy, Drift and Static error
measuring system are resproducibility sensitivity and dead zone
12 The ratio of maximum displacement deviation Static sensitivity Dynamic Linearity Precision or accuracy
to full scale deviation of the instrument is deviation
Department of Mechanical Engineering- Instrumentation and Measurement MCQ
13 _______can measure pressure directly Rotameter Bourden tube LVDT Strain gauge
22 Which of the following is used for Hardened steel High carbon high Tungsten Ceramic
manufacturing of length bars? chromium steel carbide
23 What is the use of feeler gauge? To find the thickness of To measure the To check To check flatness
work piece gap width straightnes
24 Which of the following instrument is of the Digital length gauge Inside Universal Universal height micrometer
highest accuracy? micrometer measuring
25 Which of the following is another name of Ring gauge Planer gauge Fillet gauge Plug gauge
radius gauge?
26 Testing flatness or straightness of a surface vernier caliper micrometer autocollima all of the above
is possible using tor
Department of Mechanical Engineering- Instrumentation and Measurement MCQ
27 What is the range of bevel protractor? 0-90° 0-180° 0-360° 90-270°
50 According to Taylor's principle which type of Go gauge No go gauge Both a. and thread gauge
gauge checks both size and geometric b
51 Who gave the fundamental principle of Bryan Moire Euler Amedeo
straightness measurement?
52 Which of the following represents the quality Spirit level Straight edge Autocollima Dial indicator
of straightness in precision engineering? tor
53 What is the name of a pair of straight edges? Drum sticks Lower pair Winding Self closed pair
54 Which of the following is not the factor Air turbulence Optics fixed Slope error Localised heat sources
affecting the accuracy of straightness rigidly
measurement by optics?
55 For which surfaces, spirit level is used for Both horizontal and Vertical surfaces In any plane Horizontal surfaces
testing straightness? vertical surfaces
56 Which of the following is not true for Contact measurement Use for small High Used to determine parallelism
autocollimator? tilts sensitivity
57 What is the name of screw thread which is Parallel screw thread Straight screw Tapered Cylindrical screw thread
formed on a cone? thread screw
58 What type of thread is formed on female External thread Internal thread Both Major screw thread
screw gauge? internal and
59 Which of the following option is true for Thread can be Thread can be Thread can Thread can’t be tranculated at crest and
truncation? tranculated at crest only tranculatd at root be root both
only tranculated
at crest and
root both
60 What is dedendum for external threads? Radial distance Radial distance Radial Axial distance between major and pitch
between pitch and minor between major distance cylinder
cylinder and pitch between
cylinder major and
61 For checking the flatness, which of the Scriber Prussian blue Alcohol Ruler
following is used to mark the surface?
62 Determination of flatness using Prussian blue Small surfaces Large surfaces Both large For surfaces with fine smoothness
is used for which kind of surfaces? and small
Department of Mechanical Engineering- Instrumentation and Measurement MCQ
63 Which of the following method is used for the Half grid method Grid method Contact Non contact method
determination of flatness when the surface is method
64 What is the range of the diameter of optical 25mm to 300mm 1mm to 100mm 50mm to 1mm to 10mm
flats used in testing the flatness? 500mm
65 If the angle at which bands are viewed is 30o 0% 15% 0.3 0.45
in flatness testing with interferometry, what is
the possible error?
66 What is the range of the diameter of optical 10 to 50 mm 50 to 100 mm 100 to 200 25 to 300 mm
flats? mm
67 Which of the following is not true about These are high-power Used for rapid Have low Wide dynamic range
metrology lasers used in laser inspection? instruments non-contact optical
gauging of cross-talk
delicate parts
68 What is the wavelength of light produced by 6988 Å 5328 Å 5928 Å 6328 Å
He-Ne laser in laser inspection?
69 Which technique is not suitable to measure Diffraction pattern Scanning laser Photodiode Laser triangulation sensor
large diameter parts or large gaps? technique technique array
70 What is the accuracy of scanning laser gauge ±0.15 μm ±0.25 μm ±0.35 μm ±0.45 μm
for objects of 10-50 mm diameter?
71 Which of the following is true for quartz flats? Have 200 to 400 % more High sensitivity Used to 25 to 300 mm
wearing quality than determine
optical flats parallelism
72 What is the pattern of fringes, if an optical flat Central band dark Concentric dark Straight Central band may be light or black
is resting on any hill? and light band dark fringes
73 To distinguish hill and valley one surface of Number of fringes Fringes move Fringes Centre of fringes is displaced
optical flat is lightly pressed. Which of the increases apart brought
following option is for the valley? closer
74 What precise movement does CMM have? Precise movement in x Precise Precise Precise movement in x, y and z
coordinate movement in x movement coordinates
and y in y and z
coordinates coordinates
75 Which type of CMM is most suited for large Cantilever type Bridge type Horizontal Floating bridge type
heavy workpieces? boring mill
76 Which direction is sensed by a linear Positive direction only Negative Both Not used to sense directions
measurement transducer used in CMM? direction only positive
Department of Mechanical Engineering- Instrumentation and Measurement MCQ
77 What precise movement does CMM have? Precise movement in x Precise Precise Precise movement in x, y and z
coordinate movement in x movement coordinates
and y in y and z
coordinates coordinates
78 Which type of CMM is most suited for large Cantilever type Bridge type Horizontal Floating bridge type
heavy workpieces? boring mill
79 Which direction is sensed by a linear Positive direction only Negative Both Not used to sense directions
measurement transducer used in CMM? direction only positive
80 What is the accuracy of present day co- 10 microns 5 microns 2 microns 1 micron
ordinate measuring machine?
81 What is the cause of translational errors in Error in scale division Error in Twisting Roll error
CMM? straightness error
82 Which of the following is not related to the Straightness of axes Squareness of Position Axial length measuring accuracy
geometrical accuracy of CMM? axes accuracy
83 Which of the following is true for trigger type Bucking mechanism is Current Contacts of Contacts of point bearing act as electrical
probe system used in computer controlled a 2 point bearing coordinate point micro switches
CMM? position stored bearing
when circuit is arranged at
close 90 degree
84 What is the name of an element which uses Inducto conduct Inductosyn Conductosy Conducto induct
inductive coupling? n
85 Which of the following is a destructive Gloss measurement Taper sectioning Diffraction Micro interferometer
method in measuring surface finish? technique
86 Which of the following is the direct measure Time of swing Angle of swing Length of Height of swing
of surface finish in Wallace surface swing
87 Which of the following device can be used for Beams Bellows Capsule Bourdon tube
force measurement?
88 Load cells are used for measuring Large weights only Small weights Weights Slowly moving weights
_______________ only moving in
high speed
89 Which of the following can be measured Large weight Small weight Both large no weight
using a Ring-type load cell? and small
90 Which of the following arrangements are Tensile strain gauges Compressive Both tensile None of the mentioned
used in load cells? strain gauges and
e strain
Department of Mechanical Engineering- Instrumentation and Measurement MCQ
91 Which of the following is not true for the Optical flat is used Monochromatic Depth of Interference lines plays an important role
method of measurement of surface finish by source of light is defect can’t in identification of the defect
micro interferometer? used be
92 In case of vertical illumination in measuring Flat portion Scratch Irregularity Hills
surface finish with surface photographs,
which will appear as bright area?
93 Why retooling is fast and less expensive in Only hardware changes Both hardware No Software program doesn’t need any
automatic inspection machines? are needed and software hardware change
changes are changes
needed are needed
94 Which of the following is true about probes Retractable type Non-retractable Auxiliary Heads of probes are not held back till the
used in automatic inspection machines? type probe is not part is in gauging position
95 Which of the following is not true about Human intervention is Consists a logic Self Microprocessors are present
automatic inspection machine? required to judge the system diagnostic
quality system is
96 If the displacement is measured with strain One Two Three Four
gauge then the number of strain gauge
normally required are
97 A capacitive pressure sensor has a typical ± 0.2% ± 0.4% ± 0.1% ± 0.8%
measurement uncertainty of
98 Bourdon tube is used for the measurement of Gas Liquid fluid Solid Both (a) and (b)
gauge pressure of
99 Dead weight gauge is used for the About 1000 bar About 2000 bar About 5000 About 7000 bar
measurement of pressure of bar
100 Which of the following is true about the Separate structure is Same structure Anti Anti vibration mounts are placed only on
design of structure of automatic inspection designed for is designed for vibration two front legs of gauging structure
machine? transportation and transportation mounts are
gauging system and gauging placed only
system one leg of