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Mahr Schutz

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by George Schuetz
Marketing Manager, Mahr Federal Inc.
ou made the right choice. You
Y listened to your customers, re-
duced setup, geared up for
just-in-time and focused on single
minute exchange of dies (SMED).
Most short-run stamping opera-
tions have implemented this strategy
to transform
setup time into
time spent ac-
tually making
parts. SMED
represents a
significant in-
vestment in
terms of tool-
ing and train-
ing, an invest-
ment that should yield a significant
return in terms of improved up-time,
faster turns on inventory and greater Review of
Ensuring that the theoretical re-
turn on investment becomes an ac-
tual one is the role of quality assur-
ance. This means establishing tools and
appropriate inspection processes to
monitor production output and en-
sure timely refurbishing of tooling to
procedures helps
specifications, as required. For high-
volume production shops it also stamping shops
may involve using statistical process
control (SPC) to characterize tooling
wear, foreclosing on the potential
tighten-up on
for high scrap rates.
Low- to medium-volume shops, quality assurance
on the other hand, need only get
back to basics. and realize the
Production Measurement Process
Fortunately, stamping typically is a profitability
very stable manufacturing process. A
well-designed punch and die can pro-
duce thousands of parts before wear-
potential of single
ing to the point of making bad parts.
So the aim of inspection is most often minute exchange
to monitor for sudden tool breakage
and to document part quality. of dies (SMED).
Inspections gauge, require a cer-
should be as simple tain level of under-
as possible. In many standing and skill on
cases a basic inspec- the part of the user.
tion chart suffices. Tolerance zones Micrometers are
The chart defines a the most commonly
process for verifying used variable-readout
initial quality and handtools for check-
proposes a plan for Optional material
ing lengths and out-
continued process side diameters on the
monitoring using sim- Go Not go shop floor. They also
ple measurement plug gauge plug gauge can be used for inside
tools and procedures. diameters, depths and
The basic inspec- Maximum Minimum grooves. The most
material material
tion chart, however, limit limit common type incor-
will not predict the porates two basic
forming of bad parts. A good choice for checking hole dimensions is a fixed gauge such scales: a linear scale
This is where SPC as a go/no-go plug gauge. Portable and independent of power, to directly measure
plays a role. Record- these gauges can be used anywhere in the shop with no need for the axial advance-
ing measured data on support equipment. Made to the minimum size to check the ment of the spindle,
charts and plotting smallest hole size allowable, a shop can prevent a part from being usually identical to
the data over time en- pressed and forced into a hole that is too small. Using the no-go the pitch of the mi-
ables a shop to pre- side, if the plug fits into the hole, then the hole is too large. crometer screw; and a
dict when parts will circumferential scale
drift out of tolerance that indicates the
so preemptive action can be taken. pendent of power, the gauges can amount of partial rotation applied to
Since stamping is such a stable be used anywhere in the shop with- the micrometer barrel.
process, SPC is overkill in many cases. out the need for supporting equip- The micrometer is a contact in-
ment. For a manufacturer producing strument that requires sufficient
Basic Measurement Tools multiple holes at loose tolerance, pressure to ensure good positive
Most punches and dies produce this size-verification inspection contact between the part and the in-
parts with tolerances well within the method can be ideal. strument. The only torque calibra-
capabilities of hand-measurement Note that the plug-gauge mea- tion in the human hand is operator
tools typically found on the shop surement concept is a little different feel. What feels like solid contact to
floor. But what tools should you for holes that will be used in press one operator may not feel as solid to
use? There is such a bewildering va- fitting. In this case the operator another, so readings may vary
riety. Take a simple blanked hole, needs to prevent the mating part among operators. In order to elimi-
for example. It may be visually in- from being pressed into a hole that nate this subjective use of a micro-
spected for presence, checked with is too small. The go/no-go plug gauge meter, manufacturers offer the devices
a go/no-go plug, inspected for size made to the minimum size will with a ratchet or friction-thimble
with handtools or 100-percent in- check the smallest allowable hole torque mechanism. More consistent
spected on an automatic gauging size. In this case you may want to gauging pressure results.
system that checks not only size but prevent the part from being forced Indicating MicrometerAn
also can inspect for geometry as well. into the hole. On the no-go side, if even better solution to the inconsis-
Here are some guidelines for the plug fits into the hole then the tencies created by relying on the op-
making the best choice. hole is too large. erator to sense solid contact when
Fixed Gauging/Plug Gauges Variable Gauging/Micrometer using a micrometer is to use an indi-
A good choice for checking holes is Fixed gauging wont tell an opera- cating micrometer. These instruments
a fixed gauge such as a go/no-go tor how a measurement characteris- combine the flexibility of range with
plug gauge. Inexpensive and easy- tic varies from part to part. For this the high resolution and consistent
to-use, fixed gauging provides fast, type of information, a handtool with gauging force of a dial indicator.
positive dimensional information variable readout suffices. Tools with The lower anvil of an indicating
(yes or no), which rarely calls for variable readouts, while providing micrometer is actually the sensitive
human judgment. Portable and inde- much more information than a fixed contact of a built-in indicator that
October 2000/MetalForming www.metalforming.com 65

provides readings clearly A micrometer, left, The third type of caliper
and quickly with no vernier can check lengths is the digital caliper, which
to read. As when using a and outside diameters. offers a number of elec-
standard micrometer, in- The most common type tronic features that make
spectors can adjust the spin- uses a linear and a circum- the device easy to use with
dle to the size needed and ferential scale. The dial little added cost. These fea-
obtain consistent gauging caliper, top, is a dual-pur- tures include simple switch-
force when the dial indica- pose tool for making ing between inch and metric
tor is set to zero using a direct or comparative units, tolerance indications,
master. They then lock the measurements. The indi- digital output to electronic
spindle into position. A re- cator is fixed to the move- data-collection systems,
traction lever makes it easy able jaw and engaged with zero setting anywhere
to position the part for mea- a toothed rack on the body of along the range of the
surement and helps reduce the gauge. caliper and retention of the
contact wear. Now the mea- zero setting even with the
suring tool begins to act like caliper turned off. With no
a gauge, making measure- moving parts in the read-
ments in a comparative mode. out, the digital caliper proves excep-
With this one gauge an experi- tionally durable.
enced operator can quickly set up
the measurement process. Once Proper Use and Care
locked in place, an indicating mi- Measurement results are limited
crometer applies identical gauging by the condition of the gauge and
pressure for every measurement, re- the manner in which it is used. Ad-
gardless of the inspector. It is a per- here to the following guidelines and
fect gauge for medium-run high-tol- a shop can expect good results.
erance parts. Treat all handtools with care
CalipersWhile micrometers and respect. Dont use them to pry
are very accurate, they have a limit- things apart or to hammer things to-
ed measurement rangetypically gether. Wipe them clean after using,
several inches. Where more range is and dont throw them on the work-
called for, inspectors opt for a caliper, bench. For dial calipers, be particu-
which spans from 2 in. to 4 ft. larly wary of dirt that can accumulate
External measurements using a on the rack, throwing measurements
caliper are made by closing the jaws off and ultimately damaging the in-
over the piece to be measured. Inter- dicator. Store a tool in its case. If its
Measuring thin-sheet-formed com-
nal measurements are made by open- going to be there for a while, apply a
ponents such as aluminum cans
ing up the inside-diameter contacts. thin coat of oil to the jaws to inhibit
can be a self-defeating process
There are three caliper types that corrosion.
since they may distort while being
may be found in a machinists tool Check the tools often for wear,
measured. In these cases special
chest. The vernier caliper, the origi- as well as for burrs and scratches on
tooling will help to round-up the part
nal design, is the most rugged. Grad- the jaws and contacting surfaces.
to enable accurate measurement.
uated much like a micrometer, it re- With calipers, simply pass a master
quires the alignment of an etched disc along the jaws while inspecting
scale on the vernier plate with an parative measurements. The indica- for wear or taper.
equally spaced scale that runs the tor, fixed to the moveable jaw, en- Calibrate all measurement tools
length of the tool handle. Skillful gages with a toothed rack on the at least once a year, more often with
tool alignment and interpretation of body of the unit. The dial, balanced heavy use or where several people
the reading is required in order to to move in either plus or minus di- share an instrument. For fixed gaug-
achieve the stated accuracy of the rection from zero, may be graduated ing, this requires the operator to
tool. in either inch or metric units. The send the gauge to a calibration room
The dial caliper, similar in con- jaws of the tool slide past each other where the plug or ring is measured
struction to the vernier caliper, re- to allow contact points or depth-rod and compared to a specified toler-
places the vernier scale with a dial extensions to fit into narrow open- ance. It also may be measured at
indicator. It can make direct or com- ings for small ID measurements. multiple locations, inspecting for
66 www.metalforming.com MetalForming/October 2000

NG y
LI nolog
handtool, such as a blade-style mi-
crometer, to inspect for wear (taper-
coating ing) at points around the working
area of the tool.
Measure at various points near
the end of the tool. A significant
Resharpened wear change in size indicates punch wear
New grind the end to the proper diam-
When dies and punches arrive back at the toolroom, inspect them for
eter to restore the punch. A fine-grit
cracks, chips or burrs. Then use a handtool such as a blade-style
grinding wheel will provide the re-
micrometer to inspect dimensions for signs of wear.
quired finish.
Verify surface finish and cutting-
edge quality using a surface-finish
gauge. After grinding, inspect the
edges of the punch for burrs and re-
move burrs with a soft stone.
The same process is used to refur-
bish dies. Inspect the hole ID for
taper at the opening and correct any
taper by grinding the surface of the
die to restore proper ID.

For High-Speed Metalforming

Punches and Dies
like the ones used to manufac-
ture cans, tolerances may be closer
and there are often more critical pa-
rameters to be checked, including
geometry, profile and surface finish.
Where handtools prove inadequate,
gauges may be custom-designed.
For precision dies, mechanical plug
To inspect and measure dimensions of punches and dies used in gauges can be made for close-toler-
high-speed metalforming operations, tolerances may be tight on ance diameters at specific locations.
a number of critical dimensions, profile and surface finish. Here, With simple stamping processes
custom-designed gauges may be required. For precision dies, where parts may only cost pennies,
mechanical plug gauges can be made to measure close-toler- scheduled maintenance is sufficient
ance diameters. and sampling can spot random
problems. However, high-speed
metalforming processes can make
form errors and checking for scratch- mensions can be measured quickly hundreds, if not thousands, of bad
es and nicks. and reliably. A good example is the parts in minutes. Here, SPC becomes
metalforming process used to manu- necessary to monitor the wear of
Gauge Resolution facture aluminum cans. Trying to dies and punches, and maintenance
and the Rule of Ten hold the can and measure it is self- is needed to avoid catastrophic
The Rule of Ten says that a mea- defeating because the can distorts. scrap generation. These highly spe-
surement tool should have 10 times Such cases may require special tool- cialized applications call for a com-
more resolution than the tolerance ingperhaps a fixture to round up prehensive plan and the use of mea-
of the dimension being measured. the part for diameter measurement, surement tools well beyond the
Calipers typically read in 0.001-in. or as shown in the photo. scope of this article. MF
0.0001-in. units. So if the required
tolerance is tighter than 0.0005 in., a In the Toolroom George Schuetz, marketing man-
higher accuracy tool is needed. When dies and punches head ager for Mahr Federal Inc., Provi-
Some parts will require special back to the toolroom, inspect them dence, RI, can be reached by fax at
tooling to ensure that the critical di- for cracks, chips or burr. Then use a 401/784-3246.
68 www.metalforming.com MetalForming/October 2000

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