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1. The _________ feature allows creating automated page wise headings navigation in
digital documents.
Ans.: Table of Contents

2. By default, there is ________ level of headings available for a table of contents.

Ans.: 3 in MS Word, 10 in OO Writer

3. It is advisable to create a Table of Contents at _________ of the digital document.

Ans.: Begining

4. Heading are part of __________ styles.

Ans.: Paragraph

5. The main heading is also known as ________ heading.

Ans.: Top-level

6. The _______ option locks your table of contents for modification in OO Writer.
Ans.: Protect against manual changes

7. _________ option allows you to select on which the Table of contents is created.
Ans.: for

8. The _________ option displays the headings in the hierarchy level in the Table of
Ans. Outline
9. When you open OO Writer you get ________ settings.
Answer: Default
10 A _________contains a list of different styles in style and formatting window in Writer.
Answer: Style Category
11 The shortcut key to open style and formatting dialog box is ________.
Answer: F11
12 To add a your own styles in OO Writer style category use __________ option.
Answer: Create new style
13 The __________ button allows you to use style on contents of document.
Answer: Fill Format
14. Templates_ is a sample based design driven or pre-formatted documents, help to
create new documents.

15.To use template click on __ New __→ _ Templates and Documents __ option from file

16._ My Templates _ category of templates save all the templates.

17.Organize_ option in File→Templates menu is used to manage various templates.

18. The _ ctrl + shift_ keys allow to link the picture file instead of embedding while dragging
the image.

19. The _ ctrl + shift_ keys allow to link the picture file instead of embedding while dragging
the image.

20. To retain the original proportions of the graphic, do ___SHIFT+CLICK___ one of the
corner handles then drag.

21.To insert picture from the file using menu bar click on __INSERT__ > ___PICTURE_ >
_______FROM FILE___ option in OO writer.

22.To open built-in image gallery of Open Office click on __TOOLS__ > ____GALLARY__

23.The ___GRAPHIC FILTER__ and COLOR__ additional toolbars can be also used to modify
the images for corrections and to obtain special effects

24.The _SMOOTH__ option softens the contrast of the image inserted in the open office

25.The _SOLARIZATION option mimics the effect of too much light in the inserted picture in
OO document
26.The TRANSPARENCY option is particularly useful when creating a watermark or when the
image in background

27.Template Changer __ application is used to change the template in OO Writer.

1.Which of the following is an option of formatting?

1. Save
2. Margins
3. Mail Merge
4. Export file
7 This option allows to apply different kinds of formatting to newly created styles:

1. Alter
2. Update
3. Modify
4. None

8 Which of the following option allow you to add styles from another document?

1. New from selection

2. Update style
3. Load Style
4. Fill Format

9 Which of the following is not a button of styles and formatting window of OO Writer?

 Character style
 Frame Style
 Paragraph Style
 Border Style

10 Which of the following is not an option of paragraph formatting?

 Alignment
 Dropcap
 Margins
 Indents

1. Which of the following menu contains an option to handle templates?

A. File B. Edit C. View D. Format

2. OO Writer does not contain any template in MyTemplates category. Which of the
following options can be used to get templates?
A. Load templates from another folder
B. Get more templates online
C. Import templates from other apps
D. Download Open Office Themes
3. The default extension of OO writer template is
A. .odt B. .ott C. .oot D. .dot
4. The set as default template option is available under which of the following button in the
template management dialog box window?
A. Templates B. Documents C. File D. Commands
5. To open template management dialog box window click on this command of
A. Organize B. Address Book Source C. Save D. Edit

1. Which of the following is one of the way to insert a picture in OO writer document?
1. Drag and Drop from the folder or directory where the picture is saved
2. Insert picture online
3. Insert from your mobile
4. None of these
2. Which of the following option display a thumbnail of the selected image on right in
insert picture dialog box?
1. Thumbnail
2. Preview
3. Link
4. Display Picture
3. You cannot insert a picture from a scanner directly in Open Office Document.
4. By default, the picture gallery is docked below the writer workspace. (True/False)
5. Which of the following option is the correct option to open the picture toolbar?
1. File > Toolbar > Picture
2. Insert > Toolbar > Picture
3. View > Toolbar > Picture
4. Insert > Picture > Show Toolbar
6. .
7. Which of the following option is not available in graphics mode in the picture
1. GrayScale
2. Black/White
3. Watermark
4. RGB
8. You can apply a mirror effect to your picture in Open Office. (True/False)
9. Which of the following increases the contrast of the image inserted in the open
office document?
1. Invert
2. Smooth
3. Solarization
4. Sharpen
10. The remove noise option removes the single pixels from the image inserted in Open
Office Document. (True/False)
11. Which of the following filter option allows to simulate the effects of time on the
picture inserted in OO document?
1. Solarization
2. Aging
3. Posterize
4. Pop Art
12. Which of the following option allows to crop produces enlargement, shrinking or
distortion of the image?
1. Keep scale
2. Keep image size
3. Keep cropping
4. Keep original
13. Which of the following option is not provided by OO writer by default?
1. Resizing
2. Cropping
3. Contrasting
4. Rotating


1. What are Styles?. What are the advantages of using styles?
A style is a collection of formats that can be applied simultaneously to one or more
characters or paragraphs.
Benefits of Applying Styles

 We can quickly format a document with a consistent and expert appearance by

using styles.
 Instead of manually formatting each individual part of a document, we can quickly
change the way it looks by using styles.
 Using styles encourages our documents to have a consistent format and
 It enables we to quickly apply various formatting options to specific document
2. Give any four styles supported by OpenOffice.org
OpenOffice.org Writer supports the following types of styles:
Page styles include margins, headers and footers, borders, and backgrounds.
Paragraph styles control all aspects of a paragraph's appearance, such as text alignment,
tab stops, line spacing, borders, and character formatting.
Character styles affect properties of the selected text within a paragraph, such as the font
and size of text and bold and italic formats.
Frame styles are used to format graphic and text frames, including borders, backgrounds,
columns, and how text wraps around the frame.
List styles apply similar alignment, numbering or bullet characters, and fonts to numbered
or bulleted lists.
3. How can we create our own styles?
To create our own styles follow the following steps –
Step 1 : Give a style in the text
Step 2 : Select a style in the document
Step 3 : Click on Styles and Formatting window
Step 4 : Click on the New Style
Step 5 : Press Ok
4. Explain any four Graphic filters.
The important graphic filters used in digital documentation are –
a. Invert – Invert use to change the brightness of grayscale image.
b. Smooth – Decreasing the contrast of an image
c. Sharpen – Increasing the contrast of an image
d. Solarization – Mimics the effects of too much light in a picture.
e. Posterize – Convert the picture in painting style
f. Charcoal – Convert the picture in charcoal sketch.
g. Mosaic – Joins multiple pixels into a single area of a color.
5. Explain Image Cropping.
Cropping is the process of removing unwanted parts from a picture, to crop the image
flow the following steps.
Step 1 : Right click on Picture
Step 2 : Select Picture Option from Pop-up menu
Step 3 : Select Crop
6. List any three methods of inserting images in a text document.
Images can be added to a document in several ways: by inserting an image file, directly
from a graphics program or a scanner, or from the Open Office Gallery
Three methods of inserting images in a text document are :
a. Drag and Drop
b. Inserting An Image Using Insert Picture Dialog
c. Inserting An Image From The Clipboard
d.Inserting An Image Using A Scanner
e. Inserting An Image From The Gallery

Drag and Drop

1. Open a file browser window and locate the image you want to insert.
2. Drag the image into the Writer document and drop it where you want it to appear. A
faint vertical line marks where the image will be dropped.
This method embeds (saves a copy of) the image file in the Writer document. To link the
file instead of embedding it, hold down the Control +Shift keys while dragging the image.
Insert Picture Dialog
1. Click in the Open Office document where you want the image to appear.
2. Choose Insert > Picture > From File from the menu bar.
3. On the Insert Picture dialog (see Figure 1.5), navigate to the file to be inserted, select it,
and click Open.
At the bottom of the dialog are two options, Preview and Link. Select Preview to view a
thumbnail of the selected image on the right, so you can verify that you have the correct
file. See below for the use of Link

Inserting An Image From The Clipboard

Using the clipboard, you can copy images into an Open Office document from another
Open Office document and from other programs. To do this:
1. Open both the source document and the target document.
2. In the source document, select the image to be copied.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the selected image and press Control + to copy the image
to the clipboard.
4. Switch to the target document.
5. Click to place the cursor where the graphic is to be inserted.
6. Press Control +V to insert the image.
If the application from which the graphic was copied is closed before the graphic is pasted
into the target, the image stored on the clipboard could be lost.
Inserting An Image Using A Scanner
Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source.
Inserting An Image From The Gallery
To open the Gallery, click on the Gallery icon (located in the right side of the Standard
toolbar) or choose Tools > Gallery from the menu bar.
2. Navigate through the Gallery to find the desired picture.
3. To insert the picture, click and drag it from the Gallery into the Writer document. You
can also right-click on the picture and choose Insert>Copy.
7. What do you understand by the terms :
a. Text wrapping :it is a feature That enables us to surround a diagram or picture with the
text. The text wraps around the graphics tags. The text wrap is also known as text flow.
Let us take an example of text wrapping around an object. When you insert an image over
text, the text normally wraps itself around the frame of the image (which is usually
rectangular) but not the image itself (which can have a contour). The Text Wrap panel
allows you to define the image around which the text should wrap itself.

b. Anchoring
Anchored objects tell InDesign to keep the positioning of the object, while moving the
other objects around it. To do this, first we must anchor the object. OR Anchoring refers to
the reference point for the graphics. This point could be the page, or frame where the
object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.
8. What are templates? What are the advantages of using templates?
ans: A template is a model that you use to create other documents. For example, you can
create a template for business reports that has your company’s logo on the first page.
When you create a new documents from this template will all have your company’s logo on
the first page.
One of the major advantages of using templates is the ease of updating styles in more than
one document. Another advantage is that it also saves your time.
9.Write the steps for Loading Styles From A Template Or Document
Loading Styles From A Template Or Document
You can copy styles by loading them from a template or another document:
1. Open the document you want to copy styles into.
2. In the Styles and Formatting window, long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from
Selection icon, and then click on Load Styles.

3. On the Load Styles dialog (Figure 1.4), find and select the template you want to copy
styles from.
4. Select the categories of styles to be copied. Select Overwrite if you want the styles being
copied to replace any styles of the same names in the document you are copying them into.
5. Click OK to copy the styles. You will not see any change on screen.
To copy the styles from another document, click the From File button to open a window
from which you can select the required document.
10. What is the difference between styles and templates?

Styles Templates

A style is a set of formats that A template is a model that you

you can apply to Use to create other documents.
selected pages, text, frames,
and other elements
in your document to quickly
Change their appearance.

Styles help to keep formatting Templates help to keep formatting

consistent in the entire consistent across multiple
document documents

11. Explain Mail Merge.

ans:A mail merge is a way to take a letter you’ve written and send it to a whole bunch of
people, personalizing it with information about them so they might think that you typed
that letter personally for them. A mail merge can also be a quick way to take a list of
people’s mailing addresses and generate labels or envelopes with the address for a different
person on each label or envelope. In short, it’s a way to be personal, yet efficient.
12. What are advantages of Mail Merge?
Ans. Advantages of mail merge are :
1. It saves our time and efforts.
2. It helps to create multiple personalized letters in a very less time.
3. It also help to keep the formatting consistent in all the letters.
13. Give examples of databases in which the Data Source can be created.
ans 12->Data source records include information such as name, address, and phone number
etc. Mail merge takes data from the data source and merges it with another document
called the main document. The various data sources used in mail merge are as follows:

1. Spreadsheet – You can store data in a spreadsheet, which you can use in Mail
2. Text File – Text file is also used to store data in mail merge.
3. Access (database) – Database is also used for storing data and this data you can
merge in Writer documents.
4. Address Book – Address Book is also used to merging data in Writer document.

14. Write Steps To Update A Style In Libre Writer.

Updating A Style From A Selection
To update a style from a selection:
1. Open the Styles and Formatting window.
2. In the document, select an item that has the format you want to adopt as a style.
3. In the Styles and Formatting window, select the style you want to update (single-click,
not double-click), then long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon
and click on Update Style(Refer Figure 1.3).

15.What Do You Understand By Custom Style In Libre Office

Modifying a style by updating it to match formatting in your document or creating a new
style based on document formatting is called custom style.
16.What is a digital image? How can you make it?
It is the type of image which is made of pixels. It includes printed texts, photographs, and
artwork. It is captured from the digital camera, any image machine. As it is made up of
pixels it is used to define the quality of the image. The pixel value is used to measure the
quality of the image. The binary code ( 0 AND 1) is used to represent the value of a pixel.
The resolution can be measured by the value of pixel per inch value. For storing it in the
computer there are different file formats used which are GIF, JPG/JPEG, BMP, TIFF.

 JPEG is the Joint Photographic Experts Group

 TIFF is the Tagged Image File Format
 PNG is Portable Network Graphics
 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
17. Difference Between Cropping And Resizing.
Cropping an image refers to removing a portion of the image, while resizing an image
refers to changing the dimensions of the entire image. Cropping is often used to remove
unwanted parts of an image, such as a person walking through the background of a photo.
Resizing is often used to change the size of an image to fit a specific space, such as a blog
post or social media post.
18. What Are The Tools Present In Drawing Toolbar?
To begin using the drawing tools, display the Drawing toolbar (Figure 1.9), by clicking View
> Toolbars > Drawing.

19. What is the table of contents?

Ans:A table of contents is an automated table of headings used in documents along with
page numbers. It helps to navigate through the content of the document easily.

20. What is the pre-requisite of the table of contents?

Ans.: The only pre-requisite of the table of contents is the user needs to create different
levels of headings.

21. What are the headings?

Ans.: Headings are the special style applied to the title of the topics in the documents. Write
supports 10 levels of headings. The topic can be divided into headings and subheadings.

22.What are the different tabs available in the insert indexes/table dialog box?
Ans: The different tabs available in the insert indexes/ table dialog box as are follows:

 Index/Table: This tab contains options for setting table’s properties.

 Entries: This tab allows to set the structure of headings and set styles of headings.
 Styles: This tab allows us to change the heading styles and formattings.
 Columns: This tab is used to increase or decrease columns in the table of contents as
well as allows to change the width and space between columns.
 Background: The user can set a background colour or change the background colour
of the table of contents.

23.How to set the basic attributes of the table?

Ans.: The basic attributes of the table are as follows:

 Title: It is used to give a title for the table of contents.

 Type: This attribute allows us to select the types of table of contents. It can be a
Table of contents, an Alphabetical index, an Illustration of the index etc.
 Create index/table:
o for: Allows to select the content for which a Table of content is created.
o Evaluate up to level: Display the level of heading used in the Table of
 Create from:
o Allows to select an outline for the hierarchical table of contents, Additional
styles if any, or to display the index marks

24.How to add or delete the title for the table of content?

Ans.: To add a title follow these steps:

 The default title is “Table of Contents”, click on OK if you want to set it as it is.
 Type your desired title if you wish to give a custom title and click on the OK button.

25.Priya has created a document with a table of contents. Now she wants to protect
the manual changes in her document. Help her by suggesting the steps to do the
 Ans.:She can use the option Protected against manual changes. If she clicks on the
given option then the table of contents can only be changed using the context menu
or the Insert Table/Index window.

26.Write steps to create headings.

 Ans.: To create headings follow these steps:
 1. Type the desired text.
 2. Go to the styles option.
 3. Click on the paragraph styles button.
 4. Find the built-in headings styles.
 5. Apply the relevant heading styles to the content.
 6. Save the document.

27.Write steps to create or insert a table of contents in digital documents.

To create or insert a table of contents in digital documents follow these steps:

 Create your content and apply the proper level of headings.

 Place the cursor on top of the document or at the beginning.
 Click on insert → indexes and table → indexes and table option. Insert indexes/table
dialog box will appear.
 Set different attributes, styles, backgrounds etc. for the TOC.

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