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Datacommunication and Computer Networking

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Data communication Refers to the exchange of data
between A source and A receiver.
The device that transmits the data is known as source and
the device that receives the transmitted
Data is known as receiver.

Data communication Refers to the exchange of data

between two devices via some form of transmission
medium such as a wire cable using appropriate signal.
Components of Data Communication
A data communications system has five components:
i) Message: The message is the information (data) to be
communicated. Popular forms of information include text,
numbers, pictures, audio, and video.
ii) Sender: The sender is the device that sends the data
message. It can be a computer, workstation, telephone
handset, video camera, and so on.

iii) Receiver: The receiver is the device that receives the

message. It can be a computer,workstation, telephone
handset, television, and so on.

iv) Transmission medium: The transmission medium is the

physical path by which a message travels from sender to
receiver. Some examples of transmission media include
twisted-pair wire,coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, and radio
v) Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules that govern data
communications. It represents an agreement between the
communicating devices. Without a protocol, two devices may
be connected but not communicating, just as a person
speaking french cannot be understood by a person who
speaks only japanese
Data Representation
Information today comes in different forms such as text,
numbers, images, audio, and video
In data communications, text is represented as a bit pattern, a
sequence of bits (os or 1s).Different sets of bit patterns have
been designed to represent text symbols. Each set is called a
code, and the process of representing symbols is called

Numbers are also represented by bit patterns, the number
is directly converted to a binary number to simplify
mathematical operations.
Images are also represented by bit patterns. In its simplest form,
an image is composed of a matrix of pixels (picture elements),
where each pixel is a small dot. The size of the pixel depends on
the resolution.

Audio refers to the recording or broadcasting of sound or music.
Audio is by nature different from text, numbers, or images. It is
continuous, not discrete.

Video refers to the recording or broadcasting of a picture or
movie. Video can either be produced as a continuous entity (e.G.,
By a TV camera), or it can be a combination of images, each a
discrete entity, arranged to convey the idea of motion
Types of Data

Data can be analog or digital. The term analog data refers to

information that is continuous; digital data refers to
information that has discrete states.

Signal: The electrical wave that is used to represent the data.

Can be analog or digital signal.
Cont .......
An analog signal has infinitely many levels of intensity over a
period of time. As the wave moves from value A to value B, it
passes through and includes an infinite number of values along
its path. Ex:-Human voice
Data => Continuous (e.g. audio)
Signaling =>continuously varying electromagnetic wave

A digital signal, on the other hand, can have only a limited

number of defined values. Although each value can be any
number, it is often as simple as 1 and 0. Ex:-Digital Watch
Data =>Discrete (e.g. text)
Signaling => Sequence of Voltage pulses
Types of Communication Styles
Communication between two devices can be simplex,
half-duplex, & full-duplex
1. Simplex
-In simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional,
as on a one-way street. Only one of the two devices
on a link can transmit; the other can only receive.
- This mode of communication vastly used in Radio and
TV where we can see and hear or recive data only but
we can’t send any information data by the same
ii) Half-Duplex
-In half-duplex mode, each station can both transmit
and receive, but not at the same time. When one
device is sending, the other can only receive, and
vice versa.

- The half-duplex mode is like a one-lane road with

traffic allowed in both directions. When cars are
travelling in one direction, cars going the other way
must wait.

- This mode of communication vastly used in Walkie-

talkie, intercom,string phone
iii) Full Duplex
-In full-duplex mode, both stations can transmit and receive

-The full-duplex mode is like a two way street with traffic

flowing in both directions at the same time.

-One common example of full-duplex communication is the

telephone network. When two people are communicating
by a telephone line, both can talk and listen at the same
Data Transmission
Data transmission refers to the process of transferring data
between two or more digial devices. Data is transmitted from
one device to another in analog or digital format.

How does data Transmission work between digital devices?

Data is transferred in the form of bits between two or more
digital devices. There are two methods used to transmit data
between digital devices.Serial data transmission sends data
bits one after another over a single channel. Parallel data
transmission sends multiple data bits at the same time over
mutiple channels.
Types of Data transmission
1. Serial Transmission: While transferring data b/n two
physically separate devices,especially if the separation is
more than a few kilometers, for reaons of cost, it is more
economical to use a single pair of lines.

▪ Data is transmitted as a single bit at a time using fixed time

interval for each bit. This mode of transmission is known as
bit-serial transmission

▪ In a serial transmission, the various bits of data are

transmitted serially one after the other. Slower than parallel

▪ Serial transmission is used for long distance

communication.It is also used in cases where the amount of
data being sent is relatively small.
0 0
1 1
1 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Receiver
Sender 0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0

Serial Transmission of 8-bit Data

Classifications of Serial Transmission
Serial transmission has two classfications: asynchronous and

1. Asynchronous Serial Transmission: Data bits can be sent at

any point in time. Stop bits and start bits are used b/n data bytes
to synchroniz the transmitter and receiver and to ensure that the
data is tranmitted correctly. Time bits isn’t constant, so gaps are
used to provide time b/n transmissions.

 It is more cost effective method

 The data transmission can be slower, but this is not always

2. Synchronous Serial Transmission
Data bits are transmitted as a continuous stream in time with a
master clock. The data transmitter and reciver both operate
using a synchronized clock frequency so start bits,stop bits
and gaps are not used.

 Data moves faster and timing errors are less frequent b/c time
of both is synced.

 In comparison with asynchronous serial transmission ,this

method is usually more expensive
2. Parallel Transmission:When data is sent using parallel data
transmission, multiple data bits are transmitted over multiple
channels at the same time. This means that data can be sent much
faster than using serial transmission methods.

A group of bits is transmitted simultaneously by using a

Separate line for each bit.
The main advantage of parallel data transmission over serial
transmission are:
• It is easier to program and data is sent faster

As a disadvantage :
• It requires more transmission channels than serial
Parallel transmission is used when:
◦ A large amount of data is being sent
◦ The data being sent is time-sensitive
◦ And the data needs to be sent quickly
Sender 0 Receiver

Parallel Transmission of 8-bit Data

Transmission Impairment
Signals travel through transmission media, which are not perfect.The
imperfection causes signal impairment. This means that the signal at the
beginning of the medium is not the same as the signal at the end of the
medium. What is sent is not what is received. Three causes of
impairment are attenuation, distortion, and noise.

i) Attenuation:
Attenuation means a loss of energy. When a signal, simple or
composite, travels through a medium, it loses some of its energy
in overcoming the resistance of the medium. That is why a wire
carrying electric signals gets warm, if not hot, after a while.
Some of the electrical energy in the signal is converted to heat. To
compensate for this loss, amplifiers are used to amplify the
ii) Distortion:

-Distortion means that the signal changes its form or shape.

-Distortion can occur in a composite signal made of different
frequencies. Each signal component has its own propagation speed
through a medium and, therefore, its own delay in arriving at the
final destination. Differences in delay may create a difference in
phase if the delay is not exactly the same as the period duration.
iii) Noise:

Noise is another cause of impairment. Several types of noise,

such as thermal noise, induced noise, crosstalk, and impulse
noise, may corrupt the signal. Thermal noise is the random
motion of electrons in a wire which creates an extra signal not
originally sent by the transmitter. Induced noise comes from
sources such as motors and appliances.Crosstalk is a
disturbance caused by the electric or magnetic fields of one
telecommunication signal affecting a signal in an adjacent
circuit.Impulse is a category of noise which includes
unwanted,almost instantaneous sharp sounds. Usually caused by
electromagnetic interference,scratches on recording disks....
What is Switching

The mechanism for moving information between

different computer network and network segment is
called switching in computer network.

The switching functions provides communications

pathways b/n two endpoints and manage how data
flows b/n them.

The two most common switching methods are circut

switching and packet switching.
Switching Methods

Circuit switching: Requires a dedicated physical connection b/n

the sending and receving devices and also it involves setting
up a series of intermediate nodes, in order to propagate the
sending node's data to the receiving node.

 The sending system establishes a physical connection, and the

data is transmitted b/n the two. When transmission is
complete, the channel is closed.

 In particular, it is the method used by the public switched

telephone network(PSTN).
Packet switching: In here messages are broken into smaller pieces
called packets.
Each packets is assigned source and destination addressses.
And will be transmitted separately by intermediate nodes and
reassembled when they reach the final recipient.

As an example we can take Internet (connectionless) by it self

The effectiveness of Data Communication
depend on four fundamental characteristics

1. Delivery _ the system must deliver data to correct


2. Accuracy_the system must deliver data to correct

destination accurately

3. Timeliness_ the system must deliver data on time

4. Jitter_ is refer to the variation in packet arrival

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Transmission Media

The medium over which the information between two computer

systems is sent, called transmission media (or) transmission
media is a pathway that carries the information from sender to

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receiver. Transmission media is also called as communication

-In telecommunications, transmission media can be divided into
two broad categories: Guided/Wired and Unguided/Wireless.
Guided media include twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, and

fiber-optic cable. Unguided medium is free space.

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1. Guided/Bounded Media
Guided media are the physical links through which signals are
confined to narrow path.

Bound transmission media are the cables that are tangible or have
physical existence and are limited by the physical geography.

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Three common types of bounded media are used of the data
transmission. These are coaxial cable, twisted pair cable and
fiber optics cable

1. Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable is very common and widely used commutation
media. For example TV wire is usually coaxial.

Coaxial cable has two wires of copper. The core wire lies in

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center and is made of solid conductor. Core is enclosed in an
insulating sheath. Over the sheath the second wire is wrapped
around and that too in turn encased by insulator sheath. This all
is covered by plastic cover.

Insulating core
Protective Shield material
plastic covering
Characteristics Of Coaxial Cable

 Low cost

 Easy to install
 Mostly used in LAN

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 Coaxial cables provide high bandwidth rates of up to 450 mbps.
Advantages of Coaxial Cable
 Inexpensive
 Easy to wire
 Easy to expand

Disadvantages of Coaxial Cable

 Single cable failure can take down an entire network 40
2. Twisted-Pair Cable
A twisted pair consists of two conductors (Normally copper),
each with its own plastic insulation,twisted together in pairs.

The most popular network cabling is Twisted pair.it is a light
weight,easy to install ,inexpensive and support many different

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types of network. It also supports the speed of 100mps.There
are two types of twisted pairs cabling
1. Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
2. Shielded twisted pair (STP)

1. Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)

UTP is a set of twisted pair of cable within a plastic sheath.
Cables without a shield are called UTP.
• UTP is ordinary telephone wire
• UTP is a least expensive of all the transmission media commonly used for

• Is easy to work with

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• Is easy to install
• UTP is subject to external electromagnetic interference. Coper

encasement 42
2. Shielded twisted pair (STP)
STP offers a protective sheathing around the copper wire.
 STP provides better performance at lower data rates

 STP are not commonly used in networks
 Installation is easy

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 Cost is moderately expensive
 It still suffer from outside interference but not as much UTP.

Plastic Shield insulation
encasement 43
3. Fiber optic cable (FOC)
Fiber Optic works on the properties of light.FOC is a light
pipe which is used to carry a light beam from one place to

another. The core of fiber optic cable is made of high quality
glass or plastic. From one end of it light is emitted, it travels

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through it and at the other end light detector detects light
stream and converts it to electric data form. Fiber Optic
provides the highest mode of speed. It comes in two
modes, one is single mode fiber and s econd is
multimode fiber. Single mode fiber can carries single ray of
light whereas multimode is capable of carrying multiple
beams of light.

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2.Unguided/Unbound Media
Unbound transmision media are the way of transmitting data
without using any cables. These media are not bounded by

physical greography. There is no connectivity between the
sender and receiver. Information is spread over the air, and

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anyone including the actual recipient may collect the
information. This type of transmission is called wireless.

I. Radio Waves
Although there is no clear-cut demarcation between radio
waves and microwaves, electromagnetic waves ranging in

frequencies between 3 kHz and 1 GHz are normally called
radio waves. Radio waves, for the most part, are omni-

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directional. When an antenna transmits radio waves, they
are propagated in all directions. This means that the sending
and receiving antennas do not have to be aligned.

Omni directional

The omni-directional property has a disadvantage, too. The radio
waves transmitted by oneantenna are susceptible to interference

by another antenna that may send signals using the same
frequency or band.

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II. Microwaves
Electromagnetic waves having frequencies between I and 300
GHz are called microwaves.Microwaves are unidirectional.
When an antenna transmits microwave waves, they can be
narrowly focused. This means that the sending and receiving
antennas need to be aligned. The unidirectional property has an
obvious advantage. A pair of antennas can be aligned without
interfering with another pair of aligned antennas.Ex:-nsatellite
TV dish
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III. Infrared
Infrared waves, with wavelengths from 1 mm to 770 mm, can
be used for short-range communication.the remote control

used in TV,VCR and stereos all use infrared communication
they are relatively directional,cheap and easy to build, but

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have a major drawback: they do not pass through solid
object(cannot penetrate walls).infrared light is suitable for
indoor wireless LAN.

Introduction to Computer Networks
Computer Networking

A computer network is a set of computers connected together
for the purpose of sharing resources. Computers on a network

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are called nodes. The connection between computers can be
done via cabling, most commonly Ethernet cable, or wirelessly
through radio wave. Connected computers can share resources,
like internet,printers,file servers,and other.

A network is a multipurpose connection,which allows a single

computer to do more.

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Uses of Computer Networks
Network Line Configuration:
A network is two or more devices connected through links. A link
is a communications pathway that transfers data from one

device to another. For visualization purposes, it is simplest
to imagine any link as a line drawn between two points. For

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communication to occur, two devices must be connected in some
way to the same link at the same time.There are two possible
types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint.

1. Point-to-Point: A point-to-point connection provides a
dedicated link between two devices. The entire capacity of the
link is reserved for transmission between those two devices.

When you change television channels by infrared remote
control, you are establishing a point-to-point connection

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between the remote control and the television's control system.

2. Multipoint: A multipoint (also called multi drop) connection
is one in which more than two specific devices share a single
link. In a multipoint environment, the capacity of the channel

is shared, either spatially or temporally.
If several devices can use the link simultaneously, it is a

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spatially shared connection. If users must take turns, it is a
timeshared connection

Network Topologies
The topology defines how the devices
(computers,printers..etc) are connected and how the

data flows from one device to another. There are
two conventions while representing the topologies.
The physical topology defines how the devices are

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physically wired. The logical topology defines how
the data flows from one device to another.

Physical Topology consists of four different topologies.

They are:
i) Mesh Topology
ii) Star Topology
iii) Bus Topology
iv) Ring Topology 56
Mesh Topology
The meshtopology incorporates a unique networkdesign in which
each computer on the network connects to every other, creating a
point-to-point connection between every device on the network.

The purpose of the meshdesign is to provide a high level of
redundancy. If one network cable fails, the data always has an

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alternative path to get to its destination.

 Provides redundant paths between devices
 A mesh topology is robust. If one link becomes unusable,

it does not incapacitate the entire system.
 There is the advantage of privacy or security. When every

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message travels along a dedicated line, only the intended
recipient sees it.
 Point-to-point links make fault identification and fault isolation
 The network can be expanded without disruption to current

 Requires more cable than the other LAN topologies

 The hardware required to connect each link (I/O ports and
cable) can be prohibitively expensive.

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 Complicated implementation.

Star Topology
- In a star topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point
link only to a central controller,usually called a hub.

- The devices are not directly linked to one another. Unlike a
mesh topology, a star topology does not allow direct traffic

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between devices.
- The controller acts as an exchange: If one device wants to
send data to another, it sends the data to the controller, which
then relays the data to the other connected device.

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- A star topology is less expensive than a mesh topology.

- In a star, each device needs only one link and one I/O port to
connect it to any number of others. This factor also makes it
easy to install and reconfigure.

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- Cable failure affects only a single user.
- Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problems.
- Far less cabling needs to be housed, and additions,
moves, and deletions involve only one connection: between
that device and the hub.

- The dependency of the whole topology bon one single point,
the hub. If the hub goes down, the whole system is dead.

- Although a star requires far less cable than a mesh, each node
must be linked to a central hub

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- Requires more cable than most of the other topologies.
- More difficultthan other topologies to implement.

Bus Topology
A bus networkuses a trunk or backbone to which all of the
computers on the network connect. In a bus topology all

devices are connected to the transmission medium as
backbone. There must be a terminator at each end of the

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bus to avoid signal reflections, which may distort the
original signal. Signal is sent in both directions, but some
buses are unidirectional.

- Compared to other topologies, a bus is cheap and easy to

- A bus uses less cabling than mesh or star topologie
- Good for small networks

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- Does not use any specialized network equipment.
- Difficult reconnection and fault isolation.
- A fault or break in the bus cable stops all transmission, even
between devices on the same sideof the problem.
- There might be network disruption when computers are added
or removed.

Ring Topology
In Ring topology, each host machine connects to exactly
two other machines, creating a circular network structure.

When one host tries to communicate or send message to a host
which is not adjacent to it, the data travels through all

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intermediate hosts. To connect one more host in the existing
structure administrator may need only one more extra cable.

- A ring is relatively easy to install and reconfigure.

- Fault isolation is simplified
-Cable faults are easily located, making troubleshooting easier

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- Unidirectional traffic can be a disadvantage.
- In a simple ring, a break in the ring (such as a disabled station)
can disable the entire network.
- Expansion to the network can cause network disruption.

Tree/Hybrid Topology
Also known as Hierarchical Topology is the most
common form of network topology in use present

day. This topology imitates as extended Star
Topology and inherits properties of Bus
topology. This topology divides the network into

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multiple levels/layers of network. Mainly in
LANs, a network is bifurcated into three types of
network devices. The lowest most is access-
layer where user‟s computer are attached.
The middle layer is known as distribution
layer, which works as mediator between
upper layer and lower layer. The highest most
layer is known as Core layer, and is central
point of the network, i.e. root of the tree from
which all nodes fork. 68
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All neighbouring hosts have point-to-point

connection between them. Like bus
topology, if the root goes down, the entire

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network suffers. Though it is not the
single point of failure. Every connection
serves as point of failure, failing of
which divides the network into
unreachable segment and so on.

Network Types
There are basically three categories of
networks based on its size and geographical


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▪ Local Area Network (LAN)
▪ Wide Area Network (WAN)
▪ Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
▪ Personal Area Network (PAN)

Local Area Network (LAN)
This is one of the original categories of network,and one of the simplest.
LAN is a privately owned computer network covering a small networks
geographical area,like a home,office,or groups of buildings. The function

of the LAN is to interconnect workstation computers for the purposes of
sharing files and resources. Because of its localized nature, the LAN is

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typically high speed and cheaper to set up than a WAN, Early LANs had
data rates in the 4 to 16 megabits per second (Mbps) range. Today,
however, speeds are normally 100 or 1000 Mbps.

✓Smallest LAN may only use two computers,while larger LANs

can accommodate thousands of computers. High speed and
relatively low cost are the defining characteristics of LANs.

✓If a local area network, or LAN, is entirely wireless, it is

referred to as a wireless local area network (WLAN) 72
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Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a telecommunication network. It is simply a LAN of LANs
(network of networks). A wide area network (WAN) provides long-

distance transmission of data, image, audio, and video information
over large geographic areas that may comprise a country, a
continent, or even the whole world.

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✓ WAN are characterized by the slowest data communication rates
and the largest distances. It generally utilize different and much
more expensive networking equipment than do LANs.
✓ Organizations supporting WANs using the internet protocol are
known as Network Service Providers (NSPs). These form the core
of the internet.by connecting the NSP WANs together using links at
Internet Packet Interchanges a global communication infrastructure
is formed.
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Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
This is a network which is larger than a LAN but
smaller than a WAN, and incorporates elements of

both it typically spans a town or city and is owned by
a single person or company.

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✓ MANs rarely extend beyond 100 KM and frequently
compise a combination of different hardware and
transmission media

✓ The two most important components of MANs are

security and standardization. Security is important
because information is being shared between
dissimilar systems. Standardization is necessary to
ensure reliable data communication.
Personal Area Network (PAN)
A personal area network is a computer network
organized around an individual person within a single

building. A typical PAN would include one or more
computer,telephones,peripheral devices,video game

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consoles and other personal entertainment
devices.PAN can be constructed with cables or
wirelessly.This type of network provides great
flexibility for example:-
✓ Send a document to printer in the office upstaires while you are sitting
on the couch with ur laptop

✓ Upload a photo from your cell phone to your desktop computer 77

✓ Watch movies from an online streaming service to your TV

Network Models
There are two basic wired network models from which
to choose the peer-to-peer network model and the

client/server model. The model used for a network is
determined by several factors, including how the

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network will be used, how many users will be on the
network, and budgetary considerations.
1. Peertopeer Networking Model
A peer-to-peer network is a decentralized network
model offering no centralized storage of data or
centralized control over the sharing of files or
resources.Each computers acts as both the client and the
server, communicating directly with the other computer
Peer-to-peer networks are typically found in small
offices or in residential settings where only a limited
number of computers will be attached and only a few

files and resources shared. A general rule of thumb is
to have no more than 10 computers connected to a

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peer-to-peer network.
2. Client/Server Networking Model
A client/Server computer network is one which has a
centralized infrastructure. It allows for centralized
network management of all network
services,including user management, security, and
backup procedures.
✓ Most data and applications are installed on the
server. When clients need access to these resources, 79
they access them from the server.
Table 1 Comparison of Networking Models

Attribute Peer-to-Peer Network Client/Server Network

Basic Clients and server are not There is a specific server
distinguished,each node act as client and specific clients
and server connected to the server

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Size Restricted to a maximum of 10 The size of the network
computers. is limited only by server
size and network
hardware, and it can have
thousands of connected
Service Each node can request for services The client request for
and can also provide the services service and server
respond with the service
Focus connectivity Sharing the information
Data Each peer has its own data The data is stored in a
centralized server
Administration Each individual is responsible for A skilled network

the administration of his or her administrator is often
own system. A administrator is required to maintain and
not needed. manage the network.

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Security Each individual is responsible for Security is managed
maintaining security for shared from a central location
files or resources connected to but often requires a
the system. skilled administrator to
correctly configure.
Cost Minimal startup and The client-server are
implementation cost. expensive to implement
Stability Peer-to-peer suffer if the number Client-server is more
of peers increases in the system stable and scalable
Interconnection of Networks: Internetwork

Today, it is very rare to see a LAN, a MAN,
or a LAN in isolation; they are connected to

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one another.When two or more networks are
connected, they become an internetwork, or

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Network, internet, and Internet
✓ A network is a group of connected communicating devices

such as computers and printers.
✓ An internet (note the lowercase letter i) is two or more

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networks that can communicate with each other.
✓ The most notable internet is called the Internet (uppercase
letter I), a collaboration of more than hundreds of thousands of
interconnected networks.
✓ Private individuals as well as various organizations such as
government agencies, schools, research facilities, corporations,
and libraries in more than 100 countries use the Internet.

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Difference between Internet and Intranet
Internet Intranet

Internet is wide network of Intranet is also a network of
computers and is open for all computers designed for specific

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group of users

Internet itself contains a large number Intranet can be accessed from internet
of intranets. but with restrictions
The number of users who use internet The number of users is limited
is unlimited
The visitors traffic is unlimited The traffic allowed is also limited
Internet contains different source of Intranet conatins only specific group
information and is available for all information.
Networking Devices
A repeater is an electronic device that amplifies the
signal it receives, or else, you can think of repeater as
a device which receives a signal and retransmits it at
a higher level or higher power so that the signal can
cover longer distances.
✓ It can regenerate signals at the bit level to allow them to travel
a longer distance on the media.
✓ It operates at Physical Layer of OSI
✓ A repeater does not actually connect two LANs; it connects
two segments of the same LAN. The segments connected are
still part of one single LAN. A repeater is not a device that can
connect two LANs of different protocols.
✓ A repeater forwards every frame; it has no filtering capability.

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Hubs are used in networks that use
twisted-pair cabling to connect devices.
Hub is also used to do data transfer, when
a host sends a data packet to a network
Hub, the Hub copies the data packet to all
of its ports connected to.
However, because of its working
mechanism, a hub is not so secure and
safe.Moreover, copying the data packets
on all the interfaces make it slower and
more congested which lead to use of
Hubs come in a variety of shapes and
sizes. Small hubs with five or eight
connection ports are commonly referred to
as workgroup hubs. Others can
accommodate larger numbers of devices
(normally up to 32).

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Types of Hubs
Passive Hubs:- In its most basic form, a hub does nothing
except provide a pathway for the electrical signals to

travel along. Such a device is called a passive hub. do not
amplify the electrical signal of incoming packets before
broadcasting them out to the network. It is just a

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connector. It connects the wires coming from different
Active Hubs:- a type of hub that can perform
amplification, as does a repeater. Far more common
nowadays is an active hub, which, as well as providing a
path for the data signals, regenerates the signal before it
forwards it to all of the connected devices.
Intelligent hubs:- add extra features to an active hub that
are of particular importance to businesses. 91
✓ Bridges are used to logically separate network segments
within the same network.

✓ The function of the bridge is to make intelligent
decisions about whether or not to pass signals on to the

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next segment of a network. When a bridge receives a
frame on the network, the destination MAC address is
looked up in the bridge table to determine whether to
filter, flood, or copy the frame onto another segment.
✓ If a router connects two different types of networks,then
a bridge connects two subnetworks as a part of the same
networkyou can think of two different labs or floors
connected by bridge.
✓ Broadcast Packets are forwarded to all directions.
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A bridge has filtering capability. It can check the
destination address of a frame and decide if the frame
should be forwarded or dropped. If the frame is to be
forwarded, the decision must specify the port.

Switches provide a unique network segment on
each port, thereby separating collision domains.

Today, network designers are replacing hubs in
their wiring closets with switches to increase their

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network performance and bandwidth while
protecting their existing wiring investments.
✓ Switch is more intelligent than Hub.while hub just
does the work of data forwarding, a switch does
‘filter and forwarding’ more intelligent way of
dealing with data packets.
✓ When packet is received at one of the interfaces of
the switch,it filters the packet and sends only to the
interface of the intended receiver.
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Types of Switches
1.Cut-through switch
In a cut-through switching environment, the

packet begins to be forwarded as soon as it is
received. This method is veryfast, but creates the

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possibility of errors being propagated through the
network, as there is no error checking.
2.Store and Forward Switch
Unlike cut-through, in a store-and-forward switching
environment, the entire packet is received and error checked
before being forwarded. The upside of this method is that errors
are not propagated through the network. The downside is that
the error checking process takes a relatively long time, and
store-and-forward switching is considerably slower as a result.96
A router is a network device which is responsible for
routhing traffic from one to another network. These two
could be a private company net to public network. You

can think a router as a traffic police who directs different
net traffic to different directions.

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✓ A router can be a dedicated hardware device or a
computer systemwith more than one network interface
and the appropriate routing software.
✓ When a router receives a packet of data, it reads the
header of the packet to determine the destination address.
Once it has determined the address, it looks in its routing
table to determine whether it knows how to reach the
destination and, if it does, it forwards the packet to the
next hop on the route. The next hop might be the final
destination, or it might be another router.
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A modem, short for modulator/demodulator, is a
device that converts the digital signals generated

by a computer into analog signals that can travel
over conventional phone lines.

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Our computer generates binary data or digital
data in forms of 1s and 0s and on the other hand,
a wire carries an analog signal and that’s where a
modem comes in.
A modem stands for (Modulator+Demodulator)
That means it modulates and demodulates the
signal between the digital data of a computer and
analog signal of a telephone line.
Network Interface Card (NIC): is a hardware
device that acts as an interface through which a
computer connects to a network. NICs work at

both data link layer (layer 2) and the Physical layer
(layer 1) of the OSI model. At the data link layer,
the NIC converts the data packets into data frames;

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at the physical layer, it is responsible for
converting the data into signals, and transmitting
them across the communication medium. NIC is
usually an expansion card on the computer with a
port to plug in the network cable. NIC has its own
MAC address.

✓ NIC turns data into an electrical signal that can be

transmitted over the network. 100
Whether you work in wired network
office or a wireless one, one thing is

common for both environments: it takes
both network software and hardware

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(cables,routers,etc) to transfer data from
your computer to another or from a
computer thousands of miles away to
yours. And at the end ,to get the data you
want right to you, it comes down to
addresses, so along with an IP
address(logical address), there is also a
hardware address(physical address)
Typically it is tied to a key connection
Communication Standards
❖OSIReference Model
❖TCP/IP Protocol Model
Communication and Layer Architecture
❖ A network is a combination of hardware and software
that sends data from one location to another.
❖ The hardware consists of the physical equipment that
carries signals from one point of the network to
❖ The software consists of instruction sets that make
possible the services that we expect from a network For
example, the task of sending an e-mail from one point
in the world to another can be broken into several tasks,
each performed by a separate software package.
Layered Tasks
We use the concept of layers in our daily life. As an example, let us
consider two friends who communicate through postal mail.
The process of sending a letter to a friend would be complex if
there were no services available from the post office.
❖ Layers describe the logical groupings of the
functionalityandcomponents in an applicaton
❖ Layer architecture simplifies the network design.
❖ It is easy to debug network applications in a layered
architecture network.
❖ The network management is easier due to the layered
❖ Network layers follow a set of rules, called protocol.
❖ The protocol defines the format of the data being
exchanged, and the control and timing for the handshake
between layers.
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
1. OSI Model
❖ The OSI model is not a protocol; it is a model for
understanding and designing a network architecture that
is flexible, robust and interoperable
❖ In 1984, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model was approved as an international
standard for communications architecture.
❖ The OSI model describes how information or data
makes its way from application programmes (such as
spreadsheets) through a network medium (such as wire)
to another application programme located on another
❖ The OSI reference model divides the problem of moving
information between computers over a network medium
into SEVEN smaller and more manageable problems.
❖ This separation into smaller more manageable functions
is known as layering.
OSI Model Layers
❖ Layer 7 – Application Layer
The Application Layer represents the interface between the end-
user and the network. Some of the protocols that reside here are
HTTP, SMTP, or FTP. Generally speaking all applications that
you use to connect to something resides here: Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, Outlook Express, Yahoo Messenger, etc.
❖ Layer 6 – Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer transforms data to make a general
interface to the Application layer.It decodes, encodes and
compresses data for the upper layer. You will notice that every
layer serves the layer above it. Translates data into a form usable
by the application layer. The redirector operates here.
Responsible for protocol conversion, translating and
encrypting data, and managing data .
The following are the various services in presentation layer:
POP, SMTP (e-mail, Post office protocol, Simple
MailTransfer Protocol), Usenet (for news groups), HTTP (hyper
text transfer protocol for web applications), FTP, TFTP (File
transfer protocol, trivial FTP for file transfer), Telnet (Terminal
Network),DNS(Domain name server,) SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol).
Layer 5 – Session Layer:
The Session Layer includes the sessions between computers. It
opens,maintains and terminates the connections p, between the
client and the foreign server
Allows applications on connecting systems to standard ports
& establish a session. Provides synchronization between
communicating computers. Messages are sent between layers.
Protocols and Implementations:
Video: Quicktime, MPEG
Graphics: Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Joint
Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
❖ On layers 5-7 the data package is in the form of data stream.
Layer 4 Transport Layer:
❖ The Transport Layer provides data flow between computers; it
relieves the upper layers of the concern of getting and sending the
data of getting and sending the data.
❖ Responsible for packet handling. Ensures error-free delivery.
Repackages messages (while receiving), divides messages into
smaller packets (while transmitting), and handles error handling.
segments of message fragments are sent between layers.
❖ Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – Connection Oriented
❖ User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – Connectionless.
TCP - connection-oriented communication for applications to
ensure error free delivery; UDP -connectionless communications
and does not guarantee packet delivery between transfer points.
Layer 3 Network Layer:
Translates system names into addresses. Responsible for
addressing, determining routes for sending, managing network
traffic problems, packet switching, routing, data congestion, and
reassembling data. Datagrams are sent between layers.
Depends on source
Only two devices whichare directly connected by the same
“wire”can exchange data directly
❖ Devices not on the same network must communicate via
intermediate system
❖ Router is an intermediate system
❖ The network layer determines the best way to transfer data. It
manages device addressing and tracks the location of devices.
The router operates at this layer.
Layer 2 Data link Layer:
Sends data from network layer to physical layer. Manages
physical layer communications between connecting systems.
Data frames are sent between layers.
❖ The Data Link Layer takes the bits from layer one andarranges
them into data structures called frames.
❖ It also uses a Frame Header stating the sender MAC address
and destination MAC address in it.
❖ Note that these values change by passing through network
nodes like router interfaces or servers.
❖ Bridges
❖ Switch
❖ WAP (Wireless Access Point
Layer 1 – Physical Layer:
❖ The Physical Layer defines the electrical part of the
communication: the binary signals that are transmitted and
received in the data exchange.
❖ Transmits data over a physical medium. Defines cables, cards,
and physical aspects. Data bits are sent.

As you probably expected, the data packet looks here

something like 110011000011001100.
❖ Cabling
❖ Transceiver
❖ Hub
❖ repeater
A client that is part of a network attached to the Internet sends a
packet to www.google.com.
The packet will have:
❖Sender's IP: 192 168 17 1 Sender s IP:
❖Sender's MAC: MAC (1)
❖Destination IP:
❖Destination MAC: MAC (2) => Gateway's address

After leaving the router, the sender's MAC becomes

MAC (3) and the destination MAC becomes MAC
✓ The figure in the next slide shows the layers involved when a
message is sent from device A to device B. As the message travels
from A to B, it may pass through many intermediate nodes.
✓ These intermediate nodes usually involve only the first three layers
of the OSI model.
✓ Within a single machine, each layer calls upon the services of the
layer just below it. Layer 3, for example, uses the services provided
by layer 2 and provides services for layer 4. Between machines,
layer x on one machine communicates with layer x on another
machine. This communication is governed by an agreed-upon series
of rules and conventions called protocols. The processes on each
machine that communicate at a given layer are called peer-to-peer
processes. Communication between machines is therefore a peer-to-
peer process using the protocols appropriate to a given layer.
A client that is part of a network attached to the Internet sends a
packet to www.google.com.
The packet will have:
❖Sender's IP: 192 168 17 1 Sender s IP:
❖Sender's MAC: MAC (1)
❖Destination IP:
❖Destination MAC: MAC (2) => Gateway's address

After leaving the router, the sender's MAC becomes

MAC (3) and the destination MAC becomes MAC
Organization of the Layers
 The seven layers can be thought of as belonging to three
subgroups. Layers 1, 2, and 3 - physical, data link, and network -
are the network support layers; they deal with the physical aspects
of moving data from one device to another (such as electrical
specifications, physical connections, physical addressing, and
transport timing and reliability).
 Layers 5, 6, and 7- session, presentation, and application - can be
thought of as the user support layers; they allow interoperability
among unrelated software systems.
 Layer 4, the transport layer, links the two subgroups and ensures
that what the lower layers have transmitted is in a form that the
upper layers can use.
 The upper OSI layers are almost always implemented in software;
lower layers are a combination of hardware and software, except
for the physical layer, which is mostly hardware.
TCP/IP Model
i) Application Layer:
❖ The TCP/IP model does not have session or presentation layers. On
top of the transport layer is the application layer.
❖ It contains all the higher-level protocols. The early ones
included virtual terminal (TELNET), file transfer (FTP), and
electronic mail (SMTP)..
ii) Transport Layer:
❖ It has two protocols. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
❖ TCP is a reliable protocol that allows two application layers to
converse with each other.
❖ The other protocol UDP is a simpler protocol. It ignores some
of the duties of the transport layer defined in OSI model. It is
used when fast delivery of packets is needed without worrying
much about error control.
iii) Internet Layer:
❖ The main protocol is IP (Internet Protocol) is responsible for
creating network layer packets called IP datagrams.
❖ The datagrams travel network to network or LAN to WAN and
the packets may reach out of sequence. It is the responsibility of
upper layers to put them into proper order.
iv) Host-to-Network Layer:
❖ The Internet model does not discuss much about these
layers making this protocol machine independent to a large
extent. It is left to the user to choose the proper standard or
protocol according to what they desire.
❖ A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications.
❖ A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is
communicated, and when it is communicated.
❖ The key elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics, and
❖ Syntax refers to the structure or format of the data, meaning the
order in which they are presented.
❖ Semantics refers to the meaning of each section of bits. How is
a particular pattern to be interpreted, and what action is to be
taken based on that interpretation?
❖ Timing refers to two characteristics: when data should be sent
and how fast they can be sent.
❖ Standards are essential in creating and maintaining an open and
competitive market for equipment manufacturers.
❖ Standards provide guidelines to manufacturers, vendors,
government agencies, and other service providers.
❖ Data communication standards fall into two categories: de facto
(meaning "by fact" or "by convention") and de jure (meaning
"by law" or "by regulation").
❖ De facto: Standards that have not been approved by an
organized body but have been adopted as standards through
widespread use are de facto standards.
❖ De jure: Those standards that have been legislated by an
officially recognized body are de jure standards.
❖ Standards are developed through the cooperation of
standards creation committees, forums, and government
regulatory agencies.
❖ International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
❖ International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication
Standards Sector (ITU-T).
❖ American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
❖ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
❖ Electronic Industries Association (EIA).

Internet Protocol (IP), IP Addressing

and Subnetting

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▪ IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the
Internet Protocol Suite and has the task of delivering
distinguished protocol datagrams (packets) from the

source host to the destination host solely based on their
addresses. For this purpose the Internet Protocol defines
addressing methods and structures for datagram

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▪ The first major version of addressing structure, now

referred to as Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is still the
dominant protocol of the Internet, although the successor,
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is being deployed
actively worldwide.

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IP Addressing
▪ Communication at the network layer is host-to-host
(computer-to-computer); a computer somewhere in

the world needs to communicate with another
computer somewhere else in the world.

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▪ Usually, computers communicate through the
▪ The packet transmitted by the sending computer may
pass through several LANs or WANs before reaching
the destination computer.
▪ For this level of communication, we need a global
addressing scheme; we use the term IP address to
mean a logical address in the network layer of the
TCP/IP protocol suite. 132
Position of IP in TCP/IP protocol suite

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▪ An IPv4 address is a 32-bit address that uniquely and
universally defines the connection of a device (for
example, a computer or a router) to the Internet.

▪ IPv4 addresses are unique and universal.

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▪ They are unique in the sense that each address
defines one, and only one, connection to the Internet.
▪ Two devices on the Internet can never have the same
address at the same time.

There are two prevalent notations to show an 1Pv4 address:
binary notation and dotted-decimal notation.

Binary Notation
In binary notation, the IPv4 address is displayed as 32 bits.
Each octet is often referred to as a byte. So it is common to hear

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an IPv4 address referred to as a 32-bit address or a 4-byte
address. The following is an example of an IPv4 address in
binary notation:
01110101 10010101 00011101 00000010
Dotted-Decimal Notation
To make the IPv4 address more compact and easier to read,
Internet addresses are usually written in decimal form with a
decimal point (dot) separating the bytes. The following is the
dotted-decimal notation of the above address: 135
Example: Dotted-decimal notation and binary notation for an IPv4

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Find the error, if any, in the following IPv4 addresses

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a. There must be no leading zero (045).
b. There can be no more than four numbers.
c. Each number needs to be less than or equal to 255.
d. A mixture of binary notation and dotted-decimal
notation is not allowed. 137
Address classes
▪ The Class of the address and the subnet mask determine which
part belongs to the network address and which part belongs to

the node address.
▪ There are 5 different address classes.

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▪ The address space is divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, and
E. Each class occupies some part of the address space.

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Class A addresses begin with 0xxx, or 0 to 127decimal.
Class B addresses begin with 10xx, or 128 to 191decimal.
Class C addresses begin with 110x, or 192 to 223decimal.

Class D addresses begin with 1110,or 224 to 239decimal.
Class Eaddresses begin with 1111, or 240 to 255decimal.

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Class D addresses are reserved for multicasting;
Class E addresses are reserved for future use.
Class D and E should not be used for host addresses

Previously, when an organization requested a block of
addresses, it was granted one in class A, B, or C.
▪ Class A addresses were designed for large organizations

with a large number of attached hosts or routers.
▪ Class B addresses were designed for midsize

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organizations with tens of thousands of attached hosts or
▪ Class C addresses were designed for small organizations
with a small number of attached hosts or routers.

IP address can be one of the 3 classes A, B or C
Now we can see how the Class determines, by default, which

part of the IP belongs to the network (N) and which part
belongs to the node (h).

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Class A -- NNNNNNNN.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh
Class B -- NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNN.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh
Class C --
Netid and Hostid
▪ Class A :
▪ Class B :
▪ Class C :
▪ Although the length of the netid and hostid (in bits) is
predetermined in classful addressing, we can also use a mask

(also called the default mask), a 32-bit number made of
contiguous 1s followed by contiguous 0s. The masks for

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classes A, B, and C are shown below
▪ The mask can help us to find the netid and the hostid. For
example, the mask for a class A address has eight 1 s, which
means the first 8 bits of any address in class A define the netid;
the next 24 bits define the hostid.

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Network Addresses
▪ A very important concept in IP addressing is the
network address.

▪ When an organization is given a block of addresses, the
organization is free to allocate the addresses to the
devices that need to be connected to the Internet.

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▪ The first address in the class, however, is normally (not
always) treated as a special address.
▪ The first address is called the network address and
defines the organization network.
▪ It defines the organization itself to the rest of the world.
▪ The first address is the one that is used by routers to
direct the message sent to the organization from the
outside. 145
▪ The n leftmost bits of the address x.y.z.t/n define the network
(organization network); the 32 – n rightmost bits define the
particular host (computer or router) to the network.

▪ The two common terms are prefix and suffix.
▪ The part of the address that defines the network is called the

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prefix; the part that defines the host is called the suffix.
▪ The prefix is common to all addresses in the network; the
suffix changes from one device to another.

Simply this means IP address has 2
components (portgens)
1) Network portion (network bits) – hold left

portion of the address up to some boundary
2) Host portion (host bits) – hold right

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portion of the address remaing from network

How to identifiy the network bit of address

from host bit??
1) by CIDR
2) by class
3) by Mask 147
For a given IP network
▪ The n/w bits remains fixed
▪ The host bits vary

▪ The n/w address is the one that result when all host bits are
not set (make 0)

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▪ Broad cast address:-is the one that results when all the host
bits are set (make all 1)
▪ For n number of host bits the maximum no of hosts for that
specific n/w is 2n-2, where n is a number of host
▪ 1st host address:- address of a host that is one greater than
the n/w address
▪ Last host address:- address of a host that is one less than the
broadcast address
Example 1: givin an IP address of then
A. Network Address

B. 1st host Address
C. 2nd host address

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D. Broad cast address
E. Last host address
F. Host address range
G. Max no of hosts within this n/w

the 1st 29 bits are for n/w bit and the remaining 3 bits are a host


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all host should be zero
a) n/w address=
b) 1st host add=
c) 2nd host add=
d) BA (set host to 1),00001111 =
e) Last host add=
f) Range =
g) 2(3)-2= 6
▪ Subnetting is a process of breaking down one network into
multiple network segments by placing a router in b/n each

network segments .
▪ If an organization was granted a large block in class A or B, it

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could divide the addresses into several contiguous groups and
assign each group to smaller networks (called subnets) or, in
rare cases, share part of the addresses with neighbors.
▪ Subnetting increases the number of 1s in the mask. And it
creates many other networks from a network.

▪ During the process of sub-netting , we borrow
some bits from the host portion in order to
divide the large network into smaller network.

▪ Borrowing bits from the host portion reduces

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the number of hosts
▪ In the process of sub-netting we don’t have
control over the network bits. We must borrow
the sub-netting bits from the host portion.
▪ Communication between these sub-networks is
achieved through a router
What Is The Favore Of Subnetting
1, Reduce n/w traffic
2, To improve network performance and security

3, Easy for managment
4, Faster data rate

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5, Non-sub-netted networks waste a lot of IPv4

Subnetting example
There are 4 types of subnetting examples
1. Subnetting when given the require number of clients

2. Subnetting when given the require number of n/w
3. Given on IP address and subnetting mask

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4. VLSM most efficent one, there is no wastege in this

The Big Five FAQ In Design
1) How many subnet does the chosen subnet mask can produce
2x where x is a number of masked host
(1’s in the new subnet mask)

2) How many host are available per subnet
2n-2 where n is number of unmasked bits

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(0’s in the new subnet mask)
3) What are the valid subnets
256- subnet mask
4) What are the broad cast address for each subnet
it is the number right before the next subnet so the BA for
the 0 subnet is 64-1=63 for 64-127 f0r 128-191 for 192-
5) What are the valid host addess range
1-62, 65-126, 129-190......
Example 1:- A service provider has given a class c
networks your company must break into
many subnets as possible as long as there are 50
clients per subnet

1, 50= 00110010
6 bits to get number 50

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we must ensure that 6 of the client bits (0)
remains asclients bit and save the host from the right
to satsfiy the requirements
this is our
3, starting from the given add your increment to
the subnetted octet


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// Answer all the big FAQ questions

Example 2:- A service provider has given you the class c
n/w range then your company wants to
break into 20 separet subnets

1) 20 =00010100 5 bits to get number 20

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here we are going to reserve the bit in subnet mask
3) -7
Great exception in doing subnetting
* 128,64, 32,16,8,4 these number throw off our calculation
when we are doing baed on number of network
* 127,63,31,15,7,3 throw off our calaculation when we are

doing based on the number of clients.
Thus rules to over come this problem

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* Substract 1 when doing with n/w
* Add 1 when doing based on the number of clients
Example:- if one person ask us to do him for 7 host per each
subnet....it will be 6 which is incorrect
need= 7
1) 00000111= 3 bits to get number 7
2) save the host bit
00001000= 8 is our increment
3) b/n this there is only 6 which is incorrect
Chapter 5

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Information, Computer and Network Security
Information security is the security of information. With the
introduction of the computer, the need for automated tools for the
protection of files, and other information stored on the computer
has become evident. This is especially true for a shared system,
such as a time sharing system, and the need is even more acute for
systems that can be accessed over a public telephone network, data
network or the internet. The generic name for the collection of tools
designed to protect data and thwart hackers is computer security.
➢ Computer and network security measures go hand in hand.

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Network Security is the process of taking physical and software
preventative measures to protect the underlying networking
infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction,
modification, destruction, or improper disclosure, thereby creating a
secure platform for computers, users and programs to be performed.

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We can also classify the attacks that compromise network security as
passive attacks and active attacks.
1. Passive Attacks: These attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on,
or monitoring of, transmissions. The goal of the opponent is to obtain
information that is being transmitted. Two types of passive attacks are
release of message contents where an eavesdropper tries to learn the con-
tents of what is being transmitted. This can be prevented by encryption
(see model for cryptography below). A second type of passive attack is
called traffic analysis, where the opponent tries to observe the pattern,
frequency and length of messages being exchanged which could be used in
guessing the nature of the communication that is taking place. Passive at-
tacks are very difficult to detect since they do not involve the alteration of
the data. The emphasis, therefore, is on prevention via a good encryption

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2. Active Attacks: Active attacks involve some modification of the
data stream or the creation of a false stream. These attacks present
the opposite characteristics of passive attacks. It is difficult to
prevent active attacks absolutely because to do so would require
physical protection of all communications facilities and paths at all
times. Instead, the goal is to detect them and to recover from any
disruption or delays caused by them.

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Securing the Computer Network
➢ Creating security in the computer network model means
creating a secure environments for a variety of resources.
➢ Ensuring the security of an object means protecting the object
from unauthorized access both from within the object and
externally. In short, we protect objects. System objects are
either tangible or nontangible. In a computer network model,
the tangible objects are the hardware resources in the system,
and the intangible object is the information and data in the
system, both in transition and static in storage.

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Protecting hardware resources include protecting:
➢ End-user objects that include the user interface hardware
components such as all client system input components, including
a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, light pens, and others
➢ Network objects like firewalls, hubs, switches, routers, and
gateways which are vulnerable to hackers
➢ Network communication channels to prevent eavesdroppers from
intercepting network communications

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Protecting software resources includes protecting hardware-based
software, operating systems, server protocols, browsers, application
software, and intellectual property stored on network storage disks
and databases. It also involves protecting client software such as
investment portfolios, financial data, real estate records, images or
pictures, and other personal fi les commonly stored on home and
business computers.

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➢ Security in networking is based on cryptography.
➢Cryptography means the science and art of transforming
messages to make them secure and immune to attack.
➢An encryption algorithm transforms the plaintext into cipher
text; a decryption algorithm transforms the cipher text back
into plaintext.
➢The sender uses an encryption algorithm, and the receiver
uses a decryption algorithm.
➢Cryptography can provide several aspects of security related
to the interchange of messages through networks. These
aspects are confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and

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1. Confidentiality
The confidentiality service protects system data and information
from unauthorized disclosure. When data leave one extreme of a
system such as a client’s computer in a network, it ventures out into
a nonrusting environment. So, the recipient of that data may not
fully trust that no third party like a cryptanalysis or a man-in-the
middle has eavesdropped on the data. This service uses encryption
algorithms to ensure that nothing of the sort happened while the
data was in the wild. Encryption protects the communications
channel from sniffers. Sniffers are programs written for and
installed on the communication channels to eavesdrop on network
traffic c, examining all traffic c on selected network segments.
Sniffers are easy to write and install and difficult to detect. The
encryption process uses an encryption algorithm and key to
transform data at the source, called plaintext ; turn it into an
encrypted form called cipher text , usually unintelligible form; and
finally recover it at the sink. The encryption algorithm can either be
symmetric or asymmetric .
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2. Integrity
The integrity service protects data against active threats such as
those that may alter it. Just like data confidentiality, data in
transition between the sending and receiving parties is susceptible
to many threats from hackers, eavesdroppers, and cryptanalysts
whose goal is to intercept the data and alter it based on their
motives. This service, through encryption and hashing algorithms
, ensures that the integrity of the transient data is intact. A hash
function takes an input message M and creates a code from it.
The code is commonly referred to as a hash or a message digest.
A one-way hash function is used to create a signature of the
message – just like a human fingerprint. The hash function is,
therefore, used to provide the message’s integrity and
authenticity. The signature is then attached to the message before
it is sent by the sender to the recipient.

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3. Authentication
Authentication is a service used to identify a user. User identity,
especially of remote users, is difficult because many users,
especially those intending to cause harm, may masquerade as the
legitimate users when they actually are not. This service provides a
system with the capability to verify that a user is the very one he or
she claims to be based on what the user is, knows, and has.
Physically, we can authenticate users or user surrogates based on
checking one or more of the following user items

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➢ User name (sometimes screen name)
➢ Password
➢ Retinal images : The user looks into an electronic device that maps his or her eye
retina image; the system then compares this map with a similar map stored on the
➢ Fingerprints : The user presses on or sometimes inserts a particular finger into a
device that makes a copy of the user fingerprint and then compares it with a similar
image on the system user file.

➢ Physical location : The physical location of the system initiating an entry request is
checked to ensure that a request is actually originating from a known and authorized
location. In networks, to check the authenticity of a client’s location a network or
Internet protocol (IP) address of the client machine is compared with the one on the
system user fi le. This method is used mostly in addition to other security measures
because it alone cannot guarantee security. If used alone, it provides access to the
requested system to anybody who has access to the client machine.

➢ Identity cards : Increasingly, cards are being used as authenticating documents.

Whoever is the carrier of the card gains access to the requested system. As is the
case with physical location authentication, card authentication is usually used as
a second-level authentication tool because whoever has access to the card automatically
can gain access to the requested system.

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4. Nonrepudiation
This is a security service that provides proof of origin and
delivery of service and/or information. In real life, it is possible
that the sender may deny the ownership of the exchanged digital
data that originated from him or her. This service, through digital
signature and encryption algorithms, ensures that digital data may
not be repudiated by providing proof of origin that is difficult to
deny. A digital signature is a cryptographic mechanism that is the
electronic equivalent of a written signature to authenticate a piece
of data as to the identity of the sender.

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5.1.1 Components of Cryptography

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Plaintext: The original message, before being transformed, is
called plain text.
Cipher text: After the message is transformed, it is called cipher
Encryption: A encryption means it transforms the plaintext into
cipher text.
Decryption: A decryption means it transforms the cipher text
back into plain text. The sender uses an encryption algorithm, and
the receiver uses a decryption algorithm

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Security Services
Cryptography can provide five services. Four of these are related
to the message exchange between
Alice and Bob. The fifth is related to the entity trying to access a
system for using its resources.
➢ Message confidentiality means that the sender and the receiver
expect privacy.
➢ Message integrity means that the data must arrive at the
receiver exactly as sent.
➢ Message authentication means that the receiver is ensured that
the message is coming from the intended sender, not an
➢ Non-repudiation means that a sender must not be able to deny
sending a message that he sent.
➢ Entity authentication means to prove the identity of the entity
that tries to access the system's resources.

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➢ A key is a number (or a set of numbers) that the cipher, as an
algorithm, operates on.
➢ To encrypt a message, we need an encryption algorithm, an
encryption key, and the plaintext. These create the cipher text.
➢ To decrypt a message, we need a decryption algorithm, a
decryption key, and the cipher text. These reveal the original
➢ We can divide all the cryptography algorithms (ciphers) into
two groups: symmetric-key (also called secret-key)
cryptography algorithms and asymmetric (also called public-
key) cryptography algorithms.

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Symmetric-Key Cryptography
There two basic kinds of encryptions are symmetric (also called "secret key")
and asymmetric(also called "public key"). It uses a common key and the
same cryptographic algorithm to scramble and unscramble the message.
In symmetric-key cryptography, the same key is used by both parties. The
sender uses this key and an encryption algorithm to encrypt data; the receiver
uses the same key and the corresponding decryption algorithm to decrypt the

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Asymmetric-Key Cryptography
➢ Asymmetric encryption commonly known as public-key encryption uses two different keys: a
public key known by all and a private key known by only the sender and the receiver. Both
the sender and the receiver each has a pair of these keys, one public and one private. To
encrypt a message, a sender uses the receiver’s public key which was published. Upon
receipt, the recipient of the message decrypts it with his or her private key.
➢ In public-key encryption/decryption, the public key that is used for encryption is different
from the private key that is used for decryption. The public key is available to the
public; the private key is available only to an individual.

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Keys used in cryptography

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Symmetric-key cryptography started thousands of years ago
when people needed to exchange secrets (for example, in a war).
We still mainly use symmetric-key cryptography in our network

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A substitution cipher replaces one symbol with another.
The following shows a plaintext and its corresponding
cipher text. Is the cipher monoalphabetic?

The cipher is probably monoalphabetic because both
occurrences of L’s are encrypted as O’s.

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Example 2
The following shows a plaintext and its corresponding cipher
text. Is the cipher monoalphabetic?

The cipher is not monoalphabetic because each occurrence of L is
encrypted by a different character. The first L is encrypted as N;
the second as Z.

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The shift cipher is sometimes referred to as the Caesar cipher. In
this cipher, the encryption algorithm is "shift key characters
down," with key equal to some number. The decryption algorithm
is "shift key characters up.“

Use the shift cipher with key = 15 to encrypt the message

We encrypt one character at a time. Each character is shifted 15
characters down. Letter H is encrypted to W. Letter E is encrypted
to T. The first L is encrypted to A. The second L is also encrypted
to A. And O is encrypted to D. The cipher text is WTAAD.

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Example 2
Use the shift cipher with key = 15 to decrypt the message
We decrypt one character at a time. Each character is shifted 15
characters up. Letter W is decrypted to H. Letter T is decrypted to
E. The first A is decrypted to L. The second A is decrypted to L.
And, finally, D is decrypted to O. The plaintext is HELLO.

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A transposition cipher reorders (permutes) symbols in a block of

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Encrypt the message “HELLO MY DEAR,” using the key shown
in Figure above
We first remove the spaces in the message. We then divide the
text into blocks of four characters. We add a bogus character Z at
the end of the third block. The result is HELL OMYD EARZ. We
create a three-block cipher text ELHLMDOYAZER.

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Basic Security Measures
The basic security measures for computer systems fall into the
following categories:
1. External security
2. Operational security
3. Surveillance
4. Passwords/authentication
5. Auditing
6. Access rights
7. Standard system attacks
8. Viruses/worms and antivirus tools
9. Firewalls
10. Encryption and Decryption Techniques
11. Digital Signature
12. Security Policy

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External Security
➢ Protection from environmental damage such as floods,
earthquakes, and heat.
➢ Physical security such as locking rooms, locking down
computers, keyboards, and other devices.
➢ Electrical protection from power surges.
➢ Noise protection from placing computers away from devices
that generate electromagnetic interference.
Operational Security
➢ Deciding who has access to what.
➢ Limiting time of day access.
➢ Limiting day of week access.
➢ Limiting access from a location, such as not allowing a user to
use a remote login during certain periods or any time.

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➢ Proper placement of security cameras or CCTV can deter theft and
➢ Cameras can also provide a record of activities.
➢ Intrusion detection is a field of study in which specialists try to
prevent intrusion and try to determine if a computer system has been
Passwords and ID Systems
Passwords are the most common form of security and the most abused.
Simple rules help support safe passwords, including:
➢ Change your password often.
➢ Pick a good, random password (minimum 8 characters, mixed
➢ Don’t share passwords or write them down.
➢ Don’t select names and familiar objects as passwords.

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Authentication is the process of reliably verifying the identity of
someone (or something) by means of:
➢ A secret (password [one-time], ...)
➢ An object (smart card, ...)
➢ Physical characteristics (fingerprint, retina, ...)
Many new forms of “passwords” are emerging:
➢ Fingerprints
➢ Face prints
➢ Retina scans and iris scans
➢ Voice prints
➢ Ear prints

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➢ Creating a computer or paper audit can help detect wrongdoing.
➢ Auditing can also be used as a deterrent.
➢ Many network operating systems allow the administrator to
audit most types of transactions.
➢ Many types of criminals have been caught because of computer-
based audits.
Access Rights
Two basic questions to access right: who and how?
➢ Who do you give access right to? No one, group of users, entire
set of users?
➢ How does a user or group of users have access? Read, write,
delete, print, copy, execute?
➢ Most network operating systems have a powerful system for
assigning access rights.

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Computer virus and a Computer worm?
➢ Viruses are computer programs that are designed to spread
themselves from one file to another on a single computer. A
virus might rapidly infect every application file on an individual
computer, or slowly infect the documents on that computer, but
it does not intentionally try to spread itself from that computer to
other computers.
➢ We send e-mail document attachments, trade programs on
diskettes, or copy files to file servers. When the next
unsuspecting user receives the infected file or disk, they spread
the virus to their computer, and so on.
➢ The computer worm is a program that is designed to copy itself
from one computer to another over a network (e.g. by using e-
mail). The worm spreads itself to many computers over a
network, and doesn't wait for a human being to help. This means
that computer worms spread much more rapidly than computer
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Standard System Attacks
Denial of service attacks, or distributed denial of service attacks,
bombard a computer site with so many messages that the site is
incapable of answering valid request.
e-mail bombing, a user sends an excessive amount of unwanted
e-mail to someone.
Smurfing is a nasty technique in which a program attacks a
network by exploiting IP broadcast addressing operations.
Ping storm is a condition in which the Internet Ping program is
used to send a flood of packets to a server.
Spoofing is when a user creates a packet that appears to be
something else or from someone else.
Trojan Horse is a malicious piece of code hidden inside a
seemingly harmless piece of code.
Stealing, guessing, and intercepting passwords is also a tried and
true form of attack
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Digital Signatures
➢ A digital signature is much like a hand signature in that it
provides proof that you are the originator of the message
(Authentication); assigns a code to a document.
➢ Used to bound the message originator with the exact
contents of the message through the use of key pairs. This
allows for the feature of non-repudiation to be achieved -
this is crucial for electronic commerce.
➢ Non-repudiation is a property achieved through
cryptographic methods which prevents an individual or
entity from denying having performed a particular action
related to data.
➢ The private key of the sender is used to compute a
message digest.

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A firewall is a device (usually a router or a computer) installed
between the internal network of an organization and the rest of
the Internet. It is designed to forward some packets and filter (not
forward) others.
➢ A system or combination of systems that supports an access
control policy between two networks.
➢ A firewall can limit the types of transactions that enter a
system, as well as the types of transactions that leave a system.
➢ Firewalls can be programmed to stop certain types or ranges of
IP addresses, as well as certain types of TCP port numbers
(applications such as ftp, telnet, etc.)

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For example, a firewall may filter all incoming packets destined
for a specific host or a specific server such as HTTP. A firewall
can be used to deny access to a specific host or a specific service
in the organization.
A firewall is usually classified as a packet-filter firewall and a
proxy-based firewall.

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A firewall as it stops certain internet and external transactions

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1. Packet-Filter Firewall
A firewall can be used as a packet filter. It can forward or block
packets based on the information
In the network layer and transport layer headers: source and
destination IP addresses, source and Destination port addresses,
and type of protocol (TCP or UDP).
A packet-filter firewall is a router that uses a filtering table to
decide which packets must be Discarded (not forwarded). The
following figure shows an example of a filtering table for this
kind of a firewall.

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According to the figure, the following packets are filtered:
1. Incoming packets from network are blocked (security precaution). Note
that the *
(asterisk) means "any."
2. Incoming packets destined for any internal TELNET server (port 23) are blocked.
3. Incoming packets destined for internal host are blocked. The
organization wants
this host for internal use only.
4. Outgoing packets destined for an HTTP server (port 80) are blocked. The
organization does not
want employees to browse the Internet.

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2. Proxy Firewall
A proxy server is a more advanced firewall that acts as a doorman
into a corporate network. Any external transaction that request
something from the corporate network must enter through the proxy
server. Proxy servers are more advanced but make external accesses
The packet-filter firewall is based on the information available in
the network layer and transport layer headers (IP and TCPIUDP).
However, sometimes we need to filter a message based on the
information available in the message itself (at the application layer).

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When the user client process sends a message, the proxy firewall runs a server
process to receive the request. The server opens the packet at the application
level and finds out if the request is legitimate. If it is, the server acts as a client
process and sends the message to the real server in the corporation. If it is not,
the message is dropped and an error message is sent to the external user.
In this way, the requests of the external users are filtered based on the contents
at the application layer..

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Firewall Functions
➢ Protect the system from the hackers from logging into
machines on network.
➢ Provide a single access point from where security and audit
can be imposed.
➢ Act as an effective tracing tool.
➢ Provide an important logging and auditing function
➢ Provide information about the nature of traffic and the number
of attempts made to break into it.

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Security Policy Design Issues

➢ What is the company’s desired level of security?

➢ How much money is the company willing to invest in
➢ If the company is serious about restricting access through an
Internet link, what about restricting access through all other
entry ways?
➢ The company must have a well-designed security policy

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Achieving Privacy
To achieve privacy, organizations can use one of three strategies: private
networks, hybrid networks, and virtual private networks.

Private Networks: An organization that needs privacy when routing

information inside the Organization can use a private network as discussed
previously. A small organization with one single site can use an isolated LAN.
People inside the organization can send data to one another that totally remain
inside the organization, secure from outsiders. A larger organization with
several sites can create a private internet. The LANs at different sites can be
connected to each other by using routers and leased lines. In other words, an
internet can be made out of private LANs and private WANs. The following
figure shows such a situation for an organization with two sites. The LANs are
connected to each other by routers and one leased line.

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Hybrid Networks: Today, most organizations need to have privacy in
intra-organization data exchange, but, at the same time, they need to be
connected to the global Internet for data exchange with other
organizations. One solution is the use of a hybrid network. A hybrid
network allows an organization to have its own private internet and, at
the same time, access to the global Internet. Intra-organization data are
routed through the private internet; inter-organization data are routed
through the global Internet.
An organization with two sites uses routers Rl and R2 to connect the
two sites privately through a leased line; it uses routers R3 and R4 to
connect the two sites to the rest of the world. The organization uses
global IP addresses for both types of communication. However, packets
destined for internal recipients are routed only through routers Rl and
R2. Routers R3 and R4 route the packets destined for outsiders.

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Virtual Private Networks: Both private and hybrid networks
have a major drawback: cost.
Private wide-area networks (WANs) are expensive. To connect
several sites, an organization
Needs several leased lines, which means a high monthly fee. One
solution is to use the global Internet for both private and public
communications. A technology called virtual private network
allows organizations to use the global Internet for both purposes
for both public and private networks.

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VPN creates a network that is private but virtual. It is private
because it guarantees privacy inside the organization. It is virtual
because it does not use real private WANs; the network is
physically public but virtually private.

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10 Tips for Computer Network Security

1. Use a good anti-virus program.

2. Make sure your virus definitions are up-to-date.
3. Run regular virus scans.
4. Update your operating system regularly.
5. Configure and use a firewall.
6. Use your Web browser’s security features.
7. Enable your router’s security features.
8. Install an anti-spyware program.
9. Use strong, varied passwords.
10. Consider a computer network security suite and policy. .

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