Yordanos Tefera
Yordanos Tefera
Yordanos Tefera
JUNE, 2016
I,Eshetufikedu, under signed declare that this senior research project is original work and has not
been presented for degree program in any university and all the source of materials used in the
senior research project has been duly acknowledged
Declared by
Full name ID NO
Eshetufikedu …………………………………………………………………………….078/06
Signature ………………………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………….
Signature ………………………………………………..
Date ……………………………………………………….
CHAPTERTWO ……………………………………………………..…4
2.1 Overviews of human resource management…………………………………………………..4
Summary of major finding conclusion and recommendation……………………………………27
Reference …………………………………………………………………………………….29
4.1 Back ground of the respondent …………………………………………………….…..….18
Last but not list, I want to thank my, friends and dormitory members all those who have
contributed with their valuable ideas for the successful completion of this research paper.
This study would aim to assess the performance appraisal practice of Ethiopian road authority in
wolkite branch. The main objective of the study was also to asses the performance appraisal
practice of Ethiopia road authority in wolkite branch and to recommend alternative solution for
the problem. The researcher distributes 39 questionnaires but was collected only 28. In this study
the researcher was used judgmental sampling method to select managers and sample random
sampling to select the respondents of the study. The study used both primary and secondary
source data in order to collect the information. Mostly the focuses were given to primary source
of data which is collected by questioner. After the data has been gathered, it was processed,
analyzed and presented. The data analysis was carried out by using tabulation and percentage
and the data described by the descriptive method. The target population of the study was both
managers ‘and employees of the organization. Therefore, to get accurate information the
researcher was used both qualitative and quantitative data regarding performance appraisal
practice’s in order to get relevant data of the organization.
Human resource or manpower may be through as the total knowledge, skill, creative objectives,
talents and aptitudes of an organization work force, as well as the value, attitude and benefit of
individual involved. If the objective of HRM is to be accomplished, top managers will have to
treat the human resource of the firm as a key to effective ness. To do this, to accomplish the
importance objective of HRM, management must regard the development of superior human
resource as an essential competitions requirement that needs carefull planning, hard work and
performance evaluation (Ivancenich&Glueck, 1989).
Even though Performance appraisal of human resource occurs in most organization, often this is
a causal, subjective and infrequent activity, but increasingly manyorganizations have decided to
formalize the assessment process and used it to improve performance, assess training needs and
predict the potential of employees. Performance appraisal plays crucial role in importing
motivation at work and provides an opportunity for combination between those who assign work
and the person who perform it (wright, 1996).
Employees want and need feedback regarding how they are doing and appraisal provides an
opportunity for the manager to give them that feedback to meet the company’s expectation.An
organization performance appraisal must generate fair, accurate and valid information that can as
a round basis for organizational decision making regarding salaries, promotion, training and
development and so on.At the sometime appraisal must assist and encourage open sharing
information regarding employee development and motivation (wright, 1996)
Therefore the main purpose of this research paper is to assess the employee performance
appraisal practice in case of Ethiopia road authority wolkite branch.
1. For what purpose the organization use the result of performance appraisal?
2 What are the techniques used by the organization to apprise employees.
3 What are the challenges related to PA systems of the organization
4 Who is the responsible body that evaluates the employee’s performance?
1.3. Objective of the study
Even though the main sources of data for the research are through investigation of primary data
and; there is lack of latest supporting document for secondary data in the library. And also it was
difficult to get voluntary respondents to collect data from them.
Human resource management concerns the personnel policies and managerial practices
and system that in the fence the work force (Be rnardin, 2007).
Another group of authors defined HRM as the policies, practices and system that
inferenceemployee’s behavior attitude and performance (Neo, 1999, 1996).
A. Job analysis
B. Establishing standard of performance
C. Communication performance standards to employees
D. Measuring actual performance
E. Comparing actual performance with standards and discuss with employees
F. Initiating corrective action it necessary.
1. Job analysis, job description and job specifications performance appraisal is the process not
to be undertaken in isolations of various human resourcesfunction. It begins with job
analysis, job description and job specification. Thee helps in establishing the standard
2. Establishing standard of performance: - appraisal system requires performance standard,
which serves as benchmarks against which performance is measured. The standard set for
the performance should be clearly defined and unambiguous. It should be attainable by
normal employee. To be useful, standard should relate to the desired result of each job
performance standard or goals must be developed by the supervisor to insure that all recant
factors have been on included. Where the output can be measured the personal
characteristics, which contribute to employee performance, must be determined. Goals
must be written down. They must be measurable within certain time and cost consideration.
3. Communications performance standard to employees: - performance appraisal involve at
least two parties the appraiser who does the appraisal and the appraise whose performance
is being evaluated the performance standards specified in the second step about are to be
communicated and explained to the employees (both appraiser and appraise) so that they
come know what is expected of them .feedback should also take to relieve of from any
confusion or misunderstanding. Feedback enables the manager that the information has
reached the employees. If necessary the standards may be revised or modified in the light
offeedback obtained from the employees and the evaluators.
4. Measuring the actualperformance:-after the performance standard are set and accepted, the
next setup is to measure the actual performance this requires choosing the right techniques
of measuring, in identifying and the internal and external factor inflecting performance and
couching information on results achieved.it can be affected through personal observation,
written and oral reports from supervisors. The performance of different employees should
be so measured that it is comparable. Performancemeasures, to be helpful must be easy to
use, be reliable and report on the critical behaviors that determine performance.
Performance Measure May Be Objective or Subjective
A, objective performance measures: - measures are indication of job performance that
can be verities by others and are usually quantitative objective criteria include:
- Quality of production
- Degree of training needed
- Accidents in a given period
- Absenteeism
- Length of service etc.
B, Subjective performance measures: - measures are rating that are based on the personal
standard for opinions of those doing the evaluation and are not veritable be others subjective
criteria include.
- Rating by supervisors
- Knowledge about over all goals
- Contribution to socio-cultural values of the environment.
5. Comparing the actual performance with standard and discuss the appraisal with the
employees :-
Actual performance is compare with the pride remind performance standard. Actual
performance may be better than expected and sometimes. It may to affiancedeviations if
any from the set standards are noted. Along with the deviations the reason behind them are
also analyzed and discussed such discussion will enable an employeesto know his or
sheweakens and strength, weakness is discussed so that employee takes interest in
improving the performance he will be motivated to improve his or her self. The assessment
of another person’s contribution and ability is not an easy task.it has serious emotional
overtones as it affects the self-esteem of the appraisal.
6. Initiating corrective action, if any
The least step in the process is to initiate corrective action essential to improve the
performance of employeescorrective action two types
- The one, which put outs theirs immediately
- The other one, which strikes at the root of the problem permanently
The Job description of ten is not sufficient to clarify what you’re subordinate to do this is
because most are written not for specific jobs but for groups of jobs. All sales managers in the
firm night have specific ideas regarding what you expect your sales manager to do. Forexample,
thejob description may list duties such as ‘supervise sales force ‘and ‘is responsible for all phases
of marketing the division products’. However, you may expect your sales manager to personally
sale at least 600,000 worth of product per year by handling the division two largest account; keep
the sales force happy and customers away from the executives including you.
Unclear standard
Unclear performance standards are one problem an appraisal system that is to open to
integration, instead include descriptive phases that define each trait and what is meant by
standards like’’ good’’ or’’ for example, deferent supervisor would probably detine’’good’’
performance ‘’ fair’’ performance and so on differently. The same is true for trait such as
‘quality ‘of work or’creativity’.there are several ways to rectify this problems.
In the performance appraisal, the problems that occurs when supervisors rating subordinate son
one trait biases the rating of that person on the other traiti.e. rating of subordinates on one trait
such as gets along with others biases how you that person on the other trait quality of work. This
problem often occurs with employees who are specially friendly and unfriendly toward the
supervisors. For example unfriendly employees will often be rated unsatisfactory for all traits
rather than just for the trait; gets along well with other ‘. Being aware of this problem is major
step towards avoiding it. Supervisory training can also alleviate the problem.
If you use graphic rating scale this central tendency could restriction can distorts the equation
making then less use full for promotion, salary or consoling purpose. Ranking employees instead
of using graphic rating scale can avoid this problem because all employees must be ranked and
thus cannot all be rated average tendency is a tendency to rate all employees the same way, such
1up to7, they tend to
This is the problem that occurs when a supervisor has a tendency to rate all subordinate either
light or how. In fact, if you must use of performance that, say only about 10% of your employee
should be rated. Excellent’20%’ good’ and so on graphic rating scale, it might be good idea to
assume a distribution.
Performance in one study individual defense among rates in terms of characteristics such as age ,
race, and gender can affect the rating they get, often quite apart from each rates actual for
instance, researchers found a systematic tendency to evacuate older rates. (Over 60 year of age)
‘Lower on performance capacity ‘and ‘potential for development‘than younger employees. The
race and gender can also affect the persons rating. However, here the biases are not consistently
against minorities or women, as it seems to be in the case of older workers. The employees
previous performance can be also affect the evaluation of his or her current performance.
Sometimes the rater may systematical overestimate improvement on the part of the poor worker,
for instance in some situation especially when change in behavior is more gradual the rater may
simply be insensitive to change in rates behavior
Performance appraisals directly linked to high desirable reward to executive tolerate or ignore
distorted rating and senior employee tell new covers company “folklore” that in every
organization organization can minimize appraisal politics by establishing appraisal system that
is tearsome ways to promote fairness are to involve managers and employees in developing the
system. Use consistent standard for evaluation different employees, require that feedback be
timely and complete, allow employees to challenge their evaluation and communicate
expectations about performance standards, rewards and evaluation. The organization can also
help managers give accurate and fair appraisal by training them to use the appraisal process,
encouraging them to recognize accomplishment that the employees themselves have not identify,
and fostering a climate of openness in which employee feel they can be honest about their
- Lock of standard
Withoutstandard, there can be no objective evaluation of result, only a subjective
guess or feeling about performance
- Irrelevant or subjective standard
Standard should be established by analyzing the job output to ensure those standards are
job related.
Supervisors ratings are the heart of most appraisal system this is because of getting a supervisor
appraisal is relatively easy and also make a great deal of sense. The supervisor should be –and
usually is –in the best position to observe and evaluate his or her subordinate’s performance.
The appraisal of an employee by his or her pears can be effective in predicting future
management success form the study of military offices, for example we know that peer rating
were quite accurate in predicting which officers would be promoted and which would not one
potential problem with peer rating is “logrolling“her all the peer get together or rate each other
- Using rating committees
Many employees use rating committees to evaluate employees these committees are usually
composed of the employees immediate supervisor and three or four other supervisor there is
several advantage to using multiple raters. While there may be discrepancy in the rating made the
different supervisors. The composite rating tend to be more reliable, fair valid those of individual
-Self rating
- Appraisal by subordinates
More form currently late subordinate a anonymously evaluate their supervisor performance, a
process may called up ward feedback when conductedthroughout the firm the process helps the
managers diagnose managements actions with individual managers as required such subordinate
rating is especially valuable hen used for developmental rather than evaluative purposes
According to Invancvich& Gluck (1989) there are three types of appraisal interviewswith each
its own objective
- Satisfactory – promotable
In the interview the person’s performances is satisfactory and there is promotion
ahead. This is easiest of the three appraisal interview .your objective is discuss the
person’s career plans and to develop a specific action plans for the education and
professional development the person needs to move to the next job .
- Satisfactory – not promotable
This interview is for the employees whose performance is satisfactory, but for whom
promotion is not possible.
The most common form of attribute approach to performance appraisal takes graphic rating scale
the manager considers one employee at a time circling the numbers that signal show much of that
trait the individual has typically GRS assessments a technique which evaluate a person on the
quality and quantity of this work is the outstanding about average o unsatisfactory(beck &
To create the mixed standard system we design the relevant performance dimension and then
develop statement representing good average and poor performance a long each dimension all
the actual rating mixed standard scale to instruments sate later is asked to complete the lasting
instrument by indicating either the employees performance is positive (t), at zero, or below G1
the statement (ibid).
BARS builds on critical incident approach the critical incident are placed along the scale and
assigned points values according to opinion of expert it is designed to specifically define
performance dimension by developing behavioral anchors associated with different levels of
performance i.e.anchors are attached to their job diminution and placed on the appropriate scale
according to values that the group assign to them.
4. Critical Incident
This approach requires managers to keeps, record of specific example of effective and in
effective performance on the part of each employee. Herein an example of incident gives a
specific feedback to employees about what they strategy by focusing on incident that best
support the strategy. (Ibid).
Bos is vacillation of BARS like Bars, Bos is developed prom critical incidents ,Bos differs from
BARS in two ways first, rather than discarding arrange number of the behavior that exam life
effective or in effective performance, Bos use many of them to more specifically dentine all the
behavior that are necessary for effective performance . second difference is rather than assessing
which behavior best reflect an individual’s performance a Bos requires a manger to hare the
frequency with the employee has exhibited each behavior during the rating period (Ibid).
6. Behavioral Observation
Behavioral approach to performance appraisal attempt to detive the behaviors all employees
most exhibit to be effective in the job, it provide specific guidance and feedback for employees
about the performance expected of them
7. Management by Objective
Outcome appraisal instrument asks a manager to assess the result achieved by workers such as
amount for number of product produced the most relevant outcome approach is mboand
naturally occurring outcome measures,mbo is goal directed approach in which workers and their
supervisors set a goal together for upcoming evaluation period, the rating set agoal then
consisting of deciding to what extent the goal have meet. With a management be objective
approach worker objection often can easily be adjusted at the beginning of new evaluation
period. (Ibid)
Obm entails managing the behavior of employees through system of behavioral feedback and
rein forcemeat this system builds on behaviors is determined by past behavior that have been
positively rein forced. The techniques very but most have for comports:
9. Assessment center
- it requires managers to every employee with every other employee in the work group giving on
employee a score one every time he/she is concerned the higher it is an appraisal that use
performer once all the pairs have been compared, the managers computers a number of time each
employee received the favorable decision (count up points0 and this because employees
performance score the paired comparison methods fends to be an increased spent control.
It is appraisal that use input from managers, supervisor subordinates, peers customers even set
appraisal including other.
Large organization empty fulltime industrial psychologists when psychologist are used for
evaluations they assess an individual future potential and past performance the appraisal
normally consist of in depth interview, psychological test, discussion with supervisor and review
of other evolution(French, 1998).
Research methodology is plan of action which links methods to outcomes, governs our choice
and use of methods (Creswell, 2003). Research methods or techniquesrefer to the methods a
researcher use in performing research operations. In other words all those methods which are
used by the researcher during the course of studying the research problem (Kothari 2004). This
section clearly illustrates the research design, a sampling technique adopted, types of data
observed and collected to the paper. Furthermore, target population and method of data analysis
that employed was presented.
3.4.Sampling design
Sample design is made up of two elements. Sampling method refers to the rules and procedures
by which some elements of the population are included in the sample. Some common sampling
methods are; sample random sampling, cluster sampling and the estimator. The estimator process
for calculating sample statistics is called the estimator. Inthe study the researcher was use
judgmental technique to select the respondent and questioners were used distributed for
therespondent. From the target population the researcher was used to select the respondent from
managers for interview purpose
Chapter four
4.1. Introduction
In this chapter the data obtained through questionnaire were used for analysis.39 questionnaire
Were prepared and distributed, out of these only 28 questionnaires or 71.8% of respondent filed
and returned the questionnaire. Result of knowledge and opinion of the respondents are tabulated
and interpreted. Problem on different aspect of performance appraisal system are indicated.
4.2. Demographic data of the Respondents
This section of the analysis describes respondent’s demographic profile in terms of gender, age,
educational status, year of experience.
Table 4.1.Demographic background of the respondent
Respondent Percentage
1 sex Male 23 82%
Female 5 18
Total 28 100%
2 educational Grade 12th completed 0
Technical and vocational 7 25%
Diploma 7 25%
First degree and above 14 50%
Total 28 100%
3 year of Less than 5 years 10 36%
5 up to 10 years 0
10 up to 15 18 64%
15 above - -
Total 28 100%
Sourcesurvey or study result 2016
82% of employees are male. While the rest of 18% are females.This shows that in this organization, a
male seems to be given priority Both ,have second degree and majority of employees (50%) have
first degree , while the remaining 25% of employees possess diploma level .From this we can
conclude that the organization employees are well educated.. Regarding year of experience,
100% of managersand 64% of employees have been working in the organization for more than
11 years. The remaining 36% of the employees working in the organization for less than 5 year
this tells us that majority of employees have sufficientknowledge and experience regarding the
entire organizational activities
Yes 28 100%
No - =
Total 28 100%
Source; surveyor study result 2016
The entire respondents agree there is formal appraisal process in the organizatioGenerally
researcher in this organization an employee’s performance is evaluated on regular basis or
procedure and the organization has planned way of letting the employees to know where they
stand and how they were progressing.
5. How often option Employees Percent
is your
evaluated is a
Once a year - -
Twice a year 28 100%
Three times - -
Four times - -
and above
Total 28 100%
This shows that the organization is ready to know the strength or weakness of the employee’s
performance frequently and the raters spent much of their time conducting evaluations time
which and completing forms at one time which may lead them to want ‘’ get it over which
As shown in the table 4.4 71% of employees respond that performance appraisal practice was
done by director and only 29% of employees argue that the appraisal practice is through
immediate supervisor.
This shows that in ERA, the responsibility for appraising employees is given to director and
immediate supervisor in reality having only one rater is not appropriate for the organization
because the rating result is exposed to bias as a result of subjective evaluation techniques. Often,
eliciting performance information from a variety of source results in performance management
process is relatively accurate and effectives,thus having multiple raters like managers, peers,
self-subordinate, etc… provide a means for minimizing bias in otherwise subjective evaluation
techniques may be occurred
Regarding the approach used to measure the performance , 78.6% respondents said that paired
compassion techniques used to measure employees performance and 21.4% of respondents said
graphic rating system that how they performance is used .
Generally, this organization comparative approach and focus on the performance of individual
Generally speaking these techniques lack specificity for feedback purpose .based on their relative
rankings, employees, are completely an aware of what they must be differently to improve their
ranking. Instrument itself and it also became extremely time consuming and cumbersome
As show on the above table, 64% respondent said hat, sometimes but yes there is communication
between the rater and the rates about the purpose of performance appraisal. While the rest 36%of
respondent says, there is no communication about the purpose of performance appraisalbetween
the rater and the rate.
This shows that majority of employees they know for what purpose that is performance appraisal
conducted in their organization.
As indicated in the table, fromemployee’s perspectives 10.7%, 14.3% and 75%responded that the
purpose of performance appraisal in their organization is for rewarding, promoting and training
This tells us the employee cannot know whether they are strong or weak at their performance and
the performance evaluation result are the kept secretly in the organization.
One of the main purposes of conducting performance appraisal is to give feedback on workers
performance.in the absence of such feedback employees do not know how they are assessed on
different aspects of their work and they perceive that their appraiser conspires on them and lack
confidence in the appraisal system as a whole.
11. Do the
criteria used by
the organization
to evaluate
performance are
appropriates or
Respondent Percent
Yes 15 53.6%
No 13 46.4%
Total 28 100%
Source.Survey or study result 2016
From the above table, 53.6% ofrespondent agree that the criteria used to evaluate performance
are appropriate or relevant. (46.4%)says the criteria used evaluate employee’s performance are
in appropriate or irrelevant.
The criterion of performance appraisal is a key element in the appraisal process. Since the
criteria are used to assess the performance of employees these criteria must be clear for both
appraiser and appraise
12. Employees comment on appraisal criteria
The employees who said that the criteria are inappropriate give the following comments.
The criteria is not objective i.e., it is not quantifiable and verifiable and it is difficult to
Subjective measure must be removed because it is not quantified and largely dependent
on the opinion of observers and it have a potential to dilute the quality of workers
evaluation result because they may be influenced by bias or distortion as a result of
There are evaluation criteria which are unrelated to employees work and must be
The criteria are not capable of differentiating among employees according to their
Completely error free performance appraisal may be an ideal but in reality, most appraisal fall
short of this ideal. This is often due to one or more actions that can significantly impede
objective evaluation. Even if the system is well designed, problems can arise because of the rater
According to Ethiopia road authority the response of respondent there is various errors that the
rater commits.
Rating every employee’s averagely even employees who has good performance rate
equally with other employees.
Absence of feedback after the appraisal process
Sometimes the rate compares employees present performance with the past performance
The rater give high rating for the workers who have good with him
Generally speaking, from the above response we can conclude that the rater
committeestheerror like central tendency error and bias is widely seen in this organization.
As peer indicated on the above 10, regarding the awareness about the organization goal and
objective as result of performance appraisal,50% employees respond that pehave high value and
50% of employees said, it have moderate value for ERA to achieve its objectives and goals.
The researcher had made interview with the manager of the Ethiopia road authority wolkite
branch; they said that in their office there is performance appraisal twice a year using different
ranking giving method to identify their performance. Some of the obstacles that their office is
faced during feedback are responded to the employees. This is lack of budget, lack of material
and to not receiving the result after the appraisal is performed.
According to the information gathered, based on the analysis the following finding described.
All respondent agree that there was formal appraisal practice in the selected organization.
respondent confirmed that on their organization performance appraisal activities are held
semiannually or twice a year
Majority of employees (75%) said that the purpose of appraisal is training purpose.
In ERA performance evaluation is mainly used for administrative purpose and strategic
purpose such as to link employee’s activity with the organization goal and development
purpose i.e. rewarding employees who are outstanding in their performance and
providing training program for whom perform below their performance.
respond that there is no discussion ( 42.9 %)of employee appraisal result at all
In the appraisal process (32.1%) of employees does not participate.
ERA used paired comparison method to measure employee’s performance 78.6% of
Majority of employees (46.4%) says that the criteria used to evaluate employee’s
performance are in appropriate or not relevant.
Most employees respond that the rater committees central tendency error, contrast error
and bias when appraise employees performance.
respondent that there no appraisal interview in their organization
5.2. Conclusion
Only conducting performance appraisal on regular bases is not enough for the
organization without going through appraisal process.
Employee should participate in appraisal process. One way for employee to
participate in appraisal process is designing the appraisal system with supervisor.
Post-performance discussion should be conducted. An appraisal is incomplete
without discussing the result with the employees. Without feedback the appraisal
become an administrative exercise in filling out forms.
The management should develop standard and criteria for varies job types at
every level of the organization through detailed job analysis. The organization
should use multi raters in order to reduce appraiser beperformance
wolkite university
Department of management
Dear respondent
5. If your answer is yes how often do you evaluate your employee’s performance?
A. Once a year B. Twice a year C. three time a year D. Four times and above
8. for what purpose does the performance evaluation result used in your organization?
10. do you workers show positive attitude or motivated in the appraisal process?
11. Which appraisal techniques do you apply to evaluate the employee’s performance?
12. Do you think the criteria used to evaluate employees performance are appropriates or
relevant? A. Yes B. No
13. If your answer is no give your comment toward appraisal crieteria of your organization?
14. Are there any mistake by the rater during performance appraisal (please explain?
15. What do you suggests for the program related to performance appraisal in your organization?
A. Yes B. No
17. To what extent do you think ERA achieved its goal and objective as a result of its
performance appraisal practices?