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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Criminal
Justice Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
Brgy. Marawoy, Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines 4217

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology




June 2024


The undergraduate thesis entitled “AN EVALUATION OF THE

following students: Bryan Kim B. Balbin, Dave Julius V. Cerico, Clarence R.
Dalisay. This has been examined and recommended in oral examination.


Research Adviser


Accepted by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of .




Member Member


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology.

Dean, College of Criminology


Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made to those who in one way

helped us in the preparation of this research:

To the PPA personnel of Lipa and Tanauan City, Batangas, for

allowing the researchers to distribute questionnaires and providing necessary

information concerning the research;

To the Faculty Members, especially to our Dean Renato K. Preza,

JD, Program Coordinator, Grace D. Alincastre; to our Research Adviser,

Ranillo Limbo, and to our Instructor, JO3 Brenda E. Malvar, for guiding us in

accomplishing this paper, for the support that they gave us throughout the

thesis process, and tirelessly checking and rechecking until perfection;

To our Statistician, for giving his time and effort in accomplishing the

data we gathered;

To our families, for their prayers and understanding, support and for

their benevolence, love and constant encouragement to accomplish this study.

To the Staff of the College Library, for letting us browse the books

and thesis so that we may accomplish our study;

And most of all to Almighty God, who gave us strength, will, and

wisdom to understand different things that will help strengthen the author's

personalities toward a new career.

To all of you, thank you very much.


This piece of hard work is wholeheartedly dedicated to our families,

who have given their support and guidance and have always been our

inspiration in every step we made. Likewise, they never failed to give their

support financially and morally, their understanding, love and trust.

To faculty members, who by their guidance and wisdom have helped us

in our goals in track and our dreams of becoming conscientious officers of the

law come into realization;

To our dear friends, for their support, comfort, and understanding;

To our group members, for the happy moment of sharing ideas; To

you, who reads this piece of work;

And most of all to Almighty God, who guide us and care a lot in our

everyday life and for showing us blessings, and the enlightenments;

YOU all serve as inspiration to us…



Contents Page

Title Page ……………………………………………….. i

Approval Sheet ……………………………………………….. ii

Acknowledgment ……………………………………………….. iii

Dedication ……………………………………………….. iv

Table of Contents ……………………………………………….. v

Abstract ……………………………………………….. viii

I. Introduction

Background of the Study…………...……………………………. 1

Significance of the Study…………...……………………………. 9

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………... 11

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………... 13

Conceptual Paradigm…………………………………………….. 14

Statement of the Problem………………………………………... 16

Null Hypothesis………………………………………………….. 17

Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………………. 17

Definition of Terms………………………………………………. 18

II. Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature………………………………………………… 21

Local Literature…………………………………………………… 23

III. Methodology

Research Design …………………………………………………. 25

Population and Sampling Technique………..………………….. 26

Research Instrument……………………………………………… 27

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………… 29

Statistical Tool…………………………………………………...… 30

Ethical Consideration……………………………………………... 32

IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Presentation of Tables and Interpretation of Data………………. 34

V. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusion……………………………………………………… 56

Recommendations……………………………………………… 56

Bibliography…………………………………………………… 58

Appendix A…………………………………………………….. 61

Appendix B…………………………………………………….. 63

Appendix C…………………………………………………….. 68

Curriculum Vitae


This study is about the effectiveness of the programs offered by the Parole

and Probation Administration to all sentenced prisoners in the City of Lipa and

Tanauan. This is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the rehabilitation

programs offered by the Parole and Probation Administration for Sentenced

Prisoners in Lipa and Tanauan City, with the aim of fostering their development and

successful reintegration into society. This study concluded that the perception of the

respondents on the programs under the Parole and Probation Administration are

helpful for their rehabilitation. The researchers used quantitative-descriptive

methods of research. Descriptive method is a fact finding with adequate

interpretation through data gathering like survey questionnaires. This study used a

validated questionnaire and was self-constructed by the researchers. It includes

items that were confirmed through several revisions based on the comments and

suggestions of the advisers.

Some Keywords: Program evaluation, reintegration initiatives, self-improvement.


Background of the Study

Public service is typically associated with public administration and public

sector governance, which as a necessary or inevitable intervention entails the

operation of state machinery supported by the state budget, which includes the

ability to make decisions, carry out government operations, and operate within laws,

rules, policies, and administrative practices that restrict, recommend, and facilitate

the provision of goods and services that are supported by the public (Jain,2021).

There is misunderstanding about public services. They cannot be assessed using

the same standards as market-based provision, nor are they just public sector

services. Nor are they inevitably the result of "market failure." They are

distinguished by four qualities. They serve the public, are redistributive, exist for

policy-related objectives, and function as a trust. Many municipal and national

governments offer law enforcement as a common public function. Protecting

civilians from criminal behaviour, stopping crimes before they happen, conducting

criminal investigations, and punishing offenders are the main objectives of law

enforcement. Governments set up law enforcement agencies for various

jurisdictions to achieve these objectives.

Based on the Historical Development of Community-Based Treatment “In the

Philippines, community-based offender treatment is regulated by Presidential

Decree No. 968 (PD 968), which was issued on July 24, 1976. When the Philippine

legislature passed Act 4221 on August 7, 1935, during the American colonial era

(1898–1945), probation was first used in the country. This law created a Probation

Office under the Department of Justice. On July 24, 1976, Presidential Decree No.

968, also known as Adult Probation Law of 1976, was signed into law by the

President of the Philippines, Ferdinand E. Marcos. The probation system was

implemented nationwide in the Philippines on January 3, 1978 and currently there

are 183 field offices spread all over the country supervised by 16 regions.

A convicted defendant must apply for probation and, once granted, must

comply with the conditions imposed by the court and the supervision of the

probation officer; otherwise, the defendant would have to serve the original

sentence. The agency in charge of the administration of the probation system is the

Probation Administration under the Department of Justice. Probationary supervision

aims at implementing the conditions in the court order and facilitating the

rehabilitation of the offender through corrective guidance and the use of community


Probation is a community-based program which is in the rehabilitation of

offenders. It serves as an alternative to incarceration aiming for the reintegration of

individual back into society as law-abiding citizens. In addition, Parole and

Probation Administration is an agency of the Philippine Government under the

Department of Justice which is designed to promote the rehabilitation of the offender

and reduce the incidence of recidivism. The program offers personalized

rehabilitative services to probationers. Through regular meetings with probation

officers, probationers are assessed for their specific needs such as counseling,

educational programs, or job training. Indeed, the Parole and Probation

Administration Program was essentially contributory to the rehabilitation of the


Parole and Probation Administration offers programs that are helpful for the

reintegration of their client such as Developmental Programs, Major Programs and

Therapeutic Community Modality Programs. Volunteerism is one of the programs

under the Developmental Program which helps probationers to establish a support

system and connections within the community, which can be instrumental in their

successful reintegration into society. Major Programs has a Restorative Justice that

can foster a deeper understanding of the consequences of their actions and

promote personal growth and responsibility. By actively engaging in restitution and

making amends, probationers have the opportunity to demonstrate remorse and

work towards repairing the harm they caused. Lastly, Therapeutic Community

Ladderized Program includes the monthly therapeutic community session, skills

training, drug test which provide a supportive and structured environment for

probationers to address their substance abuse issues and develop coping skills to

prevent relapse. These sessions allow probationers to connect with others who are

going through similar struggles, providing a sense of community and understanding

that can be essential for recovery.

Despite its good intention for the reintegration of the offenders, Parole and

Probation Administration may encounter challenges towards the success of their

goals. Probation officers frequently have to work in high crime areas, institutions, or

dangerous environments. They may have court-imposed deadlines, adding pressure

to complete time-sensitive tasks by dealing with probationers who violate the terms

of their supervision can be frustrating (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023). The

probation officer must assess the situation and determine the immediate risk to their

own safety, if there is an imminent danger they need to act quickly to defend

themselves and call for help.

For the offenders, finding housing, employment, returning to learning

institutions, and other social-economic initiatives towards personal and social

development are a major challenge to the majority of released offenders (Cracknell,

2021). Once probation are granted, probationers are struggling to find work because

of their criminal background. Additionally, offenders are highly predisposed to

increased risk of failed social reintegration.

Furthermore, this claim is also supported by the study of Domingo & Labid et.

al. 2016, stating that "They are generally labeled as dangerous individuals, which

results in their adverse experiences once they were released to the community".

Their dejection experiences as being probationers may cause negative impact to

their lives and their rehabilitation. About social reintegration, most probationers

suffer from stereotyping causing them to be unemployed because most people are

not aware that after granting probation those individuals are the better version of

themselves and they are ready to work again in the community.

Probationers' experiences may positively or negatively affect their lives and their

rehabilitation in general. For the probationers living within the community, they

experienced paradoxical lives that postulate their successful re-entry to the

community and desist them from crimes, or it may pull them back to the jail as a

result of re-offending, which leads to the revocation of their probation program.

These paradoxical lives of probationers are associated with how they view their

present situation; the joy and sorrow they experienced helped or pulled them in their

situation as they face their challenges (Klingele, 2013; Maruna, 2001; Phelps, 2013;

Wagoner, 2010). There are paradoxical experiences that most probationers face

because being looked as a dangerous people there would be chances that their

probation would revoked for the reason that they tend to act based on their label

leading them to commit another offense.

The joyful experiences are centered on the contentment and satisfaction of their

probation life. This pleasurable feeling has resulted from the satisfaction of their

psychological and social needs, such as survival, physiological, relationships,

freedom, and security (Carr & Batlle, 2015; Charles, 2016; Luna, 2013; Sump,

2016). In line with this, it is necessary to accomplish these needs to avoid any

deviant behaviors and to secure the chances of compliance.

According to the report submitted by the Planning Division, the PPA

supervised a total of 133,762 probationers, parolees/pardoners, and First-time minor

drug offenders (FTMDO). Out of this total number, 132,607 or 99.44% of the clients

continuously complied with the terms. And conditions set in their probation or parole

grant. For 2022, the Administration targeted a 98.92% compliance rate.

Likewise, investigation referrals were completed and submitted to courts in 2022.

Out of these numbers, 98.48% of the said recommendations were sustained by the


On the other hand, 504 Community Service Orders issued by the courts were

received by the PPA wherein 25 or 4.96% were terminated.

Based on the record of Parole and Probation Administration of Lipa City, the

total population of probationers who applied from January to October year 2023 is

478, the total number of approved probationers is 462. The total number of those

officers who administers the program to probationers are five consisting of one Chief

Probation Officer, one Probation Officer, one Admin staff and two Support staff. On

the other hand, based on the record of Parole and Probation Administration of

Tanauan City, the total population of probationers who applied from January to

October year 2023 is 473, the total number of approved probationers is 402. The

total number of those officers who administers the program to probationers are five

consisting of one Chief Probation Officer, two Probation Officer and two Clerk.

It has not have other related studies on a particular topic which led to a

research gap for several reasons. First, it indicates that there is a lack of existing

knowledge or understanding in that specific area, highlighting the need for further

investigation. Without prior studies to build upon, researchers may face challenges

in contextualizing their research and establishing a solid foundation for their work.

But, it allows researchers to delve into uncharted territories, that can leads to

groundbreaking findings and contributions to the field. By identifying and addressing

this gap, researchers can make a significant impact and advance the knowledge

base in that particular area.

This study served as a basis for future researchers to let the community know

that the granting of probation is not arbitrary because it follows the process of

making every probationer change their lives for good. The researcher choose this

topic for them to have a deeper understanding about the rehabilitation program

provided for the probationer. Also, this study aims to assess the evaluation of the

rehabilitation programs offered by the Parole and Probation Administration for

sentenced prisoners in Lipa and Tanauan City, with the aim of fostering their

development and successful reintegration into society.

Significance of the study


This study is able to make the probationers know what they stand to

gain or lose from probation, thus enabling them to be informed when making

choices about their rehabilitation procedures.


This study equips families with awareness to handle the difficulties that

come with probation and lead to a supportive atmosphere for successful

reentry into society.

Policy Makers and Law Makers

This study can direct the establishment or alteration of laws implicated

in probation, sentencing, and rehabilitation to be based on fact and efficiency.

Criminal Justice Practitioners

Probation officers, judges, and other professionals will learn valuable

information to improve their decision-making and enhance the rehabilitation of

those who have been sentenced.


This study serves as their stepping stone in the field of justice and probation

and it helps them to be aware of the probation and importance of different programs

in nurturing the probationer.

Kolehiyo ng ungsod ng Lipa

This study can help schools create or amend their disciplinary policies

and processes to better support student progress and lower the chance of

probationary status for students.

Advocacy Groups and NGOs

It offers proof to back up advocacy campaigns focused on improving

probation systems and promoting alternatives to incarceration.

Future Researcher

This thesis can serve as a foundation for further research in the field of

criminal justice, probation, and sentencing, encouraging academic exploration

and analysis.

Theoretical Framework

Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory (2023) provides important

insights in the context of the study analyzing the effectiveness of probation laws

and rehabilitation programs for convicted convicts in the City of Lipa and

Tanauan. According to this idea, learning happens as a result of modeling,

reinforcement, and observation. It implies that people can learn pro-social

habits and skills in the framework of rehabilitation programs if they are exposed

to positive role models and given access to the relevant tools and resources.

This theory asserts that people pick up new behaviors through imitation,

modeling, and reinforcement, and it has specific application to the process of

rehabilitation and reintegration.

The Social Learning Theory emphasizes the value of observational

learning in treatment programs. It implies that everyone, especially those who

have received a sentence, can learn pro-social habits by witnessing and

imitating the actions of others. This stresses how important it is to give people

access to positive role models who may serve as examples for behavioral

change, like successful parolees or program mentors, in the context of

rehabilitation. The

theory also emphasizes the importance of rewards and consequences in

modifying behavior. In rehabilitation programs, people frequently are rewarded

for acceptable behaviors and punished for bad ones. In order to create

rehabilitative solutions that are more effective, it is essential to comprehend

these mechanisms.

A crucial idea in the theory, vicarious learning, describes how people

might gain knowledge from the experiences of others. Sharing the experiences

of people who have already undergone rehabilitation can have a significant

impact on the attitudes and actions of those who are still in the process of

becoming better.

The study also takes into account the Desistance Theory, which holds

that social integration, personal development, and life events all contribute to a

decline in criminal activity over time. According to this theory ( Weaver 2015),

the probation system helps people achieve distance by giving them chances to

reintegrate into society, find steady jobs, and form supportive social networks.

The decision to stop engaging in criminal activity can be influenced by a variety

of life events and changes, which are taken into consideration from a life

course viewpoint. Desistance can be influenced by a variety of elements,

including obtaining a steady job, building solid relationships, and fulfilling

personal objectives. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend how probation and

rehabilitation programs aid in facilitating these life changes in the study.

Additionally, it provides a useful framework for analyzing the study on

the effectiveness of the probationary statute and rehabilitation initiatives for

convicted probationers in the cities of Lipa and Tanauan. Desistance theory is

fundamentally a criminological viewpoint that explores how people eventually

migrate away from a life of crime by ceasing to engage in illegal activity. The

theory offers insights into the elements and processes that lead to a successful

return to society and the cessation of criminal activity in the context of this


Conceptual Framework

The study presents a framework based on criminology theories,

emphasizing the importance of addressing root causes of criminal behavior for

successful prisoner rehabilitation. It also highlights the need to support

individuals' reintegration into society as productive and law-abiding members.

The study considered the data gathering, questionnaire and statistical analysis

to attain the best results.

Factors and Programs/
Demographic affecting the difference Problem Designs
Profile implemented between encountered towards
rehabilitation respondents development
programs and

Data Administering Statistical

Gathering questionnaire Analysis

Recommendation Proposed

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study that provided the

procedures which helped the researchers gain continuity and completion. It

showed the gathering essential demographic information about the

respondents, which includes data on their age, gender, the nature of the crime

committed, and their educational attainment, followed by the factors affecting

the implemented rehabilitation program, significant relationship between

demographic profile of respondents and the implemented rehabilitation

programs, significant difference between demographic profile of respondents

and the implemented rehabilitation programs, problems encountered in

enhancing the rehabilitation program and programs/ designs towards the

development of rehabilitation programs.

It also showed the process that the researchers undertook to come up

with the desired results. Under this process was the data gathering through

administering questionnaires. The gathered data undergo rigorous statistical

analysis to answer two critical research questions.

Lastly, this study was consist of evidence-based recommendations

aimed at enhancing probation programs, fostering more effective prisoner

development, and, ultimately, contributing to the broader rehabilitation goals

within the criminal justice system.

These recommendations was derived from the insights gained through the

statistical analysis of the data and was presented in a clear and actionable

format to facilitate their implementation in practice. It is essential to conduct

this research ethically, respecting the privacy and consent of the respondents,

and to ensure the sample's size and representativeness to uphold the validity of

the findings.

Statement of the Problem

This research examines how well rehabilitation programs run by the

Parole and Probation Administration work to help prisoners reintegrate into

society and contribute to community development. By conducting an analysis it

aims to offer suggestions, for improving the effectiveness of future initiatives, in

these areas. Specifically, it sought to answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender; and,

1.3. Crime Committed?

2. How may the level of effectiveness of the implemented rehabilitation

program by the Parole and Probation Administration be described in terms


2.1. Therapeutic Community Modality Program;

2.2. Restorative Justice; and,

2.3. Volunteerism?

3. Is there a significant difference between the assessment of two

groups of respondents in the aforementioned variables?

4. Is there a significant difference on the level of effectiveness of the

implemented rehabilitation program by the Parole and Probation

Administration as assessed by the respondents grouped by profile


5. Based on the findings of the study, what program may be

proposed to improve the implementation of the rehabilitation program by

the Parole and Probation Administration?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of

respondents and probation

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on the “Evaluation of the rehabilitation programs of

parole and probation administration for sentenced prisoners in Lipa and

Tanauan city towards a guide for its development”. Thus, it is composed of

several factors taken to test the efficacy of utilizing Parole and Probation

Administration Programs among Probationers in the vicinity of the city of Lipa

and Tanauan from 2023. Respondents of the study were the selected

probationers who had been approved to undergo the program, 462 from Lipa

City and 402 in Tanauan City. The determination of the sample size was using

Convenience sampling. On the other hand, for the researchers to gather and

collect data, they utilized the use of survey-questionnaires through the aid of

google forms.

More so, the researchers limited their study only to those offenders who

have been approved to undergo the program. More so, the researchers limited

their study only for the efficacy of the program and not to other variables. They

started from January 2023 to October 2023.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the respondents, the following

terminologies are being defined accordingly.

Efficacy - something is how well it works or brings the result you hoped for.

Parole and Probation Administration (PPA)- mandated to conserve

and/or redeem convicted offenders and prisoners who are under the probation

or parole system.

Parole and Probation Officer - an employee of the PPA assigned to investigate

and supervise Agency clients.

Probation - is a privilege which allows criminals to avoid prison or to be released

from prison after serving only a portion of their sentences.

Probationer - Those are the people who undergo the PPA program. It is

defined as a person placed on probation.

Terminated Probationer-probationers who have fully cooperated

with/participated in the programs of supervision designed for their rehabilitation

and who are situated under conditions/circumstances.

Therapeutic Community (TC) - is an environment that helps people get help

while helping others. It is a treatment environment: the interactions of its

members are designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that

require for each to play the dual role of client-therapist.

Recidivist - is one who, at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have been

previously convicted by final judgement of another crime.

Restorative Justice (RJ) - is a philosophy and a process of allowing criminal

offenders to accept full responsibility for the consequences of their misconduct

and make amends with the victim and the community.

Revocation - the official cancellation of a privilege decree, decision, or

promise. It is an event in which the court, after finding that one or more

probation violations have been proven, rescinds an individual’s probation

sentence and executes a jail or prison sentence.

Volunteerism - is a program of PPA that encourages maximum citizen’s

participation in the rehabilitation of the clients.

Volunteer Probation Aides - assist the Provincial or City Probation officers in

the supervision of probationers, the Probation Administrator may appoint

citizens of good repute and probity to act as probation aides.

Development - is a procedure that brings about development, advancement,

favorable change, or the inclusion of elements that are social, demographic,

economic, environmental, and physical.


This chapter shows the review of related literature which aims to

provide researcher knowledge and background about the study. The reference

was gathered from the works of credible authors as well as the unpublished

research paper that were deemed useful in the conduct of current study.

Probation must be explained to the probationer as a form of punishment

that "permits him to escape commitment and its stigma but one that also makes

other demands. If these demands are not met," according to ALMY (The

Annual Library Index). If these demands are not met, the probationer were

subject to the same punishment as other offenders. Such a viewpoint is

predicated on the idea that punishment is guaranteed to occur and serves as a


According to Phelps (2013), probation is a correctional procedure that

involves monitoring and treating convicted criminal defendants so they can

fulfill their terms in the community. These community-based programmes, as

opposed to traditional punitive and deterrent methods like incarceration, are

intended to lower recidivism rates by giving offenders access to tools that

encourage positive behavioral change.

The probation is utilized for community monitoring, according to a study

by Barnes-Proby, Hunt, Jonsson, and Cherney (2018). Upon the completion of

their probationary period or until their graduation, the criminal is permitted to

remain in the community. The foundation of probation is the idea that, as

opposed to incarceration, community support and assistance increases the

likelihood of offenders being rehabilitated and avoiding recidivism. A well-

thought-out rehabilitation treatment plan has been devised by the Parole and

Probation Administration for these clients.

The goal of the probation system is to keep convicts from hardening into

lifelong offenders. In other words, the probation system is a correctional

process that attempts to both rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders back into

society. The United Nations Institute for Crime Prevention has also fixed the

aim of the probation system, which is to promote rehabilitation and reintegration

of offenders into the community to make them conformist with the community

settings. Probation also aims to help offenders become beneficial and

productive individuals of society. The probation system repairs the detrimental

consequences of incarceration while assisting the offender in working for the

welfare of his family (Javed Iqbal Khokhar, 2019).

Community supervisors, or probation officers (POs), are prone to stress.

Their customers might be cunning, disobedient, and challenging to manage.

According to Joseph Giovannoni (2015), it is imperative that law enforcement

personnel treat their clients with human dignity, encourage them to

follow instructions, and maintain a non-confrontational, empathic, attentive,

compassionate, and direct demeanor.

Reintegrating offenders into their own communities and society is one of

the widely acknowledged objectives of corrections, whether it is through

non-custodial means or institutionalization, according to Georgina M. Dioses,

Jordan L. Mariano, Juliet C. Daniels, and Rhowel M. Dellosa's 2019 study.

Helping offenders reunite with their family and reintegrate into the community is

essential to ensuring that those released from jails, prisons, rehabilitation

facilities, or detention centers resume their place and function in society.

According to the study of Jevandy, 2013 states that “The Volunteer

Probation Aide” (VPA) program is a strategy by which the Parole and Probation

Administration may be able to generate maximum citizen participation or

community involvement. Citizens of good standing in the community may

volunteer to assist the probation and parole officers in the supervision of a

number of probationers, parolees and conditional pardons in their respective

communities. Since they reside in the same community as the client, they are

able to usher the reformation and rehabilitation of the clients hands-on”.

Volunteer probation aides play a crucial role in the criminal justice system by

assisting probation officers in their work. The importance of volunteer

probation aides cannot be overstated, as they contribute to the successful

rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals involved in the justice system. In

collaboration with the PPO, the VPA helps pave the way for the offender, victim

and community to each heal from the harm resulting from the crime. They can

initiate a circle of support for clients and victims to prevent further crimes.

Based on Correction and Rehabilitation – Parole and Probation

Administration (2023), The success of the Therapeutic Community treatment

model is also anchored on the implementation of restorative justice. To

highlight the principles of restorative justice, offenders are recognized to

indemnify victims and render community services to facilitate the healing of the

broken relationship caused by offending the concerned parties. Mediation and

conferencing are also utilized in special cases to mend and/or restore clients’

relationship with their victim and the community. Considering that it is in the

community that the rehabilitation of clients takes place, the utilization of

therapeutic community treatment model coupled with the principles of

restorative justice would be further energized with the recruitment, training and

deployment of Volunteer Probation Aides (VPAs). Indeed, Restorative justice is

an approach to justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by a crime or

conflict, rather than solely punishing the offender. It emphasizes the needs of

the victim, the offender, and the community, and seeks to address the

underlying causes of the harm.


This chapter presents the method used and procedures followed by the

researcher. It discusses the research design, population and sampling

technique, research instrument, data gathering procedures, statistical tools,

and ethical consideration

Research Design

This study was designed to assess the efficacy of probation law to

evaluate the rehabilitation programs under parole and probation administration

to enhance the developmental program of sentenced prisoners in the City of

Lipa and Tanauan which was made possible through the use of quantitative

research. The study utilized quantitative design using descriptive survey


According to Shuttleworth (2019), descriptive research design involves

watching and characterizing a subject's behavior without exerting any kind of

influence on it. This design's primary objective is to "describe" people,

circumstances, problems, behaviors, or natural occurrences (Siedlecki, 2020).

The focus is on prevailing conditions or how a person or group or thing

behaves or functions in the present. The researchers utilized questionnaires

and interviews to generate data needed in this research.

Furthermore, a survey questionnaire is used to gather data from a

representative sample of people. As a survey study, the tool helps gather data

byproviding the sample population's characteristics related to a particular

occurrence (Ponto, 2015). Everyone can use paper-based or web-based

questionnaires. Both formats were used in this study to contact the sample

group regarding probationers. This type of research methodology allows for the

statistical presentation of the data gathered from the responses for the report

users' easy interpretation. The descriptive approach should be used

successfully in order to statically analyze the data, as the researcher is

attempting to analyze consumer opinion, attitude, behavior, and satisfaction

level in relation to services and products. Ensuring the validity and reliability of

the results requires thorough development of the research strategies. Making

sure they can answer the research problem as clearly and effectively as

feasible with the evidence they have acquired is the purpose of the research's


Population and Sampling Technique

The Lipa City Parole and Probation Administration and Tanauan City

Parole and Probation Administration’s probationers are collectively constituents

of the target population. They serve as the population because probationers

provide priceless firsthand knowledge of the probation system, initiatives for

rehabilitation, and the practical effects of the probation law on their own life.

Their viewpoints can offer vital insights regarding the success of rehabilitation

initiatives, the difficulties they encounter, and the general usefulness of the

probationary period.

Stratified sampling technique was used to guarantee representative

sample. The people were categorized into two groups according to where they

live: Tanauan and Lipa. Fifty-five (55) from Tanauan and fifty-five (55) from

Lipa are the respondents of this study. The selection of probationers and

probation officers for the study was subsequently done using random sampling

within each stratum. Statistical considerations was used to select the sample

size in order to attain the desired degree of precision. e researchers used the

following criteria to identify and select the respondents of this study:

1. The respondents must be the probationer of Lipa City Police Station and

Tanauan City police Station

2. Respondents must be aware of the topic

3. The respondents are voluntarily agreed to be part of this study

Research Instrument

A comprehensive study method was conducted in the cities of Lipa and

Tanauan to evaluate the efficacy of the probation statute in improving the

developmental programmes for condemned convicts. As the primary research

instrument a survey questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from

probationers and probation officers working for the Parole and Probation

Administration. A series of structured questions was included in the

questionnaire to delve into the experiences of probationers in

rehabilitation programmes, the way probation rules are seen to affect their

reintegration into society, and the efficiency of developmental activities in

lowering recidivism rates. Survey questions about probation officers' opinions

on how the probation law is being applied, difficulties they have running

rehabilitation programmes, and their observations of the growth of sentenced

probationers was asked of them.

The survey was specifically designed to meet the goals of assessing the

effectiveness of rehabilitation initiatives and probation regulations. Likert-scale

items can be used to gauge how much respondents agree or disagree with

statements about the success of the programmes and its legal standing. To

further enable participants to offer qualitative insights into their experiences and

perceptions, open-ended questions were included.

A cover letter requesting information from the respondents regarding

their cooperation in this endeavor is attached to the aforementioned

questionnaire. Conversely, the actual questionnaire comes with detailed

instructions section to help responders answer the questionnaire. The

questionnaire was validated by the Research Adviser and practicing

Criminologists who are knowledgeable in this field of criminology.

The self-made survey questionnaire was put through a reliability test

once the researchers had added the validation and modifications.

To confirm that the questionnaire was suitable for evaluating the study's

parameters, the researcher ran a reliability test.

The researchers asked permission from the Chief of Police of Lipa City

Police Station and also to the Chief of Police of Tanauan City Police Station. To

ensure that the respondents answered the surveys honestly and morally, the

questionnaires were individually delivered to them and their contents

thoroughly explained. Following the questionnaire's administration, the data

were totaled, computed, analyzed, and interpreted. Subsequently, the

investigator procured pertinent study and publications to bolster the findings.

Data Gathering Procedure

The research utilized a systematic and ethical approach in the data

gathering procedure. A questionnaire-based methodology was used to gather

quantitative data from probationers and probation officers using a cross-

sectional study design. A combination of closed-ended and open-ended

questions were included in the questionnaire. A pilot test was carried out before

the questionnaire is widely distributed so that participant feedback may be used

to improve it.

Conducting a survey is indispensable for the research on the "Evaluation

of the Rehabilitation programs of parole and probation administration for

sentenced prisoners in Lipa City and Tanauan City towards a

guide for its development." The survey serves as a primary means of

systematically capturing diverse perspectives from the key stakeholders

involved—probationers and probation officers. Its structured format facilitates

the efficient collection of quantitative data, offering a standardized approach for

participants to express their views on the effectiveness of probation laws and

rehabilitation programs. The quantitative data, generated through Likert-scale

items and closed-ended questions, enables statistical analysis to identify

patterns and correlations. Simultaneously, the inclusion of open-ended

questions provides a space for qualitative insights, allowing participants to

elaborate on their experiences. The survey's inclusive design ensures that the

study encompasses a wide range of perspectives, contributing to a more

comprehensive understanding of the developmental outcomes of sentenced

prisoners in the specified cities. Ultimately, the survey methodology is

instrumental in generating evidence-based insights that can inform policy

decisions, guide improvements in the criminal justice system, and enhance the

overall effectiveness of probation services in Lipa and Tanauan.

Statistical Tools

The following statistical tools were used in this study:

1. Frequency Count. The data is presented in frequency form to show

the actual distribution of the respondent's demographic profile.

2. Percentage. It is used to determine the rate of the demographic profile of the

3. Ranking. This tool was used to determine the order of the indicators

mentioned in the study for a clearer interpretation of the perception of the


4. Weighted Mean. This tool was used to consolidate the perceptions of

the respondents on the variables used in this study.

5.Multiple Regression. It was used in testing the hypothesis of difference on

the assessment of the respondents grouped by demographic profile variables

on the main research variables.

6.T Test. This tool was used to measure the statistical difference between the

assessment of two groups of respondents (from Tanauan and Lipa) on the

main research variables.

In analyzing and interpreting the retrieved responses, the researchers

set the assigned weight for each option and the scale that determines the

aggregate responses as follows:

Weight Weighted Mean Interpretation

4 3.26 - 4.00 Highly Effective (HE)

3 2.51 - 3.25 Effective (E)

2 1.76 - 2.50 Slightly Effective (SE)

1 1.00 - 1.75 Not Effective (NE)

Ethical Consideration

Throughout the research on the "Evaluation of the rehabilitation

programs of parole and probation administration for sentenced prisoners in

Lipa and Tanauan city towards a guide for its development", a number of

ethical considerations was crucial. First and foremost, participants get full and

precise informed consent, including probation officials and probationers. They

was fully informed about the goals, methods, and possible consequences of the

study, with a focus on how voluntary their involvement is. Strict measures were

taken to guarantee confidentiality, and all information gathered were treated

with utmost confidentiality.

Participants were free to withdraw from the study at any time without

penalty, in accordance with the idea of voluntary participation. Additionally,

measures were implemented to reduce any possible risk or discomfort to

participants throughout the data collection procedure. In light of the delicate

nature of the subjects being examined, including the experiences of

probationers, procedures were implemented to provide assistance or pointers

to counseling resources in the event that participants show signs of emotional


This research followed the policies and procedures established by the

ethical and institutional review boards. The research was conducted with

transparency in reporting and a commitment to responsibly disseminating

the findings. This ensured that the study contributed to ethically sound and

socially responsible insights into the efficacy of rehabilitation programmes and

probation laws in the targeted communities.

Chapter IV


This chapter shows the data in tabular form supported with

corresponding analysis and interpretation


Table 1.1

Demographic Profile of Respondents in Terms of Age

Age of Frequency Percentage Ranking


18-30 34 30.91 2

31-59 70 63.64 1

60 and above 6 5.45 3

TOTAL 110 100

Table 1.1 showed the age bracket of the respondents. Out of 110

respondents, 70 of them are under the 31-59 age bracket with a 63.63 percent

and ranked first. According to Sampson and Laub (2016), this age group is often

characterized by significant transitions in their lives that can be attributed to

factors such as transitions in financial status among other factors. During this

stage, most people within this age bracket encounter numerous challenges in life

such as disease, or termination of employment or divorce which might prompt

their involvement in illegal activities (Sampson & Laub, 2016). It was followed by

ages 18-30 with frequency of 34, percentage of 30.91 and ranked

2. The least of the respondents are under age of 60 and above with the total

respondents of 6 with a 5.45 percent.

Table 1.2

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender

Gender of the Frequency Percentage Ranking


Female 29 73.64 2

Male 81 26.36 1

TOTAL 110 100

Table 1.2 showed that the majority of the respondents are male with the

frequency of eighty-one (81), ranked one (1) and with 73.64 percent. It was

followed by females with a frequency of twenty-nine (29) with 26.36 percent.

According to some researchers there are biological dissimilarities in men and

women related to aggressive behaviors and tendency to take risks. This is

supported by hormonal factors as well as structure of the brain which are seen

in various studies yet remain debatable (Moffitt, 2018). Also, expectations and

gender roles from society could have an impact on behavior; males have often

been taught to behave aggressively, competitively, and independently as

opposed to girls (Eagly & Wood, 2013).

Table 1.3

Demographic Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Crime Committed

Crime Frequency Percentage Ranking

Drug related case 79 71.82 1

Unjust vexation 1 0.91 5

R.A 10591 8 7.27 3

R.A 9287 19 17.27 2

Estafa 3 2.73 4

TOTAL 110 100

Table 1.3 shows that 79 of the 110 respondents have drug-related

cases under their belts. Its percentage stands at 71.82 percent. Next, with a

percentage of 17.27, were 19 responders who had committed crimes against

RA 9287. Of the total responses, 7.27 percent are related to RA 10591, which

ranks third in relation to this offense. Estafa instances rank fourth among them

with a proportion of 2.73 percent. Three of them have estafa. The lowest one

falls under the category of unjust vexation with a frequency of 1 and a

percentage of 0.91 percent. According to Cheteni (2021), the individuals may

try to survive by resorting to drugs. This may be survival strategy considering

that drugs are usually easy to sell and addictive to victim.

2. Effectiveness of the Implemented Rehabilitation Program

Table 2.1

Effectiveness of the Therapeutic Community Modality Program

Weighted Mean Interpretation

Indicators Rank
A B Ave. A B Ave.
1. I am familiar with the Therapeutic
Community Modality Program offered by our 3.29 3.31 3.30 HE HE HE 6
2. The Therapeutic Community Modality
Program provides a caring and nurturing 3.41 3.39 3.40 HE HE HE 4
atmosphere for individuals seeking support.
3. Participating in the Therapeutic
Community Modality Program has brought
3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 1.5
about significant improvements in both my
behavior and mindset.
4. The Therapeutic Community Modality
Program is successful in fostering a sense
3.43 3.37 3.40 HE HE HE 4
of accountability and responsibility among its
5. I have faced difficulties in accessing or
taking part in the Therapeutic Community 2.29 2.31 2.30 SE SE SE 7
Modality Program.
6. The rehabilitation programs provided by
the Parole and Probation Administration
3.39 3.41 3.40 HE HE HE 4
have positively impacted the lives of
7. The support and assistance offered by
program staff in major rehabilitation 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 1.5
programs is satisfactory.
Composite Mean 3.26 3.26 3.26 HE HE HE
Legend: A = Lipa City; B = Tanauan City; Ave.= Average
Weight Scale/Range Interpretation

4 3.26 - 4.00 Highly Effective (HE)

3 2.51 - 3.25 Effective (E)
2 1.76 - 2.50 Slightly Effective (SE)
1 1.00 - 1.75 Not Effective (NE)

Table 2.1 showed that the indicator “Participating in the Therapeutic

Community Modality Program has brought about significant improvements in

both my behavior and mindset” obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.50

interpreted as “Highly Effective”, along with “ The support and

assistance offered by program staff in major rehabilitation programs is

satisfactory” each in rank 1.5. In these items, the weighted mean obtained

from the respondents from Lipa City posted similar weighted mean of 3.49,

while 3.51 from the respondents from Tanauan City.

Engaging in the Therapeutic Community Modality Program has led to

notable positive changes in both behavior and mindset for the individual

involved. It implies that the program has had a meaningful impact on their

actions, attitudes, and outlook on life, indicating a successful outcome from

their participation in the program. This is also supported by the study of

Escabel (2015) which stated that, these programs are accomplished by re-

shaping individual behavior and attitudes through the client and the community

by working together to help each other restoring self-confidence and preparing

them for their reintegration as productive members of the community.

The indicator with the lowest score is "I have faced difficulties in

accessing or taking part in the Therapeutic Community Modality Program,"

which received a weighted mean of 2.3 and was interpreted as "Slightly

Effective," ranking 7th overall. Probationers from Lipa City posted a weighted

mean of 2.29, while 2.31 from those of Tanauan probationers. Both were

interpreted as Slightly Effective.

Some clients express dissatisfaction, feeling that other programs

provided by the Therapeutic Community are insufficient for their complete

rehabilitation. They may also encounter challenges in securing employment

due to discrimination based on their criminal record, as highlighted in research

studies such as that of Wallace (2019). Employment is often a requirement for

probationers, but barriers such as low education levels and unstable job

histories hinder their ability to find work.

The composite mean is 3.26 and described as “Highly Effective”. By

addressing these factors, the Parole and Probation Administration can enhance

the implementation of Therapeutic Community modality programs and

maximize their impact on offender rehabilitation, substance abuse treatment,

and community reintegration efforts.

According to Phelps (2013), probation is a correctional procedure that

involves monitoring and treating convicted criminal defendants so they can

fulfill their terms in the community. These community-based programmes, as

opposed to traditional punitive and deterrent methods like incarceration, are

intended to lower recidivism rates by giving offenders access to tools that

encourage positive behavioral change.

Table 2.2

Effectiveness of the Implemented Rehabilitation Program by the Parole and
Probation Administration in Terms of Restorative Justice

Weighted Mean Interpretation

Indicators Rank
A B Ave. A B Ave.
1. I am aware of the rehabilitation programs
carried out by the Parole and Probation 3.59 3.61 3.60 HE HE HE 1.5
2. The Parole and Probation
Administration’s significant rehabilitation 3.61 3.59 3.60 HE HE HE 1.5
initiatives effectively meet their goals.
3. The extensive rehabilitation programs that
the Parole and Probation Administration 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 4
offers efficiently meet a variety of our needs.
4. The main rehabilitation initiatives offered
by the Parole and Probation Administration
3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 4
are available to all of us, who are in need of
5. I've faced obstacles or difficulties when
trying to access or take part in the main 2.49 2.51 2.50 SE E SE 7
rehabilitation programs.
6. The support and assistance offered by
program staff in major rehabilitation 3.51 3.49 3.50 HE HE HE 4
programs is satisfactory.
7. The rehabilitation programs are easily
accessible in terms of scheduling and 3.39 3.41 3.40 HE HE HE 6
Composite Mean 3.37 3.38 3.37 HE HE HE
Legend: A = Lipa City; B = Tanauan City; Ave.= Average
Weight Scale/Range Interpretation

4 3.26 - 4.00 Highly Effective (HE)

3 2.51 - 3.25 Effective (E)
2 1.76 - 2.50 Slightly Effective (SE)
1 1.00 - 1.75 Not Effective (NE)

As shown in Table 2.2, the indicator "The Parole and Probation

Administration's significant rehabilitation initiatives effectively meet their goals"

claimed the top spot, boasting a weighted mean of 3.60, interpreted as "Highly

Effective", along with the significant rehabilitation initiatives that effectively meet

their goals in rank 1.5 each.

It means these efforts usually work well and can make things better. It

supports using programs that have been proven to help with drug and alcohol

problems. This strong support matches the idea of using programs that are

proven to work, as mentioned by Marlowe (2016). These programs usually use

talking therapy and motivational chats, which have been successful in helping

participants, as mentioned by Taxman & Marlowe (2016).

On the other hand, the lowest average weighted mean of 2.50

interpreted as Slightly Effective in rank seven was that of facing obstacles or

difficulties when trying to access or take part in the main rehabilitation

programs. This finding generates a grotesque picture of the obstacles

encountered by the probationers while taking part in the rehabilitation

programs. They could have expressed their predicaments by giving the lowest

rating to this item.

The composite mean of 3.37 interpreted as “Highly Effective” shows that

the factors given above affect the implementation of the major programs in

rehabilitation conducted by the PPA. This finding implies that the probationers

are satisfied with the rehabilitation program.

The goal of the probation system is to keep convicts from hardening into

lifelong offenders. In other words, the probation system is a correctional

process that attempts to both rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders back into

society. The probation system repairs the detrimental consequences of

incarceration while assisting the offender in working for the welfare of his family

(Javed Iqbal Khokhar, 2019).

Table 2.3

Effectiveness of the Implemented Rehabilitation Program by the Parole and

Probation Administration in Terms of Volunteerism

Weighted Mean Interpretation

Indicators Rank
A B Ave. A B Ave.
1. I am familiar with the developmental
program provided by the Parole and
3.39 3.41 3.40 HE HE HE 6.5
Probation Administration as a component of
the rehabilitation procedure.
2. The rehabilitation programs provided by
the Parole and Probation Administration
3.51 3.49 3.50 HE HE HE 3
have positively impacted the lives of
3. I find the developmental programs to be
effective in supporting rehabilitation and 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 3
personal growth.
4. The developmental programs provide
valuable education and skills training 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 3
5. The programs for development are
successful in encouraging people to become 3.39 3.41 3.40 HE HE SE 6.5
more financially aware and independent.
6. The Developmental Programs provide
sufficient support for family counseling and 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 3
7. The support and assistance offered by
program staff in major rehabilitation 3.49 3.51 3.50 HE HE HE 3
programs is satisfactory.
Composite Mean 3.46 3.48 3.47 HE HE HE
Legend: A = Lipa City; B = Tanauan City; Ave.= Average
Weight Scale/Range Interpretation

4 3.26 - 4.00 Highly Effective (HE)

3 2.51 - 3.25 Effective (E)
2 1.76 - 2.50 Slightly Effective (SE)
1 1.00 - 1.75 Not Effective (NE)

Table 2.3 shows that the indicator “The support and assistance offered
by program staff in major rehabilitation programs is satisfactory '' obtained the
highest weighted mean of 3.50 interpreted as “Highly Effective”, along with
other four indicators with similar rank of 3 as seen in the table.

Major Rehabilitation Programs are one of the programs of Parole and

Probation Administration that helps a lot for the development of their clients. It

allows the probationer with a structured framework to support their journey

towards successful reentry into society. Studies have shown that

developmental programs are far better and less costly than other treatment to

offenders. Therefore, the government and civil services are investing in

strengthening families as a basic unit of society that nurture and develop its

members to be useful and responsible members of society (Yangco, 2013).

The least among the indicators is “I am familiar with the developmental

program provided by the Parole and Probation Administration as a component

of the rehabilitation procedure” and “The programs for developmental are

successful in encouraging people to become more financially aware and

independent” that acquired weighted mean of 3.4 in all probationers and

interpreted as “Effective”. The findings in this table indicate that the

success of these programs depends on their ability to address the individual

needs and circumstances of each client, aiming to facilitate their reintegration

into society successfully. The administration should work collaboratively to

identify and eliminate any barriers that prevent probationers from accessing

these essential rehabilitation programs. Research suggests that effective

supervision of offenders shows that not only the application of effective

interventions and methods is important, but also the role of professionals such

as probation officers (Jungmann, et al., 2014).

The overall weighted mean is 3.47 and described as “Highly Effective”.

By addressing these factors, the Parole and Probation Administration can

enhance the development and implementation of developmental programs

aimed at promoting rehabilitation, reducing re-offense, and supporting the

successful reintegration of individuals under supervision into society.

Table 3

Test of Difference between the Assessment of the Two Groups of


Variables Computed t P value Interpretation Decision

TCMP -0.24019 0.818177 Not Significant Accept Ho
-1.1619 0.289403 Not Significant Accept Ho
-0.54127 0.59823 Not Significant Accept Ho

The findings in Table 3 reveal that the result of hypothesis testing between

the respondents from Lipa City and Tanauan City on the main research

variables arrived at no significant difference. This is confirmed by the computed

probability values of 0.818177 for TCMP, 0.289403 for Restorative Justice, and

0.59823 for Volunteerism, all of which exceeded the 0.05 level. Hence, the null

hypothesis on these areas of comparison was accepted. These findings

indicate that the probationers from both localities more or less have similar

experiences which redound to their close ratings of the given variables in

relation to rehabilitation program.

Wodahl (2021) averred that similar experiences among probationers

engendered a sense of commonality, such that in assessing practices and

programs they forwarded close ratings. As in this current study, there were no

significant differences on the assessment of two different groups of respondents.

Table 4

Multiple Regression Test between Profile Variables and their Assessment of the
Implemented Rehabilitation Programs by the PPA

Beta Probability
Profile t/f- Value Significance
Coefficient Value
Age 0.073 1.106 0.267 Not Significant
Gender -0.008 -0.949 0.341 Not Significant
Crime Committed 0.076 1.147 0.251 Not Significant

Significance of Regression Model

Pearson r 0.234
Adjusted r square 0.658
F value 2.536
Probability value 0.041
Intercept 3.231

Table 4 reflects the multiple regression test between profile variables and the

respondents’ assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented rehabilitation

programs by the PPA. Based on the data presented, it is apt to consider no

significant differences on the perceptions of the respondents grouped by age,

gender and crime committed, as sustained by respective probability values of 0.267,

0.341 and 0.251, all of which exceeded the test statistics at 0.05 level.

As a whole the regression model is significant in attesting the predictability of

similarity in responses among different groups of respondents on the variables in

which they have more or less similar experiences. And ultimately, the regression

model is significant in such situations where the computed r accumulates, while the t

and f values decelerate thus forming an inverse relationship between the concepts

of difference and relationship. Truly they are opposites.

Meanwhile, the highest beta coefficient value obtained was 0.076, in

reference to crime committed. This finding implies that crime committed is the most

likely profile variable that drove the perceptions to a non-significant difference. On

the other hand, the point of interception was marked at 3.231, which means that the

weighted mean values intercepted at such point. The findings further imply that

similar experiences as probationers tends to result in close values of assessment.

The results of the studies of Aguda (2019) and Sarmiento (2020) also

revealed no significant difference between the perceptions of the respondents

grouped by demographic profile variables on the research variables they used in

their studies. This implies that many studies arrive at almost similar findings or vary

close to one another.

5. Proposed Program towards the development of rehabilitation programs


Findings Proposed Objectives Persons Expected

Strategies involved Outcome

Not enough Supply enough To enhance Parole and There will be

resources by Probation
resources the capability enough
investing enough
money, enhance of the staff and resources for
the capability of the the the fast and
staff or exert more administration
time to make the effective
rehabilitation to make the
program effective rehabilitation
more effectively

Too many Focus more in To develop a Parole and There will be

communicating to
people, not more Probation more precise
the assigned
enough help personnel for better harmonious Administration action
communication in (PPA)
relationship towards
providing support
and guidance for between providing
those who need it Parole and support and
Probation guidance to
Administration those who
officer and the need it.
people who
need help

Hard to get Provide drug To achieve a Parole and There will be
related programs program that enough
help Probation
that are program for
will surely help
inexpensive and Administration
those who need
provide more people who need (PPA)
it without
programs that will it without
spending too
surely help those spending too
much money
who need it much money

People don’t Build a better To have a Parole and A strong

work together partnership better Probation bond with
and make relationship Administration other group,
(PPA) and
them with other resulting to
other groups
understand group for them better
involved in
the essence to work providing of
of team work together support and
and offer a assistance to
team building those who
program for need help
them to know
appreciate the
differences of
the task given to

Facing Promote anti- To reduce Parole and There will be

discrimination discriminatory discrimination Probation less cases of
practices faced by the Administration discrimination
probationers (PPA) towards

Not wanting Think outside To provide new Parole and There will be
to change the box or ideas that will Probation broad and
think of new surely improve Administration wide scope
activities to the capability of ideas that
improve helping of helping is new in
other people providing
people and
help to other
don’t get used
to being
with what is

Rules getting Study and To provide law Parole and A fully

in the way provide laws and policies Probation enhance
and policies that cannot Administration laws and
that will surely cause policies that
help hindrance in will provide
providing the the kind of
kind of support support that
that really really helps
helps people people to
change for the change for
better. the better


This section presents the findings of the study where recommendations

were derived to address the problems.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Demographic profile variables tend to vary by groups

2. The factors represented in volunteerism, therapeutic programs, and

development programs are crucial in shaping the successful implementation

of vital rehabilitation programs within the Parole and Probation


3. Similarity in terms of experiences even among groups possibly creates

common point of views towards practices and programs.

4. Differences in demographic profile variables do not necessarily affect

perceptions of assessment of variables in which the groups encounter

similar experiences.

5. The final output of this study is a proposed program towards the

development of rehabilitation programs.


Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were


1. To better support middle-aged men on probation dealing with drug-related

problems, there is a need to focus on programs like counseling, job training,

and community support. It's crucial for different groups, like law enforcement,

healthcare providers, and community organizations, to team up.

2. To effectively address these factors, the PPA needs to allocate sufficient

resources, design evidence-based programs, train competent staff, improve

access to services, strengthen collaboration among stakeholders, reduce

stigma and discrimination, promote prevention and early intervention, and

monitor program effectiveness.

3. To enhance rehabilitation programs within the Parole and Probation

Administration, it's vital to conduct detailed assessments of how volunteerism,

therapeutic programs, and development initiatives directly influence their

successful implementation.

4. It is recommended that the created program plan serve as guidance.

5. Future researchers may use this manuscript for reference, should they be

conducting studies similar or related to this current study.


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Appendix A- Letter Request for Data gathering

Appendix B- Survey Questionnaire



As part of our research, the following data were needed to be answered that will
help the researchers to reach their target data that lead to the fulfillment of their
research about probationers' perceptions of the rehabilitation program's impact
on their development.

Age: ( ) 18-30 Gender: ( ) Male

( ) 31- 59 ( ) Female
( ) 60 and above

Crime Committed (Krimen na Nagawa):

DIRECTION (PANUTO): Put a check mark (/) to the number that corresponds to
your answer in the given statement using the following scale. ( Lagyan ng tsek
(/) ang numero na tumutugma sa iyong sagot sa ibinigay na pahayag gamit ang
sumusunod na antas.)

4- Strongly Agree (Lubos na sumasang-ayon)

3- Agree (Sumasang-ayon)
2- Disagree (Hindi sumasang-ayon)
1- Strongly Disagree (lubos na hindi sumasang-ayon)

(Restorative Justice)
1. I am aware of the rehabilitation programs carried out
by the Parole and Probation Administration.
2. The Parole and Probation Administration’s significant
rehabilitation initiatives effectively meet their goals.

3. The extensive rehabilitation programs that the Parole
and Probation Administration offers efficiently meet a
variety of our needs.
4. The main rehabilitation initiatives offered by the Parole
and Probation Administration are available to all of us,
who are in need of support.
5. I've faced obstacles or difficulties when trying to access
or take part in the main rehabilitation programs.
6. The support and assistance offered by program staff in
major rehabilitation programs is satisfactory.
7. The rehabilitation programs are easily accessible in
terms of scheduling and availability.


1. I am familiar with the developmental program provided
by the Parole and Probation Administration as a
component of the rehabilitation procedure.
2. The rehabilitation programs provided by the Parole and
Probation Administration have positively impacted the
lives of participants.
3. I find the developmental programs to be effective in
supporting rehabilitation and personal growth.

4. The developmental programs provide valuable

education and skills training opportunities.

5. The programs for development are successful in

encouraging people to become more financially aware and
6. The Developmental Programs provide sufficient support
for family counseling and assistance.

7. The support and assistance offered by program staff in

major rehabilitation programs is satisfactory.

(TLCP SESSION - Monthly TC Session, Skills
Training, Drug Test)
1. I am familiar with the Therapeutic Community Modality
Program offered by our organization.

2. The Therapeutic Community Modality Program provides

a caring and nurturing atmosphere for individuals seeking

3. Participating in the Therapeutic Community Modality

Program has brought about significant improvements in
both my behavior and mindset.

4. The Therapeutic Community Modality Program is

successful in fostering a sense of accountability and
responsibility among its participants.

5. I have faced difficulties in accessing or taking part in the

Therapeutic Community Modality Program.

6. The rehabilitation programs provided by the Parole and

Probation Administration have positively impacted the lives
of participants.

7. The support and assistance offered by program staff in

major rehabilitation programs is satisfactory.

Appendix C-Certificate of Validation


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