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6a Bolt Connection Nov 2023

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CENG417 Steel Design


Column to column
Column to base-plate connection
CENG417 Steel Design
Secondary Beam to primary beam
Fin plate

CENG417 Steel
Primary beam


Secondary bam

Primary bam
CENG417 Steel Design
All-bolted double-angle

CENG417 Steel Design

Bolted-welded double-angle

CENG417 Steel Design

All-welded double-angle

CENG417 Steel Design

Moment Connection: Extended end-plate

CENG417 Steel Design


Double angle

Truss to Column connection CENG417 Steel Design

Connections are needed to join:
(a) members together in trusses and lattice girders;
(b) plates together to form built-up members;
(c) beams to beams, beams, trusses, bracing, etc. to
columns in structural frames, and
(d) columns to foundations

Connections may be made by:

• bolting – non-preloaded bolts in standard clearance
or oversize holes (ordinary or black bolt);
– preloaded or high strength friction-grip(HSFG) bolt; and
• welding – fillet and butt welds. CENG417 Steel Design
Types of Connections

CENG417 Steel Design


Double angle cleat Thin flexible Thick stiff Full depth stiff
depth flexible end-plate
end-plate end-plate

Nominally pinned connection Semi–rigid connection Nominally rigid connection

Simple connection:
 Capable of transmitting the calculated forces.
 Capable of accepting the resulting rotation.
 Must not transmit significant moments.

Rigid connection:
 Capable of transmitting the calculated forces and
moments. CENG417 Steel Design
 Capable of accepting the resulting rotation.
Examples of Simple Connections
Double angle web cleats

Partial depth end plates

Fin plates

CENG417 Steel Design

Examples of Rigid Connections

CENG417 Steel Design

Bolt Connections
Types of Bolts
1) Non–Preloaded Bolts (Ordinary bolts)
Grade 4.6 , tensile strength pt=240 MPa Tensile Area At determined
Grade 8.8, tensile strength pt=560 MPa at thread region
Grade 10.9, tensile strength pt=700 Mpa
2) High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) Bolts
or preloaded bolt
HSFG , ≤ M24, tensile strength pt=590 MPa
HSFG, M27, tensile strength pt=515 MPa

Diameter of Bolt Tensile Stress Area At

(mm) (mm2)
12 84.3
16 157
20 245 Shank
22 303 Nominal Diameter d / Area A
24 353
27 459 determined CENG417
at shank
Steel Design

30 561
Dimensions of Holes for Non–Preloaded Bolts

In general, standard hole size = (d + 2)mm

d = 12mm for which case,
standard hole size = (d + 1)mm, &
d > 27mm, for which case,
standard hole size = (d + 3)mm
In this course, we are going to focus on bolts in
standard clearance holes
Fastener Spacing and Edge Distance
Clause Requirement Distance spacing 2.5d spacing in unstiffened plate:
in the direction of stress 14t
maximum spacing in any direction where connection is exposed 16t ≤ 200mm edge or end distance:
Rolled, machine flame cut, sawn or planed edge or end 1.25Dt
Sheared, hand flame cut edge or end 1.4Dt edge or end distance:
Normal 11t
Exposed to corrosive influences 4t+40mm

where t is the thickness of the thinner part

d is the nominal diameter of the bolt
Dt is the hole diameter
 = (275/py)0.5 and py is the design strength of the thinner part
If 2.5d < spacing < 14t
1.4Dt < edge and end distances < 4t+40mm, CENG417 Steel Design
it will normally satisfy all requirements.
Fastener Spacing and Edge Distance
e1 = end distance > 1.25Dt or 1.4Dt
11t or 4t+40mm > e2 = edge distance >
1.25Dt or 1.4Dt

14t or 200mm > p1 > 2.5d

(16t ≤ 200)mm > p2 > 2.5d

 rolled, machine flame cut, sawn or planed

 sheared or hand flame cut
 normal conditions
 exposed to corrosive influences

Minimum spacing requirement guards against crushing of a bolt that affect the next bolt in
Maximum spacing requirement are loosely based on local buckling requirement to ensure that
connected elements remain flat and in contact.
Minimum edge/end distances are given to ensure smooth flow or stress andCENG417
prevent edge and
Steel Design

end splitting of the connected parts.

Maximum edge distances are specified to prevent curling or lifting of the plate.
Shear and Bearing Capacities
of Bolts and Connected Ply

CENG417 Steel Design

Transfer of Load in Bolted Connection
F/2 F/2 F/2 F/2
Clearance Holes

Double Shear 

Applied load F results
F F in the direct Bearing
F F between the bolt and the
Bolt ply (connected plate).

Single Shear 

F Before Loading F CENG417 Steel Design

Bearing stresses on bolt Bearing stresses on plates

Transfer of Load in Bolted Connection
F/2 F/2 F/2 F/2 F/2 F/2
Shear in
Double Shear 

Bearing between the

F F bolts and the ply are F
F transferred to Shear F
F in the bolts.

Single Shear 

Shear in
Even though the shear plane can be in the shank area, common practice is to take the tensile area of the threaded region for shear area
Washer – to create a better bearing surface between the plate and the bolt/nut CENG417 Steel Design
Bolts in Single Shear
Illustration of Single Shear in a
To prevent shear failure in bolt
single bolt connecting 2 different
shear strength of bolt
(Table 30, page 135 ) F
To prevent bearing failure of ply 1
To prevent bearing failure of
 bolt segment in ply 2
bearing strength of ply 1
(Table 32, page 136) Ps

To prevent bearing failure of 

bolt segment in ply 1 t1 To prevent bearing failure of ply 2

bearing strength of bolt F bearing strength of ply 2

(Table 31, page 136) (Table 32)

CENG417 Steel Design

See Article 6.3 in BS 5950 for the Equations

Bolts in Double Shear
Illustration of Double Shear in a single bolt
connecting 3 plies
(assuming plies 1 and 3 are identical)
To prevent shear failure in bolt

To prevent bearing failure of

F/2 F/2 ply 2

t1 t1
To prevent bearing failure of
bolt segment in plies 1 or 3  
Ps Ps

 To prevent bearing failure of

To prevent bearing failure of t2 bolt segment in ply 2
plies 1 or 3

CENG417 Steel Design
Shear and Bearing Strength of Bolts

CENG417 Steel Design

Bearing Capacity of Connected Ply
Bearing capacity of ply (connected part): Pbs = kbsdtp pbs , but Pbs ≤ 0.5kbsetpbs
where e end distance,
kbs 1.0 for bolts in standard holes
0.7 for bolts in oversized and short slotted holes
0.5 for bolts in long slotted and kidney shaped holes
The minimum end distance should be 2d to develop full bearing capacity in the connected plate.

Bearing failure of connected

ply is the tendency of a bolt to
enlarge its hole

CENG417 Steel Design

Bearing failure in standard hole Bearing failure in Bearing failure in

standard hole slotted hole
Special Cases
the Reduction of
Shear Capacity of Bolt

CENG417 Steel Design

Effect of Steel Packing (Cl.
When the thickness of steel packing tpa exceeds d/3, the shear capacity Ps
should be taken as:

where d is the nominal diameter of the bolts (Cl.

tpa should not exceed 4d/3.

tpa tpa

Without filler/packing With filler/packing
M1 M2

Idealized bending
moment in bolt Idealized bending CENG417 Steel Design P
Even though the plates are subjected to equal loads, the moment in bolt
connection with fillers/packing would be subjected to higher
bending stresses since M2 > M1
Effect of Large Grip Lengths (Cl.
When the grip length Tg (i.e. the total thickness of Tg
the connected plies) exceeds 5d, the shear F/2 F/2
capacity Ps should be taken as: Bending stresses


If the grip length is large, the bolt would undergo significant bending
which results in combined bending and shear stress. F

Effect of Kidney–Shaped Slots (Cl.

When a connection has two bolts, one in a standard

clearance hole and one in a kidney–shaped slot, the
shear capacity of each bolt should be taken as 0.8Ps

CENG417 Steel Design

Effect of Long Joints (Cl.
Where the lap length Lj (i.e. the distance
between the first and last rows of bolts,
measured in the direction of load transfer)
exceeds 500mm, the shear capacity Ps should
be taken as:

Bolt shear load distribution in Plastic load distribution in bolts

The shear load distribution is assumed to be uniform but long joints (Actual distribution at ultimate load)
in reality, the extreme bolts are subjected to higher loads
as compared to the internal bolts. At ultimate load, the P/9
extreme bolts would have undergone too high deformation
and subsequent failure before the internal bolts can even Idealized shear load distribution in bolts
reach their shear capacity. (Assumed distribution in bolts)
For short lap length, the variation of shear load in bolts
at failure is quite uniform and correction is not required
but correction is essential in long joints (> 500mm).

CENG417 Steel Design

Example 6.1
A tie in S275 steel carrying 400kN requires a splice within its length. The cross section of the tie
is 160mmx20mm. Design a suitable arrangement using ordinary bolts of Grade 4.6
Detailing Requirement
Try 20 mm Grade 4.6 bolts in 22 mm holes, and use 2 rows of bolts.
t = 20 mm, d = 20 mm  Dt = d+2 = 22 mm
Minimum spacing = 2.5d = 2.5 x 20 = 50 mm
Try a spacing of 70mm
Maximum spacing = 14t = 14 x 20 = 280 mm
Minimum edge or end distance = 1.4Dt = 30.8 mm
(if unsure of edge finishes, use 1.4Dt) Try a edge/end distance of 45mm
Maximum edge or end distance = 4t+40 = 4*20+40 = 120 mm

Try to use minimum end/edge distance > 2d =40mm such that

bearing capacity of plate is not governed by end/edge distance

160 mm
CENG417 Steel Design
20 mm
Bolt Capacity
Assume the bolts are threaded in shear plane
Shear capacity for single shear of a M20 bolt:
Ps = psAt = 160 x 245 x 10-3 = 39.2kN
Bearing capacity per bolt in 20mm plate:
Pbb = dtppbb = 20 x 20 x 460 x 10-3 = 184kN
Bearing capacity of plate:
Pbs = kbsdtppbs = 1.0 x 20 x 20 x 460 = 184kN <
0.5kbsetpbs =207kN
Therefore, shear governs, and the number of bolts required = 400/39.2 = 10.2
Use 12 bolts in 2 lines as shown in the arrangement below.
Check for total lap length
Lap length = 5 x 70 = 350mm < 500mm
Hence no reduction in bolt strength is required as the length calculated is less than 500mm.


400kN 70 400kN


45 70 70 70 70 70 45 CENG417 Steel Design

Tensile Capacity of the Plate with Holes
Tensile capacity of plate Pt = pyAe (Cl. 4.6.1)
Effective area Ae = KeAnet < Ag (Cl 3.4.3)
Net area of plate Av,net = (160 – 2 x 22) x 20 = 2320mm2
Ke = 1.2 for S275 steel  Ae = 1.2 x 2320 = 2784mm2 < Ag = 3200m2
Pt = 265 x 2784 x 10-3 = 737kN > 400kN OK!!

Most critical section


CENG417 Steel Design

Shear Capacity of connected parts and Block Shear

CENG417 Steel Design

Demonstration of Block and Plain Shear in Fin Plate and Beam Web

Block Shear Block Shear Plain Shear Plain Shear

in Fin Plate in Web in Fin Plate in Web

Fv Fv Fv Fv

CENG417 Steel Design

Effect of Bolt Holes on Shear Capacity of Plate
If Av,net ≥ 0.85Av/Ke, the presence of bolt holes in a plate subject to
shear may be ignored due to the beneficial effects of strain hardening & shear
capacity Pv can be calculated assuming bolts are not present (Cl 4.2.3):
Pv = 0.6pyAv (Cl. 4.2.3)
Av = 0.9A for solid plates (for other sections, refer to Cl 4.2.3(h) )
Av,net is the net area of the plate
Ke is the effective net area coefficient
=1.2 for S275 steel and 1.1 for S355 steel (Cl 3.4.3)

If Av,net < 0.85Av/Ke, then shear capacity

Pv = 0.7pyKeAv,net
CENG417 Steel Design
Block Shear
Block shear failure through a group of bolt holes (consisting of failure in shear at
the row of bolt holes along the shear face of the hole group, accompanied by
tensile rupture along the line of bolt holes on the tensile face of the hole group)
should be prevented by checking that the reaction Fv does not exceed the block
shear capacity Pr determined from (Cl. 6.2.4):

Pr = 0.6pyt[Lv + Ke(Lt – kDt)] Cl. 6.2.4

Dt is the hole diameter
k = 0.5 for single line of bolts, 2.5 for double line of bolts
Lt is the length of the tension face
Lv is the length of the shear face
t is the thickness
The shear resistance of a plate will be the smaller of the shear capacity and
CENG417 Steel Design
the block shear capacity.
Some Examples of Block Shear

Gusset plate

Lv/2 Fv
Fin plate
(illustration shown for
single row of bolts)

Fv Fv
Example 6.2
Determine the shear resistance of the beam web at the connection
Beam data 40 40
533x210x101 UB in S355
D = 536.7mm 50
t = 10.8mm 40
T = 17.4mm 70

Bolt data 70
M20 bolts in Grade 4.6 70
Solution 70
Find out Beam (i) direct web shear
(ii) web block shear
Design Strength
T = 17.4mm  py = 345N/mm2 (Table 9)

Plain Shear of Beam Web (Cl. 6.2.3) CENG417 Steel Design

Av = Gross area of notched section at the bolt line. =
Av = (536.7 – 50)x10.8 = 5256.36mm2 (D - dc)t
Av,net = Av – n Dt 50 40
= 5256.36 – 6x22x10.8 = 3830.76mm2 40
0.85Av/Ke = (0.85 x 5256.36)/1.1 = 4061.73mm2
Av,net < 0.85Av/Ke
 Pv = 0.7pyKeAv,net
= 0.7 x 345 x 1.1 x 3830.76 x 10-3 = 1017.64kN
70 Plain shear
Block Shear
Lv = 5*70 + 40 = 390mm
Lt = 40mm
k = 0.5 (single line of bolts)
Pr = 0.6pytw [Lv + Ke(Lt – kDt)] 40
= 0.6(345)(10.8)[390 + 1.1(40 – 0.5 x 22)] x 10-3 70 Block shear
= 943.20kN 70
You have to check for both 70
Shear Capacity Pv and 70
Block Shear Capacity Pr (whenever applicable) when you check
for shear at connection!!
CENG417 Steel Design
Eccentric connections
There are two principal types of eccentrically loaded connections:
(1) Bolt group in direct shear and torsion; and
(2) Bolt group in direct shear and tension

Bolts in direct shear and torsion Bolts in direct shear and tension
(Applied Moment in the Plane of the Connection) (Applied Moment Perpendicular to the Plane of
the Connection)
Bolts in direct shear and torsion CENG417 Steel Design

(Applied Moment in the Plane of the Connection)


Each of the bolts has the same vertical shear due to the force F. The bolts with the maximum rotational
shear force due to the moment induced by the eccentric force (i.e. F ×e) are numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6
which are most distant from the centre-of-rotation.
Total maxm vertical component

Total maxm horizontal component

Resultant maximum shear force,

F is the applied vertical force,
e is the eccentricity of the applied force about the centre-of-rotation,
Z is the perpendicular distance from the centre-of-rotation to the line of action of the
rotational shear force in a bolt,
Z1 is the maximum value of Z,
 is the angle between the horizontal axis and Z1,
n is the number of bolts.

CENG417 Steel Design

Bolts in direct shear and tension
(Applied Moment perpendicular to the Plane of the Connection)

In general terms, considering n the number of bolts and m the number of vertical columns of bolts, the maximum tensile
force on a bolt is found by the consideration of the assumed rotation of the bracket about the bottom line of bolts, as
indicated in the Figure. Bolts which are furthest from the line of rotation, i.e. distance y3, have the maximum tension
force, which can be determined from:

In addition the following relationship must be

satisfied (for simple method):

CENG417 Steel Design

Where, PS= psAs Clause 6.3.2
Pnom =0.8pt At Clause

Where, At=tensile stress area as specified in the appropriate bolt standard;

Maximum tension
pt = tension strength of the bolt obtained from Table 34
Derivation of Ft
F Ft(y2/y1)


Bolt loads

For two number of

vertical columns
of bolts,

CENG417 Steel Design

Example 6.3 : (Shear & tension)
Show that the bolts in the bracket-to-column connection below are suitable to resist the
design shear force of 200 kN. Assume the bolts are all M16, grade 8.8.

End plate

Since the bolts are subject to combined shear and tension, the bolts should be checked for shear, tension
and combined shear and tension separately. CENG417 Steel Design
Direct shear
Design shear force, P = 200 kN
Number of bolts, N = 8
Shear force/bolt, FS = P/N = 200/8 = 25 kN

Shear capacity of bolt, PS, is

PS = psAs = 375 × 157 = 58.9 × 103 = 58.9 kN > FS =25 kN (Cl.
The bolts are adequate for shear
Tensile capacity
Maximum bolt tension, Ft, is

y1 =370 mm

Tension capacity, Pnom, is

Pnom = 0.8pt At = 0.8 × 560 × 157 = 70.3 × 103 N
= 70.3 kN > Ft = 38 kN CENG417 Steel Design

The bolt is adequate for tension

Combined check:

The bolts are adequate for combined shear and tension

Hence the M16, grade 8.8 bolts are satisfactory.

CENG417 Steel Design

Example 6.4 : (shear & torsion)
Check the adequacy of the bolted joint shown below under the unfactored dead and
imposed loads.
Dead Load = 120kN
Imposed Load = 160kN

50 A

5@70 2 No.

50 All bolts 24mm dia.
57.9 250 250 57.9 In Grade 4.6 steel

Factored load = 1.4DL + 1.6LL = 1.4x120 + 1.6x160 = 424kN Factored

Moment = 424 x 525 x 10-3 = 222.6kNm
CENG417 Steel Design
For M24 bolt, AS= 353 mm2
Shear strength, ps =160 MPa (Table 30)
3-D Illustration of the Connec ti on

The forces in the bolts and holes are not shown in this diagram for clarity

Design load = 424kN

Bolt group 2

Bolt group 1

Note that the columns are removed to show

Design load =424 for 2 bolt groups the bolt groups
For each bolt group, design load = 212kN
For each bolt group, design moment =222.6/2 =111.3 kN.m CENG417 Steel Design
Check shear in bolt
Bolt Group: 52
Σx2 = 12 x 2502 = 750 x 103 Σy2 = 4(352 + 1052 + 1752) = 171.5 x 103 5

Σx2 + Σy2 = 921.5 x 103 A

cosθ = 250/305.6 = 0.819 FV
sinθ = 175/305.6 = 0.573 175

Bolt A and B are the bolts with maximum load:
Maximum vertical component,

= 212/12+(111.3 x 103 x 305.16)(0.819)/(921.5 x 103) = 47.853 kN 250

Maximum Horizontal component,

= (111.3 x 103 x 305.16)(0.573)/(921.5 x 103) =21.1194 kN

Resultant shear force on bolt, FS = [(47.853)2 + (21.1194)2]0.5 = 52.3 kN
CENG417 Steel Design

Shear capacity, PS=psAS = 160 x 353 x 10-3 = 56.4kN > 52.3 kN (Cl.
The bolts are adequate for shear.
Check for bearing
Side plate thickness = 15mm
Minimum end distance = 1.25Dt = 1.25 x 26 = 32.5mm

Bearing capacity of 15mm plate

Pbs = d t pbs ≤ 0.5 e t pbs (Cl.
d t pbs = 24 x 15 x 460 x 10-3 = 165.6kN
0.5 e t pbs = 0.5 x 50 x 15 x 460 x 10-3 = 173kN
Pbs = 165.6 kN (condition satisfied)
Bearing capacity of bolt, Pbb=(d tp) pbb =( 2415)46010-3 = 165.6 kN

Bearing capacity per bolt is 165.6kN > shear capacity of 56.4kN

Strength of the joint is controlled by the single shear of the bolt.
The joint is satisfactory.
CENG417 Steel Design
Beam End Connections
There are three types of beam end connections which are commonly used in
the fabrication of steelwork:

 Double angle web cleats,

 Flexible end plates, and
 Fin-plates.
Double angle web cleats

CENG417 Steel Design

Beam-to-column flange connection Beam-to-beam web connection

Flexible end plates

Flexible end plate - beam-to-column or beam-to-beam web connections


CENG417 Steel Design

Fin plate connection

Example 6.5 : (Beam end plate connection)
Calculate the design shear resistance of the connection shown below, assuming that
the steel is grade S275 and the bolts are M20, grade 8.8 in 2 mm clearance holes.

CENG417 Steel Design

CENG417 Steel Design
Check fastener spacing and edge/end distances
Diameter of bolt, d = 20 mm
Diameter of bolt hole, Dt = 22 mm
Pitch of bolt, p = 120 mm
Edge distance, e1 = 35 mm
End distance, e2 = 50 mm
Thickness of end plate, tp = 10 mm
The following conditions need to be met:
Min spacing, p1 ≥ 2.5d = 2.5 × 20 = 50 < 120 OK
Max spacing p1 ≤ 14tp = 14 × 10 = 140 > 120 OK
Edge distance e1 ≥ 1.4Dt = 1.4 × 22 = 30.8 < 35 OK
End distance e2 ≥ 1.4Dt = 1.4 × 22 = 30.8 < 50 OK
e1 and e2 ≤ 11tpε = 11 × 10 × 1 = 110 > 35, 50 OK
For grade S275 steel with tp = 10 mm, py = 275 N/mm2 (Table 9),  = 1 (Table 9). Hence all fastener spacing
and edge/end distances to fasteners are satisfactory.
CENG417 Steel Design
Bolt group strength
Shear (Cl.
8 No., M20 grade 8.8 bolts; As = 245 mm2
ps = 375 N/mm2 (Table 30)
Shear capacity of single bolt, Ps = psAs = 375 × 245 = 91.9 × 103 = 91.9 kN
Shear capacity of bolt group is 8Ps = 8 × 91.9 = 735 kN
Bearing (Cl.6.3.3)
Bearing strength of bolt, pbb=1000 N/mm2
Bearing capacity of Single bolt, Pbb = (dtp )pbb (Cl.
= 20 × 10 × 1000 = 200 × 103 N = 200 kN
End plate is thinner than column flange and will therefore be critical. Bearing
capacity of end plate, Pbs, is given by (Cl.
Pbs = kbsdtppbs = 1 × 20 × 10 × 460 = 92 × 103 N = 92 kN
≤ 0.5kbse2tppbs = 0.5 × 1 × 50 × 10 × 460 = 115 × 103 N = 115 kN

Hence bearing capacity of connection = 8 × 92 = 736 kN. CENG417 Steel Design

End plate shear strength
AV = 0.9Dtp = 0.946010 =4140 mm2
Av,net = (460-4Dt)*tp= (460-422)10 =3720 mm2
Ke = 1.2 for S275
0.85Av/ke =0.85*4140/1.2 =2932.5 mm2
Av,net > 0.85Av/ke
Therefore, bolt hole need not to be considered (Cl 6.2.3)
The shear capacity of the end plate/single plane =0.6pyAv (Cl. 4.2.3)
=0.62754140 N =683.1 kN
Shear capacity of end plate for two plane = 683.1*2 =1366.2 kN
Local shear strength of beam web at the end plate
Pvb = 0.6py Av = 0.6 × 275(0.9 × 10.6 × 460) × 10−3 = 724 kN

Hence, strength of connection is controlled by shear strength of beam web

CENG417 Steel Design

and is equal to 724 kN

Example 6.6 (Truss member connection): Design the connection between double
angle 50505 and gusset plate as shown. Use grade S275 steel and non-
preloaded bolts grade 4.6 with no thread in shear plan.
50505 8 mm

50 mm
D.L. = 60 KN
L.L= 40 kN
T=8 mm


Factored load = 1.460+1.640 = 148 kN

Load on one angle (Fu) =148/2 =74 kN CENG417 Steel Design

Assume M16 Non-preloaded bolts grade 4.6

Shear Capacity Ps = psAs (Cl.
Assume no thread in shear plane.  As =d2/4 =162/4 =201 mm2
If thread is in shear plane, then AS=At = 157 mm2
Shear strength of bolt, ps = 160 MPa for grad 4.6 bolt (Table 30)
Single shear capacity per bolt, Ps = psAs =160 ×201 =32.16×103 = 32.16 kN
Double shear capacity per bolt Ps = 2× 32.16 = 64.32 kN
(bolts are in double shear)
Bearing capacity of bolt Pbb = (dtp )pbb (Cl.
Bearing strength of bolt, pbb=460 kN for grad 4.6 bolt (Table 31)
Bearing capacity per bolt, Pbb = 16×8×460 = 36.8 ×103 N = 58.9 kN
Bearing capacity of connected part, Pbs= kbsdtppbs 0.5kbsetppbs (Cl.
Kbs =1 for standard hole; tp = 5 mm
Bearing strength of plate, pbs = 460 MPa for S275 steel (Table 32)
Pbs = 1 × 16 × 5 × 460 = 36.8 × 103 N = 36.8 kN
0.5kbsetppbs = 0.5 × 1 × 32 × 5 × 460 = 36.8 × 103 N = 36.8 kN
(Assume e=2d =2*16 =32 mm)
The above condition is satisfied.  Pbs =36.8 kN.
The governing capacity of one bolt is 36.8 kN (bearing)
Number of bots required = 148 /36.8  5
Arrangement of booths

Bolt spacing (S):

Smin = 2.5 d =2.516 =40 mm Cl.
Smax =14 t =145 =70 mm Cl.

Edge distance (e) : Cl. 6.2.2

emin = 1.25 Dt = 1.2518 = 22.5 mm (for bolt hole by machine flame cut) (Table 29)
where, Dt = d+2 =16+2 = 18 mm (standard hole)
emax =11 t  Cl.
Where, =(275/py)0.5 =1.0 (Table 9)
emax = 1151.0 = 55 mm

CENG417 Steel Design

50 mm S =50 mm
Fu =148 kN e = 25 mm

25 mm 4@200
25 mm
Lap length = 250 mm
Check e & S:
Smax (=70mm) > S (=50 mm) > Smin (=40 mm)
provided S is acceptable

emax (=55mm) > e (=25 mm) > emin (=22.5 mm)

provided e is acceptable

CENG417 Steel Design

Example 6.7 : Check the adequacy of the connection in the figure. Use
steel grade S275 and non-preloaded M24 bolts grade 4.6.
45 60 65

t=15.7 mm

T =10 mm
30 808010

mm Dead load = 40 kN
Live load = 25 kN


UB 35617167
CENG417 Steel Design

Factored load (Fu) = 1.440+1.625 = 96 kN
The connection is eccentric = Direct shear + Torsion
4 1

r  FT1


3 2

The bolts are in single shear as shown in the figure CENG417 Steel Design

Shear strength of bolt for grade 4.6 is ps = 160 MPa Table 30

Shear capacity of bolt
Assuming shear plane passes through the threaded part of bolt. Therefore shear area of M24
bolt is As=353 mm2
Shear capacity per bolt, Ps = psAs (Cl.
=160 ×353 =56.48×103 N = 56.48 kN

Bearing capacity of bolt Pbb = (dtp )pbb (Cl.

Bearing strength of bolt, pbb=460 kN for grad 4.6 bolt (Table 31)
Bearing capacity per bolt, Pbb = 24×10×460 = 110.4 ×103 N = 110.4 kN
Bearing capacity of connected part, Pbs= kbsdtppbs  0.5kbsetppbs (Cl.
Kbs =1 for standard hole; tp = 10 mm
Bearing strength of plate, pbs = 460 MPa for S275 steel (Table 32)
Pbs = 1 × 24 × 10 × 460 = 110.4 × 103 N = 110.4 kN
0.5kbsetppbs = 0.5 × 1 × 45 × 10 × 460 = 103.5 × 103 N = 103.5 kN
Pbs =110.4 kN > 0.5kbsetppbs =103.5 kN; Condition is not satisfied
 e should be increased, but within the limit of the code, BS5950.
CENG417 Steel Design

The capacity of the bolt in direct shear, Pmin = 56.8 kN

FT1 : The load due to torsional Moment on the maximum
loaded bolt (1).

x1= 30 mm y1= 35 mm
x2= 30 mm y2= 35 mm Symmetric arrangement
x3= 30 mm y3= 35 mm
x4= 30 mm y4= 35 mm

r1 = (x12 + y12 )0.5 =(302 + 352 )0.5 = 46.1 mm

x2 = 3600 mm2 and y2 = 4900 mm2
F=Fu =96 kN; eccentricity, e =30 mm

FS = Load on one bolt due to direct shear

Direct shear force on bolt 1, FS1 = P/No. of bots = 96/4 = 24 kN
 =tan-1(35/30)= 49.40 CENG417 Steel Design
FT1 sin49.40
Resolve FT1 vertical and horizontal to give;
r  FT1 =15.62 kN
FV1=FS1+FT1cos49.40 =24+10.165=34.165 kN  FS1 = 24 kN

FH1= FT1 sin49.40 = 11.86 kN

FT1 cos49.40

Resultant Load on bolt (1):

FR1 (=36.2 kN) < Pmin (=56.48 kN)

The connection is satisfactory, provided that edge distance (e) is adjusted.

CENG417 Steel Design

Deformation of Double Angle Web Cleats

The rotational capacity of the connection is governed mainly

by the deformation capacity of the angles and, to a smaller
extent, by the slip between the connected parts.

To minimize rotational resistance, the thickness of the angle

cleats should be kept to a minimum and the gauge should be
relatively large.

We do not want rotational stiffness because we have made the

assumption of pin-joints (simply supported beams) when we use
these simple connections. If the connections become too stiff, it
will transfer moments to the column that is originally CENG417 Steel Design

unaccounted for, which can lead to unsafe design.

Double Angle
Web Cleat
These requirements ensure that in cases where
the beam is laterally unrestrained, it can be
designed with an effective length of 1.0L for LTB

Gauge CENG417 Steel Design

CENG417 Steel Design

CENG417 Steel Design

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