Manual - Arm TX2-90
Manual - Arm TX2-90
Manual - Arm TX2-90
Instruction manual
D.280.943.04-I - 29/01/2024
TX2-90 - Master
© STÄUBLI 2024
A "readme.pdf" document may be delivered on the robot DVD. It contains the documentation
addenda and errata.
Stäubli is a trademark of Stäubli International AG, registered in Switzerland and other countries. We reserve the right to modify product specifications without prior
Table of contents
1 - INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................1
1.1 - Foreword......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 - Objective of this manual..........................................................................................................1
1.1.2 - Special messages concerning safety, dangers, cautions and information............................. 2
1.2 - Definitions and glossary..................................................................................................................2
2 - DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 - Overview......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 - Best practices................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 - Base interface............................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 - Forearm connections.................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 - Brake release function (option)..................................................................................................... 11
2.5.1 - RBR interface description..................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 - Releasing joint brake............................................................................................................. 12
3 - MACHINE DESIGN................................................................................................................ 15
3.1 - Safety Requirements.....................................................................................................................15
3.1.1 - Safety regulations..................................................................................................................15
3.1.2 - Essential health and safety requirements..............................................................................16
3.1.3 - Safety functions.....................................................................................................................17
3.1.4 - Safety equipment.................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.5 - Residual risks........................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 - Machinery requirements............................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 - Work environment................................................................................................................. 20
3.2.2 - Working space and speed.....................................................................................................23
3.2.3 - Arm mounting........................................................................................................................ 31
3.2.4 - End-effector...........................................................................................................................36
3.2.5 - User interface (additional load, harness...)............................................................................ 39
3.2.6 - Pneumatic circuit...................................................................................................................41
3.2.7 - Electric circuit........................................................................................................................ 55
3.2.8 - Fieldbus module.................................................................................................................... 58
3.2.9 - Pressurization unit................................................................................................................. 59
3.2.10 - Controlled space, restricted space and fences...................................................................59
3.2.11 - Cabling................................................................................................................................ 70
3.3 - Robot simulation........................................................................................................................... 70
5 - COMMISSIONING................................................................................................................. 79
5.1 - Verification of the mechanical interfaces...................................................................................... 79
5.2 - Verification of the pneumatic circuits............................................................................................79
5.3 - Verification of the electric circuits................................................................................................. 79
5.4 - Verification of the robot application.............................................................................................. 79
5.5 - Validation of the safety functions..................................................................................................79
5.6 - Validation of organizational measures.......................................................................................... 80
6 - WARRANTY........................................................................................................................... 81
7 - MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................................... 83
7.1 - Rules to be applied for maintenance............................................................................................ 83
7.1.1 - Mandatory lubricants.............................................................................................................84
7.1.2 - Spare parts............................................................................................................................ 85
7.1.3 - Tooling...................................................................................................................................85
7.2 - Safety............................................................................................................................................ 85
7.2.1 - Maintenance mode................................................................................................................85
7.2.2 - Risks...................................................................................................................................... 86
7.2.3 - Re-commissioning.................................................................................................................86
7.3 - Protection against electrostatic discharges..................................................................................87
7.3.1 - Information on electrostatic discharges................................................................................ 87
7.3.2 - Prevention of damage due to electrostatic discharges.........................................................88
7.4 - Maintenance frequency.................................................................................................................89
7.5 - Paint touch-up procedure for HE and Stericlean robots.............................................................. 91
7.6 - Cleaning and disinfecting recommendations................................................................................91
7.7 - Cover locations and removal........................................................................................................ 94
7.8 - Procedure for replacing the flat seal............................................................................................. 95
7.8.1 - Removing the seal................................................................................................................. 95
7.8.2 - Fitting a new seal...................................................................................................................95
7.9 - Lubrication.................................................................................................................................... 96
7.9.1 - General information............................................................................................................... 96
7.9.2 - Checking oil levels.................................................................................................................96
7.10 - Recommended checks after a robot collision.......................................................................... 100
7.11 - Visual check of the harness condition...................................................................................... 101
7.12 - Procedure for replacing pneumatic valves and power light (option)........................................ 102
7.12.1 - Electric valve for use with compressed air (option)...........................................................102
7.12.2 - Electric valves for use with vacuum (option)..................................................................... 104
7.12.3 - Replacement of the power Light (option).......................................................................... 106
7.13 - Maintenance of the mechanical hard stop (option)...................................................................107
The information contained in the present document is the property of Stäubli and it cannot be repro‐
duced, in full or in part, without our prior written approval.
The specifications contained in the present document can be modified without notice. Although all
necessary precautions have been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document
is correct, Stäubli cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions found in the illustrations,
drawings and specifications contained in the said document.
Electrical drawings provided in this manual are for information only. The reference for robot electrical
drawings is provided in a separate manual. The photos are used to make the document easier to
understand, they cannot be construed as being of a contractual nature.
Please report errors and omissions to the Stäubli Robotics Customer Support contact for your country,
that can be found at:
STÄUBLI, UNIMATION, VAL, Stericlean, Stericlean +
Are brands registered by Stäubli INTERNATIONAL AG.
The objective of this manual is to provide information concerning the installation, operation, and mainte‐
nance of Stäubli TX2-90. It provides help for people working on the equipment, for reference purposes
only. Stäubli recommends attending training courses for easier understanding of this manual, better use
and robot maintenance.
The CS9 Instruction, CS9 Safety, Electrical diagrams and Spare parts manuals along with the arm man‐
ual, and software manuals (VAL 3, Stäubli Robotics Suite...) are needed to have a complete overview of
the robot.
Instructions drawing the reader's attention to the risks of accidents that could lead to serious
bodily harm if the steps shown are not complied with. In general, this type of indication
describes the potential danger, its possible effects and the necessary steps to reduce the
danger. It is essential to comply with the instructions to ensure personal safety.
Instructions drawing the reader's attention that they are responsible if the steps shown are not
complied with. It is essential to comply with the instructions to maintain the robot safety level.
Instructions directing the reader's attention to the risks of material damage or failure if the
steps shown are not complied with. It is essential to comply with these instructions to ensure
equipment reliability and performance levels.
Supplies further information, or underlines a point or an important procedure. This information
must be memorized to make it easier to apply and ensure correct sequencing of the opera‐
tions described.
This symbol is a reminder of the possible consequences of touching electrostatically sensitive
components (see chapter 7.3).
In this manual, a specific vocabulary is used according to our products. This chapter allows an easier
general understanding.
People in contact with the product are designated by different names:
Person: General term identifying all individuals likely to come close to the Stäubli machine.
Staff: Identifies people specifically employed and trained to install, operate, and service the Stäubli ma‐
User: Refers to people or the company responsible for operating the Stäubli machine.
Operator: Refers to the person who starts or stops the robot, or controls its operation.
Integrator: Refers to people or the company responsible for the design and manufacture of the robot
Item Definition
AIB Arm interface PCB (arm base)
BACKPLANE Link card between URPS 325 (or RPS 325) power supply and Drive Power Drawer
BRK Brake
COD Arm Encoder
CPT Computer drawer
DP Drive Power drawer
DPM 325 Dual Power Module 325 VDC (Dual drive)
DPMI-CAP Drive Power Module Interface & Capacitors
DPMI-VBUS Drive Power Module Interface VBUS distribution
Item Definition
DSI9 Dual Sensor Interface Board for CS9 controller (arm base)
EV Solenoid valve
FDI Fast Digital Input
FDO Fast Digital Output
IC Interconnect Cable (between controller and arm)
MMI Human-machine interface PCB
MOT Motor
PCIe Digital interface standard for optional peripheral boards
RBR Remote Brake Release
RPS 325 (SP) Robot Power supply 325 VDC single-phase
RSI9 Robot Safety Interface for CS9 controller
S1 Main switch
SBL/CPU Stäubli Bus Link & Central Processing Unit
SDI Safe Digital Input
SDO Safe Digital Output
SP2 Stäubli pendant
SRC The embedded software running on the CS9 Stäubli controllers
SRS The PC software to configure, develop, tune and maintain a robotics application
STARC9 Stäubli Advanced Robot Control for CS9 controller
TDO Digital Output Test signal for Safe Inputs
Th Thermal Sensor
UCB User connection Board
uniVAL A SRC control mode allowing to drive the robot from an external computer through an
industrial fieldbus
URPS 325 (3P) Universal Robot Power supply 325 VDC three phases
USI User Safe Input
USO User Safe Output
VAL 3 The Stäubli robotics programing language for CS9 Stäubli controllers
WMS9 Working Mode Selection control panel for CS9 controller
WMSES Emergency stop button on the operating mode selection panel
Figure 2.1:
The arm consists of links interconnected by joints. The different links are: The base (A), the shoulder (B),
the inner link (C), the elbow (D), the forearm (E) and the wrist (F).
The arm joints movements are generated by servomotors coupled to safe digital absolute encoders.
Motor brakes maintain the arm at a fixed position when servomotors are disabled. A safe digital pro‐
cessor (DSI9) (G) serializes the encoders information to the controller, and controls the brakes and the
The arm includes electric wiring and pneumatic plumbing for customer use, linking the connectors at
the base to the connectors on the forearm. The forearm also includes points to attach devices to be
connected to the robot tooling.
The arm can be mounted in any position, with a horizontal or a vertical cabling connection to match the
specific machine constraints.
Different options for the arm are possible to match end-user appearance or environmental requirements,
such as cleanroom (SCR), food safe oil (H1), UL version, humid (HE) or bio-contaminated environ‐
ments (Stericlean).
For the UL version or the specific option, a yellow indicator light (I) is fitted on the robot elbow to show
that drive power is available, that motion is possible and that it represents a possible cause of risks for
the operator (see chapter 4.7).
The speed, accuracy, and repeatability of the arm allow for a great variety of applications including
automotive and equipment manufacturers, food, life sciences and pharma, machine tending, plastics,
Item Description
1 Arm mass
2 Manufacture date
3 Manufacturer's address
4 Serial number
5 Machine type and model
6 Nominal payload
7 Max payload (under specific conditions)
8 Reach (operating reach)
Figure 2.3: A second identification plate inside the robot shoulder summarizes the information
Item Description
1 Arm mass
2 Manufacture date
3 Manufacturer's address
4 Serial number
5 Machine type and model
6 Nominal payload
7 Max payload (under specific conditions)
8 Reach (operating reach)
The CE mark placed on the identification plate refers to the "Electromagnetic Compatibility" directive.
The manufacturer's identification plate must remain present and legible throughout the robot
service life.
Item Description
1 TX2 family arm
2 Maximum working radius between joint 1 and joint 5, for a standard arm, expressed in decimeters
and rounded off to one significant digit:
+ + (see figure 3.1).
3 Number of active axes:
■ 0 = 6 active axes.
4 Letters to indicate an option:
■ L or XL = For arms longer than the standard version,
■ SCR, HE or Stericlean = For specific applications (see chapter 3.2.1).
These letters can be combined.
Example: L SCR = long arm for cleanroom applications.
Figure 2.5:
Stäubli robots are designed to be compact, dynamic and accurate. To have the best performance on
your application please have a look on the following integration best practices.
■ The tool must be as stiff as possible to get the best accuracy performances.
■ The robot support must be as stiff as possible to get the best accuracy performances.
■ If your application needs absolute positioning, please assure a controlled temperature around the
robot and make sure that the robot is at an established temperature.
■ The maximum payload must be respected to prevent any safety issue (see chapter
■ Avoid singularities to get the best accuracy performances.
■ Please take into account the maintenance operations in your design to enhance your robot lifetime
with periodic interventions.
■ Check your screw tightening torques when the temperature varies a lot.
■ If your application needs the best duty cycle, it is possible to overpass the nominal speed up to
maximum speed. Double check the support and tool and verify the temperature and lifetime of your
robot. It will lead to a loss of accuracy along the path (vibrations, …).
■ The path shape and type must be chosen with care when accurate movement is needed. A smooth
path will lead to a better precision.
■ It is also possible to optimize the duty cycle by optimizing the robot position with respect to the
cycle path. A path close to the foot will allow having big accelerations while a path far from the foot
will allow increasing the Cartesian speed.
If your application needs a specific evaluation Stäubli is at your disposal for a custom evaluation.
Item Description
J1201 Arm/controller interconnect cable connection
J1202 Electrical cable connection to J1203
J1204 RBR interface connection
J1217 Ethernet Cat 5e or electrical cable connection to J1218
P1, P2 Pneumatic connections (6 mm)
P3 Pressurization unit connection (8 mm)
E Pneumatic exhaust muffler
1 Interconnect cable, left outlet
2 Interconnect cable, straight outlet
3 Interconnect cable, right outlet
Figure 2.6:
Item Description
J1203 Socket for electrical connection of the tool by the user where applicable
J1218 Socket for a Cat 5e Ethernet link or an electrical connection for the tooling
A1, A2, B1, B2, P2 Pneumatic connections
Figure 2.7:
Tapped holes are available for the user to attach additional load, harness,... (see chap‐
ter 3.2.5).
The brake release function from SP2 is secured with the enabling device, an electrical braking
of the motor, and a low safe speed limit.
■ The electrical braking and the speed limit allows only slow movements; the RBR brake
release function must be used when faster movements are required.
Item Description
1 RBR mode: Normal/OFF/Reduced safety.
2 6-position turn switch to select the axis to release.
3 Connection cable to the arm (J1204).
4 Enabling device to enable brake release opening.
5 Push button to release the selected brake.
6 Plug for external 24 V ±5% (1.5 A) PELV* power supply.
Figure 2.8:
The RBR interface is designed to be usable with a single hand, left or right.
The brake on a joint can be released to move the robot manually, for example to quickly clear the cell
during an emergency stop, or following a failure affecting the controller (amplifiers) or the arm (motor,
The SP2 includes an interface to control each brake from the pendant. The use of the SP2 interface for
brake release is described in the chapter "Manual Brake Release" of the controller instruction manual.
The RBR interface is an alternate way to release a joint brake, when the SP2 is not operational during
installation or maintenance phases, for example.
The behavior when releasing a brake depends on the brake control mode:
■ Using the SP2 interface, an electrical braking is activated to limit the speed and acceleration of the
axis falling due to gravity. Moreover, a safety function engages the brake when the speed exceeds a
predefined threshold.
■ Using the RBR normal mode, no electrical braking is activated, but the speed-limiting safety function
remains active.
No speed limit with the Initial version of the safety program.
■ Using the RBR reduced safety mode, neither electrical braking nor speed limit are activated.
The operator shall be informed of the risks when operating near the arm before using
the RBR interface. Residual risks are listed in chapter 3.1.5.
■ Wherever possible, operation near the arm shall be done out of the reach of a falling axis.
■ The arm must be secured before any operation under its mechanical parts.
■ The RBR interface shall be used only with an arm whose base has been fastened to the
mounting surface.
■ Depending on the arm and the axis, releasing the brake may lead to an unexpected move.
■ Connect the RBR interface to the J1204 connector at the arm base.
■ Select the normal mode position on the switch (1).
■ Wait 3 seconds.
■ Select the brake to open with the switch (2).
Make sure the selection is correct to prevent an unexpected arm movement.
■ Press the enabling device (4) in its intermediate position.
■ Press the push button (5) to open the brake, release it to close the brake.
There is a delay of 3 seconds until brakes can be opened when coming from mode "OFF" to
"Normal mode".
■ After use, select the OFF position on the switch (1), or remove the RBR interface from connec‐
tor J1204. Press the "Update" button on the controller, or reboot it, to resume operation.
Using the RBR normal mode, no electrical braking is activated, but a safety function engages
the brake when the speed exceeds a predefined threshold.
The axis must be supported before opening the brake.
■ The brake is engaged automatically when the speed exceeds a predefined threshold. The
enabling device must be released and pressed again to reopen the brake.
■ If this safety function cannot be activated due to a fault, for example a defective encoder,
the brake release function will not be possible on normal mode position. In that case, the
switch (1) must be placed in reduced safety mode position to enable brake release.
■ Connect the RBR interface to the (J1204) connector at the arm base.
■ Select the normal mode position on the switch (1).
■ Wait 3 seconds.
■ Select the brake to open with the switch (2).
Make sure the selection is correct to prevent an unexpected arm movement.
■ Select the reduced function mode position on the switch (1).
■ Press the enabling device (4) in its intermediate position.
■ Press the push button (5) to open the brake, release it to close the brake.
■ There is a delay of 3 seconds until brakes can be opened when coming from mode "OFF"
to "Normal mode".
■ Before selecting the reduced function mode, it is necessary to stay first 3 seconds in the
normal mode position with switch (1).
■ After use, select the OFF position on the switch (1), or remove the RBR interface from connec‐
tor J1204. Press the "Update" button on the controller, or reboot it, to resume operation.
Using the RBR reduced safety mode, neither electrical braking nor speed limit are activated.
The axis must be supported before opening the brake.
Intended use
A robot is not a ready-to-use product. It is a "partly completed machinery" designed to be integrated
in a "machine": the robot cell. This machine as a whole shall be compliant to the applicable safety
regulations before it can be operated.
The Stäubli robot is designed for industrial applications, where the operator is safely separated from
a moving robot with protective devices. Temporary proximity between the operator and the robot is
possible for collaborative operation, or for tuning and maintenance tasks, with additional risks that shall
be handled by the integrator.
European regulations
In the European Union, the applicable safety regulations for a machine are defined by the Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC. This directive specifies that a risk assessment shall be carried out in order to
determine the health and safety requirements which apply to the machinery. The machinery must then
be designed and constructed taking into account the results of the risk assessment. The directive
defines essential health and safety requirements that are mandatory.
International standards have been developed to provide a framework for the correct application of the
Machinery Directive. The Machinery Directive, and harmonized standards list, can be found at http://eur- For robot integration, application of the specifications of the EN ISO 10218-2:2011 stand‐
ard on the basis of the integrator risk assessment confers a presumption of conformity with the essential
health and safety requirements of the Machinery Directive covered by the standard.
The Machinery Directive defines the procedures to evaluate the machinery conformity. For completed
machinery, the CE mark accompanied by the EC conformity declaration confers presumption of com‐
pliance with the Directive. For partly completed machinery, the incorporation declaration defines the
essential health and safety requirements and other applicable Directives that are satisfied.
The robot is delivered with its incorporation declaration. An electronic copy including several transla‐
tions is available on the robot DVD. It can also be requested from the Stäubli Customer Support contact.
The robot incorporation declaration is based on the applicable requirements implementation of the
following harmonized standards:
■ EN ISO 10218-1:2011 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots -
Part 1
■ EN ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1
■ EN 60204-1:2018 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment
■ EN 61000-6-4:2007 / Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic emissions standard
■ EN 61000-6-2:2019 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard
■ EN 61000-6-7:2015 Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity requirements for functional
safety in industrial locations
■ EN 61800-5-2:2017 Power drive systems - Functional safety requirements
■ IEC/EN 62061:2021 Safety of machinery: Functional safety of electrical, electronic and pro‐
grammable electronic control systems
For the UL version, the robot system has been evaluated and certified conform to the following stand‐
When addressing the essential health and safety requirements defined by the Machinery Di‐
rective, the integrator shall address the requirements related to the robot that could not, or
only partially, be addressed by Stäubli. These requirements are noted throughout the robot
instruction manuals.
Robot tuning conditions (point teaching, motion tuning) shall be addressed when designing the robot
end-effector and cell environment.
The integrator may have to translate the robot instructions if the completed machinery is put into service
in a country differing from the country where the robot was delivered.
The instructions for the completed machinery shall include the robot manuals, or manuals parts that are
needed to use, adjust, and maintain the robot.
The sales literature of the completed machinery shall be compliant with the robot instructions.
1 The RBR enabling device and limited speed safety functions disable the safety brake power. The
brakes must be tested regularly for safe operation.
A SIL2/PLd Category 3 safety function is usually adequate for a temporary protection of the operator. A
frequent protection of the operator may require a higher performance of the safety function.
■ The required performance and parameters for the use of the robot safety functions shall be
defined from the identified risks in the completed machinery.
■ If regular operator intervention near the robot is planned, the safety functions of the control
system shall be designed with an adequate performance level, and the residual risks near
the robot listed in the manuals shall be addressed.
Test conditions:
■ No lubrication,
■ Dry air,
■ Cycle frequency: 3 Hz (5/3) - 5 Hz (3/2 and 5/2),
■ Pressure: 7 bar (5/2 and 5/3) -0.53 bar (3/2),
■ Ambient temperature.
When safe position limits are used, diagnostic tests are required to ensure that the robot abide by the
limits over time:
■ The referencing test checks the robot calibration.
■ The brake test checks the braking torque.
The criteria to select the period of the referencing and brake tests are defined in the Safety Program‐
ming manual.
The minimum acceptable brake level is 50%, if the brake test level is lower, please plan a maintenance.
Additionally when the safeCell/safeCell+ option is enabled, a degrated mode will be forced to limit the
arm speed (250mm/s).
A regular brake test is also recommended when there is a risk that a person is exposed to the conse‐
quence of a brake failure. .
■ The choice to use the RBR interface shall rely on the risk analysis for the cell (risk of a
trapped person, or of a production stop, when a fault prevents the use of the SP2 to free
the machine from the arm).
■ The location of the RBR in the cell shall be carefully defined to assure access and prevent
misuse. The RBR may remain connected to the arm, or it can be connected only when
■ The RBR interface shall be tested yearly. - RBR external 24V PELV power supply (24V2 circuit) M0006868.1
When the controller is switched off, the RBR interface requires an external power supply to be activated.
■ The external 24 V power supply for the safety controller shall be protected extra-low
voltage (PELV) (according to EN 60204-1 6.4.2).
■ The choice to use an external 24 V power supply shall rely on the risk analysis for the
cell (risk of a trapped person, or of a production stop, when a fault in the controller power
supply prevents the use of the RBR to free the machine from the arm).
■ The identified residual risks and foreseeable misuse shall be handled by the integrator,
and completed with specific risks and foreseeable misuse in the context of the completed
machinery. See Safety Programming manual for more information.
■ The residual risks shall be eliminated or reduced as far as possible.
■ Protective measures shall be taken in relation to the risks that cannot be eliminated.
■ Users shall be informed of the residual risks.
The robot must only be operated in faultless conditions. It is recommended to keep records of all safety
related actions on the robot and on the cell in a "safety book" or the like. Special care must be taken
during maintenance and restarting phases. See Safety Programming manual and maintenance manual.
■ Risks of using the robot under degraded conditions (restarting under conditions of reduced safety,
with damaged parts or safety equipment, etc.).
■ Risks of using unsuitable spare parts (fuses, fixings, inappropriate second-hand parts, etc.).
■ Risks of using the robot with a damage harness: Loss of the earth grounding of on segment of the
arm and/or loss of air pressure in pneumatic hoses used by customer tool.
Risk-free operation of the robot in its cell does not depend solely on its safety functions.
■ Risks of using the robot with protective equipment disabled (sensors, switches, validation devices,
■ Risks of changes in the surrounding conditions (electrical, electromagnetic, temperature, dust, wet,
■ Risks of changes in the operating conditions (load, speed, acceleration, etc.).
■ Risks of using the robot as a tool for maintenance operations (part holder, support for personnel,
■ Risks occurring when several people are working near the robot, with only one person being protec‐
ted by safety equipment.
■ Risks of inadequate earth grounding: If an external electrical power supply is brought to equipment
added on the robot arm, an adequate earth grounding must be added on this equipment.
ISO 10218-1: 2011, 5.7.3 recommends that "wherever possible, the manual mode of operation shall
be performed with all persons outside the safeguarded space". It also reminds that prior to selecting
automatic mode, any suspended safeguards shall be returned to their full functionality.
■ Risks of uncontrolled movements, due to gravity (faulty brake) or an outside force (maintenance
operation on the arm or its tool). It is necessary to ensure that the brakes are operational before
working near the arm. The robot must be secured before working underneath the arm.
■ Risk of being entrapped by a moving part, or crushed when caught between the moving robot and
its environment in the cell.
■ Risks of contact with sharp edges on the moving robot, its tool, or the part held, even at low speed.
■ Risks of contact with hot parts: The arm surface temperature can reach 80°C (176°F) after intense
■ Risks stemming from activation of digital outputs (fall of a part on opening of a gripper, activation of
movement for other parts in the cell, etc.).
■ Risks stemming from reduced levels of attention to other hazards in the cell when concentrating on
the robot (slipping, tripping, falls, contact with moving parts, sharp edges, etc.).
■ Risks of sudden operator reaction to unexpected robot motion, even at low speed (inappropriate
operator command, large joint move induced by a small TCP move, unexpected command from
If, after a hazardous event during a collaborative operation, a tuning or a maintenance task, the operator
may possibly be trapped or injured by the robot or its environment, a rescue procedure shall be
established, and the staff shall be trained to react promptly. The procedure and training shall identify the
means to stop the hazards in the cell (such as emergency stops), and to unblock a possibly defective
robot using the brake release safety function (see chapter 2.5).
■ Working temperature: + 5°C to + 45°C (+ 41°F to + 113°F).
■ Humidity: 90% maximum (non-condensing).
■ Storage temperature: - 20°C to + 60°C (- 4°F to + 140°F).
■ Altitude: 2000 m max. (please consult us for higher altitudes).
■ Vibrations: Please consult us.
■ In cold conditions, it may be necessary to perform a warm-up cycle before nominal per‐
formances are obtained.
■ In hot conditions, the robot thermal protections may lead to robot cycle time limitations.
Cleaning and disinfecting recommendations (see chapter 7.6).
■ Limits of application:
- 4,5 < pH < 8,5.
- Resistance to salt spray: 300 hours in accordance with standard NS EN 60068-2-11.
- Use of chlorinated products for cleaning is prohibited.
- The arm must be pressurized with the Stäubli pressurization unit.
Stäubli declines its warranty if the arm is pressurized by a pressurization unit which doesn’t
provide exactly the same characteristics.
The pressurization unit must be protected from the humid environment.
-The following elements are not qualified for a humid environment (HE) and they must be protec‐
ted from that environment:
- The screw(s) on the flange mechanical interface.
- The underside of the base.
- The forearm electrical connection.
- The interconnect plate.
- The equipment on the plate.
This protection is to be provided by the customer, and are their responsibility. The guarantee
does not cover any damage occurring there.
- In the event of use of an optional mechanical hard stop system, depending on the environment,
the system may show limited chemical resistance. Regularly inspect the system to check that
it is in good condition. In the event of deterioration, the system can be replaced. It should be
noted that because of its complex shape, the mechanical hard stop system makes the arm more
difficult to clean and disinfect.
■ Vertical cable outlet only.
■ Limits of application:
- 4,5 < pH < 8,5.
- Resistance to salt spray: 300 hours in accordance with standard NS EN 60068-2-11.
- Bio-decontamination with hydrogen peroxide on a wipe (concentration 35%) or in vapor phase.
- Use of chlorinated products for cleaning is prohibited.
- The following elements are not qualified for a bio-contamination controlled environ‐
ment (Stericlean) and they must be protected from that environment:
- The screw(s) on the flange mechanical interface.
- The underside of the base.
- The forearm electrical connection.
- The interconnect plate.
- The equipment on the plate.
This protection is to be provided by the customer, and are their responsibility. The guarantee
does not cover any damage occurring there.
- In the event of use of an optional mechanical hard stop system, depending on the environment,
the system may show limited chemical resistance. Regularly inspect the system to check that
it is in good condition. In the event of deterioration, the system can be replaced. It should be
noted that because of its complex shape, the mechanical hard stop system makes the arm more
difficult to clean and disinfect.
■ Vertical cable outlet only.
Figure 3.7:
The dimensions are shown in figures 3.1, 3.3 and 3.5 (horizontal cable outlet configuration) and in
figures 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6 (vertical cable outlet configuration). Work space, Cartesian frames 'Flange' and
'Wold' of the arm are shown in figure 3.7. The main dimensions are summarized below:
Axis 1 2 3 4 5 6
Range (°) 360 277.5 290 540 253.5 5401
Joint Limits (°) A B C D E F
± 180 + 147.5 ± 145 ± 270 + 140 ± 270
- 130 - 115
Nominal speed 265 210 315 450 370 630
(°/s) TX2–90
Nominal speed 225 180 270 450 370 630
(°/s) TX2–90L
Nominal speed 200 170 240 420 360 630
(°/s) TX2–90XL
Maximum speed 330 340 430 540 475 760
(°/s) TX2–902
Maximum speed 345 340 420 540 475 760
(°/s) TX2–90L2
Maximum speed 330 350 410 540 475 760
(°/s) TX2–90XL2
Angular resolution 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.015 0.023
The base of the robot is part of the working space; the working space with the end-effector
may also include other parts of the robot. Reduce unused axes ranges to prevent risk of
collision with the robot or the environment, in case of misuse or programming fault.
The maximum space can be reduced by different means:
■ Fences,
■ Mechanical hard stop on axis 1,
■ Safe joint limits on all axes,
■ Safe zones in the Cartesian space.
The configuration of safe joint limits and safe zones is described in the controller instruction manual.
The arm-specific information required to define the controlled space around the robot are given in
chapter 3.2.10.
A 3D CAD simulation is required for an accurate positioning of the arm in the cell, to check reachabil‐
ity and prevent collisions. Our Stäubli Robotics Suite PC software allows a complete 3D simulation,
as described in chapter 3.3 (Robot simulation). CAD files are available in our CAD library at http:// for other simulation tools.
The user or integrator is responsible for performing all preparatory work required to complete the on-site
installation of the robot. Working space must be sufficient, installation surface appropriate; the power
supplies must be available (for the electric power supplies, see the controller characteristics).
■ The cell must be designed in such a way that the robot is used in accordance with its
specifications, and can be used, adjusted, and maintained without risk.
■ The adjustment conditions (teaching points, movement adjustment) must be taken into
account when designing the cell.
■ All contact between the robot and the operator must be prevented by designing suitable
guards or protective devices.
■ When the peripheral protector is used to limit the space that the robot can reach, it must
be designed in such a way that the robot cannot cause hazardous deformation of the
protector (EN ISO 10218-2:2011, 5.4.3) (see chapter 3.2.10).
To enable all maintenance operations to be carried out, it is essential to provide easy access
to the robot (e.g. removable safety barriers, etc.) and anchoring points for easy handling of the
arms, especially those whose weight exceeds 70 kg / 154 lb.
The user has to make sure that the mechanical characteristics of the floor and the means of
attachment will hold up to the maximum forces caused by the moving arm.
Item Description
(*) Opening required for the connectors and to allow removal of the interconnect plate
(**) Zone with roughness to be complied with
Figure 3.10:
Vertical cable outlet with minimum opening size to be made or left in the attachment surface to put the
cable through and access the connections. Seal on the inner face of the base on the holder using a
static joint for the HE and Stericlean versions.
The arm can be ordered for floor mount or ceiling mount. In all cases, it must be securely attached
by 3 screws M12 class 12.9 (standard or DeltaProtect, according to ISO 4762).
Tightening torque: 108 Nm (with a tool of minimum ±15% accuracy).
For the vertical cable outlet, add washer and ensure that the minimum length engagement of the screw
(in the foot threaded hole) is 12 mm and the maximum is 19 mm.
Humid environment (HE) or bio-contamination controlled environment (Stericlean):
The threaded fasteners on the robot, the underside of the base, the interconnect plate and
the equipment on it, are not qualified for a humid (HE) or a bio-contamination controlled
environment (Stericlean), so they must be protected from that environment.
This protection is to be provided by the customer, and are their responsibility. The guarantee
does not cover any damage occurring there.
■ Base / holder interface made waterproof with the exterior seal supplied:
- The surface of the holder on which the robot base is fixed must have surface character‐
istics that provide static sealing.
- Lubricate and fit the exterior seal.
- The underside of the base must be protected from the humid or bio-contamination
controlled environment.
■ Protection of the power interconnect plate and the equipment fitted to it:
- Protect the complete element from the humid or bio-contamination controlled environ‐
To facilitate access to the connections during installation and maintenance, it is important
to leave as large of an opening as possible in the robot base for the "Vertical cable outlet"
version, following the dimensions shown in the figure 3.9, and to leave a safe distance in front
of the base interface for both versions (figures 3.8 and 3.9).
Attachment surface shall be flat and metallic. A deformable support will greatly reduce robot perform‐
ance in speed and accuracy.
When calculating the size of the support, it is necessary to take into account the maximum forces
transmitted by the arm in movement at point 0, which are as follows:
Floor or ceiling mounted arm:
During motion with nominal velocity and acceleration parameters and under following load conditions:
Load position
Load Axis 5 Axis 6
kg lb mm inch mm inch
TX2-90 6 13.23 195 7.68 80 3.15
TX2-90 L 5 11.2 195 7.68 80 3.15
TX2-90 XL 4 8.8 195 7.68 80 3.15
The user can accurately position the robot by means of two 10h8 diameter centering pins (not supplied).
Item Description
M Center of gravity
(*) Ø6 H7 hole, M6 threaded holes and dotted zones (Head screw) = To protect from the humid or
bio-contamination controlled environment
Figure 3.11:
The end-effector (2) is not supplied with the arm assembly; its design depends on the robot specific
The end-effector design should be sufficiently rigid to avoid affecting robot dynamic perform‐
ance and precision levels. All studies can be undertaken in cooperation with Stäubli to obtain
optimum performance without exceeding the robot arm assembly load limits.
■ The end-effector must be correctly sized and attached in accordance with specifications.
■ The tool must be designed to hold the load with the programed accelerations and in the
event of a cut-off in the electrical or pneumatic power supply.
■ At high speed, the possibility of load ejection usually requires the installation of protection
fences around the robot.
The end-effector (2) is mounted on the wrist's mechanical interface (1) (dimensions given in figure 3.11).
Indexing by the Ø6 pin (3).
■ Secured by 4 class 12-9 screws M6 (4), tightening torque 16.7 Nm ± 1.2 Nm.
■ Length of end-effector attaching screws is limited to avoid all interference with the wrist
(see figure 3.11).
1 In all configurations and taking maximum inertia into account. See the table below.
2 Limiting load for which the maximum arm extension cannot exceed that shown in figure 3.12.
The nominal values can be exceeded to a certain extent but imply a limitation to the speed and
the acceleration of the arm. If these limits are to be exceeded, please consult Stäubli.
The joint velocities and accelerations of the arm can be reduced to safely prevent the exceeding of the
maximum limits on the flange. The tuning of these safety parameters is described in the "Integration"
chapter of the controller instruction manual.
Figure 3.12: Axis 4 has to stay between -20° and +20° range
To limit the temperature of the robot, the following torques must not be exceeded.
Reference axis
Static torque (Nm) Axis 1 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Axis 5 Axis 6
(floor mounting) (wall mounting)
TX2-90 318 111 166 76 34 29 11
TX2-90L 318 75 130 65 34 29 11
TX2-90XL 318 10 90 53 34 29 11
Figure 3.13:
Figure 3.14:
Figure 3.15:
The standard arm cabling system integrates the pneumatic lines that provide 2 pressure sup‐
plies (A1) and (P2) near the tool clamp, and a hole (A2) for the return to the exhaust.
As an option, the harness includes pneumatic hoses which supply air to the solenoid valves
((EV1) and (EV2)).
■ The robot also has a pressure source (P2) close to the tool clamp.
■ The outlets of the solenoid valves (EV1) and (EV2) are on the forearm:
- (A1) and (B1) for solenoid valve (EV1),
- (A2) and (B2) for solenoid valve (EV2).
Do not add wires or cables to arm wiring as this may cause premature wear of the arm
electrical wiring and impacts the safety functions of the arm.
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
■ The arm is connected to the compressed air network (7 bar (100 psi) maximum, with or without
lubrication) through 2 press in fittings (for Ø6 hoses) on its base ((P1) and (P2)).
■ There are two direct lines between the base and the forearm.
■ The centralized exhaust (A2) is directed towards the base and its outlet is through a muffler (E).
Pressure over 7 bar (100 psi) may entail risks for the user and the machine. - Pneumatic system with 5/2 bistable electric valves for use with compressed air
(option) M0007103.1
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
■ The arm is connected to the compressed air network (7 bar (100 psi) maximum, with or without
lubrication) through 2 press in fittings (for Ø6 hoses) on its base ((P1) and (P2)).
■ Cleanliness of air must be equivalent to 5 µm filtered air.
■ Ambient and fluid temperature: Do not exceed 50°C.
■ Compressed air containing a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic
equipment. An air dryer or water separator should be installed upstream from filters.
■ Do not use compressed air that contains chemicals, synthetic oils including organic sol‐
vents, salt or corrosive gases, etc., as it can cause damage or malfunction.
■ There is a direct line between the base (press in fittings for Ø6 hoses) and the forearm (P2).
■ The exhaust from the valve manifold is directed to the base and through a muffler (E). - Pneumatic system with 5/3 monostable electric valves for use with compressed air
(option) M0006523.1
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
■ The arm is connected to the compressed air network (7 bar (100 psi) maximum, with or without
lubrication) through 2 press in fittings (for Ø6 hoses) on its base ((P1) and (P2)).
■ Cleanliness of air must be equivalent to 5 µm filtered air.
■ Ambient and fluid temperature: Do not exceed 50°C.
■ Compressed air containing a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic
equipment. An air dryer or water separator should be installed upstream from filters.
■ Do not use compressed air that contains chemicals, synthetic oils including organic sol‐
vents, salt or corrosive gases, etc., as it can cause damage or malfunction.
■ There is a direct line between the base (press in fittings for Ø6 hoses) and the forearm (P2).
■ The exhaust from the valve manifold is directed to the base and through a muffler (E). - Pneumatic system with 3/2 monostable electric valve for use with vacuum (option) M0006646.1
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
■ The arm is connected to the vacuum network via the base (P1) (2 one-touch fittings for Ø6 hoses).
■ Cleanliness of air must be equivalent to 5 µm filtered air.
■ Fluid temperature: Do not exceed 50°C.
■ Compressed air containing a large amount of drainage can cause malfunction of pneumatic
equipment. An air dryer or water separator should be installed upstream from filters.
■ Do not use compressed air that contains chemicals, synthetic oils including organic sol‐
vents, salt or corrosive gases, etc., as it can cause damage or malfunction.
■ There is a direct line between the base (press in fittings for Ø6 hoses) and the forearm (P2).
■ The exhaust from the valve manifold is directed to the base and through a muffler (E).
For vacuum valves, it is preferable to use double-acting actuators: a single-acting actuator
(with a weak return spring) may be triggered in an untimely way by the air exhaust from the
second valve manifold.
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Item Description
1 Plate attached to base
2 Forearm
Supply voltage: 60 VDC (19-contact connector) and 50 VDC (Ethernet socket).
Permissible current:
■ 3-wire conductor AWG18: 4.5 A per contact.
■ Shielded pairs AWG26: 1 A per contact.
■ Pairs AWG24: 2 A per contact.
In option:
■ Connection on forearm (J1203) and (J1218) by respectively R23 (JAEGER 431 029 006) and M12
(PHOENIX CONTACT SACC-M12MRD-4Q SH - 1553624) elbow male connectors.
■ Connection on the base (J1202) and (J1217) by respectively R23 (JAEGER 431 519 006) and M12
(PHOENIX CONTACT SACC-M12FSD-4Q SH - 1553611) female cylindrical connectors.
Using these optional connectors (on forearm) may reduce the working envelopp. This should
be taken into account during programming.
Do not add wires or cables to arm wiring as this may cause premature wear of the arm
electrical wiring and impacts the safety functions of the arm.
Figure 3.26:
As an option, an IP67 brand labeled EtherCAT BOX module [8 Digital Inputs (24 V Filter 3 ms) or Outputs
(24 V-0.5 A)] can be mounted on the forearm. The kit includes a sheet metal plate (to fix the BOX on the
forearm), a 24 V cable (1 m), an Ethernet cable (1 m), 2 M3x20 screws and user connectors. These I/Os
will be configured via the SYCON configuration Software tool included in Stäubli Robotics Suite (SRS)
(see the controller instruction manual).
For very severe applications in dusty surroundings or with spattered liquids, the objective is to keep the
pressure inside the arm above atmospheric pressure in order to avoid migration of dust and liquids.
A separate pressurization unit is needed for each robot.
■ The connection (P3) is provided to connect the pressurization unit, if used, to the base of the robot.
Do not use this orifice for other purposes.
In classical robotics applications, safety is assured by the separation of the people and the moving
devices; the separation itself is assured by fences and/or safety sensors to stop the robot on operator
approach. They define the controlled space around the robot.
■ The safety sensors must be positioned adequately with a correct separation distance.
■ If the fences are used to reduce the maximum space of the robot, they must be designed adequately
to stop the robot in worse-case situations.
The rules to compute the separation distance are given in ISO 13855:2010. This standard specifies that
this computation does not need to take into account faulty conditions, as it is unlikely that the robot fails
just as the operator enters the controlled space.
The separation distance must be based on the time for the robot to stop, and, possibly, on the robot
distance traveled during the stop.
The tables in figure 3.27, 3.28 and 3.29 give the default stop time and stop distance of the 3 main axes
for the different versions of the robot.
The safety stopping time is verified by the safety controller and includes the internal signal transmission
delay. This stopping time shall be used for the computation of a separation distances as specified
in ISO 13855:2010.
Different stopping times may be defined for different stop signals (see Safety manual).
The safety parameter for maximum stopping time may be further reduced, depending on the robot
movement and payload. Please contact the Stäubli Customer Support for an optimization of the maxi‐
mum stopping time.
A safe separation distance shall use safe parameters for robot stopping time.
When the arm is used outside its nominal speed or payload specification, it must be verified
that the robot is able to stop without error in the worst-case conditions.
A controlled stop always stops the axes within their limits: the specified maximum stopping distance is
in practice bounded by the axis limits.
Item Description
: Default max. stopping time
: Stopping time decel 100%
: Default max. stopping distance
: Stopping distance decel 100%
Figure 3.27:
Below you will find the typical values for the Stopping Time and Stopping Distance at
speed 100 % and decel 100 %:
Item Description
: Default max. stopping time
: Stopping time decel 100%
: Default max. stopping distance
: Stopping distance decel 100%
Figure 3.28:
Below you will find the typical values for the Stopping Time and Stopping Distance at
speed 100 % and decel 100 %:
Item Description
: Default max. stopping time
: Stopping time decel 100%
: Default max. stopping distance
: Stopping distance decel 100%
Figure 3.29:
Below you will find the typical values for the Stopping Time and Stopping Distance at
speed 100 % and decel 100 %:
The maximum space reachable by the robot can be reduced by different means, such as:
■ Fences.
■ Mechanical hard stop on axis 1.
■ Safe joint limits on all axes.
■ Safe zones in the Cartesian space.
The configuration of safe joint limits and safe zones is described in the safety manual. Refer to the
Safety manual, Chapter "Restricted space: stopping distances and remaining energy".
The limits of the restricted space shall however take into account the possible faults of the robot, to
guarantee the safety of the personal after failures such as a defective motor, amplifier, or power supply.
In such worse-case situations, the robot is stopped on its brakes.
ISO 10218-2:2011 (5.4.3) specifies some requirements to define the restricted space, and the mechani‐
cal strength of the fences when they are used to limit it.
■ The safe restricted space shall be based on safe parameters for robot maximum velocity,
maximum joint limits, or cartesian zones. The robot motion parameters defined in the CPU
can be used to protect the equipment, but not for functional safety.
■ The internal mechanical range limiters on axis 1 are not mechanical hard stops. They
prevent misuse during maintenance operation, but cannot stop the robot at high speed.
If a mechanical range limiter is hit, the fixed and mobile parts must be replaced (consult
the Stäubli Customer service).
The strength of the fencing shall support the maximum energy of the robot with its payload at the
collision point.
The tables below give the stop distance on the brakes, and the energy of the arm at nominal conditions
of use.
The maximal stopping distance on the brake is measured with the arm outstretched, at nominal load
and nominal speed.
The CS9 safety controller allows a significant reduction of the stopping distance on the brakes and of
the remaining energy on the fences by using a monitoring of safety joint position and speed limits. A test
procedure, and a stopping distance estimation tool is provided as part of the safety solution. Refer to
the Safety manual, Chapter "Restricted space: stopping distances and remaining energy".
The robot shall not be able to cause a hazardous deformation of the fences or perimeter
guards (ISO 10218-2:2011, 5.4.3).
TX2-90 810 J
TX2-90L 840 J
TX2-90XL 910 J
The workspace of the robot can be restricted with a mechanical hard stop on axis 1. The mechanical
hard stop is delivered as an option to be fitted on site.
The restricted space must take the stopping distances into account:
Item Description
1 Work area
2 Software range limit
3 Triggering position for the optional mechanical limit stop
4 Stopping zone
Figure 3.30:
■ Work area: Angular range within which the robot moves during normal operation.
■ Stopping zone (abnormal operating zone): Maximum angle necessary to stop the robot. In the event
of use of the optional adjustable mechanical hard stop system, the stopping angle depends on the
energy of the impact.
The mechanical hard stop is designed to stop the arm with a nominal payload at nominal
speed in less than 15°.
The mechanical hard stop is compatible with humid (HE) or bio-contamination controlled
environments (Stericlean).
However, depending on the environment, the system may show limited chemical resistance.
Regularly inspect the system to check that it is in good condition. In the event of deterioration,
the system can be replaced. Because of their complex shape, the mechanical hard stops
make the arm more difficult to clean and disinfect.
The installation of the mechanical hard stop is described in chapter 4.6.
If the robot is stopped by the mechanical hard stop, an inspection procedure must be per‐
formed (see chapters 7.10 and 7.13).
Check the following points at least once a year:
■ No visible damage.
■ Tightening torques for the screws holding the clamping ring (1) in place.
■ No slippage for the ring (1). The verification is made by checking the alignment of the ring
slot with the axis marker.
Figure 3.31:
The cable layout must comply with a minimum bend radius for each type of cable. See the
table below:
Simulation is a required step during the design of the machine around the robot.
Our PC software suite Stäubli Robotics Suite includes the tools that are needed to test and optimize
the placement of the elements of the machine, and to check that arm constraints on base attachment,
end-effector and payload, are satisfied:
■ Import of CAD data (STEP, IGES, STL, VRML),
■ Possibility to build models based on standard primitives (cubes, spheres, etc...),
■ Direct link between 3D scene and program editor (for geometric data creation/edition, etc...),
■ Full multi-robot simulation capabilities (working space, realistic cycle times through the individual
clocking of each controller in the cell),
■ High performance collision detection (highlighting of colliding objects, minimum distance verifica‐
Robot weight:
Standard packaging:
International packaging:
Temperature for storage and transport: -20°C to +60°C.
Sling users must be trained and knowledgeable concerning safe and proper use of slings.
The slings used to lift the robot must comply with the Machinery Directive in Europe or with the
rules in force for other countries.
■ Move the packing case as near as possible to the installation site.
■ Open the box.
■ Take out the packing wedges.
■ Take out the arm + support assembly and put it on the floor.
Figure 4.3:
Figure 4.4:
■ Vertical cable outlet only: Remove the support's 4 x M12 bolts while holding the arm in position (see
figure 4.2).
■ Remove the arm 3 M12 bolts while holding the arm in position, and remove the support and
protection cover.
If the arm has to be moved to another site, it shall be packed again in a similar way and
protected against mechanical shocks and dust.
However, it is necessary to configure the controller accordingly. To do so, see the "Software
configuration" chapter in the controller instruction manual.
Throughout all handling and installation operations concerning the arm, it is essential to keep
the protection on the main connector at the foot of the robot in place at all times to avoid
damaging and soiling the electrical and optical contacts.
■ For vertical cable outlet, an O-Ring is delivered and needed between arm foot and custom‐
er interface (see figure 3.8).
■ For humid (HE) or bio-contamination controlled environment (Stericlean), please refer to
specifications described in chapter 3.2.3.
It is necessary to configure the controller to suit the robot installation:
■ Arm mounting type (Floor/Ceiling),
■ Software limits to protect against collisions. To do so, see the "Software configuration"
chapter in the controller instruction manual.
Figure 4.5:
For safety reasons, keep the sling slightly tensioned until the arm is securely attached to the
Figure 4.6:
■ Remove the arm platic frame to avoid any damage during this operation.
■ Carefully lay down the arm on a flexible support as shown on figure 4.6.
Figure 4.7:
Figure 4.8:
■ Place the fabric sling around joint 2 as shown on figure 4.7 or 4.8.
■ Position the arm on the support at its final attachment points.
■ Attach the arm with 3 class 12.9 M12 hex. socket head screws, tightened to 132 Nm ± 9 Nm.
For safety reasons, hold the sling slightly tensioned until arm is securely attached to the
The system performance levels are only guaranteed in the case of correct assembly (compli‐
ance with the required torque values, etc.), with clean, grease free parts. Any failure to comply
with the instructions can lead to incorrect operation of the mechanical hard stop.
If the robot is stopped by the mechanical hard stop, an inspection procedure must be per‐
formed (see chapters 7.10 and 7.13).
Standard UL1740, chapter 35.1.1 requires the presence of an indicator in the robotised cell.
If the UL indicator is not supplied on the robot arm (Stericlean + option for example), the integrator has
to install an indicator in the cell, under his own responsibility, in compliance with the recommendations
set out in UL1740 35.1.1.b and 35.1.1d.
There are 2 ways to connect the drive power indicator on the robot:
■ Use the USOC safety outputs J102-9 or J102-10 (see Electrical diagram manual).
The USOC safety configuration should be set to "USOC_power": This is the case by default, and this
is always the case using the Initial safety version (without safety license).
■ Use the controller IOMAP configuration to have the "power" robot status delivered on the digital
output of your choice, on which is wired the drive power indicator.
This is described in the CS9 manual (chapter system inputs/outputs, "power" keyword)
The IOMAP configuration is easily accessible using the SRS IO Map Editor, that is part of
the SRS Physical IOs editing tool.
5 - COMMISSIONING M0006623.1
Before using the robot for the first time and putting it into production, verification tests must be carried
out to ensure a reliable and safe use of the robot over time.
First robot moves and application tests must be done using the manual or the maintenance
working mode.
■ Torque limits.
■ Temperature limits of motors and DSI9 board (at startup, stabilized temperature after continuous
The validation of the safety functions and safety measures is detailed in the Safety Programming
■ Stopping time and separation distances.
■ Position limits and restricted workspace.
■ Speed limits.
■ Working mode and restart control.
■ Diagnostic functions on brakes and referencing.
■ Safety organizational measures.
6 - WARRANTY M0007111.1
During the warranty period of the robot, the customer benefits from the replacement of any material,
assembly or manufacturing defects duly notified by the customer and approved by Stäubli on the robot,
as well as the repair of any damage caused to other parts of the robot as a result of this defect. During
this period, and to benefit from Stäubli’s warranty, it is required to have annual preventive maintenance
as defined by the Stäubli manual.
The same conditions apply to the application of the extended warranty contract if the case may be.
Register your robots via MyStaubli portal, your single-entry point to manage your robot information:
To ensure high performance of your robot, help prevent equipment failure, and keep production moving,
a Preventive Maintenance must be performed on a yearly basis or 7000 working hours whichever is the
sooner (please refer to chapter 7.4 for more details).
Preventive maintenance must be carried out solely by Stäubli technicians or a certified maintenance
technician who has undergone specific Stäubli training. Failure to comply with this precaution can cause
unexpected risks undermining the robot performance and the component lifetime and may result in loss
of Stäubli's liability and warranty for any subsequent default related to the robot. A routine inspection
must be done by the operator and defined on the chapter 7.4.
Poor maintenance can lead to premature wear, or even cause safety hazards for production or
maintenance operators.
To ensure a correct seal, it is essential to replace the seal each time a cover is removed (see
chapter 7.8). An inappropriate application may cause premature wear of the flat seal.
Particular case of HE and Stericlean robots
■ In the event of damage to paintwork (HE or Stericlean arm), it is essential to touch up
the paintwork as soon as possible, to protect the part concerned from corrosion (see
chapter 7.5).
■ We strongly recommend contacting the Stäubli after-sales services to ensure that the
repairs are carried out correctly.
■ In the event of damage, any failure to comply with these instructions can affect the
product's technical characteristics, and hence bring into question Stäubli liability as to
■ Stäubli recommends an additional visit 6 months after the yearly Preventive Maintenance.
Customer support information:
Whenever requesting information, ordering spare parts, or requesting intervention, please contact the
customer support by email or by phone. The up-to-date contact information is available via the link:
Please have the following information ready before you contact our Customer Support:
■ Robot type
■ Serial number of the machine (as shown on the identification plate)
■ Software version: (Access this information on the teach pendant’s display screen by select‐
■ Error logger of the robot: (Access this information on the teach pendant’s display screen by select‐
To ensure correct operation of the robot, it is essential to use original Stäubli parts when
making repairs. Failure to comply with this precaution can cause unexpected risks resulting
in severe injury and may result in loss of Stäubli's liability and warranty for the subsequent
defaults related to the robot.
Stäubli's declaration of conformity with the requirements set out in the Machinery Directive
and other national legislation is lost if some safety-related parts are replaced with older
or incompatible versions. An updated list of compatible spare parts can be obtained at
your Stäubli Customer Support contact.
Disconnect all the electrical and pneumatic power supplies before carrying out any work on
the controller or the arm. Wait for at least 5 minutes before starting to work.
Residual voltages may remain present between motor phases even in "disable power" status.
Before carrying out any work on the motor connections, the controller must be switched off.
After a crash, the structure of the robot, the hard stop devices, gripper and tool have to be
checked carefeully. Don't hesitate to call Stäubli customer support for any doubt.
The calibration of the arm has to must be checked carefully at slow speed.
Only Stäubli-approved lubricants shall be used. Type of lubricants and approximate quantities (the
quantities are given for information purposes only, oil is not fully drainable, please refer to the oil level for
accurate estimation):
Failure to comply with these two precautions can cause unexpected risks resulting in severe injury and
may result in loss of Stäubli's liability and warranty for the modified the subsequent defaults related to
the robot.
For a detailed list of spare parts, in accordance with the risk analysis for the application, please connect
yourself to MyStaubli portal and access to our Spare parts Catalogue:
■ Maintenance plug .
■ SP2 (if not used in production phase).
■ RBR interface (if required).
■ External 24 V power supply for CPT (RSI9) (if required).
■ External 24 V power supply for RBR (if required).
7.2 - SAFETY
7.2.1 - MAINTENANCE MODE M0006704.1
The maintenance plug resets the safety configuration to a default configuration so that the controller and
the arm can be tested. An external safety PLC can force the maintenance mode by activating the man‐
ual slow, automatic local and automatic remote working modes together, either on the J101 connector,
or using the slave profile FS bus interface. The robot maintenance mode can thus be integrated as part
of a global cell-defined maintenance mode.
■ User safety stops are disabled; personnel safety is assured by keeping the robot motion at reduced
speed and under the control of the enabling device, even in automatic modes. Fast speed in
automatic modes can be activated and controlled in the same way as for the manual fast speed
working mode.
■ Working mode selection and safety restart acknowledge are made from the pendant interface.
The initial safety configuration is recovered just by removing the maintenance plug.
The maintenance plug is meant to prevent the electrical short-circuiting of the user safety stops during
service. After such a short-circuit, the safety of the personnel cannot be assured when an automatic
mode is used (voluntarily or by mistake).
■ The maintenance plug shall be used only when a temporary change in the safety configura‐
tion is needed for maintenance reasons.
■ Service personnel shall be trained on the risks near the robot and related to the use of the
maintenance plug.
The maintenance technician must be informed of the hazards linked to the robot environment,
and especially the risks of concurrent activity on the machine during maintenance. Refer to the
identified residual risk in chapter 3.1.5.
■ Make sure that the arm and the load are suitably supported during all work on the robot
arm. The arm brakes alone shall not be considered as a safe protection against axis fall.
■ Residual voltage may remain present between motor phases under "disable power". Before
carrying out any work on the motor connections, cut the controller off from the power
supply (power switch set to and plug removed from the mains power supply socket).
■ Disconnect all the electrical and pneumatic power supplies before carrying out any work on
the controller or the arm. Wait for at least 5 minutes before starting to work.
After a change of a safety-related component, the corresponding safety functions must be
Storage of a charge
An electric charge is created simply by combining a conductor, a dielectric and the ground (lowest
reference potential, usually the ground in the case of an electrostatic charge).
Example: People, printed circuits, integrated circuits, components, conducting mats when separated
from the ground by a dielectric.
Source Low relative humidity Average relative humidity High relative humidity
10 - 20% 40% 65 - 90%
Walking on carpet 35 kV 15 kV 1.5 kV
Walking on vinyl 12 kV 5 kV 0.3 kV
Working at the workstation 6 kV 2.5 kV 0.1 kV
Plastified instructions 7 kV 2.6 kV 0.6 kV
Polyethylene bags 20 kV 2 kV 1.2 kV
Cellular polyurethane 18 kV 11 kV 1.5 kV
Charge sources
■ Work surfaces
■ Packaging
■ Floors
■ Handling
■ Chairs
■ Assembly
■ Carriages
■ Cleaning
■ Clothes
■ Repairing
Stäubli workstation
To handle electronic cards, Stäubli workstations are given a grounded coating that dissipates static
Work zones
An antistatic bracelet is required to handle boards or electronic components.
Remove objects that generate static electrical charges from the work area.
Printed circuits, boards and electronic components must be kept in antistatic bags.
(1):Visual check only - if the part needs to be changed, it will be charged extra
: Recommended operations: To be adapted in the light of the risk analysis for the application.
: Recommended standard operations.
: Recommended operations for applications in harsh environments (such as damp environments) or
clean environments (such as CRs).
Recommended periodicity:
The interval depends on the operation cycle of the robot, its working environment and movement pat‐
tern. In case of doubt, please refer to your Stäubli customer support to define the proper maintenance
plan for your robot.
Replacement of dynamic parts such as gearbox, wrist, worm/gear, lip seals, brakes, balancing system,
bellow, ball screw and harness are not replaced during the preventive maintenance. Nevertheless, these
items will be checked during the preventive maintenance visit and a recommendation will be made on
the identified parts to be replaced.
Those dynamic parts have been designed to achieve the statistic lifetimes ISO 281* listed below
under optimal robot operating conditions. Lifetime can be calculated for a dedicated application
with Optimize Lab software.
Spare parts Lifetime estimated for aver‐ Life time estimated for Robot Details
age applications with heavy duty applications*
Gearbox 60 000 20 000 Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Axis 4
Worm gear 40 000 15 000
Wrist 40 000 15 000
Lip seals 40 000 20 000
Harness 60 000 20 000
Motor (without brake) 80 000 40 000 Axis 6
Motor (with brakes) 40 000 15 000
Brake encoder module (BEM) 40 000 15 000
To protect the surfaces of painted parts from the environment, it is essential to make all necessary
touch-ups in the event of scratches.
A paint touch-up kit is available. To order one, contact the Stäubli Customer Support.
The kit includes the paint and the procedure to be followed to carry out the touch-up work.
In the event of damage to the paintwork, failure to comply with these instructions may lead to
deterioration in the product's technical characteristics and bring into question Stäubli liability
concerning warranty.
Coated No No No No
parts or
plastic parts
Uncoated No No No No
Coated No
Coated No No No No
Usable for food indus‐
Tools required:
■ 3 mm Allen key.
Recommended tools:
■ Torque wrench.
Initial position:
■ Not applicable.
Do not use threadlocker glue on
screws for covers grounding.
The greasing and lubrication work is carried out by Stäubli in the factory. At the time of
delivery, the robot is ready for use.
The robot requires very little maintenance, but lubrication and the inspections listed below must be
carried out at regular intervals to ensure its efficiency over time.
Read the general safety precautions before carrying out any maintenance operation (see
chapter 3.1). The system must be disconnected from the power supply while maintenance
operations are carried out on the robot: the master switch on the cell controller MUST be set to
It is advisable to carry out regular, precise preventive maintenance to ensure that the robot
keeps its original operating characteristics over long periods.
The type and quantity of lubricant for each lubrication sequence are listed in the table in chapter 7.1.1.
Too much or too little oil can prevent the robot from operating correctly.
During assembly in the Stäubli factory, the robot is filled up with lubricants that are free of
substances harmful to health; however, in some cases, repeated and prolonged exposure to
the product can cause skin irritation, or sickness if swallowed.
In the event of contact with the eyes or the skin, wash the affected areas with plenty of water;
if irritation persists, consult a doctor. In the event of swallowing, do not provoke vomiting or
administer any products orally; consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Tools required:
■ Not applicable.
Recommended tools:
■ Not applicable.
Initial position:
■ Not applicable.
Too much or too little oil can prevent the robot from operating correctly.
Checking the levels for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the arm on the floor
Checking the levels for axes 5 and 6 with the arm on the floor
Axis 5:
■ Run test program at SP50 on the largest joint 5 envel‐
op possible during 5 minutes.
■ Wait for 10 minutes (because of the viscosity and the
air bubbles).
■ Remove cap (5) and check oil level:
- The oil level must be flush with the bottom of the
filling hole.
- If there is too much oil in the gear box, let the
surplus oil flow out.
- If the oil level is lower than the bottom of the hole,
use a syringe to top up with oil.
■ Re-install cap (5) (3 Nm).
Axis 6: No checks.
Figure 7.1:
Axis 1: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight glass (1) ± 3 mm.
Axis 2: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight glass (2) ± 3 mm.
Checking the levels for axes 3 and 4 with the arm on a wall
Axis 3: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight glass (3) ± 3 mm.
Axis 4: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight glass (4) ± 3 mm.
Checking the levels for axes 5 and 6 with the arm on a wall
Axis 5:
■ Run test program at SP50 on the largest joint 5 envel‐
op possible during 5 minutes.
■ Wait for 10 minutes (because of the viscosity and the
air bubbles).
■ Remove cap (5) and check oil level:
- The oil level must be flush with the bottom of the
filling hole.
- If there is too much oil in the gear box, let the
surplus oil flow out.
- If the oil level is lower than the bottom of the hole,
use a syringe to top up with oil.
■ Re-install cap (5) (3 Nm).
Axis 6: No checks.
Checking the levels for axes 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the arm on the ceiling
■ Axis 1: No checks.
■ Axis 2: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight
glass (2) ± 3 mm.
■ Axis 3: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight
glass (3) ± 3 mm.
■ Axis 4: Oil level has to be in the middle of sight
glass (4) ± 3 mm.
Checking the levels for axes 5 and 6 with the arm on the ceiling
Axis 5:
■ Run test program at SP50 on the largest joint 5 envel‐
op possible during 5 minutes.
■ Wait for 10 minutes (because of the viscosity and the
air bubbles).
■ Remove cap (5) and check oil level:
- The oil level must be flush with the bottom of the
filling hole.
- If there is too much oil in the gear box, let the
surplus oil flow out.
- If the oil level is lower than the bottom of the hole,
use a syringe to top up with oil.
■ Re-install cap (5) (3 Nm).
Axis 6: No checks.
Tools required:
■ Not applicable.
Recommended tools:
■ Not applicable.
Initial position:
■ Shoulder cover removed.
■ Inner link covers removed.
■ Elbow cover removed.
Tools required:
■ 3 mm Allen key.
Recommended tools:
■ Torque wrench.
Initial position:
■ Not applicable.
Tools required:
■ 3 mm Allen key.
Recommended tools:
■ Torque wrench.
Initial position:
■ Not applicable.
Tools required:
■ 3 mm Allen key.
Recommended tools:
■ Torque wrench.
Initial position:
■ Not applicable.
What should be done if the robot is stopped by an optional mechanical hard stop ?
1. Check that the robot has not suffered any visible damage.
2. Check transmission. Place arm on reference mark. If there is an offset, contact Stäubli.
3. Check that there is no unusual noise or backlash on the various axes during brake release and in
manual mode.
4. Put the ring back in place if it has slipped. Follow the points concerned in the installation chapter (see
chapter 4.6).
5. Check operation at low speed.
If any ring damage or slippage is noted (or in the event of doubt following an impact or a
suspected impact), consult the Stäubli Customer Support for an arm diagnostic.