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Fca3000 Fca3100

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Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series Datasheet

Available Functions and Features
Automated Measurements: Frequency, Period, Ratio, Time Interval,
Time Interval Error, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Phase Angle, Duty
Cycle, Maximum Voltage, Minimum Voltage, Peak-to-Peak Voltage
Totalize Measurement (FCA3100 Series)
Multi-parameter Display
Trend Plot Mode
Measurement Statistics Mode
Histogram Mode
Allan Deviation
Features & Benefits Zero Dead-time Frequency/Period Measurements
Key Performance Specifications Continuous Data Streaming over USB/GPIB Bus during Measurement
300 MHz, 3 GHz, 20 GHz Models (FCA3100 Series)
300-400 MHz in Manual Trigger Mode Programmable Pulse Output from 0.5 Hz to 50 MHz
Up to 3 Input Channels
50 ps (FCA3100 Series) or 100 ps (FCA3000 Series) Single-shot Time
Optional Rear-panel Inputs
12 Digit/s Frequency Resolution USB Device and GPIB Ports on Rear Panel for Quick PC Connectivity

0.001° Phase Resolution GPIB Interface Supports Full SCPI-compatible Programmability and
offers an Emulation Mode for Plug-and-Play Replacement in Existing
3 mV or better Voltage Resolution
ATE Systems
Optional 5×10–8 High-stability Oven Time Base
External Arming Input
Measurement Throughput
10 MHz Reference Oscillator Output
250k Sample/s Data Transfer Rate to Internal Memory
Includes National Instrument's LabVIEW SignalExpress™ TE Limited
(Up to 3.75M samples stored)
Edition Software for Connecting Your Bench
Up to 15k Sample/s Data Transfer Rate over USB/GPIB Bus
(Block mode) Optional TimeView™ Software Available for Modulation Domain Analysis

Up to 650 Individually Triggered Measurements/s 3-year Warranty


Feature-rich Tools for Precision

The FCA3000 and FCA3100 Timer/Counter/Analyzer Series pack many
different functions into one feature-rich instrument. With industry-leading
frequency and time resolution, the FCA Series comes standard with
deep internal memory and a fast data transfer rate of 250k Samples/s to
internal memory. In addition, the multi-parameter display shows auxiliary Multi-parameter Display.
measurements alongside your main measurement to provide you with the
results you need at a glance. With the industry's most comprehensive
analysis modes, including measurement statistics, histograms, and trend
plots, you have the tools you need to quickly and accurately analyze your

Industry-leading Performance for Demanding

Designs Phase Relationship Measurement.
High-resolution is critical for R&D and production testing on today's
demanding designs. The FCA Series delivers 12-digit/s frequency stored in the internal memory. Alternatively, you can transfer up to 15,000
resolution and for time measurements, single-shot resolution of 50 ps measurement results per second in Block mode through the GPIB or
(FCA3100 Series) or 100 ps (FCA3000 Series) is available with USB interface. For added flexibility, the FCA3100 Series offers a zero
measurement values displayed up to 14 digits. With industry-leading dead-time counter feature to continuously stream measurement data over
performance, the FCA Series provides you with fast, precise the GPIB/USB bus during, not after, measurement. This creates a dynamic
measurements. measurement and analysis system.

Unique Features for Accurate Measurements Analyze Your Device with the Industry's Only
To ensure correct measurements of Allan Deviation, the FCA3100 Series Graphical Display
offers a zero dead-time measurement technique and continuous time With the unique display of the FCA Series, you can measure multiple
stamping of trigger events. This feature is vital for mechanical and medical parameters of the same signal from one test connection. To reveal signal
measurements where every single cycle must be measured. The FCA3000 quality issues like drift, intermittent transients, and stability, you can view the
Series offers this functionality through the USB/GPIB interfaces with a raw data as a real-time trend plot or a histogram with the FCA Series graphical
time-stamping function. display mode, or you can use measurement statistics to track how signal
For correct calculation of statistical parameters, the FCA Series comes parameters are changing over time. A single-button Analyze mode gives
standard with limit-qualifying capability. By setting limits, you can isolate you fast insight into the behavior of your device right on the timer/counter's
one cluster in your calculation. This is important for applications such as display.
verifying the jitter of digital pulses that appear in discrete clusters in CD
players or in HDB3-coded data.
Multi-parameter Display
With the multi-parameter display, you can read important auxiliary
Also available is hysteresis compensation for time interval measurements.
measurement values (such as Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p, and more) displayed with your
By adding hysteresis, you can reduce trigger-level error from the typical
15-20 mV found in most counters on the market today, down to a typical main frequency, time, period, or phase measurements. With one glance,
2.5 mV. This means 6-8 times improved trigger precision in critical time you can see the information you need to quickly assess your device's
interval measurements. performance.
With up to 3 input channels, you can measure the relationship between
Fast Throughput Reduces Test Time different signals. For example, you can measure the phase relationship
The FCA Timer/Counter/Analyzer Series offers industry-best throughput, between the input and output signals of your device. You can read other
saving you up to 90% on your testing time compared to other timer/counters critical parameters simultaneously, such as the test frequency of the signal
on the market. Up to 250,000 measurement results per second can be and the voltage ratio (in dB), in one glance with the multi-parameter display.

2 www.tektronix.com
Timer/Counter/Analyzers — Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series

Trend Plot Analysis.

Tektronix TimeView™ Software.

250k measurement/s) and large memory depth (up to 3.75M points), fast
Measurement Statistics.
frequency changes can be captured in real time and then analyzed with
TimeView. This comprehensive software tool allows for remote instrument
control, and the analysis and display of measurement results in a choice
of graphs. For example, results can be displayed as raw data, statistical
histogram, waveform graph (as if you were using an oscilloscope), or as
an FFT spectrum graph. TimeView further allows analysis of modulation
parameters like modulation depth or frequency modulation index.

Histogram Plot. Designed to Make Your Work Easier

The FCA Timer/Counter/Analyzer Series are designed with the ease of use
Measurement Trend Plots and familiar operation you have come to expect from Tektronix.
Depending on your test case, your signal parameters may change from
instant to instant. With the Trend Plot Analysis mode, you can graphically Intuitive Operation
plot the trend of a measured value over time. Menu-oriented settings reduce the risk of mistakes. With dedicated and
menu-driven front-panel buttons, you will have fast access to frequently
Measurement Statistics used functions and parameters, reducing setup time. For example, a
With integrated statistics processing, you can calculate the average, single-touch Analyze key toggles you between Statistics, Trend Plot, and
standard, and Allan deviation of a measurement, as well as track the Histogram modes.
minimum and maximum measured values, all with the push of a button.
Autoset Function
Histogram Plots Similar to Tektronix oscilloscopes, the front-panel Autoset button will
To graphically see the average and standard deviation of a set of automatically set optimum trigger levels and hysteresis adapted to the
measurements, you can use the histogram function to see the distribution of actual signal applied.
measurement results.
Easy PC Connectivity
Optional Modulation Domain Analysis Connect to your PC with the rear-panel GPIB or USB device ports. The
With the optional Tektronix TimeView™ software (TVA3000), the GPIB interface operates in SCPI/GPIB for plug-and-play replacement in
FCA Timer/Counter/Analyzer Series can become a high-performance existing ATE systems or easy integration into larger test systems. If desired,
modulation domain analyzer. With high measurement speeds (up to an emulation mode for existing timer/counters is available.

www.tektronix.com 3

Connect Your Bench for Intelligent Debug Characteristics

Easily capture, save, and analyze measurement results from your FCA Measuring Functions
Series timer/counter/analyzer with the special Tektronix Edition of National All measurements are displayed with a large main parameter value and smaller
Instruments LabVIEW SignalExpress™ software. Every FCA Series auxiliary parameter values (with less resolution). Some measurements are only
timer/counter/analyzer ships with a free copy of the Limited Edition version available as auxiliary parameters.
of SignalExpress for basic instrument control, data logging, and analysis. Frequency A, B, C
The optional Professional Edition offers over 200 built-in functions that Characteristic Description
provide additional signal processing, advanced analysis, sweeping, limit Mode Normal, Back-to-Back (FCA3100 Series)
testing, and user-defined step capabilities. Range
SignalExpress supports the range of Tektronix bench instruments*1 Input A, B 0.001 Hz to 300 MHz
300-400 MHz in Manual Trigger mode
enabling you to connect your entire test bench. You can then access the
Input C 100 MHz to 3 GHz or 300 MHz to 20 GHz
feature-rich tools packed into each instrument from one intuitive software
Resolution 12 digits in 1 s measuring time (normal)
interface. This allows you to automate complex measurements requiring 11 digits in 1 s measuring time (back-to-back)
multiple instruments, log data for an extended period of time, time-correlate Aux Parameters Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p
data from multiple instruments, and easily capture and analyze your results,
all from your PC. Only Tektronix offers a connected test bench of intelligent Frequency Burst A, B, C
instruments to simplify and speed debug of your complex design. (FCA3020 and FCA3120 – 20 GHz Only)
Frequency and PRF of repetitive burst signals can be measured without an external
control signal and with selectable-start arming delay.
Performance You Can Count On Characteristic Description
In addition to industry-leading service and support, every FCA Series Functions Frequency in burst (in Hz) PRF (in Hz)
timer/counter/analyzer comes backed with a three-year standard warranty. Range Input A, B, C: See Frequency spec.
Minimum Burst Duration Down to 40 ns
Minimum Pulses in Burst
Select the Performance/Features to Meet Your
Input A, B 3 (6 above 160 MHz)
Needs Input C 3 × prescaler factor
PRF Range 0.5 Hz to 1 MHz
Feature FCA3100 Series FCA3000 Series Start Delay 10 ns to 2 s, 10 ns resolution
Frequency Resolution 12 digit/s 12 digit/s Aux Parameters PRF
Time Resolution 50 ps 100 ps
Voltage Resolution 1 mV 3 mV Period A, B, C
Meas. Speed to Internal 250k measurement/s 250k measurement/s Characteristic Description
Memory 3.5M results 750k results Mode Single, Average, Back-to-Back (FCA3100 Series)
Talker-only Output 4k measurement/s No Range
Input A, B 3.3 ns to 1000 s (single, average)
Individually Triggered 650/s 500/s 4.0 µs to 1000 s (back-to-back)
Input C 10 ns down to 50 ps
Block Transfer Speed 15k measurement/s 5k measurement/s
Resolution 100 ps (single); 12 digit/s avg. (FCA3000 Series)
Frequency/Period, Time, Yes Yes 50 ps (single); 12 digit/s avg. (FCA3100 Series)
Phase, Volt, Duty Cycle,
Pulse, Rise Time Aux Parameters Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p
Graphic Display of Trend, Yes Yes
Histogram, Modulation Ratio A/B, B/A, C/A, C/B
Domain Characteristic Description
Totalize, TIE Yes No Range (10–9) to 1011
Programmable Pulse Yes No Input Frequency
Input A, B 0.1 Hz to 300 MHz
Continuous Yes No
300-400 MHz in Manual Trigger mode
Input C 3 or 20 GHz
*1 For a complete listing of Tektronix instruments supported by NI LabVIEW Signal Express, visit
www.tektronix.com/signalexpress. Aux Parameters Freq 1, Freq 2

4 www.tektronix.com
Timer/Counter/Analyzers — Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series

Time Interval A to B, B to A, A to A, B to B Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p A, B

Characteristic Description Characteristic Description
Range Normal calculation: 0 ns to+106 s Range –50 V to +50 V, –5 V to +5 V
Smart calculation: –106 s to +106 s Range is limited by the specification for max input
Resolution 100 ps single (FCA3000 Series) voltage without damage (see input A, B)
50 ps single (FCA3100 Series) Frequency Range DC, 1 Hz to 300 MHz
Min Pulse Width 1.6 ns Mode Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p
Smart Calculation Smart Time Interval to determine sign (A before B or A Resolution 3 mV (FCA3000 Series)
after B) 1 mV (FCA3100 Series)
Uncertainty (5 V range, typical)
Positive and Negative Pulse Width A, B DC, 1 Hz to 1 kHz 1% + 15 mV
Characteristic Description 1 kHz to 20 MHz 3% + 15 mV
Range 2.3 ns to 106 s 20 to 100 MHz 10% + 15 mV
Min Pulse Width 2.3 ns 100 to 300 MHz 30% + 15 mV
Aux Parameters Vmax, Vmin, Vp-p Aux Parameters Vmin, Vmax, Vp-p

Rise and Fall Time A, B Time Stamping A, B, C

Characteristic Description Raw time-stamp data together with pulse counts on inputs A, B, or C, accessible
Range 1.5 ns to 106 s through GPIB or USB only.
Trigger Levels 10% and 90% of signal amplitude Characteristic Description
Min Pulse Width 1.6 ns Max Sample Speed See GPIB specifications
Aux Parameters Slew rate, Vmax, Vmin Max Frequency 160 MHz
Time-stamp Resolution 100 ps (FCA3000 Series)
Time Interval Error (TIE) A, B 50 ps (FCA3100 Series)
Normalized period back-to-back measurements, calculated as TIE(k) = k *
TREF - ∑TI, when TI = Individual Period Back-to-Back and TREF = Reference Input and Output Specifications
Period Value.
Inputs A and B
Characteristic Description
Positive and Negative Duty Factor A, B
Frequency Range DC Coupled: DC to 300 MHz
Characteristic Description
AC Coupled: 10 Hz to 300 MHz
Range 0.000001 to 0.999999 300-400 MHz in Manual Trigger mode for both AC and
Frequency Range 0.1 Hz to 300 MHz DC
Aux Parameters Period, pulse width Impedance 1 MΩ / 20 pF or 50 Ω (VSWR ≤ 2:1)
Trigger Slope Positive or negative
Phase A Relative B, B Relative A Max Channel Timing 500 ps
Characteristic Description
Sensitivity 15 mVRMS (DC-200 MHz)
Range –180° to +360° 25 mVRMS (200-400 MHz)
Resolution Single cycle: 0.001° to 10 kHz, decreasing to 1° Attenuation X1, X10
>10 MHz. Resolution can be improved by averaging
Dynamic Range (X1) 30 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p within ±5 V window
Frequency Range Up to 160 MHz Trigger Level Readout on display
Aux Parameters Freq (A), Va/Vb (in dB) Resolution FCA3000 Series: 3 mV
FCA3100 Series: 1 mV
Uncertainty (X1) ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level)
Totalize A, B (FCA3100 Series)
AUTO trigger level Trigger level is automatically set to 50% point of input
Characteristic Description signal (10% and 90% for rise/fall time)
Mode Tot A, Tot B, Tot A+B, Tot A–B, Tot A/B Auto Hysteresis
Range 1 to 1010 counts Time Min hysteresis window (hysteresis compensation)
Frequency Range Up to 160 MHz Frequency One-third of input signal amplitude
Start Control Manual, start arming Frequency Range 1 Hz to 300 MHz
Stop Control Manual, stop arming, timed Analog LP Filter Nominal 100 kHz, RC type
Aux Parameters Other Totalize functions Digital LP Filter 1 Hz to 50 MHz cutoff frequency
Max Voltage without Damage
1 MΩ 350 V (DC + AC peak) to 440 Hz, falling to 12 VRMS (X1)
at 1 MHz
50 Ω 12 VRMS (Unprotected Input)
Connector BNC

www.tektronix.com 5

Input C – 3 GHz (FCA3003 and FCA3103 Products) External Start and Stop Arming
Characteristic Description Characteristic Description
Operating Input Voltage Range Modes Start, Stop, Start and Stop Arming
100 to 300 MHz 20 mVRMS to 12 VRMS Input Channels A, B, or (rear panel) E
0.3 to 2.5 GHz 10 mVRMS to 12 VRMS Max Rep. Rate for Arming Signal
2.5 to 2.7 GHz 20 mVRMS to 12 VRMS Channel A, B 160 MHz
2.7 to 3.0 GHz 40 mVRMS to 12 VRMS Channel E 80 MHz
Prescaler Factor 16 Start-time Delay Range 20 ns to 2 s, 10 ns resolution
Impedance 50 Ω nominal, VSWR < 2.5:1
Max Voltage without 12 VRMS, pin-diode protected
Damage Statistics
Connector Type-N Female Characteristic Description
Functions Maximum, Minimum, Mean, ΔMax-Min, Standard
Input C – 20 GHz (FCA3020 and FCA3120 Products) Deviation, and Allan Deviation
Display Numeric, histograms, or trend plots
Characteristic Description
Sample Size 2 to 2 × 109 samples
Frequency Range 0.25 to 20 GHz
Limit Qualifier Off, or capture values above, below, inside, or outside
Operating Input Voltage Range limits
250 to 500 MHz –21 to +27 dBm Measurement Pacing Pacing Time Range: 4 µs to 500 s
0.5 to 14 GHz –27 to +27 dBm
14 to 18 GHz –27 to +27 dBm
–21 to +27 dBm
18 to 20 GHz
Prescaler Factor 128 Characteristic Description
Impedance 50 Ω nominal, VSWR < 2.0:1 Functions (K*X+L)/M and (K/X+L)/M. X is current reading and K, L,
and M are constants; set using the keyboard or as frozen
AM Tolerance >90% within sensitivity range reference value (X0)
Max Voltage without +27 dBm
Connector Type Precision-N Female Other Functions
Characteristic Description
Rear Panel Inputs and Outputs Measuring Time 20 ns to 1000 s for frequency, burst, and period average.
Characteristic Description Single cycle for other measuring functions
Reference Input 1, 5, or 10 MHz; 0.1 to 5 VRMS sine; impedance ≥1 kΩ Time-base Reference Internal, external, or automatic
Reference Output 10 MHz; >1 VRMS sine into 50 Ω Display Hold Freezes the result, until a new measurement is initiated
through a restart
Arming Input Arming of all measuring functions
Limit Alarm Graphical indication on front panel and/or SRQ through
Impedance Approx. 1 kΩ GPIB, plus pulse output connector (FCA3100 Series)
Frequency range DC to 80 MHz Limit Values Lower limit, upper limit
Pulse Output Programmable through front GPIB/USB Settings Off, or alarm if value is above, below, inside, or outside
(FCA3100 Series) limits
Mode Pulse Out, Gate Open, Alarm Out On Alarm Stop or Continue
Period 20 ns - 2 s, in 10 ns increments Display Numeric + Graphic
Pulse width 10 ns - 2 s, in 10 ns increments Stored Instrument 20. Instrument setups can be saved/recalled from
Output TTL levels in 50 Ω, rise time 2 ns Setups internal nonvolatile memory. 10 can be user protected
Rear-panel A, B, C (Option RP only) Display Backlit LCD graphics screen for menu control, numerical
Measurement Inputs readout, and status information
Impedance 1 MΩ / 50 pF or 50 Ω (VSWR ≤ 2:1) Number of digits 14 digits in Numerical mode
Connectors SMA female for rear input C Resolution 320 × 97 pixels
BNC for all other inputs/outputs

GPIB Interface
Auxiliary Functions
Characteristic Description
Trigger Holdoff Compatibility IEEE 488.2-1987, SCPI 199953131A Compatibility
Characteristic Description mode
Time Delay Range 20 ns to 2 s, 10 ns resolution Interface Functions SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, DC1, DT1, E2
Max Measurement Rate
GPIB 15k/5k readings/s (Block mode)
4k/- readings/s (Talker Only mode)
650/500 readings/s (individual GET triggered)
To internal memory 250k readings/s
Internal Memory Size 750k readings (FCA3000 Series)
3.75M readings (FCA3100 Series)

6 www.tektronix.com
Timer/Counter/Analyzers — Tektronix FCA3000 and FCA3100 Series

USB Interface Physical

Characteristic Description Dimension mm in.
USB Version 2.0 full speed (11 Mb/s) Height 90 3.6
Width 210 8.25
Calibration Depth 395 15.6
Weight kg lb.
Characteristic Description Net 2.7 5.8
Mode Closed case, menu controlled Shipping 3.5 7.5
Calibration Frequencies 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 1.544, and 2.048 MHz

General Specifications Ordering Information

Environmental Data
Characteristic Description
Model Description
Class MIL-PRF-28800F, Class 3
FCA3000 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 300 MHz / 100 ps
Operating Temp 0 °C to +50 °C
FCA3003 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 3 GHz / 100 ps
Storage Temp –40 °C to +71 °C
FCA3020 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 20 GHz / 100 ps
Humidity 5-95% (10-30 °C)
5-75% (30-40 °C) FCA3100 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 300 MHz / 50 ps
5-45% (40-50 °C) FCA3103 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 3 GHz / 50 ps
Altitude Operating: 2,000 m FCA3120 Timer/Counter/Analyzer 20 GHz / 50 ps
Storage: 12,000 m FCA3000/3100 Series Include: Timer/Counter, line cord, calibration certificate,
Safety Directive 2006/95/EC, EN61010-1, UL61010-1, Quick Start User Manual, CD-ROM with user manual (English, French, German,
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1 Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese),
EMC EU Directive 2004/108/EC, EN61326-1, EN61326-2-1, Programmer's Guide, Technical Specifications, Trial version of TimeView™ Software,
Class A and CD-ROM with National Instruments LabVIEW SignalExpress™ Tektronix
Edition, Limited Edition Software.
Power Requirements
Note: Please specify power plug when ordering.
Characteristic Description
Basic Version 90 to 265 VRMS, 45 to 440 Hz, <40 W
Instrument Options
Time-base Options
Option Description
Characteristic Standard Medium High Stability
Stability (MS) (HS) MS Medium-stability Oven Time Base
Time-base Type TCXO OCXO OCXO HS High-stability Oven Time Base
Uncertainty Due to – RP Rear-panel Connectors
Per 24h NA <5×10–9*1 <5×10–10*1 Power Plug Options
Per month <5×10–7 <6×10–8 <1×10–8
Option Description
Per year <5×10–6 <2×10–7 <5×10–8
A0 North America
Temperature variation (typ. values)
A1 Universal Euro
0-50 °C <1×10–5 <5×10–8 <5×10–9
A2 United Kingdom
20-26 °C <3×10 –6 <2×10 –8 <1×10–9
A3 Australia
Short-term Not specified <1×10 –10 <1×10–11
Stability: t = 1 s A5 Switzerland
Root Allan Not specified <1×10–10 <1×10–11 A6 Japan
Variance: t = 10 s A10 China
Power-on Stability NA <1×10–7 <1×10–8 A11 India
Deviation versus 30 min 30 min 10 min A12 Brazil
final value after
E1 UK and Euro (FCA3000 and FCA3100 only)
24h ON time,
after a warm-up
time of:
Total Uncertainty, for Operating Temperature 20 °C to 26 °C, at 2σ (95%)
Confidence Interval
1 year after <7×10–6 <2.4×10–7 <0.6×10–7
2 years after <1.2×10–5 <4.6×10–7 <1.2×10–7
*1 After 1 month of continuous operation.

www.tektronix.com 7
Datasheet Contact Tektronix:
ASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900
Austria 00800 2255 4835*
Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777
Belgium 00800 2255 4835*
Service Options
Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627
Option Description
Canada 1 800 833 9200
C3 Calibration Service 3 Years
Central East Europe and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777
C5 Calibration Service 5 Years
Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777
D1 Calibration Data Report
Denmark +45 80 88 1401
R5 Repair Service 5 Years
Finland +41 52 675 3777
SILV200 Standard Warranty Extended to 5 Years (FCA3000,
FCA3003, FCA3100, and FCA3103) France 00800 2255 4835*

SILV400 Standard Warranty Extended to 5 Years (FCA3020 and Germany 00800 2255 4835*
FCA3120) Hong Kong 400 820 5835
India 000 800 650 1835
Italy 00800 2255 4835*
Recommended Accessories and Software
Japan 81 (3) 6714 3010
Accessory Description
Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777
RMU2U Rackmount Shelf Kit for 2 Units
Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90
HCTEK4321 Hard Carrying Case
Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777
ACD4000 Soft Carrying Case
The Netherlands 00800 2255 4835*
174-4401-xx USB Host to Device Cable, 3 ft.
Norway 800 16098
012-0991-xx GPIB Cable, Double Shielded
People’s Republic of China 400 820 5835
012-1256-xx BNC Male to BNC Male, Cable Shielded, 9 ft., 50 Ω
Poland +41 52 675 3777
012-0482-xx BNC Male to BNC Male, Cable Shielded, 3 ft., 50 Ω
Portugal 80 08 12370
SIGEXPTE National Instruments SignalExpress™ Tektronix Edition
Republic of Korea 001 800 8255 2835
Interactive Measurement Software – Professional
Version Russia & CIS +7 (495) 7484900
TVA3000 TimeView™ Modulation Domain Analysis Software South Africa +41 52 675 3777
Spain 00800 2255 4835*
Sweden 00800 2255 4835*

Tektronix is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 by SRI Quality System Registrar. Switzerland 00800 2255 4835*
Taiwan 886 (2) 2722 9622
United Kingdom & Ireland 00800 2255 4835*
Product(s) complies with IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232-C, and with Tektronix USA 1 800 833 9200
Standard Codes and Formats.
* European toll-free number. If not accessible, call: +41 52 675 3777

Updated 10 February 2011

For Further Information. Tektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding

collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working
on the cutting edge of technology. Please visit www.tektronix.com

Copyright © Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents,
issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material.
Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of
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25 Jul 2012 3CW-25556-4


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