Crisostomo, Nenia C. LWR Chapter I
Crisostomo, Nenia C. LWR Chapter I
Crisostomo, Nenia C. LWR Chapter I
Chapter I
Advent of a National Hero
Dr. Jose Rizal is a unique example of a many-splendored genius who became the
greatest hero of the nation. Endowed by God with versatile gifts, he truly ranked with
the world’s geniuses. He was entitled with a lot of expertise and beyond all of these ,he
was a hero and political martyr who sacrificed his life for the redemption of his
oppressed people.
The Birth of a Hero. Jose Rizal was born in Calamba,Laguna on the 19 th of June 1861
between eleven and midnight few days before full moon. His birth due to his big head
would have cost the life of his mother. His name “Jose” was chosen by his mother whi
was a devotee of the Christian saint San Jose (St. Joseph).
Rizal’s Parents. Jose Rizal was the seventh of the eleven children of Francisco
Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso Realonda.
The Rizal Children. The marriage of Francisco and Teodora was blessed with eleven
children – two boys and nine girls. These are as follows:
Rizal’s Ancestry . Rizal was a product of the mixture of races both East and
West. His great-great grandfather on his father’s side was Domingo Lameo ,
a Chinese immigrant who arrived in Manila in 1690. He was married to a
Christian girl of Manila named Ines De La Rosa, and assumed the surname
Mercado (“market in English”) in 1731. They had a son named Francisco
Mercado who married a Chinese-Filipino mestiza Cirila Alejandro. Elected as
Governadorcillo, Capital Francisco and Capitana Cirila had thirteen children
and the youngest was Francisco Mercado, Rizal’s father.
On the other hand, Doña Teodora was said to be descendant of a
Lakandula, the last native king of Tondo. Her great-grandfather (Rizal’s
maternal greta-great-grandfather) was Eugenio Ursua (Japanese ancestry)
who married a Filipina named Benigna (unknown surname).Their daughter
named Regina married Manuel de Quintos. One of their daughters married
Lorenzo Alberto Alonso and had a children that were Narcisa, Teodora (Jose’s
mother) , Gregorio, Manuel and Jose.
The Surname Rizal. The real surname of the Rizal family was Mercado
which was adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lameo, Rizal’s great-great-
grandfather . Rizal family acquired a second surname Rizal which was given
by a Spanish Alcalde Mayor of Laguna, a family friend.
The Rizal Home. The house of Rizal family was one of the distinguished
stone houses in Calamba during Spanish times. It was a two-storey building,
rectangular in shape ,built of adobe stones and hard-woods and roofed woth
red tiles. Behind the humble abode were the poultry yard full of turkeys and
chickens and a big garden of tropical fruits .