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Novel Transformerless Grid-Connected Power Converter With Negative Grounding For Photovoltaic Generation System

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4, APRIL 2012

Novel Transformerless Grid-Connected Power

Converter With Negative Grounding for Photovoltaic
Generation System
Jia-Min Shen, Student Member, IEEE, Hurng-Liahng Jou, Member, IEEE, and Jinn-Chang Wu, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes a novel transformerless grid-

connected power converter with negative grounding for a pho-
tovoltaic generation system. The negative terminal of the solar cell
array can be directly connected to the ground in the proposed
grid-connected power converter to avoid the transparent conduct-
ing oxide corrosion that occurs in some types of thin-film solar cell
array. The proposed grid-connected power converter consists of a
dc–dc power converter and a dc–ac inverter. The salient features
of the proposed power converter are that some power electronic
switches are simultaneously used in both the dc–dc power con-
verter and dc–ac inverter, and only two power electronic switches
operate at high switching frequency at the same time (one is in the
dc–dc power converter and the other is in the dc–ac inverter). The
leakage current of the photovoltaic generation system is reduced
because the negative terminal of the solar cell array is connected
directly to the ground. Finally, a prototype was developed to verify
the performance of the proposed grid-connected power converter.
The experimental results show that the performance of the pro- Fig. 1. Grid-connected photovoltaic generation system with an isolation trans-
posed grid-connected power converter is as expected. former. (a) Line frequency transformer. (b) High-frequency transformer.

Index Terms—Leakage currents, solar power generation, thin

films. green architecture. The use of thin-film solar cells has increased
steadily and this trend is set to continue in the future.
In general, an earth parasitic capacitance will be generated
I. INTRODUCTION between solar modules and their ground. This parasitic capac-
HE wide use of fossil fuels has resulted in the emission itance is about 50–150 nF/kW for a glass-faced solar cell ar-
T of greenhouse gases and the cost of fossil-fuel energy has
become higher and higher. Climate change, caused by these
ray [4], [13]. However, this capacitance is increased to 1 μF/kW
if the thin-film solar cell array is used [4]. Serious leakage cur-
greenhouse gases, has seriously damaged the environment. Be- rent occurs if a high-frequency pulsating voltage is applied be-
cause of the problems associated with climate change, interest in tween the thin-film solar modules and the ground [4], [14], [15].
renewable energy sources, such as solar power and wind power, Corrosion damage in thin-film modules, caused by a so-called
has increased [1]–[12]. transparent conductive oxide (TCO) corrosion of cadmium tel-
Many materials can be used to manufacture solar cells, but luride (Cd-Te) or amorphous silicon (A-Si), is observed if the
polycrystalline Si and monocrystalline Si are the most widely voltage of the negative terminal of a solar module is lower than
used. A thin-film solar cell can generate power under conditions that of the ground. The damage to the electrical conductivity of
of low irradiation. Therefore, the thin-film solar cell has the the inside of the glass cover cannot be repaired and causes sub-
potential to generate electrical power for a longer time than stantial power loss [16]. Consequently, the life of thin-film solar
a crystalline Si solar cell. Since the thin-film cell can be easily modules is shortened [7], [17], [18]. However, TCO corrosion
combined with glass, plastic, and metal, it can be incorporated in can be prevented by the negative grounding of solar modules.
Using an isolation transformer in the grid-connected inverter
can solve the problem of the leakage current caused by the earth
parasitic capacitance in solar modules. There are two types of
Manuscript received January 29, 2011; revised March 28, 2011 and June 1, grid-connected inverter with an isolation transformer. One is a
2011; accepted September 24, 2011. Date of current version February 20, 2012. line frequency transformer, and the other is a high-frequency
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor J. M. Guerrero. transformer. Fig. 1(a) shows a grid-connected photovoltaic gen-
J.-M. Shen and H.-L. Jou are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung 80778, Taiwan eration system with a line frequency transformer. The solar
(e-mail: jiaminshen@gmail.com; hljou5519@gmail.com). modules can be grounded directly and there is no current path
J.-C. Wu is with the Department of Microelectronics Engineering, Na- for leakage current because the line frequency transformer is
tional Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung 81143, Taiwan (e-mail:
jinnwu@mail.nkmu.edu.tw). isolated [4], [19]. This system supplies no dc current to the grid
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2011.2170435 and has the advantage of a simple control circuit. However, the
0885-8993/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

line frequency transformer’s disadvantages are large volume, converter simultaneously solves the problems of leakage cur-
high weight, and high cost. rent and negative grounding as the topologies shown in [7]
Fig. 1(b) shows a grid-connected photovoltaic generation sys- and [18]. The negative grounding of the solar cell array in the
tem with a high frequency transformer. The transformer is incor- proposed paper is achieved by a boost dc–dc converter and select
porated in a dc–dc converter and is operated at high frequency switches. Therefore, the problem of TCO corrosion in Cd-Te or
to reduce volume and cost. However, the control circuit of this A-Si thin-film solar modules is also solved. Finally, a proto-
grid-connected photovoltaic generation system is complicated type was developed and tested to verify the performance of the
due to the use of a transformer-isolated dc–dc converter. Be- proposed transformerless photovoltaic generation system.
sides, the high-frequency transformer is not placed at the output
of the grid-connected photovoltaic generation system, so it can-
not prevent the dc current from injecting the grid. II. LEAKAGE CURRENT OF A DC–AC INVERTER
The use of an isolation transformer in the grid-connected This section analyzes and discusses the problem of leakage
photovoltaic generation system should be avoided due to cost, current in a grid-connected photovoltaic generation system that
size, and efficiency. In general, the bridge-type dc–ac inverter is uses a conventional half-bridge inverter, a conventional full-
used in the grid-connected photovoltaic generation system [15]. bridge inverter, and a diode-clamped multilevel half-bridge in-
However, a conventional bridge-type dc–ac inverter, without an verter. Fig. 2 shows the relevant circuit configurations. In the
isolation transformer, results in the problem of leakage current following analysis, the capacity of the solar cell array shown
because it cannot sustain the voltage of its negative terminal at in Fig. 2 is assumed to be 1 kW. An equivalent capacitor Cp
a constant value. Recently, many dc–ac inverter topologies have is serially connected to an equivalent resistor Rg 1 to represent
been proposed to solve the problem of leakage current [7], [10], the parasitic elements of the solar cell array, and these are con-
[14], [18], [20]–[23]. nected between the negative terminal of the solar cell array and
Lopez et al. proposed a diode-clamped multilevel dc–ac in- the ground. The utility is connected to the ground by an equiva-
verter [20]; Chen et al. proposed a hybrid diode-clamped multi- lent resistor Rg 2 . The capacitance of the parasitic capacitor Cp
level dc–ac inverter [10]. In a multilevel dc–ac inverter, two split is typically 1 μF in a 1-kW solar cell array. Since the utility
capacitors are connected to the dc bus of a dc–ac inverter and voltage is 120 V, Rg 2 must be lower than 25 Ω to satisfy the
the middle point is connected to the neutral line of the utility. requirements [24]. Fig. 2(a) shows a conventional half-bridge
The two voltage terminals on the dc bus of a dc–ac inverter are inverter, which is controlled by pulsewidth modulation (PWM)
clamped. No pulsating voltage is applied between the thin-film and named as type 1. Fig. 2(b) shows a conventional full-bridge
solar modules and the ground. So, the leakage current is sup- inverter. The conventional full-bridge inverter can be controlled
pressed. Ma et al. proposed Conergy neutral point clamped to by a bipolar PWM or a unipolar PWM, named as type 2 and
simultaneously improve the efficiency of a diode-clamped mul- type 3, respectively. Fig. 2(c) shows the diode-clamped multi-
tilevel inverter and overcome the leakage current problem [21]. level half-bridge inverter named as type 4. A filter inductor Lf
Gonzalez et al. proposed the dc–ac inverter and Yu et al. pro- connected to the output of the dc–ac inverter is used for filtering
posed the H6 dc–ac inverter, in which one or two switches are the switching harmonic of the dc–ac inverter.
combined with a full-bridge inverter to reduce the leakage cur- Table I shows the main parameters of the simulation sys-
rent [14], [22]. Xiao et al. proposed several topologies to solve tem. Fig. 3 shows the simulation results for the resistors Rg 1 =
the problem of leakage current [23]. 1 Ω and Rg 2 = 1 Ω. As can be seen, the grounding voltage v g
Although the aforementioned transformerless dc–ac inverter and the leakage current ig differ for different types of dc–ac
topologies can solve the leakage current problem, the negative inverters. For the conventional half-bridge and diode-clamped
grounding required in Cd-Te and A-Si thin-film solar cell array multilevel half-bridge inverters (type 1 and type 4), the neutral
still cannot be solved. Boeke and van der Broeck proposed a line of the utility is directly connected to the middle point of the
three-phase four-wire dc–ac inverter with a split-capacitor arm split dc capacitors. The voltage between the negative terminal
where the middle point of the split-capacitor arm is connected to of the solar cell array and the ground is stabilized by the lower
the neutral line of the three-phase four-wire distribution power dc capacitor of these types of dc–ac inverters. As seen in Fig. 3,
system [7]. A buck-boost converter is used to build up the nega- the voltage of the negative terminal for these types of dc–ac
tive bus voltage. Araujo et al. proposed a novel grid-connected inverters is −200 V. A voltage ripple with a frequency equaling
nonisolated converter with a grounded generator [18]. A novel that of the utility is incorporated in the voltage of the negative
dc–dc converter is applied to generate two dc capacitor voltages terminal because the ac current connected to the utility passes
of the half-bridge dc–ac inverter where a transformer (coupling through the split dc capacitors. This voltage ripple is very small
inductor) is integrated in the dc–dc converter to achieve the neg- and depends on the capacitance of the split dc capacitors. Since
ative grounding of the solar cell array. The negative terminal of the impedance of the earth parasitic capacitance is very large at
the solar cell array of the aforementioned two topologies can the utility frequency, the leakage current of the utility frequency
be directly connected to the ground, so the problems of leakage is very small. Fig. 3 shows a small high-frequency leakage cur-
current and negative grounding are solved simultaneously. rent in the half-bridge inverter. This is due to the equivalent
This paper proposes a transformerless grid-connected power ground resistor Rg 2 of the utility and switching operation of the
converter with negative grounding for a photovoltaic generation power electronic switches. However, the leakage current for the
system. The proposed transformerless grid-connected power half-bridge inverter is less than 2.5 mA.

Fig. 2. Inverter topologies used in the grid-connected photovoltaic generation system. (a) Conventional half-bridge inverter. (b) Conventional full-bridge inverter.
(c) Diode-clamped multilevel half-bridge inverter.

TABLE I circuit configuration and better suppress the leakage current, two
filter inductors are connected between the outputs of the dc–ac
inverter and the utility, respectively. As can be seen in Fig. 3,
the voltage at the negative terminal of type 2 is a voltage ripple
with a dc offset. The amplitude, frequency, and dc offset are
90 V, 60 Hz, and −100 V, respectively. The voltage at the neg-
ative terminal of type 2 contains no pulsating voltage at the
switching frequency due to the symmetric switching of the bipo-
lar PWM. Since this voltage ripple is low frequency, the peak
value of the leakage current is smaller than 50 mA. However,
During the positive half-cycle of the utility voltage, the this leakage current is larger than that of the conventional half-
switching operation occurs at the upper side of the diode- bridge and the diode-clamped multilevel half-bridge inverters.
clamped multilevel half-bridge inverter and results in a switch- Fig. 3 also shows that the voltage at the negative terminal of
ing ripple in the upper side capacitor. However, the voltage of type 3 contains a pulsating voltage with a frequency equaling
the lower side capacitor is sustained and no leakage current is the switching frequency due to the asymmetric switching of the
generated between the negative terminal and the ground. Simi- unipolar PWM. The magnitude of this pulsating voltage is 90 V
larly, this switching ripple will appear in the lower side capacitor and results in a serious leakage current (about 1A) through the
during the negative half-cycle of the utility voltage and result parasitic capacitance of the solar cell array.
in a small leakage current between the negative terminal and Fig. 4 shows the simulation results for resistors Rg 1 = 10 Ω
the ground. However, the leakage current for the diode-clamped and Rg 2 = 10 Ω. As can be seen, the simulation results are similar
multilevel half-bridge inverter is still less than 2 mA. to those of Fig. 3. From the simulation results shown in Figs. 3
As seen in Fig. 2(b), the two lines from the utility are con- and 4, it can be seen that the leakage current in the conventional
nected to the midpoints of two power electronic switch legs of a full-bridge inverter controlled by the unipolar PWM is too large
conventional full-bridge dc–ac inverter. To achieve symmetrical to comply with the standard VDE 0126-1-1 [25].

Fig. 3. Simulation results for different types of inverter under 1 μF, Rg 1 = Fig. 4. Simulation results for different types of inverter under 1 μF, Rg 1 =
1 Ω, and Rg 2 = 1 Ω. 10 Ω, and Rg 2 = 10 Ω.

The major reason for grounding connection is safety. In prac- tronic switches. The power loss caused by the leakage current
tical applications, the grounding resistance is usually very small. of type 3 will be higher than 1% in practice after considering
The earth parasitic capacitance, between the solar cell array and the effects of both the parasitic and nonparasitic components.
the ground, will cause leakage current and result in additional
power loss. Table II shows the calculated power loss caused by
the leakage current for the same earth parasitic capacitance III. CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION
(1 μF) and different resistors Rg 1 and Rg 2 (1 Ω, 5 Ω, and Fig. 5 shows the circuit configuration of the proposed photo-
10 Ω) in a 1-kW solar cell array [10], [26]. The power loss voltaic generation system. As can be seen, the grid-connected
is the product of the square of the leakage current and the sum- power converter is transformerless, and its negative terminal is
mation of equivalent resistors Rg 1 and Rg 2 . As can be seen connected directly to the ground. Both the problems of TCO
in Table II, the leakage currents are small in the conventional corrosion and leakage current in Cd-Te or A-Si thin-film so-
half-bridge inverter, the conventional full-bridge inverter with lar cell array can be avoided. The proposed transformerless
bipolar PWM, and the diode-clamped multilevel half-bridge in- grid-connected power converter is composed of a dc–dc power
verter. As seen in Table II, the power loss caused by the leakage converter and a dc–ac inverter. The dc–dc power converter is a
current in types 1, 2, and 4 is very small. However, the power boost converter. The dc–dc power converter consists of three dc
loss caused by the leakage current is significant in type 3, and it capacitors C1 , C2 , and C3 , an inductor L1 , two diodes D1 and
will evidently degrade the system efficiency. Besides, it can also D2 , and four power electronic switches G1 , G2 , G3 , and G5 .
be found that the calculated power loss of type 3 increases as The dc–dc power converter converts the dc voltage of the solar
the resistance is increased. Additionally, the leakage current will cell array to a stabilized dc voltage. The dc–ac inverter consists
cause additional power loss at the filter inductor and power elec- of two dc capacitors C2 and C3 , an ac inductor Lf , and four

This paper proposes a novel transformerless grid-connected
power converter. The negative terminal of the solar cell array
can be directly connected to the ground in the proposed grid-
connected power converter. The salient features of the proposed
power converter are only two power electronic switches of the
power converter are operated at high switching frequency si-
multaneously (one is a dc–dc power converter and the other is a
dc–ac inverter), and the negative terminal of the solar cell array
is directly connected to the ground to solve the problems of
TCO corrosion and leakage current for some types of thin-film
Fig. 17. Experimental results of the grid-connected power converter under solar cell array. The experimental results show that the proposed
the distorted utility voltage. (a) Utility voltage. (b) Output current of the dc–ac
grid-connected power converter can trace the maximum power
point of the solar cell array, convert solar power to a high quality
ac power to inject into the utility, and reduce the leakage current
of the solar cell array.

The authors would like to thank ABLEREX Corporation,
Ltd., Irwindale, CA, for the financial and technical support in
this paper.

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