Kriteria Keruntuhan Mohr Coloumb
Kriteria Keruntuhan Mohr Coloumb
Kriteria Keruntuhan Mohr Coloumb
Erik Eberhardt
R. Ulusay (ed.), The ISRM Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization, 233
Testing and Monitoring: 2007–2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07713-0,
Springer-Verlag 2012
234 E. Eberhardt
Mohr envelopes and high instantaneous friction angles at r2 = r3 (i.e., conventional triaxial compression test) or
low effective normal stresses, as is generally found for r2 = r1. This assumption is later discussed in more detail in
strong brittle rocks; lower m values give lower instanta- the treatment of the advantages and limitations of the
neous friction angles as observed for more ductile rocks criterion.
(Hoek 1983). This is demonstrated in Fig. 2. The constant
s varies as a function of how fractured the rock is from a
maximum value of 1 for intact rock to zero for heavily 3 Rock Mass Properties
fractured rock where the tensile strength has been reduced
to zero. As the primary focus of this Working Group report is failure
As can be seen in Eq. (1), the Hoek–Brown criterion criterion for intact rock, the application of Hoek–Brown to
assumes that rock failure is controlled by the major and rock mass strength is only briefly discussed here. By
minor principal stress, r1 and r3; the intermediate principal adjusting the m and s parameters according to the rock mass
stress, r2, does not appear in the equations except insofar as conditions, the criterion can be applied to the estimation of
The Hoek–Brown Failure Criterion 235
GSI 100
s ¼ exp ð4Þ
9 3D
Rock mass strength:
m b = rock mass adjusted
s = <1 (rock mass varied)
Zhao (2000) compared Mohr–Coulomb and Hoek– excavations in rock; the closeness of fit in this region may
Brown fits to experimental data from a series of dynamic thus be of more concern than that at high confining
uniaxial and triaxial compression, uniaxial tension and pressures.
unconfined shear tests performed on Bukit Timah granite
from Singapore (average UCS approximately 190 MPa).
This comparison showed that the intact rock strength under 5 Advantages and Limitations
dynamic loads, at both low and high confining pressures,
was better represented by the non-linear Hoek–Brown cri- The main advantages of the Hoek–Brown criterion are:
terion. Similarly, Ghazvinian et al. (2008) found that the (a) It is non-linear in form (in the meridian plane), which
non-linear form of the Hoek–Brown criterion gave a better agrees with experimental data over a range of confining
fit to their experimental data than the linear Mohr–Cou- stresses;
lomb, in this case for weak marlstones (average UCS (b) It was developed through an extensive evaluation of
approximately 12 MPa). laboratory test data covering a wide range of intact rock
Pariseau (2007) compared Mohr–Coulomb, Hoek– types;
Brown and Drucker–Prager fits to triaxial experimental data (c) It provides a straight forward empirical means to esti-
of several intact rock types using the unconfined compres- mate rock mass properties;
sive and tensile strength intercepts as common reference (d) There is almost three decades worth of experience with
points between the different criteria (it was assumed that the its use by practitioners on a variety of rock engineering
criteria are independent of the intermediate principal stress). projects.
Based on data from a sandstone, a high-strength norite, an Considerable progress has also been made in applying
Indiana limestone and a Dunham dolomite, the non-linear the Hoek–Brown criterion to the assessment and prediction
Hoek–Brown envelope provided a significantly better fit of brittle fracture damage in overstressed massive rock.
over the entire data range (i.e., low to high confining Martin et al. (1999) provide an empirical depth of spalling
pressures) than Mohr–Coulomb and Drucker–Prager. Pari- failure relationship using the Hoek–Brown criterion, setting
seau (2007) concluded, based on added comparisons m = 0 and s = 0.11. The fundamental assumption made by
involving other non-linear criteria, that a non-linear failure the authors is that the stress-controlled failure process
criterion is required to address the short comings of linear around the tunnel is dominated by cohesion loss. Hence the
failure criteria. mb parameter, which can be equated to frictional strength, is
A similar comparison was reported by Benz and Schwab set to zero. It should be emphasized that this treatment (i.e.,
(2008), assessing six different criteria: Mohr–Coulomb, m = 0) differs from that which would be used for an elasto-
Lade–Duncan, an approximation to Wiebols–Cook, Mogi, plastic yielding failure mechanism where the frictional
Hoek–Brown and a combined Hoek–Brown Matsuoka– strength component mobilizes and dominates the behavior
Nakai criterion proposed by Benz et al. (2008), which of the rock mass, requiring the m value to be set to a typical
accounts for the influence of the intermediate principal value for the rock type in question. These findings and the
stress, r2. These criteria were fitted to true triaxial test data empirical relationship suggested by Martin et al. (1999)
for eight different intact rocks taken from previously pub- have since been repeated and confirmed in other studies on
lished studies: Dunham dolomite, Solnhofen limestone, tunnel stability in highly stressed rock (e.g., Kaiser et al.
Shirahama sandstone, Yuubari shale, KTB amphibolite, 2000; Diederichs et al. 2004). Diederichs (2007) also uses
Mizuho trachyte, a dense marble and Westerly granite. the Hoek–Brown relationship to develop a reliable proce-
Again, in each case, the non-linear Hoek–Brown envelope dure for modelling the depth and extent of brittle spalling
gave either an equal or better fit than the linear Mohr– for deep tunnels in blocky to massive rock (GSI [ 65). His
Coulomb criterion. Comparisons between Hoek–Brown and procedure introduces a bi-linear failure criterion that
the other criteria were variable, though in six out of the accounts for different stress thresholds under which
eight cases, a clear reduction in the misfit between criteria brittle fractures initiate and propagate during spalling.
and data was found when the intermediate principal stress Considering the influence of confinement on self-stabiliza-
was considered in the failure criterion. tion of the spalling process at some distance into the rock
It should be emphasized that the relevance of these mass, this criterion captures the dependence of fracture
comparisons and the level of fit achieved are dependent, in propagation on confinement and can be incorporated into a
part, on the confining stress range (i.e., regression range) non-elastic numerical model using modified Hoek–Brown
and the coordinate system in which the data and criterion parameters.
are compared (e.g., r1–r3 plane). Fitting of criteria near the Limitations in the Hoek–Brown criterion have been
origin of a normal stress–shear stress plot, including tensile documented through detailed discussions on the simplifying
strength, is typically more important for engineering assumptions made in deriving the criterion (Hoek and
238 E. Eberhardt
Brown 1980; Hoek 1983; Brown 2008). One of the most the strength of the rock is higher than what the criterion
important of these is the independency of the criterion from predicts. Figure 6 compares the fit of the Hoek–Brown
the intermediate principal stress, r2. Hoek and Brown criterion to true triaxial test data for five different intact rock
(1980) justified this by pointing to triaxial extension and types as reported by Colmenares and Zoback (2002).
compression tests by Brace (1964) that showed no signifi- Another limitation of the Hoek–Brown criterion, as
cant variation between results when r2 = r3 and r2 = r1. discussed by Pariseau (2007), is with respect to its mathe-
Brace concluded that r2 had a negligible influence on matical characteristics. He noted that the parabola form of
failure. True triaxial testing by others (for e.g., Mogi 1971) the criterion is not centered on the hydrostatic stress axis.
shows that a more pronounced influence of r2 was dis- However, this does not have any influence on the practical
counted as involving brittle/ductile transitions in the failure application of Hoek–Brown. The underlying assumption in
process. the development of the Hoek–Brown criterion is
Subsequent experimental studies have since suggested r1 C r2 C r3 (or 0 B h B 60 in the p-plane), which
that the intermediate principal stress has a substantial implies a positive mean shear stress sm C 0. Therefore,
influence on rock strength (e.g., Takahashi and Koide 1989; Hoek–Brown is actually a segment of the parabola in the
Colmenares and Zoback 2002; Haimson 2006). This has led meridian plane which starts from the hydrostatic stress axis,
to the development of several 3-D versions of the Hoek– I1 (Fig. 7).
Brown failure criterion (Pan and Hudson 1988; Priest 2005;
Zhang and Zhu 2007; Zhang 2008; Melkoumian et al.
2009). Figure 5 compares the comprehensive and simplified 6 Recommendations
3-D Hoek–Brown envelopes developed by Priest (2005) to
other commonly used criteria for a given hydrostatic stress. As a peak strength criterion for intact rock, the Hoek–
Melkoumian et al. (2009) explain that despite the capacity Brown criterion has the advantage of describing a non-lin-
of the Hoek–Brown criterion for modelling a wide range of ear increase in strength with increasing confinement that
intact and fractured rock types, its use has not been widely agrees with extensive laboratory triaxial test data covering a
adopted in the petroleum industry, partly because it does not wide range of intact rock types. Its use can be recommended
take into account the intermediate principal stress. A stress for most rock types (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic)
state where the intermediate principal stress is substantially under both low and high confining pressures. Similarly, its
larger than the minor principal stress can occur adjacent to use can be recommended for problems involving a varying
boreholes drilled for petroleum and gas extraction and thus range of confining stress magnitudes (from low to very high
The Hoek–Brown Failure Criterion 239
Fig. 6 Best-fit comparison of the Hoek–Brown criterion to true e KTB amphibolite. The Hoek–Brown criterion is represented by
triaxial (r1 [ r2 [ r3) tests of intact rock for: a Dunham dolomite, straight lines in r1 versus r2 space, extending laterally from each r3
b Solnhofen limestone, c Shirahama sandstone, d Yuubari shale, and value (after Colmenares and Zoback 2002)
240 E. Eberhardt