Estimation of The Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
Estimation of The Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
Estimation of The Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
Hydrocarbon production might cause changes in dynamic reservoir properties. Thus
the consideration of the mechanical stability of a formation under different conditions
of drilling or production is a very important issue, and basic mechanical properties of
the formation should be determined.
There is considerable evidence, gathered from laboratory measurements in the field of
Rock Mechanics, showing a good correlation between intrinsic rock strength and the
dynamic elastic constant determined from sonic-velocity and density measurements.
The values of the mechanical properties determined from log data, such as the
dynamic elastic constants derived from the measurement of the elastic wave velocities
in the material, should be more accurate than that determined by direct strength tests
with core samples. This can be attributed to the scale effect and sampling
The aim of this study was to present methods of determining measures of some
mechanical properties, from available well log data (conventional sonic, density, and
gamma ray) for a well in North Rumaila field.
The mechanical properties include formation strength and Poisson’s ratio. For the
formation strength, combined elastic modulus (Ec) and shear modulus (G) were
determined. The Poisson’s ratio was determined by using three different techniques to
permit the accuracy of their values. The elastic modulus, shear modulus, and
Poisson’s ratio were then correlated with depth and effective stress.
The results show that combined correlations are important source of the prediction of
overpressure zones which represent a major problem encountered in drilling and
production process.
Kew Word: mechanical properties, North Rumaila field, elastic modulus, shear
modulus, Poisson’s ratio, effective stress
Effective stress laws and their exerted by the weight of overlying
applications are not new, but are often rocks; tectonic stresses that are
overlooked or miss-applied. generated by the large-scale
At depth reservoir rocks are subjected movements in the earth crust; and pore
to in-situ stress arising from the pressure that is exerted by the fluids
combined effects of overburden present in the rock pores.
pressure (external stress), which is
Estimation of the Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
q= …(6)
σ = effective stress provided by
overburden weight, psi
D = depth, ft Where ϕs is porosity from sonic log
Gov = overburden weight gradient, psi ϕD is porosity from density log
Gp = fluid pressure gradient, psi Poisson’s ratio calculated by equation
(5) was used to calculate, again, the
From the correlation, given in Fig-a [2], shear modulus G by the relation [4]:
between Ec and Kb the value of Kb
was estimated, then the value of G is G= … (7)
calculated using equation (1).
y = 0.5818x + 0.4318 A=
R² = 0.993
based on published data
Using the concept of a variable
8 overburden pressure Eaton [5] calculate
Bulk modulus,(EB ),spi*106
Gpn= normal pore pressure gradient
(0. 5), psi ft
depth top of abnormal
tn= the normal travel time, s ft
to = the shale travel time, s ft
The overburden pressure gradient
calculated by the equation:
Gov = * 0.433 Ec,*(10^6)
The determined Poisson’s ratio,
Fig. 1, correlation between compressional
depending on pressure gradients, was
wave velocity & elastic Modula with depth
used to calculate the shear modulus G
The calculated variables, Vp,Ec,and G poisson's ratio
(G was calculated by three 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45
methods),and Poisson’s ratio 2000
(calculated by three methods) were
plotted against the depth and the
effective stress. 3000
Results and Discussions
A reservoir rocks is subjected to 4000
external (overburden) and internal
(pore fluid) pressures. Laboratory
measurements [7] have shown that the
acoustic velocity, Vp, is affected by the
effective stress, which is the difference v,Eaton
between external internal pressures v,anderson
(ΔP), rather than the absolute value of 6000
external pressure or the internal v,Elastic modula
pressure. Compressional wave Fig. 2, Poisson's ratio correlation comparison
velocity, Vp, increase as the ΔP for the studied well
increases. Because ΔP determines the
effective stress,psi
depth in Fig.3. 950
Shear modulus,psi,*10^6 1100
0 2 4 6 8 1250
2000 1300
G,Anderson 1350
2500 G,Elastic 1450
1500 Ec,*10^6
depth, G,Eaton 1550 G(Eaton),*10^6
3000 1600
1650 G(Anderson),*
3500 1700 10^6
1750 G
4000 Fig. 4, the correlation between elastic Modulus
Ec , shear modulus G , compressional wave
velocity Vp with effective stress Ϭo in the
4500 normal zone
Effective stress,psi
600 1100 1600 2100
5500 0.1
0.15 v,Eaton
Poisson's ratio
Effective stress
Effective stress,psi
0 1000 2000 200 700 1200 1700 2200
0 0.1
y = 1E-10x3 - 6E-07x2 + 0.001x - 0.0533
0.15 R² = 0.7739, Eaton
Poisson's ratio
1.5 0.3
2 0.35
0.45 v,Eaton
6 2000
16 3000
18 top of
3500 abnormal
Fig. 7, the correlation between elastic Modula
Ec & effective stress Ϭo in the abnormal zone Gov
Effective stress Gp
0 1000 2000 5000
0 Effective stress
1 G,Anderson 5500 gradient
G,Elastic Fig. 10, Effect of different pressure gradient
2 for normal and abnormal zone
G, *10^6
The scattering, shown in these figures,
is due to the influence of both the
5 complicated lithology and effective
6 stress. This is very clear in Fig. 10
which shows that the increasing in Gov
(its value depends mainly on bulk
8 density) is very small comparing to
Fig. 8, the correlation between shear Modulus
& effective stress Ϭo in the abnormal zone
that of Gp, and the effective stress different and more attention should be
decreasing is great. given to this constant.
The correlation between Poisson’s The mechanical properties of rocks can
ratio and effective stress in Fig. 5&9 be used very effectively in the planning
support the above illation. The of drilling a well.
estimation of Poisson’s ratio, in the The rock strength, determined from
normal zone, depending on Eaton’ s shear modulus (G) and poisson’s ratio
equation show that the increase in (Ѵ), can be used to estimate the rate of
effective stress dose not affects the penetration (ROP) and bit wear.
value of Poisson’s ratio. While the More knowledge is necessary in order
value estimated from the other models, to get batter correlations between
which depend on shale index, show petrophysical and mechanical
deviations correlated with lithology properties for Iraqi Oil Field.
changes. The higher Poisson’s ratio of
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