Forming Limit Diagrams For Kinematically Hardened Voided Sheet Metals
Forming Limit Diagrams For Kinematically Hardened Voided Sheet Metals
Forming Limit Diagrams For Kinematically Hardened Voided Sheet Metals
A model to predict forming limit diagrams for kinematically hardened voided sheet metals is established. The model is based on von Mises
yield criterion for a void-free matrix material, Gurson–Tvergaard yield criterion for voided solids, and a kinematic-hardening rule due to
Prager–Ziegler. A complete formulation of plasticity constitutive laws is given, e.g. yield function, flow rule and void growth law.
A computer program is developed using the above model and containing all parameters involved in the process of biaxial stretching of sheet
metals. The model which considers only rigid plastic behavior has been then applied to investigate the influence of various material
parameters on the prediction of limit strains. These include strain-hardening exponent ‘‘n’’, strain-rate sensitivity ‘‘m’’, average ratio of
normal anisotropy ‘‘r ’’, initial void volume fraction ‘‘Cv0’’, and the initial sheet imperfection ‘‘f0’’.
Comparisons among theoretical predictions and experiments existing in the literature show that reasonable agreements are realized. This
has been done by using realistic material data for various metallic alloys of steel, aluminum, brass, and copper.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sheet metal forming; Forming limit diagram; Plastic instability; Kinematic hardening; Void growth
0924-0136/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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A.R. Ragab et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128 (2002) 302–312 303
the rate-constitutive relations has been brought into coin- Fig. 5 and compared with those predicted by the present
cidence with Gurson’s relation by choosing the H and Q (in model for different ‘‘Cv0’’, indicating that both formulations
the following relations) such that give almost coincident results.
si ai si
Y0 s
5. Effect of material parameters
Their flow rule is derived according to
The matrix material in the present formulation is assumed
1 @F @F
dei ¼ dsi (23) to obey the law s1M ¼ KM en1M e_ m 1M in uniaxial tension. The
H @si @si
effect of the various material parameters namely, ‘‘n’’, ‘‘m’’,
where ‘‘H’’ is a function of the current state of deformation. ‘‘qT’’ and ‘‘Cv0’’ on limit strains are shown in Figs. 6–9. The
For pure K-H it takes the form general trends of the shown FLDs are as expected where the
( 2 limit strains increase with increasing ‘‘n’’, ‘‘m’’ and
1 Ep @F decreasing ‘‘Cv0’’ within the selected range of variation
H ¼ ðsi ai Þ
1 Cv Y02 @si for these parameters. Worth noting that for 0:3 < n < 0:6,
) the FLD changes its trend as often observed for higher
@F @F @F @F values of strain-hardening exponents [29]. The FLDs
ð1 Cv Þ þ þ (24)
@Cv @s1 @s2 @s3 obtained by K-H formulation tend to be more sensitive
to the value of ‘‘n’’—as shown in Fig. 6—in the region
The translation rule of the yield surface is suggested as
close to plane strain conditions than near equibiaxial con-
@F ditions. For both K-H and I-H predictions, the major limit
dai ¼ dQ ðsi ai Þ dsi (25) strains tend to take a value equal to ‘‘n’’ as suggested by
Swift diffuse instability [30]. As expected higher values
where ‘‘dQ’’ is another function of the current state. For of limit strains are obtained for higher values of ‘‘m’’ as
pure K-H it takes the form shown in Fig. 7.
The detailed unabridged form of ‘‘H’’ and ‘‘dQ’’ for To indicate the effect of the initial void volume fraction
combined isotropic–kinematic-hardening solid are given ‘‘Cv0’’ it is assumed that the major source of inhomogeneity
in [28]. is the presence of voids in a certain region where the rest of
Repeating the computational procedure discussed earlier the sheet consists of homogeneous material, i.e. f0 ¼ 1.
for determining limit strains, FLDs based on Mear–Hutch- FLDs illustrated in Fig. 8 show that an increase in initial
inson’s above formulation are found. These are shown in void volume fraction causes reduction of limit strain. Higher
Fig. 7. Effect of strain-rate sensitivity exponent ‘‘m’’ on predicted FLD. Fig. 9. Effect of the adjusting parameter ‘‘qT’’ on predicted FLD.
and probably unrealistic values of Cv0 is required to bring Note that in most of the previous investigations using the
limit strains calculated by I-H model to acceptable results, a K-H model the effect of normal anisotropy is omitted for
drawback which is not encountered by the present K-H simplicity. However, the translation of the yield surface
model. inherently implies an anisotropic effect. This is not generally
Fig. 9 indicates that the adjusting parameter ‘‘qT’’ in taken to be adequate when comparing with experiments
the modified Gurson–Tvergaard yield function has great since the sheet usually possesses an initial amount of normal
influence on limit strains. Higher values of qT, qT > 1, anisotropy which should be considered as discussed later.
result in accentuating void growth rate as expected from
Eq. (13). The maximum differences in limit strains are
noticed at equibiaxial tensile loading conditions and these 6. Comparison with experimental results
differences decrease when the loading approaches plane
strain conditions. It is essential to assign proper values to the material
parameters used in comparing theoretical predictions of
FLDs with experimental results. Void growth models are
evaluated by comparing the void growth characteristics with
experiments. This allows for adjusting the parameters,
incorporated in the modified Gurson–Tvergaard model,
namely the initial void volume fraction ‘‘Cv0’’ and the
parameter ‘‘qT’’. The rest of the material properties, e.g.
‘‘n’’, ‘‘m’’ and ‘‘r ’’, are evaluated from flow curves of the
sheet metals.
appropriate value of the initial void volume fraction is Fig. 12. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for dual-
estimated at the intersection of the fitted line with the y- phase steel according to I-H and K-H models.
axis, e.g. Cv0 ffi 104 in Fig. 10. The results of determining
‘‘Cv0’’ and ‘‘qT’’ for several sheet metals are summarized in
Table 1 together with other material parameters namely, Table 1
‘‘n’’, ‘‘m’’, and ‘‘r ’’. Material parameters used in comparisons with experiments
Material n m r Cv0 qT
6.2. Comparisons with experimental FLDs for various
sheet metals Rimming steel [4] 0.21 0.01 1.37 10 2
Dual phase steel [32] 0.15 0.01 1.04 104 2
LPG steel ‘‘B’’ [33] 0.22 0.01 0.85 104 2
Experimental FLDs for different materials found in the OFHC copper [14] 0.354 0 0.828 5 105 3.5
literature are compared with the predicted ones in Figs. 11–19. TPC copper [10] 0.265 0 0.88 104 4
They illustrate this comparison for various types of steels, Cu–Ni alloy [10] 0.23 0 0.8 5 105 3.5
copper, and aluminum alloys using I-H and K-H models. Brass [10] 0.22 0.01 0.85 5 105 3.5
Soft aluminum [4] 0.24 0.01 0.72 3 105 1.5
The major finding is the much lower predicted FLDs from Annealed Al [34] 0.23 0.008 0.56 5 105 1.8
K-H model than those obtained from I-H model. Generally
Fig. 11. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for Fig. 13. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for LPG
rimming steel according to I-H and K-H models. steel according to I-H and K-H models.
310 A.R. Ragab et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128 (2002) 302–312
Fig. 14. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for OFHC Fig. 16. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for Cu–Ni
copper according to I-H and K-H models. Alloy according to I-H and K-H models.
this leads to better agreements with experiments. The larger approach numerically that value of ‘‘n’’. For I-H model these
difference lies when the loading is near the equibiaxial values seem to be underestimated.
region. An explanation lies in the fact that the curvature The K-H model incorporates ever-changing anisotropy of
of the K-H yield surface is higher than that of I-H model thus the material during plastic deformation due to the translation
yielding to a faster localization, i.e. movement towards plane of the yield surface. This may overcome the commonly
strain conditions within the groove. This made it possible to assumed constant ratio of normal anisotropy ‘‘r ’’ in most
reduce or even omit the initial thickness inhomogeneity cases. Comparisons for coppers and aluminum for which
in K-H predictions. Hence in some cases such as those r < 1, the predicted FLDs from K-H model agree with
presented in Figs. 11–13 the only considered source of experiments better than other FLDs pertaining to I-H model
defect becomes the presence of voids. In addition at high as seen from Figs. 15–19. This finding may exclude the need
values of strain-hardening exponent, when loading tends to for using non-quadratic I-H yield functions for these alloys
that of plane strain conditions, K-H limit strain predictions as previously suggested [5–7,14].
Fig. 15. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for TPC Fig. 17. Comparison between experimental and calculated FLD for brass
copper according to I-H and K-H models. according to I-H and K-H models.
A.R. Ragab et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128 (2002) 302–312 311
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