Seven Computer
Seven Computer
Seven Computer
Data in a computer is a stream of bits (0s and 1s) that are saved in computer memory. These
bits of information can take the shape of text documents, images, videos, etc.
2. Define CPU?
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) performs this data processing and stores it in the
computer’s memory.
3. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary numbers?
i. 18
ii. 53
iii. 261
ii. 11001
Data Information
Data is unorganized and unrefined facts Information comprises processed,
organized data presented in a meaningful
Data does not depend on information. Information depends on data.
Block categories are the way blocks are sorted in scratch’s block palette. These are nine
main block categories in scratch. Motion, looks, sound, events, control, sensing,
operators, variables and my block respectively.
Loops are valuable tools for repeating an action within code and projects.
Forever loop.
6. Define CPU?
v. 53
vi. 261
iv. 11001
7. Interpret the meaning of different colors of Code Block in Scratch?
9. What is the difference between the following two commands from motion